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非共轭齿面鼓形齿联轴器鼓形齿轮鼓度曲线的优化 被引量:1
作者 易传云 肖来元 +1 位作者 杨元山 杨叔子 《中国机械工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第S1期4-6,共3页
关键词 共轭 鼓形齿联轴器 鼓度曲线 曲面拟合
发动机曲轴轴颈中鼓度磨削的研究 被引量:3
作者 李小新 李新文 《汽车科技》 2013年第3期62-65,共4页
主要探讨曲轴轴颈中鼓度磨削的三种方法:成型切入式磨削、成型切点跟踪式磨削和矢量切点跟踪式磨削。前两种磨削方法已经批量应用于曲轴磨削制造过程中,目前矢量切点跟踪式磨削方法实现中鼓度磨削还只是一种概念,从磨削原理、磨削控制... 主要探讨曲轴轴颈中鼓度磨削的三种方法:成型切入式磨削、成型切点跟踪式磨削和矢量切点跟踪式磨削。前两种磨削方法已经批量应用于曲轴磨削制造过程中,目前矢量切点跟踪式磨削方法实现中鼓度磨削还只是一种概念,从磨削原理、磨削控制、磨削验证三个方面进行分析验证,最终试磨成功,确认矢量切点跟踪式磨削方法可实现曲轴轴颈中鼓度磨削。 展开更多
关键词 曲轴 鼓度 磨削
作者 张日升 《金属加工(冷加工)》 2023年第12期38-40,共3页
关键词 曲轴 轴颈 鼓度 技术难点 加工工艺
鼓形齿联轴器鼓度曲线选型优化比较分析 被引量:3
作者 赵世银 姚远 李业明 《机械传动》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第10期86-91,共6页
外齿鼓度曲线的选型及参数对鼓形齿联轴器啮合特性有着重要的影响,其决定了鼓形齿联轴器的最大允许轴间倾角及啮合性能。采用几何分析方法,建立了4种不同类型的鼓度曲线即圆弧曲线、椭圆曲线、双曲线和三段圆弧曲线,计算不同轴间倾角对... 外齿鼓度曲线的选型及参数对鼓形齿联轴器啮合特性有着重要的影响,其决定了鼓形齿联轴器的最大允许轴间倾角及啮合性能。采用几何分析方法,建立了4种不同类型的鼓度曲线即圆弧曲线、椭圆曲线、双曲线和三段圆弧曲线,计算不同轴间倾角对应的内外齿齿面的最小间隙、接触点位置、允许最大轴间倾角和重合度,比较4种不同类型的鼓度曲线即圆弧曲线、椭圆曲线、双曲线和三段圆弧曲线的啮合特性。结果表明,各种鼓度曲线中间曲率半径分别在50 mm^90 mm和90 mm^130 mm的取值范围内,每增加20 mm,相应的最大允许轴间倾角差值分别减小0.2°和0.1°左右;三段圆弧曲线可允许轴间倾角最大且对应接触点轴向位移量最小。轴间倾角大于1.3°,中间位置曲率半径相同时,三段圆弧对应的齿面法向最小间隙曲线明显更平缓,啮合重合度更高。 展开更多
关键词 鼓形齿联轴器 鼓度曲线 啮合分析 轴间倾角
6063铝合金压缩实验摩擦修正及高温流动应力模型 被引量:5
作者 陈志英 许树勤 +1 位作者 董湘怀 阮雪榆 《材料科学与工艺》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期847-851,共5页
关键词 本构方程 鼓度 压缩实验 数学模型
微塑性成形中的摩擦研究 被引量:2
作者 王匀 孙日文 +3 位作者 许桢英 董培龙 袁国定 蔡兰 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期13-16,共4页
微塑性成形中由于尺寸微型化出现了"尺度效应",导致了摩擦润滑呈现出不同于传统宏观尺寸的特点,利用"开口和封闭润滑穴"模型解释了微塑性成形中的摩擦问题。结合微压缩实验讨论了流动应力的修正,即消除摩擦力对微... 微塑性成形中由于尺寸微型化出现了"尺度效应",导致了摩擦润滑呈现出不同于传统宏观尺寸的特点,利用"开口和封闭润滑穴"模型解释了微塑性成形中的摩擦问题。结合微压缩实验讨论了流动应力的修正,即消除摩擦力对微压缩的影响。耦合鼓度法和有限元技术对微压缩试验进行了研究,制定了标定曲线,进行了拟合回归,求解了实验中的摩擦因数,修正了流动应力,从而获得真实流动应力-应变曲线,可以为后续的微塑性成形有限元数值模拟提供准确的材料模型。 展开更多
关键词 微塑性成形 尺度效应 鼓度 压缩实验 流动应力
石墨化碳钢室温压缩变形过程的试验研究 被引量:1
作者 张永军 张鹏程 +2 位作者 王九花 于文杰 韩静涛 《上海金属》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第3期29-33,共5页
利用Gleeble-3500热模拟试验机对以铁素体+石墨为组织特征的石墨化碳钢进行了室温压缩变形试验。采用金相显微镜研究了应变速率(0.01、0.1、1s^-1)对钢的变形行为及组织演变特征的影响。结果表明:试验范围内应变速率对试验钢的压缩变形... 利用Gleeble-3500热模拟试验机对以铁素体+石墨为组织特征的石墨化碳钢进行了室温压缩变形试验。采用金相显微镜研究了应变速率(0.01、0.1、1s^-1)对钢的变形行为及组织演变特征的影响。结果表明:试验范围内应变速率对试验钢的压缩变形行为影响不大,即表现为在位移小于6.5mm(对应压下量54.2%)的压缩过程中,不同应变速率下的压缩载荷均随着位移的增加而稳定增大,压缩试样的鼓度在6.5mm位移处达到最大值;而在位移大于6.5mm的压缩过程中,压缩载荷急剧增大,压缩试样的鼓度逐渐减小,研究认为这是此阶段压缩试样端面径向伸长率的急剧增大引起的。另外,在不同应变速率下的压缩变形过程中,试样的3个不均匀变形区(大变形区、自由变形区和难变形区)中的石墨粒子的变形量总大于铁素体基体的变形量,这是由简单六方晶体结构的石墨层与层之间易滑动所致。 展开更多
关键词 石墨化碳钢 压缩变形 载荷-位移曲线 鼓度 组织
连铸板坯外形的在线检测方法 被引量:2
作者 陈至坤 田立平 唐瑞尹 《河北理工学院学报》 2003年第1期17-20,共4页
介绍了板坯外形在线检测的测量原理 ,计算方法 ,并给出了实验测量方法、过程及计算机图像处理系统的处理结果。该方法简单、实用 。
关键词 连铸板坯 鼓度 在线检测 测量原理 计算方法 外形检测
鼓形齿联轴器啮合计算分析及软件实现 被引量:4
作者 马玉强 李广 +1 位作者 赵世银 姚远 《机车车辆工艺》 2020年第6期4-6,22,共4页
开发了鼓形齿联轴器啮合计算分析软件,通过界面操作可以分析不同齿形参数、鼓度参数以及联轴器偏角状态下鼓形齿的啮合性能,大大提高了设计效率;利用软件对4种不同鼓度曲线的鼓形齿进行啮合特性分析,表明3段圆弧曲线的啮合性能优于其他3... 开发了鼓形齿联轴器啮合计算分析软件,通过界面操作可以分析不同齿形参数、鼓度参数以及联轴器偏角状态下鼓形齿的啮合性能,大大提高了设计效率;利用软件对4种不同鼓度曲线的鼓形齿进行啮合特性分析,表明3段圆弧曲线的啮合性能优于其他3种;将软件的计算结果与有限元仿真分析结果进行对比,验证了软件的可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 鼓形齿联轴器 啮合计算 鼓度曲线 轴间倾角
Fluidization characteristics of magnetic particles and determination of stable fluidization zone in magnetically fluidized bed 被引量:1
作者 王迎慧 归柯庭 施明恒 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第4期523-527,共5页
To determine and calculate the stable fluidization zone in a magnetically fluidized bed, the fluidization characteristics of magnetic particles are investigated. Four kinds of magnetic particles with different average... To determine and calculate the stable fluidization zone in a magnetically fluidized bed, the fluidization characteristics of magnetic particles are investigated. Four kinds of magnetic particles with different average diameters, ranging from 231 to 512 μm, are fluidized in the presence of magnetic fields with specified values of the intensity in the range of zero to 7330 A/m, and the particle fluidization curves are plotted. For marking the stable fluidization zone in the curves, the minimum bubbling velocities of particles are measured by the pressure-drop fluctuation. Based on the fluidization curves, the influences of the average particle diameter and magnetic field intensity on the zone are analyzed and discussed. A correlation to determine the stable fluidization zone is derived from the experimental data, using three dimensionless numbers, i. e., the ratio of magnetic potential to gravity potential, the Reynolds number and the Archimedes number. Compared with available data reported, it is shown that the correlation is more simplified to predict relative parameters for the bed operating in the state of stable fluidization under reasonable conditions. 展开更多
关键词 magnetically fluidized bed fluidization characteristics stable fluidization minimum bubbling gas velocity pressure-drop fluctuation
摩擦系数对不同高径比坯料镦粗鼓的影响规律 被引量:2
作者 邱媛媛 《锻压装备与制造技术》 2022年第5期90-93,共4页
在金属塑性成形过程中,摩擦广泛存在,摩擦对零件的变形均匀程度和热量产生有极其重要的影响。本文建立了热-力耦合的镦粗有限元模型,并着重分析了不同高径比下不同摩擦系数对坯料镦粗鼓的影响规律。结果表明:摩擦系数会显著影响不同高... 在金属塑性成形过程中,摩擦广泛存在,摩擦对零件的变形均匀程度和热量产生有极其重要的影响。本文建立了热-力耦合的镦粗有限元模型,并着重分析了不同高径比下不同摩擦系数对坯料镦粗鼓的影响规律。结果表明:摩擦系数会显著影响不同高径比坯料镦粗鼓的大小。 展开更多
关键词 摩擦系数 有限元模拟 镦粗 鼓度
Accuracy analysis of plane-strain bulge test for determining mechanical properties of thin films 被引量:3
作者 杨林 龙士国 +1 位作者 马增胜 王子菡 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第10期3265-3273,共9页
The effect of a variety of geometrics, initial conditions and material properties on the deformation behavior of thin films in the plane-strain bulge test was systematically scrutinized by performing the finite elemen... The effect of a variety of geometrics, initial conditions and material properties on the deformation behavior of thin films in the plane-strain bulge test was systematically scrutinized by performing the finite element analysis, and then the accuracy of the plane-strain bulge test in determining the mechanical properties of thin films in terms of our finite element results was analyzed. The results indicate that although the determination of the plane-strain modulus in the light of the plane-strain bulge equation is fairly accurate, the calculation of the residual stress is not satisfied as expected, especially for low residual stress. Finally, an approach is proposed for analyzing bulge test data, which will improve the accuracy and reliability of this bulge test technique. 展开更多
关键词 thin films mechanical properties bulge test ACCURACY finite element analysis
Prediction model for permeability index by integrating case-based reasoning with adaptive particle swarm optimization
作者 朱红求 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2009年第3期267-271,共5页
To effectively predict the permeability index of smelting process in the imperial smelting furnace, an intelligent prediction model is proposed. It integrates the case-based reasoning (CBR) with adaptive par- ticle ... To effectively predict the permeability index of smelting process in the imperial smelting furnace, an intelligent prediction model is proposed. It integrates the case-based reasoning (CBR) with adaptive par- ticle swarm optimization (PSO). The nmnber of nearest neighbors and the weighted features vector are optimized online using the adaptive PSO to improve the prediction accuracy of CBR. The adaptive inertia weight and mutation operation are used to overcome the premature convergence of the PSO. The proposed method is validated a compared with the basic weighted CBR. The results show that the proposed model has higher prediction accuracy and better performance than the basic CBR model. 展开更多
关键词 lead and zinc smelting permeability index prediction case-based reasoning (CBR) adaptive particle swarm optimization (PS0)
A New Model for Prediction of Mean Liquid Circulating Velocity in Bubble Columns
作者 陈启明 吴元欣 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2000年第4期385-387,共3页
A new model without any fitting parameter for estimating the mean liquid recirculating velocity has been derived from previous work directly. The prediction agrees with experimental data reasonably well. Accurency of ... A new model without any fitting parameter for estimating the mean liquid recirculating velocity has been derived from previous work directly. The prediction agrees with experimental data reasonably well. Accurency of prediction from the new model is comparable with the models reported in the literature. However, the new model has a potential capability to predict the average liquid recirculation velocity at elevated pressure bubble columns since n and c is developed under pressure. However this needs to be further tested experimentally. 展开更多
关键词 mean liquid velocity correlation prediction bubble column
石墨化碳素钢室温压缩过程中的不均匀变形行为 被引量:3
作者 张永军 张鹏程 +3 位作者 张波 王九花 于文杰 韩静涛 《工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期1037-1044,共8页
将0.46%含碳量(质量分数)的石墨化碳素钢在万能材料试验机上进行室温压缩变形,试验钢表现出良好的压缩变形性能.根据载荷-位移曲线的变化特点,试验钢的压缩变形过程以位移7.0 mm(对应相对压下量为58.3%)为节点分为两个阶段:在位移≤7.0... 将0.46%含碳量(质量分数)的石墨化碳素钢在万能材料试验机上进行室温压缩变形,试验钢表现出良好的压缩变形性能.根据载荷-位移曲线的变化特点,试验钢的压缩变形过程以位移7.0 mm(对应相对压下量为58.3%)为节点分为两个阶段:在位移≤7.0 mm的压缩阶段,载荷呈线性增加,压缩试样的鼓度值逐渐增加而达到一个极大值(14.6%),压缩试样中心位置的维氏硬度增幅最大,为38.1 HV,至位移7.0 mm时试样端面径向伸长率的增幅为34%;而在位移>7.0 mm的压缩阶段,载荷呈指数增加,压缩试样的鼓度值从极大值开始逐渐减小,至位移为10.72 mm时(相对压下量为89.3%),试样端面的径向伸长率相比于位移7.0 mm时增加了83.1%,压缩试样的中心位置的维氏硬度增幅最小,为32.7 HV.上述试验数据表明,在位移≤7.0 mm的压缩过程中,压缩试样内的三个不均匀变形区的位置与传统压缩模型一致,但是当压缩变形进入位移>7.0 mm的压缩过程中,试样中心位置已不再是传统压缩模中变形程度最大的变形区了,即在这个阶段试样中的3个不均匀变形区的变形程度发生了改变.正因这种不均匀变形区变形程度的改变导致了变形过程中载荷的急剧增加和鼓度值的减低.另外,在压缩变形过程中,三个不均匀变形区中石墨粒子的微观变形量总是高于铁素体基体,其原因之一可以归结为石墨粒子中层与层之间容易于滑动的结果. 展开更多
关键词 石墨化碳素钢 室温压缩变形 载荷-位移曲线 鼓度 微观变形量
中碳冷镦钢的室温压缩变形及其不均匀应变硬化行为 被引量:1
作者 张永军 张波 +3 位作者 张鹏程 王九花 于文杰 韩静涛 《锻压技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期167-172,共6页
对SWRCH45K中碳冷镦钢在万能材料试验机上进行室温压缩变形,观察了压缩试样表面质量及其内部组织,以及分析了压缩试样侧表面赤道位置的轴向与周向应变。结果表明:该钢在压缩变形过程中,压缩载荷先随位移的增加而稳定增大,当位移大于7. 5... 对SWRCH45K中碳冷镦钢在万能材料试验机上进行室温压缩变形,观察了压缩试样表面质量及其内部组织,以及分析了压缩试样侧表面赤道位置的轴向与周向应变。结果表明:该钢在压缩变形过程中,压缩载荷先随位移的增加而稳定增大,当位移大于7. 5 mm时,压缩载荷急剧增大;随压下量的增加,压缩试样的鼓度值先增大后减小。载荷和鼓度值在位移7. 5 mm时,同时出现变化趋势的改变,这是由于压缩变形的不均匀应变硬化所致,即在位移小于7. 5 mm的压缩变形过程中,大变形区位于试样的中心位置,其应变硬化程度高;而在随后的位移大于7. 5 mm的压缩变形过程中,该区将因应变硬化程度高、其进一步变形所需变形力大而不再是变形程度最大的区域,其应变硬化程度的增幅减小,相反此前试样内变形程度小的难变形区和小变形区因应变硬化程度小、其进一步变形的变形力小而产生较大的变形,其应变硬化程度的增幅大幅度增加。 展开更多
关键词 中碳冷镦钢 压缩变形 压缩载荷 鼓度 不均匀性应变硬化
The Unsteady Fluctuating Pressure and Velocity in a Cross Flow Fan 被引量:2
作者 Jiaye Gan Fei Liu Min Liu Keqi Wu 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第4期349-355,共7页
This paper investigates the relations between the fluctuating pressure and velocity of the source by means of nu- merical method and sound pressure in the far field obtained with an noise experiment for a novel cross ... This paper investigates the relations between the fluctuating pressure and velocity of the source by means of nu- merical method and sound pressure in the far field obtained with an noise experiment for a novel cross flow fan. The frequency characteristics of the fluctuating pressure and velocity in a cross flow fan are analyzed by means of spectral analysis and wavelet transform. The fluctuating pressures obtained by large eddy simulation on the casing wall are compared with that of experiments and show good agreement. From the spectral analysis of sound source, it is found that the pressure fluctuating peak is correspond with the sound pressure in the far field. 展开更多
关键词 cross flow fan spectral analysis aerodynamic noise
Unsteady Operation of New Type Turbofan Engine with Aerodynamic Torque Converter Reducing Front Fan Speed 被引量:1
作者 Toshiaki KANEMOTO Seita SEKI +1 位作者 Kazunori IDENO Ahmed Mohamed GALAL 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第3期206-210,共5页
It is desired to increase the rotational speed of the core engine of the turbofan so as to get the best efficiency for the next leap of engine technology. The conventional mechanism in which the front fan is directly ... It is desired to increase the rotational speed of the core engine of the turbofan so as to get the best efficiency for the next leap of engine technology. The conventional mechanism in which the front fan is directly connected to the output shaft of a core engine, have a limit of increasing the spool speed, because the fan diameter is very large. The authors have proposed a new driving system in which the front fan is driven through the aerodynamic torque converter. The front fan can work at the best performance at slower speed while the core engine runs more efficiently at higher speed. Continuously, this paper discusses the response of the front fan in the unsteady operation of the core engine, accompanying with the internal flow. The system has the acceptable responsibility in the unsteady operation which is very important for the aircrafts. 展开更多
关键词 turbofan engine front fan torque converter rotational speed
Investigation of drying characteristics of low rank coal of bubbling fluidization through experiment using lab scale 被引量:2
作者 DoMan JEON TaeJin KANG +2 位作者 HyungTaek KIM SiHyun LEE SangDo KIM 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第7期1680-1683,共4页
Lignite is a low rank coal which is evenly distributed throughout the world and accounts for 45% of the total coal reserves. As it has a higher moisture content, its moisture content must be reduced in order to utiliz... Lignite is a low rank coal which is evenly distributed throughout the world and accounts for 45% of the total coal reserves. As it has a higher moisture content, its moisture content must be reduced in order to utilize it in power plant. In the present work, experiments on lignite has been done using a lab scale fluidized-bed reactor. Drying lignite through fluidized-bed reactor has a higher drying rate because there is good contact between particles and gas in the fluidized-bed reactor. Fluidized-bed drying can use air of 1.5 times of the minimum fluidizing velocity performance at bubbling fluidized-bed. Experiments have been performed on coal particle sizes of 0.3-1 mm, 1-1.18 mm and 1.18-2.8 mm, with operating temperatures being 100℃, 125℃ and 150℃, respectively. It is found that fluidization has a higher drying rate due to the heat transfer rate through air velocity. Hence, moisture content in lignite can be dried to a desired value with a time interval of 10 rain. The experiment through fluidized-bed reactor is expected to be useful for saving money and time. 展开更多
关键词 low rank coal moisture content minimum fluidizing velocity bubbling fluidized-bed
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