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基于风险评价的黄土滑坡分类及特征 被引量:7
作者 唐亚明 冯卫 +1 位作者 毕银强 毕俊擘 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期2092-2099,共8页
整理分析了国际上通用的滑坡分类方法,并对国内有关的滑坡分类体系汇总,在此基础上,将运动形式、规模大小或运动速度综合考虑,形成一个二维的分类表,提出了基于风险评价的黄土滑坡分类方法。根据该方法,黄土滑坡可分为剥落、倾倒、崩塌... 整理分析了国际上通用的滑坡分类方法,并对国内有关的滑坡分类体系汇总,在此基础上,将运动形式、规模大小或运动速度综合考虑,形成一个二维的分类表,提出了基于风险评价的黄土滑坡分类方法。根据该方法,黄土滑坡可分为剥落、倾倒、崩塌、滑塌、滑动、泥流、复合型7个类,每一大类再分为不同的亚类或小类,共将黄土滑坡分为7个大类,10个亚类,38个小类。每一种黄土滑坡的变形破坏方式和运动学特征不同,具有不同的规模、速率和滑移距离,因此其风险特征也不同,对不同类型黄土滑坡的风险特征做了分析和总结。 展开更多
关键词 滑坡分类 黄土滑坡分类 风险特征 风险评价
黄土的工程特性、筑路技术和病害处理 被引量:15
作者 楚华栋 裴章勤 +2 位作者 马周全 熊志文 魏佳中 《铁道工程学报》 EI 北大核心 2005年第z1期340-347,共8页
本篇简要总结自20世纪60年代以来,围绕黄土对铁路工程建设的影响,开展黄土的工程特性、筑路技术,以及病害处理的系统研究工作。首先提出以时代成因和工程相结合的两级分类法;开展了黄土陷穴的发生、发展规律,地基承载力,原位测试确定黄... 本篇简要总结自20世纪60年代以来,围绕黄土对铁路工程建设的影响,开展黄土的工程特性、筑路技术,以及病害处理的系统研究工作。首先提出以时代成因和工程相结合的两级分类法;开展了黄土陷穴的发生、发展规律,地基承载力,原位测试确定黄土承载力、变形参数的关系等黄土的工程性质研究。在此基础上,提出了黄土路堑边坡设计参数表,黄土路堤筑路技术标准和黄土单、双线隧道的受力模式、破坏类型和设计原则。通过对黄土的湿陷性和地基处理技术研究,形成了以硅化注浆、冲击挤密灰土桩、悬浊液注浆法为代表,以及施工工艺和质量检测的地基处理成套技术。该系列成果对铁路建设和当前的铁路客运专线建设具有重要的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 黄土分类 工程性质 黄土路基 黄土隧道 黄土地基加固
作者 周旗 文彦君 郁耀闯 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期84-87,共4页
土壤质地判定是一个受多种因素影响并具有模糊性的评判问题,宜采用模糊综合评判方法。以卡钦斯基土壤分类标准为基础,采用岭型隶属函数,运用加权平均的模糊综合评判方法,对关中地区4个剖面30层的全新世黄土粒度实测数据进行土壤质地的... 土壤质地判定是一个受多种因素影响并具有模糊性的评判问题,宜采用模糊综合评判方法。以卡钦斯基土壤分类标准为基础,采用岭型隶属函数,运用加权平均的模糊综合评判方法,对关中地区4个剖面30层的全新世黄土粒度实测数据进行土壤质地的综合评判。结果表明,在所测的4个剖面中,马兰黄土(L1)、淀积层(Ck)和全新世黄土(L0)这3个土层判定的土壤质地类型是相同的,因而不具有指示意义。存在土壤质地差异的是全新世古土壤(S0)、风化淋滤黄土(Cl)和现代表土(Ts)这3个层位,其中S0和Cl层位还表现出自东向西,土壤质地类型由重壤变为中壤和由中壤变为轻壤的方向性,而Ts层位由于受人类活动影响明显,变化方向不确定。 展开更多
关键词 模糊综合评判 关中地区 黄土质地分类
Classification of Ferrallitic Soils in Chinese Soil Taxonomy 被引量:6
作者 GONG ZITONG CHEN ZHICHENG ZHAO WENJUN and SHI HUA(Institute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 821, Naroing 210008 China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第2期125-133,共9页
The development of the classification of ferrallitic soils in China is reviewed and the classification ofFerralisols and Ferrisols in Chinese Soil Taxonomy is introduced in order to discuss the correlation betweenthe ... The development of the classification of ferrallitic soils in China is reviewed and the classification ofFerralisols and Ferrisols in Chinese Soil Taxonomy is introduced in order to discuss the correlation betweenthe ferrallitic soil classification in the Chinese Soil Taxonomy and those of the other soil classification systems.In the former soil classification systems of China, the ferrallitic soils were classified into the soil groups ofLatosols, Latosolic red soils, Red soils, Yellow soils and Dry red soils, according to the combination of soilforming conditions, soil-forming processes, soil features and soil properties. In the Chinese Soil Taxonomy,most of ferrallitic soils are classified into the soil orders of Ferralisols and Ferrisols based on the diagnostichorizons and/or diagnostic characteristics with quantitatively defined properties. Ferralisols are the soilsthat have ferralic horizon, and they are merely subdivided into one suborder and two soil groups. Ferrisolsare the soils that have LAC-ferric horizon but do not have ferralic horizon, and they are subdivided intothree suborders and eleven soil groups. Ferralisols may correspond to part of Latosols and Latosolic red soils.Ferrisols may either correspond to part of Red soils, Yellow soils and Dry red soils, or correspond to part ofLatosols and Latosolic red soils. 展开更多
关键词 Ferralisols FERRISOLS Chinese Soil Taxonomy
Soil moisture of different vegetation types on the Loess Plateau 被引量:19
作者 王志强 刘宝元 张岩 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第6期707-718,共12页
Water stored in deep loess soil is one of the most important resources regulating vegetation growth in the semi-arid area of the Loess Plateau, but planted shrub and forest often disrupt the natural water cycle and in... Water stored in deep loess soil is one of the most important resources regulating vegetation growth in the semi-arid area of the Loess Plateau, but planted shrub and forest often disrupt the natural water cycle and in turn influence plant growth. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of main vegetation types on soil moisture and its inter-annual change. Soil moisture in 0-10 m depth of six vegetation types, i.e., crop, grass, planted shrub of caragana, planted forests of arborvitae, pine and the mixture of pine and arborvitae were measured in 2001,2005 and 2006. Soil moisture in about 0-3 m of cropland and about 0-2 m of other vegetation types varied inter-annually dependent on annual precipitation, but was stable inter-annually below these depths. In 0-2 m, soil moisture of cropland was significantly greater than those of all other vegetation types, and there were no si nificant differences among other vegetation types. In 2-10 m, there was no significant mois- ture difference between cropland and grassland, but the soil moistures under both of them were significantly higher than those of planted shrub and forests. The planted shrub and forests had depleted soil moisture below 2 m to or near permanent wilting point, and there were no significant moisture differences among forest types. The soil moisture of caragana shrub was significantly lower than those of forests, but the absolute difference was very small. The results of this study implicated that the planted shrub and forests had depleted deep soil moisture to the lowest limits to which they could extract and they lived mainly on present year precipitation for transpiration. 展开更多
关键词 Loess Plateau vegetation type deep soil profile soil moisture inter-annual change
陇东合水县塬梁峁地貌分类及演化 被引量:2
作者 袁爽 许强 +2 位作者 赵宽耀 王绚 王崔林 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期1920-1933,共14页
黄土地貌是按独特的演化模式形成当今复杂多样且有序分异的地貌形态组合。基于数学形态法将合水县地区黄土地貌分类并计算得出塬梁峁地貌单元的分类指标,再通过黄土地貌单元的形态特征及分类指标,对黄土塬梁峁地貌演化模式作出定量化和... 黄土地貌是按独特的演化模式形成当今复杂多样且有序分异的地貌形态组合。基于数学形态法将合水县地区黄土地貌分类并计算得出塬梁峁地貌单元的分类指标,再通过黄土地貌单元的形态特征及分类指标,对黄土塬梁峁地貌演化模式作出定量化和可视化表达,并预测塬即将消失的区域。研究发现:①似圆度是界定黄土地貌单元演化进程的重要指标,黄土地貌单元在演化过程中,其形状规律程度逐渐增加;可用周长面积比和平均坡度界定塬梁的分界,可用边界临接指数界定梁峁的分界。②塬向梁演化实质就是残塬向树杈梁演化。残塬是人类赖以生存的地貌单元,是固沟保塬工程的重点实施对象。 展开更多
关键词 陇东地区 数学形态法 黄土地貌单元分类指标 黄土地貌演化
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