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作者 王林 江荣鼎 +2 位作者 张春晓 李修真 谈莹莹 《化工学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期475-483,共9页
含R1234yf混合工质具有系统性能优良且对环境友好的特点,在当前制冷剂迭代中受到了广泛关注。汽液相平衡性质是混合工质的基础热物理性质,其理论计算至关重要。为提高含R1234yf混合工质汽液相平衡数据的计算精度,选取PR状态方程结合vdW... 含R1234yf混合工质具有系统性能优良且对环境友好的特点,在当前制冷剂迭代中受到了广泛关注。汽液相平衡性质是混合工质的基础热物理性质,其理论计算至关重要。为提高含R1234yf混合工质汽液相平衡数据的计算精度,选取PR状态方程结合vdW、WS、MHV1三种混合规则和NRTL活度系数模型评估了16种含R1234yf二元混合工质的汽液相平衡性质。结果表明,WS混合规则和MHV1混合规则计算性能优于vdW混合规则;vdW混合规则对大多数混合工质计算性能较好。最后提出一种预测模型预测含R1234yf混合工质汽液相平衡性质,预测的相对压力偏差值为0.49%,气相摩尔分数绝对偏差值为0.0031,预测偏差满足工程应用。 展开更多
关键词 R1234yf 混合物 汽液相平衡 混合规则 模型 预测
作者 王超 冯美臣 +6 位作者 乔星星 郭新惠 贾瑶镟 肖璐洁 赵钰 郭数进 杨武德 《智慧农业导刊》 2024年第5期29-32,37,共5页
智慧农业是近年来国内外的重点和热点研究领域,也是实现我国农业强国和解决“三农”问题的重要途径。未来,涉农行业、企事业单位对智慧农业人才的需求将呈快速增长态势,而当前智慧农业人才难以满足智慧农业产业的需求。同时,智慧农业是... 智慧农业是近年来国内外的重点和热点研究领域,也是实现我国农业强国和解决“三农”问题的重要途径。未来,涉农行业、企事业单位对智慧农业人才的需求将呈快速增长态势,而当前智慧农业人才难以满足智慧农业产业的需求。同时,智慧农业是多学科交叉融合且实践性很强的专业,也是新型专业,尚未形成系统性的智慧农业专业人才培养体系。因而,加快推进智慧农业专业人才培养,显得尤为迫切和重要。该文在坚持“以本为本”和“四个回归”的教育理念基础上,围绕智慧农业发展目标,面向智慧农业产业需求,以山西农业大学省级智慧农业学院为例,探索出智慧农业产业学院“1核心、2导师、3平台、4体系”的“1234”产教融合协同育人模式,为我国智慧农业产业学院发展及人才培养模式提供参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 智慧农业 产业学院 1234”模式 产教融合 人才培养
作者 张昱婷 《戏剧之家》 2024年第18期175-177,共3页
音乐专业是高师院校的特色专业,旨在培养优秀的音乐教育人才,为国家的基础教育提供专业扎实、品学兼优的优质师资。因此,高师院校围绕音乐专业学生进行系统的专业培养和丰富的思想政治教育非常关键。尤其是在“课程思政”建设背景下,高... 音乐专业是高师院校的特色专业,旨在培养优秀的音乐教育人才,为国家的基础教育提供专业扎实、品学兼优的优质师资。因此,高师院校围绕音乐专业学生进行系统的专业培养和丰富的思想政治教育非常关键。尤其是在“课程思政”建设背景下,高校音乐专业人才培养目标对“专业课+思政课”的创新实施对音乐人才的培养具有重要的意义和价值。在本文的研究中,笔者结合自身教学经验,从高师目前的教学现状出发,深入挖掘高师音乐专业中的课程思政元素,找准音乐专业课程和思想政治教育的契合点,提出了“1234”课程建设的创新观点。总之,高师音乐专业“1234”课程建设模式的实施,可以为高师的“课程思政”课堂开辟新的思路,拓展新的教学手段,为全面提升高师院校音乐专业课程的教学成绩和人才培养质量发挥显著作用。 展开更多
关键词 “课程思政” 音乐专业 1234”模式 构建研究
作者 苏之勇 陈刚 +4 位作者 李海军 于义伟 苏梓昭 徐梦琪 唐欣渝 《流体机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期9-15,共7页
针对普通车用热泵空调无法实现同一压缩机超低温制热、超高温制冷的技术性难题,开发了一种带经济器补气的R1234yf车用热泵系统试验台,试验研究了在不同车外温度下,低压、中压补气模式对系统性能的影响。结果表明:在不同车外温度下,低压... 针对普通车用热泵空调无法实现同一压缩机超低温制热、超高温制冷的技术性难题,开发了一种带经济器补气的R1234yf车用热泵系统试验台,试验研究了在不同车外温度下,低压、中压补气模式对系统性能的影响。结果表明:在不同车外温度下,低压补气、中压补气技术均可明显改善系统性能,且中压补气技术提高系统性能较为明显;超低温制热、超高温制冷时,低压、中压补气压缩机排气温度均低于90 ℃;在超高温(50 ℃)工况下,相对于低压补气,中压补气制冷量增加了6.9%,COP增加了3.2%;在超低温(-10,-20 ℃)工况下,相对于低压补气,中压补气制热量增加了11.1%~23.2%,COP增加了3.0%~3.8%;中压补气系统性能均优于低压补气系统。 展开更多
关键词 车用热泵 R1234yf 经济器补气 性能
作者 陈剑云 李征涛 +4 位作者 黄超 高磊 马林泉 彭家驹 周宇游 《流体机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期10-16,48,共8页
针对目前国内现有电子膨胀阀测试系统偏差大、测试范围小、耗能大,研制了一种新型R1234yf新能源汽车空调电子膨胀阀测试系统,该测试系统利用制冷剂节流后气相经压缩机加压、液相经制冷剂循环泵加压,两相充分混合后进入冷凝器,利用排气... 针对目前国内现有电子膨胀阀测试系统偏差大、测试范围小、耗能大,研制了一种新型R1234yf新能源汽车空调电子膨胀阀测试系统,该测试系统利用制冷剂节流后气相经压缩机加压、液相经制冷剂循环泵加压,两相充分混合后进入冷凝器,利用排气节流阀直接控制被测电子膨胀阀阀后压力。依据汽车热管理国家标准对该测试系统进行了可行性及热力性能分析,并与实际制冷方法、液环法测试系统冷凝热负荷及耗功总和进行对比。结果表明:该系统利用两相环法,可以减少冷凝后的冷凝热量,通过排气节流阀控制被测阀后压力,取消蒸发器,提高系统性能;在流经被测试电子膨胀阀的工质质量流量为0.02~0.18 kg/s工况下,该系统冷凝热负荷较实际制冷方法减小了71.6%,较液环法降低了37.9%,耗功总和则比实际制冷方法下降了63.7%~38.6%,但比液环法约增加了7.5%。该系统可为新能源汽车空调行业电子膨胀阀性能测试提供可行且节能的测试方法。 展开更多
关键词 新能源汽车空调 R1234yf制冷剂 电子膨胀阀 两相环法 性能分析
人工智能背景下Materials Project数据库在计算材料学课程教学中的应用
作者 胡学敏 孙孪鸿 +1 位作者 陈晓玉 叶原丰 《科教文汇》 2024年第10期90-94,共5页
该文探讨了在人工智能背景下,Materials Project数据库在计算材料学课程教学中的应用和影响。Materials Project数据库是一个集成了AI和大数据技术的开放获取的材料库,能为学生提供海量的材料晶体结构和物性数据,使教学内容更为丰富,让... 该文探讨了在人工智能背景下,Materials Project数据库在计算材料学课程教学中的应用和影响。Materials Project数据库是一个集成了AI和大数据技术的开放获取的材料库,能为学生提供海量的材料晶体结构和物性数据,使教学内容更为丰富,让学生能通过亲自操作获取和分析数据,深入理解微观结构与物性之间的关系。这一新兴的教学模式不仅提升了学生的科研能力和创新思维能力,还有助于培养具备计算材料专业知识和多学科交叉的复合型人才。总体来说,人工智能时代下,大数据的引入为计算材料学课程带来新的活力,并对未来教育改革和实践产生了积极影响。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 Materials project数据库 计算材料学教学
作者 仇富强 俞昌锁 +1 位作者 郝银辉 张兴伟 《安阳工学院学报》 2024年第2期33-38,共6页
以内径为3.5 mm和5 mm的光管为研究对象,实验研究冷凝温度、质量流量、管径对节能环保型汽车空调制冷剂R1234yf的流动冷凝换热特性的影响,并选出最优管内换热系数关联式。结果显示:随着R1234yf质量流量的增加、冷凝温度的下降,管内换热... 以内径为3.5 mm和5 mm的光管为研究对象,实验研究冷凝温度、质量流量、管径对节能环保型汽车空调制冷剂R1234yf的流动冷凝换热特性的影响,并选出最优管内换热系数关联式。结果显示:随着R1234yf质量流量的增加、冷凝温度的下降,管内换热系数值增加,且质量流量每升高100 kg/(m^(2)·s)、冷凝温度每降低1℃,换热系数分别改变0.623~0.938k W/(m^(2)·℃)、0.136~0.274 kW/(m^(2)·℃);3.5 mm管内换热系数比5.0 mm的高0.281~0.441 kW/(m^(2)·℃);Thome等关联式、Shah关联式和Akers等关联式预测精度高,预测平均误差均低于5%;Cavallini等关联式、Dobson等关联式和Jung关联式预测值均高于管内换热系数实际值,且预测精度受冷凝温度、管径等影响较大;虽然Wang等关联式、Huang等关联式预测值均低于管内换热系数测量,但其变化趋势与实验值相符。 展开更多
关键词 R1234yf 流动冷凝 换热系数 关联式
Transcriptional regulation in the development and dysfunction of neocortical projection neurons 被引量:1
作者 Ningxin Wang Rong Wan Ke Tang 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期246-254,共9页
Glutamatergic projection neurons generate sophisticated excitatory circuits to integrate and transmit information among different cortical areas,and between the neocortex and other regions of the brain and spinal cord... Glutamatergic projection neurons generate sophisticated excitatory circuits to integrate and transmit information among different cortical areas,and between the neocortex and other regions of the brain and spinal cord.Appropriate development of cortical projection neurons is regulated by certain essential events such as neural fate determination,proliferation,specification,differentiation,migration,survival,axonogenesis,and synaptogenesis.These processes are precisely regulated in a tempo-spatial manner by intrinsic factors,extrinsic signals,and neural activities.The generation of correct subtypes and precise connections of projection neurons is imperative not only to support the basic cortical functions(such as sensory information integration,motor coordination,and cognition)but also to prevent the onset and progression of neurodevelopmental disorders(such as intellectual disability,autism spectrum disorders,anxiety,and depression).This review mainly focuses on the recent progress of transcriptional regulations on the development and diversity of neocortical projection neurons and the clinical relevance of the failure of transcriptional modulations. 展开更多
关键词 autism spectrum disorders COGNITION DIFFERENTIATION excitatory circuits intellectual disability NEOCORTEX neurodevelopmental disorders projection neuron specification transcriptional regulation
作者 滑雪 吴天昊 +1 位作者 代宝民 刘圣春 《制冷学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期143-149,共7页
为满足商超制冷领域系统能效提升和制冷剂替代的需求,提出了非共沸工质CO_(2)/R1234yf商超增压制冷系统,通过建立热力学模型,与纯CO_(2)商超增压制冷系统进行对比。结果表明:CO_(2)/R1234yf商超增压制冷系统可在最优的CO_(2)质量分数(0.... 为满足商超制冷领域系统能效提升和制冷剂替代的需求,提出了非共沸工质CO_(2)/R1234yf商超增压制冷系统,通过建立热力学模型,与纯CO_(2)商超增压制冷系统进行对比。结果表明:CO_(2)/R1234yf商超增压制冷系统可在最优的CO_(2)质量分数(0.94)及最优排气压力(8.81 MPa)下获得最大COP(1.40);CO_(2)/R1234yf商超增压制冷系统COP与纯CO_(2)系统相比具有显著提升,环境温度为35℃时,提升7.25%;CO_(2)/R1234yf商超增压制冷系统APF提升率为2.68%~4.72%,系统APF随典型城市所处纬度的增加而增大。CO_(2)/R1234yf商超增压系统(火用)效率随CO_(2)质量分数的增加呈先增后减趋势,CO_(2)质量分数为0.95时获得最高(火用)效率,为0.18,相比纯CO_(2)系统提升4.62%。 展开更多
关键词 商超增压制冷系统 非共沸工质 CO_(2)/R1234yf 年性能系数 (火用)分析 能效提升
作者 赖小华 郭海棠 邱淦 《华章》 2024年第1期42-44,共3页
本文针对广西建设职业技术学院现代物业专业人才培养目标和课程思政目标,提出课程思政“1234”育人模式,通过搭建“1共识”“2协同”“3融入”“4评价”工程,促进教学主体达成课程思政共识,协同“教师、教材”“线上 线下”育人,将课程... 本文针对广西建设职业技术学院现代物业专业人才培养目标和课程思政目标,提出课程思政“1234”育人模式,通过搭建“1共识”“2协同”“3融入”“4评价”工程,促进教学主体达成课程思政共识,协同“教师、教材”“线上 线下”育人,将课程思政元素多维度融入课堂教学、日常教育、社会实践等工作中,施行“教、学、做、评”同步评价工程,坚持“多元协同、精准润泽、培根铸魂、启智润心”的课程思政建设思路,达到课程思政“润物细无声”的育人效果。 展开更多
关键词 现代物业 课程思政 1234”育人模式
Diagnosis of indirectly driven double shell targets with point-projection hard x-ray radiography
作者 Chao Tian Minghai Yu +17 位作者 Lianqiang Shan Fengjuan Wu Bi Bi Qiangqiang Zhang Yuchi Wu Tiankui Zhang Feng Zhang Dongxiao Liu Weiwu Wang Zongqiang Yuan Siqian Yang Lei Yang Zhigang Deng Jian Teng Weimin Zhou Zongqing Zhao Yuqiu Gu Baohan Zhang 《Matter and Radiation at Extremes》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第2期50-62,共13页
We present an application of short-pulse laser-generated hard x rays for the diagnosis of indirectly driven double shell targets. Coneinserted double shell targets were imploded through an indirect drive approach on t... We present an application of short-pulse laser-generated hard x rays for the diagnosis of indirectly driven double shell targets. Coneinserted double shell targets were imploded through an indirect drive approach on the upgraded SG-II laser facility. Then, based on thepoint-projection hard x-ray radiography technique, time-resolved radiography of the double shell targets, including that of their near-peakcompression, were obtained. The backlighter source was created by the interactions of a high-intensity short pulsed laser with a metalmicrowire target. Images of the target near peak compression were obtained with an Au microwire. In addition, radiation hydrodynamicsimulations were performed, and the target evolution obtained agrees well with the experimental results. Using the radiographic images, arealdensities of the targets were evaluated. 展开更多
关键词 double projectION POINT
Accelerated Primal-Dual Projection Neurodynamic Approach With Time Scaling for Linear and Set Constrained Convex Optimization Problems
作者 You Zhao Xing He +1 位作者 Mingliang Zhou Tingwen Huang 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第6期1485-1498,共14页
The Nesterov accelerated dynamical approach serves as an essential tool for addressing convex optimization problems with accelerated convergence rates.Most previous studies in this field have primarily concentrated on... The Nesterov accelerated dynamical approach serves as an essential tool for addressing convex optimization problems with accelerated convergence rates.Most previous studies in this field have primarily concentrated on unconstrained smooth con-vex optimization problems.In this paper,on the basis of primal-dual dynamical approach,Nesterov accelerated dynamical approach,projection operator and directional gradient,we present two accelerated primal-dual projection neurodynamic approaches with time scaling to address convex optimization problems with smooth and nonsmooth objective functions subject to linear and set constraints,which consist of a second-order ODE(ordinary differential equation)or differential conclusion system for the primal variables and a first-order ODE for the dual vari-ables.By satisfying specific conditions for time scaling,we demonstrate that the proposed approaches have a faster conver-gence rate.This only requires assuming convexity of the objective function.We validate the effectiveness of our proposed two accel-erated primal-dual projection neurodynamic approaches through numerical experiments. 展开更多
关键词 Accelerated projection neurodynamic approach lin-ear and set constraints projection operators smooth and nonsmooth convex optimization time scaling.
作者 周文力 卓伟伟 +2 位作者 蒋依然 马文杰 董宝君 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期96-107,共12页
为探究神经网络在预测:超临界传热方面的有效性,建立了水平直管内超临界R1234ze(E)冷却传热的神经网络预测模型,并与修正的Dittus-Boelter(D-B)型传热关联式进行比较分析.研究表明,输入参数对于反向传播神经网络(BPNN)预测精度的影响很... 为探究神经网络在预测:超临界传热方面的有效性,建立了水平直管内超临界R1234ze(E)冷却传热的神经网络预测模型,并与修正的Dittus-Boelter(D-B)型传热关联式进行比较分析.研究表明,输入参数对于反向传播神经网络(BPNN)预测精度的影响很大,且并非所有BPNN输入参数组合都能带来比传热关联式更好的预测结果.输入参数组合Re_(b),Pr_(b),ρ_(b)/ρ_(w),C_(p)/C_(pw),λ_(b)/λ_(w),μ_(b)//μ_(w)的预测表现最好,对于试验集的预测结果的平均绝对偏差和最大偏差仅为2.02%和9.34%,远低于传热关联式预测偏差,且对于高温段h的趋势、h最大值以及h峰值位置的预测比关联式更加准确.此外,将遗传算法优化的BP(GA-BP)模型与BP模型在两种不同的适应度值计算方式下进行比较,揭示GA-BP在提高超临界传热预测精度方面的有效性.研究表明,当网络训练与适应度值计算采用相同数据时,将引起过拟合,并不能进一步提高预测精度;当网络训练与适应度值计算采用不同数据时,可使得网络泛化性能提高,预测结果的均方根偏差和最大偏差均有进一步的降低. 展开更多
关键词 R1234ze(E) 超临界传热 传热预测 神经网络
作者 Xiaohui LI Meiqi LIU Chunyuan DENG 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期1229-1243,共15页
In this paper,some refinements of norm equalities and inequalities of combination of two orthogonal projections are established.We use certain norm inequalities for positive contraction operator to establish norm ineq... In this paper,some refinements of norm equalities and inequalities of combination of two orthogonal projections are established.We use certain norm inequalities for positive contraction operator to establish norm inequalities for combination of orthogonal projections on a Hilbert space.Furthermore,we give necessary and sufficient conditions under which the norm of the above combination of o`rthogonal projections attains its optimal value. 展开更多
关键词 NORM orthogonal projection positive operator SPECTRAL block operator valued matrix
作者 田双双 李晓涵 +5 位作者 张英 张小龙 柯锟 靳小平 袁子安 兰佳琪 《高压电器》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期161-169,共9页
近年来,由于HFO-1234ze(E)具备良好的环保特性和优良的绝缘性能,被认为有较大潜力应用于中低压设备中。目前针对该气体的试验探究相对比较少。文中首先计算了不同气压下HFO-1234ze(E)/CO_(2)混合气体的液化温度,然后利用气体绝缘性能测... 近年来,由于HFO-1234ze(E)具备良好的环保特性和优良的绝缘性能,被认为有较大潜力应用于中低压设备中。目前针对该气体的试验探究相对比较少。文中首先计算了不同气压下HFO-1234ze(E)/CO_(2)混合气体的液化温度,然后利用气体绝缘性能测试平台,分别探究了气压、混合比对HFO-1234ze(E)/CO_(2)混合气体绝缘特性的影响,并讨论实际工程应用中的最优混合比和气压值,再采用气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对分解产物进行定性分析,同时对分解产物进行了仿真计算。研究结果表明在不同均匀场的条件下,HFO-1234ze(E)/CO_(2)混合气体的绝缘性能均随着混合比的提升而提高,击穿电压呈近似线性增长;在混合比保持不变的条件下,提高气压能够显著改善HFO-1234ze(E)/CO_(2)混合气体绝缘性能;同时在0.3 MPa条件下,20%~25%体积分数的HFO-1234ze(E)不仅具有良好的绝缘水平,而且受到电场不均匀度的影响相对较小,适用于实际工程应用。HFO-1234ze(E)/CO_(2)混合气体具有良好的自恢复绝缘特性,分解的产物主要为氢氟化碳(HFC)和碳氢化合物(HC),仿真结果表明分解产物较为稳定。综合实验和仿真计算结果表明HFO-1234ze(E)/CO_(2)混合气体有潜力替代SF6气体应用中低压绝缘设备中。 展开更多
关键词 环保气体 HFO-1234ze(E)混合气体 电场不均匀度 绝缘特性
Agricultural Investment Project Decisions Based on an Interactive Preference Disaggregation Model Considering Inconsistency
作者 Xingli Wu Huchang Liao +1 位作者 Shuxian Sun Zhengjun Wan 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期3125-3146,共22页
Agricultural investment project selection is a complex multi-criteria decision-making problem,as agricultural projects are easily influenced by various risk factors,and the evaluation information provided by decisionm... Agricultural investment project selection is a complex multi-criteria decision-making problem,as agricultural projects are easily influenced by various risk factors,and the evaluation information provided by decisionmakers usually involves uncertainty and inconsistency.Existing literature primarily employed direct preference elicitation methods to address such issues,necessitating a great cognitive effort on the part of decision-makers during evaluation,specifically,determining the weights of criteria.In this study,we propose an indirect preference elicitation method,known as a preference disaggregation method,to learn decision-maker preference models fromdecision examples.To enhance evaluation ease,decision-makers merely need to compare pairs of alternatives with which they are familiar,also known as reference alternatives.Probabilistic linguistic preference relations are employed to account for the presence of incomplete and uncertain information in such pairwise comparisons.To address the inconsistency among a group of decision-makers,we develop a pair of 0-1mixed integer programming models that consider both the semantics of linguistic terms and the belief degrees of decision-makers.Finally,we conduct a case study and comparative analysis.Results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed model in solving agricultural investment project selection problems with uncertain and inconsistent decision information. 展开更多
关键词 Multiple criteria analysis preference disaggregation INCONSISTENCY probability linguistic preference relation investment project selection
Spatial diversion and coordination of flood water for an urban flood control project in Suzhou, China
作者 Yu Xu You-peng Xu +2 位作者 Qiang Wang Yue-feng Wang Chao Gao 《Water Science and Engineering》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期108-117,共10页
Suzhou City,located in the Yangtze River Delta in China,is prone to flooding due to a complex combination of natural factors,including its monsoon climate,low elevation,and tidally influenced position,as well as inten... Suzhou City,located in the Yangtze River Delta in China,is prone to flooding due to a complex combination of natural factors,including its monsoon climate,low elevation,and tidally influenced position,as well as intensive human activities.The Large Encirclement Flood Control Project(LEFCP)was launched to cope with serious floods in the urban area.This project changed the spatiotemporal pattern of flood processes and caused spatial diversion of floods from the urban area to the outskirts of the city.Therefore,this study developed a distributed flood simulation model in order to understand this transition of flood processes.The results revealed that the LEFCP effectively protected the urban areas from floods,but the present scheduling schemes resulted in the spatial diversion of floods to the outskirts of the city.With rainstorm frequencies of 10.0%to 0.5%,the water level differences between two representative water level stations(Miduqiao(MDQ)and Fengqiao(FQ))located inside and outside the LEFCP area,ranged from 0.75 m to 0.24 m and from 1.80 m to 1.58 m,respectively.In addition,the flood safety margin at MDQ and the duration with the water level exceeding the warning water level at FQ ranged from 0.95 m to 0.43 m and from 4 h to 22 h,respectively.Rational scheduling schemes for the hydraulic facilities of the LEFCP in extreme precipitation cases were developed ac-cording to food simulations under seven scheduling scenarios.This helps to regulate the spatial flood diversion caused by the LEFCP during extreme precipitation. 展开更多
关键词 Urban flooding Urban flood control project Rainstorm fregue ncy Flood simulation model Suzhou City
作者 吴晶 《商业观察》 2024年第20期114-117,120,共5页
全面推进数字化教育教学融合创新对高校实践育人有重要意义。文章基于虚拟仿真实验平台,提出国际经济学课程“1234”实践路径。以进阶国际经济分析与决策为导向,依托数智化平台,推动两个课堂协同育人,实现三融合。在教学实施中从发现问... 全面推进数字化教育教学融合创新对高校实践育人有重要意义。文章基于虚拟仿真实验平台,提出国际经济学课程“1234”实践路径。以进阶国际经济分析与决策为导向,依托数智化平台,推动两个课堂协同育人,实现三融合。在教学实施中从发现问题—任务驱动、分析问题—协作探究、解决问题—拓展应用、总结评价—验证结论四个层次,全面打造“虚实融合、平台支撑、教赛融合”的教学模式,努力推进“教、学、赛”与课程思政同向同行。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟仿真实验平台 1234”路径 教赛融合
Cascading multi-segment rupture process of the 2023 Turkish earthquake doublet on a complex fault system revealed by teleseismic P wave back projection method
作者 Bonan Cao Zengxi Ge 《Earthquake Science》 2024年第2期158-173,共16页
In this study,the vertical components of broadband teleseismic P wave data recorded by China Earthquake Network are used to image the rupture processes of the February 6th,2023 Turkish earthquake doublet via back proj... In this study,the vertical components of broadband teleseismic P wave data recorded by China Earthquake Network are used to image the rupture processes of the February 6th,2023 Turkish earthquake doublet via back projection analysis.Data in two frequency bands(0.5-2 Hz and 1-3 Hz)are used in the imaging processes.The results show that the rupture of the first event extends about 200 km to the northeast and about 150 km to the southwest,lasting~90 s in total.The southwestern rupture is triggered by the northeastern rupture,demonstrating a sequential bidirectional unilateral rupture pattern.The rupture of the second event extends approximately 80 km in both northeast and west directions,lasting~35 s in total and demonstrates a typical bilateral rupture feature.The cascading ruptures on both sides also reflect the occurrence of selective rupture behaviors on bifurcated faults.In addition,we observe super-shear ruptures on certain fault sections with relatively straight fault structures and sparse aftershocks. 展开更多
关键词 2023 Turkish earthquake doublet back projection method cascading segmented rupture process coseismic triggering super-shear ruptures
作者 丁威 《新丝路》 2024年第5期119-121,共3页
关键词 三全育人 1234”育人体系 育人模式
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