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作者 朱崇科 《华文文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期50-57,共8页
在全球化语境下的社会里,20到30岁的年轻女性已经成为不可忽视的社会组成部分。她们往往是最能消费文学的群体之一,一些女性写给女性看的文学形式悄然兴起,渐渐引起关注,这就是所谓的"鸡仔文学"。韩国的"Chick-Lit"... 在全球化语境下的社会里,20到30岁的年轻女性已经成为不可忽视的社会组成部分。她们往往是最能消费文学的群体之一,一些女性写给女性看的文学形式悄然兴起,渐渐引起关注,这就是所谓的"鸡仔文学"。韩国的"Chick-Lit"这一概念最早产生于2000年,从2003年以可爱淘的作品为代表的韩国流行小说风靡中国出版市场以后,针对年轻女性读者的韩国鸡仔文学也在中国引进出版。韩国鸡仔文学作为一种大众文化产品,较好地满足了读者的需求。但韩国鸡仔文学也有其缺点,本文简略地展望它可能的发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 消费社会 后女性主义 鸡仔文学 韩国鸡仔文学 文化接近性
作者 宗先鸿 于仲慧 《延边大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第4期42-47,共6页
"鸡仔文学"是20世纪90年代兴起于欧美地区的一种女性文学类型,作品以鲜明的女性视角、现代时尚的都市文化景观、真实的人物故事及轻松活泼的都市流行语言,吸引了众多年轻的女性读者,迅速风靡全球,引起普遍关注。在全球文化传... "鸡仔文学"是20世纪90年代兴起于欧美地区的一种女性文学类型,作品以鲜明的女性视角、现代时尚的都市文化景观、真实的人物故事及轻松活泼的都市流行语言,吸引了众多年轻的女性读者,迅速风靡全球,引起普遍关注。在全球文化传播背景下,"鸡仔文学"迅速进入中韩文化市场并"开花结果",开启了新世纪女性写作的新风尚。中韩两国的"鸡仔文学"同中有异,一方面都沿袭了欧美"鸡仔文学"的主要样态,同时又结合本国社会文化语境和读者需求将其本土化,各自衍生出独特的文学风貌。系统梳理中韩"鸡仔文学"的发展进程,比较其本土化特色的异同,将有助于加深我们对中韩"鸡仔文学"的理解,进而更好地把握女性文学未来的发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 鸡仔文学” 中韩比较 发展进程 本土化
作者 宋涛 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第6期72-75,共4页
关键词 鸡仔小说 消费主义 后现代女性主义 女性声音
作者 钟桂兴 《食品安全导刊》 2016年第12X期30-31,共2页
鸡仔饼是广东四大名饼之一,问世于清代咸丰年间。鸡仔饼原名小凤饼,由于广东人称鸡为凤,而小凤饼又形似小鸡,故又称鸡仔饼。清朝光绪年间,鸡仔饼传至清远的美香茶居,几经名师改进,历经四代传承,打造出“黄东鸡仔饼”品牌,获得广东岭南... 鸡仔饼是广东四大名饼之一,问世于清代咸丰年间。鸡仔饼原名小凤饼,由于广东人称鸡为凤,而小凤饼又形似小鸡,故又称鸡仔饼。清朝光绪年间,鸡仔饼传至清远的美香茶居,几经名师改进,历经四代传承,打造出“黄东鸡仔饼”品牌,获得广东岭南特色食品、清远土特产十件宝、广东省老字号企业等诸多荣誉。但食品质量问题已成为产品现代化和工业化生产障碍和大众消费者的关注和担忧的焦点。 展开更多
关键词 鸡仔 广东 ISO22000 HACCP
《科学大众(小诺贝尔)》 2006年第2期40-40,共1页
关键词 鸡仔 镜子 东西
作者 崔岩 蔡小伟 +3 位作者 项梅招 林平坤 王宏鑫 邹鹏辉 《电子测试》 2019年第22期14-15,46,共3页
为解决目前国内对鸡仔胎生产基本上都靠人工,生产效率低,生产过程中卫生的不到有效保障等问题,提出了鸡仔胎自动化生产,设计了鸡仔胎生产中的孵化控制、清洗控制、加工制作、微波杀菌等结构,及利用RFID物联网技术实现整个生产过程的数... 为解决目前国内对鸡仔胎生产基本上都靠人工,生产效率低,生产过程中卫生的不到有效保障等问题,提出了鸡仔胎自动化生产,设计了鸡仔胎生产中的孵化控制、清洗控制、加工制作、微波杀菌等结构,及利用RFID物联网技术实现整个生产过程的数据管理。最后,制作了原型机,编写了PLC、单片机及触摸屏程序,通过原型机模型测试,基本实现了整个过程的自动化。 展开更多
关键词 鸡仔 PLC RFID
作者 卢炳书 《食品安全导刊》 2020年第3期139-139,共1页
早在1931年,鸡仔饼已经获得了"广州市国货展览会"一等奖,并且深受广大人们的喜爱。长期以来,来自中国各地的过客都喜欢手提一盒"小凤饼"回家,作为到过广东的标记和最珍贵的"手信"。国外华侨乃至外国游客... 早在1931年,鸡仔饼已经获得了"广州市国货展览会"一等奖,并且深受广大人们的喜爱。长期以来,来自中国各地的过客都喜欢手提一盒"小凤饼"回家,作为到过广东的标记和最珍贵的"手信"。国外华侨乃至外国游客都把"小凤饼"视为代表中国饼食的珍品。随着需求的增加,产品的流通保质期面临较大的挑战,研发其改良配方和生产工艺势在必行。 展开更多
关键词 鸡仔 保质期 生产工艺
作者 阳芊语 《快乐青春(简妙作文)(小学生适读)》 2024年第3期17-17,共1页
开头写法——扣题提示写什么:许多美食往往诞生于厨师的不经意间,广东的“鸡仔饼”就是其中之一。毫不夸张地说,鸡仔饼是一道能唤醒你味蕾的美食!中间写法——承头顺写详重点:“鸡仔饼”原本叫“小凤饼”相传在清朝的时候,有一富商要接... 开头写法——扣题提示写什么:许多美食往往诞生于厨师的不经意间,广东的“鸡仔饼”就是其中之一。毫不夸张地说,鸡仔饼是一道能唤醒你味蕾的美食!中间写法——承头顺写详重点:“鸡仔饼”原本叫“小凤饼”相传在清朝的时候,有一富商要接待客人,主厨却不在,便让婢女小凤做些点心给客人享用。 展开更多
关键词 美食 味蕾 点心 厨师 鸡仔 小凤饼 唤醒
作者 谌瑜 《中国国境卫生检疫杂志》 CAS 2008年第4期276-280,共5页
广东小吃——迷你鸡仔饼具有营养丰富,携带方便,口感好等特点,深受消费者的喜爱,然而其微生物超标等质量问题已越来越成为消费者担忧和关注的焦点。HACCP是目前世界上最权威也受普遍认可的食品安全控制体系。迷你鸡仔饼加工厂通过建立... 广东小吃——迷你鸡仔饼具有营养丰富,携带方便,口感好等特点,深受消费者的喜爱,然而其微生物超标等质量问题已越来越成为消费者担忧和关注的焦点。HACCP是目前世界上最权威也受普遍认可的食品安全控制体系。迷你鸡仔饼加工厂通过建立和实施HACCP体系,可以确保鸡仔饼从原料验收、加工到流通过程中,安全危害得到有效的预防和控制。 展开更多
关键词 鸡仔 生产企业 HACCP 建立 实施
作者 超狭 《风流一代》 2021年第4期62-62,共1页
我天生是个馋人,对于各种美食,一向来者不拒。朋友去广州,携回各色点心,勇于试味的我,自然逐一品尝。这次最喜欢的,莫过于鸡仔饼。送口细品,五味杂陈,再搭配着朋友送的普洱茶,甚是有味。提起"鸡仔饼",很多人会联想到鸡肉,实际... 我天生是个馋人,对于各种美食,一向来者不拒。朋友去广州,携回各色点心,勇于试味的我,自然逐一品尝。这次最喜欢的,莫过于鸡仔饼。送口细品,五味杂陈,再搭配着朋友送的普洱茶,甚是有味。提起"鸡仔饼",很多人会联想到鸡肉,实际上,它跟鸡一点关系都没有,只是形状相似而已。"鸡仔饼"又名"小凤饼",源自广州成珠楼酒店,历史悠久,远近驰名。关于这道美食的来历,当地流传着几种不同的说法,最广为流传的一种说法是它源于成珠楼老板伍紫垣的婢女小凤。 展开更多
关键词 普洱茶 美食 雅俗共赏 鸡仔 鸡肉 小吃 小凤饼 形状相似
作者 PP殿下 《少年大世界(初中生)》 2021年第1期F0002-F0002,共1页
关键词 鸡肉 鸡仔 面粉 肥猪肉
作者 姚傲雪(文/图) 胡玲玲(文/图) 《设计》 2023年第4期F0002-F0002,共1页
本系列包装作品围绕广州特色糕点食品进行设计,提取广府代表性文化“醒师”元素、代表性建筑“骑楼”“镬耳屋”元素,代表性标志“五羊雕塑”“广州塔”元素,代表性花朵“木棉花”元素,进行红茶酥、金钱酥、鸡仔饼、香葱脆宝糕点的包装... 本系列包装作品围绕广州特色糕点食品进行设计,提取广府代表性文化“醒师”元素、代表性建筑“骑楼”“镬耳屋”元素,代表性标志“五羊雕塑”“广州塔”元素,代表性花朵“木棉花”元素,进行红茶酥、金钱酥、鸡仔饼、香葱脆宝糕点的包装设计,采用传统吉祥色彩红色、黄色进行色彩搭配,体现广府文化地域特色食品包装特点。 展开更多
关键词 食品包装 色彩搭配 包装设计 糕点食品 广府 五羊雕塑 木棉花 鸡仔
作者 杨荣和 范泽熙 《种子》 北大核心 2015年第8期63-67,共5页
贵州植物资源丰富,植物种类数量仅次于云南省、四川省和广西自治区,但贵州绿化没有自己的特色树种,通过走访与调查得知,最主要的原因是贵州园林一线的工作者不知道贵州的园林植物种质资源状况,为此,笔者对贵州的园林植物资源进行调查研... 贵州植物资源丰富,植物种类数量仅次于云南省、四川省和广西自治区,但贵州绿化没有自己的特色树种,通过走访与调查得知,最主要的原因是贵州园林一线的工作者不知道贵州的园林植物种质资源状况,为此,笔者对贵州的园林植物资源进行调查研究,整理成文,以期为贵州园林绿化及苗木生产提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 植物资源 马尾树属 苗木生产 鹅耳枥属 BETULACEAE 马尾树科 糙叶树属 鸡仔木属 羽叶楸属 垂直分布
Effect of thatch on water-soluble phosphorus of pasture soil fertilized with broiler litter
作者 陈欣 张庆忠 M.L.Cabrera 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期71-73,共3页
The presence of a thatch layer in established pastures could reduce the contact between broiler litter and soil, thus increasing the potential for surface runoff contamination with litter P. We conducted a laboratory ... The presence of a thatch layer in established pastures could reduce the contact between broiler litter and soil, thus increasing the potential for surface runoff contamination with litter P. We conducted a laboratory study to evaluate the effect of a thatch layer on the dynamics of water-soluble P in undisturbed cores taken from a pasture. Cores with and without a thatch layer received a surface application of broiler litter (5 thm-2) and were incubated at 25 oC for 56 d. The result showed that on the soil surface the contents of water soluble-P (39 kghm-2) of the cores with the thatch layer was higher than that (20 kghm-2) of the cores without the thatch layer. Therefore on well-established pastures fertilized with broiler litter, the presence of a thatch layer might lead to high concentrations of water-soluble P on the soil surface. 展开更多
关键词 PASTURES Water-soluble phosphorus Broiler litter
作者 王洪斌 《兵团工运》 2019年第3期51-51,共1页
春雨如丝,难得的、少见的春雨滋润着干渴的土地、干枯的禾苗,顿时人们感到空气清新了许多。昨日还荒芜的土地、干枯的树枝,冒出了点点、星星的绿色,就像刚哺育出的小鸡仔、就像刚诞生的孕儿,毛茸茸、水灵灵、胖乎乎,令人感慨大自然万物... 春雨如丝,难得的、少见的春雨滋润着干渴的土地、干枯的禾苗,顿时人们感到空气清新了许多。昨日还荒芜的土地、干枯的树枝,冒出了点点、星星的绿色,就像刚哺育出的小鸡仔、就像刚诞生的孕儿,毛茸茸、水灵灵、胖乎乎,令人感慨大自然万物的神奇和对生命的怜爱. 展开更多
关键词 树枝 春雨 滋润 禾苗 鸡仔 暖阳 孕儿 点点 土地
作者 陈思 《时代风采》 2006年第4期1-1,共1页
关键词 胡同 王家 支线道路 鸡仔
The Effect of the Supplemental Different Levels of Anise Seeds (Pimpinella anisum) in Diet on Broiler Performance
作者 Sunbul Jassim Hamodi Firas Muzahem Al-Khilani 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第9期1080-1085,共6页
This experiment was conducted at the poultry farm, poultry research station, state board of agriculture research, ministry of agriculture to study the effect of supplemental anise seed on broiler diets. A total of 640... This experiment was conducted at the poultry farm, poultry research station, state board of agriculture research, ministry of agriculture to study the effect of supplemental anise seed on broiler diets. A total of 640 of one-day old unsexed broiler chicks (Cobb) were used in this study. They were randomly distributed to four treatments. Anise seeds were supplemented at the levels of 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6% compared with the control group for 49 days. The results showed: there was a significant (P 〈 0.05) increase in the rate of body weight for the two treatments 0.6% and 0.4% of the anise seeds compared with 0.2% and control treatments, body weight gain take the same direction, like in body weight, the highest treatment was 0.6% followed by treatment 0.4% as well as the feed consumption has increased in these treatments than in 0.2% and control treatments, so about feed conversion ratio the treatment 0.6% of the anise seeds recorded the best feed conversion ratio compared with other treatments. Significant decreased in mortality and significant increased in production index by increasing the level of anise seeds in feed. Dressing percentage increased significantly for all treatments using anise seeds and treatment 0.6% recorded highest dressing percentage, from the other hand percentage of abdominal fat decreased significantly by increasing anise seed levels and no significant difference in the percentages of liver, gizzard and heart were recorded in this study. About carcass cuts, the weights of primary cuts (thigh, drum stick, breast) relative to body weight recorded significant increase in the treatments using anise seeds at the expense of secondary cuts (neck, wings, back). There was a significant decline (P 〈 0.05) for total bacterial (E. coli and Staphylococci) in small intestine in all level of anise seeds (0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%) in ration while the decline of two types of bacteria in colon recorded in 0.4% and 0.6% treatments compared with 0.2~/0 and control treatments. Conclude from this study the possibility of using anise seeds at all levels used in the experiment and the best level that can be used to get the best performance of the positive results of broiler chickens is 0.6%. 展开更多
关键词 Anise seeds BROILER production performance microbial count.
Effect of Different Levels of Chicory and Satureja Hortensis Root Powders on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broilers
作者 A. M. Aghazadeh F. Ilkhany M. Allahverdi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1261-1264,共4页
Inulin and oligofructose that are used in animal nutrition originate from chicory roots. Chicory fructans were shown to be prebiotic (selectively interacting with intestinal bacterial ecosystem) in humans and in ani... Inulin and oligofructose that are used in animal nutrition originate from chicory roots. Chicory fructans were shown to be prebiotic (selectively interacting with intestinal bacterial ecosystem) in humans and in animals, including livestock and pets. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different levels of chicory and satureja hortensis root powders, which are commonly used as alternative to antibiotics, on performance and carcass characteristic of broilers. The study included 280 Ross 308 male broiler chicks (1-day old at the beginning of the study). There were 7 treatment groups, each consisting of 4 replicates (10 chicks in each replicate). Chicory root powder (CRP) were added in 2%, 4% and 6% doses and satureja hortensis root powder (SHRP) were added in 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6% doses to starter and grower diets. The experiment lasted 42 days. Results showed that adding 2% of chicory root powder to the diet rather than control group, had significant effect on body weight gain (BWG), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion rate (FCR). All treatments of SHRP rather than control group significantly decreased FCR and feed intake. Treating with 6% CRP in days 1 to 21 in contrast to control group significantly decreased feed intake, but hadn't significant effect on FCR. Consequently we concluded that, using 2% CRP and different levels of SHRP had significant effect on performance and carcass characteristics of broilers. 展开更多
关键词 CHICORY satureja hortensis root powder PERFORMANCE carcass characteristics BROILERS
Effect of dietary supplementation on improvement of growth and immune function of broilers
作者 Chen Liancheng Zeng Wei +1 位作者 Li Yu Wang Yongqiang 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2014年第1期10-16,共7页
The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of a dietary supplement (Mirigen TM), a fungal cell wall derivative product, as a new generation alternative to antibiotics, on the growth and the innate ... The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of a dietary supplement (Mirigen TM), a fungal cell wall derivative product, as a new generation alternative to antibiotics, on the growth and the innate and adaptive immune functions in broilers from birth to 45 d of age. Newborn chicken were randomly assigned to one of three groups: G 1 (n=150) controls no supplement fed; G2 (n=150) is fed with dietary supplement at a designed regular dose (0.5 %, weight of additive to food); G3 (n= 150) is fed with dietary supplement at double doses (1%). All three groups were housed in the same conditions. Body weight and blood were taken on day 1, 14, 28 and 45. Medications used and costs/treatment were recorded for each group. The whole blood was used to purify heterophils for reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and E coli killing abilities examination assays, and the serum samples were preserved in freezer for enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) to determine concentration of macrophage inflammatory protein-1β (MIP-1β), CD4/CD8, interferon-y (IFN-y), and titers of antibody against Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Group differences were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) algorithm (S-Plus). There was no significant birth weight difference in three groups. After 45 d growth, the dietary supplement treated groups had significantly higher body weight gain (BWG) with lower mortality rate if compared to the untreated control group (P〈0.05). Their BWG and mortality rate were 2.23 kg and 10 % in GI (control group), 2.89 kg and 2 % in G2 (experimental group, 0.5 % dose), and 2.77 kg and 1% in G3 (experimental group, 1% dose), respectively. Heterophil ROS generation in treated groups were markedly improved through the addition of dietary supplement in both regular and double doses to the diet (P〈 0.05). The ability of heterophil to kill E coli was also significantly improved in dietary supplement treated groups (P〈0.01). Comparing to control group, there was significantly higher serum IFN-y concentration in treated groups (P〈0.05) on day 45. The CD4/CD8 was also improved in treated groups (P〈0.05). Newcastle di-sease is the most prevalent avian disease, and vaccination is an effective method to protect the animals from the virus infection. In our study, it is found G2 and G3 that fed with dietary supplement had higher antibody titers against NDV after vaccination (P〈0.01) and the antibodies lasted longer. Results from this study demonstrated dietary supplement to broilers improved the immune capabilities of immune cells, which are vital to the establishment of immune response against pathogens, thereby, to improve chicken' s health and growth and reduce medication cost in chicken farming. 展开更多
Effects of AsN 1980 phytase on growth and phosphorus utilization of broilers
作者 Ding Yi College of Agronomy and Life Science, Southwest Agricultural University, Chongqing 400716, China 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2003年第3期10-12,共3页
The experiment was conducted with 180 one-day-old AA broilers that were randomly divided into one control group and one trial group to study the effects of AsN1980 phytase on broilers growth performance and P utilizat... The experiment was conducted with 180 one-day-old AA broilers that were randomly divided into one control group and one trial group to study the effects of AsN1980 phytase on broilers growth performance and P utilization in low available phosphorus diets. Results showed that phytase supplement decreased F/W by 12.4%-13.4%and increased phosphorus availability by 7.63%-8.27%, both of which were significantly superior to the control group (P< 0.05). 展开更多
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