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北京野鸭湖湿地观鸟生态旅游开发研究 被引量:4
作者 王燕 张丽娜 +1 位作者 梁晓伟 周美美 《绿色科技》 2011年第1期132-134,共3页
关键词 野鸭湖 鸟生态旅游 生态旅游
鄱阳湖观鸟生态旅游开发与对策研究 被引量:11
作者 尤鑫 戴年华 《江西科学》 2010年第6期866-870,共5页
关键词 生态旅游 鸟生态旅游 鄱阳湖
杭州湾国家湿地公园观鸟生态旅游开发及对策研究 被引量:1
作者 沈杨 《湿地科学与管理》 2012年第2期12-14,共3页
关键词 杭州湾国家湿地公园 鸟生态旅游 生态旅游
作者 徐婧婧 赖燕琳 黄清平 《广西城镇建设》 2021年第6期32-33,36,共3页
本文基于乡村振兴与山水林田草修复的背景,以福建省三明市明溪县的鸟类生态保护为基础,结合明溪县地域文化特色,探索基于鸟类生态的生态修复概念性规划,以期实现鸟类生态保护与经济文化建设同步发展、人鸟共生式的和谐规划理念。研究不... 本文基于乡村振兴与山水林田草修复的背景,以福建省三明市明溪县的鸟类生态保护为基础,结合明溪县地域文化特色,探索基于鸟类生态的生态修复概念性规划,以期实现鸟类生态保护与经济文化建设同步发展、人鸟共生式的和谐规划理念。研究不仅注重经济发展,更重视生态保护以达到和谐永续的生态目标,为人与自然和谐共生的生态规划理念抛砖引玉。 展开更多
关键词 生态修复 鸟生态 乡村振兴
美国生态观鸟旅游对中国观鸟旅游发展的启示 被引量:11
作者 王红英 刘俊昌 刘细芹 《林业经济问题》 北大核心 2008年第2期152-155,共4页
关键词 美国 生态 旅游
鄱阳湖区生态观鸟旅游对当地社区影响的调查分析——基于吴城镇当地居民的调查问卷的分析 被引量:6
作者 王红英 刘俊昌 曹建华 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期1147-1152,共6页
以鄱阳湖候鸟保护区内的吴城镇生态观鸟旅游的景观点为调查研究的对象,对当地居民进行关于生态观鸟旅游及其影响的问卷调查,利用该调查问卷资料,采用Binary Logistic回归模型对生态观鸟旅游对当地社区影响进行分析,结果显示:当地居民大... 以鄱阳湖候鸟保护区内的吴城镇生态观鸟旅游的景观点为调查研究的对象,对当地居民进行关于生态观鸟旅游及其影响的问卷调查,利用该调查问卷资料,采用Binary Logistic回归模型对生态观鸟旅游对当地社区影响进行分析,结果显示:当地居民大部分支持生态观鸟旅游,但目前的生态观鸟旅游对当地的社会经济影响不明显,需要进一步发展。在此基础上提出发展生态旅游产业的几点思考建议。 展开更多
关键词 鄱阳湖区 生态旅游 可持续发展
文化IP视角下鄱阳湖观鸟生态旅游的开发与应用 被引量:1
作者 刘琼 康欢倩 《旅游纵览》 2022年第12期61-63,共3页
观鸟生态旅游是生态旅游的重要组成部分。近年来,江西省鄱阳湖生态环境不断优化改善,吸引的候鸟资源不断丰富,观鸟生态旅游蓄势待发。本文通过对鄱阳湖候鸟资源概况与观鸟生态旅游开发现状进行剖析,引入文化IP理念,阐述文化IP应用于鄱... 观鸟生态旅游是生态旅游的重要组成部分。近年来,江西省鄱阳湖生态环境不断优化改善,吸引的候鸟资源不断丰富,观鸟生态旅游蓄势待发。本文通过对鄱阳湖候鸟资源概况与观鸟生态旅游开发现状进行剖析,引入文化IP理念,阐述文化IP应用于鄱阳湖观鸟生态旅游的优势,并从文化IP视角对鄱阳湖观鸟生态旅游的开发与应用提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 文化IP 鸟生态旅游 鄱阳湖
作者 王艳艳 《旅游与摄影》 2022年第24期119-122,共4页
生态旅游是生态文明建设的有效载体和实现绿色可持续发展的重要途径。产业兴旺是乡村振兴的关键,它是实现乡村地区可持续发展的根本,也是经济发展的重要推动结果。文章基于对云南省保山市隆阳区芒宽乡百花岭村观鸟旅游活动的田野调研,... 生态旅游是生态文明建设的有效载体和实现绿色可持续发展的重要途径。产业兴旺是乡村振兴的关键,它是实现乡村地区可持续发展的根本,也是经济发展的重要推动结果。文章基于对云南省保山市隆阳区芒宽乡百花岭村观鸟旅游活动的田野调研,对个案助推民族地区生态保护与生态旅游协同发展的可持续发展模式进行讨论。研究发现:云南保山百花岭村的观鸟旅游作为美丽乡村建设的驱动力和乡村空间发展的整合力量,可以为民族地区观鸟旅游的可持续发展提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 鸟生态旅游 可持续发展 百花岭
作者 梁炳荣 《农家科技(理论版)》 2019年第3期38-38,共1页
近年来,随着水稻新品种的培育、先进栽培技术的推广应用,优良品种层出不穷,水稻的种植面积呈不断上升趋势,与此同时鸟害对水稻生产的影响也愈加明显,成了目前摆在农业工作者面前的一大难题。本文通过了解水稻田鸟害的种类及对水稻的危害... 近年来,随着水稻新品种的培育、先进栽培技术的推广应用,优良品种层出不穷,水稻的种植面积呈不断上升趋势,与此同时鸟害对水稻生产的影响也愈加明显,成了目前摆在农业工作者面前的一大难题。本文通过了解水稻田鸟害的种类及对水稻的危害,对水稻田常见鸟害防治方法进行了简单介绍,并基于水稻生产健康发展提出了生态防鸟技术,及时科学的防治鸟害,有效的减轻了鸟害对水稻的影响,提高水稻的产量和质量。 展开更多
关键词 水稻田 生态 防治
中国生态旅游的类型 被引量:19
作者 卢宏升 卢云亭 吴殿廷 《桂林旅游高等专科学校学报》 2004年第2期82-85,共4页
首先讨论了生态旅游概念的界定和内涵,然后结合我国开展生态旅游的实际情况,综合考虑生态旅游资源的类型及每种类型中所能开展有代表性的生态旅游活动两方面因素,尝试性地把我国的生态旅游分作6个基本类型,并对每种类型的生态旅游价值... 首先讨论了生态旅游概念的界定和内涵,然后结合我国开展生态旅游的实际情况,综合考虑生态旅游资源的类型及每种类型中所能开展有代表性的生态旅游活动两方面因素,尝试性地把我国的生态旅游分作6个基本类型,并对每种类型的生态旅游价值及资源赋存状况作出简单评价。 展开更多
关键词 中国 生态旅游 可持续旅游 森林休憩生态 湿地观鸟生态 沙漠探险生态 草原风情生态 海洋度假生态
作者 宋汉萍 《高等继续教育学报》 2006年第S1期76-78,共3页
通过对大贵寺森林公园的鸟类多样性进行调查,观察到该地区鸟类41种,隶属9个目, 19个科。丰富的生态资源与丰富的鸟类资源是该地区开展观鸟生态旅游的基础,对当地旅游业的开发利用有极其重要的意义。合理利用资源,发展生态旅游,在意识到... 通过对大贵寺森林公园的鸟类多样性进行调查,观察到该地区鸟类41种,隶属9个目, 19个科。丰富的生态资源与丰富的鸟类资源是该地区开展观鸟生态旅游的基础,对当地旅游业的开发利用有极其重要的意义。合理利用资源,发展生态旅游,在意识到鸟类面临的危险和保护意义的同时进行鸟类保护。 展开更多
关键词 类资源 鸟生态旅游 类保护
基于AHP的观鸟旅游资源综合评价研究——以黄冈市为例 被引量:8
作者 陈丽军 苏金豹 +1 位作者 万志芳 李平 《野生动物学报》 北大核心 2019年第2期413-421,共9页
观鸟旅游具有产业链长、附加值高的特点,是生态旅游的重要类型之一。综合评价是观鸟旅游资源开发规划的前提和依据。采用层次分析法(AHP),从鸟类资源价值、生态环境质量、开发建设条件和支持保障条件4个方面,选择鸟类种类及数量、珍稀度... 观鸟旅游具有产业链长、附加值高的特点,是生态旅游的重要类型之一。综合评价是观鸟旅游资源开发规划的前提和依据。采用层次分析法(AHP),从鸟类资源价值、生态环境质量、开发建设条件和支持保障条件4个方面,选择鸟类种类及数量、珍稀度等13个评价指标,构建观鸟生态旅游资源综合评价体系,通过构造判断矩阵计算各层次指标权重和评价模型。结果表明:准则层权重值排序为鸟类资源价值(4. 46)、生态环境质量(2. 35)、开发建设条件(2. 03)、支持保障条件(1. 17);指标层总排序权重前6位分别鸟类种类及数量(2. 11)、生态环境开发适宜性(1. 86)、鸟类可观赏性(1. 36)、客源市场规模(0. 88)、基础设施条件(0. 67)、政策支持度(0. 60)。通过以黄冈市为例进行校验表明,该评价体系能较为客观反映观鸟旅游资源的综合价值,具有较强的可操作性。基于评价结果,提出黄冈市观鸟旅游资源开发对策。 展开更多
关键词 鸟生态旅游资源 综合评价 层次分析法(AHP) 黄冈市
柳州市园林绿化树种规划探讨 被引量:12
作者 隆卫革 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第3期1059-1061,共3页
关键词 柳州市 园林树种 规划 特色 生态树种
Basal birds from China:a brief review 被引量:4
作者 李东升 Corwin SULLIVAN +1 位作者 周忠和 张福成 《Chinese Birds》 2010年第2期83-96,共14页
We use the term 'basal birds' for a relatively small number of primitive fossil birds that fall outside the major clade Ornithothoraces,which includes both modern birds and enantiorni-thines. Eight genera and ... We use the term 'basal birds' for a relatively small number of primitive fossil birds that fall outside the major clade Ornithothoraces,which includes both modern birds and enantiorni-thines. Eight genera and twelve valid species have been reported from China in the last 15 years,whereas Archaeopteryx lithographica remains the only basal bird to have been described from non-Chinese specimens(although confuciusornithid material is apparently present in North Korea).Here we briefly review the Chinese basal birds and their anatomy,phylogeny and ecology.Chinese fossils have contributed extensively to scientific understanding of early avian evolution,demon-strating collectively that basal birds were generally relatively large and morphologically and eco-logically quite diverse.Although some significant uncertainties remain,particularly with respect to the relative phylogenetic positions of Jeholornis,Sapeornis and Zhongornis,an increasingly clear picture of the first stages of avian evolution is emerging from the Chinese fossil record. 展开更多
Bird functional traits affect seed dispersal patterns of China's endangered trees across different disturbed habitats 被引量:7
作者 Ning Li Zheng Wang +1 位作者 Xinhai Li Zhaohui Li 《Avian Research》 CSCD 2018年第2期144-149,共6页
Background: The most dominant global threat to natural forests and their biodiversity is land-cover change, which has negative impacts on both species persistence and ecosystem functions. Land-cover change could alter... Background: The most dominant global threat to natural forests and their biodiversity is land-cover change, which has negative impacts on both species persistence and ecosystem functions. Land-cover change could alter animal behaviour and disrupt seed dispersal mutualisms. However, its effects on the role of bird functional traits in seed dispersal are not well studied.Methods: In the present study, we assessed the contributions of bird functional traits(behavioural traits: food habit, foraging pattern, foraging frequency, and habitat specialisation; morphological traits: weight, body length, wing length, and tail length) to both seed removal patterns and seed dispersal distances of an endangered and native tree species, Chinese yew(Taxus chinensis), in farmland, patchy habitat, and natural habitat, of southeast China.Results: We found that the ability of T. chinensis trees to form seed dispersal mutualisms with local birds varied across the different disturbed habitats. As a consequence of these mutualisms, more seeds were removed by birds from the patchy habitat than from the other two habitats. The number of seeds removed increased with bird foraging frequency. Moreover, the dispersal distance from the three habitats differed, and the longest dispersal distances were observed at both the patchy habitat and the farmland site. Seed dispersal distance increased with bird tail and wing length.Conclusions: Our results highlight the importance of bird functional traits in the seed dispersal patterns of endangered trees across disturbed forest habitats, which should be considered for tree conservation and management. 展开更多
关键词 Functional traits Seed dispersal Frugivorous birds Behavioural traits Morphological traits
Foraging behavior of the Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker subspecies Picoides tridactylus funebris in southern Gansu, China 被引量:2
作者 朱永智 吕楠 +2 位作者 Peter Pechacek 李金林 孙悦华 《Chinese Birds》 2012年第1期60-66,共7页
The Three-toed Woodpecker subspecies Picoides tridactylus funebris is endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet plateau in China. No part of its life history was ever reported since its discovery in 1870. To close this gap, we obs... The Three-toed Woodpecker subspecies Picoides tridactylus funebris is endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet plateau in China. No part of its life history was ever reported since its discovery in 1870. To close this gap, we observed foraging behavior of a pair between April and August 2007. A total of 117 observations (28 for male and 89 for female) were obtained by following the birds within their home-ranges using radio-tracking. P. t. funebris preferred foraging on live spruces and snags bigger than available with an average diameter of breast height (DBH) of 32.7 ± 9.2 cm. The most frequent foraging technique was pecking (39.8% of foraging time) and peeling (13.2%). Moreover, sap-sucking was observed more often in P. t. funebris than in P. t. alpinus, suggesting that P. t. funebris was more dependent on the tree sap than the other subspecies. We found distinct niche partitioning between the sexes with respect to use of three out of four investigated parameters of the foraging substrates. These differences were likely related to sexual dimorphism pronounced by slightly larger bill of the male. We concluded that the subspecies P. t. funebris displayed foraging behavior which was very similar to that of other subspecies of the Three-toed Woodpecker. 展开更多
关键词 Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides tridactylus funebris foraging behavior niche partitioning Qinghai-Tibet plateau
Road induced edge effects on a forest bird community in tropical Asia 被引量:2
作者 Daphawan Khamcha Richard T.Corlett +3 位作者 Larkin A.Powell Tommaso Savini Antony J.Lynam George A.Gale 《Avian Research》 CSCD 2018年第2期123-135,共13页
Background: Edge effects cause changes in bird community richness, abundance, and/or distribution within a landscape, but the avian guilds most influenced can vary among regions. Although Southeast Asia has the highes... Background: Edge effects cause changes in bird community richness, abundance, and/or distribution within a landscape, but the avian guilds most influenced can vary among regions. Although Southeast Asia has the highest rates of deforestation and projected species loss, and is currently undergoing an explosive growth in road infrastructure, there have been few studies of the effects of forest edges on avian communities in this region.Methods: We examined avian community structure in a dry evergreen forest in northeastern Thailand adjacent to a five-lane highway. We evaluated the richness and abundance of birds in 11 guilds at 24 survey points on three parallel transects perpendicular to the edge. At each point, 10-min surveys were conducted during February-August 2014 and March-August 2015. Vegetation measurements were conducted at 16 of the bird survey points and ambient noise was measured at all 24 survey points.Results: We found a strongly negative response to the forest edge for bark-gleaning, sallying, terrestrial, and understory insectivores and a weakly negative response for arboreal frugivore-insectivores, foliage gleaning insectivores, and raptors. Densities of trees and the percentage canopy cover were higher in the interior, and the ambient noise was lower. In contrast, arboreal nectarivore-insectivores responded positively to the forest edge, where there was a higher vegetation cover in the ground layer, a lower tree density, and a higher level of ambient noise.Conclusion: Planners should avoid road development in forests of high conservation value to reduce impacts on biodiversity. Where avoidance is impossible, a number of potential mitigation methods are available, but more detailed assessments of these are needed before they are applied in this region. 展开更多
关键词 Road edge Avian guilds Dry evergreen forest Thailand
Impacts of Ecological Restoration and Human Activities on Habitat of Overwintering Migratory Birds in the Wetland of Poyang Lake, Jiangxi Province, China 被引量:6
作者 SUN Chuan-zhun ZHEN Lin +3 位作者 WANG Chao YAN Bang-you CAO Xiao-chang WU Rui-zi 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期1302-1314,共13页
Increasing human activities have contributed to global climate change, and thus resulted in a downward trend in the number of species and population sizes of migratory birds. This trend is closely related to a reducti... Increasing human activities have contributed to global climate change, and thus resulted in a downward trend in the number of species and population sizes of migratory birds. This trend is closely related to a reduction in habitat size and lower habitat quality. The Poyang Lake wetland in China constitutes one of Asia's largest overwintering habitats for migratory birds. Over the past 10 years, restoration projects have improved the habitat ecology of these wetlands. In this study, we assessed the changes in habitat quality for overwintering migratory birds from 2000 to 2012 near two villages in the Poyang Lake wetland using the In VEST model. Average habitat quality for migratory birds has been improved by 18.8% and47.7%. Differences in the degrees of habitat improvement can be attributed to differences in the change of habitat size and in the impact of threat sources that resulted from the combined effects of restoration and human activities in these two villages. 展开更多
关键词 WETLAND Ecological restoration INVESTmodel Migratory bird HABITAT
Seasonal change in sexual differences in nestling size and survival: a framework to evaluate sex-dependent environmental sensitivity in the wild
作者 Daisuke Nomi Teru Yuta Itsuro Koizumi 《Avian Research》 CSCD 2018年第2期136-143,共8页
Background: Sexual size dimorphism(SSD) occurs in a wide range of species in birds and other animals, but the magnitude of SSD often varies with environmental conditions. In general, in the developmental stages, the l... Background: Sexual size dimorphism(SSD) occurs in a wide range of species in birds and other animals, but the magnitude of SSD often varies with environmental conditions. In general, in the developmental stages, the larger sex is more vulnerable to adverse environmental conditions because the larger sex requires more energy than the smaller sex. However, this may not hold true for birds with large brood sizes; the larger sex can acquire more food by suppressing the smaller sex. In addition, most previous studies have been experimental, such as by manipulating clutch size and ectoparasites, which may not reflect natural conditions.Methods: In the present study, we propose a general framework to assess sexual differences in environmental sensitivity in natural populations. Because environmental conditions change throughout the breeding season, seasonal changes of nestling SSD and sex ratio should reflect sexual differences in environmental sensitivity. We applied this approach to a large dataset(1555 nestlings over 5 years) of Japanese Tits(Parus minor). In this population, the male nestling is generally larger than the female(5% SSD in body weight).Results: We found that the magnitude of SSD(weight, tarsus, wing) and fledgling sex ratio increased both in the beginning and the end of the breeding season.Conclusion: Our study suggested that female nestlings are more valuable to poor environmental conditions in the relatively fecund species. This study underscores the importance of brood size on sexual differences in environmental stochasticity and our framework encourages comparative analysis among different bird species. 展开更多
关键词 Brood size Japanese tit Parus minor Seasonal change Sexual size dimorphism
Spatial distribution of display sites of Grey Peacock-pheasant in relation to micro-habitat and predators during the breeding season
作者 Somying Thunhikorn Matthew J.Grainger +1 位作者 Philip J.K.McGowan Tommaso Savini 《Avian Research》 CSCD 2018年第2期111-122,共12页
Background: The destruction and fragmentation of forest in Southeast Asia is accelerating biodiversity loss, resulting in a range of management and conservation actions. For some species, a detailed understanding of ... Background: The destruction and fragmentation of forest in Southeast Asia is accelerating biodiversity loss, resulting in a range of management and conservation actions. For some species, a detailed understanding of microhabitat selection is critical for this, especially in the breeding season.Methods: To understand the factors that explain how specific habitats are used by the Grey Peacock-pheasant(Polyplectron bicalcaratum) in the breeding season, we used camera trapping and microhabitat sampling to assess the microhabitat selection of males. We also looked at their interaction with predators in an area of 1200 m × 1200 m at the Hua Kha Khaeng Wildl fe Sanctuary, Tha land, between January and May 2013.Results: We show that display scrapes are situated on flatter open areas with small saplings and some vines, typified by low horizontal understory density. We hypothesise that this allows a trade-off between courtship display and the avoidance of predators. Our study showed that the position of Grey Peacock-pheasant display scrapes regularly overlapped with predators within the same microhabitat. We hypothesise that the species' behavioural responses to temporal variation in predation risk allows them to avoid most predators.Conclusions: Particular microhabitats are required for Grey Peacock-pheasant display.They avoid predators at these places by being active when predators are not. 展开更多
关键词 Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary Display scrape Species accumulation PREDATOR-PREY Polyplectron bicalcaratum
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