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《中国新通信》 2021年第17期1-1,共1页
上海新天地,位于上海市中心,是一个展现上海历史文化风貌的都市旅游景点。贯穿而过的上海轨道交通10号线不但为新天地带来了交通上的便利,更让新天地的气息传遍了整个上海滩。作为上海轨道交通10号线最重要的参与者,铁路专家黄鲁江见证... 上海新天地,位于上海市中心,是一个展现上海历史文化风貌的都市旅游景点。贯穿而过的上海轨道交通10号线不但为新天地带来了交通上的便利,更让新天地的气息传遍了整个上海滩。作为上海轨道交通10号线最重要的参与者,铁路专家黄鲁江见证了上海轨道交通网络中这条骨干线的建设与发展。这条线路全长36公里,最高时速80kph。2014年,开通具备GoA4级全自动驾驶功能,是目前国际上最高自动化等级的列车驾驶模式。 展开更多
关键词 历史文化风貌 都市旅游 鲁江 上海新天地 轨道交通 线路全长 建设与发展 上海轨道交通网络
作者 彭一皓 鲁江 《课堂内外(中国好老师)》 2021年第7期8-13,共6页
求学于北京,就业于西安,追梦于深圳,三次位移,三座城市,于鲁江而言,和眼界一同被打开的,还有对教育思考的边界。今天需要什么样的学校,要培养什么样的学生……多年的探索让鲁江逐渐沉淀出答案,近一个小时的采访,他将从教31年来的经历娓... 求学于北京,就业于西安,追梦于深圳,三次位移,三座城市,于鲁江而言,和眼界一同被打开的,还有对教育思考的边界。今天需要什么样的学校,要培养什么样的学生……多年的探索让鲁江逐渐沉淀出答案,近一个小时的采访,他将从教31年来的经历娓娓道来,将个人的思考与感受毫无保留地对我们进行了真诚的讲述与分享。 展开更多
关键词 教育思考 鲁江 教科书 分享 学生
政企分开是现代企业制度的核心要求 中央党校经济学部教授、博导谢鲁江专访
作者 徐黎 《国企》 2013年第3期58-59,共2页
《国企》:国有企业在改革过程中取得很大成绩,但公众对于国企的非议也随之而来。比如很多人说国有企业垄断,您如何看待这个问题?谢鲁江:现在的非议主要集中在国有企业在市场经济条件下的地位和作用问题。现在很多人都强调国有企业垄... 《国企》:国有企业在改革过程中取得很大成绩,但公众对于国企的非议也随之而来。比如很多人说国有企业垄断,您如何看待这个问题?谢鲁江:现在的非议主要集中在国有企业在市场经济条件下的地位和作用问题。现在很多人都强调国有企业垄断。对此我认为需要分清两个问题, 展开更多
关键词 市场经济条件 现代企业制度 政企分开 中央党校 鲁江 国有企业 教授 学部
《党建》 2012年第10期62-62,共1页
关键词 青年干部 认真精神 鲁江 奉献精神 崇高理想 傻子 人民
晋代音注中的鱼部 被引量:3
作者 简启贤 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第1期20-24,共5页
用《字林》、郭璞、徐邈的音注材料考察晋代鱼部的情况,用押韵材料作对比,发现古侯部中的虞韵字已经和古鱼部中的虞韵字合并,鱼、虞、模三韵分划清楚,模韵并不更接近虞韵,中原方言只是个别鱼韵字读同虞韵(或相反),齐鲁方言和中原方言的... 用《字林》、郭璞、徐邈的音注材料考察晋代鱼部的情况,用押韵材料作对比,发现古侯部中的虞韵字已经和古鱼部中的虞韵字合并,鱼、虞、模三韵分划清楚,模韵并不更接近虞韵,中原方言只是个别鱼韵字读同虞韵(或相反),齐鲁方言和中原方言的鱼韵和虞韵韵腹相同而韵头不同,江东方言的鱼韵和虞韵韵腹相异而且韵头也可能不同。 展开更多
关键词 音注 鱼部 中原方言 齐鲁方言 江东方言 汉语 语音 侯部 屋部 虞韵字 模韵 韵膜
“农大3号”小型蛋鸡配套系培育与应用 被引量:1
作者 本刊采编部 刘源 《中国畜牧业》 2016年第4期23-23,共1页
关键词 徐桂云 主要完成人 饲料转化效率 鸡蛋生产 社会经济价值 吴常信 蛋鸡饲养 资源短缺 动物科技 鲁江
作者 邢少山 《学校党建与思想教育》 1989年第1期61-61,共1页
我班鲁江同学交来一份检讨,说:“代不该出伍角钱一个字,请人家模仿家长的笔迹在成绩单上签字,来欺骗老师,欺骗家长。老师,千错万错是我的错,是我不对!……我在家里挨打了,我真后悔。”拿着这份检讨,我心里反而不安了,难道真是全怪鲁江吗... 我班鲁江同学交来一份检讨,说:“代不该出伍角钱一个字,请人家模仿家长的笔迹在成绩单上签字,来欺骗老师,欺骗家长。老师,千错万错是我的错,是我不对!……我在家里挨打了,我真后悔。”拿着这份检讨,我心里反而不安了,难道真是全怪鲁江吗,难道都是鲁江的错吗?……我回忆思考着事情的整个过程: 期中考试以后,我为了向家长汇报他们子女学习的情况,也为了刺激刺激同学们。 展开更多
关键词 角钱 鲁江 买东西 我在 期中考试 令人
作者 鲁江 《读写算(小学中年级)》 2016年第1期29-32,共4页
习作要求这次习作,根据自己说的和同学的评价,写一写自己,向别人展示一个真实的你。写完以后再加一个题目。向别人介绍自己,是生活中必须掌握的一项本领;这本领能帮你赢得大家的喜欢,让你结交更多的朋友。怎样的介绍,才能让人喜欢你呢... 习作要求这次习作,根据自己说的和同学的评价,写一写自己,向别人展示一个真实的你。写完以后再加一个题目。向别人介绍自己,是生活中必须掌握的一项本领;这本领能帮你赢得大家的喜欢,让你结交更多的朋友。怎样的介绍,才能让人喜欢你呢?一、照镜子,认识自己。要让自己的介绍给人留下深刻的印象,先得正确认识自己。 展开更多
关键词 自我介绍 修辞方法 就这样 给你 外貌特征 大头娃娃 千人一面 心理描写 孝敬父母 鲁江
作者 鲁江 《读写算(小学低年级)》 2016年第5期26-27,共2页
关键词 小学语文 作文 《聪明的小羊》 鲁江
观察想象 写出美文
作者 鲁江 《读写算(小学中年级)》 2016年第5期15-18,共4页
关键词 小学语文 作文 《观察想象写出美文》 鲁江
《法治与社会》 2014年第11期78-79,共2页
激发社会活力是根本指向谢鲁江在《广州日报》撰文说,十八届三中全会后,中央出台了一系列改革方案,从行政体制改革到财税体制改革不一而足。这一轮深化改革有一个突出特点,都是在宏观层面上进行的改革,大多是带有全局性的改革。而上一... 激发社会活力是根本指向谢鲁江在《广州日报》撰文说,十八届三中全会后,中央出台了一系列改革方案,从行政体制改革到财税体制改革不一而足。这一轮深化改革有一个突出特点,都是在宏观层面上进行的改革,大多是带有全局性的改革。而上一个阶段的改革主要是在微观层面的改革。从操作模式上来看,以往的改革主要通过试点的形式,而这一轮改革则更强调顶层设计。谢鲁江认为,要理解这一轮深化改革的逻辑,主要从三个层面来分析。首先,我们历来强调改革、发展要结合起来,改革是为了促进发展。本质上来看。 展开更多
关键词 《广州日报》 根本指向 财税体制改革 社会活力 鲁江 顶层设计 操作模式 伦理秩序 中国梦 价值取向
《江西省人民政府公报》 2015年第18期23-,共1页
赣府字[2015]87号2015年9月21日各市、县(区)政府,省政府各部门:经省人民政府研究决定,任命:郁耀平为省公安厅交通管理局局长。免去:刘鲁江、陈朗如的省发展和改革委员会副巡视员职务;曾昭德的省科学技术厅副巡视员职务;裴菲的省人力资... 赣府字[2015]87号2015年9月21日各市、县(区)政府,省政府各部门:经省人民政府研究决定,任命:郁耀平为省公安厅交通管理局局长。免去:刘鲁江、陈朗如的省发展和改革委员会副巡视员职务;曾昭德的省科学技术厅副巡视员职务;裴菲的省人力资源和社会保障厅巡视员职务; 展开更多
关键词 职务任免 交通管理局 陈朗 省政府各部门 科学技术厅 昭德 人力资源 鲁江 国土资源 南昌工程学院
Grain-size Characteristics of Sediments Formed Since 8600 yr B.P. in Middle Reaches of Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet and Their Paleoenvironmental Significance 被引量:10
作者 ZHENG Yinghua WU Yongqiu +3 位作者 LI Sen TAN Lihua GOU Shiwei ZHANG Hongyan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期113-119,共7页
Widespread aeolian sediments have been found in the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River, China, The grain-size characteristics of sediments from Cha'er Section in the area were analyzed. The results show that ... Widespread aeolian sediments have been found in the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River, China, The grain-size characteristics of sediments from Cha'er Section in the area were analyzed. The results show that the section include one stratum of paleo-mobile dunes, four strata of paleo-semi-fixed dunes, two strata of paleo-fixed dunes, one stratum of sandy immature soils. The paleo-mobile and paleo-semi-fixed dune sand in this section are similar to modem aeolian sand in either grain-size composition or Mz and c distribution. Compared the above types of dunes each other, the content of sand substance decreases, while the content of silt and clay increases for paleo-fixed dunes and sandy immature soils. Combined with age data for each stratum, the analysis shows that these strata are the products of climate changes and the evolution of aeolian landforms. The evolutionary sequence of the paleoclimate and of aeolian activities in the valley since 8600 yr B.P. reveals four stages: 8600-5700 yr B.P., when the paleoclimate was cold and dry, with strong winds, thereby activating dunes; 5700-3600 yr B.P., when it was warm and wet, with weak winds, causing dunes to undergo soil-forming processes; 3600-1900 yr B.P., when climate shifted from cold-dry with strong winds to warm-wet with weak winds, and activated dunes were fixed again; and 1900 yr B.P. -present, when the climate became fine, with weak winds, fixing dunes again. 展开更多
关键词 HOLOCENE TIBET Yarlung Zangbo River grain size characteristics Cha'er Section
The Relationship between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) and Climate Factors in the Semiarid Region:A Case Study in Yalu Tsangpo River Basin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 被引量:11
作者 GUO Bing ZHOU Yi +1 位作者 WANG Shi-xin TAO He-ping 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期926-940,共15页
The Yalu Tsangpo River basin is a typical semi-arid and cold region in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where significant climate change has been detected in the past decades. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate h... The Yalu Tsangpo River basin is a typical semi-arid and cold region in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where significant climate change has been detected in the past decades. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how the regional vegetation, especially the typical plant types, responds to the climate changes. In this study, the model of gravity center has been firstly introduced to analyze the spatial-temporal relationship between NDVI and climate factors considering the time-lag effect. The results show that the vegetation grown has been positively influenced by the rainfall and precipitation both in moving tracks of gravity center and time-lag effect especially for the growing season during the past thirteen years. The herbs and shrubs are inclined to be influenced by the change of rainfall and temperature, which is indicated by larger positive correlation coefficients at the 0.05 confidence level and shorter lagging time. For the soil moisture, the significantly negative relationship of NDV-PDI indicates that the growth and productivity of the vegetation are closely related to the short-term soil water, with the correlation coefficients reaching the maximum value of o.81 at Lag 0-1. Among the typicalvegetation types of plateau, the shrubs of low mountain, steppe and meadow are more sensitive to the change of soil moisture with coefficients of -0.95, -0.93, -0.92, respectively. These findings reveal that the spatial and temporal heterogeneity between NDVI and climatic factors are of great ecological significance and practical value for the protection of eco-environment in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change Gravity center Correlation coefficients Vegetation productivity Time-lag effect
Debris-flow of Zelongnong Ravine in Tibet 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Jinshan SHEN Xingju 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期535-543,共9页
Zelongnong Ravine,a branch ravine of Brahmaputra,is an old large glacier debris-flow ravine.Debris-flows with medium and/or small scales occur almost every year;multiple super debris-flows have also broken out in hist... Zelongnong Ravine,a branch ravine of Brahmaputra,is an old large glacier debris-flow ravine.Debris-flows with medium and/or small scales occur almost every year;multiple super debris-flows have also broken out in history,and have caused destructive disaster to local residents at the mouth of ravine and blocked Brahmaputra.The huge altitude difference and the steep slope of the Zelongnong Ravine provide predominant energy conditions for the debris-flow.The drainage basin is located in the fast uplifted area,where the complicated geologic structure,the cracked rock,and the frequent earthquake make the rocks experience strong weathering,thus plenty of granular materials are available for the formation of debris-flows.Although this region is located in the rain shadow area,the precipitation is concentrated and most is with high intensity.Also,the strong glacier activity provides water source for debris-flow.According to literature reviews,most debris-flows in the ravine are induced by rainstorms,and their scales are relatively small.However,when the melted water is overlaid,the large scale debris-flows may occur.Parametric calculation such as the flow velocity and the runoff is conducted according to the monitoring data.The result shows that large debris-flows can be aroused when the rainstorm and the melted water are combined well,but the possibility of blocking off Brahmaputra is rare.The occurrence of the super debris-flows is closely related to the intense glacier activity(e.g.,glaciersurge).They often result in destructive disasters and are hard to be prevented and cured by engineering measures,due to the oversized scales.The hazard mitigation measures such as monitoring and prediction are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 TIBET The Brahmaputra The Mt Namjagbarwa Zelongnong Ravine DEBRIS-FLOW
Analysis of Longitudinal Profiles along the Eastern Margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 被引量:3
作者 Simon J. Aiken Gary J. Brierley 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期643-657,共15页
Resulting from the collision of the Eurasian and Indian plates, the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is commonly known as the 'roof of the world'. Collectively the Yarlung Tsangpo, Nu, Laneang, Yangtze, Yalong, and Yellow Ri... Resulting from the collision of the Eurasian and Indian plates, the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is commonly known as the 'roof of the world'. Collectively the Yarlung Tsangpo, Nu, Laneang, Yangtze, Yalong, and Yellow River basins drain the eastern margin of the plateau. In this paper, we utilize Shuttle Radar Topography Mission elevation data to examine morphometric and relief attributes of these basins to reveal insights rates of incision. A robust into tectonic activity and technique using Maflab is proposed to alleviate errors associated with SRTM data in the derivation of river longitudinal profiles. Convex longitudinal profiles are interpreted to be a product of uplift rates that exceed rates of channel incision along the entire margin of the Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau. Highest relief towards the south reflects extensive fluvial incision. High relief is also prominent along major active faults. Erosion patterns are related to distance from knickpoints. Highest rates of erosion and incision are evident towards the south, with decreasing values towards the north, suggesting a link between tectonic activity and erosion. 展开更多
关键词 Longitudinal profile EROSION RELIEF TECTONICS Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Influence of Eco-friendly Manures on Leaf Biomass Production of a Traditional Medicinal Plant Adhatoda vasica Nees under Upper Brahmaputra Valley Agroclimatic Zone
作者 Sristisri Upadhyay Lakhi Ram Saikia 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第1期115-119,共5页
Effect of different organic manures on production of leaf biomass of a potential medicinal plant Adhatoda vasica Nees. was studied at Dibrugarh University under Upper Brahmaputra Valley Agroclimatic Zone of India duri... Effect of different organic manures on production of leaf biomass of a potential medicinal plant Adhatoda vasica Nees. was studied at Dibrugarh University under Upper Brahmaputra Valley Agroclimatic Zone of India during 2008-2010. The aim was to know about the agronomic requirements of the wild medicinal plant for its organic cultivation. The plant reproduces by vegetative means through stem cutting. The nursery plants were prepared from the terminal soft-wood cuttings. The experiments were laid down in RBD with 3 m ×6 m block sizes. Cowdung, compost and vermicompost were used as organic manure. Manures were applied at three levels eg. cowdung at 12.0, 19.5 and 27.0 t ha-1 compost at 7.5, 15.0 and 27.7 t ha-1 and vermicompost at 2.5, 3.0 and 3.75 t ha-1. Eighty percent of every dose was applied one week ahead of plantation and the rest was applied after two months of plantation. Irrigation was not necessary as usual rainfall occurred during the period. Hand weeding was done first time after two months of plantation and again just before application of the second part of the manure. Mature leaves were first harvested by picking them in the first week of October to avoid loss due to leaf fall and finally all the leaves were harvested by teaming the branches in second week of November. In the next year, the mature leaves of the newly sprouted branches on the teamed plants were harvested in May and the final harvest was done by teaming the branches again in October. The total leaf biomass was expressed in t ha-1 (dry wt.). The total nitrogen in the manure was determined by kjeldahl method, phosphorus by spectrophotometric method and potassium by flame photometric method, pH in 1:5 water suspension and organic matter by Walkley and Black's titration method. Maximum leaf biomass (2.74 t ha1) and economic benefit (Rs. 30,941 ha-1) were obtained in cowdung at 27.0 t ha-1 followed by cowdung at 19.5 t ha-1(2.50 t hal and Rs. 26,955 ha-1), compost at 22.7 t ha-1 (2.35 t ha-1 and Rs. 22,132 hal). Organic cultivation ofA. vasica, using locally available and cheap organic manures like cowdung and compost is highly encouraging. The technique is eco-friendly and its value will be many times more if it is calculated in terms of environmental health. The technique is therefore, recommended for sustainable management of the wild and important medicinal plant of this Agroclimatic Zone. Vermicompost is not advisable because of its higher input cost than the others. 展开更多
关键词 Adhatoda vasica traditional medicinal plant organic manures
An Analysis of Wetland Degradation in the Dimoria Region of Assam, India
作者 Dharma Ram Deka Pradip Sharma 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第7期781-786,共6页
The wetlands of the Brahmaputra valley include lake-like natural water bodies locally known as 'beel', and degenerated lakes, which are often called as swamps. The role of such wetlands in socio-economic condition o... The wetlands of the Brahmaputra valley include lake-like natural water bodies locally known as 'beel', and degenerated lakes, which are often called as swamps. The role of such wetlands in socio-economic condition of the people is significant from various angles. Apart from the wetlands act as the ideal habitats for feeding, nesting and breeding of a large variety of fishes, birds and other aquatic animals, these features maintain the environmental quality of the region. Present study has been conducted primarily in eight selected beels in the Dimoria region, which is located almost at the south-central part of the Brahmaputra valley. The water and soil samples from these wetlands had been collected using random sampling technique and analyzed to know about the nature of degradation of the wetlands. Once highly productive wetland waters now show very low DO, high BOD and COD, indicating dwindling productivity of fish and other aquatic resources. Higher value of pH in soils of most of the wetlands found probably due to the impact of industrial effluents and urban sewage and use of chemical fertilizers in the paddy field of the fringe areas, which again create toxic environment and ultimately reduces fish productivity. 展开更多
关键词 Brahmaputra valley beel dimoria environmental quality fish productivity.
Multivariant statistical analysis for diagenetic information of chert from southern Tibet,China
作者 HE Junguo ZHOU Yongzhang +1 位作者 FU Wei LI Hongzhong 《Global Geology》 2011年第2期94-101,共8页
There are large scale chert formations of different ages exposed widely in southern Tibet, along Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone. The typical chert specimens were sampled from Pengcuolin, Xialu and Zongzhuo profiles. Multi... There are large scale chert formations of different ages exposed widely in southern Tibet, along Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone. The typical chert specimens were sampled from Pengcuolin, Xialu and Zongzhuo profiles. Multivariate statistical analysis is applied for effectively extracting the geochemical information of the chert, and the raw data are processed by R-factor analysis. The first, second and third factors representing terrigenous, authigenic and hydrothermal constituents are extracted from the analysis results. From Pengcuolin, Xialu to Zongzhuo chert profiles, the variance ratios of continental and authigenetic factors become higher ( 51. 1% →62.9 % →91.6 % ), while hydrothermal factor rapidly decrease ( 40. 9 % →32.2 % →0 ). This tend- eney also present in the analysis for traee elements, indicating that Pengeuolin chert is hydrothermal origin, The Zongzhuo chert belong to normal sedimentation and the Xialu chert exhibit normal deposition interacted with hydrothermal sedimentation. The facts provide significant implications for understanding the diagenetic and palaeomineralization information of southern Tibet. 展开更多
关键词 factor analysis chert diagenetic information southern Tibet
《新华文摘》 2024年第19期156-169,共14页
把群众意见视作改革成效“最好的尺子”郭鲁江在2024年7月29日《学习时报》撰文认为,为了人民而改革,改革才有意义;把人民群众的获得感作为改革成效的评价标准,始终坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,维护人民根本利益,增进民生福祉,让改革成... 把群众意见视作改革成效“最好的尺子”郭鲁江在2024年7月29日《学习时报》撰文认为,为了人民而改革,改革才有意义;把人民群众的获得感作为改革成效的评价标准,始终坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,维护人民根本利益,增进民生福祉,让改革成果更多更公平惠及全体人民。 展开更多
关键词 改革成效 人民根本利益 鲁江 论点摘编 评价标准 民生福祉 始终坚持 群众意见
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