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北美CHIHUAHUAN荒漠啮齿动物群落动态 IV.群落变量的模拟(英文) 被引量:2
作者 曾宗永 《兽类学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第2期107-118,共12页
利用MonteCarlo方法模拟了北美CHIHUAHUAN荒漠啮齿动物群落变量的总和、月间和年间变动情况及统计学特征,这些变量是:物种数、生物量、物种多样性和均匀性。模拟产生的10000个样本显示这4个变量的平均值是... 利用MonteCarlo方法模拟了北美CHIHUAHUAN荒漠啮齿动物群落变量的总和、月间和年间变动情况及统计学特征,这些变量是:物种数、生物量、物种多样性和均匀性。模拟产生的10000个样本显示这4个变量的平均值是891,1544kg/hm2,158和073。真实群落4个变量的所有值均在模拟群落变量的95%置信区间内。模拟群落物种数、生物量和物种多样性有相同的年间变动规律。物种数和生物量有相同的季节变动规律。当零假设为这些变量均服从正态分布时,X2检验及偏度和峭度说明,在95%的显著性水平上,物种数有962个样本,生物量有109个样本,物种多样性有5529个样本,均匀性有6654个样本服从正态分布,即在95%的显著性水平上,没有一个变量是服从正态分布的。结果说明,当样本含量较小时。 展开更多
关键词 北美 齿啮动物 生物量 群落动态 物种数 分布
靖远、会宁、固原三角地带半干旱环境的啮齿动物群 被引量:1
作者 陈钧 黎军 《中国沙漠》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第3期83-85,共3页
关键词 草原 半干旱环境 齿动物
福建省啮齿目和食虫目动物检索表 被引量:2
作者 洪震藩 《武夷科学》 1981年第S1期111-114,共4页
我省啮齿目动物,已知有7科、15属、29种(包括亚种),其中16种在武夷山保护区有分布记录。我省食虫目动物仅有2科、4属、5种(包括亚种),武夷山保护区皆有。现列为检索表,以便于鉴别。在武夷山保护区有分布记录的种,标有“§”号。福... 我省啮齿目动物,已知有7科、15属、29种(包括亚种),其中16种在武夷山保护区有分布记录。我省食虫目动物仅有2科、4属、5种(包括亚种),武夷山保护区皆有。现列为检索表,以便于鉴别。在武夷山保护区有分布记录的种,标有“§”号。福建啮齿目动物种的检索表一、臼齿在颌的两侧各为5/4。尾比头躯之半长。1.体型大,头躯长通常超过180毫米。上颌具五齿(包括小前臼齿在内)。 展开更多
关键词 食虫目动物 齿动物 检索表 猪尾鼠 黄胸鼠 耳壳 小林姬鼠 污白色 前足 灰棕色
作者 兴安 石凯 +1 位作者 董永义 白阿力玛 《呼伦贝尔学院学报》 2023年第4期126-130,共5页
为顺应国家和地方经济发展需求,内蒙古民族大学草地有害生物防治与保护团队开展了《草地啮齿动物学》课程建设。新农科背景下推动课程思政教学改革,针对课程建设过程中思政元素挖掘与应用欠缺的问题,应用文献法与比较研究法探究从理论... 为顺应国家和地方经济发展需求,内蒙古民族大学草地有害生物防治与保护团队开展了《草地啮齿动物学》课程建设。新农科背景下推动课程思政教学改革,针对课程建设过程中思政元素挖掘与应用欠缺的问题,应用文献法与比较研究法探究从理论课与实践课内容中挖掘思政元素、课程思政融入方式和完善课程考评体系三个角度提出解决该问题的途径。通过近三年的教学改革,该课程已建立起理论、实践与思政内容多元融合的教学目标,教学质量逐年提升,加深了思政元素在课程中的融入性。 展开更多
关键词 草业科学 课程建设 课程思政 《草地齿动物学》
作者 周珊珊 姜岩岩 曹建平 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期512-520,共9页
隐孢子虫是一种在世界范围内广泛分布的人兽共患肠道原虫。隐孢子虫病主要通过粪⁃口途径进行传播。啮齿目动物是隐孢子虫的重要宿主,且与人类接触密切,是人类隐孢子虫感染的潜在来源之一。研究数据显示,我国23个省份开展了啮齿目动物感... 隐孢子虫是一种在世界范围内广泛分布的人兽共患肠道原虫。隐孢子虫病主要通过粪⁃口途径进行传播。啮齿目动物是隐孢子虫的重要宿主,且与人类接触密切,是人类隐孢子虫感染的潜在来源之一。研究数据显示,我国23个省份开展了啮齿目动物感染隐孢子虫的调查,且不同来源和用途啮齿目动物隐孢子虫的感染存在差异。本文总结了我国不同地区、来源和用途啮齿目动物感染的隐孢子虫的虫种/基因型和基因亚型分布情况,分析了啮齿目动物感染隐孢子虫对其他动物以及周围环境的影响。考虑到啮齿目动物中报道的隐孢子虫在人、其他动物及其周围环境中也有检出,不能忽视啮齿目对隐孢子虫在人⁃动物⁃环境界面中传播的作用。 展开更多
关键词 隐孢子虫 齿动物 流行现状
巫山蓝家寨遗址啮齿目动物研究报告 被引量:1
作者 武仙竹 邹后曦 滕明金 《边疆考古研究》 CSSCI 2015年第1期351-358,共8页
<正>一、引言巫山蓝家寨遗址地处长江三峡最大支流大宁河中游一级阶地。位于北纬31。15′95'、东经109。48′23',海拔132~152米。2010年三峡水库蓄水至175米后,该遗址淹没于水下。2012年6月,在三峡水库水位降至海拔145米... <正>一、引言巫山蓝家寨遗址地处长江三峡最大支流大宁河中游一级阶地。位于北纬31。15′95'、东经109。48′23',海拔132~152米。2010年三峡水库蓄水至175米后,该遗址淹没于水下。2012年6月,在三峡水库水位降至海拔145米时,重庆市文化遗产研究院、重庆师范大学等单位对暴露出来的蓝家寨遗址进行抢救性发掘。 展开更多
关键词 齿动物 三峡水库 研究报告 文化遗产研究 抢救性发掘 齿 重庆师范大学 春秋时期 白腹巨鼠
作者 梁杰超 王嘉 《病毒学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期1474-1483,共10页
过去的几十年中,大多数病毒性新发传染病都由野生动物来源的病原体所引起,其中就包括冠状病毒。在所有公认的宿主中,蝙蝠(翼手目)被认为是冠状病毒的储存宿主,储蓄着大量古老且多样的冠状病毒。尽管啮齿目动物通常被视为传播病原体的另... 过去的几十年中,大多数病毒性新发传染病都由野生动物来源的病原体所引起,其中就包括冠状病毒。在所有公认的宿主中,蝙蝠(翼手目)被认为是冠状病毒的储存宿主,储蓄着大量古老且多样的冠状病毒。尽管啮齿目动物通常被视为传播病原体的另一关键类群,目前却很少有综述针对其所携带的冠状病毒进行介绍并评估潜在的威胁。为此,本文总结了近年来啮齿目冠状病毒流行情况的研究进展,探讨了两种人类冠状病毒的出现与啮齿目动物之间的联系,在分析了啮齿目独特的宿主习性以及相关冠状病毒的分子特征后,对该来源的冠状病毒的人兽共患病潜力进行了评估。 展开更多
关键词 冠状病毒 齿动物 人兽共患病
作者 李晔 卢愉中 +2 位作者 柳付明 潘孝猛 叶夏良 《中国地方病防治》 CAS 2023年第5期396-398,共3页
以鼠为代表的小型啮齿目动物标本被经常使用在疾病预防控制中心、病媒生物防制公司、科研院校以及自然博物馆中进行资料保存、竞赛、教学和陈列展出。当前,有福尔马林浸制法、骨骼标本制作法、剥皮标本法和塑化标本制作法等制作方法,其... 以鼠为代表的小型啮齿目动物标本被经常使用在疾病预防控制中心、病媒生物防制公司、科研院校以及自然博物馆中进行资料保存、竞赛、教学和陈列展出。当前,有福尔马林浸制法、骨骼标本制作法、剥皮标本法和塑化标本制作法等制作方法,其中剥皮标本方法应用最为广泛,但存在姿态不自然和制作难度大等不足之处。本研究在剥皮标本方法[1-5]基础上,总结了一种形态自然、美观的生态学标本制作方法,供读者参考。 展开更多
关键词 齿动物 资料保存 疾病预防控制中心 标本制作 改良制作 福尔马林 生态学 方法与体会
作者 吕岩 维基百科 +1 位作者 视觉中国 何桂萍(设计) 《十万个为什么(探索版)》 2020年第1期38-41,共4页
啮齿目是哺乳动物中最大的家族,占哺乳动物的近半数,因其上下颌各有一对“大门牙”而得名。啮齿目动物除了人们普遍认识的仓鼠、松鼠、家鼠等“鼠类”,还包括豚鼠、豪猪、水豚、河狸等陆栖和水栖啮齿类。松鼠在野外或者环境较好的城市... 啮齿目是哺乳动物中最大的家族,占哺乳动物的近半数,因其上下颌各有一对“大门牙”而得名。啮齿目动物除了人们普遍认识的仓鼠、松鼠、家鼠等“鼠类”,还包括豚鼠、豪猪、水豚、河狸等陆栖和水栖啮齿类。松鼠在野外或者环境较好的城市公园中,我们经常能看到一种灵巧的啮齿目动物在树间跳跃。 展开更多
关键词 齿动物 齿动物 松鼠 齿 城市公园 河狸 家鼠 鼠类
作者 L.J.Rausch 杨富祥(译) 《炭黑工业》 2005年第6期20-31,共12页
为数众多的流行病学研究都未能证明职业性接触炭黑是否会增加人们罹患肺癌的危险。炭黑对于小鼠(吞食、皮肤接触或吸入)、仓鼠(吸入)、兔子(皮肤接触或吸入)、灵长类动物(皮肤接触或吸入)和大鼠(吞食)来说都不是致癌物。只有... 为数众多的流行病学研究都未能证明职业性接触炭黑是否会增加人们罹患肺癌的危险。炭黑对于小鼠(吞食、皮肤接触或吸入)、仓鼠(吸入)、兔子(皮肤接触或吸入)、灵长类动物(皮肤接触或吸入)和大鼠(吞食)来说都不是致癌物。只有大鼠进行的从气管内配给或吸入的实验才证明,称为良性囊状角化扁平细胞(KSC)肿瘤的良性及恶性肺肿瘤和损害会明显增加。炭黑诱发的肺肿瘤(包括KSC损害)仅在大鼠身上发生。一个专家小组在评审大鼠身上用钛白粉(二氧化钛)或对.芳族聚酰胺(一种小纤维)引发的损害后,得出结论说,在人类身上是见不到KSC损害的。人类的肺肿瘤主要位于支气管气道中,而在大鼠身上,肺肿瘤则生长在主质中,并且最初是发生在肺泡内。大鼠对炭黑的这一物种特有反应(肿瘤生长和KSC损害)在任何其它实验物种身上均未曾见到,也未见报告说在人类身上有这一物种特有反应。这一物种特有反应有力地证明,在评估炭黑对人类的危害性时,大鼠吸入炭黑的生物鉴定结果不得视为与其有直接的关系。因此,依据啮齿目动物的生物鉴定资料,对于人类而言,炭黑不应划为致癌物。 展开更多
关键词 炭黑 肺癌 肺肿瘤 致癌性:流行病学 危险率估计 良性囊状角化扁平细胞肿瘤 KSC损害 齿动物生物鉴定
Epidemiological Predicting of the Fleas on Rattus norvegicus
作者 左小华 郭宪国 +2 位作者 詹银珠 吴滇 王乔花 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第4期116-117,143,共3页
[Objective]To predict prevalence of fleas via a simple epidemiological model.[Method]The field investigation was carried out in 23 locations in Yunnan Province.A simple epidemiological model was involved mean abundanc... [Objective]To predict prevalence of fleas via a simple epidemiological model.[Method]The field investigation was carried out in 23 locations in Yunnan Province.A simple epidemiological model was involved mean abundance and variance of abundance.[Result]The prevalence of fleas increased with their mean abundance in logistic curve.A linear correlation of the predicted prevalence against observed prevalence did not differ significantly from unity.[Conclusion]Prevalence could be explained simply by their mean abundance. 展开更多
诱发豪猪疾病的原因与防治措施 被引量:1
作者 林兆京 施晞 +2 位作者 应清香 叶国顺 郑景齐 《畜禽业》 2015年第7期30-32,共3页
豪猪又名箭猪,是啮齿目动物中的一类。也是一种经济价值很高的野生动物。该物种已被列入《国家保护的、有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物名录》。是国家三级保护动物,已濒临灭绝状态。具有食用、药用、观赏、工艺等多方面经济价... 豪猪又名箭猪,是啮齿目动物中的一类。也是一种经济价值很高的野生动物。该物种已被列入《国家保护的、有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物名录》。是国家三级保护动物,已濒临灭绝状态。具有食用、药用、观赏、工艺等多方面经济价值。国家允许科学人工训养及开发推广(必须具有国家重点保护野生动物训养繁殖许可证、经营许可证), 展开更多
关键词 科学研究价值 濒临灭绝 齿动物 经营许可证 国家保护 三级保护 青绿饲料 下痢 胃管投服 食症
沙粒病毒的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 黎优优 王高玉 +5 位作者 黄艺 彭箬岩 唐川宁 吕刚 尹飞飞 杜江 《海南医学院学报》 2023年第13期1027-1031,共5页
沙粒病毒属于小RNA病毒科,可以通过多种方式感染人类并导致不同程度的疾病病死率。沙粒病毒主要以啮齿类动物为宿主,人类致病性沙粒病毒包括引起人类淋巴细胞脉络丛脑膜炎的淋巴细胞脉络丛脑膜炎病毒和导致人类出血性疾病的拉沙热病毒... 沙粒病毒属于小RNA病毒科,可以通过多种方式感染人类并导致不同程度的疾病病死率。沙粒病毒主要以啮齿类动物为宿主,人类致病性沙粒病毒包括引起人类淋巴细胞脉络丛脑膜炎的淋巴细胞脉络丛脑膜炎病毒和导致人类出血性疾病的拉沙热病毒和塔卡里伯病毒群。啮齿动物约占哺乳动物种类的43%,目前在啮齿目动物体内发现30余种高致病性的病毒,其中就包括沙粒病毒。啮齿类动物主要受到沙粒病毒科的哺乳动物沙粒病毒属的感染。本文对沙粒病毒的基因蛋白结构、临床特点、流行病学情况和预防控制等做一综述,为沙粒病毒的研究和预防机制建立提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 沙粒病毒 齿动物 动物源性病原体 传染病
Adiponectin and its receptors in rodent models of fatty liver disease and liver cirrhosis 被引量:4
作者 Markus Neumeier Claus Hellerbrand +8 位作者 Erwin Gbele Roland Buettner Cornelius Bollheimer Johanna Weigert Andreas Schffler Thomas S Weiss Monika Lichtenauer Jürgen Schlmerich Christa Buechler 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第34期5490-5494,共5页
AIM: To determine circulating and hepatic adiponectin in rodents with fatty liver disease or liver cirrhosis and investigate expression of the adiponectin receptors AdipoR1 on the mRNA and protein level and AdipoR2 o... AIM: To determine circulating and hepatic adiponectin in rodents with fatty liver disease or liver cirrhosis and investigate expression of the adiponectin receptors AdipoR1 on the mRNA and protein level and AdipoR2 on the mRNA level. METHODS: Fat fed rats were used as a model for fatty liver disease and bile duct ligation in mice to investigate cirrhotic liver. Expression of AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 mRNA was determined by real time RT-PCR. AdipoR1 protein was analysed by immunoblot. Adiponectin was measured by ELISA. RESULTS: Systemic adiponectin is reduced in fatfed rats but is elevated in mice after bile duct ligation (BDL). Hepatic adiponectin protein is lower in steatotic liver but not in the liver of BE)L-mice when compared to controls. Adiponectin mRNA was not detected in human liver samples or primary human hepatocytes nor in rat liver but recombinant adiponectin is taken up by isolated hepatocytes in-vitro. AdipoR1 mRNA and AdipoR1 protein levels are similar in the liver tissue of control and fat fed animals whereas AdipoR2 mRNA is induced. AdipoR2 mRNA and AdipoR1 mRNA and protein is suppressed in the liver of BDL-mice. CONCLUSION: Our studies show reduced circulating adiponectin in a rat model of fatty liver disease whereas circulating adiponectin is elevated in a mouse model of cirrhosis and similar findings have been described in humans. Diminished hepatic expression of adiponectin receptors was only found in liver cirrhosis. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic steatosis ADIPONECTIN Liver cirrhosis Adiponectin receptor 1 Adiponectin receptor 2
Population response of rodents to control with rodenticides 被引量:1
作者 S.A. SHILOVA A.V. TCHABOVSKY 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期81-91,共11页
We summarize theoretical approaches and practice of rodent pest control in Russia and former USSR during last 50 years. We review literature as well as original data to understand mechanisms of rodent populations reco... We summarize theoretical approaches and practice of rodent pest control in Russia and former USSR during last 50 years. We review literature as well as original data to understand mechanisms of rodent populations recovery after chemical control campaigns in urban areas, agricultural lands and natural foci of plague. Laboratory and field experiments indicate that inherent individual variation in behavioural, physiological and life-history traits provides survival of heterogeneous mix of individuals in residual population with increased resistance to poisonous baits and high reproductive potential that leads to fast recovery of a population. In a series of field experiments with various rodent and lagomorph species (Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Meriones unguiculatus, M. meridianus, M. tamariscinus, Ochotona pallasii ) we have shown that patterns of recolonization of depopulated area and mechanisms of population recovery vary among species and depend on species-specific social organization. After control territorial and group-living species demonstrated an increase in mobility and affiliative and marking behaviour and a decrease in intraspecific aggression. The rate of recolonization of treated areas was high due to redistribution of survived individuals and immigration by neighbors. Population recovered to original level due to increased breeding performance and fecundity of both survived residents and immigrants. In contrast, socially-independent species exhibited minor changes in behaviour. Recolonization was mainly due to better survival and recruitment of youngs, so the rate of recolonization was low. Species-specificity of behavioural compensation mechanisms to control should be considered when developing ecologically based rodent management strategies 展开更多
关键词 Rodent control Compensation mechanisms RODENTICIDES Field experiments
Effects of Forest Roads on Habitat Pattern for Sables in Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeasten China 被引量:4
作者 LI Yuehui WU Wen +3 位作者 XIONG Zaiping HU Yuanman CHANG Yu XIAO Duning 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期587-598,共12页
The anthropogenic managements of forest have created a network of roads resulting in the loss and alternation of habitat. To better understand road′s impact on animal habitats, we assessed the habitat pattern of sabl... The anthropogenic managements of forest have created a network of roads resulting in the loss and alternation of habitat. To better understand road′s impact on animal habitats, we assessed the habitat pattern of sables(Martes zibellina), one of rodents within national first-class protected species, when roads are considered in Huzhong area in Da Hinggan Mountains, northeastern China. Employing published literatures about behavior ecology, aerial photographs and forest stand maps, we classified the study area into three habitat types including best-suitable, suitable and unsuitable habitats based on sable habitat requirements at the landscape scale including four variables derived from forest source map with attribute database. Results indicated the loss and significant fragmentation of best-suitable habitat and home range habitat when roads, especially 150 m avoidance distance of roads, were considered. The roads reduced and fragmented highly suitable habitats more significantly during earlier development period than the later development period. Additionally, the suitable area percentage increased with increasing distance to roads. This study helped to identify the suitable area for sables and location of sable population. Also, this study suggested the passage construction and road management involving road closure and removal will reduce the fragmentation functionally and benefit the sable population. 展开更多
关键词 forest road SABLE habitat pattern buffer analysis Da Hinggan Mountains
Influence of roads on small rodents population in fragmented forest areas, South Korea
作者 任信在 李昌培 +4 位作者 许位行 朴容秀 崔瑞允 朴仁珠 李宇新 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期155-158,共4页
The road effect on small rodent population is investigated at 8 fragmented forest areas in the Baekdudaegan mountain range, South Korea in September 2001. We especially focused on the distribution and body condition o... The road effect on small rodent population is investigated at 8 fragmented forest areas in the Baekdudaegan mountain range, South Korea in September 2001. We especially focused on the distribution and body condition of small rodents near the roads. Korean field mouse (Apodemus peninsulae) seems to be more sensitive to the existence of a road than striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius). Korean field mouse prefers interior forest area to around road. Striped field mouse is a habitat generalist and has wide distributional range around road, but Korean field mouse is forest-inhabiting species and their distribution is limited in forest area. These results suggest the effect of road is different on each small rodent species and their habitat preferences. 展开更多
关键词 Fragmented forest area ROAD Small rodents South Korea
Morphological,kinetic,membrane biochemical and genetic aspects of intestinal enteroplasticity 被引量:2
作者 Laurie A Drozdowski M Tom Clandinin Alan BR Thomson 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第7期774-787,共14页
The process of intestinal adaptation("enteroplasticity") is complex and multifaceted.Although a number of trophic nutrients and non-nutritive factors have been identified in animal studies,successful,reprodu... The process of intestinal adaptation("enteroplasticity") is complex and multifaceted.Although a number of trophic nutrients and non-nutritive factors have been identified in animal studies,successful,reproducible clinical trials in humans are awaited.Understanding mechanisms underlying this adaptive process may direct research toward strategies that maximize intestinal function and impart a true clinical benefit to patients with short bowel syndrome,or to persons in whom nutrient absorption needs to be maximized.In this review,we consider the morphological,kinetic and membrane biochemical aspects of enteroplasticity,focus on the importance of nutritional factors,provide an overview of the many hormones that may alter the adaptive process,and consider some of the possible molecular profiles.While most of the data is derived from rodent studies,wherever possible,the results of human studies of intestinal enteroplasticity are provided. 展开更多
关键词 DIABETES DIET Hormonal regulation Intestinal resection Mechanisms Morphology Nutrientabsorption Short bowel syndrome Signals
Behavioral interactions between a coexisting rodent Micaelamys namaquensis and macroscelid Elephantulus myurus 被引量:1
作者 Jennifer LANCASTER Neville PILLAY 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期395-400,共6页
A number of mechanisms are known to influence coexistence in small mammal communities. However, the role ofbehavioral interactions in promoting species coexistence is under-represented in the literature. We studied th... A number of mechanisms are known to influence coexistence in small mammal communities. However, the role ofbehavioral interactions in promoting species coexistence is under-represented in the literature. We studied the behavioral interactionsof two coexisting small mammals, the Namaqua rock mouse Micaelamys namaquensis (Rodentia) and the Rock sengi Elephantulusmyurus (Macroscelidae), which have high dietary and microhabitat overlap. Using wild-caught individuals, intra- andinterspecific dyadic encounters were staged in tanks on a neutral rocky outcrop. Interspecific dyads displayed significantly moreactive avoidance behavior. There was no support for the prediction that the larger, more specialist species, E. myurus, is behaviorallydominant over M. namaquensis. Intraspecific encounters of E. myurus showed significantly more passive avoidance andamicable behavior, whereas the behavior of M. namaquensis did not differ between intra- and inter-specific encounters, both ofwhich were characterized by low levels of aggression and amicability. Thus, due to the lack of aggression, direct competition appearsweak and instead mutual avoidance may reduce or minimize interspecific interactions, potentially promoting coexistence. 展开更多
关键词 AVOIDANCE COEXISTENCE Elephantulus myurus Intraspecific behavior Interspecific behavior Micaelamys namaquensis
Using endocarp-remains of seeds of wild apricot Prunus armeniaca to identify rodent seed predators 被引量:1
作者 Hongmao ZHANG Wei WANG 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期396-400,共5页
Some rodent-dispersed seeds have a hard seed-coat(e.g.woody endocarp).Specific scrapes or dental marks on the hard seed-coat left by rodents when they eat these seeds can be used to identify seed predators.In this stu... Some rodent-dispersed seeds have a hard seed-coat(e.g.woody endocarp).Specific scrapes or dental marks on the hard seed-coat left by rodents when they eat these seeds can be used to identify seed predators.In this study we measured the morphological traits of endocarp-remains of seeds of wild apricot Prunus armeniaca used by Chinese white-bellied rats Niviventor confucianus and Korean field mice Apodemus peninsulae.We established their Fisher's linear discriminant functions to separate endocarp-remains between the two predators.A total of 90.0% of the endocarp-remains left by Korean field mice and 88.0% of those left by Chinese white-bellied rats were correctly classified.The overall percentage of correct classification was 89.0%.One hundred and sixty endocarp-remains of unknown what species predated them were classified using the functions.The method may allow more reliable quantitative studies of the effects of Chinese white-bellied rats and Korean field mice on seed consumption and dispersal of wild apricot and this study might be used for reference in other studies of seed predators identification on hard seeds. 展开更多
关键词 Seed dispersal Seed predation Small rodents Stepwise Fisher discriminant analysis
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