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作者 梁心怡 《文化软实力研究》 2024年第1期52-61,共10页
作为芝加哥大学通识教育改革事业的重要参与者,理查德·麦基翁将多元论作为通识教育中跨学科教学的基础,他提出一套深入不同哲学家思想深处的文本分析方法,不仅极大启发了正处于文学批评专业化改革进程中的芝加哥大学文学批评派,更... 作为芝加哥大学通识教育改革事业的重要参与者,理查德·麦基翁将多元论作为通识教育中跨学科教学的基础,他提出一套深入不同哲学家思想深处的文本分析方法,不仅极大启发了正处于文学批评专业化改革进程中的芝加哥大学文学批评派,更凸显了以美国实用主义哲学传统为基础的教育理念如何作用于美国现代高校通识教育的建设。但是,实用主义式“一”与“多”之间的矛盾与张力同样体现在麦基翁的教学与研究之中,这使得他课堂上的多元主义既展现了现代自由教育的包容与平等,也凸显出某种更为深刻的困境,即教育如何在保证个体多样性发展的同时,为现代心灵带去坚实、笃一的价值指引。 展开更多
关键词 通识教育 文学批评 多元主义 实用主义 理查德·麦基
作者 毛迎慧 《科教文汇》 2009年第5期277-277,共1页
关键词 麦基函子 麦基代数 μk(G)模
“朵麦基巧”沿革考 被引量:8
作者 土呷 《中国藏学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期161-170,共10页
清末民初,十三世达赖喇嘛在西藏昌都设置了"朵麦基巧"(昌都总管)这一行政建制。但学术界对昌都总管府的设立时间、管辖范围、历任总管情况及其政治、经济、军队、司法、邮驿制度等并没有取得一致的看法。文章在查阅大量藏汉... 清末民初,十三世达赖喇嘛在西藏昌都设置了"朵麦基巧"(昌都总管)这一行政建制。但学术界对昌都总管府的设立时间、管辖范围、历任总管情况及其政治、经济、军队、司法、邮驿制度等并没有取得一致的看法。文章在查阅大量藏汉文史料书籍的基础上,对以上问题进行了深入的研究和探讨。 展开更多
关键词 麦基 昌都总管 沿革 机构设置
作者 王聪 张大庆 《医学与哲学》 北大核心 2023年第17期7-11,共5页
相较于公共卫生措施与医学贡献,生活水平的提高尤其是营养的改善是18、19世纪人口爆炸式增长的原因,这便是著名的“麦基翁论题”。支持者认为该命题敢于挑战既有叙述,引导学界反思经济变化、医疗发展与公共卫生之间的复杂关系。而反对... 相较于公共卫生措施与医学贡献,生活水平的提高尤其是营养的改善是18、19世纪人口爆炸式增长的原因,这便是著名的“麦基翁论题”。支持者认为该命题敢于挑战既有叙述,引导学界反思经济变化、医疗发展与公共卫生之间的复杂关系。而反对者则强调其论证薄弱,忽略了公共卫生机构的工作,是20世纪70年代医学批评与政治倾向下的产物。其实,对麦基翁论题的解读不能忽视农业社会到工业社会转变的时代背景,警惕由时代错置引起的误读,这对理解公共卫生、医学贡献与生活水平的互动关系有重要的现实意义与学术价值。 展开更多
关键词 麦基翁论题 死亡率 结核病 生活水平 公共卫生
作者 马春雷 《晋阳学刊》 CSSCI 2019年第5期76-83,共8页
如何更好地理解同情对于休谟道德哲学的意义,及其对学界的影响具有重要的理论和实践意义。以同情为原点审视休谟、麦基与斯洛特的道德哲学,并结合休谟的同情理念对其各自的影响,我们可以发现:同情在休谟、麦基与斯洛特道德哲学中具有基... 如何更好地理解同情对于休谟道德哲学的意义,及其对学界的影响具有重要的理论和实践意义。以同情为原点审视休谟、麦基与斯洛特的道德哲学,并结合休谟的同情理念对其各自的影响,我们可以发现:同情在休谟、麦基与斯洛特道德哲学中具有基础性的核心地位;麦基的道德哲学承继了休谟的灵魂,提出怪异性论证否定客观价值,为后果论进行辩护,进行了规范伦理的建构;斯洛特的道德哲学遵循了同情的基本内涵,突破了休谟对同情与道德评价的关联认识,发展了新的元伦理框架,为义务论展开辩护,进行规范伦理的探求。 展开更多
关键词 休谟 道德同情 麦基 斯洛特 影响
作者 窦强 《建筑创作》 2003年第10期18-18,共1页
关键词 弗兰克·盖里 田园风光 建筑语言 建筑设计 麦基癌症护理中心
作者 翁雨波 《中国船检》 2019年第11期54-57,共4页
麦基嘉公司(MacGregor)是目前全球最大的船用机电设备制造企业,其以舱口盖业务起家,通过不断并购重组,拓宽产品品牌及产品系列,成为当前最大的甲板机械制造商。目前,我国船舶配套企业仍面临优势企业少、产品市场竞争力有限等问题,麦基... 麦基嘉公司(MacGregor)是目前全球最大的船用机电设备制造企业,其以舱口盖业务起家,通过不断并购重组,拓宽产品品牌及产品系列,成为当前最大的甲板机械制造商。目前,我国船舶配套企业仍面临优势企业少、产品市场竞争力有限等问题,麦基嘉跃进式的成长历程对国内配套企业发展具有较大借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 产品市场竞争力 机械制造商 并购重组 跃进式 船舶配套企业 模式启示 麦基 成长历程
作者 尚正强 《中国汽车维修市场》 2002年第15期10-13,共4页
关键词 “星徽”服务 德国 梅塞德斯-奔驰中国有限公司 麦基 人物访谈
作者 张汉静 马春雷 《贵州社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期10-15,共6页
约翰·L·麦基承续了休谟的道德怀疑主义精神,在元伦理学的视域中以事实分析的方法为基础,试图通过相对性论证、怪异性论证,以及投射主义的解释对客观道德价值的存在进行否定。约翰·L·麦基的元伦理学探索产生了深刻... 约翰·L·麦基承续了休谟的道德怀疑主义精神,在元伦理学的视域中以事实分析的方法为基础,试图通过相对性论证、怪异性论证,以及投射主义的解释对客观道德价值的存在进行否定。约翰·L·麦基的元伦理学探索产生了深刻的影响,为深入地理解元伦理学既往的探求、尔后的发展呈现出一条清晰可辨的路径。 展开更多
关键词 约翰·L·麦基 道德怀疑主义 元伦理学 道德价值 道德规范
作者 李剑 《哲学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第7期43-44,共2页
要是有人问,为何服食鸦片会致人昏睡,仅仅回答说这是因为鸦片本身具有致人昏睡的倾向性,是非常不够的。许多哲学家认为,必须存在与倾向性不同的东西,来因果地解释该倾向性的显现(themanifestation of the disposition);
关键词 麦基特里克 单纯倾向性 形而上学 “因果基础”
凝聚与涣散:《多彻迪》中苏格兰工人的共同体信念 被引量:1
作者 吕洪灵 《外语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期96-100,共5页
在上世纪70年代的苏格兰,以威廉·麦基尔文尼的《多彻迪》为代表的创作既继承了苏格兰文艺复兴中对民族精神的在意,也率先将创作的笔触对准了苏格兰城市工人的生活,描写了他们的共同体想象在劳资矛盾深化的资本社会发生的变化。论... 在上世纪70年代的苏格兰,以威廉·麦基尔文尼的《多彻迪》为代表的创作既继承了苏格兰文艺复兴中对民族精神的在意,也率先将创作的笔触对准了苏格兰城市工人的生活,描写了他们的共同体想象在劳资矛盾深化的资本社会发生的变化。论文基于对《多彻迪》中家庭关系、宗教选择、工友行为等方面的分析指出,小说立足于家庭共同体关系的演变,通过普通矿工家庭的经历而非激烈的劳资矛盾来展现苏格兰工人的集体记忆与社会现实,探析了工人的共同体信念在现代社会的凝聚与涣散。它对于20世纪初期苏格兰工人的刻画亦是对70年代工人状况的追溯性反思,预言了苏格兰工人共同体信念在当代社会的失落。 展开更多
关键词 多彻迪 威廉·麦基尔文尼 苏格兰工人 共同体信念
NBA的反垄断豁免探析 被引量:4
作者 王伟臣 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期84-87,共4页
对NBA的反垄断豁免进行介绍和评价。NBA的反垄断豁免主要包括转播豁免和劳资豁免。转播豁免仅仅适用于免费电视领域,各个球队的单独转播权并不受转播豁免的限制。NBA的劳资协议中存在很多限制竞争的规定,但可以凭借劳资豁免规避反垄断... 对NBA的反垄断豁免进行介绍和评价。NBA的反垄断豁免主要包括转播豁免和劳资豁免。转播豁免仅仅适用于免费电视领域,各个球队的单独转播权并不受转播豁免的限制。NBA的劳资协议中存在很多限制竞争的规定,但可以凭借劳资豁免规避反垄断法的适用。 展开更多
关键词 体育法学 美国篮球协会 反垄断豁免 转播豁免 劳资豁免 麦基标准
Primary Identification of Alien Chromatin in T911289,a Maintainer of Wheat Male Sterile Line with Cytoplasm of Aegilops kotschyi 被引量:3
作者 刘保申 李大勇 +4 位作者 张学勇 高庆荣 孙兰珍 孙其信 董树亭 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第6期724-730,共7页
The genomic composition of 1911289, a wheat ( Tritium aestivum L.) maintainer of K-CMS, was examined by several methods, such as genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), biochemical marking, and DNA molecular marking. Th... The genomic composition of 1911289, a wheat ( Tritium aestivum L.) maintainer of K-CMS, was examined by several methods, such as genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), biochemical marking, and DNA molecular marking. The results got by GISH and PCR amplification of dispersed rye-specific repetitive DNA sequence suggested that the alien chromatin in T911289 derived from rye. Specifically PCR amplification of the rye-specific microsatellite primers (SCM9) and seed storage protein analysis indicated that the alien chromatin in T911289 had developed from the short arm of 1R chromosome of rye (1RS). PCR amplification by using microsatellite primers locating on 1BS and seed storage protein analysis also revealed that 1911289 had lost the arm of 1BS or a small distal segment of it. We conclude that T911289 is a heterogeneous population which displays two distinct different types of translocation, i.e. the Robertsonian translocation and small segment translocation. The Robertsonian translocation type observed in our study is different from the 1BL/1RS translocation which is widely used in wheat production; it may be a novel and complex translocation form. Though the linkage between the desirable agronomic traits and the deleterious genes expressed as sticky dough has not got broken in T911289, the recovery of small segment translocation will still benefit the genetic study of wheat and rye. 展开更多
关键词 Triticum aestivum Secale cereale genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) biochemical marking DNA molecular marking
Isolation and Characterization of Mlo and NBS-LRR-like Gene Sequences in Wheat 被引量:5
作者 李爱丽 孔秀英 +2 位作者 周荣华 马峙英 贾继增 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第4期472-478,共7页
Based on both cDNA sequence of barley powdery mildew resistance control element Mlo and DNA sequence of the known putative disease resistance gene from Triticum monococcum L., we designed some primers to amplify resis... Based on both cDNA sequence of barley powdery mildew resistance control element Mlo and DNA sequence of the known putative disease resistance gene from Triticum monococcum L., we designed some primers to amplify resistant homologous sequences in the near isogenic lines (NILs) of powdery mildew resistance using RT-PCR method. Two expressed cDNA fragments were isolated from wheat genome. One showed 83% homology to the Mlo gene of barley. The other contained two possible open reading frames (ORFs). NBS conservative domains 2, 3 of disease resistance gene and 13 LRR structures similar to rice Pib protein terminal were found respectively in the two ORFs. It indicated that the latter fragment belongs to NBS-LRR-like genes. The obvious difference of RT-PCR products was observed between the before challenged and the challenged for 72 h by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, which, implied that this sequence could be associated with disease resistance of wheat. Using nulli-tetrasomic lines of 'Chinese Spring', the NBS-LRR-like gene had been located on chromosome 1D. 展开更多
关键词 MLO NBS-LRR cDNA cloning NIL RGA
Identification of Wheat-Barley 2H Alien Substitution Lines 被引量:6
作者 原亚萍 陈孝 +2 位作者 肖世和 A.K.M.R.ISLAM 辛志勇 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第9期1096-1102,共7页
The genetic constitution of fifteen materials derived from the cross wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. 'Chinese Spring') X barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. 'Betzes') was analyzed, and six disomic alien sub... The genetic constitution of fifteen materials derived from the cross wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. 'Chinese Spring') X barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. 'Betzes') was analyzed, and six disomic alien substitution lines were screened by GISH. The chromosome configurations in pollen mother cells at meiotic metaphase I (PMCs M I) of F, from each disomic substitution line respectively crossed with double ditelocentric lines 2A, 2B and 2D of 'Chinese Spring' were observed, and a set of wheat-barley disomic alien substitution lines 2H(A), 2H(B) and 2H(D) were obtained. The RFLP analysis with the probe psr131 on the short arm of wheat homeologous group 2 combining with four restriction enzymes were carried out. The results indicated that the probe psr131 could be used as molecular marker to tag the barley chromosome 2H. The barley chromosome 2H had good genetic compensation ability for wheat chromosomes 2B and 2D in vitality and other agronomic characters. The result of testing seed was that the wheat appearance starch quality had been changed from the half-farinaceous of 'Chinese Spring' to the half-cutin of substitution lines by transferring the barley chromosome 2H to wheat. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT BARLEY substitution line genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) RFLP
Construction and Characterization of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library for Triticum boeoticum 被引量:5
作者 陈凡国 张学勇 +1 位作者 夏光敏 贾继增 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第4期451-456,共6页
A bacterial artificial chromosome library has been constructed for Triticum boeoticum Boiss (A bA b) using the bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vector pECBAC1. The library consists of about 170 000 clones. A ... A bacterial artificial chromosome library has been constructed for Triticum boeoticum Boiss (A bA b) using the bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vector pECBAC1. The library consists of about 170 000 clones. A random sampling analysis of 200 BAC clones indicates that the average insert size is 104 kb. Based on the genome size of T. boeoticum, the library is about three times as large as T. boeoticum haploid genome (5 600 Mb). Screening the BAC library with cpDNA sequence psbA gene and mtDNA sequence atp6 gene as probe shows that contamination of the library with chloroplast and mitochondrial clones is less than 1%. The library will be a useful platform in gene clone and genomic research of wheat. 展开更多
关键词 Triticum boeoticum BAC library GENOME
Effects of Four Culture Media on Callus Induction Rate of Wheat Anther 被引量:2
作者 杨雪 王丁 +5 位作者 刘春雷 张丽琴 王世杰 常慧萍 邢文会 韩鸿鹏 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第12期2686-2688,共3页
Effects of four culture media including MS, N6, C17 and K on wheat anther callus induction in vitro culture were studied. The results showed that the callus in- duction rate of four kinds of culture medium was in the ... Effects of four culture media including MS, N6, C17 and K on wheat anther callus induction in vitro culture were studied. The results showed that the callus in- duction rate of four kinds of culture medium was in the order of K〉C17〉N6〉MS. 展开更多
关键词 Culture medium Wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) anther CALLUS Induc-tion rate
Degradation of PBS-Based Copolymers and Impacts on the Growth of Winter Wheat 被引量:1
作者 张敏 邢永雷 +2 位作者 苏康宇 马永清 宋吉青 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第9期1362-1366,1387,共6页
[Objective] The degradation properties of PBS-based copolymers and impacts on the growth of winter wheat were studied.[Method] Seeds of winter wheat were sown and cultivated in soil,and mixed with equal amounts of PBS... [Objective] The degradation properties of PBS-based copolymers and impacts on the growth of winter wheat were studied.[Method] Seeds of winter wheat were sown and cultivated in soil,and mixed with equal amounts of PBS,PBS-co-HS and PBS-co-BA,to investigate the degradation of polymers in soil and effects of the degradation intermediates and degradation products on seed germination and the growth of winter wheat during the continuous process of degradation.[Result] The results showed that the copolymers had better biodegradation properties than PBS in Lou Soil in Shaanxi Province under the same condition;polymer treatments had not affected the germination percentage and plant height of the winter wheat but contributed to the improvement of plant biomass.[Conclusion] These results suggested that the degradation and degradation products of PBS,PBS-co-HS and PBS-co-BA had not affected the growth of plants in soil environment for temporary. 展开更多
关键词 Winter wheat DEGRADATION PBS-based copolymer
Differentiation of Barley Genotypes with High Phosphorus Efficiency under Low Phosphorus Stress 被引量:2
作者 杨涛 何金宝 +3 位作者 曾亚文 普晓英 杨树明 杜娟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第11期1615-1619,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate differences in phosphorus effi-ciency between two-rowed barley and multiple-rowed barley and differences in phos-phorus efficiency among various agronomic traits, and to exp... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate differences in phosphorus effi-ciency between two-rowed barley and multiple-rowed barley and differences in phos-phorus efficiency among various agronomic traits, and to explore the relationship be-tween agronomic traits and row type with phosphorus efficiency. [Method] Under available phosphorus mass fractions of 1.32 and 36.6 mg/kg, 172 barley varieties, including 79 two-rowed foreign barley, 22 multiple-rowed foreign barley, 58 two-rowed Chinese barley and 13 multiple-rowed Chinese barley, were selected to com-pare differences in phosphorus efficiency-related agronomic traits. Plant height, spike length, number of unfil ed grains, number of unfil ed grains, main panicle weight, to-tal panicle weight, total stem weight, weight of aerial part and heading stage were surveyed for statistical analysis. [Result] The results showed that, various agronomic traits were larger under fertilization condition than under non-fertilization condition ex-cept number of unfil ed grains and heading stage. Plant high, spike length, weight of aerial part and heading stage varied greatly under non-fertilization condition; number of fil ed grains, number of unfil ed grains and total stem weight varied greatly under fertilization condition. In two-rowed barley, plant height and number of fil ed grains of Chinese varieties were higher than those of foreign varieties, while other agronomic traits such as spike length, number of unfil ed grains, main panicle weight, total panicle weight, total stem weight, weight of aerial part and heading stage of foreign varieties were higher than those of Chinese varieties. Spike length and weight of aerial part in multiple-rowed and two-rowed foreign barley were higher than those in Chinese barley. In multiple-rowed barley, plant height, number of unfil ed grains, total panicle weight and total stem weight of foreign varieties were higher under non-fer-tilization condition and lower under fertilization condition compared with those of Chi-nese varieties; number of fil ed grains, main panicle weight and heading stage of foreign varieties were lower under non-fertilization condition and higher under fertil-ization condition compared with those of Chinese varieties. [Conclusion] Heading stage, number of fil ed grains, number of unfil ed grains and total stem weight are more sensitive to phosphorus efficiency. Multiple-rowed barley is more sensitive to phosphorus efficiency than two-rowed barley. 展开更多
关键词 Low phosphorus stress BARLEY High phosphorus efficiency GENOTYPE Agronomic traits
电针结合热敏灸治疗神经根型颈椎病临床研究 被引量:8
作者 邱建文 焦建凯 +1 位作者 麦少云 刘映霞 《新中医》 CAS 2012年第12期101-102,共2页
目的:观察电针结合热敏灸治疗神经根型颈椎病(CSR)的临床疗效。方法:将92例CSR患者随机分为对照组和治疗组各46例。2组均采用电针治疗,取风池、肩中俞、曲池、手三里、外关、后溪及颈夹脊穴,每天1次,每次20min;治疗组结合热敏灸,每天1次... 目的:观察电针结合热敏灸治疗神经根型颈椎病(CSR)的临床疗效。方法:将92例CSR患者随机分为对照组和治疗组各46例。2组均采用电针治疗,取风池、肩中俞、曲池、手三里、外关、后溪及颈夹脊穴,每天1次,每次20min;治疗组结合热敏灸,每天1次,每次40min,共12次;对照组结合普通温和灸灸法,疗程同治疗组。观察麦基尔疼痛量表-简表及症状、体征和功能状态的临床评分表。结果:治疗后治疗组疼痛分级指数(PR)I、视觉模拟评定法(VAS)和现有疼痛强度(PP)I评分及总分均较对照组明显降低,治疗组20分法量表评分较对照组明显升高(P<0.01);总有效率治疗组93.47%,对照组73.91%,2组比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论:热敏灸能明显改善CSR患者的临床症状,提高临床疗效。 展开更多
关键词 神经根型颈椎病(CSR) 热敏灸 电针 麦基尔疼痛量表-简表 20分法量表
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