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作者 聂川朔 《实用中医内科杂志》 2016年第9期38-40,共3页
[目的]观察麻旋二虫饮治疗睡前咳嗽疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将84例门诊患者按就诊顺序号方法简单随机分两组。对照组42例阿西莫林,40mg/d,分4次口服。治疗组42例麻旋二虫饮(麻黄、苏叶、蝉蜕、桔梗、甘草各10g,杏仁12g,僵蚕... [目的]观察麻旋二虫饮治疗睡前咳嗽疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将84例门诊患者按就诊顺序号方法简单随机分两组。对照组42例阿西莫林,40mg/d,分4次口服。治疗组42例麻旋二虫饮(麻黄、苏叶、蝉蜕、桔梗、甘草各10g,杏仁12g,僵蚕、地龙、白芍各15g;舌苔黄并厚腻加生石膏、鱼腥草、黄芩;夜晚咳嗽严重加当归、远志、茯神;舌苔黄厚并流黄色鼻涕加藿香、黄连;胃脘胀满加砂仁、木香),1剂/d,水煎400~600m L,早晚口服。连续治疗1周为1疗程。观测临床症状、满意度、不良反应。连续治疗2疗程,判定疗效。[结果]临床疗效、满意度治疗组优于对照组(P〈0.05)。不良反应发生率两组间无明显差异(P〉0.05)。[结论]麻旋二虫饮治疗睡前咳嗽,疗效满意,无严重不良反应,值得推广。 展开更多
关键词 睡前咳嗽 旋二 满意度 阿西莫林 中医药治疗 随机平行对照研究
作者 孔月梅 《现代中医药》 CAS 1989年第4期20-21,共2页
虫类药在临床上的应用,颇受古今医家重视,并积累了不少的宝贵经验。汉代张仲景就善于使用水蛭、虻虫、(麻虫)虫、鼠妇等虫类药治病;清代叶天士善于运用该类药治疗慢性、顽固性疾病,其经验有独特之处。笔者在继承学习前人理论和经验的基... 虫类药在临床上的应用,颇受古今医家重视,并积累了不少的宝贵经验。汉代张仲景就善于使用水蛭、虻虫、(麻虫)虫、鼠妇等虫类药治病;清代叶天士善于运用该类药治疗慢性、顽固性疾病,其经验有独特之处。笔者在继承学习前人理论和经验的基础上,也运用此类药制品治疗了一些常见病、多发病。获得良效,今不揣浅陋,将一得之见飨于读者。一、医案两则 (一)通窍活血汤加虫类药治愈外伤性头面剧痛。患者王某,男,31岁,农民,患者于20天前,上山打柴,不慎失足从高处跌下,伤及头部,遂感头痛,次日晨起。 展开更多
关键词 类药 临床应用体会 汉代张仲景 不揣浅陋 通窍活血汤 顽固性疾病 前人理论 清代叶天士 麻虫
作者 吴宗华 《福建农业》 1994年第9期20-20,共1页
关键词 栽培技术 水旱轮作 本地种 稻草覆盖 种植面积 催芽肥 麻虫
作者 洪若豪 《花卉》 1999年第4期17-17,共1页
关键词 兰花 介壳 紫牡蛎介壳 片介壳 防除
新疆天山以北发现爬行动物虫纹麻蜥 被引量:2
作者 刘金龙 原秀云 +3 位作者 周天和 李大江 Tatjana N.Dujsebayeva 郭宪光 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期423-427,共5页
2013年6月,在新疆维吾尔自治区精河县两栖爬行动物多样性调察中,采集到麻蜥属(Eremias)标本20余号,经鉴定其中4号为虫纹麻蜥(E.vermiculata),为该种在新疆维吾尔自治区天山以北地区的首次发现,增加了其在国内的分布点。此发现能为研究... 2013年6月,在新疆维吾尔自治区精河县两栖爬行动物多样性调察中,采集到麻蜥属(Eremias)标本20余号,经鉴定其中4号为虫纹麻蜥(E.vermiculata),为该种在新疆维吾尔自治区天山以北地区的首次发现,增加了其在国内的分布点。此发现能为研究虫纹麻蜥的地理分布和生物地理格局提供基础资料。 展开更多
关键词 新纪录 新疆 天山
麻疯树萜醇Ⅰ的杀虫活性及其对菜粉蝶幼虫PKC活性的影响 被引量:6
作者 李莉 李文庆 +2 位作者 卢代华 陈放 李静 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1402-1406,共5页
研究了麻疯树萜醇Ⅰ对菜粉蝶幼虫的杀虫活性,并利用荧光标记多肽的非同位素检测方法首次检测了取食麻疯树萜醇Ⅰ对菜粉蝶幼虫中肠细胞内蛋白激酶C(PKC)活性的影响.结果显示:麻疯树萜醇Ⅰ对莱粉蝶幼虫无触杀活性,而具有明显的胃毒作用,... 研究了麻疯树萜醇Ⅰ对菜粉蝶幼虫的杀虫活性,并利用荧光标记多肽的非同位素检测方法首次检测了取食麻疯树萜醇Ⅰ对菜粉蝶幼虫中肠细胞内蛋白激酶C(PKC)活性的影响.结果显示:麻疯树萜醇Ⅰ对莱粉蝶幼虫无触杀活性,而具有明显的胃毒作用,处理后48h、72h和120h的LC_(50)分别为1.2753,0.8318和0.3991mg/mL.菜粉蝶幼虫对处理叶片的取食量显著少于对照组,24h和48h的拒食中浓度(AFC_(50))分别为0.3789mg/mL和0.5706mg/mL.取食麻疯树萜醇Ⅰ后,菜粉蝶幼虫体重增长显著被抑制.麻疯树萜醇Ⅰ对菜粉蝶幼虫中肠细胞内的PKC具有显著地激活作用,处理后PKC的活性逐渐上升,12h时活性为对照组的4.21倍.麻疯树萜醇Ⅰ对菜粉蝶幼虫中肠细胞PKC的激活从而导致的蛋白质磷酸化作用可能是其杀虫作用的重要机理. 展开更多
关键词 疯树萜醇Ⅰ杀活性 蛋白激酶C 菜粉蝶幼
作者 李从明 《现代中医药》 CAS 1989年第6期43-45,共3页
洒洒(xiǎn~):寒慓貌。《草部·常山〔主治〕》:“疗鬼蛊往来,水肿,~~恶寒,鼠瘘。”洗洗(xiǎn~):(一)①寒慓貌。《草部·女宛》:“〔主治〕风寒~~,霍乱泄痢,肠鸣上下无常处,惊痫寒热百疾。”②寒凉感。形容因寒盛而自觉... 洒洒(xiǎn~):寒慓貌。《草部·常山〔主治〕》:“疗鬼蛊往来,水肿,~~恶寒,鼠瘘。”洗洗(xiǎn~):(一)①寒慓貌。《草部·女宛》:“〔主治〕风寒~~,霍乱泄痢,肠鸣上下无常处,惊痫寒热百疾。”②寒凉感。形容因寒盛而自觉有冷气从骨节间向外渗透。《石部·慈石》:“〔主治〕周痹风湿,肢节中痛,不可持物,~~酸痟。”(《简明中医字典》208页释该句之“洗洗”为“酸削貌”)③寒热错杂并现貌。《虫部·(麻虫)虫》:“〔主治〕心腹寒热~~,血积(麻虫)瘕,破坚,下血闭……”洗:寒冷的样子。(二)④清晰貌。此处形容肌肤肿甚。 展开更多
关键词 寒热错杂 麻虫 周痹 鼠瘘 肢节 寒凉 血闭 外渗透 泄痢 伏翼
Russet Sparrows spot alien chicks from their nests 被引量:1
作者 Juan Huo Canchao Yang +2 位作者 Tongping Su Wei Liang Anders Pape Moller 《Avian Research》 CSCD 2018年第2期150-156,共7页
Background: In coevolutionary interactions between brood parasites and their hosts, host parents are under strong selection to evolve defenses against parasitism. Egg rejection is an efficient and common defense agai... Background: In coevolutionary interactions between brood parasites and their hosts, host parents are under strong selection to evolve defenses against parasitism. Egg rejection is an efficient and common defense against parasitism, although some apparently suitable hosts do not reject cuckoo eggs.Methods: Sparrows Ploceidae are widespread throughout the Old World, and they have a suitable diet for rearing cuckoos, but still they are rarely exploited by brood parasites. To solve such puzzle, we conducted artificial parasitism and cross-fostering experiments in Russet Sparrow (Posset cinnomomeus).Results: The present study showed that Russet Sparrows have no egg recognition ability, but recognize their own nestlings and eject alien chicks or starve them to death. They may use visual cues in chick recognition, although they accept sister species Tree Sparrow (Posset montonus).Conclusions: By rejecting nestlings of foreign species, Russet Sparrows have succeeded to escape from the brood parasitism by cuckoos and other parasites. Our studies shed light on the puzzle why some species are not utilized by cuckoo parasites as hosts, 展开更多
关键词 Chick recognition Coevolution CROSS-FOSTERING Egg recognition Posset cinnamomeus
Survey on Parasites in Sparrows of Amol (Mazandaran Province, Iran)
作者 Sina Faghihzadeh Gorji Bahareh Shemshadi +3 位作者 Hamid Habibi Sattar Jalali Masoud Davary Mohammadreza Sepehri 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第7期783-785,共3页
In order to survey on sparrows parasites (Passer domesticus), 100 samples were collected from the citrus gardens of Amol's City. The surface of their body checked for presence of ectoparasites. The blood samples to... In order to survey on sparrows parasites (Passer domesticus), 100 samples were collected from the citrus gardens of Amol's City. The surface of their body checked for presence of ectoparasites. The blood samples took from their wings for blood parasites. At the laboratory, the body of sparrows opened and the gastrointestinal checked for endoparasites. The intestine opened and scratched carefully to find worms. Worms kept in alcohol-glycerin (10%). Eggs & oocysts of the parasites checked, by fecal floatation test. The result shows that the infection with Railletina is 1%, Ascaridia galli (2%), Heterakis gallinarum (4%), eggs of A. galli (5%), oocyst of Eimeri (28%), Dermanyssus gallinae (1%). 11% of the sparrows infected with Plasmodium in their bloods. 展开更多
关键词 Parasites infection SPARROW Iran.
Effect of Altering Linoleic Acid and Linolenic Acid Dietary Ratios on the Performance and Tissue Fatty Acid Profiles of Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man 1879) Post Larvae 被引量:11
作者 A. M. A. S. Goda M. M. Habashy +5 位作者 M. A. Hanafy R. A. Mohamed H. A. Mabrouk T. M. El-Afifi S. A.Nada K. A. Mohamed 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第7期1032-1044,共13页
A 90-day experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different dietary linoleic acid (LA; 18:2n-6) and linolenic acid ratios (LNA; 18:3n-3) on growth induces, feed utilization and tissue fatty acid pr... A 90-day experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different dietary linoleic acid (LA; 18:2n-6) and linolenic acid ratios (LNA; 18:3n-3) on growth induces, feed utilization and tissue fatty acid profile of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae (PL). The experiment was conducted in cubic indoor fiberglass tanks, each holding 700 L in triplicate. Post-larvae with an average weight of 20.8 ± 0.20 mg were stocked at 80 PL m2. Five experimental isocaloric (15.06 MJ kgl digestible energy), and isonitrogenous (30.45% digestible protein) diets were formulated by blending of soybean oil and linseed oil to containing five dietary LA/LNA ratios (7.80, 2.75, 1.28, 0.65 and 0.30). The highest survival values were recorded for prawn PL fed diet containing 0.65 LA/LAN ratios. Growth indices of PL significantly increased (P 〈 0.05) with decreased dietary LA/LAN ratios to 0.65. The same trend was observed for the highest (P ≤ 0.05) protein efficiency ratio, protein productive value, fat retention, energy retention and best feed conversion ratio. The total whole tissue polyunsaturated fatty acid composition of M. rosenbergii PL was dominated by LA followed by LAN. Post larvae fed the diets containing higher LA/LNA ratios showed a higher tissue LA/LNA ratio. The obtained findings revealed that fatty acid patterns ofM. rosenbergii PL were influenced by fatty acid profiles of diets. The diet containing 0.65 LA/LNA ratio is recommended to obtaining optimum growth performance and feed utilization for M. rosenbergii PL. 展开更多
关键词 Fatty acids linoleic linolenic Macrobrachium rosenbergii dietary ratio.
The New Pest Scatella tenuicosta Collin (Diptera: Ephydridae) for Spirulina Ponds
作者 G. Aydin O. Isik +3 位作者 L. Hizarci Y. Bulut H. Oguz M. Koksal 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第5期83-86,共4页
The goal of this study was to discover Scatella tenuicosta Collin (Diptera: Ephydridae) for the first time as a pest on blue-green algae Spirulina platensis. This algae has been recognized as a very important comme... The goal of this study was to discover Scatella tenuicosta Collin (Diptera: Ephydridae) for the first time as a pest on blue-green algae Spirulina platensis. This algae has been recognized as a very important commercial product in the world today and as one of the most promising ones among the other microscopic algae due to its richness in polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and in pigments including phycocyanin, myxoxanthophyll and zeaxanthin. Both immature and adult development stages ofS. tenuicosta have been studied under the temperature of 15±2℃. The development times for eggs, larval stages, including first, second, and third one, and for pupae as well as for adults were found to be 1.4, 1.0, 1.1, 1.1, 3.0 and 8.7 respectively. Some pest control practices ofS. tenuicosta on S. platensis have been also examined in this study. 展开更多
关键词 EPHYDRIDAE CONTROL blue-green algae Spirulinaplatensis.
Optimum Insecticide Doses Determination of Seed Oil of Three Botanicals Jatropha Curcas L., Helianthus Annus L. and Cocos Nucifera L. against Maize Weevil Sitophilus Zeamais Mots.
作者 Rachael Folake Ogunleye Mary Omofolarin Ogunkoya Francis Olawale Abulude 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第4期298-301,共4页
The insecticidal effect of four dosage rates of three botanicals namely Jatropha curcas, Heliathus annus and Cocos nucifera was tested on the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais Mots.. This is done for the purpose of find... The insecticidal effect of four dosage rates of three botanicals namely Jatropha curcas, Heliathus annus and Cocos nucifera was tested on the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais Mots.. This is done for the purpose of finding a replacement for conventional insecticides which has been found to be harmful to man. The seed oil was applied topically at the rate of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 mL per insect. There were a total of 20 insects per Petri-dish. There were four replicates per treatment. Insect mortality was recorded on 12 hourly basis for 48 hours. The results of insects treated with all dosage rates of C. nucifera showed a significantly higher mortality when compared with the control. In the case ofH. annus, insect mortality ranged from 40-100, 70-100, 60-100 and 80-100% and for J. curcas the result ranged from 0.0-100, 40-100, 80-100 and 80-100% for rates of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 mL, respectively, from 12 hrs to 48 hrs post application. The control experiment remained at 0% level throughout the period of the experiments. 展开更多
关键词 Seed oil botanicals insecticides Sitophilus zeamais.
作者 卢晓风 杨星勇 +2 位作者 程惊秋 裴炎 蒋书楠 《Entomologia Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第1期41-50,共10页
Three fibrinolytic proteases, which were designated as BPGFP1, BPGFP2 and BPGFP3 individually, were purified from the gut extract of larvae of Boettcherisca peregrina fed on artificial diet containing fibrin rich... Three fibrinolytic proteases, which were designated as BPGFP1, BPGFP2 and BPGFP3 individually, were purified from the gut extract of larvae of Boettcherisca peregrina fed on artificial diet containing fibrin rich pig blood coagulated block. BPGFP1 consists of two subunits with MW 32 000 and 30 000. Both BPGFP2 and BPGFP3 are monomer with MW 40 000 and 28 000, respectively. These three proteases are similar in substrate and inhibitor specificity. All of them possess high activities against fibrinolytic protease specific substrates such as fibrin, Chromzym P, Chromzym UK and S 2288. They also strongly hydrolyze trypsin specific substrates Bz Phe Val Arg NA, cBz Gly Pro Arg NA, Bz Pro Phe Arg NA and Bz Val Gly Arg NA. PMSF, STI, LBTI and SBBI can inhibit activity of these proteases. Activities of these three fibrinolytic proteases were found to be maximal at alkaline range of pH 9.0~10.0. 展开更多
关键词 Boettcherisca peregrina fibrinolytic protease PURIFICATION CHARACTERIZATION
Developmental changes in hemolymph ecdysteroid level and prothoracicotropic hormone activity during the fifth larval instar of the Eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini
Developmental changes in hemolymph ecdysteroid level, ecdysteroid synthesis by prothoracic glands (PGs) in vitro, prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) activity in brain extracts, and PTTH activity in the hemolymph we... Developmental changes in hemolymph ecdysteroid level, ecdysteroid synthesis by prothoracic glands (PGs) in vitro, prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) activity in brain extracts, and PTTH activity in the hemolymph were measured during the fifth larval instar of the Eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini. The changing patterns of hemolymph ecdysteroid level and ecdysteroid synthesis by laGs in vitro are similar to each other, with maximums on day 9. However, on this day, hemolymph ecdysteroid level was substantially higher than ecdysteroid synthesis by PGs in vitro suggesting a high PTTH activity in the hemolymph on day 9. Moreover, the changing pattern of PTTH activity in brain extracts is also similar to that of PTTH activity in the hemolymph, both peaking on day 9. However, on this day, activity in brain extracts was much smaller than PTTH activity in the hemolymph implying that most PTTH synthesized by the brain is secreted to the hemolymph and the brain stores a very little amount of PTTH. This study provides unique insights onto the hormonal regulation of ecdysteroid synthesis in the Eri silkworm and is useful for our future studies on signal transduction of insect neurolaelatides. 展开更多
关键词 Samia cynthia ricini ECDYSTEROIDS prothoracic gland prothoracicotropic hormone RADIOIMMUNOASSAY
Do predator energy demands or previous exposure influence protection by aposematic coloration of prey?
作者 Petr VESELY Barbora ERNESTOVA +1 位作者 OIdrich NEDVED Roman FUCHS 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期259-267,共9页
Growing evidence exists that aposematic and toxic prey may be included in a predator's diet when the predator experiences physiological stress. The tree sparrow Passer montanus is known to have a significant portion ... Growing evidence exists that aposematic and toxic prey may be included in a predator's diet when the predator experiences physiological stress. The tree sparrow Passer montanus is known to have a significant portion of aposematic and toxic ladybirds in its natural diet. Here, we present experi- ments testing the attack and eating rate of the tree sparrow toward the invasive aposematic harle- quin ladybird Harmonia axyridis. We wondered whether the sparrow's ability to prey on native ladybirds predisposes them to also prey on harlequin ladybirds. We compared the attack and eat- ing rates of tree sparrows of particular age and/or experience classes to test for any changes during ontogeny (hand-reared x young wild-caught xadult wild-caught) and with differing perceived lev- els of physiological stress (summer adult ~ winter adult). Winter adult tree sparrows commonly at- tacked and ate the offered ladybirds with no evidence of disgust or metabolic difficulties after in- gestion. Naive and wild immature tree sparrows attacked the ladybirds but hesitated to eat them. Adult tree sparrows caught in the summer avoided attacking the ladybirds. These results suggest that tree sparrows are able to cope with chemicals ingested along with the ladybirds. This pre- adaptation enables them to include ladybirds in their diet; though they commonly do this only in times of shortage in insect availability (winter). Young sparrows showed avoidance toward the chemical protection of the ladybirds. 展开更多
关键词 chemical protection toxic prey predation visual signal warning signal.
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