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秸秆覆盖措施对辽宁地区黑土土壤水文物理性能的影响 被引量:4
作者 宋晓明 《水利技术监督》 2023年第4期189-192,共4页
为探讨秸秆覆盖对东北黑土水文物理特性的影响,文章利用辽宁昌图县黑土试验区进行同步观测试验,分析秸秆覆盖措施下黑土土壤含水量、孔隙度以及养分的变化。试验表明:相比于秸秆覆盖前,黑土水文物理特性得到明显改良,土壤容重平均可降低... 为探讨秸秆覆盖对东北黑土水文物理特性的影响,文章利用辽宁昌图县黑土试验区进行同步观测试验,分析秸秆覆盖措施下黑土土壤含水量、孔隙度以及养分的变化。试验表明:相比于秸秆覆盖前,黑土水文物理特性得到明显改良,土壤容重平均可降低7.4%,孔隙度平均可提高40%。土壤有机质含量也明显改善,含量平均可提高16.69%,使得土壤肥力增强。研究成果对于东北黑土土壤特性改良试验具有参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 秸秆覆盖 黑土土壤 水文物理特性 土壤有机质 辽宁地区
东北黑土土壤磷的纬向分异 被引量:9
作者 赵少华 宇万太 +1 位作者 张璐 沈善敏 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期34-37,共4页
以中国东北的中纬度黑土区为样带,研究了有机磷浓度与有机质、全氮浓度的关系;全磷、有机磷、无机磷及有机磷和无机磷的比率与纬度分布的关系。结果表明,有机磷和有机质、全氮浓度具有良好的相关性,它们之间的相关系数分别为0.90和0.92... 以中国东北的中纬度黑土区为样带,研究了有机磷浓度与有机质、全氮浓度的关系;全磷、有机磷、无机磷及有机磷和无机磷的比率与纬度分布的关系。结果表明,有机磷和有机质、全氮浓度具有良好的相关性,它们之间的相关系数分别为0.90和0.92,呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。全磷、有机磷、无机磷、Po/Pi在纬度上都存在不同程度的分异规律,即随着纬度的升高,其浓度或比率均有逐渐升高的趋势;其相关系数分别为0.68、0.77、0.26和0.60,相关分析表明,这些纬向分异规律都达极显著水平(P<0.01)。除了无机磷的纬向分异原因尚不明确之外,其他纬向分异的原因可能是由于黑土南北样带气候热量上的差异和人类活动的影响所致,从而造成南北样带之间有机质的矿化程度和速率产生差异。 展开更多
关键词 黑土土壤 纬向分异 东北地区
基于TASI热红外数据的黑土土壤发射率光谱与土壤全钾含量关系研究 被引量:2
作者 李明 秦凯 +2 位作者 赵宁博 田丰 赵英俊 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期2862-2868,共7页
土壤钾元素含量是评价土壤营养程度重要的指标之一。利用热红外发射率(TASI)数据对钾元素的反演研究较少且模型精度较低。利用在黑龙江海伦地区采集的热红外航空成像光谱仪TASI数据,经过预处理和温度与发射率分离后,探究黑土土壤热红外... 土壤钾元素含量是评价土壤营养程度重要的指标之一。利用热红外发射率(TASI)数据对钾元素的反演研究较少且模型精度较低。利用在黑龙江海伦地区采集的热红外航空成像光谱仪TASI数据,经过预处理和温度与发射率分离后,探究黑土土壤热红外发射率与钾元素含量关系。在对比了常规的多元逐步回归与偏最小二乘建模方法后,使用了一种新的逐步回归方法-全二次多元逐步回归建立模型,相对于常规多元逐步回归,引入了更多的参数进行模型的建立,有效提高反演精度。研究发现,土壤发射率数据对于选用有效特性波段建立的模型对钾元素具有较高的反演精度,所选特征波段均为负相关,波段分别为6(8.602μm), 11(9.150μm), 15(9.588μm), 23(10.464μm),相关系数依次为-0.658,-0.673,-0.645和-0.627。钾元素通过多元逐步回归建模与预测的均方根误差RMSE:0.027和0.032,判定系数R^2:0.667和0.82,相比于常规多元逐步回归建模与预测的均方根误差RMSE:0.031和0.031,判定系数R^2:0.569和0.78与偏最小二乘法建模与预测的均方根误差RMSE:0.033和0.037,判定系数R^2:0.45和0.51评价指标精度均有所提高,说明该方法有效提高了利用发射率数据对钾元素的反演精度。在利用学生化残差对模型进行去除异常值的改进后发现,建模精度有了明显提高但是测试精度却有所降低,过度拟合训练集数据导致模型泛化性下降,因此不建议对模型过度拟合。 展开更多
关键词 黑土土壤 热红外航空成像光谱仪发射率 全钾含量 全二次多元逐步回归
不同含水量黑土土壤光谱反射率半经验模型构建 被引量:1
作者 袁静 王鑫 颜昌翔 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期3514-3518,共5页
土壤含水量的变化情况与时空分布对热量平衡、农业墒情等具有显著的影响。利用反射率光谱信息反演土壤含水量的研究,可为实现土壤含水量速测、揭示土壤含水量时空变异规律提供科学依据。构建不同含水量黑土土壤反射率光谱半经验模型,深... 土壤含水量的变化情况与时空分布对热量平衡、农业墒情等具有显著的影响。利用反射率光谱信息反演土壤含水量的研究,可为实现土壤含水量速测、揭示土壤含水量时空变异规律提供科学依据。构建不同含水量黑土土壤反射率光谱半经验模型,深入探究土壤重量含水量与反射率光谱的关系。制备了12种不同湿度的土壤样品。采用ASD Field Spec Pro 3地物波谱仪对制备的不同湿度梯度的黑土土壤进行反射率光谱测量。利用菲涅耳反射率建立土壤表面反射模型;在以往的研究中,Kubelka-Munk(KM)模型中的漫反射率R∞通常被视为对于给定材料和照明波长的常数或需要反演的参数。通过研究发现,漫反射率R∞不仅与材料和波长有关,还与土壤含水量相关。利用与土壤含水量相关的吸收系数及散射系数描述了土壤含水量与漫反射率R∞的关系,并基于KM理论对体散射分量进行建模;进而构建不同含水量黑土土壤反射率光谱半经验模型。根据实际测量数据选用最小二乘算法对模型参数进行反演,并通过分析反演参数简化模型。最后,将未参与建模的不同含水量梯度的数据代入模型中,验证模型的有效性。结果表明:对比不同含水量土壤反射率光谱的模拟值与实测值在400~2 400nm波段范围内的模拟精度发现,含水量为200g·kg^-1的土壤反射率光谱的均方根误差最大,为0.008,含水量为40g·kg^-1的土壤反射率光谱的均方根误差最小,为0.000 6,不同含水量下土壤样品反射率光谱的均方根误差的均值是0.005 1。在400~2 400nm波段范围内,不同波长下黑土土壤反射率光谱的预测均方根误差基本低于0.008,1 920nm波长处的预测均方根误差最小,为0.002 062。采集长春地区的土壤检验模型的可靠性,配制15个不同含水量样品并对其进行反射率光谱测量。选取9个样品数据用于建模,6个样品数据用于验证。结果表明:在400~2 400nm波段范围内,不同波长下的长春土壤反射率光谱的预测均方根误差基本低于0.015,525nm波长处的预测均方根误差最小,为0.000 922 5。综上所述,所建立的模型具有很高的预测精度,可很好地适用于不同含水量黑土土壤反射率光谱的模拟。 展开更多
关键词 遥感 黑土土壤含水量 反射率光谱 半经验模型
季节冻土区黑土耕层土壤冻融循环期湿度与温度变化研究 被引量:7
作者 赵显波 刘振平 +1 位作者 许士国 刘铁军 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期931-939,共9页
在黑龙江省水利科学研究院水利试验研究中心的综合实验观测场,利用2011年11月-2012年4月一个冬季冻融循环期的实测黑土耕层剖面土壤湿度和温度数据,对典型中-深季节冻土区黑土耕层土壤湿度与冻结融化期土壤温度变化进行研究.根据阳坡的... 在黑龙江省水利科学研究院水利试验研究中心的综合实验观测场,利用2011年11月-2012年4月一个冬季冻融循环期的实测黑土耕层剖面土壤湿度和温度数据,对典型中-深季节冻土区黑土耕层土壤湿度与冻结融化期土壤温度变化进行研究.根据阳坡的黑土耕层土壤浅层1 cm、5 cm、10 cm及15 cm四种不同深度,对冻融循环过程中土壤湿度随冻结融化期土壤温度变化特征进行分析,研究黑土耕层土壤冻融过程中不同深度土壤水分的变化情况,了解降水和温度对不同深度土壤湿度变化的影响.结果表明:在北京时间08:00、14:00及20:00,阳坡15 cm、10 cm、5 cm及1 cm深度黑土耕层土壤湿度随冻结融化期土壤温度变化的线性相关可决系数分别为0.9298、0.9216、0.5989、0.7281,斜率平均标准偏差分别为0.017、0.019、0.095、0.056,截距平均标准偏差分别为0.17、0.25、1.31、0.83.阳坡10 cm及15 cm深度的黑土耕层土壤湿度随冻结融化期土壤温度变化呈十分显著的线性相关关系.阳坡5 cm深度的黑土耕层土壤湿度在冻结融化期与土壤温度变化线性关系稍微显著.在整个冻结融化期,因受太阳辐射、降水及蒸发的强烈影响,阳坡浅层1 cm深度黑土耕层土壤湿度与土壤温度线性相关性不如10 cm及15 cm深度的关系显著,但比5 cm深度的关系显著. 展开更多
关键词 黑土耕层土壤 土壤湿度 土壤温度 冻结融化期
吉林黑土区土壤-作物系统重金属元素地球化学特征研究 被引量:7
作者 唐丽静 王冬艳 +2 位作者 李月芬 付强 杨小琳 《山东农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期136-143,共8页
在吉林中部系统的野外调查和土壤及玉米籽实样品采集、测试的基础上,采用统计对比及相关分析方法研究了土壤重金属元素含量、有效态含量及玉米籽实重金属元素含量的空间分异,并对土壤-作物系统重金属污染状况进行了评价,目的在于为这一... 在吉林中部系统的野外调查和土壤及玉米籽实样品采集、测试的基础上,采用统计对比及相关分析方法研究了土壤重金属元素含量、有效态含量及玉米籽实重金属元素含量的空间分异,并对土壤-作物系统重金属污染状况进行了评价,目的在于为这一重要粮食产区的环境保护提供科学的依据。结果表明:土壤重金属元素含量、有效态含量及玉米籽实中重金属元素含量在不同研究区存在差异;研究区没有As、Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn元素的外来污染源;Cd元素的表层富集趋势可能是使用化肥所致;吉林黑土区土壤环境质量非常好,处于Ⅰ级水平,十分安全。 展开更多
关键词 黑土土壤 作物系统 重金属元素
作者 李明 朱玲 +3 位作者 杨越超 秦凯 张东辉 赵英俊 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期1273-1280,共8页
土壤磷素含量是评价土壤养分的重要指标之一。利用热红外发射率数据对土壤全磷含量进行反演的研究较少且多使用常规线性回归方法,本文利用东北海伦地区采集的热红外航空成像光谱仪TASI(Thermal Airborne Hyperspectral Imager)数据,通... 土壤磷素含量是评价土壤养分的重要指标之一。利用热红外发射率数据对土壤全磷含量进行反演的研究较少且多使用常规线性回归方法,本文利用东北海伦地区采集的热红外航空成像光谱仪TASI(Thermal Airborne Hyperspectral Imager)数据,通过机器学习方法探究黑土土壤发射率与全磷含量关系,选出最优模型对研究区土壤全磷含量进行预测研究。结果表明:在8~11.5μm范围内,土壤热红外发射率值随着全磷含量的增加而增加;除原始光谱10.792μm这一波段外,发射率值及其数学变换与全磷含量相关系数均在0.5以下,相关性较弱;在DNN(Deep Neural Networks)训练集和测试集中,从模型精度和PSO(Particle Swarm Optimiazation)算法优化时间来看,弹性传播训练算法(RP)表现最佳,决定系数R^(2)分别为0.51、0.7,均方根误差RMSE分别为0.0443、0.0301;激活函数对本次构建的网络精度影响非常有限,激活函数为Tansig和ReLU的深度神经网络模型训练集精度基本与偏最小二乘及逐步回归模型一致,测试集精度有所提高但稳定性较为欠缺;研究区土壤全磷含量整体较高,水田和旱田含量均大于0.8 g kg^(-1),城镇及建筑群密集程度与土壤全磷含量呈负相关,与偏最小二乘模型对土壤全磷含量预测结果相比,神经网络模型对研究区土壤全磷含量小于0.6 g kg^(-1)和0.6~0.8 g kg^(-1)两区间做了更多划分,将更多人为活动密集区附近像元划分到该含量区间内,从而使得预测含量更加符合真实情况分布;总体来看,全磷含量最高值集中分布于研究区西部、西北及西南部,但在东部及其北部区域则呈无规律性分散分布,中部地区及其余地区含量值大多为0.8~1.0 g kg^(-1)。综上,合适调参的深度神经网络模型在反演土壤元素类问题中的表现与偏最小二乘及逐步回归等方法相比更加具有发展的潜力,在样本数据量足够的前提下,深度神经网络能够得到充分训练从而使得预测结果更加精确、稳定。 展开更多
关键词 黑土土壤 深度神经网络 粒子群优化 训练算法
生物炭对东北大豆不同生育期根际黑土环境的影响 被引量:6
作者 丁俊男 王慧 +2 位作者 李鑫 来永才 刘明 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2021年第3期170-175,202,共7页
为探讨施用生物炭对东北大豆不同生育期内黑土理化性质和土壤微生物数量的影响,研究不同用量生物炭T_(0)(0 kg/hm^(2))、T_(1)(350 kg/hm^(2))、T_(2)(750 kg/hm^(2))、T_(3)(1500 kg/hm^(2))对东北黑土土壤有机质、pH、碱解氮、有效磷... 为探讨施用生物炭对东北大豆不同生育期内黑土理化性质和土壤微生物数量的影响,研究不同用量生物炭T_(0)(0 kg/hm^(2))、T_(1)(350 kg/hm^(2))、T_(2)(750 kg/hm^(2))、T_(3)(1500 kg/hm^(2))对东北黑土土壤有机质、pH、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、土壤酶(脲酶、过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶和磷酸酶)、土壤团聚体、有机碳(总有机碳、水溶性有机碳、微生物量碳和易氧化碳)和微生物量的影响。结果表明,土壤施加生物炭可提高大豆不同生育期土壤有机质的含量,其中T_(3)处理提高土壤有机质含量29.32%;生物炭对大豆成熟期土壤pH有一定改良作用;碱解氮在大豆生育期内逐渐下降,且含量均大于对照;生物炭对大豆开花期和成熟期土壤有效磷的提高有显著作用;生物炭对土壤过氧化氢酶、脲酶、蔗糖转化酶和磷酸酶活性影响较大,整体上提高了这4种土壤酶的活性;生物炭可提高黑土土壤聚团体的稳定性及积累黑土土壤中总有机碳、水溶性有机碳、微生物量碳和易氧化碳,且土壤中细菌和真菌总数显著增加。综上所述,生物炭施用后对东北黑土土壤的理化性质有显著影响,这些环境因子的改变驱动了土壤中微生物数量的变化。 展开更多
关键词 生物炭 黑土土壤 酶活性 土壤团聚体 土壤微生物
东北地区生物滞留设施的构建要点研究 被引量:1
作者 赵海晓 艾恒雨 +2 位作者 李东一 李卓霖 梁文慧 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2020年第9期45-49,共5页
结合东北地区气候特点,对生物滞留设施的构建要素进行了探讨。分析认为,宜增加蓄水层高度,提高系统对雪融水水质和水量的抗冲击能力,营造缺氧环境,实现脱氮除磷;滞留层宜为换土型,并掺入碳渣或粉煤灰,减轻黑土粘性堵塞;增加种植土层厚度... 结合东北地区气候特点,对生物滞留设施的构建要素进行了探讨。分析认为,宜增加蓄水层高度,提高系统对雪融水水质和水量的抗冲击能力,营造缺氧环境,实现脱氮除磷;滞留层宜为换土型,并掺入碳渣或粉煤灰,减轻黑土粘性堵塞;增加种植土层厚度,延长流程,吸附污染物;采用连续级配砂层提高结构稳定性,砂层不宜过厚,以免过早结冻;按分区选用本土耐寒、抗逆性强、根系发达的植物;冬季增加覆盖层厚度或采取专门保温措施。 展开更多
关键词 东北地区 生物滞留设施 构建 冰冻 黑土土壤
Soil structure characters of different soil and water conservation plantations in typical black soil region 被引量:1
作者 史长婷 王恩姮 +1 位作者 谷会岩 陈祥伟 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期151-154,I0004,共5页
A study was conducted to determine the characters of soil structure in different water and soil conservation forests in Keshan County,northwest of Heilongjiang Province,China.The soil bulk density,the ratio of non-cap... A study was conducted to determine the characters of soil structure in different water and soil conservation forests in Keshan County,northwest of Heilongjiang Province,China.The soil bulk density,the ratio of non-capillary porosity and capillary porosity(NCP/CP),and the generalized soil structure index(GSSI) were measured for Fraxinus mandshurica,Larix gmelini,Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica,and Picea koraiensis plantations as well as the abandoned land(as control) adjacent to the forests in typical black soil region.Results show that at soil depth of 0–30cm,the soil bulk density of F.mandshurica forest and L.gmelini forest was lower than that of P.sylvestris var.mongolica forest and P.koraiensis forest,with the relative decrease of 8.04%–11.01%.The soil bulk density of L.gmelini forest was significantly different from that of the P.sylvestris var.mongolica forest and P.koraiensis forest.The NCP/CP values of the four types of plantations were all higher(59.75%–128.82% relatively) than that of abandoned land(p〈0.05),indicating that the soil aeration and permeability under forest were enhanced,especially under L.gmelini forest.GSSI values of the four types of forests were also relatively higher(2.98%–4.36%) than abandoned land(p〈0.05),indicating that those soil and water conservation forests,especially the F.mandshurica forest and P.koraiensis forest,can promote soil condition to approximate ideal soil structure.The result of this study can provide theoretical basis for scientifically evaluating the effects of vegetation restoration on soil quality in typical black soil region. 展开更多
关键词 typical black soil soil and water conservation plantation Bulk density GSSI NCP/CP
Study on Relative Soil and Water Conservation Benefits of Ridge Tillage in Different Terrain Conditions in the Black Soil Area of Northeast China
作者 赵玉明 姜洪涛 王世界 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第10期2354-2360,共7页
Ridge tillage, which is a very common and important tillage measure in the black soil area of northeast China, has some soil and water conservation bene- fits, but has little attention. It is very important to explore... Ridge tillage, which is a very common and important tillage measure in the black soil area of northeast China, has some soil and water conservation bene- fits, but has little attention. It is very important to explore the spatial distribution of the ridge direction of the arable land and its soil and water conservation benefits in different terrain conditions in the black soil area. So Binxian County of Heilongjiang Province was selected as the study area, and 168 field investigation units were ex- tracted by stratified sampling method and investigated. According to equations of slope gradient factor and slope gradient in ridge direction, and based on the soft- ware of Arcmap, SPSS and Excel, the investigation data of soil and water loss in Binxian County were analyzed and counted, The results show that in plain, hilly and mountainous areas, the average ground slope gradients are 1.92°, 6.20° and 8.27° respectively, and the average slope gradients along ridge direction are 1.33°, 4.52°and 6.45° respectively, which account for about 70%, 73% and 78% of the average ground slope gradients in the same terrain condition; the relative quantities of soil erosion in the present ridge tillage condition account for about 55%, 69% and 67% respectively of that in down-slope ridge tillage conditions, so the present ridge tillage has obviously relative soil and water conservation benefits. Based on these results, the reasons of the present ridge tillage status were analyzed, and some reform measures were proposed. The results could not only help to comprehend the spatial distribution and soil and water conservation benefits of ridge tillage in the black soil area of Northeast China, but also provide scientific references for the layout of local soil and water conservation measures. 展开更多
关键词 The black soil area in northeast China Ridge tillage Ridge direction Soil erosion Investigation of soil and water loss Soil and water conservation benefits
Effects of Tillage Management on Infiltration and Preferential Flow in a Black Soil, Northeast China 被引量:7
作者 FAN Ruqin ZHANG Xiaoping +3 位作者 YANG Xueming LIANG Aizhen JIA Shuxia CHEN Xuewen 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期312-320,共9页
The impacts of no-tillage (NT) and moldboard plough (MP) managements on infiltration rate and preferential flow were characterized using a combined technique of double-ring device and dye tracer on a black soil (... The impacts of no-tillage (NT) and moldboard plough (MP) managements on infiltration rate and preferential flow were characterized using a combined technique of double-ring device and dye tracer on a black soil (Mollisols) in Northeast China. The ob- jective of this study is to evaluate how tillage practices enhance soil water infiltration and preferential flow in favor of soil erosion con- trol in the study area. The steady infiltration rates under NT management are 1.6 and 2.1 times as high as those under MP management in the 6th and 8th years of the tillage management in place, while the infiltrated water amounts under NT management are 1.4 and 2.0 times as high as those under MP management, respectively. The depth of methylene blue penetrated into NT soil increases from 43 cm in the 6th year to 57 cm in the 8th year, which are 16 cm and 19 em deeper than those in MP soil, respectively. The results of morphol- ogic image show that more biological macro-pores occur in NT soil than in MP soil. These macro-pores play a key role in enhancing preferential flow in NT soil, which in turn promotes water infiltration through preferential pathways in NT soil. The results are helpful to policy-making in popularizing NT and have the implications for tillage management in regard to soil erosion control in black soil region of China. 展开更多
关键词 NO-TILLAGE moldboard plough dye tracer macro-pore black soil Northeast China
Relationship Between Water-Stable Aggregates and Nutrients in Black Soils After Reclamation 被引量:8
作者 MA Qiang YU Wan-Tai ZHAO Shao-Hua ZHANG Lu 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期538-544,共7页
Water-stable aggregates, which are an index for the evaluation of the structural properties of the soil, are affected by many factors. Zhaoguang Farm, Longzhen Farm, and Jiusan Farm were chosen as the representative s... Water-stable aggregates, which are an index for the evaluation of the structural properties of the soil, are affected by many factors. Zhaoguang Farm, Longzhen Farm, and Jiusan Farm were chosen as the representative study sites in the region of black soils, a typical soil resource in Northeast China. The variation in the content of 〉 0.25 mm water-stable aggregates and its relationship with the nutrients in black soil were investigated after different years of reclamation. The results showed that the 〉 0.25 mm water-stable aggregates were more in the surface than in the subsurface soil and they changed in the following order: Longzhen Farm 〉 Zhaoguang Farm 〉 Jiusan Farm. The water-stable aggregates decreased sharply at the initial stage of reclamation and then became stable gradually with time. They were significantly correlated with the contents of organic C, total N, total P, and CEC in black soil, with the correlation coefficients r being 0.76, 0.68, 0.61, and 0.81 (P 〈 0.01), respectively; however, their relationships with available P, available K, and total K were unclear. These showed that organic matter was the cementation of soil water-stable aggregates. Increasing decompositions and decreasing inputs of organic matter after reclamation were responsible for the amount of reduction of the water-stable aggregates. Thus, to maintain good soil aggregate structure, attention should be paid to improvement of soil nutrient status, especially the supply of organic C and N. 展开更多
关键词 black soils NUTRIENTS RECLAMATION water-stable aggregates
Comparative Study on Rain Splash Erosion of Representative Soils in China 被引量:6
作者 CHENG Qinjuan CAI Qiangguo MA Wenjun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第2期155-161,共7页
As the first event of soil erosion, rain splash erosion supplies materials for subsequent transportation and en-trainment. The Loess Plateau, the southern hilly region and the Northeast China are subject to serious so... As the first event of soil erosion, rain splash erosion supplies materials for subsequent transportation and en-trainment. The Loess Plateau, the southern hilly region and the Northeast China are subject to serious soil and water loss; however, the characteristics of rain splash erosion in those regions are still unclear. The objectives of the study are to ana-lyze the characteristics of splash erosion on loess soil, red soil, purple soil and black soil, and to discuss the relationship between splash erosion and soil properties. Soil samples spatially distributed in the abovementioned regions were col-lected and underwent simulated rainfalls at a high intensity of 1.2mm/min, lasting for 5, 10, 15, and 20min, respectively. Rain splash and soil crust development were analyzed. It shows that black soil sample from Heilongjiang Province corre-sponds to the minimum splash erosion amount because it has high aggregate content, aggregate stability and organic mat-ter content. Loess soil sample from Inner Mongolia corresponds to the maximum splash erosion amount because it has high content of sand particles. Loess soil sample from Shanxi Province has relatively lower splash erosion amount be-cause it has high silt particle content and low aggregate stability easily to be disrupted under rainfalls with high intensity. Although aggregate contents of red soil and purple soil samples from Hubei and Guangdong provinces are high, the sta-bility is weak and prone to be disrupted, so the splash erosion amount is medium. Splash rate which fluctuates over time is observed because soil crust development follows a cycling processes of formation and disruption. In addition, there are two locations of soil crust development, one appears at the surface, and the other occurs at the subsurface. 展开更多
关键词 rain splash erosion black soil loess soil red soil purple soil soil crust
作者 WANGYa-qin WANGJi-hong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第1期71-74,共4页
Electric fertilizer, i. e. exerting electric field on plants during growing season instead of chemical fertilizer, is a kind of physical fertilizer, and the third kind of fertilizer with developmental prospect after i... Electric fertilizer, i. e. exerting electric field on plants during growing season instead of chemical fertilizer, is a kind of physical fertilizer, and the third kind of fertilizer with developmental prospect after inorganic fertilizer and organic fertilizer. For the purpose of studying the changes of physical and chemical properties of soil after exerting electric field, five treatments with different applications of chemical fertilizer were arranged on the black soil in Yushu City of Jilin Province by randomized block method, and electric field was exerted on plants every ten days during the growing season. Through sample analysis the paper arrives at following conclusions: 1) Exerting electric field can make soil′s granular structure increase, bulk density decrease, moisture capacity increase, thus improving the perviousness of soil. 2) Exerting electric field can make microorganism′s number increase and activity strengthen, thus activating nutrient and increasing organic matter content. 3) Exerting electric field with 0.1A medium has the best effect. So the chemical fertilizer can be saved. Therefore, we can say that the application of electric fertilizer is favorable for decreasing chemical poison, improving soil, relaxing the contradiction between the supply and demand of chemical fertilizer, and decreasing production cost of agriculture and forestry. 展开更多
关键词 electric fertilizer soil property rival action black soil
Micromorphological Analysis of Soil Structure under No Tillage Management in the Black Soil Zone of Northeast China 被引量:7
作者 ZHOU Hu LI Baoguo LU Yizhong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期173-180,共8页
The structure of the "black soil" in Northeast China has been greatly deteriorated by long-term intensive conventional mouldboard plow tillage (CT) practices. In this study, micro- morphological observation and im... The structure of the "black soil" in Northeast China has been greatly deteriorated by long-term intensive conventional mouldboard plow tillage (CT) practices. In this study, micro- morphological observation and image analysis of soil thin sections were conducted to evaluate the impacts of 21 years (1986-2007) of no tillage (NT) on soil structure as compared to CT in an experiment near Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province. Soil organic matter (SOM), wet aggregate stability and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) were also analyzed. Total SOM was not significantly affected by tillage systems, but fresher SOM was observed in the surface layer under NT. The aggregates under NT showed different hierarchies in the form of crumbs, and the mean weight diameter (MWD) of NT was significant higher than that of CT in the surface layer. Platy and blocky aggregates were frequently observed in the lower layers under CT practice. The compound pore structure with intertwined intra- and inter- aggregates pores under NT was well developed in a layer from 0-5 cm to 20-25 era. While under CT system, more inter-aggregate pores and fewer intra- aggregate pores were observed, and planes and channels were frequently found in the 20-25 cm layer, where maeroporosity decreased significantly and a plow pan was evident. The Ks values of NT weresignificantly lower at o-5 cm but significantly higher at 20-95 cm compared with CT, which showed the same trend with macroporosity. These results confirmed that long-term CT practice fragmented the tillage layer soil and compacted the lower layer soil and formed a plow pan. While long-term NT practice in the black soil region favored soil aggregation and a stable porous soil structure was formed, which are important to the water infiltration and prevent soil erosion. 展开更多
关键词 No tillage soil structure soilmicromorphology image analysis black soil
Labile Organic Matter Content and Distribution as Affected by Six-year Soil Amendments to Eroded Chinese Mollisols 被引量:8
作者 SUI Yueyu JIAO Xiaoguang +3 位作者 CHEN Wenting LIU Xiaobing ZHANG Xingyi DING Guangwei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期692-699,共8页
Labile organic carbon (LOC) is a fraction of soil organic carbon (SOC) with rapid turnover time and is affected by soil fertilization. This investigation characterized the SOC content, LOC content and LOC distribu... Labile organic carbon (LOC) is a fraction of soil organic carbon (SOC) with rapid turnover time and is affected by soil fertilization. This investigation characterized the SOC content, LOC content and LOC distribution in the treatment plots of surface soil erosion at five levels (0-, 5-, 10-, 20- and 30-cm erosion). The soil had received contrasting fertilizer treatments (i.e., chemical fertilizer or chemical fertilizer + manure) for 6 years. This study demonstrated that both SOC and various LOC fractions contents were higher in the plots with fertilizer + manure than in those with fertilizer alone under the same erosion conditions. The SOC and LOC contents de- creased as the erosion depth increased. Light fraction organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, easily oxidizable organic carbon (KMnO4-oxydizable organic carbon), and microbial biomass carbon were 27% 57%, 37%-7%, 20%-25%, and 29%-33% higher respectively in the fertilizer + manure plots, than in the fertilizer alone plots. Positive correlations (p 〈 0.05) between SOC content and different fractions contents were observed in all plots except the correlation between total SOC content and water-soluble organic carbon content in the different fertilization treatments. Obviously, fertilizer + manure treatments would be conducive to the accumulation of LOC and SOC in the Black soil of Northeast China. 展开更多
关键词 erosion depth black soil farmland soil labile organic carbon distribution pattern long-term fertilization
Soil Nutrient Variance by Slope Position in a Mollisol Farmland Area of Northeast China 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG Shaoliang JIANG Lili +3 位作者 LIU Xiaobing ZHANG Xingyi FU Shicong DAI Lin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期508-517,共10页
In order to generate scientifically-based comparative information to improve fertilization efficiency and reduce nutrient loss, 610 samples of 122 soil profiles were collected at the 0–60 cm depth to compare soil nut... In order to generate scientifically-based comparative information to improve fertilization efficiency and reduce nutrient loss, 610 samples of 122 soil profiles were collected at the 0–60 cm depth to compare soil nutrient contents including soil organic matter(SOM), total nitrogen(TN), total phosphorus(TP), available phosphorus(AP), and available potassium(AK) among different slope positions in a Mollisol farmland area of Northeast China. The contents of SOM and TN typically decreased with increased soil depth at back and bottom slope. Soil loss and deposition tended to decrease SOM and TN at the 0–20 cm soil depth on both the back slope and the slope bottom. The TP firstly decreased from 0–20 cm to 30–40 cm, and then not constantly increased at the back slope and the bottom slope. Due to the characteristics of soil nutrients and crop absorption, the contents of both AP and AK were typically the highest at the summit, followed by the slope bottom and the back slope in the 0–20 cm layer. Generally, in order to sustain the high soil productivity and protect the environment, attention should be paid to soil conservation on back slope; in addition, additional N and P fertilizer is necessary on the back slope. 展开更多
关键词 soil organic matter soil nitrogen soil phosphorus soil potassium slope position MOLLISOLS China
Effects of Gully Erosion and Gully Filling on Soil Degradation in the Black Soil Region of Northeast China 被引量:9
作者 TANG Wen-jian LIU Hong-hu LIU Bao-yuan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期913-922,共10页
Gully erosion has caused soil degradation and even reduced soil productivity. However, only few studies on the effects of gully erosion and artificial controlling measures on soil degradation in the Black Soil Region ... Gully erosion has caused soil degradation and even reduced soil productivity. However, only few studies on the effects of gully erosion and artificial controlling measures on soil degradation in the Black Soil Region of Northeast China are available. Thus, this study explores the relationships between gully erosion, gully filling and soil parameters. Two sets of soil samples were collected in the field at: (1) 72 sample points in the gully erosion study area, 60 sample points in the ephemeral and classical gully erosion area (3,518 m2), 12 sample points in the deposition zone (443 m2), (2)1o reference points along a slope unaffected by gully erosion representing the original situation before the gully was formed. All soil samples were analyzed for gravel content (GC), soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), available nitrogen (AN), available phosphorus (AP), and available potassium (AK). The soil property values on unaffected slope were fitted by the polynomial curves as the reference values in no gully erosion area. The interpolated soil property values in gully eroded study area were compared with these polynomial curves, respectively, and then, changes of soil property values were analyzed. Gully erosion caused an increase in GC and a decrease in SOM, TN, AN, AP and AK. The change of GC, SOM, TN, AN, AP, AK was 8.8%, -9.04 g kg-1, -0.92 g kg-1, -62.28 mg kg-1, -29.61 mg kg% -79.68 mg kg-1. The soil property values in the study area were below optimal values. Thus, we concluded that gully erosion and gully filling caused both on-site and off-site soil degradation. Soil degradation area was 0.65 % of the cultivated land. In addition, it was proved that gully filling were an improper soil and water conservation measure, which seems to exacerbate the problem. Thus, it is suggested that soil where soil is deep is moved to fill the gully, and then the area around the filled gullies should be covered by grass for preventing the formation and development of the gully. 展开更多
关键词 Deposition zone Gully erosion Ephemeral gully Classical gully Soil nutrients Gullyfilling
Oxidation of Elemental Sulfur in Selected Soils of China
作者 LISHUTIAN LINBAO 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第1期69-76,共8页
An incubation experiment was carried out in laboratory to study the effect of temperature, moisture, phosphorus, organic matter, cropping and previous elemental sulfur application on elemental sulfur oxidation in four... An incubation experiment was carried out in laboratory to study the effect of temperature, moisture, phosphorus, organic matter, cropping and previous elemental sulfur application on elemental sulfur oxidation in four selected soils, fluvo-aquic soil, black soil, yellow-brown soil and red soil. In all the soils tested, sulfur oxidation rate was influenced by temperature and the temperature coefficient (Q10) values at the range from 10 to 30 ℃ were 4.41, 4.05, 6.19 and 3.71 for the four soils, respectively. The rate of sulfur oxidation was parabolically related to soil Water content. The optimum moisture content for the maximum oxidation rate was different among soils. Phosphorus increased the oxidation rate of elemental sulfur by 57.7%, 33.1%, 21.7% and 26.4% for the above four soils, respectively, compared with the control (no phosphorus applied). Organic material of corn straw which was ground and passed through a 0.5-mm sieve also increased the oxidation rate of elemental sulfur in the four soils by 59.8%, 7.8%, 39.2% and 540.4%, respectively. Elemental sulfur which was applied previously to soils significantly enhanced the oxidation of elemental sulfur subsequently added and increased sulfur-oxidizing populations such as autotrophic elemental sulfur oxidizers with pH optimum 6.8, autotrophic thiosulfate oxidizers with pH optimum 6.8, heterotrophic thiosulfate oxidizers and heterotrophic sulfate producers. Cropping had little effect on elemental sulfur-oxidizing potentiality of soils. 展开更多
关键词 elemental sulfur OXIDATION SOIL
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