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组合激发在黄土塬地震勘探中的应用 被引量:1
作者 王钧雍 《低渗透油气田》 2012年第3期58-62,共5页
黄土源地区由于表层黄土的存在,导致地震勘探激发,接收条件较差,地震记录多次波发育。巨厚的黄土层对地震波有强烈的吸收衰减作用,导致黄土塬区记录频率低、能量弱、干扰强,资料品质普遍较差。通过不断探索,发现在黄土塬区采用多... 黄土源地区由于表层黄土的存在,导致地震勘探激发,接收条件较差,地震记录多次波发育。巨厚的黄土层对地震波有强烈的吸收衰减作用,导致黄土塬区记录频率低、能量弱、干扰强,资料品质普遍较差。通过不断探索,发现在黄土塬区采用多井组合激发能够增强下传能量、提高激发频率、压制干扰,得到较好的地震记录。通过选择合适的组合图形、组合井数,优化组合激发参数,在实际生产中取得了较好的采集效果。 展开更多
关键词 黄土源 地震勘探 组合激发 表层结构
黄河沉积物中REE制约与示踪意义再认识 被引量:36
作者 杨守业 李从先 +1 位作者 JUNG Hoi-Soo CHOI Man-Sik 《自然科学进展》 北大核心 2003年第4期365-371,共7页
根据黄河不同地区的20个沉积物全岩样、酸溶相和酸不溶相中的稀土元素(REE)组成分析,并与1999年的研究比较,揭示出黄河沉积物REE组成主要受流域黄土源岩控制,而粒度、化学风化和人类活动等因素影响较弱。磷酸盐和Fe-Mn氧化物是形成酸溶... 根据黄河不同地区的20个沉积物全岩样、酸溶相和酸不溶相中的稀土元素(REE)组成分析,并与1999年的研究比较,揭示出黄河沉积物REE组成主要受流域黄土源岩控制,而粒度、化学风化和人类活动等因素影响较弱。磷酸盐和Fe-Mn氧化物是形成酸溶相中的中稀土富集主要因素;而重矿物则明显影响了全岩和酸不溶残渣态REE分异特征。在世界大河中黄河沉积物REE组成非常独特,直接反映了我国上陆壳和陆表沉积物的组成特征,也可以用做标准化物质,用来对比研究世界其他河流的REE分异特征。 展开更多
关键词 黄河 沉积物 稀土元素 REE 组成特征 分异特征 黄土源 粒度 化学风化 地球化学 示踪意义
作者 荏苒 沙莫 《技术与创新管理》 1994年第Z1期19-27,共9页
1993年6月15日,来陕考察的国家主席江泽民那熟悉而魁梧的身影出现在西安高新技术开发区.江主席神采奕奕,饶有兴致地参观了座落在东开发区的西安交通大学技术开发公司的高科技成果转化产品,总经理王太川向敬爱的共和国主席汇报了开发公... 1993年6月15日,来陕考察的国家主席江泽民那熟悉而魁梧的身影出现在西安高新技术开发区.江主席神采奕奕,饶有兴致地参观了座落在东开发区的西安交通大学技术开发公司的高科技成果转化产品,总经理王太川向敬爱的共和国主席汇报了开发公司发展变化的情况. 展开更多
关键词 科技成果 黄土源 成果转化 技术开发区 高新科技 学校 电力系统 西安交通大学 二次开发 国家火炬计划
最近2.5Ma以来黄土高原风尘化学组成的变化与亚洲内陆的化学风化 被引量:120
作者 陈骏 安芷生 +3 位作者 刘连文 季峻峰 杨杰东 陈旸 《中国科学(D辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期136-145,共10页
系统地分析了陕西洛川黄土-古土壤剖面中酸不溶相的主要元素, 微量元素和Sr同位素组成, 发现一些具有特征的地球化学参数(如化学风化指数CIA, Na/K, Rb/Sr和87Sr/86Sr)在剖面中呈规律性的分布和演化. 研究表明来源于亚洲内陆广大区域的... 系统地分析了陕西洛川黄土-古土壤剖面中酸不溶相的主要元素, 微量元素和Sr同位素组成, 发现一些具有特征的地球化学参数(如化学风化指数CIA, Na/K, Rb/Sr和87Sr/86Sr)在剖面中呈规律性的分布和演化. 研究表明来源于亚洲内陆广大区域的黄土粉尘与上部陆壳相比明显地具有经受过Na, Ca化学风化的组成特点; 2.5 Ma以来黄土源区的化学风化呈逐步减弱的趋势, 并与同一时期全球冰量逐步增长的趋势相吻合; 因此第四纪以来亚洲内陆地区的干旱化现象可能是全球气候变化的区域响应. 展开更多
关键词 黄土源 大陆风化 黄土高原 酸溶实验 干旱化 化学组成 气候变冷 化学风化 风尘
The Impacts of Permafrost Change on NPP and Implications:A Case of the Source Regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers 被引量:9
作者 FANG Yiping QIN Dahe +2 位作者 DING Yongjian YANG Jianping XU Keyan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第3期437-447,共11页
This paper studies the relationship between net primary productivity (NPP) and annual average air temperature (GT) at 0cm above ground in permafrost regions by using revised Chikugo NPP model,cubic spline interpolatin... This paper studies the relationship between net primary productivity (NPP) and annual average air temperature (GT) at 0cm above ground in permafrost regions by using revised Chikugo NPP model,cubic spline interpolating functions,and non-linear regression methods.The source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers were selected as the research areas.Results illustrate that:(1) There is significant non-linear relationship between NPP and GT in various typical years;(2) The maximum value of NPP is 6.17,5.87,7.73,and 5.41 DM·t·hm-2 ·a-1 respectively,and the corresponding GT is 7.1,10.0,21.2,and 8.9 o C respectively in 1980,1990,2000 and 2007;(3) In 1980,the sensitivity of NPP to GT is higher than in 1990,2000 and 2007.This tendency shows that the NPP presents change from fluctuation to an adaptation process over time;(4) During 1980~2007,the accumulated NPP was reduced to 8.05,and the corresponding carrying capacity of theoretical livestock reduced by 11%;(5) The shape of the demonstration region of ecological compensation system,livelihood support system,and science appraisal system in the source regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers are an important research for increasing the adaptation capacity and balancing protection and development. 展开更多
关键词 The source regions of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers PERMAFROST Ground temperature (GT) Net primary productivity (NPP) Policy adaptation
作者 董烈 《吉林人大》 2000年第1期47-47,共1页
一进陕北,我的心便为之一颤,本来是春的季节,可眼前依然是满目的黄色。或许这就是人们常说的"黄土高原"?只见沟谷曲曲折折,视线也被拉扯得折折曲曲。厚厚的黄土被刻下粗粗细细的沟痕,宛如陕北老耄额头的皱纹。就连被劈开的大... 一进陕北,我的心便为之一颤,本来是春的季节,可眼前依然是满目的黄色。或许这就是人们常说的"黄土高原"?只见沟谷曲曲折折,视线也被拉扯得折折曲曲。厚厚的黄土被刻下粗粗细细的沟痕,宛如陕北老耄额头的皱纹。就连被劈开的大山所裸露的岩石也被厚厚的黄土压在底部……那神奇的坪、 展开更多
关键词 陕北 黄土高原 黄土源 沟痕 折曲 沟谷 岩石 皱纹 黄色 视线
作者 梦野 《扬子江(诗刊)》 2008年第2期29-32,共4页
关键词 母亲 流泪 去痛片 村庄 黄土源 乡村 蜷曲 生命 生长 中流
作者 钱旭 《党的建设》 2002年第7期42-42,共1页
关键词 黄土源 董志塬 陇东 堆积 粮仓 民风 平原 高山 秦川 耕种
作者 何来 《文学港》 2006年第3期181-182,共2页
关键词 素描 牛羊 牧场 采石场 地平线 铁青 黄土源 迷路 暴雨 海洋
Distribution and changes of active layer thickness(ALT) and soil temperature(TTOP) in the source area of the Yellow River using the GIPL model 被引量:15
作者 LUO DongLiang JIN HuiJun +1 位作者 Sergei MARCHENKO Vladimir ROMANOVSKY 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期1834-1845,共12页
Active layer thickness(ALT) is critical to the understanding of the surface energy balance, hydrological cycles, plant growth, and cold region engineering projects in permafrost regions. The temperature at the botto... Active layer thickness(ALT) is critical to the understanding of the surface energy balance, hydrological cycles, plant growth, and cold region engineering projects in permafrost regions. The temperature at the bottom of the active layer, a boundary layer between the equilibrium thermal state(in permafrost below) and transient thermal state(in the atmosphere and surface canopies above), is an important parameter to reflect the existence and thermal stability of permafrost. In this study, the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Model(GIPL) was used to model the spatial distribution of and changes in ALT and soil temperature in the Source Area of the Yellow River(SAYR), where continuous, discontinuous, and sporadic permafrost coexists with seasonally frozen ground. Monthly air temperatures downscaled from the CRU TS3.0 datasets, monthly snow depth derived from the passive microwave remote-sensing data SMMR and SSM/I, and vegetation patterns and soil properties at scale of 1:1000000 were used as input data after modified with GIS techniques. The model validation was carried out carefully with in-situ ALT in the SAYR interpolated from the field-measured soil temperature data. The results of the model indicate that the average ALT in the SAYR has significantly increased from 1.8 m in 1980 to 2.4 m in 2006 at an average rate of 2.2 cm yr–1. The mean annual temperature at the bottom of the active layer, or temperature at the top of permafrost(TTOP) rose substantially from –1.1°C in 1980 to –0.6°C in 2006 at an average rate of 0.018°C yr–1. The increasing rate of the ALT and TTOP has accelerated since 2000. Regional warming and degradation of permafrost has also occurred, and the changes in the areal extent of regions with a sub-zero TTOP shrank from 2.4×104 to 2.2×104 km2 at an average rate of 74 km2 yr–1. Changes of ALT and temperature have adversely affected the environmental stability in the SAYR. 展开更多
关键词 GIPL model active layer thickness TTOP degradation of permafrost
Grain Size Evidence of Multiple Origins of Red Clays in the Jinhua-Quzhou Basin, South China 被引量:5
作者 LI Jian-Wu YE Wei +3 位作者 ZHANG Gan-Lin ZHU Li-Dong JIANG Yong-Jian GONG Zi-Tong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期686-695,共10页
Six typical red clay profiles were sampled from Tangxi (TX), Langyaz (LYZ), South Shangshanwen (SSW), Xianqiao (XQ), Qijian (Q J) and Huhaitang (HHT) of Jinhua-Quzhou Basin, Zhejiang Province of China to e... Six typical red clay profiles were sampled from Tangxi (TX), Langyaz (LYZ), South Shangshanwen (SSW), Xianqiao (XQ), Qijian (Q J) and Huhaitang (HHT) of Jinhua-Quzhou Basin, Zhejiang Province of China to evaluate the characteristics of grain size composition, distribution and parameters of red clays and to reveal the origin of red clays and interpret possible implications for paleoclimate in subtropical China. The results showed that red clays in TX, LYZ and SSW were fine and uniform, with no 〉 2 mm gravels and little 〉 63μm fraction. They had a high content of 10-50 μm fraction, so-called "basic dust fraction", and showed unimodal distributions, which were very comparable to those of the Xiashu Loess in southeastern China and the loess in North China. All these features reflected marked aeolian characteristics of the red clays in these areas. Red clays in XQ and QJ were much coarser than those in TjjX, LYZ and SSW, with high contents of 〉 63μm fraction and even containing 〉 2 mm gravels in some layers. The grain size distribution patterns showed significantly progressive trends from the lower profile to the upmost layer and could not be compared with those of the loess in North China or the Xiashu Loess, implying they might be derived from underlying parent rocks and had some inherited properties from bedrock. Red clays in HHT had high contents of 〉 63μm fraetion and contain many 〉 2 mm gravels in each layer. The grain size frequency curves showed multiple-peaks and some abrupt variations were also observed on the profile, revealing its alluvial or diluvial origin in HHT. The multiple origins of red clays reflected the diversity and complexity of the Quaternary environment in South China. It can be concluded that grain size is an effective proxy indicator for the origin of most deposits. 展开更多
关键词 aeolian characteristics grain size distribution LOESS PALEOCLIMATE QUATERNARY
Effects of the hummock-depression microhabitat on plant communities of alpine marshy meadows in the Yellow River Source Zone,China 被引量:1
作者 Guiling Wu Jay Gao +2 位作者 Weiyou Ou Jizhong Wan Xilai Li 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第1期111-128,共18页
Our objectives are to examine the effects of hummock-depression spatial heterogeneity on plant communities and soil properties,and to understand the process of maintaining and adjusting microtopography-mediated hydrol... Our objectives are to examine the effects of hummock-depression spatial heterogeneity on plant communities and soil properties,and to understand the process of maintaining and adjusting microtopography-mediated hydrological inputs and their spatial fluctuations that produce obvious microhabitats.We set up 36 plots(1 m×1 m)and sampled 45 plant and 225 soil samples in flooded(FH)and non-flooded hummocks(NFH)and depressions of the marshy,and the surrounding non-wetland meadows as well as in the Yellow River Source Zone,west China.We evaluated whether the alpine marshy wetland has a fertile island effect by the comparison method.Our results show that hummock presence can increase the spatial heterogeneity of the microhabitat and promote the plant diversity and soil fertility of the Kobresia tibetica community.Plant height,coverage,above-ground biomass,species richness and diversity were significantly higher in the FH and NFH microhabitat than in the areas between hummocks and surrounding non-wetland meadows.Compared with broad alpine meadows,the hummock-depression complex provided a microhabitat favorable to the growth of Cyperaceae.In the 0-50 cm soil layer,the closer the soil layer was to the ground surface,the higher its soil organic carbon and total nitrogen contents.Thus,in deeper layers,the gap between soil nutrients in wetland hummock-depression microhabitat and in the surrounding alpine meadows becomes smaller.Hence,the wetland hummock-depression microhabitat formed a fertile island pattern.Therefore,these results contribute toward improving our understanding of ecosystem restoration in alpine marshy meadows. 展开更多
关键词 alpine marshy meadow hummock-depression microhabitat plant properties soil properties Yellow River Source Zone
Review on Soil Moisture of Plantation Land in the Loess Plateau 被引量:1
作者 SUN Zhongfeng ZHANG Xuepei ZHU Jinzhao LIU Huifang 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2005年第3期22-28,共7页
Water is a crucial factor influencing eco-environment conservation in the Loess Area in China. Soilmoisture is also an indispensable factor to plant growth because of limited water supply. In this paper,previous studi... Water is a crucial factor influencing eco-environment conservation in the Loess Area in China. Soilmoisture is also an indispensable factor to plant growth because of limited water supply. In this paper,previous studies of soil moisture are summarized from methods and contents. Meanwhile, some problems inthe relevant researches are pointed out and discussed. Some solutions are brought forward. 展开更多
关键词 the Loess Plateau plantation land soil moisture HETEROGENEITY phytocommunities ecoenvironment
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