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作者 余士兰 张宁 +5 位作者 闫昊艺 张运军 韩晓玉 任鸿宇 凌铁军 安茂强 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第18期160-167,共8页
为探究我国典型砖形黑茶代谢物轮廓的规律,以及砖形黑茶与黑茶真菌在代谢物种类方面的关系,本研究利用基于液相色谱-质谱联用的非靶向代谢组学和基于特征物信息的质谱分子网络技术,对我国典型的砖形黑茶(湖北青砖茶、四川康砖茶、湖南... 为探究我国典型砖形黑茶代谢物轮廓的规律,以及砖形黑茶与黑茶真菌在代谢物种类方面的关系,本研究利用基于液相色谱-质谱联用的非靶向代谢组学和基于特征物信息的质谱分子网络技术,对我国典型的砖形黑茶(湖北青砖茶、四川康砖茶、湖南的黑砖茶、花砖茶和茯砖茶、陕西的茯砖茶)以及茶鲜叶和分离自黑茶的多种真菌进行代谢组学分析。结果表明,砖形黑茶的非挥发性代谢物轮廓更倾向于按照生产地区进行分类,一组是来自湖南和陕西的砖形黑茶,而另一组是来自四川和湖北的砖形黑茶;决定其代谢物轮廓分组的最主要因素是砖茶含梗率,来自四川和湖北的砖形黑茶含梗率明显高于另一组;造成两组砖形黑茶轮廓差异的主要原因是湖南和陕西的砖形黑茶中有更高含量的黄烷-3-醇类和大部分氨基酸及其衍生物等代谢物;针对砖形黑茶和真菌代谢物的分子网络分析发现,在砖形黑茶中,尤其是在康砖茶中广泛分布着源自真菌的线性和环状二肽;在茯砖茶中有着结构种类丰富的异戊烯基二酮哌嗪类化合物,这类化合物来自于冠突散囊菌,因此,真菌为砖形黑茶贡献了种类丰富的代谢物。本实验结果可为全面了解和认识我国典型砖形黑茶的化学物质基础提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 中国典型砖 代谢组学 非挥发性代谢产物 含梗率 真菌 质谱分子网络
东海黑潮区浮游介形类的生态特征 被引量:14
作者 林景宏 陈瑞祥 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第2期174-179,共6页
本文根据1987年7一8月和1989年10一11月在东海黑潮区所获的综合调查资料,分析了该区浮游介形类的种类组成和数量变动以及生态类群和群落结构,井探讨其与环境因素的关系。结果表明,本区共出现浮游介形类38种;种类数... 本文根据1987年7一8月和1989年10一11月在东海黑潮区所获的综合调查资料,分析了该区浮游介形类的种类组成和数量变动以及生态类群和群落结构,井探讨其与环境因素的关系。结果表明,本区共出现浮游介形类38种;种类数的平面分布呈现东高西低的格局,高丰度区出现于不同水系的交汇区和黑潮主干区,但两区的种类组成明显有别.单一种类后圆真浮和长拟浮萤分别为测区西部和东部的主要种。根据分布特点,本区浮游介形类可分为4个生态类群,它们在差异悬殊的水文状况下又按不同的数量比例形成两个截然不同的群落。测区内不同生态类群浮游介形类的分布状况可佐证不同水系的运动和消长,它们在各群落中所占的数量比例可反映各生活小区水文环境概貌。 展开更多
关键词 潮区介 群落结构 生态学
作者 景龙飞 江少恩 +2 位作者 丁永坤 黄天晅 黄运保 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期93-99,共7页
利用三维视角因子软件IRAD3D研究了神光-Ⅲ主机靶丸表面辐射驱动时变对称性和驱动强度随黑腔腔形和排布方式的变化.模拟结果表明:采用椭球形黑腔能显著减小黑腔壁面积从而减小腔壁能量消耗并提高靶丸消耗份额;不同腔形和排布方式下均... 利用三维视角因子软件IRAD3D研究了神光-Ⅲ主机靶丸表面辐射驱动时变对称性和驱动强度随黑腔腔形和排布方式的变化.模拟结果表明:采用椭球形黑腔能显著减小黑腔壁面积从而减小腔壁能量消耗并提高靶丸消耗份额;不同腔形和排布方式下均可通过调节腔长使勒让德不对称性模P2时间积分量较小;采用双环辐照和椭球腔形都利于缩短腔长;四环排布利于调节P4分量,但环向不对称性M4较差;椭球腔双环排布能兼顾极向不对称性P2,P4和环向不对称性M4,且靶丸表面X光驱动强度相对柱腔双环提高25%~27%. 展开更多
关键词 辐射驱动对称性 视角因子软件IRAD3D 神光-Ⅲ主机 腔腔
作者 黄雅静 《收藏与投资》 2023年第10期25-27,共3页
20世纪以来,写实造型水墨人物画逐渐登上舞台。在国家复兴与社会进步的背景下,“五四”时期开始提倡引入科学精神,在美术方面也参考了西方的积极艺术思想。生在当代,顺应时代,对于历史我们没有亲身经历,当下我们却身在其中。学习中国传... 20世纪以来,写实造型水墨人物画逐渐登上舞台。在国家复兴与社会进步的背景下,“五四”时期开始提倡引入科学精神,在美术方面也参考了西方的积极艺术思想。生在当代,顺应时代,对于历史我们没有亲身经历,当下我们却身在其中。学习中国传统笔墨,研究现当代水墨,在徐蒋体系的造型训练下,对水墨人物画产生新的感知,通过实践表达自己独立的艺术思想,并结合西方艺术思想和中国传统绘画“计白当黑,虚实相生”的黑白理念,对黑白造形进行实践。 展开更多
关键词 20世纪 水墨人物 黑形
舟形毛虫黑卵蜂寄生茶蚕的观察 被引量:1
作者 邓余良 《中国生物防治》 CSCD 1995年第2期95-95,共1页
1发生期舟形毛虫黑卵蜂(TelenomuskolbeiMayr)在霍山一年发生4代,以第4代卵在茶蚕(Andracabipunctata)卵内越冬。始见羽化与寄生盛期:第1代成蜂分别为5月上中旬、5月下旬;第2代为7... 1发生期舟形毛虫黑卵蜂(TelenomuskolbeiMayr)在霍山一年发生4代,以第4代卵在茶蚕(Andracabipunctata)卵内越冬。始见羽化与寄生盛期:第1代成蜂分别为5月上中旬、5月下旬;第2代为7月上旬、7月下旬;第3代为8月中旬... 展开更多
关键词 毛虫卵峰 茶蚕 寄生 寄生率
作者 郭君宁 楚晓青 +1 位作者 沈思思 付晚涛 《现代农业科技》 2022年第9期129-132,140,共5页
本文对大连市某海域黑纤维虾形草的形态特征、种群密度和生物量等进行了初步调查。结果表明:黑纤维虾形草具有匍匐的根状茎特征,6—8月生物量、茎枝密度、株冠高度及最大叶片长度均随季节变化呈现上升趋势;8月各指标均达到最大值,生物量... 本文对大连市某海域黑纤维虾形草的形态特征、种群密度和生物量等进行了初步调查。结果表明:黑纤维虾形草具有匍匐的根状茎特征,6—8月生物量、茎枝密度、株冠高度及最大叶片长度均随季节变化呈现上升趋势;8月各指标均达到最大值,生物量为2011.4 g/m^(2),茎枝密度为1.45×10^(4)株/m^(2),株冠高度为85.9 cm,最大叶片长度为16.8 cm^(2)9—11月各指标呈现下降趋势,11月该调查海域海草死亡。 展开更多
关键词 纤维虾 海草床 态特征 生物量 茎枝密度
作者 山中幸 黑河真也 柳汉工 《中国设备工程》 2004年第6期52-55,共4页
按照环保和劳动安全的要求,当今世界各国都在限制以石棉为原料制造的垫圈(片)产品。本文阐述了新原料开发的背景;归纳了六种非石棉制品,进而从特征、制作范围、用途及适用流体、基本性能、压坏特性、热循环性能和耐药性等方面,重点介绍... 按照环保和劳动安全的要求,当今世界各国都在限制以石棉为原料制造的垫圈(片)产品。本文阐述了新原料开发的背景;归纳了六种非石棉制品,进而从特征、制作范围、用途及适用流体、基本性能、压坏特性、热循环性能和耐药性等方面,重点介绍了可以替代石棉接头垫圈的超黑形垫圈(NO.GF300)。 展开更多
关键词 环保 石棉 非石棉制品 黑形垫圈
Comparison of Morphological Microstructure of Vitrified and Normal Shoots of Aronia melanocarpa Elloit 被引量:2
作者 高晔华 利爽 +2 位作者 吕天舒 胡婷婷 吴荣哲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1667-1670,1683,共5页
The Aronia melanocarpa El oit was used as test material. The microstruc-ture of normal and vitrified shoots and the characteristics of their stomas on leaf surface were compared by paraffin section and leaf epidermis-... The Aronia melanocarpa El oit was used as test material. The microstruc-ture of normal and vitrified shoots and the characteristics of their stomas on leaf surface were compared by paraffin section and leaf epidermis-tearing method. The results showed the palisade tissue of Aronia melanocarpa El oit consists of 2-3 lay-ers of cells. The stomas on lower epidermis cave in, and are smal and dense. There are abundant vessels and sieve tubes in stems. ln contrast, the main veins of vitrified shoots are unobvious, messy and irregular. The boundary between pal-isade tissue and spongy tissue is not obvious. The stomas open circularly and bigly. The stems are swel ing and thick, but the pith parenchyma cells are broken. 展开更多
关键词 Aronia melanocarpa El oit Morphological microstructure Normal shoot Vitrified shoot
两种白莲叶斑病病原菌室内药剂筛选 被引量:2
作者 况卫刚 龚鑫 +2 位作者 张连虎 林桠春 崔汝强 《生物灾害科学》 2022年第4期485-488,共4页
【目的】白莲是江西省广昌县重要的经济作物,种植广泛,在农业发展中占据重要地位。白莲病害危害严重,对莲子的产量和质量造成潜在影响。研究拟通过室内毒力测定筛选到对白莲叶斑病有效的防治药剂,为白莲病害的综合防治提供理论基础。【... 【目的】白莲是江西省广昌县重要的经济作物,种植广泛,在农业发展中占据重要地位。白莲病害危害严重,对莲子的产量和质量造成潜在影响。研究拟通过室内毒力测定筛选到对白莲叶斑病有效的防治药剂,为白莲病害的综合防治提供理论基础。【方法】采用生长速率法测定了3种杀菌剂对白莲叶斑病2种病原菌梨形黑孢菌和链格孢菌的室内毒力。【结果】所选的3种杀菌剂均对梨形黑孢菌和链格孢菌有一定的抑菌作用。对于链格孢菌,抑制效果最好的是56%啶酰肟菌酯和45%咪鲜胺,其EC50值分别为8.294μg/mL和8.371μg/mL。对于梨形黑孢菌,45%咪鲜胺抑制效果最好,EC50为11.488μg/mL;其次为56%啶酰肟菌酯和40%苯醚甲环唑,EC50分别为20.592μg/mL和59.476μg/mL。【结论】56%啶酰肟菌酯对链格孢菌的杀菌效果较好,45%咪鲜胺对梨形黑孢菌的杀菌效果较好。 展开更多
关键词 白莲 链格孢菌 孢菌 杀菌剂 毒力测定
Infection of the Anther-smut Microbotryum violaceum in Populations of Silene dioica: Variation in Floral Morphology, Patterns of Spore Deposition and Pathogen-Pollinator Mediated Selection
作者 刘登义 Ulla CARLSSON 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第1期88-96,共9页
The anther-smut Microbotryum violaceum ( Brandenburger and Schvinn) G. Deml. and Oberw.) causes a systematic infection of its host Silene dioica ( L.) Clairv., resulting in sterility and production of teliospores (dis... The anther-smut Microbotryum violaceum ( Brandenburger and Schvinn) G. Deml. and Oberw.) causes a systematic infection of its host Silene dioica ( L.) Clairv., resulting in sterility and production of teliospores (dispersal propagules) in flowers. These spores are transmitted to healthy plants mainly by flower visitors. The behavioral responses of flower visitors to a variation in floral characters are not only likely to affect rates of pollen export/import, but also the rate of spore deposition and probability of disease. In a transplantation experiment, using plants from four different populations, we tested for correlation between variation in female floral morphology and patterns of spore and pollen deposition, and a resulting risk of disease. The source populations in this experiment were located on four islands in Skeppsvik archipelago in northern Sweden, and represented a gradient of disease incidence from completely healthy ( Island 1), low incidence ( Island 2) to high incidences ( Islands 3 and 4) of disease. Fifty plants from each population were transplanted to the center, of the population on Island 4. There were significant differences among the transplants in floral characters, i.e. corolla size, style length and ovule number. Plants from the non-diseased population had larger flowers and longer styles than plants from the highly diseased populations. Numbers of pollen grains and spores deposited on flowers were strongly and positively correlated. We found that plants originating from the non-diseased population captured approximately 4 times more pollen and 9 times more spores, per flower than die individuals from the resident population (Island 4, population 4). The incidences of disease among plants, from the four populations differed significantly, and was 37%, 20%, 18% and 0 for populations 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. In a survey of ten populations we found a significant negative correlation between the mean style length ( positively correlated with corolla size and ovule number) among healthy plants and incidence of disease in these populations. The potentiality for pathogen-pollinator mediated selection oil floral characters; and consequences for gone flow between populations of Silene dioica are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Silene dioica floral morphology anther-smut infection patterns of spore deposition pathogen-pollinator mediated selection
Quantum Tunneling Radiation of Reissner-Nordstrom de Sitter Black Hole with a Global Monopole 被引量:2
作者 JIANG Qing-Quan YANG Shu-Zheng LI Hui-Ling 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期457-460,共4页
Applying Parikh's quantum tunneling model, we study the quantum tunneling radiation of Reissne- Nordstrom de Sitter black hole with a global monopole. The result shows that the tunneling rates at the event horizon an... Applying Parikh's quantum tunneling model, we study the quantum tunneling radiation of Reissne- Nordstrom de Sitter black hole with a global monopole. The result shows that the tunneling rates at the event horizon and the cosmic horizon are related to Bekenstein-Hawking entropy if we take the energy conservation into consideration, and the true radiate spectrum is not precisely thermal. 展开更多
关键词 Reissner-Nordstrom de Sitter black hole global monopole energy conservation tunneling rate
Gravitational Radiation of Binaries Coalescence into Intermediate Mass Black Holes 被引量:1
作者 LI Jin ZHONG Yuan-Hong PAN Yu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期56-60,共5页
This paper discusses the gravitation waveforms of binaries coalescence into intermediate mass black holes(about 30 times of the solar mass).We focus on the non-spinning intermediate mass black hole located less than 1... This paper discusses the gravitation waveforms of binaries coalescence into intermediate mass black holes(about 30 times of the solar mass).We focus on the non-spinning intermediate mass black hole located less than 100 Mpc from earth.By comparing two simulation waveforms(effective one body numerical relativity waveform(EOBNR),phenomenological waveform),we discuss the relationship between the effective distance and frequency;and through analyzing large amounts of data in event,we find that the phenomenological waveform is much smoother than EOBNR waveform,and has higher accuracy at the same effective distance. 展开更多
关键词 binary coalescence intermediate mass black hole effective one body numerical relativity waveform(EOBNR) phenomenological waveform
The Logic of Incarnation: Hegel's Use of Plato's Philebus in the Shorter Logic and in the Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion
作者 Chrysantho Sholl Figueiredo 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第10期569-577,共9页
Hegel uses Plato's classical text, Philebus, in two of his most important texts, the so called Shorter Logics, the first part of the famous Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences and in The Lectures on the Philosophy... Hegel uses Plato's classical text, Philebus, in two of his most important texts, the so called Shorter Logics, the first part of the famous Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences and in The Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. The aim of this article is to analyze how can this two references be read together as to form a relationship between logic and religion in the very heart of Hegelian philosophy. In the first case, Hegel analyzes Plato's text within the context of his Doctrine of Being, specially from §§ 89 to 95, which deal with the question of determinate being. In The Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, on the other hand, the reference appears in the 1824 Lectures in a particularly complex chapter called "The Transition to the Speculative Standpoint of Religion," in which Hegel affirms not only that such a speculative standpoint is the only one in which religion can be truly grasped, but also that the Christian concept of "incarnation of God" is the "speculative midpoint" of religion. It will be argued, therefore, that the ontological question of determination and actuality, as exposed in the Shorter Logics, is fundamental to the metaphysics of Christian Religion as Hegel understands it not only in his Philosophy of Religion, but arguably in his whole philosophy. 展开更多
关键词 HEGEL LOGIC Philosophy of Religion Greek Philosophy PLATO CHRISTIANITY Incarnation of God
Exploring Image Culture Through Narrative: A Study on Jennifer Egan's Twitter Fiction Black Box
作者 NIE Bao-yu 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第10期820-829,共10页
Notable for the completeness with which it surrenders formally and artistically to the textual dictates of Twitter, Jennifer Egan's 2012 short science fiction Black Box is one of the most triumphant and fully-fledged... Notable for the completeness with which it surrenders formally and artistically to the textual dictates of Twitter, Jennifer Egan's 2012 short science fiction Black Box is one of the most triumphant and fully-fledged fictions written in the form of new media. This paper explores the Twitter narrative employed in Black Box, pointing out that the serialized tweeting format of the story released via computer, mobile phone, or other electronic equipments brings readers immediate reading experience, allowing readers to sense the same feelings as the protagonist does. Through the experimental serialization of"Twitter" narrative, Egan expresses her concerns and worries about the security of the American security as well as the whole world in the post-"9.11" period and at the same time she embraces the virtues and pleasures of traditional storytelling delivered through a wholly new digital format. This paper concludes that Black Box is perhaps one of the boldest experiments of narrative form and is direct exploration into the contemporary image culture. 展开更多
关键词 Jennifer Egan Black Box Twitter narrative image culture
Heavy Metals in Water and Bottom Sediments of Odessa Region of the Black Sea
作者 Sergey Yevgenevich Dyatlov 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2015年第2期51-58,共8页
The paper presents the results of a comprehensive monitoring of the polygon: "Odessa Region, north-western part of the Black Sea" for the period 2009-2011. It is shown that most of the copper and nickel is brought ... The paper presents the results of a comprehensive monitoring of the polygon: "Odessa Region, north-western part of the Black Sea" for the period 2009-2011. It is shown that most of the copper and nickel is brought into the sea from the catchment area, and zinc and cadmium are mainly of the autochthonous origin. It is found that in 2010, after heavy rains, the area of bottom sediments contaminated by copper and nickel was increased. The main source of copper in the sea is vast vineyards. 展开更多
关键词 Odessa Region of the Black Sea WATER bottom sediments heavy metals spatial distribution G1S-based map technology.
Hawking Tunneling Radiation of Black Holes in Deformed Horava-Lifshitz Gravity
作者 曾晓雄 李玲 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期376-380,共5页
Tunneling of scalar particles and Dirac particles from a black hole in the deformed Horava-Lifshitz gravity is discussed in this paper. We consider the case that the dynamical coupling constant λ= 1, when it reduces ... Tunneling of scalar particles and Dirac particles from a black hole in the deformed Horava-Lifshitz gravity is discussed in this paper. We consider the case that the dynamical coupling constant λ= 1, when it reduces to Einstein's General Relativity at large scales and the black hole behaves like the Reissner-Nordstr6m black hole. The result shows that though the black hole entropy bears logarithmic correction, the tunneling probability is still related to its differences for the scalar particles and Dirac particles. 展开更多
关键词 Horava-Lifshitz gravity TUNNELING black hole ENTROPY
The only purple-flower species in Actaea L.is pollinated by a hornet
作者 Lin-Feng Qiu Jiu-Dong Zhang +13 位作者 Ying Li Xiao-Ying Liu Dan-Qing Zhang Long Huang Ya-Peng Yang Shi-Yu Wang Yue-Yi Li Zi-Wei Ma Jie Sui Lin Wang Xiao-Fen Che Xian-Hua Tian Yi Ren Jian-Qiang Zhang 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期181-196,共16页
Examining the pollination biology of plant species is not only crucial for enhancing our understanding of their reproductive biology,but also essential for elucidating their adaptation and evolutionary history.Here,we... Examining the pollination biology of plant species is not only crucial for enhancing our understanding of their reproductive biology,but also essential for elucidating their adaptation and evolutionary history.Here,we investigated the breeding system and pollination biology of two closely related species in Actaea.The flower of A.purpurea is unique in the genus with purple and chartaceous(paper-like)sepals,fewer stamens with yellow anthers and purple filaments.Through three seasons of field observation and exclusion experiments,we determined that A.purpurea was primarily pollinated by a hornet species,Vespa bicolor,which also served as the most efficient pollinator.In contrast,A.japonica was primarily pollinated by large flies.Actaea purpurea exhibited a significantly higher cumulative nectar volume than A.japonica,which could be a crucial factor in attracting V.bicolor.A control experiment further demonstrated that removing the nectar leaf(petal)significantly decreased the visiting frequency of V.bicolor.Breeding system studies revealed that both species were self-compatible,yet they primarily underwent outcrossing in natural habitats.Our study presents a compelling case of possible pollinator shift in A.purpurea accompanied by morphological divergence.A more in-depth investigation of this system would offer crucial insights into the extent to which pollinators are involved in the plant speciation process and whether they contribute to reproductive isolation between closely related species. 展开更多
关键词 Actaea purpurea Actaea japonica breeding system pollinator shift speciation Vespa bicolor
《炭黑工业》 2002年第5期36-36,共1页
关键词 高着色强度 生产方法 非圆筒反应炉 平板侧壁
Deformation quantization and noncommutative black holes 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Xiao 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2011年第11期2501-2508,共8页
This short paper is based on the talk on the conference Operator Algebras and Related Topics held on July 23-27, 2010, Beijing. The author surveys recent developments of the noncommutative gravity in joint works with ... This short paper is based on the talk on the conference Operator Algebras and Related Topics held on July 23-27, 2010, Beijing. The author surveys recent developments of the noncommutative gravity in joint works with Chaichian, Tureanu, Sun, Wang, Xie and Zhang. 展开更多
关键词 deformation quantization noncommutative geometry noncommutative black holes
On the Contemporary Construction of the Chinese System of Academic Discourse 被引量:1
作者 吴晓明 《Social Sciences in China》 2012年第3期5-18,共14页
As an important academic issue, the contemporary construction of the Chinese system of academic discourse has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Questions needing further reflection and exploration are: ... As an important academic issue, the contemporary construction of the Chinese system of academic discourse has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Questions needing further reflection and exploration are: What does the genesis and expansion of this topic actually mean? Within what horizon can we reveal its fundamental nature and draw further conclusions? What intellectual task will be presented to us in the course of fixing its direction? An in-depth probe into these questions, that is, the core issue in the contemporary construction of the Chinese system of academic discourse, is how contemporary academic discourse can enter deep into the specific content ushered in by our historical practice, so that this content can be truly grasped intellectually and studied academically. 展开更多
关键词 discourse system Chinese academia contemporary construction academic discourse contemporary China social science research HEGEL METAPHYSICS
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