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乾卦六龙态的天文含义研究——《左传》“龙纪”历法钩沉 被引量:6
作者 宋会群 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第2期28-38,共11页
《左传》昭公四年的“龙纪”,是上古以苍龙星为历象的太阳历的记载。这个苍龙星星象在《易经》乾卦六爻爻辞中有形象的描述 ,根据寅月“见龙”、午月“跃龙”等记载 ,可知其观测年代当在夏代以前。这种借龙“以喻天之阳气”的龙纪历法... 《左传》昭公四年的“龙纪”,是上古以苍龙星为历象的太阳历的记载。这个苍龙星星象在《易经》乾卦六爻爻辞中有形象的描述 ,根据寅月“见龙”、午月“跃龙”等记载 ,可知其观测年代当在夏代以前。这种借龙“以喻天之阳气”的龙纪历法流传至先秦秦汉 ,或称“易历”、“气历”;或称“律历”、“甲历”。它以天干记日 ,十日为旬 ,六旬为甲 ,六甲为岁 ,一岁 36 0日 ;并通过不记在日序之内的 5— 6日的过年日使历年长度略等于回归年长度 。 展开更多
关键词 乾卦六龙 苍龙星 龙纪 甲历 律历
纪实特征与文学色彩:武周时期石刻投龙纪的文本价值 被引量:2
作者 李林昊 吴真 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期160-168,共9页
投龙仪文献记录道教投龙祭祀的仪式缘起、规格、祈愿等内容,富含政治、宗教、文化等历史信息。现存最早有据可考的国家投龙活动发生于唐太宗时期,而武则天是历史上举行投龙仪式次数最多的帝王。武周早期的石刻投龙纪反映了武周代唐之后... 投龙仪文献记录道教投龙祭祀的仪式缘起、规格、祈愿等内容,富含政治、宗教、文化等历史信息。现存最早有据可考的国家投龙活动发生于唐太宗时期,而武则天是历史上举行投龙仪式次数最多的帝王。武周早期的石刻投龙纪反映了武周代唐之后亟于宣告“以周易唐”合法性的政治目的;武周晚期的投龙纪主要立足于帝王个人角度,以祈福延龄、增延禄寿作为发愿目的。武周时期的石刻投龙纪大致奠定了后世此类文体的撰写格式,叙事具有高度纪实性;在行文结构上,其句型灵活多变,多援引祥瑞意象入文,注重文学化表达。 展开更多
关键词 石刻投龙纪 武周革命 石刻文体 文体格式
第一个踏遍黑土地的共产党人——罗章龙纪事 被引量:1
作者 高月泽 《党史纵横》 1999年第4期16-17,共2页
中国共产党自成立之日,就一直关注着东北这块热土。 第一个被派往东北开展工作的共产党人是罗章龙。 罗章龙在党的历史上是个著名的人物。 对于后来的年轻人来说,也许罗章龙之所以著名,并不在于他在党内做过什么重要的工作,而主要是他... 中国共产党自成立之日,就一直关注着东北这块热土。 第一个被派往东北开展工作的共产党人是罗章龙。 罗章龙在党的历史上是个著名的人物。 对于后来的年轻人来说,也许罗章龙之所以著名,并不在于他在党内做过什么重要的工作,而主要是他在党的六届四中全会前后,成立了非法的“中央非常委员会”、“第二省委”、“第二工会党团”等组织,分裂党,而被中央开除了党籍。“文化大革命”中,毛泽东在总结党的历史经验时,曾把罗章龙称为党内第四次路线斗争的代表人物。 展开更多
关键词 共产党人 黑土地 工人运动 马克思学说研究会 中东铁路 哈尔滨 毛泽东 龙纪 工业专科学校 劳动组合
柳玭贬沪考——《通鉴》质疑一则 被引量:1
作者 傅义 《古籍整理研究学刊》 1987年第1期37-39,共3页
《资治通鉴》二五九唐昭宗景福二年三月:“以渝州刺史柳玭为泸州刺史.”此句疑误有二:一为贬所;一为贬年.《考异》曰:“《新传》云:玭坐事贬泸州喇史,卒.’《北梦琐言》亦云谪授泸州.《新·旧书》玭贬官无年月.今据《实录》.此月玭... 《资治通鉴》二五九唐昭宗景福二年三月:“以渝州刺史柳玭为泸州刺史.”此句疑误有二:一为贬所;一为贬年.《考异》曰:“《新传》云:玭坐事贬泸州喇史,卒.’《北梦琐言》亦云谪授泸州.《新·旧书》玭贬官无年月.今据《实录》.此月玭自渝为泸州刺史,当是初贬渝州后移泸州;《新传》、《北梦琐言》误也.”此为《通鉴》编撰者自述其采择史料之依据,然亦恐未深考. 展开更多
关键词 《通鉴》 大顺 监修国史 侍郎 御史大夫 龙纪 文德 州刺史 宣宗 《北梦琐言》
作者 郑炳林 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第1期53-59,共7页
敦煌文书中碑铭赞文书约47卷,这些文书长者收有碑铭赞28篇(P.4660号)、十余篇(P.3718、P.3556号)、七八篇(P.2482、P4640号),短者仅保存一篇,更甚者只保存数行(P.4010号)。从1989年笔者编著《敦煌碑铭赞辑释》一书,对这批文书进行了系... 敦煌文书中碑铭赞文书约47卷,这些文书长者收有碑铭赞28篇(P.4660号)、十余篇(P.3718、P.3556号)、七八篇(P.2482、P4640号),短者仅保存一篇,更甚者只保存数行(P.4010号)。从1989年笔者编著《敦煌碑铭赞辑释》一书,对这批文书进行了系统的整理与研究,发现了碑铭赞文书中的许多问题,敦煌碑铭赞部分文书拼合复原就是一例。 展开更多
关键词 碑铭赞 敦煌遗书 敦煌文书 墓志铭 归义军 伯希和 辑释 金光明寺 端公 龙纪
作者 王桂芬 《云南档案》 1995年第3期30-30,共1页
马龙县《续志》记载前清贡生张文生(原马龙县望长乡人),所撰马龙长联共226个字,上联以25个马字,下联以25个龙字镶嵌联中,作者用豪迈的语句和大量的典故,巧妙地引出了马龙曾有过的光辉灿烂历史。现标点刊载如下,以飨广大读者: 马足腾空日... 马龙县《续志》记载前清贡生张文生(原马龙县望长乡人),所撰马龙长联共226个字,上联以25个马字,下联以25个龙字镶嵌联中,作者用豪迈的语句和大量的典故,巧妙地引出了马龙曾有过的光辉灿烂历史。现标点刊载如下,以飨广大读者: 马足腾空日,马如但,马如舞,马邑人才文章法司,马深喜,马符类,马应闲,马出众,马超群。 展开更多
关键词 马龙县 大读者 典故 标点 马邑 语句 水牛 黄牛 龙纪 龙体
The first dinosaur tracksite from Xinjiang, NW China (Middle Jurassic Sanjianfang Formation, Turpan Basin)──a preliminary report 被引量:8
作者 Oliver WINCS Rico SCHELLHORN +3 位作者 Heinrich MALLISON Ben THUY Wenhao WU Ge SUN 《Global Geology》 2007年第2期113-129,共17页
A new dinosaur tracksite was discovered in a steeply inclined sandstone layer of the Middle Jurassic Sanjianfang Formation in the Shanshan area of the Turpan Basin. The site is the first record of dinosaur footprints ... A new dinosaur tracksite was discovered in a steeply inclined sandstone layer of the Middle Jurassic Sanjianfang Formation in the Shanshan area of the Turpan Basin. The site is the first record of dinosaur footprints from Xinjiang Province in northwestern China. More than 150 tridactyl theropod dinosaur footprints are preserved as positive hyporeliefs on the lower bedding plane of a fine-grained sandstone body. Most of the footprints are isolated and appear to be randomly distributed. Some show well defined phalangeal pads, heels and rarely indistinct impressions of the distal part of the metatarsus. Two distinct morphotypes are present: a larger type with relatively broad pads shows similarities to Changpeipus and Megalosauripus, and a slightly smaller, slender and gracile type which is similar to Grallator, Eubrontes and Anchisauripus. In both morphotypes, digit III is the longest with a length between 11.4 and 33.6 cm. A single imprint shows prominent scratches, probably formed during slipping of the track maker. 展开更多
关键词 DINOSAURIA THEROPODA dinosaur track dinosaur footprint Middle Jurassic Turpan Basin Xin-jiang
Boundary of Cretaceous and Paleogene continental deposits in Zeya-Bureya Basin,Amur(Heilongjiang)River region 被引量:11
作者 Valentina S. Markevich Eugenia V. Bugdaeva +1 位作者 Abdul R. Ashraf SUN Get 《Global Geology》 2011年第3期144-159,共16页
It was conducted the comparison of palynological assemblages of the Middle Tsagayan,Upper Tsagayan subformations,Furao and Wuyun formations from Zeya-Bureya Basin of Amur (Heilongjiang) River region with assemblages o... It was conducted the comparison of palynological assemblages of the Middle Tsagayan,Upper Tsagayan subformations,Furao and Wuyun formations from Zeya-Bureya Basin of Amur (Heilongjiang) River region with assemblages obtained from the marine deposits of Northeast Russia,Sakhalin,Kuril,and Hokkaido Islands,dated by ammonites,foraminifers and other invertebrates. Based on detail correlation,the geological age of the terrestrial beds was defined. The guide fossils are recognized Marsypiletes cretacea,Tricolpites variexi- nus,Aquilapollenites conatus,A. stelkii,A. rombicus,Integricorpus bellum,Pseudointegricorpus clarireticula- tus,Triprojectus amoenus,Orbiculapollis lucidus,Wodehouseia aspera,Quercoidites minor,which had last oc- currence in the late Maastrichtian. The Danian palynofloras usually are dominated by Triatriopollenites plicoides and T. confusus. The species Anacolosidites subtrudens,Aquilapollenites proceros,A. spinulosus have last occurrence in the Danian. The K-T (K-Pg) boundary in the terrestrial deposits is defined in the base of the Upper Tsagayan Subformation and the base of the lower part of the Wuyun Formation. The latter is represented by aleuropelite to fine-grained sandstones. The change of taxonomical composition of palynospectra in similar environments could be determined by real change of flora at the Mesozoic and Cenozoic boundary,but not by changes of lithological facies or depositional environment,generally. 展开更多
关键词 palynoflore CRETACEOUS PALEOGENE BOUNDARY Zeya-Bureya Basin
Sedimentological features of Cretaceous--Tertiary (K/T) boundary section along Heilongjiang River,Northeast China 被引量:1
作者 Shigeyuki Suzuki Hakuyu Okada +1 位作者 SUN Chunlin SUN Ge 《Global Geology》 2010年第1期20-27,共8页
The Jiayin area along the Heilongjiang River in Northeast China has attracted stratigraphic and sedimentological interests recently because the Cretaceous--Tertiary (K/T) boundary should be located in this non-marine ... The Jiayin area along the Heilongjiang River in Northeast China has attracted stratigraphic and sedimentological interests recently because the Cretaceous--Tertiary (K/T) boundary should be located in this non-marine succession.Dinosaur remains disappear suddenly at the upper part of the Maastrichtian,whereas plants gradually evolved throughout the succession.Analysis of sedimentary facies has been carried out and paleo-environments through Upper Cretaceous to lower Paleocene sections are reconstructed.Fluvial to lacustrine sedimentary environments are inferred from the facies.Several debris flow events have been identified,and it is in these deposits that the dinosaur fossils are concentrated. 展开更多
关键词 sedimentary environment sedimentary facies Heilongjiang River area K/T boundary
Environmental adaptations and constraints on latest Cretaceous Arctic dinosaurs
作者 Robert A.Spicer Alexei B.Herman +1 位作者 Romain Amiot Teresa E.V.Spicer 《Global Geology》 2016年第4期241-254,共14页
The Arct ic hosts an extraordinary wealth of terrestrial fossil biotas of Late Cretaceous age representing a diverse and highly productive near-polar ecosystem that has no modern analogue. Compared to the rest of the... The Arct ic hosts an extraordinary wealth of terrestrial fossil biotas of Late Cretaceous age representing a diverse and highly productive near-polar ecosystem that has no modern analogue. Compared to the rest of the Late Cretaceous Maastrichtian plant diversity was at its lowest and the temperature regime the coolest, yet the semi-open forests supported a rich dinosaur fauna made up of a wide range of body sizes and feeding strategies. The combination of mild winter temperatures and continuous darkness lasting several months imposed severe constraints on primary productivity. Plant survival strategies involved almost universal winter loss of foliage, which in turn limited food supply for non-migratory overwintering herbivorous animals. A combination of leaf form and tree ring studies has been used to quantify year round variations in temperature and determine the tim-ing of spring bud-break and autumnal leaf fall. While Maastrichtian winter temperatures were cold enough (down to - 10°C for brief intervals) for frequent frosts and snowfall, summer temperatures were cool but highly variable and at -830N along the north Alaskan coast frequently fel l below + 10°C . Theropod egg shell frag-ments at - 76° N in the Maastrichtian of Northeastern Russia may indicate that dinosaur reproduction took place in the Arctic ecosystem, as distinct from taking place at lower latitude breeding grounds reached by migration. This raises the question of nest management and specifically the maintenance of incubation temperatures, and the duration of incubation. Of critical importance to year-round residency is the timing of hatching and juvenile care before winter darkness set in, temperatures fell to near freezing and food resources became limited. 展开更多
商族鸟图腾探源——物候学与中国古代文化 被引量:3
作者 常正光 《贵州民族研究》 1983年第1期54-61,共8页
商族是以鸟为图腾的,这无论从文献材料或甲骨文中都是早已得到确证并为史学界所公认的。但是这个鸟图腾是怎样形成起来的?如果我们考察一下“少氏鸟名官”的内容,是可以得到一些解答的。 这是郯子在使鲁时所讲的一段传说,记载在《左传... 商族是以鸟为图腾的,这无论从文献材料或甲骨文中都是早已得到确证并为史学界所公认的。但是这个鸟图腾是怎样形成起来的?如果我们考察一下“少氏鸟名官”的内容,是可以得到一些解答的。 这是郯子在使鲁时所讲的一段传说,记载在《左传昭公十七年》里。少氏是东方一支古老民族。 展开更多
关键词 商族 鸟图腾 凤鸟 物候学 龙纪 中国古代文化 卜辞 大火 左传 颛臾
作者 刘冬 《乾陵文化研究》 2012年第1期263-272,共10页
天雄军节度使府是唐大中、咸通(847-874)年间唐中央政府在河陇地域设置的3个高级军政权力机构之一(另两个为归义军、凉州节度使府)。它与归义军、凉州节度使府不同:归义军、凉州节度使府独立性很大,管内具体事务较少受唐廷遥控;而天雄... 天雄军节度使府是唐大中、咸通(847-874)年间唐中央政府在河陇地域设置的3个高级军政权力机构之一(另两个为归义军、凉州节度使府)。它与归义军、凉州节度使府不同:归义军、凉州节度使府独立性很大,管内具体事务较少受唐廷遥控;而天雄军自成立之日迄龙纪(889)年间,就完全服从唐中央政府的统治。 展开更多
关键词 义军 河陇 设置 龙纪 节度使 权力 凉州
作者 任东 《Entomologia Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第4期53-67,共15页
A new family, Grammolingiidae of fossil lacewings is erected, of which 3 new genera and 6 new species are described and illustrated: Grammolingia boi. gen. nov. et sp. nov., Litholingia rhora gen. nov. et sp. nov., Li... A new family, Grammolingiidae of fossil lacewings is erected, of which 3 new genera and 6 new species are described and illustrated: Grammolingia boi. gen. nov. et sp. nov., Litholingia rhora gen. nov. et sp. nov., Litholingia eumorpha gen. nov. et sp. nov. and Litholingia polychotoma gen. nov. et sp. nov., Leptolingia jurassica gen. nov. et sp. nov. and Leptolingia tianyiensis gen. noc. et sp. nov.. A key to genera within this new family is provided. All specimens described were collected from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Eastern Inner Mongolia, China. The present discovery demonstrates that present knowledge of the Jurassic Neuropetra fauna remains very poor. The fossil specimens are deposited in Yizhou Fossil Museum and Department of Biology, Capital Normal University, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 JURASSIC Jiulongshang Formation Nerouptera new family new genera new species
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