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作者 罗萍 《中国眼镜科技杂志》 2021年第6期38-38,共1页
5月7日,我国眼镜行业首部人物传记——《眼镜巨擘:汤龙保的故事》新书首发仪式在上海世博展览馆中庭举行。中国轻工业联合会党委常委兼秘书长、中国眼镜协会理事长杜同和,中国眼镜协会驻会副理事长江波,中国眼镜协会职业副理事长兼秘书... 5月7日,我国眼镜行业首部人物传记——《眼镜巨擘:汤龙保的故事》新书首发仪式在上海世博展览馆中庭举行。中国轻工业联合会党委常委兼秘书长、中国眼镜协会理事长杜同和,中国眼镜协会驻会副理事长江波,中国眼镜协会职业副理事长兼秘书长戴维平,全国卫生产业企业管理协会视光产业分会会长李捷。 展开更多
关键词 眼镜行业 人物传记 党委常委 龙保 上海世博 展览馆 首发仪式
《十七帖》版本概述 被引量:3
作者 仲威 《上海文博论丛》 2006年第2期76-82,共7页
《十七贴》多为王羲之写给益州刺史周抚的信札,相传唐贞观初裴业得真迹进献太宗,成为李世民收藏的王羲之书卷之一。此帖书法体势雄健,气象超迈,不仅在王羲之草书中最著名,亦为历代草书中绝品,被书界奉为"今草极则"。据唐张彦... 《十七贴》多为王羲之写给益州刺史周抚的信札,相传唐贞观初裴业得真迹进献太宗,成为李世民收藏的王羲之书卷之一。此帖书法体势雄健,气象超迈,不仅在王羲之草书中最著名,亦为历代草书中绝品,被书界奉为"今草极则"。据唐张彦远《法书要录》载:"《十七帖》长一丈二尺,即贞观中内本也,一百七行,九百四十二字, 展开更多
关键词 十七帖 藏本 帖书 临本 张彦远 龙保 唐贞观 州刺史 二字 极则
《当代戏剧》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第6期25-28,共4页
人物李艳妃正旦徐彦昭花脸杨波须生徐小姐武旦〔幕启,音乐声中李艳妃上场,徐小姐随上.李艳妃(唱苦音慢板) 泪珠儿不住地胸前淌, 人心上有了事只嫌夜长。哭了声老王早先丧, 小太子年幼怎称王? 外国王子朝我邦,(转苦音二六) 他笑我朝是女... 人物李艳妃正旦徐彦昭花脸杨波须生徐小姐武旦〔幕启,音乐声中李艳妃上场,徐小姐随上.李艳妃(唱苦音慢板) 泪珠儿不住地胸前淌, 人心上有了事只嫌夜长。哭了声老王早先丧, 小太子年幼怎称王? 外国王子朝我邦,(转苦音二六) 他笑我朝是女王。把江山让与我父掌, 徐杨臣叮本当殿上。 展开更多
关键词 二六板 徐彦 徐小姐 李艳 音乐声 温凉盏 双锤 本宫 王早 龙保
Characteristics and the Issue of Eco-safety for the Plant Biodiversity in Longtan Nature Reserve
作者 贾桂康 欧钟慧 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第7期1049-1052,共4页
The characteristic and status quo of plant biodiversity in Longtan Nature Reserve was evaluated from the three aspects of species diversity, genetic diversity and ecosystem dioversity. And the primary eco-safety influ... The characteristic and status quo of plant biodiversity in Longtan Nature Reserve was evaluated from the three aspects of species diversity, genetic diversity and ecosystem dioversity. And the primary eco-safety influencing factors for plant biodiversity in Longtan nature reserve were put forward. The results show that the plant species in Longtan Nature Reserve was abundant, including 2 821 species of vascular bundle plants belonging to 1029 genera, 205 families. The main problems influencing eco-safety included the destruction of endangered wild plants and exotic species invasion. 展开更多
关键词 Plant biodiversity Eco-safety Longtan Nature Reserve
Characteristics of natural Japanese yew population in Muling Nature Reserve of Heilongjiang Province,China 被引量:1
作者 刘彤 周志强 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期132-134,共3页
The scalar of Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata) population and the relationship between individual distribution and site factors were analyzed according to investigating data in 74 sample belts with a total sampled are... The scalar of Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata) population and the relationship between individual distribution and site factors were analyzed according to investigating data in 74 sample belts with a total sampled area of 436.872 hm2 in Muling Nature Reserve. The result showed that the distribution rules of Japanese yew population were correlated to elevation, slope position, slope aspect and slope gradient. The optimal distribution range in elevation for the natural Japanese yew population is at the attitudes of 700-800 m. The amounts of Japanese yew individuals on shady slope were more than those on sunny slope. On top slope and mid-slope, the individual amounts of Japanese yew are more than those on toe slope. Most of Japanese yew individuals occurred on slope gradient of less than 15. The scalar of the population was decreased with the slope gradient increasing. 展开更多
关键词 Japanese yew Taxus cuspidate Muling Nature Reserve POPULATION
《中国眼镜科技杂志》 2016年第7期1-1,共1页
买便宜的眼镜,只有买单的时候开心,以后使用的每一天都是不开心的;而高品质的好眼镜,只有买单的时候是心疼的,以后使用的每一天都是舒适自信的。——上海理咨询管理机构总经理沈理 一个行业的发展离不开技术的支持和人才的储备,作为个... 买便宜的眼镜,只有买单的时候开心,以后使用的每一天都是不开心的;而高品质的好眼镜,只有买单的时候是心疼的,以后使用的每一天都是舒适自信的。——上海理咨询管理机构总经理沈理 一个行业的发展离不开技术的支持和人才的储备,作为个体的企业更是如此,因此,除了加强与行业、院校之间的人才交流,加大对企业内部人员的培训和提升,就是提振企业的不二法门。 展开更多
关键词 人才交流 锐声 天都 咨询管理 祝荣 相信自己 龙保 品牌商 奥雷 特色经营
三十六张小木椅 ——记金坛县井庄村幼儿园校外辅导员张书保
作者 袁克军 《早期教育(幼教·教育教学)》 1992年第Z1期8-9,共2页
这天,当张书保夫妇把36把崭新的小木椅送到幼儿园时,老师们激动得热泪盈眶,小朋友们拍着小手齐声喊道:“谢谢张爷爷!谢谢陈奶奶!”说起这36把小木椅,知情者无不为张书保同志关心幼教的精神所感动。去年那场大洪灾,使井庄村幼儿园淹没在... 这天,当张书保夫妇把36把崭新的小木椅送到幼儿园时,老师们激动得热泪盈眶,小朋友们拍着小手齐声喊道:“谢谢张爷爷!谢谢陈奶奶!”说起这36把小木椅,知情者无不为张书保同志关心幼教的精神所感动。去年那场大洪灾,使井庄村幼儿园淹没在洪水中。已过花甲之年的原井庄村党支部书记张书保,虽然早已调镇上工作,但他丢不下这些娃娃,经常去幼儿园“视察”。眼看着孩子们不能上幼儿园,张书保心里不知有多难受!他立即和村领导商量。 展开更多
关键词 金坛县 木椅 张书 村党支部 三十六 造福一方 化工助剂 集体研究 收费标准 龙保
《中国眼镜科技杂志》 2016年第1期10-13,共4页
1中国眼镜协会第八届会员代表大会在丹阳召开,选举崔毅继续担任中国眼镜协会第八届理事会理事长 2015年6月25日,中国眼镜协会第八届会员代表大会在丹阳召开,大会选举产生了中国眼镜协会新一届领导班子,崔毅继续担任中国眼镜协会第八届... 1中国眼镜协会第八届会员代表大会在丹阳召开,选举崔毅继续担任中国眼镜协会第八届理事会理事长 2015年6月25日,中国眼镜协会第八届会员代表大会在丹阳召开,大会选举产生了中国眼镜协会新一届领导班子,崔毅继续担任中国眼镜协会第八届理事会理事长,戴维平、梁蓉、孟卫东、李泊民、王兆岗、董国璋、汤龙保、蒋伟忠、贺庆、李捷、黄先宁、单志华、吴建敏、李岳生、高克胡、齐备16人为副理事长,戴维平兼任秘书长。较上一届理事会,理事单位新增120个,常务理事新增35个。 展开更多
关键词 眼镜行业 眼镜店 理事会理事长 李岳生 孟卫东 李泊 龙保 科技杂志社 眼镜零售企业 国际眼镜
《中国眼镜科技杂志》 2016年第3期1-1,共1页
创新者一定是孤独者,会感受到太多来自外部与内部的阻力,但笑到最后的,也一定是那个孤独者。——星创视界集团董事长王智民任何一个企业的发展都离不开社会和行业的支持,所以企业成长壮大后一定要尽到一个企业勇于担当的责任,要在社会... 创新者一定是孤独者,会感受到太多来自外部与内部的阻力,但笑到最后的,也一定是那个孤独者。——星创视界集团董事长王智民任何一个企业的发展都离不开社会和行业的支持,所以企业成长壮大后一定要尽到一个企业勇于担当的责任,要在社会和地方建设需要时回报和反哺社会,这样企业和社会才能在相辅相成中共同良性发展。 展开更多
关键词 孤独者 锐声 企业和社会 龙保 个人生活质量 眼镜公司 王宁利 视力保护 消费形态 重复购买率
作者 刘雁 《中国眼镜科技杂志》 2016年第13期51-51,共1页
本刊讯(记者刘雁)6月16日,由丹阳市眼镜商会与丹阳国际眼镜城主办的"中国质造·首届丹阳眼镜文化旅游节"在丹阳国际眼镜城举行了隆重的开幕式,500多位嘉宾见证了这一重要的时刻。丹阳市眼镜商会会长、万新集团董事长汤龙保为开... 本刊讯(记者刘雁)6月16日,由丹阳市眼镜商会与丹阳国际眼镜城主办的"中国质造·首届丹阳眼镜文化旅游节"在丹阳国际眼镜城举行了隆重的开幕式,500多位嘉宾见证了这一重要的时刻。丹阳市眼镜商会会长、万新集团董事长汤龙保为开幕式致辞:"经过40多年的发展,丹阳眼镜已经从粗放式生产向精细化、品牌化转变, 展开更多
关键词 旅游节 工厂发展 龙保 刘雁 市场占有率 海昌 出口基地 产业集群 监督检验 镇江市委
走进丹阳眼镜产地:充分交流 深度融合
作者 周林 《中国眼镜科技杂志》 2015年第9期20-22,共3页
4月10日,"中国眼镜科技杂志社走进眼镜产地"大型活动来到丹阳站,受到了丹阳眼镜行业的热烈欢迎,座谈会吸引了近70家大中型镜片、镜架、太阳镜和隐形眼镜生产、贸易企业的80多名负责人参加。中国眼镜协会副理事长、中国眼镜科技杂志社... 4月10日,"中国眼镜科技杂志社走进眼镜产地"大型活动来到丹阳站,受到了丹阳眼镜行业的热烈欢迎,座谈会吸引了近70家大中型镜片、镜架、太阳镜和隐形眼镜生产、贸易企业的80多名负责人参加。中国眼镜协会副理事长、中国眼镜科技杂志社总编贺庆,中国眼镜协会副理事长、丹阳眼镜商会会长、万新光学董事长汤龙保,丹阳眼镜商会秘书长汤金斌出席本次活动并致辞。 展开更多
关键词 科技杂志社 杂志社总编 龙保 行业形势分析 杂志栏目设置 洪旭 徐鸣 媒体平台 平台的功能 零售模式
《网络与信息》 1994年第10期51-51,共1页
据调查显示,美国有素食者1240万人,素食人口还在以每周约二万人的速度增加,而且减少食肉量、增加素食量的所谓半素食者更多.因此无肉素食品正受到越来越多人的欢迎.波特兰市的一家食品公司3年前开始生产无肉汉堡包,生意发展很快,这种汉... 据调查显示,美国有素食者1240万人,素食人口还在以每周约二万人的速度增加,而且减少食肉量、增加素食量的所谓半素食者更多.因此无肉素食品正受到越来越多人的欢迎.波特兰市的一家食品公司3年前开始生产无肉汉堡包,生意发展很快,这种汉堡包主要成分是蘑菇,再加上黄米、燕麦、洋葱、奶酪、蛋白等配料,受到不少人的欢迎.去年初,该食品只在全国300家超级市场出售。 展开更多
关键词 波特兰市 环保健康 耐磨强度 柔软舒适 湿件 抗冲击强度 巨屈 健康型 龙保 大陌
《时代金融》 1994年第5期52-56,共5页
云南省人行工会工作会议在思茅召开云南省人民银行工会会议于一九九四年三月九日在思茅地区人行召开。云南省金融工会、省总工会驻思茅地区办事处和来自全省人行系统的十七个地、州、市及云南银行学校的工会领导、工会干部二十余人出席... 云南省人行工会工作会议在思茅召开云南省人民银行工会会议于一九九四年三月九日在思茅地区人行召开。云南省金融工会、省总工会驻思茅地区办事处和来自全省人行系统的十七个地、州、市及云南银行学校的工会领导、工会干部二十余人出席了会议。省金融工会主席杨锐同志在会上传达了中国金融工会三月一日在广西南宁召开的中国金融工会第一届全国委员会第三次会议精神并作重要讲话;省总工会驻思茅地区办事处主任龙保飞同志等领导到会祝贺。东道主思茅地区人行工会和昆明、临沧、红河、楚雄等地、州。 展开更多
关键词 云南银行学校 人民银行 地区办事处 思茅 代办站 工商银行 临柜人员 龙保 资金营运 信贷原则
A Preliminary Study on Conservation Genetics of Endangered Vatica guangxiensis (Dipterocarpaceae) 被引量:10
作者 李巧明 许再富 何田华 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第2期246-249,共4页
运用 2 0个 10碱基随机引物 ,对中国龙脑香科 (Dipterocarpaceae)特有的珍稀濒危植物版纳青梅 (VaticaguangxiensisX .L .Mo)进行了RAPD多态性分析。 3个自然居群和 1个迁地保护居群 (分布于云南和广西 )共扩增出2 31个位点 ,多态位点... 运用 2 0个 10碱基随机引物 ,对中国龙脑香科 (Dipterocarpaceae)特有的珍稀濒危植物版纳青梅 (VaticaguangxiensisX .L .Mo)进行了RAPD多态性分析。 3个自然居群和 1个迁地保护居群 (分布于云南和广西 )共扩增出2 31个位点 ,多态位点所占比例 (PPB)为 5 3.6 8% ;观察等位基因数na =1.5 36 8,有效等位基因数ne =1.2 878,Nei基因多样性指数h为 0 .16 86 ,居群内的遗传多样性水平较低。基于AMOVA和POPGENE的结果均表明居群内的遗传变异大于居群间的遗传变异。居群内的遗传变异为 5 5 .0 9% ,居群间的变异为 44 .91% (AMOVA) ;基因分化系数Gst为 0 .3746 (POPGENE) ,表明居群间存在高水平的遗传分化。研究结果对该濒危植物的保护有重要意义。考虑到低水平的遗传多样性和高水平的居群分化 ,通过居群间种子和幼苗的交换来促进基因流是可行的保护方案。迁地保护居群 (ML)不具最高的遗传多样性 ,表明为了保护此濒危物种的全部遗传变异 。 展开更多
关键词 Vatica guangxiensis RAPD genetic diversity conservation biology
Sacred Natural Site and Regional Biodiversity Conservation in Xishuangbanna 被引量:1
作者 王兰新 杨正斌 +2 位作者 赵建伟 刀桐杰 郭贤明 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1797-1800,共4页
Xishuangbanna is a multinational region and different ethnic groups have self-owned traditional ways of protecting biodiversity, represented by Dragon Moun-tain and Hil Cemetery, and Temple Forest. As population incre... Xishuangbanna is a multinational region and different ethnic groups have self-owned traditional ways of protecting biodiversity, represented by Dragon Moun-tain and Hil Cemetery, and Temple Forest. As population increases and economy develops, people’s consciousness of traditional culture is fading and both of the number and area of sacred natural sites underwent changes, undermining the role of sacred natural sites playing in biodiversity protection, especial y for species pro-tection and gene exchange. 展开更多
关键词 Sacred natural site Biodiversity conservation Dragon Mountain XISHUANGBANNA
Interactions between Soil Characteristics, Environmental Factors, and Plant Species Abundance: A Case Study in the Karst Mountains of Longhushan Nature Reserve, Southwest China 被引量:2
作者 Dado TOURE GE ji-wen ZHOU Jian-wei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期943-960,共18页
The ability to manage and restore plant communities in the face of human-induced landscape change may rely on our ability to predict how species respond to environmental variables.Understanding this response requires ... The ability to manage and restore plant communities in the face of human-induced landscape change may rely on our ability to predict how species respond to environmental variables.Understanding this response requires examining factors or their interactions that have influence on plant and resource availability.Our objective was to analyze the relationships between changes in plant abundance and the interaction among environmental habitat factors including soil, geological(rock type), and other environmental variables in the Longhushan karst mountains ecosystem.Species density and dominance were examined using ANOVA, ANCOVA,and Generalized Linear Models to establish the single or combined effects of these groups of factors.The results showed that trends in abundance were mainly affected by rock type(related to the percentage content of dolomite and calcite), soil characteristics in association with topography.Both plant indices were higher in dolomite dominated areas and varied positively with moisture, and elevation, but negatively with organic matter, while density also increased with slope degree.The results demonstrate that significant variations in species abundance was produced with the combination of variables from soil, geological, andenvironmental factors, suggesting their interaction influence on plants.We postulate that spatial variations in plant abundance in karst ecosystem depends on the carbonate rock type in addition to water and nutrient availability which are mainly controlled by topography and other factors such as soil texture and temperature.The study suggests that in karst areas carbonate rock type, in addition to local environmental variables, should be taken into account when analyzing the factors that have impact on plant communities. 展开更多
关键词 Interrelationship Karst soil Plant abundance Rock type Longhushan Nature Reserve
Emergy Evaluation of a Village Ecosystem in Wolong Nature Reserve in China
作者 Chen Yong Kontoleon Andreas Chen Guojie 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第2期59-66,共8页
Due to historic reasons, there are several human settlements in nature reserves and national parks, which may constitute a threat to biodiversity. Establishment of nature reserves may however generate constraints for ... Due to historic reasons, there are several human settlements in nature reserves and national parks, which may constitute a threat to biodiversity. Establishment of nature reserves may however generate constraints for development of local communities residing in these reserves. The village ecosystem of Zhuanjinglou Village in Wolong Nature Reserve includes population, farming and livestock (domestic and alpine) and forest ecosystem. An emergy analysis of agro-ecosystem (including the farming and livestock ecosystem) and energy consumption in Zhuanjinglou Village indicates that livestock ecosystem plays an important role in village ecosystem, which may be the source of great pressure on the state of the local environment. The increasing ratio of electricity in energy consumption may play a positive role for environmental conservation. Despite some successful experiences, there are some remaining issues that need to be addressed in the ecological rehabilitation of the village ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 nature reserve village ecosystem emergy analysis human settlement
The Natural Forest Protection Program in China: A Contingent Valuation Study in Heilongjiang Province 被引量:1
作者 Frida Edstrom Hanna Nilsson Jesper Stage 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第3期426-432,共7页
In 1998, the Chinese Government implemented the NFPP (Natural Forest Protection Program), which included logging restrictions, protected areas, replanting, and a range of other policies aimed at safeguarding the sta... In 1998, the Chinese Government implemented the NFPP (Natural Forest Protection Program), which included logging restrictions, protected areas, replanting, and a range of other policies aimed at safeguarding the state of the country's forests and reducing the risk of erosion and flooding. A second phase of this program is currently being discussed. In this paper, contingent valuation is used to estimate the WTP (willingness to pay) for maintaining the program among the inhabitants in Heilongjiang Province in northern China. The results show that, even with fairly conservative assumptions, the aggregated WTP for maintaining the program for another five years is some 3.24 billion yuan per year. This can be compared with the current cost of the Program in the province, which is some 1.57 billion yuan per year. 展开更多
关键词 China Heilongjiang natural forest protection program contingent valuation.
Spatial Distribution and Sources Identification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Wolong Lake, Northeast China 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO Guanghui CHANG Wenyue +5 位作者 YAN Jinxia LI Xiaojun TONG Dongli ZHAO Ranran Sharley James DAVID TAI Peidong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期1003-1012,共10页
The aquatic ecosystem maybe significantly affected by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) released from fresh water sediments. In order to protect biodiversity, the spatial distribution and sources of PAHs in the s... The aquatic ecosystem maybe significantly affected by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) released from fresh water sediments. In order to protect biodiversity, the spatial distribution and sources of PAHs in the sediment of Wolong Lake in Northeast China were studied. A total of 17 surface sediment samples were collected and 12 PAHs were analyzed. The results were as follows. The concentration of total PAHs(TPAHs) ranged between 1412.9 μg/kg and 3948.3 μg/kg(dry weight). Indeno [1, 2, 3-c, d] pyrene was the dominant contaminant which accounted for 87%–98% of TPAHs. Diagnostic ratios of PAHs and principal component analysis showed that biomass combustion and vehicle emissions were likely to be the dominant sources of PAHs in the sediment. PAHs can be considered safe in the context of environmental and human health protection, based on the overall toxicity. Individual PAHs were positively correlated with total organic carbons. These results will be helpful to control PAHs and protect the aquatic ecosystem in the lake. 展开更多
关键词 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Wolong Lake lake sediment contaminant oxicity spatial distribution
Quality assurance for computed-tomography simulator: In home Z-phantom for mechanical tests of the couch and the gantry 被引量:2
作者 Hassan Shafeik Abou-Elenein 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2013年第5期237-242,共6页
Objective:The main purpose of this work was to present a Z-phantom manufactured in home (at National Cancer Institute Cairo University) and it's use in a simple way to check the accuracy of the computed-tomography... Objective:The main purpose of this work was to present a Z-phantom manufactured in home (at National Cancer Institute Cairo University) and it's use in a simple way to check the accuracy of the computed-tomography (CT) table movement and CT gantry tilt, also the other general quality control (QC) tests of the CT simulator used at radiotherapy department. Methods:The laser phantom was used to check the external mobile laser position accuracy, for internal image indicator laser beam (light field) the coincidence between light field and radiation exposure at CT simulator was checked using X-Omat ready back film. The Z-phantom was used to check the slice thickness and the table movement and so the gantry tilts. The image quality testes were checked using the CT image quality phantom. TLDs were inserted to the Cicil phantom at the center of each scan volume to estimate the patient dose. Results:The results showed that the difference in the fixed distance between the external mobile laser and the internal image indicator laser beam was less than ± 1 mm; the orientation of the two mobile lateral lasers was coincident. The mechanical movement and the image quality of the CT simulator were within the tolerances and the results were 0.5 mm, 0.2% and 0.6% for the mechanical movement, noise and image uniformity respectively. Conclusion:A CT simulator with a good performance is important for the radiotherapy treatment planning specially with the extremely revolution in radiotherapy techniques, also a rotten quality assurance (QA) program is very important to be shore about the reproducibility of the CT performance. The use of Z-phantom to check the gantry tilt and the table movement is faster than the use of ready back films in these tests. 展开更多
关键词 COMPUTED-TOMOGRAPHY computed-tomography simulator quality control
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