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上下齐力 多措并举 开创农民专业合作组织发展新局面
《农村经营管理》 北大核心 2008年第5期22-24,42,共4页
关键词 农民专业合作组织 齐力 力度 农民专业合作社法 《农民专业合作社法》
作者 本刊编辑部 《书法教育》 2024年第1期2-3,共2页
1毛笔的“德行”想要挑选一支好的毛笔,这里面可是大有学问。都说君子有德,毛笔亦有“德”。一支好毛笔,要具备“尖、圆、齐、健”这“四德”。“尖”是指聚拢笔毛后锋颖尖锐;“圆”是要求笔毛呈圆锥状,毛笔的肚腹要丰满圆润;“齐”是... 1毛笔的“德行”想要挑选一支好的毛笔,这里面可是大有学问。都说君子有德,毛笔亦有“德”。一支好毛笔,要具备“尖、圆、齐、健”这“四德”。“尖”是指聚拢笔毛后锋颖尖锐;“圆”是要求笔毛呈圆锥状,毛笔的肚腹要丰满圆润;“齐”是指润开之后的笔毫整齐,书写时“万毫齐力”;“健”是要求锋颖劲健有力,弹性十足。考察完毛笔的“四德”,让我们开始挥毫泼墨吧。 展开更多
关键词 挥毫泼墨 万毫齐力 圆锥状 毛笔 四德 德行
书法艺术与精神文明 被引量:1
作者 王荣发 《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 1994年第Z1期75-80,共6页
书法艺术同其他艺术一样,既是精神文明的组成部分,又是精神文明发展的动力,在中华民族乃至人类的精神生活和文明建设中,发挥着特殊的作用。 一、文明进程的催化剂 人类进入文明社会的标志是文字的产生。文字是与书写联系在一起的,有文... 书法艺术同其他艺术一样,既是精神文明的组成部分,又是精神文明发展的动力,在中华民族乃至人类的精神生活和文明建设中,发挥着特殊的作用。 一、文明进程的催化剂 人类进入文明社会的标志是文字的产生。文字是与书写联系在一起的,有文字就必然有书写,必然有书法。作为文字艺术的书法可以说是与人类文明一同诞生的。 展开更多
关键词 殷商时期 《兰亭序》 精神生活 祭侄文稿 万毫齐力 文化模式 鸭头丸 墨舞 遂良 力感
从唐摹“晋帖”看魏晋笔法之本相——关于日本藏《孔侍中》《丧乱》诸帖引出的话题 被引量:2
作者 陈振濂 《上海文博论丛》 2006年第2期26-35,共10页
研究中国古代书法中的"笔法"现象,不但要看中国流传有绪的法帖碑版书迹;还要借助于上古、中古时期中外书法交流事实的便利,从域外流传的书迹中去分析判断中国上古、中古时代书法的"本相"。在目前人人引为正宗,但又... 研究中国古代书法中的"笔法"现象,不但要看中国流传有绪的法帖碑版书迹;还要借助于上古、中古时期中外书法交流事实的便利,从域外流传的书迹中去分析判断中国上古、中古时代书法的"本相"。在目前人人引为正宗,但又很难解释清楚的所谓"二王笔法"或"魏晋笔法"的研究方面。 展开更多
关键词 二王 鸭头丸帖 刻帖 碑版 侍中 万毫齐力 沈尹默 《兰亭序》 淳化阁帖 伯远帖
书坛的隐逸者——武慕姚 被引量:1
作者 赵鉴钺 《中国书画》 2008年第7期39-49,137,共12页
武慕姚(1900~1982年),名福鼐,字慕姚,号守拙、拙叟,原籍河北省永年县。曾任中国书法家协会河南分会理事、河南省博物馆文物顾问、开封市书学研究会顾问。武慕姚出身于书香门第,祖父武延绪(次鹏)为光绪壬辰年进土,任翰林院庶吉士,后出... 武慕姚(1900~1982年),名福鼐,字慕姚,号守拙、拙叟,原籍河北省永年县。曾任中国书法家协会河南分会理事、河南省博物馆文物顾问、开封市书学研究会顾问。武慕姚出身于书香门第,祖父武延绪(次鹏)为光绪壬辰年进土,任翰林院庶吉士,后出任湖北省京山县知县,谥奉政公,"尤善为颜平原书法"。其父武毓荃为太学生(监生),早年留学日本,后在家闲居,亦善书。1900年9月3日,武慕姚出生于其祖父官邸。自幼聪慧,四岁能诵《千字文》,七岁能诗,九岁时已将四书、五经烂熟于心。 展开更多
关键词 武慕姚 书学 颜平原 中国书法家协会 善书 翰林院庶吉士 拙叟 书风 结体 万毫齐力
作者 董文 《中国书画》 2008年第9期104-109,共6页
关键词 世界文化艺术 中国书法家协会 皇象 书艺 心正笔正 万毫齐力 取法乎上 论书帖 提按 笔意赞
上溯六朝 榜书有望
作者 董文 《美术大观》 1994年第9期46-46,共1页
“风雨楼”,三个大字行笔稳健,酣畅淋漓,气势磅礴,宛若风雨骤至,扑面而来。作者摇肘运腕,钟情于大字榜书的作品。为我们引入了一个雄浑苍莽的境界,如面对古松巨石,巍巍然顿起肃穆之感。字愈大愈难,这是书法创作的一个规律。大字最要功力... “风雨楼”,三个大字行笔稳健,酣畅淋漓,气势磅礴,宛若风雨骤至,扑面而来。作者摇肘运腕,钟情于大字榜书的作品。为我们引入了一个雄浑苍莽的境界,如面对古松巨石,巍巍然顿起肃穆之感。字愈大愈难,这是书法创作的一个规律。大字最要功力,功力不深厚者多不敢为。“下笔点画波撇屈曲,皆须尽一身之力而送之”(卫铄《笔阵图》)。前人写小字尚竭尽全力。作大字尤须如此。康有为曾为榜书定格:“作榜书须笔,墨雍容,以安静简穆为上。 展开更多
关键词 书法创作 一身之力 卫铄 笔阵图 巍巍然 中兴颂 万毫齐力 东方朔画赞 碑版 提按
作者 韩立壮 《保定学院学报》 2021年第1期F0003-F0003,共1页
简介:据记载,此碑立于1936年,原在涞水县南门西角门内,现下落不明,仅存拓片。拓片高130cm,宽62cm。碑记内容简练,文辞华美,对研究涞水县民国时期的历史有一定参考价值。碑文为楷书,字体规整端庄,方圆兼备,既宽博雄放又紧凑严密,内多劲力... 简介:据记载,此碑立于1936年,原在涞水县南门西角门内,现下落不明,仅存拓片。拓片高130cm,宽62cm。碑记内容简练,文辞华美,对研究涞水县民国时期的历史有一定参考价值。碑文为楷书,字体规整端庄,方圆兼备,既宽博雄放又紧凑严密,内多劲力,书法艺术水平颇高。此碑由张伯英书丹。张伯英为民国著名金石书法家,其用笔万毫齐力,圆满峻发,点画所到之处,极具朝揖相让之法。尤擅书写碑志,数百字楷书不用划线,从头到尾一气呵成,而分行布白、范围大小莫不恰到好处。 展开更多
关键词 张伯英 万毫齐力 布白 宽博 涞水县 拓片
作者 储欣木 《曲靖师范学院学报》 1983年第2期54-57,共4页
书法依附于文字而服务于文字。一般说来,作交际用的,谓之书写;作欣赏用的,谓之书法。由于用途不同,要求也就各异。一般地讲,工具文字,只要求书写准确,清楚,一目了然即可。而作为艺术欣赏用的书法,要求则不同。它既要遵循一定的法度书写... 书法依附于文字而服务于文字。一般说来,作交际用的,谓之书写;作欣赏用的,谓之书法。由于用途不同,要求也就各异。一般地讲,工具文字,只要求书写准确,清楚,一目了然即可。而作为艺术欣赏用的书法,要求则不同。它既要遵循一定的法度书写,又要在继承和创新上别具一格,富有美感和欣赏价值。 展开更多
关键词 艺术欣赏 欣赏价值 力感 万毫齐力 结体 用墨 出帖 一身之力 笔阵图 疾涩
作者 姚淦铭 《苏州科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 1987年第2期32-40,共9页
《韩非子》中记述,夏禹作祭器,“墨染其外,朱画其内”。商人作书用墨,已为殷墟出土的甲骨片上和陶片上墨写的字所证实。解放以来,湖南长沙、河南信阳、湖北江陵等地出土的楚简,让我们看到了出于战国人之手的大批墨迹。一九七五年,云梦... 《韩非子》中记述,夏禹作祭器,“墨染其外,朱画其内”。商人作书用墨,已为殷墟出土的甲骨片上和陶片上墨写的字所证实。解放以来,湖南长沙、河南信阳、湖北江陵等地出土的楚简,让我们看到了出于战国人之手的大批墨迹。一九七五年,云梦睡虎地秦墓,又出墨块、研磨工具及毛笔。这可能是目前已知的最早的烟墨实物。墨发展至汉末,出现了一个历史性转折,大量人造墨出现,为其后的制墨业奠定了基础。随着社会和文化事业的发展,制墨不断进步,制墨名家辈出,佳墨迭现。明清制墨业已得到高度发展,解放以后更是蒸蒸日上。 展开更多
关键词 书论 墨法 用墨 涨墨 云梦睡虎地秦墓 中国书法艺术 续书谱 名家辈出 湖北江陵 万毫齐力
七仙形秘门大擒拿 腰髋分错术
作者 高翔 《搏击》 2004年第2期20-21,共2页
一、果老铲枝(一)速伸右爪,从敌右臂外侧擒抓其右腕节;右侧身进势,左爪蓄劲出形(图1)。(二)连动不停。再出左手锁抓敌肘节或臂的其他处,与右爪齐力向上拉带,领动敌全身,使敌身形渐起,桩步抬升,膝节欲直前倾,不得缩臂藏身或退步(图2)。(... 一、果老铲枝(一)速伸右爪,从敌右臂外侧擒抓其右腕节;右侧身进势,左爪蓄劲出形(图1)。(二)连动不停。再出左手锁抓敌肘节或臂的其他处,与右爪齐力向上拉带,领动敌全身,使敌身形渐起,桩步抬升,膝节欲直前倾,不得缩臂藏身或退步(图2)。(三)连动不停。速出左脚铲踢敌大腿前髋,上提下铲, 展开更多
关键词 齐力 蓄劲 拧转
作者 向小琴 《电子商务》 2000年第4期40-42,共3页
关键词 纯净水 企业 齐力 北京 企业管理 上海梅林 电子购物 网上购物 配送网
作者 王继华 《山西财税》 2016年第2期33-34,共2页
书法是中国文化的精粹核心载体,在几千年的历史文化演绎中,它表征着中国古老文化的博大精深,并承载中华文化的复合民族精神,如:上贤经典智慧中的厚德载物、自强不息、道法自然、气节为大等,这些精神随同千年书法早已化于上至官方下至... 书法是中国文化的精粹核心载体,在几千年的历史文化演绎中,它表征着中国古老文化的博大精深,并承载中华文化的复合民族精神,如:上贤经典智慧中的厚德载物、自强不息、道法自然、气节为大等,这些精神随同千年书法早已化于上至官方下至民间的心灵深处,从而使人们醉心于此而难于回返。"如果你要欣赏艺术,那么你应当是一个在艺术上有教养的人"(马克思语)。这一名言也适用于书法创作欣赏。人们必须具有一定的修养,才能欣赏书法的艺术美。修养愈深,欣赏所得也愈强。书法有魂文字的产生是社会进入文明的主要标志之一。 展开更多
关键词 核心载体 中国文化 道法自然 载物 民族精神 心灵深处 结体 万毫齐力 昨夜西风 书如其人
Hydrochemical Characteristics and Solute Dynamics of Meltwater Runoff of Urumqi Glacier No.1,Eastern Tianshan,Northwest China 被引量:13
作者 FENG Fang LI Zhongqin +2 位作者 JIN Shuang DONG Zhiwen WANG Feiteng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期472-482,共11页
Hydrochemical characteristics and solute dynamics of bulk meltwater draining from Urumqi Glacier No.1 were investigated in years 2006 and 2007. The glacial meltwater was slightly alkaline with the mean pH of 7.64 and ... Hydrochemical characteristics and solute dynamics of bulk meltwater draining from Urumqi Glacier No.1 were investigated in years 2006 and 2007. The glacial meltwater was slightly alkaline with the mean pH of 7.64 and 7.61 in 2006 and 2007, respectively. In the meltwater, the dominant anions were the bicarbonate and sulphate, and the dominant cation was calcium. The concentration of major cations were varied as c(Ca2+) 〉 c(Mg2+) 〉 c(K+) 〉 c(Na+), while the order for the cations was c(HCO3-) 〉 c(SO42-) 〉 c(NQ-) 〉 c(C1-). The total dissolved solids (TDS) in meltwater had inverse relationships with the diurnal discharge. The major ion composition of meltwater was mainly controlled by rock weathering as inferred from the Gibbs model. Furthermore, the ion ratios and Piper diagram indicated that the main processes controlling the meltwater chemistry were carbonate weathering, pyrite weathering and feldspar weathering in rocks, and Ca2+ and HCQ- were the dominant ions during the carbonate weathering process. Solute flux calculation at Glacier No.1 station suggested that chemical denudation rates were 11.46 and 13.90 tonkm-2.yr-1 in 2006 and 2007, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Ionic concentration EC and TDS Rockweathering Solute fluxes Urumqi Glacier No.1
Ethene and butene oligomerization over isostructural H-SAPO-5 and H-SSZ-24: Kinetics and mechanism
作者 Christian Ahoba-Sam Marius Westg?rd Erichsen Unni Olsbye 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期1766-1777,共12页
BrФnsted-acidic zeolite and zeotype materials are potential catalysts for the conversion of ethene to higher alkenes. In this study, two materials with AFI structure but different acid strength, H-SAPO-5 and H-SSZ-24... BrФnsted-acidic zeolite and zeotype materials are potential catalysts for the conversion of ethene to higher alkenes. In this study, two materials with AFI structure but different acid strength, H-SAPO-5 and H-SSZ-24, were subject to studies of ethene, cis-2-butene and ethene-butene mixture conversion under conditions where C3-C5 alkene formation is thermodynamically favoured over higher hydrocarbons(673-823 K, 1 atm). Ethene and cis-2-butene partial pressures were varied in the range 9-60 and 0.9-8.1 kPa, respectively, and contact times were varied in the range 3.78-756 and 0.573-76.4 s.μmol H+/cm^3 over H-SAPO-5 and H-SSZ-24, respectively. Less than 1% conversion of ethene and less than 10% conversion of butene was obtained in the range of conditions used for elucidation of rate parameters. The ethene conversion rates were more than an order of magnitude higher over the more acidic H-SSZ-24 than over H-SAPO-5(6.5 vs. 0.3 mmol/mol H+.s at 748 K, Pethene = 33 kP a), with corresponding lower reaction order in ethene(1.5 vs. 2.0 at 673 K) and lower apparent activation energy(52 vs. 80 kJ/mol at 698-823 K). Propene selectivity was substantially higher over H-SSZ-24 than over H-SAPO-5(68% vs. 36% at 0.5% ethene conversion). A similar difference in apparent reaction rates was observed for cis-2-butene conversion over the two catalysts, and for co-feeds of ethene and cis-2-butene. However, the cis-2-butene conversion to C3-C5 alkenes was found to be severely influenced by thermodynamic limitations, impeding a detailed kinetic analysis, and leading predominantly to isobutene formation at the highest temperatures. 展开更多
关键词 Ethene oligomerization Butene oligomerization Kinetics Zeolite Acid strength H-SAPO-5 H-SSZ-24
The Colourlessness of the Zener Diode
作者 Joaquim Marcelino Santos 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第4期501-505,共5页
This short paper is about art and science and the human struggle to figure out the world we live in. It is also about the imagination and human progress, rationality and subjectivity, as well as the development of dev... This short paper is about art and science and the human struggle to figure out the world we live in. It is also about the imagination and human progress, rationality and subjectivity, as well as the development of devices to ascertain out accurate knowledge--and yet the imagination and forms of thought are themselves devices that are integral to mechanical inventions. At the core of the subject under discussion, the aesthetic can be found reasons for the existence of other phenomena, the rational and the sensitive, epistemology and phenomenology, fulfilling human pleasure and necessity, and moving forward a humanized cosmos. Somewhere seems to rise and grow afresh a precise image of what we actually are and it can be revealed simply by being in the world and experiencing it on the basis of the mind-body-worM or by extending human senses through technology. 展开更多
Robust Adaptive Pitch Control of Floating Wind Turbines
作者 Ibrahim F. Jasim Najah F. Jasim 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第5期845-848,共4页
In this paper, a modified sliding-mode adaptive controller is derived to achieve stability and output regulation for a class of dynamical systems represented by a non-homogeneous differential equation with unknown tim... In this paper, a modified sliding-mode adaptive controller is derived to achieve stability and output regulation for a class of dynamical systems represented by a non-homogeneous differential equation with unknown time-varying coefficients and unknown force function. In this scheme, the control law is constructed in terms of estimated values for the bounds of the unknown coefficients, where these values are continuously updated by adaptive laws to ensure asymptotic convergence to zero for the output function. The proposed controller is applied to solve the problem of pitch angle regulation for a floating wind turbine with dynamic uncertainty and external disturbances. Numerical simulations are performed to demonstrate the validity of the designed controller to achieve the desired pitch angle for the floating turbine's body. 展开更多
关键词 Pitch control robust adaptive control floating wind turbines.
Dynamic Analysis of aSelected Spatial One-DOF Linkage Mechanism with Friction in Joints
作者 Andrzej Harlecki Andrzej Urbas 《Journal of Control Science and Engineering》 2016年第1期11-25,共15页
The dynamic analysis of a one-DOF RSRRR spatial linkage mechanism, including four rotational joints R and one spherical joint S, is presented in the paper. It is assumed that friction occurs in the rotational joints, ... The dynamic analysis of a one-DOF RSRRR spatial linkage mechanism, including four rotational joints R and one spherical joint S, is presented in the paper. It is assumed that friction occurs in the rotational joints, whereas a spherical joint can be treated as an ideal one. The mechanism in the form of a closed-loop kinematic chain was divided by cut joint technique into two open-loop kinematic chains in place of the spherical joint. Joint coordinates and homogeneous transformation matrices were used to describe the geometry of the system. Equations of the chains' motion were derived using formalism of Lagrange equations. Cut joint constraints and reaction forces, acting in the cutting place---i.e, in the spherical joint, have been introduced to complete the equations of motion. As a consequence, a set of differential-algebraic equations has been obtained. In order to solve these equations, a procedure based on differentiation twice of the formulated constraint equations with respect to time has been applied. In order to determine values of friction torques in the rotational joints in each integrating step of the equations of motion, joint forces and torques were calculated using the recursive Newton-Euler algorithm taken from robotics. For the requirements of the method, a model of a rotational joint has been developed. Some examples of results of the numerical calculations made have been presented in the conclusions of the paper. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamic analysis linkage mechanism FRICTION cut joint technique.
作者 黄惇 《中华书画家》 2013年第4期96-97,共2页
少年的时候,我和同辈人一样,写过柳公权、欧阳询,大抵以唐楷起步。到了二十几岁,受当时风气影响,也写过魏碑、汉碑、秦篆等等,不过那时我所知道的一点点书法知识,都是从祖父那里得来的,大多是"五指齐力"、"笔笔回锋"... 少年的时候,我和同辈人一样,写过柳公权、欧阳询,大抵以唐楷起步。到了二十几岁,受当时风气影响,也写过魏碑、汉碑、秦篆等等,不过那时我所知道的一点点书法知识,都是从祖父那里得来的,大多是"五指齐力"、"笔笔回锋"、"横平竖直"之类的口诀。对于书法史和清以前的书论,以及锺繇、王羲之、宋四家、赵孟頫、晚明诸家陌生得很。文革中这些都被视为粪土,当然距离更是遥远。老一辈的书家,多从晚清一脉出,所以直到八十年代初叶的书展上,要找地道有家数的行草书,百不见一二,这是时代使然。今天回忆起来,我青年时目见既少,观念也模糊,尽管热爱书法,却看不懂,更不用说入门了。 展开更多
关键词 以势为主 笔笔中锋 五指齐力
作者 刘晶 周长威 《现代装饰(理论)》 2016年第5期170-170,共1页
书法是中国几千年来,历史沉淀下的艺术瑰宝,她的独特之处在于,凭借着独具韵味的线条,在组合搭配下构建出意态万千的翰墨华采。虽处方寸之地,却尽现万象之美。在这个线条的国度里,运笔多变的笔法美,风格多姿的字体美,异彩纷呈的质感美,... 书法是中国几千年来,历史沉淀下的艺术瑰宝,她的独特之处在于,凭借着独具韵味的线条,在组合搭配下构建出意态万千的翰墨华采。虽处方寸之地,却尽现万象之美。在这个线条的国度里,运笔多变的笔法美,风格多姿的字体美,异彩纷呈的质感美,都从不同方面折射出线条的美感艺术。 展开更多
关键词 历史沉淀 艺术瑰宝 线条美 组合搭配 龙门二十品 《兰亭序》 张怀瓘 蚕头燕尾 万毫齐力 曹全碑
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