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基于Spring Boot的产教联合体信息平台设计
作者 刁建忠 许志伟 伍嘉华 《科技创新与应用》 2024年第14期28-31,共4页
该文设计基于B/S架构的联合体信息平台,利用Spring Boot、MyBatis Plus、Vue等优秀框架实现高效的开发,集成Spring Security和JWT令牌机制,完成认证和权限控制。同时整合Redis缓存,将热点资源缓存至内存中,以实现快速查询操作,从而减轻M... 该文设计基于B/S架构的联合体信息平台,利用Spring Boot、MyBatis Plus、Vue等优秀框架实现高效的开发,集成Spring Security和JWT令牌机制,完成认证和权限控制。同时整合Redis缓存,将热点资源缓存至内存中,以实现快速查询操作,从而减轻MySQL数据库的负载压力。该系统稳定、兼容性强,能使联合体成员沟通更方便、信息的发布和维护的效率更高,实现人才共育共享。 展开更多
关键词 spring Boot MyBatis Vue 产教联合体信息平台 B/S架构
基于Spring Boot+Vue框架的羊场综合 管理系统软件的设计与应用 被引量:3
作者 姜韶华 常星海 +5 位作者 高云帆 南风 马东 李书琴 陈玉林 张恩平 《家畜生态学报》 北大核心 2024年第3期55-62,共8页
本研究旨在辅助羊场生产数据规范化管理及良种繁育智能科学化应用,采用MySQL数据库及Java、R编程语言,基于Spring Boot+Vue框架设计了一套羊场综合管理系统软件。该系统优化了羊只信息管理、羊场配种方案,实现生产数据可视化,设置预警... 本研究旨在辅助羊场生产数据规范化管理及良种繁育智能科学化应用,采用MySQL数据库及Java、R编程语言,基于Spring Boot+Vue框架设计了一套羊场综合管理系统软件。该系统优化了羊只信息管理、羊场配种方案,实现生产数据可视化,设置预警功能帮助羊场及时掌握羊只产羔时间与生产性能情况;系统设计羊只基本信息管理、生产信息、疫病信息、繁殖信息、药品管理、饲料管理、统计报表与预警、科学育种八个模块。其中,在科学育种管理子模块中,根据羊场育种需求,构建了三种育种值计算模型(BLUP模型、GLMM模型、平均表现型模型),结合种公母羊实际表现,实现种公母羊的等级排序并自动生成近交系数,得到科学合理的配种方案。本系统在陕北某集约化肉羊场、横山区某绒山羊养殖联合育种户、富平县某奶山羊养殖场进行为期半年的实际生产应用,通过跟踪核心群体,完善与优化系统各项功能,为羊场智慧化、数字化育种管理提供了数据平台,同时也为实现智慧羊场的发展增添了新版本1.0。 展开更多
关键词 spring Boot+Vue框架 羊场 信息管理系统 育种
作者 刘霞 《长江信息通信》 2024年第2期148-150,共3页
随着国家《智慧校园总体框架》的提出,各职业院校纷纷启动了智慧校园的建设,因学校发展实际情况、重视程度、资金投入等不同,智慧校园建设的步伐也不一致。文章分析了智慧校园管理系统需求,提出基于Spring Boot框架,整合MyBatis数据持... 随着国家《智慧校园总体框架》的提出,各职业院校纷纷启动了智慧校园的建设,因学校发展实际情况、重视程度、资金投入等不同,智慧校园建设的步伐也不一致。文章分析了智慧校园管理系统需求,提出基于Spring Boot框架,整合MyBatis数据持久化框架,数据库选择高性能的MySQL,内存数据库采用Redis缓存技术,采用前后端分离模式设计,前端采用Vue.js、Element-UI、Axios来实现前后端数据交互的系统设计方案和实现过程,为智慧校园的建设提供一种可行的方案参考。 展开更多
关键词 spring Boot 智慧校园 管理系统
基于Vue.js与Spring Boot的教务管理系统设计
作者 谢振华 《电脑与信息技术》 2024年第4期95-97,101,共4页
随着Web应用开发技术的不断发展,采用传统Web技术开发的教务管理系统越来越难满足实际需求,在此背景下,提出了一种同时基于Vue.js与Spring Boot的教务管理系统设计与实现方案。该系统采用Vue.js框架作为前端开发框架,实现了前台页面的... 随着Web应用开发技术的不断发展,采用传统Web技术开发的教务管理系统越来越难满足实际需求,在此背景下,提出了一种同时基于Vue.js与Spring Boot的教务管理系统设计与实现方案。该系统采用Vue.js框架作为前端开发框架,实现了前台页面的交互和后台数据展示。同时,使用Spring Boot作为后端框架,提供了稳定的数据请求和数据存储功能。阐述了系统的架构设计、技术实现和功能需求设计等方面内容。该设计方案,使系统具有速度快、效率高、稳定性强等优点,带来良好的用户体验,同时能够满足教务管理的需要。采用该架构设计的系统同时也具有很好的可扩展性和可移植性,方便学校进行二次开发和部署。 展开更多
关键词 Vue.js spring Boot 教务管理系统
作者 彭渝婷 刘波 +7 位作者 石开波 刘航宇 付英潇 宋彦辰 王恩泽 宋本彪 邓西里 叶禹 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期639-656,共18页
为探究膏盐岩–碳酸盐岩共生层系强非均质性问题,基于岩芯及测井资料,探究阿布扎比B油田Arab组岩石微相类型,分析各类微相的储层特征及优质储层主控因素。Arab组可识别出12种微相类型(MF1~MF12),微相类型及组合指示其为局限–蒸发背景... 为探究膏盐岩–碳酸盐岩共生层系强非均质性问题,基于岩芯及测井资料,探究阿布扎比B油田Arab组岩石微相类型,分析各类微相的储层特征及优质储层主控因素。Arab组可识别出12种微相类型(MF1~MF12),微相类型及组合指示其为局限–蒸发背景下萨布哈潮坪–潟湖–障壁滩沉积体系。微相类型控制储层品质,其中MF2及MF9~MF12孔喉较粗,连通性好,孔隙度和渗透率较高,是储层发育有利微相类型。MF2和MF10发育白云岩储层,储集空间以晶间孔、残余粒间孔及粒内溶孔为主;MF9,MF11和MF12发育颗粒灰岩储层,储集空间以粒间(溶)孔、铸模孔及粒内溶孔为主。相对海平面的震荡性变化导致各沉积相带在纵向上的有序叠置,不同沉积相带之间或同一沉积相带内微相类型及成岩作用的差异性是Arab组储层强非均质性的根本原因。障壁滩和潮上带是优质储层发育的有利相带,其中障壁滩相优质储层原生粒间孔保持较好,并叠加显著的早期暴露溶蚀,导致次生孔隙的产生和孔隙结构的改善;潮上带优质储层的发育受控于早期白云石化和准同生溶蚀作用,白云石化改善孔隙结构,有利于早期孔隙保存,分散状硬石膏的早期溶蚀产生大量次生孔隙,显著地改善了储层物性。 展开更多
关键词 膏盐岩–碳酸盐岩共生层系 arab 岩石微相类型 储层特征 储层主控因素
基于Spring MVC的化橘红病虫害防治技术数据库系统的设计
作者 刘慧玲 《信息与电脑》 2024年第3期139-142,共4页
关键词 化橘红 病虫害防治 springMVC
基于Spring Cloud的分布式医疗数据平台建设
作者 汪睿 胡珊珊 +1 位作者 陈敏莲 徐骁 《设备管理与维修》 2024年第4期16-19,共4页
为解决互联网时代医疗大数据的可靠存储问题,探索异构数据的有效处理方案,加强医疗数据检索能力。提出一种基于Spring Cloud的分布式医疗数据平台建设方案,该方案通过Spring Cloud技术构建分布式架构,选取MongoDB非关系型数据库作为分... 为解决互联网时代医疗大数据的可靠存储问题,探索异构数据的有效处理方案,加强医疗数据检索能力。提出一种基于Spring Cloud的分布式医疗数据平台建设方案,该方案通过Spring Cloud技术构建分布式架构,选取MongoDB非关系型数据库作为分布式存储,同时对数据进行标准化、分词等操作,从而实现一个异构数据可存储、系统高可用、规模易扩展、检索高效率的医疗数据平台。 展开更多
关键词 分布式 医疗数据 spring Cloud MONGODB
基于Spring Cloud微服务架构的非物质文化遗产展示与学习系统的设计与实现
作者 杜俊 李金忠 +1 位作者 何新武 李志鸿 《广东轻工职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期14-21,共8页
针对目前人民群众对非物质文化遗产认识不够全面,以及市面上利用系统软件来有效保护和传承非物质文化遗产的软件很缺乏等问题,结合相应软件开发技术和数字可视化技术,设计和实现了一款非物质文化遗产展示与学习系统以实现对非物质文化... 针对目前人民群众对非物质文化遗产认识不够全面,以及市面上利用系统软件来有效保护和传承非物质文化遗产的软件很缺乏等问题,结合相应软件开发技术和数字可视化技术,设计和实现了一款非物质文化遗产展示与学习系统以实现对非物质文化遗产项目的传承和保护创新。本系统以江西省范围内的主要非物质文化遗产项目为例,设置有移动App端和PC端,采用前后端分离的开发模式,以当前主流的Spring Cloud微服务架构技术为基础,结合SpringBoot框架,在华为云服务器上搭建起弹性可伸缩的后端服务。使用Uni-App开发移动端,以解决无法在Android、IOS及各大小程序平台运行的问题。经测试,本系统具有操作简单,易于使用、维护和扩展,高并发性等优点。 展开更多
关键词 非物质文化遗产 spring Cloud微服务架构 Uni-App框架 Vue框架 ECharts可视化图表
基于Spring Boot+Vue框架的企业记录管理系统设计与实现
作者 贾文强 刘新 傅鹏 《工业控制计算机》 2024年第10期151-152,共2页
当前数据已与土地、劳动力、资本、技术相并列成为驱动经济发展的新型生产要素。各行各业都以“数字中国”战略为导向,构建数据价值流通体系,激活数据生产力,充分释放数据要素价值,推动企业各个业务域的数字化转型。结合企业“业务在线... 当前数据已与土地、劳动力、资本、技术相并列成为驱动经济发展的新型生产要素。各行各业都以“数字中国”战略为导向,构建数据价值流通体系,激活数据生产力,充分释放数据要素价值,推动企业各个业务域的数字化转型。结合企业“业务在线化、业务数据化、数据业务化”管理要求,依托先进的软件开发技术,采用前后端分离开发,设计了一套企业记录管理系统,不断优化企业管理流程、规范文档数字化管理、提升工作效率与质量,赋能企业管理体系的数字化高质量建设。 展开更多
关键词 企业管理 记录管理 数字化建设 spring Boot Vue
基于Spring Boot+Vue技术的煤矿安全培训后台设计与实现
作者 朱芊慧 刘风华 +1 位作者 钱进 张苏洋 《现代信息科技》 2024年第18期116-119,124,共5页
为满足企业对煤矿安全培训的需求,克服传统培训方法的局限性,通过对Vue和Spring Boot技术进行研究,使用JDK、MySQL数据库和IDEA等工具,构建了一个更加高效、稳定且易于维护的后台管理系统,从而有效地解决传统培训方式存在的问题。更加... 为满足企业对煤矿安全培训的需求,克服传统培训方法的局限性,通过对Vue和Spring Boot技术进行研究,使用JDK、MySQL数据库和IDEA等工具,构建了一个更加高效、稳定且易于维护的后台管理系统,从而有效地解决传统培训方式存在的问题。更加便利的系统培训资源使用、更灵活的课程安排、更具保障的学习进度监控,使煤矿安全的普及更加全面,相关安全人员专业水平不断提升。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿安全 spring Boot Vue MYSQL数据库
基于Spring Boot的高压开关柜远程监控系统的设计 被引量:1
作者 孙铁强 于洪健 +1 位作者 刘俊 魏光辉 《自动化应用》 2024年第2期207-209,共3页
针对现代工业生产对产品信息传递的方便性,以及远程控制装置与计算机技术有机融合的需求,分析了技术选型和应具备的功能,设计了系统的结构和功能单元,开发了一套基于Spring Boot和Vue框架的高压开关柜远程监控系统。该系统可以实现生产... 针对现代工业生产对产品信息传递的方便性,以及远程控制装置与计算机技术有机融合的需求,分析了技术选型和应具备的功能,设计了系统的结构和功能单元,开发了一套基于Spring Boot和Vue框架的高压开关柜远程监控系统。该系统可以实现生产信息的实时监测,具备各项生产数据的查询、汇总和分析功能,系统界面友好,整体逻辑清晰,操作简单。 展开更多
关键词 高压开关柜 spring Boot WEB开发 控制系统
Enhancement of the Antigenotoxic and Antioxidant Actions of Eugenol from Spice Clove and the Stabilizer Gum Arabic on Colorectal Carcinogenesis
作者 Nayanna de Oliveira Ramos Melo Lucas Gabriel da Costa Marques +5 位作者 Humberto Maia Costa Neto Matheus De Sousa Silva Francisco Vagnaldo Fechine Jamacaru Bruno Coêlho Cavalcanti Antônio Adailson De Sousa Silva Conceição Aparecida Dornelas 《Food and Nutrition Sciences》 CAS 2024年第1期71-100,共30页
Spices are defined as any aromatic condiment of plant origin used to alter the flavor and aroma of foods. Besides flavor and aroma, many spices have antioxidant activity, mainly related to the presence in cloves of ph... Spices are defined as any aromatic condiment of plant origin used to alter the flavor and aroma of foods. Besides flavor and aroma, many spices have antioxidant activity, mainly related to the presence in cloves of phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids, terpenoids and eugenol. In turn, the most common uses of gum arabic are in the form of powder for addition to soft drink syrups, cuisine and baked goods, specifically to stabilize the texture of products, increase the viscosity of liquids and promote the leavening of baked products (e.g., cakes). Both eugenol, extracted from cloves, and gum arabic, extracted from the hardened sap of two species of the Acacia tree, are dietary constituents routinely consumed virtually throughout the world. Both of them are also widely used medicinally to inhibit oxidative stress and genotoxicity. The prevention arm of the study included groups: Ia, IIa, IIIa, Iva, V, VI, VII, VIII. Once a week for 20 weeks, the controls received saline s.c. while the experimental groups received DMH at 20 mg/kg s.c. During the same period and for an additional 9 weeks, the animals received either water, 10% GA, EUG, or 10% GA + EUG by gavage. The treatment arm of the study included groups Ib, IIb, IIIb e IVb, IX, X, XI, XII). Once a week for 20 weeks, the controls received saline s.c. while the experimental groups received DMH at 20 mg/kg s.c. During the subsequent 9 weeks, the animals received either water, 10% GA, EUG or 10% GA + EUG by gavage. The novelty of this study is the investigation of their use alone and together for the prevention and treatment of experimental colorectal carcinogenesis induced by dimethylhydrazine. Our results show that the combined use of 10% gum arabic and eugenol was effective, with antioxidant action in the colon, as well as reducing oxidative stress in all colon segments and preventing and treating genotoxicity in all colon segments. Furthermore, their joint administration reduced the number of aberrant crypts and the number of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in the distal segment and entire colon, as well as the number of ACF with at least 5 crypts in the entire colon. Thus, our results also demonstrate the synergistic effects of 10% gum arabic together with eugenol (from cloves), with antioxidant, antigenotoxic and anticarcinogenic actions (prevention and treatment) at the doses and durations studied, in the colon of rats submitted to colorectal carcinogenesis induced by dimethylhydrazine. 展开更多
基于Spring Boot+Vue的科技服务业公共服务平台设计与实现
作者 黄英康 禹瑞雪 +3 位作者 陈金龙 张炜 唐梅军 陈岳林 《大众科技》 2024年第5期37-41,45,共6页
针对中小型企业大多利用自身现有的资源经营和管理,导致企业之间缺乏沟通交流和信息不对称,难以在最短时间内以最小的投入获取最大的回报问题,文章设计了一个基于Spring Boot+Vue的桂林电子科技大学科技园科技服务业公共服务平台。平台... 针对中小型企业大多利用自身现有的资源经营和管理,导致企业之间缺乏沟通交流和信息不对称,难以在最短时间内以最小的投入获取最大的回报问题,文章设计了一个基于Spring Boot+Vue的桂林电子科技大学科技园科技服务业公共服务平台。平台采用前后端分离的开发模式,前端包括了基于Vue3+TypeScript技术的公共服务平台及基于Vue2技术的管理系统,公共服务平台使用了UI组件库和异步请求库,后端为基于Spring Boot、Spring Cloud Alibaba建立的框架。经过对平台系统的测试,结果表明,平台可以满足用户对公共服务平台的使用需求。 展开更多
关键词 spring Boot+Vue 公共服务平台 JAVA MYSQL数据库
Effect of Gum Arabic from Acacia senegal var. kerensis as an Improver on the Rheological Properties of Wheat Flour Dough
作者 Roseline Mwihaki Kiama Mary Omwamba +1 位作者 George Wafula Wanjala Symon Maina Mahungu 《Food and Nutrition Sciences》 CAS 2024年第4期298-312,共15页
Dough improvers are substances with functional characteristics used in baking industry to enhance dough properties. Currently, the baking industry is faced with increasing demand for natural ingredients owing to incre... Dough improvers are substances with functional characteristics used in baking industry to enhance dough properties. Currently, the baking industry is faced with increasing demand for natural ingredients owing to increasing consumer awareness, thus contributing to the rising demand for natural hydrocolloids. Gum Arabic from Acacia senegal var. kerensis is a natural gum exhibiting excellent water binding and emulsification capacity. However, very little is reported on how it affects the rheological properties of wheat dough. The aim of this study was therefore, to determine the rheological properties of wheat dough with partial additions of gum Arabic as an improver. Six treatments were analyzed comprising of: flour-gum blends prepared by adding gum Arabic to wheat flour at different levels (1%, 2% and 3%), plain wheat flour (negative control), commercial bread flour and commercial chapati flour (positive controls). The rheological properties were determined using Brabender Farinograph, Brabender Extensograph and Brabender Viscograph. Results showed that addition of gum Arabic significantly (p chapati. These findings support the need to utilize gum Arabic from Acacia senegal var. kerensis as a dough improver. 展开更多
Physico-Chemical, and Sensory Properties of Mayonnaise Substitute Prepared from Chia Mucilage (Salvia hispanica L.) and Gum Arabic from Acacia senegal var. kerensis
作者 Lydia Apondi Odep Symon Maina Mahungu Mary Nyambeki Omwamba 《Food and Nutrition Sciences》 CAS 2024年第9期880-898,共19页
Gum Arabic (GA) from Acacia senegal var. kerensis has been approved as an emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener, and encapsulator in food processing industry. Chia mucilage, on the other hand, has been approved to be used... Gum Arabic (GA) from Acacia senegal var. kerensis has been approved as an emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener, and encapsulator in food processing industry. Chia mucilage, on the other hand, has been approved to be used as a fat and egg yolk mimic. However, both chia mucilage and gum Arabic are underutilized locally in Kenya;thus, marginal reports have been published despite their potential to alter functional properties in food products. In this study, the potential use of chia mucilage and gum Arabic was evaluated in the development of an eggless fat-reduced mayonnaise (FRM). The mayonnaise substitute was prepared by replacing eggs and partially substituting sunflower oil with chia mucilage at 15%, 30%, 45%, and 60% levels and gum Arabic at 3% while reducing the oil levels to 15%, 30%, 45%, and 60%. The effect of different concentrations of oil and chia mucilage on the physicochemical properties, for example, pH, emulsion stability, moisture content, protein, carbohydrate, fats, calories, ash, and titratable acidity using AOAC methods and sensory properties for both consumer acceptability and quantitative descriptive analysis of mayonnaise were evaluated and compared to the control with eggs and 75% sunflower oil. The results indicated that all fat-reduced mayonnaises had significantly lower energy to 493 kcal/100g and 20% fat content but higher water content of 0.74 than the control with 784 Kcal/100g calories, 77% fat and 0.39 moisture. These differences increased with increasing substitution levels of chia mucilage, as impacted on pH, carbohydrate, and protein. There was no significant difference between ash content for both fat-reduced mayonnaise and control. Sensory evaluation demonstrated that mayonnaises substituted with chia seeds mucilage and gum Arabic were accepted. All the parameters are positively correlated to overall acceptability, with flavor having the strongest correlation of r = 0.78. Loadings from principal component analysis (PCA) of 16 sensory attributes of mayonnaise showed that approximately over 66% of the variations in sensory attributes were explained by the first six principal components. This study shows good potential for chia mucilage and gum Arabic to be used as fat and egg mimetics and stabilizers, respectively, in mayonnaise with functional properties. 展开更多
关键词 MAYONNAISE Chia Mucilage Gum arabic Physicochemical Sensory Properties
作者 凌勇 李金忠 +2 位作者 黄启华 王勤宇 秦嘉超 《广东轻工职业技术学院学报》 2024年第2期16-23,共8页
针对高校统战工作较为传统化、宣传力度不够、工作成果展示不够全面等问题,采用当前主流框架技术,包括SpringBoot、Vue和Uni-App等前后端框架,MySQL、Redis和ElasticSearch等数据库技术以及Echarts开源可视化图表库、WebSocket全双工通... 针对高校统战工作较为传统化、宣传力度不够、工作成果展示不够全面等问题,采用当前主流框架技术,包括SpringBoot、Vue和Uni-App等前后端框架,MySQL、Redis和ElasticSearch等数据库技术以及Echarts开源可视化图表库、WebSocket全双工通信协议和Nginx反向代理等前沿技术,设计与实现了一个高校统战工作服务信息管理系统。该系统分为PC端后台管理子系统、PC端可视化展示子系统和移动App端三大子系统,其中移动App端包括业绩管理、新闻管理、互动交流管理等功能模块。本系统具有较好的可扩展性和可维护性,可提高高校统战工作的管理效率和用户体验满意度,可为统战工作的信息化建设提供有力支持。 展开更多
关键词 高校统战工作 spring Boot框架 Uni-App框架 Vue框架 Echarts可视化图表库
Uncovering the epidemiology of bladder cancer in the Arab world: A review of risk factors, molecular mechanisms, and clinical features
作者 Noura F.Abbas Marc R.Aoude +1 位作者 Hampig R.Kourie Humaid OAl-Shamsi 《Asian Journal of Urology》 CSCD 2024年第3期406-422,共17页
Objective:Bladder cancer(BC)is a significant public health concern in the Middle East and North Africa,but the epidemiology and clinicopathology of the disease and contributors to high mortality in this region remain ... Objective:Bladder cancer(BC)is a significant public health concern in the Middle East and North Africa,but the epidemiology and clinicopathology of the disease and contributors to high mortality in this region remain poorly understood.The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the epidemiological features of BC in the Arab world and compare them to those in Western countries in order to improve the management of this disease.Methods:An extensive electronic search of the PubMed/PMC and Cochrane Library databases was conducted to identify all articles published until May 2022,following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines.A total of 95 articles were included in the final analysis after title,abstract,and full-text screening,with additional data obtained from the GLOBOCAN and WHO 2020 databases. 展开更多
关键词 Bladder cancer EPIDEMIOLOGY Risk factor Biomarker SCHISTOSOMIASIS arab world UROLOGY
基于Spring Cloud的电商平台系统设计与实现
作者 赵春辉 《广西民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第3期97-103,共7页
互联网技术发展较快,电商平台已成为现代商业的重要组成部分,Spring Cloud微服务架构为电商平台提供技术支持。文章分析了电商平台业务需求,确定系统的功能模块,基于Spring Cloud构建微服务架构,实现了服务的拆分与独立部署。通过性能... 互联网技术发展较快,电商平台已成为现代商业的重要组成部分,Spring Cloud微服务架构为电商平台提供技术支持。文章分析了电商平台业务需求,确定系统的功能模块,基于Spring Cloud构建微服务架构,实现了服务的拆分与独立部署。通过性能测试发现系统存在的问题,提出相应解决措施,为电商平台的设计提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 spring Cloud 电商 平台系统 设计
Improving the Segmentation of Arabic Handwriting Using Ligature Detection Technique
作者 Husam Ahmad Al Hamad Mohammad Shehab 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第5期2015-2034,共20页
Recognizing handwritten characters remains a critical and formidable challenge within the realm of computervision. Although considerable strides have been made in enhancing English handwritten character recognitionthr... Recognizing handwritten characters remains a critical and formidable challenge within the realm of computervision. Although considerable strides have been made in enhancing English handwritten character recognitionthrough various techniques, deciphering Arabic handwritten characters is particularly intricate. This complexityarises from the diverse array of writing styles among individuals, coupled with the various shapes that a singlecharacter can take when positioned differently within document images, rendering the task more perplexing. Inthis study, a novel segmentation method for Arabic handwritten scripts is suggested. This work aims to locatethe local minima of the vertical and diagonal word image densities to precisely identify the segmentation pointsbetween the cursive letters. The proposed method starts with pre-processing the word image without affectingits main features, then calculates the directions pixel density of the word image by scanning it vertically and fromangles 30° to 90° to count the pixel density fromall directions and address the problem of overlapping letters, whichis a commonly attitude in writing Arabic texts by many people. Local minima and thresholds are also determinedto identify the ideal segmentation area. The proposed technique is tested on samples obtained fromtwo datasets: Aself-curated image dataset and the IFN/ENIT dataset. The results demonstrate that the proposed method achievesa significant improvement in the proportions of cursive segmentation of 92.96% on our dataset, as well as 89.37%on the IFN/ENIT dataset. 展开更多
关键词 arabic handwritten SEGMENTATION image processing ligature detection technique intelligent recognition
AMachine Learning Approach to Cyberbullying Detection in Arabic Tweets
作者 Dhiaa Musleh Atta Rahman +8 位作者 Mohammed Abbas Alkherallah Menhal Kamel Al-Bohassan Mustafa Mohammed Alawami Hayder Ali Alsebaa Jawad Ali Alnemer Ghazi Fayez Al-Mutairi May Issa Aldossary Dalal A.Aldowaihi Fahd Alhaidari 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第7期1033-1054,共22页
With the rapid growth of internet usage,a new situation has been created that enables practicing bullying.Cyberbullying has increased over the past decade,and it has the same adverse effects as face-to-face bullying,l... With the rapid growth of internet usage,a new situation has been created that enables practicing bullying.Cyberbullying has increased over the past decade,and it has the same adverse effects as face-to-face bullying,like anger,sadness,anxiety,and fear.With the anonymity people get on the internet,they tend to bemore aggressive and express their emotions freely without considering the effects,which can be a reason for the increase in cyberbullying and it is the main motive behind the current study.This study presents a thorough background of cyberbullying and the techniques used to collect,preprocess,and analyze the datasets.Moreover,a comprehensive review of the literature has been conducted to figure out research gaps and effective techniques and practices in cyberbullying detection in various languages,and it was deduced that there is significant room for improvement in the Arabic language.As a result,the current study focuses on the investigation of shortlisted machine learning algorithms in natural language processing(NLP)for the classification of Arabic datasets duly collected from Twitter(also known as X).In this regard,support vector machine(SVM),Naive Bayes(NB),Random Forest(RF),Logistic regression(LR),Bootstrap aggregating(Bagging),Gradient Boosting(GBoost),Light Gradient Boosting Machine(LightGBM),Adaptive Boosting(AdaBoost),and eXtreme Gradient Boosting(XGBoost)were shortlisted and investigated due to their effectiveness in the similar problems.Finally,the scheme was evaluated by well-known performance measures like accuracy,precision,Recall,and F1-score.Consequently,XGBoost exhibited the best performance with 89.95%accuracy,which is promising compared to the state-of-the-art. 展开更多
关键词 Supervised machine learning ensemble learning CYBERBULLYING arabic tweets NLP
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