秦岭作为我国南方和北方地理、气候、自然环境的天然分界线,并当作是黄土高原的南屏障。汉江上游谷地地区位于秦岭南侧,属于北亚热带气候区域,受季风气候活动影响强烈。为了探讨该地区在亚热带气候背景下,风成黄土成壤改造对气候变化的...秦岭作为我国南方和北方地理、气候、自然环境的天然分界线,并当作是黄土高原的南屏障。汉江上游谷地地区位于秦岭南侧,属于北亚热带气候区域,受季风气候活动影响强烈。为了探讨该地区在亚热带气候背景下,风成黄土成壤改造对气候变化的响应机制,通过对汉江上游谷地前坊村(QFC)剖面磁化率、烧失量、粒度、Rb/Sr等理化性质进行研究。结果表明:1末次冰期以来沙尘暴很有可能越过秦岭在其南侧堆积,黄土—古土壤剖面地层序列从上到下依次为:MS-L0-S0-Lt-L1-AD;这些沉积物完整记录了一级阶地上晚更新世气候变化信息,地层单元受到各个时期不同程度成壤强度的改造。2前坊村剖面中,理化性质在不同地层单元有显著差异。例如磁化率、烧失量、Rb/Sr指标平均含量的高值出现在古土壤层中,低值出现在黄土层;而Zr/Rb含量变化正好相反;这些理化性质表明,在古土壤发育期,水热条件进入最适宜期,沉积物的风化成壤作用显著;在黄土堆积期,气候寒冷干燥,主要以粉尘堆积为主,沉积物的风化成壤作用较弱。3秦岭南侧北亚热带汉江上游前坊村一级阶地剖面化学风化强度变化揭示了黄土—古土壤环境气候变化的规律:末次冰期以来(大约18.0~11.5 ka B.P.),气候干冷,沙尘暴频繁出现,沉积物以黄土堆积为主,成壤作用微弱,形成马兰黄土(L1);全新世早期(约11.5~8.5 ka B.P.),气候由干冷向暖湿方向转变,但主要以干冷为主,形成过渡层(Lt);在全新世大暖期(8.5~3.1 ka B.P.),气候条件达到最优阶段,水热配合较好,生物活动活跃,成壤作用十分显著,发育了古土壤S0;到了全新世晚期以来(3.1 ka B.P.)气候又由暖湿向干冷方向转变,成壤作用明显减弱,沙尘暴出现较为频繁,形成了以黄土堆积为主的全新世黄土(L0)。现代表土层(MS)是在(1.5 ka B.P.)以来气候转暖,加之人类长期农业耕作扰动,在全新世黄土L0顶部叠加而形成的。展开更多
若尔盖盆地黄土—古土壤序列较好地记录了古湖泊消失后的地表过程及演变。本文选取玛曲段黄河二级阶地欧强村剖面为研究对象,对其粒度、磁化率、总有机碳(TOC)、色度、元素等进行分析,利用光释光(OSL)方法测年断代。结果表明:(1)黄河二...若尔盖盆地黄土—古土壤序列较好地记录了古湖泊消失后的地表过程及演变。本文选取玛曲段黄河二级阶地欧强村剖面为研究对象,对其粒度、磁化率、总有机碳(TOC)、色度、元素等进行分析,利用光释光(OSL)方法测年断代。结果表明:(1)黄河二级阶地在10 ka BP前后开始接受连续的风尘堆积,发育的黄土—古土壤序列年代由下至上依次为河流相沉积物(T_(2-al),>10.0 ka)→黄土(L1,10.0—8.5 ka)→古土壤(S_(0),8.5—3.0 ka)→现代表土(L_(0)+MS,3.0—0 ka)。(2)欧强村剖面整体上处于以斜长石风化分解为主、钾长石尚未分解的初等化学风化阶段(CIA值在48.20~63.08之间),与黄土层相比,古土壤S0风化程度有所增强(CIA值60.83),但增强程度有限。(3)10 ka BP前后,若尔盖盆地气候干冷,风沙活动盛行,平缓的阶地面上开始接受持续的风尘堆积(形成黄土L1);8.5 ka BP前后,气候温湿,风沙活动明显减弱和风化成壤作用占主导,区域上形成了以黑灰色为特征的古土壤S_(0);3.0 ka BP前后,气候转为较冷干,风沙活动强烈,古土壤S0发育中断和被黄土L0所覆盖,形成了现代土壤MS。(4)若尔盖盆地黄土—古土壤序列在宏观形态、地层年代和物性参数方面与黄土高原可进行良好对比,但这些参数的绝对值和变化幅度差异显著,暗示高寒区(若尔盖盆地)这些参数的环境意义可能与季风湿润区(黄土高原)有所不同。本文可为若尔盖盆地风积物的年代学研究和环境信息的提取提供基础数据支撑。展开更多
Comparisons of red ratings (RR) with Fe_d, Fe_d/Fet, clay content, andmagnetic susceptibility (x) of two loess-paleosol sequences at Luochuan and Lingtai on China's LoessPlateau were conducted to study the possibl...Comparisons of red ratings (RR) with Fe_d, Fe_d/Fet, clay content, andmagnetic susceptibility (x) of two loess-paleosol sequences at Luochuan and Lingtai on China's LoessPlateau were conducted to study the possible relationship between RR and pedogenic degrees of thetwo loess-paleosol sequences, and to discuss whether the RR could become new paleo-climaticindicators. Results showed that the RR of the two loess-paleosol sequences had positive, highlysignificant (P < 0.01) correlations with: 1) citrate-bicarbonate-dithionite (CBD) extracted iron(Fe_d), 2) ratios of CBD extracted iron to total iron (Fe_d/Fet), 3) clay (< 2 mum), and 4) magneticsusceptibility (x). This suggested that the RR of these loess-paleosol sequences could indicatedegreesof loess weathering and pedogenesis and were potential paleo-climatic proxies. The strongcorrelations of RR to Fe_d and x also implied that during pedogenic processes, pedogenic hematite inloess and paleosols were closely related to the amount of total secondary iron oxides and pedogenicferrimagnetic minerals (predominantly maghemite).展开更多
Iron isotopic composition of the upper continental crust(UCC) is critical for understanding Fe mobilization and migration through the Earth. Because rocks exposed at Earth's surface have heterogeneous δ^(56)Fe, f...Iron isotopic composition of the upper continental crust(UCC) is critical for understanding Fe mobilization and migration through the Earth. Because rocks exposed at Earth's surface have heterogeneous δ^(56)Fe, finegrained clastic sediments can be used to estimate the average composition of UCC. In this study, we report δ^(56)Fe of loess-paleosol sequences from Yimaguan, Chinese Loess Plateau(CLP), to constrain the average Fe isotopic composition of UCC. The loess-paleosol sequences in this area formed in glacial-interglacial cycles and are characterized by varying degrees of weathering. Our data show that the loess-paleosol layers have extremely homogeneous Fe isotopic compositions with δ^(56)Fe ranging from 0.06‰ to 0.12‰, regardless of variations in the major element composition and weathering intensity. Our study indicates that since Fe isotopes are not significantly fractionated during loess deposition, the loess can be regarded as representative of UCC. It follows that the average δ^(56)Fe of UCC is 0.09‰± 0.03‰(2SD), consistent with previous estimates based on igneous rock data.展开更多
Abstract: Loess-paleosol sequences preserve records of climatic change during the Quaternary, which is important for paleoclimate study. In this study, a loess-palaeosol sequence from the Chumbur- Kosa (CK) site in...Abstract: Loess-paleosol sequences preserve records of climatic change during the Quaternary, which is important for paleoclimate study. In this study, a loess-palaeosol sequence from the Chumbur- Kosa (CK) site in the Sea of Azov region was investigated to reconstruct climatic variability during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS)11- MIS 1, using proxies of grain size (GS), magnetic susceptibility (xlf and Xfd(%)), carbonate content (CaCO3%) and soil color The results enabled formulation of a detailed description of the climatic characteristics related to each individual layer. The sequence indicates that the paleoclimate shifted progressively towards increasingly cooler, somewhat drier conditions. The CK section may thus be ideal for reconstructing climatie eondifions during the Middle and Late Pleistocene in the Sea of Azov region. However, the )Of value of paleosol $2 in the CK profile indicates different characteristics from the other paleosol layers, dilution of carbonate resulting from carbonate leaching in L2 may be the main reason for the decrease in magnetic susceptibility. Furthermore, through simple analysis part of the environmental evolution process in the Sea of Azov region and Serbia during Middle and Late Pleistocene cycles. The climate cycle expressed by Xfd(%) and Xlf variations show similar patterns, with rapidly alternating cold and warm intervals. Nevertheless, although the two areas had different climatic regimes, geographical settings, and loess source areas, both exhibited similar climate change trends since the MIS 11.展开更多
目前对含大荔人化石的地层年代认识仍存很大争议。采用黄土—古土壤序列定年法广泛调查渭河盆地东北部区域和大荔人化石点附近洛河上下游河段过去的河湖环境演变历史;在此基础上,结合产出大荔人化石的地貌沉积体特征,分析其形成时所处...目前对含大荔人化石的地层年代认识仍存很大争议。采用黄土—古土壤序列定年法广泛调查渭河盆地东北部区域和大荔人化石点附近洛河上下游河段过去的河湖环境演变历史;在此基础上,结合产出大荔人化石的地貌沉积体特征,分析其形成时所处的区域演化阶段及其中含化石的沉积层位堆积年代。结果显示,区域曾在S14、L9、L6、S2、L2和L1SS发育或堆积时期发生过数次古湖湖退或河流下切;含大荔人化石的沉积层是在区域发生于L6晚期的一次湖退后,洛河于出露至气下的古湖湖底上堆积而成的,其堆积时代与S5古土壤发育时代相当,平均年龄约0.55 Ma BP。由该研究结果推论,学界对北京猿人年龄估计的老的年龄框架可能偏年轻。展开更多
Significant uncertainties remain regarding the temporal evolution of natural vegetation during the Quaternary, and drivers of past vegetation change, on the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP). This study presents analyses ...Significant uncertainties remain regarding the temporal evolution of natural vegetation during the Quaternary, and drivers of past vegetation change, on the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP). This study presents analyses of total organic carbon isotopic composition (TOC) and n-alkane ratios (C31/C27) from the Lingtai loess-palaeosol sequence on the central CLP over the last 450 kyr. The results demonstrate that the vegetation in this region comprised a mix of C3 and C4 plants of herb and woody growth-form. C3 plants dominated for most of the last 450 kyr, but this did not lead to extensive forest. C3 woody plants were more abundant in MIS9 (S3 period) and MIS5 (S 1 period) during warm and humid climate conditions. Herbs increased in the region since 130 kyr, possibly as a result of increased aridity. On the orbital timescales, there was a reduction of C3 herbal plants in MIS 11 ($4) than in M1S 12 (L5), and in Holocene than in the last glacial period. Our isotope and n-alkane proxy records are in agreement with Artemisia pollen changes in the region, which is/was the dominant species in this area and varying due to different heat and water conditions between glacial and interglacial periods. Though the climate in MIS1 (SO) was similar to that in MIS11 (S4), a significant increase in woody plants during the Holocene suggests the impact of human activities and ecological effects of changes in fire activity.展开更多
The recently proposed global and local calibrations for the mean annual air temperature(MAT) reconstruction on the basis of 5-and 6-methyl brGDGTs have rarely been applied to the Chinese LPS yet, leaving the applicabi...The recently proposed global and local calibrations for the mean annual air temperature(MAT) reconstruction on the basis of 5-and 6-methyl brGDGTs have rarely been applied to the Chinese LPS yet, leaving the applicability of these calibrations unclear. Here, we used the improved chromatography method to analyze 198 loess-paleosol samples from the Weinan section in the southern CLP for the past 350 kyr. The 6-methyl brGDGTs comprise a major proportion of total brGDGTs, pointing to alkaline conditions for most soil samples from the Weinan LPS. The decoupled profile variation of MBT′6ME and MBT′_(5ME) suggests their response to different enviromental factors, possibly soil pH(or soil moisture) and temperature, respectively. This discrimination further corraborates that temperature and monsoonal precipitation were not in phase during the last four deglaciations on the CLP. Temperature estimates for the six calibrations tested show similar trends but remarkably differ in amplitudes. The soil moisture appears to affect the global MBT′/CBT calibration, the global MATmr calibration(a calibration based on the multiple linear regression) and the Chinese local SSM(Stepwise Selection Method) calibration, resulting in a significant underestimation of late Holocene temperature. In contrast, the dry climate has no effect on the global MBT′5ME calibration. Of the six calibrations,only the Chinese local SSM calibration and global MATmr calibration produce temperature variation amplitude over the past 350 ka that is consistent with other independent proxy data. The recently proposed local calibrations based on 5-and 6-methyl brGDGTs for North China yield the amplitude of temperature changes that is much larger than the results determined by other approaches.All the six calibrations have their own weakness in the MAT reconstruction, due partly to the inconsistency between the brGDGT distribution in the Weinan LPS and the modern soils used to establish these calibrations.展开更多
文摘秦岭作为我国南方和北方地理、气候、自然环境的天然分界线,并当作是黄土高原的南屏障。汉江上游谷地地区位于秦岭南侧,属于北亚热带气候区域,受季风气候活动影响强烈。为了探讨该地区在亚热带气候背景下,风成黄土成壤改造对气候变化的响应机制,通过对汉江上游谷地前坊村(QFC)剖面磁化率、烧失量、粒度、Rb/Sr等理化性质进行研究。结果表明:1末次冰期以来沙尘暴很有可能越过秦岭在其南侧堆积,黄土—古土壤剖面地层序列从上到下依次为:MS-L0-S0-Lt-L1-AD;这些沉积物完整记录了一级阶地上晚更新世气候变化信息,地层单元受到各个时期不同程度成壤强度的改造。2前坊村剖面中,理化性质在不同地层单元有显著差异。例如磁化率、烧失量、Rb/Sr指标平均含量的高值出现在古土壤层中,低值出现在黄土层;而Zr/Rb含量变化正好相反;这些理化性质表明,在古土壤发育期,水热条件进入最适宜期,沉积物的风化成壤作用显著;在黄土堆积期,气候寒冷干燥,主要以粉尘堆积为主,沉积物的风化成壤作用较弱。3秦岭南侧北亚热带汉江上游前坊村一级阶地剖面化学风化强度变化揭示了黄土—古土壤环境气候变化的规律:末次冰期以来(大约18.0~11.5 ka B.P.),气候干冷,沙尘暴频繁出现,沉积物以黄土堆积为主,成壤作用微弱,形成马兰黄土(L1);全新世早期(约11.5~8.5 ka B.P.),气候由干冷向暖湿方向转变,但主要以干冷为主,形成过渡层(Lt);在全新世大暖期(8.5~3.1 ka B.P.),气候条件达到最优阶段,水热配合较好,生物活动活跃,成壤作用十分显著,发育了古土壤S0;到了全新世晚期以来(3.1 ka B.P.)气候又由暖湿向干冷方向转变,成壤作用明显减弱,沙尘暴出现较为频繁,形成了以黄土堆积为主的全新世黄土(L0)。现代表土层(MS)是在(1.5 ka B.P.)以来气候转暖,加之人类长期农业耕作扰动,在全新世黄土L0顶部叠加而形成的。
文摘若尔盖盆地黄土—古土壤序列较好地记录了古湖泊消失后的地表过程及演变。本文选取玛曲段黄河二级阶地欧强村剖面为研究对象,对其粒度、磁化率、总有机碳(TOC)、色度、元素等进行分析,利用光释光(OSL)方法测年断代。结果表明:(1)黄河二级阶地在10 ka BP前后开始接受连续的风尘堆积,发育的黄土—古土壤序列年代由下至上依次为河流相沉积物(T_(2-al),>10.0 ka)→黄土(L1,10.0—8.5 ka)→古土壤(S_(0),8.5—3.0 ka)→现代表土(L_(0)+MS,3.0—0 ka)。(2)欧强村剖面整体上处于以斜长石风化分解为主、钾长石尚未分解的初等化学风化阶段(CIA值在48.20~63.08之间),与黄土层相比,古土壤S0风化程度有所增强(CIA值60.83),但增强程度有限。(3)10 ka BP前后,若尔盖盆地气候干冷,风沙活动盛行,平缓的阶地面上开始接受持续的风尘堆积(形成黄土L1);8.5 ka BP前后,气候温湿,风沙活动明显减弱和风化成壤作用占主导,区域上形成了以黑灰色为特征的古土壤S_(0);3.0 ka BP前后,气候转为较冷干,风沙活动强烈,古土壤S0发育中断和被黄土L0所覆盖,形成了现代土壤MS。(4)若尔盖盆地黄土—古土壤序列在宏观形态、地层年代和物性参数方面与黄土高原可进行良好对比,但这些参数的绝对值和变化幅度差异显著,暗示高寒区(若尔盖盆地)这些参数的环境意义可能与季风湿润区(黄土高原)有所不同。本文可为若尔盖盆地风积物的年代学研究和环境信息的提取提供基础数据支撑。
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40101013) the Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scholars Fund of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 2003-1-7).
文摘Comparisons of red ratings (RR) with Fe_d, Fe_d/Fet, clay content, andmagnetic susceptibility (x) of two loess-paleosol sequences at Luochuan and Lingtai on China's LoessPlateau were conducted to study the possible relationship between RR and pedogenic degrees of thetwo loess-paleosol sequences, and to discuss whether the RR could become new paleo-climaticindicators. Results showed that the RR of the two loess-paleosol sequences had positive, highlysignificant (P < 0.01) correlations with: 1) citrate-bicarbonate-dithionite (CBD) extracted iron(Fe_d), 2) ratios of CBD extracted iron to total iron (Fe_d/Fet), 3) clay (< 2 mum), and 4) magneticsusceptibility (x). This suggested that the RR of these loess-paleosol sequences could indicatedegreesof loess weathering and pedogenesis and were potential paleo-climatic proxies. The strongcorrelations of RR to Fe_d and x also implied that during pedogenic processes, pedogenic hematite inloess and paleosols were closely related to the amount of total secondary iron oxides and pedogenicferrimagnetic minerals (predominantly maghemite).
基金financially supported by the National Science Foundation of China(41173031,41325011 and 41503001)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(WK3410000004)
文摘Iron isotopic composition of the upper continental crust(UCC) is critical for understanding Fe mobilization and migration through the Earth. Because rocks exposed at Earth's surface have heterogeneous δ^(56)Fe, finegrained clastic sediments can be used to estimate the average composition of UCC. In this study, we report δ^(56)Fe of loess-paleosol sequences from Yimaguan, Chinese Loess Plateau(CLP), to constrain the average Fe isotopic composition of UCC. The loess-paleosol sequences in this area formed in glacial-interglacial cycles and are characterized by varying degrees of weathering. Our data show that the loess-paleosol layers have extremely homogeneous Fe isotopic compositions with δ^(56)Fe ranging from 0.06‰ to 0.12‰, regardless of variations in the major element composition and weathering intensity. Our study indicates that since Fe isotopes are not significantly fractionated during loess deposition, the loess can be regarded as representative of UCC. It follows that the average δ^(56)Fe of UCC is 0.09‰± 0.03‰(2SD), consistent with previous estimates based on igneous rock data.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41271024)International Cooperation and Exchanges Project(The record of landscape changes in Eurasian arid and semi-arid regions by loess-paleosol sequence of southern Russian on the million scales and its comparative study with Chinese loess(Grant No.No.41411130204)
文摘Abstract: Loess-paleosol sequences preserve records of climatic change during the Quaternary, which is important for paleoclimate study. In this study, a loess-palaeosol sequence from the Chumbur- Kosa (CK) site in the Sea of Azov region was investigated to reconstruct climatic variability during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS)11- MIS 1, using proxies of grain size (GS), magnetic susceptibility (xlf and Xfd(%)), carbonate content (CaCO3%) and soil color The results enabled formulation of a detailed description of the climatic characteristics related to each individual layer. The sequence indicates that the paleoclimate shifted progressively towards increasingly cooler, somewhat drier conditions. The CK section may thus be ideal for reconstructing climatie eondifions during the Middle and Late Pleistocene in the Sea of Azov region. However, the )Of value of paleosol $2 in the CK profile indicates different characteristics from the other paleosol layers, dilution of carbonate resulting from carbonate leaching in L2 may be the main reason for the decrease in magnetic susceptibility. Furthermore, through simple analysis part of the environmental evolution process in the Sea of Azov region and Serbia during Middle and Late Pleistocene cycles. The climate cycle expressed by Xfd(%) and Xlf variations show similar patterns, with rapidly alternating cold and warm intervals. Nevertheless, although the two areas had different climatic regimes, geographical settings, and loess source areas, both exhibited similar climate change trends since the MIS 11.
文摘目前对含大荔人化石的地层年代认识仍存很大争议。采用黄土—古土壤序列定年法广泛调查渭河盆地东北部区域和大荔人化石点附近洛河上下游河段过去的河湖环境演变历史;在此基础上,结合产出大荔人化石的地貌沉积体特征,分析其形成时所处的区域演化阶段及其中含化石的沉积层位堆积年代。结果显示,区域曾在S14、L9、L6、S2、L2和L1SS发育或堆积时期发生过数次古湖湖退或河流下切;含大荔人化石的沉积层是在区域发生于L6晚期的一次湖退后,洛河于出露至气下的古湖湖底上堆积而成的,其堆积时代与S5古土壤发育时代相当,平均年龄约0.55 Ma BP。由该研究结果推论,学界对北京猿人年龄估计的老的年龄框架可能偏年轻。
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41172149)the Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of NSFC(Grant No.41321062)the National Key Basic Research Program of China(Grant No.2015CB953804)
文摘Significant uncertainties remain regarding the temporal evolution of natural vegetation during the Quaternary, and drivers of past vegetation change, on the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP). This study presents analyses of total organic carbon isotopic composition (TOC) and n-alkane ratios (C31/C27) from the Lingtai loess-palaeosol sequence on the central CLP over the last 450 kyr. The results demonstrate that the vegetation in this region comprised a mix of C3 and C4 plants of herb and woody growth-form. C3 plants dominated for most of the last 450 kyr, but this did not lead to extensive forest. C3 woody plants were more abundant in MIS9 (S3 period) and MIS5 (S 1 period) during warm and humid climate conditions. Herbs increased in the region since 130 kyr, possibly as a result of increased aridity. On the orbital timescales, there was a reduction of C3 herbal plants in MIS 11 ($4) than in M1S 12 (L5), and in Holocene than in the last glacial period. Our isotope and n-alkane proxy records are in agreement with Artemisia pollen changes in the region, which is/was the dominant species in this area and varying due to different heat and water conditions between glacial and interglacial periods. Though the climate in MIS1 (SO) was similar to that in MIS11 (S4), a significant increase in woody plants during the Holocene suggests the impact of human activities and ecological effects of changes in fire activity.
基金supported by the Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0601100)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41602189 & 41330103)the National Bureau for Foreign Experts and Ministry of Education of China (111 Project) (Grant No. B08030)
文摘The recently proposed global and local calibrations for the mean annual air temperature(MAT) reconstruction on the basis of 5-and 6-methyl brGDGTs have rarely been applied to the Chinese LPS yet, leaving the applicability of these calibrations unclear. Here, we used the improved chromatography method to analyze 198 loess-paleosol samples from the Weinan section in the southern CLP for the past 350 kyr. The 6-methyl brGDGTs comprise a major proportion of total brGDGTs, pointing to alkaline conditions for most soil samples from the Weinan LPS. The decoupled profile variation of MBT′6ME and MBT′_(5ME) suggests their response to different enviromental factors, possibly soil pH(or soil moisture) and temperature, respectively. This discrimination further corraborates that temperature and monsoonal precipitation were not in phase during the last four deglaciations on the CLP. Temperature estimates for the six calibrations tested show similar trends but remarkably differ in amplitudes. The soil moisture appears to affect the global MBT′/CBT calibration, the global MATmr calibration(a calibration based on the multiple linear regression) and the Chinese local SSM(Stepwise Selection Method) calibration, resulting in a significant underestimation of late Holocene temperature. In contrast, the dry climate has no effect on the global MBT′5ME calibration. Of the six calibrations,only the Chinese local SSM calibration and global MATmr calibration produce temperature variation amplitude over the past 350 ka that is consistent with other independent proxy data. The recently proposed local calibrations based on 5-and 6-methyl brGDGTs for North China yield the amplitude of temperature changes that is much larger than the results determined by other approaches.All the six calibrations have their own weakness in the MAT reconstruction, due partly to the inconsistency between the brGDGT distribution in the Weinan LPS and the modern soils used to establish these calibrations.