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作者 裴泽光 胡文斌 +1 位作者 刘琰 李继锋 《棉纺织技术》 CAS 2024年第2期73-77,共5页
为降低工人劳动强度,实现面向直行往复式自动抓棉机的纤维包自动化搬运与排放,介绍了一种纤维包自动除带及拆袋机中的基于自动导向车(AGV)的抱夹车结构,并对抱夹车的抱夹装置结构进行了设计,确定了抱夹装置中抱夹爪的尺寸,对抱夹车的抱... 为降低工人劳动强度,实现面向直行往复式自动抓棉机的纤维包自动化搬运与排放,介绍了一种纤维包自动除带及拆袋机中的基于自动导向车(AGV)的抱夹车结构,并对抱夹车的抱夹装置结构进行了设计,确定了抱夹装置中抱夹爪的尺寸,对抱夹车的抱夹装置和抱夹支撑部分主要机构进行了设计计算,根据工作要求设计了抱夹爪传动机构的齿轮齿条参数;通过对纤维包和各构件进行受力分析,确定了各油缸的负载,并对油缸进行了选型。经设计,抱夹装置的夹爪高度为1 200 mm,夹爪长度为600 mm,两夹爪间的开合范围为660 mm~910 mm;抱夹爪油缸使用压力为140 kg/cm2,缸径为100 mm,行程为5 mm~280 mm;抱夹支撑机构油缸的最小工作压力为0.97 MPa,缸径为80 mm,杆径为40 mm,行程为400 mm。 展开更多
关键词 纤维包 抱夹装置 结构设计 抓棉机 自动化
产品消费中ALE、BALE与满意和口传行为关系的实证研究 被引量:3
作者 耿黎辉 周庭锐 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 2007年第3期35-42,共8页
消费情绪对满意有重要影响。在产品消费中,以往研究主要针对产品属性和商店环境引发的情绪与满意的关系进行,本文在文献回顾的基础上,将产品消费中由营销者可控因素引发的消费情绪进一步划分为属性水平的情绪(Attribute-level Emotions... 消费情绪对满意有重要影响。在产品消费中,以往研究主要针对产品属性和商店环境引发的情绪与满意的关系进行,本文在文献回顾的基础上,将产品消费中由营销者可控因素引发的消费情绪进一步划分为属性水平的情绪(Attribute-level Emotions,简称ALE)和属性水平以外的情绪(Beyond Attribute-level Emotions,简称BALE),并深入研究二者与满意的关系。定性研究和定量研究的结果表明,BALE在产品消费中确实存在;引发BALE的营销者可控因素主要有服务、商店环境、广告、销售促进和公共关系;属性水平的正面情绪和负面情绪、属性水平以外的负面情绪对满意都有直接影响,并通过满意对口传行为产生间接影响。文章最后提出了本研究对管理实践的启示、研究的局限之处及未来的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 消费情绪 ALE bale 满意 口传行为
作者 郑一江 葛云 +1 位作者 张洚宇 程建军 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2024年第5期15-21,共7页
针对风沙区铁路安全运行中高立式芦苇沙障生产人工效率低、劳动强度大、制造成本高、操作工序多、工作环境恶劣等问题和对芦苇沙障成栅工艺流程研究的基础上,设计了高立式芦苇沙障打捆成栅机。通过对关键作业部件进行设计选型,确定了喂... 针对风沙区铁路安全运行中高立式芦苇沙障生产人工效率低、劳动强度大、制造成本高、操作工序多、工作环境恶劣等问题和对芦苇沙障成栅工艺流程研究的基础上,设计了高立式芦苇沙障打捆成栅机。通过对关键作业部件进行设计选型,确定了喂料机构、铁丝推送机构、打捆拧丝机构的结构,并采用理论分析、Workbench仿真方法对喂料弧片、送丝摇臂与拧丝虎口等关键零件参数进行了设计与分析。为提高作业性能,以芦苇束紧实度、芦苇破损率和单束打捆作业时间为评价指标,以铁丝推送长度、拧丝虎口转速为影响因素,进行了高立式芦苇沙障打捆优化实验,利用Design-Expert V8.0.6.1软件,构建关于评价指标与影响因素间的回归模型,确定最优参数组合为:拧丝虎口转速1297r/min、送丝距离372mm。样机验证试验结果表明:高立式芦苇沙障打捆成栅机具有较强的物料适应性,在优化参数组合下,通过试验验证了设计的正确性和合理性。上述研究成果丰富了高立式芦苇沙障打捆成栅技术,也为整秆打捆成栅机械的设计提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 机械 高立式沙障 芦苇 优化 打捆 成栅
作者 周金豹 谢建华 +3 位作者 曹肆林 张毅 张雁鸿 刘旺 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期148-158,共11页
【目的】针对国内现有残膜打包装置成捆机理不明确、作业时出现残膜逃逸、膜包杂质含量过高等问题,设计一种集残膜清杂及残膜打包为一体的辊轴式残膜打包装置。【方法】该装置主要由清杂输送机构、打包机构、传动系统等组成。通过理论... 【目的】针对国内现有残膜打包装置成捆机理不明确、作业时出现残膜逃逸、膜包杂质含量过高等问题,设计一种集残膜清杂及残膜打包为一体的辊轴式残膜打包装置。【方法】该装置主要由清杂输送机构、打包机构、传动系统等组成。通过理论分析建立清杂输送辊与残膜的力学关系,确定清杂输送辊的结构参数;根据清杂输送机构结构特征与作业原理,分析并确定清杂输送辊的布置间隙。采用机理分析方法分析残膜捆芯形成过程中残膜的受力与运动情况,并确定打包辊的运动参数。以成捆率和膜包含杂率为指标,机具前进速度、清杂输送机构倾斜角度、打包辊转速为试验因素进行正交试验,并对较优的参数组合进行田间验证试验。【结果】影响成捆率的主次因素依次为打包辊转速、清杂输送机构倾斜角度和机具前进速度;影响膜包含杂率的主次因素依次为清杂输送机构倾斜角度、机具前进速度和打包辊转速。以成捆率为主要指标,确定的较优作业参数组合为:清杂输送机构倾斜角度为10°、机具前进速度为1.5 m/s、打包辊转速为200 r/min。田间验证试验的膜包成捆率为98.1%、膜包含杂率为15.2%。【结论】该残膜打包装置满足田间作业要求,作业效果好,可为辊轴式残膜打包装置的设计与研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 残膜 打包装置 辊轴式 布置间隙 成捆率 膜包含杂率
Harvesting Technologies and Costs for Switchgrass Production
作者 Hana Toth Jude Liu 《Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology》 CAS 2024年第2期112-128,共17页
As today’s society searches for renewable energy sources that could be an alternative to fossil fuels, biomass and biofuels provide a promising solution. Switchgrass is one of feedstocks that can be utilized as a ren... As today’s society searches for renewable energy sources that could be an alternative to fossil fuels, biomass and biofuels provide a promising solution. Switchgrass is one of feedstocks that can be utilized as a renewable energy source. When farming, one of the most important considerations is efficiency. This consists of several factors, including time, fuel use, economic and power efficiencies of equipment. Inefficient field operations could increase harvesting costs and in turn could cause hesitation when a farmer decides to participate in biomass production. This literature review will cover the main elements of biomass and biomass handling relating to determining harvesting efficiency and biomass quality for switchgrass round bales. Specifically, the following sections include past research activities relating to biomass harvesting, biomass bale quality during outdoor storage, logistics models, and data collection methods during biomass harvesting. The objective of this review is to examine status and needs for switchgrass round bale harvesting operations and the expenses that come with it. 展开更多
作者 毛新宇 张华 +5 位作者 贺成柱 孙安 张赟彪 李辉 刘小龙 李红岭 《林业机械与木工设备》 2024年第4期14-20,共7页
机械打捆裹膜的裹包青贮饲料密封性好,适宜饲料发酵,已在市场中广泛使用。目前,我国裹包青贮饲料机械装备的关键技术发展缓慢,整机装备存在工作效率低、可靠性不高、控制技术与智能技术不够完善等问题。在分析青贮饲料收获机与打捆裹膜... 机械打捆裹膜的裹包青贮饲料密封性好,适宜饲料发酵,已在市场中广泛使用。目前,我国裹包青贮饲料机械装备的关键技术发展缓慢,整机装备存在工作效率低、可靠性不高、控制技术与智能技术不够完善等问题。在分析青贮饲料收获机与打捆裹膜机的关键技术和国内外发展现状的基础上,阐述我国现阶段裹包青贮饲料技术存在的问题,并对裹包青贮饲料技术提出展望,以期为青贮饲料收获和打捆裹膜机械装备的改进创新提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 青贮饲料 裹包 关键技术
作者 王建亮 《机械管理开发》 2024年第5期154-156,共3页
开发设计了一款电动铝水抬包车,该车以清洁能源电力为动力来源,低碳环保。驱动方式由原内燃机动力铝水抬包车的后桥驱动改为前桥驱动,自主设计主车架,降低了运输平台的高度,增加了整车稳定性,经济性相比之前产品显著提高,具有广阔的市... 开发设计了一款电动铝水抬包车,该车以清洁能源电力为动力来源,低碳环保。驱动方式由原内燃机动力铝水抬包车的后桥驱动改为前桥驱动,自主设计主车架,降低了运输平台的高度,增加了整车稳定性,经济性相比之前产品显著提高,具有广阔的市场前景。 展开更多
关键词 电动 抬包车 驱动电机
作者 成慧翔 赵晓艳 逯卓伟 《农业技术与装备》 2024年第6期11-12,15,共3页
农作物秸秆的存储和运输是农业生产中主要环节之一,如何增加秸秆打捆密度,提高秸秆的空间利用率是值得研究的问题。以圆形打捆机为控制对象,通过分析打捆机的研究现状及进展,设计了基于西门子PLC为控制核心的监控系统,并详细介绍了控制... 农作物秸秆的存储和运输是农业生产中主要环节之一,如何增加秸秆打捆密度,提高秸秆的空间利用率是值得研究的问题。以圆形打捆机为控制对象,通过分析打捆机的研究现状及进展,设计了基于西门子PLC为控制核心的监控系统,并详细介绍了控制系统的硬件、软件设计,为打捆机运行性能的提升提供了技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 秸秆打捆机 PLC 多传感器
作者 倪远 《纺织器材》 2024年第1期57-64,共8页
为了提高开清棉工序混棉、抓棉的效率和混和均匀性,详述纺纱生产中原料纤维强制性混和、分散性混和的原理以及混和不匀对纺纱品质的影响,分析现有抓棉、混棉机械以及混抓棉技术在功能、纤维品种适应性、纺纱产质量等方面存在的不足,提... 为了提高开清棉工序混棉、抓棉的效率和混和均匀性,详述纺纱生产中原料纤维强制性混和、分散性混和的原理以及混和不匀对纺纱品质的影响,分析现有抓棉、混棉机械以及混抓棉技术在功能、纤维品种适应性、纺纱产质量等方面存在的不足,提出实时全唛混抓棉的新概念和新模式,构建实时全唛混抓棉机架构模型,并与现有抓棉机多个技术经济项目进行对比。指出:现有抓棉机及抓棉混棉技术以抓棉为主、粗犷配棉混棉,无法达到强制性混和阶段精细混和的要求;实时全唛混抓棉机,混配在先、混抓结合、以抓带混、精确抓取、精细混棉、精准配比,同时附加多项重要功能,其研发契合行业的技术进步与发展要求,有利于纺纱生产工艺技术的转型升级,通过与整个纺纱工艺流程做系统性的优化、完善和适配,才能发挥其更大的优势潜能。 展开更多
关键词 抓棉 混棉 排包 连续喂送 强制性混和 随机性混和 全唛混抓 棉块级小质量单元
Study on Loading Ability of Straw Bale 被引量:1
作者 LIU Kun JIANG Enchen DUAN Jieli 《Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)》 CAS 2006年第1期73-77,共5页
The loading ability of straw bale was tested by Electronical Testing Machine. The linear regression equations were proposed between failure density and loading ability, and failure density and compressing energy. Base... The loading ability of straw bale was tested by Electronical Testing Machine. The linear regression equations were proposed between failure density and loading ability, and failure density and compressing energy. Based on an exponent model, the testing coefficients of straw bale were estimated using Levenberg-Marquardt Method. The results of test showed that the relation between failure density and loading ability and compressing energy was linear in the phase of high density. The loading ability of straw bale could meet the building bill. 展开更多
关键词 straw bale testing coefficients failure density loading ability
Structure and Natural Regeneration Status of Woody Plants of Berbere Afromontane Moist Forest, Bale Zone, South East Ethiopia;Implication to Biodiversity Conservation 被引量:1
作者 Tesfaye Bogale Demeke Datiko Shiferew Belachew 《Open Journal of Forestry》 2017年第3期352-371,共20页
The study was conducted on Berbere Forest in Bale Zone of Oromia Regional State, south east of Ethiopia with the objective of determining the structural analysis and natural regeneration status of the forest. Systemat... The study was conducted on Berbere Forest in Bale Zone of Oromia Regional State, south east of Ethiopia with the objective of determining the structural analysis and natural regeneration status of the forest. Systematic sampling method was used to collect vegetation data. Seventy two nest quadrat sizes of 400 m2 (20 m × 20 m) for trees and shrubs were used. Within the main quadrat, two opposite side of each sub-quadrat of 25 m2 (5 m × 5 m) for sapling, 4 m2 (2 m × 2 m) for seedling of woody plants. The diameter and height were measured for all individual trees and shrubs having DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) ≥ 10 cm thick and ≥2 m height by using a diameter tape or caliper and clinometer respectively. For description and analysis of vegetation structure Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), basal area, tree density, height, frequency and important value index were used. Structural analysis of some selected tree species was revealed four different population patterns (bell shaped, inverted J-shaped, irregular and U-shaped). The total basal area of Berbere forest was 87.49 m2/ha, but most of the basal area was contributed by few large sized Moraceae family (Ficus vasta, Ficus ovate and Ficus thonningii) plant species. Analysis of regeneration status of woody plants in the forest showed 37.09% trees/shrubs species exhibited “good”, 19.35% showed “fair”, 6.45% showed “poor” and 25.81% trees/shrubs species were “not regenerating” at all and 11.29% trees/shrubs species were available only in sapling or seedling stage. Studies on the structure and regeneration of the forest indicated that there are species that require urgent conservation measures. Therefore, based on the results of this study, we recommended detail regenerating studies of seed bank in relation to various environmental factors such as soil type and properties. 展开更多
关键词 bale ZONE Berbere FOREST Structural Analysis Regeneration STATUS
Stress Relaxation and Creep of Straw Bales
作者 JIANG Enchen LIU Kun 《Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)》 CAS 2010年第3期38-42,共5页
Loading ability of straw bales was tested by using an Electronical Testing Machine. Linear regression models were proposed to describe the loading ability as a function of failure density and compressing energy. Based... Loading ability of straw bales was tested by using an Electronical Testing Machine. Linear regression models were proposed to describe the loading ability as a function of failure density and compressing energy. Based on an exponent model, the testing compression coefficients of straw bales were estimated by using the Levenberg-Marquardt Method. Results showed that the relation among failure density, loading ability and compressing energy was linear in the phase of high density, Loading ability of straw bales could meet the requirement for building bills . 展开更多
关键词 straw bale stress relaxation CREEP
棉包自动拆袋机的创新设计 被引量:4
作者 裴泽光 刘琰 +3 位作者 张金中 李智 朱江阳 陈俊鹏 《棉纺织技术》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第1期5-9,共5页
针对当前直行往复式自动抓棉机棉包人工排放过程劳动强度大、用时长的问题,提出了一种面向直行往复式抓棉机的棉包自动拆袋机的创新设计方案。该棉包自动拆袋机主要由棉包输送机、钩带装置、剪带装置、废带收集装置、夹袋装置、割袋装... 针对当前直行往复式自动抓棉机棉包人工排放过程劳动强度大、用时长的问题,提出了一种面向直行往复式抓棉机的棉包自动拆袋机的创新设计方案。该棉包自动拆袋机主要由棉包输送机、钩带装置、剪带装置、废带收集装置、夹袋装置、割袋装置、废袋收集装置、第一抱夹车及第二抱夹车构成。对棉包自动拆袋机的工作步骤及各组成部分的主要结构和工作原理进行了总体介绍。钩带机构在卷簧的作用下利用拨叉及钩带压板将棉包打包带握住,剪带机构的回转气缸驱动旋转刀片转动,与固定刀片闭合将棉包该位置的打包带剪断。割袋装置将包装袋先后沿底部对角线和一侧竖直方向上的两条边线割开。该棉包自动拆袋机通过采用自动化的机械装置自动完成棉包的搬运、输送、割带、割袋、拆袋、排放与废带废袋收集工作,有望替代传统的人工排包流程,可有效节省用工,并减轻操作人员的劳动强度,同时能够显著提高生产效率。 展开更多
关键词 抓棉机 棉包 拆袋 自动化 设计
Verification of RFID System Usability in Silage Bale Life Cycle Management
作者 Katariina Penttila Antti Suokannas Ilpo Polonen 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2019年第2期120-130,共11页
Digitalization has nowadays raised interest in variable applications of farming.Increase of knowledge level,by means of unique identification,automation and control,farmers gain relevant business profit.This research ... Digitalization has nowadays raised interest in variable applications of farming.Increase of knowledge level,by means of unique identification,automation and control,farmers gain relevant business profit.This research is focused on the utilization of passive radio frequency identification(RFID)technology in silage bale application,both manual and automated level.Challenges arise due to silage conservation,varying environmental and seasonal conditions,different identification environments and RFID operation principle.Further maximum communication signal strength is limited by telecommunication standard regulations(e.g.,ETSI).The applicability of RFID technology with different commercial passive transponders is measured manually in a silage bale of 160 cm in diameter,covering 360 degrees around the bale.In addition,automated field tests are conducted in a real environment,where the data collection system is appended to a tractor and RFID reader antenna in a baler.Manual measurements are conducted as identification distance(meters)and transponder population(number of tags),while automated measurements are based on the number of successfully identified silage bales.Based on the manual measurement results,the most suitable tags for the automated field measurements were chosen,and the applicability to silage bale identification was verified.Field tests showed 100%success,with 151/151 uniquely identified silage bales.Achieved results prove that passive RFID operates well enough in silage bale identification,further enabling the development of digitalization of silage bale life cycle. 展开更多
关键词 Digibale silage bale life-cycle management radio frequency identification digitalization of silage bale unique identification.
Climate change under CMIP5-RCP scenarios in Ethiopia:The Bale mountains ecoregion
作者 Abdulkerim Bedewi SERUR 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第8期2260-2271,共12页
The Bale mountains ecoregion in Ethiopia provides a number of benefits for the local communities mainly in terms of water supply,power generation,tourism activity,and irrigation development.Notwithstanding,the ecoregi... The Bale mountains ecoregion in Ethiopia provides a number of benefits for the local communities mainly in terms of water supply,power generation,tourism activity,and irrigation development.Notwithstanding,the ecoregion has been characterized primarily by recurring floods and droughts,as well as crop failure due to a variety of natural and human-activity-driven change factors.As a matter of fact,the purpose of this study would be to examine long-term changes and fluctuation in precipitation(PCP),maximum temperature(T_(max)),and minimum temperature(T_(min))in the Bale mountains ecoregion using ensembles of three climate models with three representative concentration pathways(RCPs)scenarios from the coupled model inter-comparison project phase five(CMIP5)dataset.Statistical downscaling model(SDSM)was applied to project PCP,T_(max),and T_(min)in the forthcoming period considering three RCPs:low emission(RCP2.6),intermediate(RCP4.5),and high emission(RCP8.5).SDSM's performance in capturing historical daily PCP,T_(max),and T_(min)has been validated using standard statistical metrics such as coefficient of determination(R^(2)),Nash Sutcliff efficiency(NSE),and root mean square error(RMSE).SDSM has the potential to generate a statistical transfer function between large-scale variables and local climate,allowing PCP,T_(max),and T_(min) to be downscaled to a point scale for the ecoregion.The magnitude of mean yearly changes in PCP,T_(max),and T_(min) were investigated throughout three thirty-year time slices,corresponding to the 2020s,2050s,and 2080s.The Mann-Kendall non-parametric test was used to analyse trends in PCP,T_(max),and T_(min) from 2011 to 2100.Inter-annual variability in PCP,T_(max),and T_(min) were investigated for the aforementioned period,taking standard deviation into account under each RCP scenarios.The results reveal that mean annual PCP,T_(max),and T_(min) are rising in all three time slices and in all three CMIP5 RCP scenarios as compared to the baseline scenario.Mean annual PCP is projected to increase within the uncertainty range of 6.68% to 17.93%(RCP2.6),7.45% to 21.94%(RCP4.5),and 19.70% to 33.69%(RCP4.5)(RCP8.5).T_(max) increases from 0.04℃ to 0.24℃(RCP2.6),0.05℃ to 0.31℃(RCP4.5),and 0.04℃ to 0.42℃(RCP8.5),whereas T_(min) increases from 0.22℃ to 0.52℃(RCP2.6),0.23℃ to 0.67℃(RCP4.5),and 0.26℃ to 1.14℃(RCP8.5)(RCP8.5).For future projections at the end of the 21^(st) century,the mean annual PCP,T_(max),and T_(min) for all three analysed climate models and RCPs have shown a positive trend.The inter-annual variability of PCP,T_(max),and T_(min) is higher in the RCP8.5 than RCP4.5 and RCP2.6 in all climate models.The findings clearly implied that prior understanding of long-term climate change and variability need to be addressed to plan effective and efficient mitigation strategies,as well as to maintain adequate quantity and quality of water supplies to the communities residing in the ecoregion. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change and variability CMIP5-ESMs-RCP scenarios SDSM bale mountains ecoregion Ethiopia
青岛沿海佳美羽螅(Aglaophenia whiteleggei Bale)的新记录
作者 黄美君 《山东海洋学院学报》 1988年第2期44-47,共4页
本文首次报报道了在青岛海采集的水螅虫类、羽螅科的一种新记录 佳美羽螅(Aglaophenia whiteleggei Bale)并将这种羽螅和1927年Hargitt根据厦门标本建立、而后又由林绍文报导的采自舟山群岛嵊山的多荚羽螅(Lytocarpus ruttingi Hargitt... 本文首次报报道了在青岛海采集的水螅虫类、羽螅科的一种新记录 佳美羽螅(Aglaophenia whiteleggei Bale)并将这种羽螅和1927年Hargitt根据厦门标本建立、而后又由林绍文报导的采自舟山群岛嵊山的多荚羽螅(Lytocarpus ruttingi Hargitt)作比较,发现它们在形态特征上完全相同。 展开更多
关键词 佳美羽螅 水螅虫类 形态特征 生活习性
Bale Density and Moisture Content Effects on the Losses of Baled Alfalfa
作者 Sadegh Afzalinia Aminallah Masoumi +1 位作者 Abdolhamid Karimi Dadgar Mohammadi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第5期667-672,共6页
关键词 损失测定 紫花苜蓿 密度 含水量 拉伸膜 运输过程 水分含量 摄像系统
作者 周闯 秦国辉 +5 位作者 苏小红 陆佳 王玉鹏 刘伟 王欣 罗向东 《中国沼气》 CAS 2023年第4期59-64,共6页
“十三五”期间,黑龙江省积极探索适宜于农村地区的清洁供暖方式,先后尝试了“煤改电”、“煤改气”和“煤改生”等,示范和引领作用卓有成效。立足于“碳达峰碳中和”和推进绿色宜居村镇的国家战略背景,从北方农村供热的实际情况出发,... “十三五”期间,黑龙江省积极探索适宜于农村地区的清洁供暖方式,先后尝试了“煤改电”、“煤改气”和“煤改生”等,示范和引领作用卓有成效。立足于“碳达峰碳中和”和推进绿色宜居村镇的国家战略背景,从北方农村供热的实际情况出发,阐述了在现有政策支持和清洁供热模式下北方农村清洁供暖方式的发展现状及存在问题,得出应继续因地制宜地发展生物质燃料作为黑龙江省农村清洁供暖的主要方式,并对如何加快推广清洁供暖的可行措施提出了相关建议。 展开更多
关键词 清洁供暖 生物质燃料 打捆燃烧 供暖政策
作者 何勋 宋玉玺 +3 位作者 吕严柳 王德福 王万章 张志刚 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2023年第12期67-73,80,共8页
为促进农作物秸秆的饲料化和肥料化应用,针对秸秆打捆收获后草捆灌装要求,研制了可移动的袋式草捆灌装机,由草捆推送机构、撑袋机构、传动系统和液压系统等部分组成。通过总体设计与草捆灌装过程分析,确定了各机构的关键结构参数。样机... 为促进农作物秸秆的饲料化和肥料化应用,针对秸秆打捆收获后草捆灌装要求,研制了可移动的袋式草捆灌装机,由草捆推送机构、撑袋机构、传动系统和液压系统等部分组成。通过总体设计与草捆灌装过程分析,确定了各机构的关键结构参数。样机试验结果表明:在机架倾斜角3.26°、草捆推送速度0.15m/s、草捆尺寸Φ1000mm×1250mm(质量为107.6kg)条件下,生产率为22.19t/h,吨草耗油为0.213kg/t,灌装袋破损率为0.225%。作业时,持续装入的草捆在推送机构和撑袋机构作用下装入袋口,并经机架倾斜角度调节机构作用而平缓落地,灌装机在推送反作用力推动下向前移动,实现了草捆灌装循环作业。 展开更多
关键词 秸秆利用 草捆灌装 推送机构 撑袋机构
生物质能应用技术现状及发展趋势(续) 被引量:3
作者 别如山 兰祯 《工业锅炉》 2023年第6期1-6,共6页
综述了国内外生物质能应用技术现状,包括生物质捆包直燃供热技术、生物质成型燃料供热技术、生物质直燃发电技术、生物质气化多联产技术、生物质气化产碳耦合供热技术、生物质气化耦合大型燃煤锅炉技术,以及生物质气化制氢、NH3及甲醇技... 综述了国内外生物质能应用技术现状,包括生物质捆包直燃供热技术、生物质成型燃料供热技术、生物质直燃发电技术、生物质气化多联产技术、生物质气化产碳耦合供热技术、生物质气化耦合大型燃煤锅炉技术,以及生物质气化制氢、NH3及甲醇技术,为生物质能进一步利用提供方向。 展开更多
关键词 生物质捆包直燃 生物质成型燃料 生物质发电 生物质气化 生物质气化制氢
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