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高职高专工学结合分组分层教学法探讨 被引量:33
作者 邵庆龙 葛李 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2009年第29期28-30,共3页
基于工作过程的项目导向、任务驱动教学模式在具体实施过程中遇到教师能力有限、学生学习水平差异大等问题,可采取分组分层教学法解决这些问题。在分组分层教学中,可按学生能力强弱进行组内动态分层,也可按课程项目难易程度对项目进行分... 基于工作过程的项目导向、任务驱动教学模式在具体实施过程中遇到教师能力有限、学生学习水平差异大等问题,可采取分组分层教学法解决这些问题。在分组分层教学中,可按学生能力强弱进行组内动态分层,也可按课程项目难易程度对项目进行分层,使组与组之间形成良性竞争,实现小组内部团结协作、以强带弱,促进学生技能水平的整体提高。 展开更多
关键词 分组分层 项目教学 高职高 专工学结合
以就业为导向的高职高专公共英语教学改革与创新 被引量:14
作者 裴蓓 《教育与职业》 北大核心 2013年第26期157-158,共2页
关键词 就业为导向 高职高 专公共英语
作者 杭建伟 《铜陵职业技术学院学报》 2023年第2期24-27,共4页
科技创新和高职高质量发展存在耦合关系。通过无锡高职科技创新助推高职高质量发展的分析看出,科技创新和高职高质量发展两者关系属于正耦合,科技创新对高职高质量发展起着重要的推动作用。高职院校要十分重视科技创新工作,要把科技创... 科技创新和高职高质量发展存在耦合关系。通过无锡高职科技创新助推高职高质量发展的分析看出,科技创新和高职高质量发展两者关系属于正耦合,科技创新对高职高质量发展起着重要的推动作用。高职院校要十分重视科技创新工作,要把科技创新作为推动高职高质量发展的重要引擎。 展开更多
关键词 科技创新 高职高质量发展 耦合 无锡市 对策建议
高职高质量发展:理论建构及推进策略——基于56所“双高”院校《2021年中国高等职业教育质量年度报告》的Nvivo分析 被引量:7
作者 王丽凯 孙翠香 《职教论坛》 北大核心 2022年第12期47-55,共9页
高职高质量发展是新时代职业教育发展的新使命,“双高”院校在高职教育领域发挥着标杆作用。运用Nvivo11质性软件对56所“双高”院校《2021年中国高等职业教育质量年度报告》进行文本分析,发现56所院校的质量关注点集中于学生发展、教... 高职高质量发展是新时代职业教育发展的新使命,“双高”院校在高职教育领域发挥着标杆作用。运用Nvivo11质性软件对56所“双高”院校《2021年中国高等职业教育质量年度报告》进行文本分析,发现56所院校的质量关注点集中于学生发展、教学改革、国际合作、政策保障及服务贡献等方面;同时也发现了高职教育存在的一些问题:人才培养偏重“就业导向”而忽视可持续发展能力;教学资源整合不协调且信息化资源建设薄弱;国际化方面外向国际化发展能力较弱;过于依赖外部政策导向导致院校治理内生动力不足;服务行业企业的技术和科技创新能力不足。高职高质量发展是一个动态过程,“创新”是其本质规定,以熊彼特创新发展理论为基础,从人才培养、资源配置、国际化、组织治理及服务能力五个维度构建了高职高质量发展理论框架。在此基础上,提出高职高质量发展的推进策略,包括创新人才培养目标,育人与产业发展同向转变;创新资源配置方式,增强教育资源适应性;创新外向型国际化发展路径,形塑中国特色高职品牌;优化组织管理结构,创新组织治理方式;积极开展科研创新,提升服务贡献能力。 展开更多
关键词 高职高质量发展 熊彼特创新理论 高职教育质量
作者 江若霞 《中国医药指南》 2016年第10期291-291,共1页
目的分析病案教学法在高职高专《中医内科学》教学的运用效果。方法回顾性分析本系120例学生成绩资料,按照不同教学方分为2组,对照组接受常规教学学生54例,研究组行病案教学法学生66例。结果研究组考试成绩与合格率显著高于对照组,差异... 目的分析病案教学法在高职高专《中医内科学》教学的运用效果。方法回顾性分析本系120例学生成绩资料,按照不同教学方分为2组,对照组接受常规教学学生54例,研究组行病案教学法学生66例。结果研究组考试成绩与合格率显著高于对照组,差异均具统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论病案教学法在高职高专《中医内科学》教学中具有重要应用价值,可提高教学质量。 展开更多
关键词 病案教学法 高职高 中医内科学 教学
作者 程鹏 《辽宁师专学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期122-124,共3页
在全球化和技术进步的背景下,高职院校需通过教育模式创新来推动高质量发展。从教学品质的全面提升、教育与产业的深度融合、学生全面能力的培养、向国际化标准看齐四方面阐释了高质量发展内涵,提出了政策层面的支持与系统创新、课程与... 在全球化和技术进步的背景下,高职院校需通过教育模式创新来推动高质量发展。从教学品质的全面提升、教育与产业的深度融合、学生全面能力的培养、向国际化标准看齐四方面阐释了高质量发展内涵,提出了政策层面的支持与系统创新、课程与教学的革新、教师专业成长与团队建设、学生综合素质的全面提高等推动高职院校高质量发展的策略建议,以适应教育与市场的变化。这些策略有效提升了教育质量、教学互动性及学生的职业和国际竞争力,为高职院校的可持续发展提供了实用指导。 展开更多
关键词 高职高质量发展 产教融合 教学革新 国际合作
作者 刘燕 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学》 2024年第12期240-243,共4页
随着社会文明的不断进步,人类的思想观念也在持续演变。人们越来越重视自身素质的提升,逐渐形成了现代社会的素质教育理念,教育方向也日益向素质教育倾斜。同时,在新课程改革中,素质人文教育的理念逐渐凸显。所有学科都需融入优质的文... 随着社会文明的不断进步,人类的思想观念也在持续演变。人们越来越重视自身素质的提升,逐渐形成了现代社会的素质教育理念,教育方向也日益向素质教育倾斜。同时,在新课程改革中,素质人文教育的理念逐渐凸显。所有学科都需融入优质的文科教育。中国作为人文教育底蕴深厚的国家,拥有丰富的人文知识资源。在学习语文的过程中,可以在一定程度上帮助学生树立正确的价值观。因此,我们对高职院校语文教学方法进行研究,旨在进一步推动高职院校语文教学的发展。特别是那些具备人文素质和高职院校背景的学府,更应在此方面发挥引领作用。 展开更多
关键词 人文素质教育背景 高职院校语文 教学路径
高职涉农专业学生创业能力的调查及分析 被引量:1
作者 王志勇 李晓宏 曾青兰 《湖北成人教育学院学报》 2016年第4期23-25,共3页
关键词 高职院校 创业能力 调查分析
作者 阿依肯.吐克逊巴依 《信息与电脑(理论版)》 2014年第10期245-246,共2页
关键词 软件课程 软件项目开发 教学实例 中所 教学手段 基本句型 数据结构 应用软件开发 社会水平 高职高
作者 孟宪金 张艺博 《科研成果与传播》 2023年第1期1417-1420,共4页
本文以道桥专业群实训基地建设为例,探讨了高职高水平产教融合校内实训基地的实践经验。首先介绍实 训基地在产教融合中的重要性,并分析高职高水平产教融合的背景与现状,然后阐述了道桥专业群实训基地的规 划、设施建设、师资队伍培养... 本文以道桥专业群实训基地建设为例,探讨了高职高水平产教融合校内实训基地的实践经验。首先介绍实 训基地在产教融合中的重要性,并分析高职高水平产教融合的背景与现状,然后阐述了道桥专业群实训基地的规 划、设施建设、师资队伍培养、教学资源整合以及产业合作等方面的实践,最后提出改进策略,包括加强政策支 持、优化校内管理、整合社会资源。为其他高职院校实训基地的建设提供经验借鉴,促进高职院校高水平产教融 合的深入发展。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校水平产教融合 校内实训基地建设 道桥专业群 实践与探索
作者 钱轶 毛成银 《南京工业职业技术学院学报》 2018年第3期80-83,共4页
关键词 高职院校 财务管理 变迁 业财融合
提质培优背景下高职优质校建设:内涵、困境、经验与路径 被引量:1
作者 饶斌 孙青 杨贵香 《河北职业教育》 2023年第3期11-16,共6页
提质培优行动计划背景下,国家注重高职优质校建设既是巩固高职优质校建设成果的现实需要,也是引导更多高职院校走向高质量发展的重要举措。明晰高职优质校的内涵,从办学理念、社会服务能力、人才培养模式、专业建设质量、数字信息化水... 提质培优行动计划背景下,国家注重高职优质校建设既是巩固高职优质校建设成果的现实需要,也是引导更多高职院校走向高质量发展的重要举措。明晰高职优质校的内涵,从办学理念、社会服务能力、人才培养模式、专业建设质量、数字信息化水平和“双师型”教师队伍等方面分析我国高职优质校建设的现实困境,并总结国内外成功经验,提出从提升社会服务能力、创新人才培养模式、严抓专业建设质量、提升数字信息化水平和打造高水平“双师”队伍等方面推进高职优质校建设的对策。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校提质培优 高职院校质量发展 高职优质校建设
A study on Promoting Non-English Major Students' Autonomous Learning through Metacognitive Strategy Training
作者 Guo Dongping 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第9期80-82,共3页
Improving Non-English major students' autonomous learning is a focus for the teachers in the high vocational and technical college. Furthermore, promoting students' autonomous learning through metcacognitive strateg... Improving Non-English major students' autonomous learning is a focus for the teachers in the high vocational and technical college. Furthermore, promoting students' autonomous learning through metcacognitive strategies training has been received increasing attention. The research reports an empirical study on the relationship between metacognitive strategies and English autonomous learning. Finally, the teaching experiment was proved to be feasible and valid. 展开更多
关键词 metacognitive strategies high vocational English autonomous learning
Exploration and Practice of Public Vocational English Teaching Based on the of Vocational Education
作者 Lixia Pan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期41-43,共3页
Vocational English Teaching has reformed for many years, but I found the student' s under current English teaching and training of the public still can not effectively use English, the fundamental reason is that the ... Vocational English Teaching has reformed for many years, but I found the student' s under current English teaching and training of the public still can not effectively use English, the fundamental reason is that the concept adhered to this teaching is not a fundamental one in vocational education, and did not reflects its vocational education characteristics, and this feature is decided by the characteristics of higher vocational institutions themselves. The so-called concept of higher vocational education is the rational acknowledgement, the pursuit of ideals and the education thought of vocational education, it is a concept, a state. In vocational English teaching, in order to adhere to the concept of vocational education, the first thing to do is to reform the current teaching content; the following is to think deeply the teaching content change. 展开更多
关键词 Public Vocational Teaching ENGLISH EDUCATION
Influences on Excellent Course Network Teaching to Imported Courses Implementation of International Cooperative Education in Vocational Colleges
作者 HUANG Shanshan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期95-97,共3页
Both the "Interim Provisions on Sino-foreign Cooperative Education" and the "Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreigu Cooperative Education" are not specifically mentioned the implementation p... Both the "Interim Provisions on Sino-foreign Cooperative Education" and the "Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreigu Cooperative Education" are not specifically mentioned the implementation proposals to the foreign imported courses.The implementation methods of those introduced courses of China are basically like someone crossing a river by feeling the stones, which lacks the mature theoretical guidance and successful practical experience.The release of "Implementation Proposal to Construction of Excellent Open Courses of Ministry of Education" and the "Notice of 'Construction Measures of the Top-quality Sharing Courses'" have pushed the excellent course construction of vocational colleges into a restructuring and upgrading stage. Focused on the poor teaching effect of current introduced courses appeared in the Sino-foreigu cooperative education, this paper aims to expand teaching time and space of the Sino-foreign cooperative education through the excellent courses construction and network sharing technology. 展开更多
关键词 Influence Excellent Course Network Teaching Imported Courses Implementation International Cooperative Education
Research on development trend of Higher Vocational Students' Psychological Health
作者 Tao QIN Fangfang LIU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期89-91,共3页
According to five consecutive year' s mental Health survey for freshmen in a higher vocational school, it is found that: vocational students' mental health is gradually improved; the most prominent psychological pr... According to five consecutive year' s mental Health survey for freshmen in a higher vocational school, it is found that: vocational students' mental health is gradually improved; the most prominent psychological problems among higher vocational students are: compulsion, depression and interpersonal communication; boys' mental health is significantly better than girls' ; students from different grades have varies mental health problems. 展开更多
关键词 higher vocational mental health Development Trend
Analysis of the ideas of the construction of the classroom teaching mode of Higher Vocational English teaching in colleges in the new period
作者 He Fang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第10期101-103,共3页
Higher vocational English teaching is a kind of education discipline which is more inclined to occupation and technology, whose basic teaching export is to lay foundation for their future employment. In terms of the s... Higher vocational English teaching is a kind of education discipline which is more inclined to occupation and technology, whose basic teaching export is to lay foundation for their future employment. In terms of the social environment of the new period, along with the continuous improvement of the national open economic environment, the society pays more attention to the wide application of the tool of the English language. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of society, to lay a more favorable foundation of knowledge for the students is an important part of English teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges in the new period. This article first analyzes the importance of English teaching reform in higher vocational education, and then analyzes the direction of curriculum reform from the angle of theory, and puts forward the concrete reform strategies. 展开更多
关键词 New era Higher Vocational English teaching teaching mode ideas of construction
On physical education of vocational high school students under the context of IT development
作者 Chunlei Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第11期83-86,共4页
The integration of information technology and the continuous development of the information network make the college physical education degree of information technology constantly improving. College physical education... The integration of information technology and the continuous development of the information network make the college physical education degree of information technology constantly improving. College physical education is not only formed in the internal network, then sharing information resources and making sports teaching organization efficient as a whole, but communicate with the external network, formatting the Internet and producing significant changes in the teaching environment of college sports and sports teaching. College physical education is facing the reformation of better educated and digitization, virtualization, molecules, networking, agile and globalization. Physical education and sports teaching degree of information is closely related. 展开更多
关键词 Physical education. Vocational high school students. Information technology
On the effectiveness of the ideological and political education in higher vocational colleges
作者 Liu Shitao 《International English Education Research》 2015年第2期64-66,共3页
The ideological and political education in vocational colleges has "employment oriented", "practicability" and "practicalness" and other features, while facing the practical difficulties that the cultural spirit... The ideological and political education in vocational colleges has "employment oriented", "practicability" and "practicalness" and other features, while facing the practical difficulties that the cultural spirit is insufficient, the specialization of the teachers is not strong, and the students lack their own active participation and so on. The higher vocational colleges must deepen the concepts of running higher vocational education, strengthen the construction of the team of the ideological and political theory education, pay more attention to the combination of the ideological and political education with the practice, cultivate the people-oriented model of the ideological and political education, and improve the effectiveness of the ideological and political education. 展开更多
关键词 Higher vocational ideological and political education DILEMMA STRATEGY
Exploration of Professional Practice Teaching Skill of Higher Vocational English Education
《International English Education Research》 2014年第1期28-30,共3页
Higher vocational English education major is an important channel to train teaching staff for primary and secondary schools of China and professional skill is one of essential factors which forms the training goal of ... Higher vocational English education major is an important channel to train teaching staff for primary and secondary schools of China and professional skill is one of essential factors which forms the training goal of higher vocational English education.In view of this, this article summarizes the current status of practice teaching of higher vocational English education which aims to explore a set of teaching ideas, teaching modes and teaching theories that suit professional skills training practice of higher vocational education, so as to find some effective teaching methods for professional skill training practice to meet the social requirements for the graduates and pave the way for their future employment. 展开更多
关键词 higher vocational education English education professional skill practice teaching
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