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Effectivity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi collected from reclaimed mine soil and tallgrass prairie 被引量:1
作者 Mark Thorne Landon Rhodes John Cardina 《Open Journal of Ecology》 2013年第3期224-233,共10页
We examined suitability of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) associated with cool-season nonnative forages on reclaimed surface-mined land in southeast Ohio for establishment of native warm-season grasses. The goal o... We examined suitability of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) associated with cool-season nonnative forages on reclaimed surface-mined land in southeast Ohio for establishment of native warm-season grasses. The goal of establishing these grasses is to diversify a post-reclamation landscape that is incapable of supporting native forest species. A 16-week glasshouse study compared AMF from a 30-year reclaimed mine soil (WL) with AMF from native Ohio tallgrass prairie soil (CL). Four native grasses were examined from seedling through 16 weeks of growth. Comparisons were made between CL and WL AMF on colonized (+AMF) and non-colonized plants (–AMF) at three levels of soil phosphorus (P). Leaves were counted at 4 week intervals. Shoot and root biomass and percent AMF root colonization were measured at termination. We found no difference between WL and CL AMF. Added soil P did not reduce AMF colonization, but did reduce AMF efficacy. Big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman), Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash), and tall dropseed (Sporobolus asper (Michx.) Kunth) benefited from AMF only at low soil P while slender wheatgrass (Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners) exhibited no benefit. Establishment of tallgrass prairie dominants big blue-stem and Indiangrass would be supported by the mine soil AMF. It appears that the non-native forage species have supported AMF equally functional as AMF from a regionally native tallgrass prairie. Tall dropseed and slender wheatgrass were found to be less dependent on AMF than big bluestem or Indiangrass and thus would be useful in areas with little or no AMF inoculum. 展开更多
关键词 ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI MYCORRHIZAE Ecosystem Restoration Surface Mining CALCAREOUS Mine Soil prairie grasses
Effects of inclusion of purple prairie clover (Dalea purpurea Vent.)with native coolseason grasses on in vitro fermentation and in situ digestibility of mixed forages
作者 Kai Peng Gemma L.Gresham +5 位作者 Tim A.McAllister Zhongjun Xu Alan Iwaasa Mike Schellenberg Alex V.Chaves Yuxi Wang 《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 CAS CSCD 2020年第2期563-576,共14页
Background:Incorporation of legume species into native North American pastures is considered an effective method to increase native pasture productivity and improve the nutritive value of forage.This study evaluated t... Background:Incorporation of legume species into native North American pastures is considered an effective method to increase native pasture productivity and improve the nutritive value of forage.This study evaluated the effects of inclusion of purple prairie clover(PPC,Dalea purpurea Vent.),a native legume forage,with native coolseason grasses on the in vitro fermentation and in situ digestibility of mixed forages.Methods:Whole plant PPC and mixtures of cool-season grasses were harvested when the PPC reached the vegetative(VEG),full flower(FL)and seedpod(SP)stages,and were combined in ratios(DM basis)of 0:100,25:75,50:50,75:25 and 100:0 at each maturity.In vitro ruminal incubations using these mixtures were conducted for 48 h to determine gas production(GP),in vitro DM disappearance(IVDMD),total volatile fatty acids(VFA)and ammonia-N production.Mixtures of forages harvested when the PPC reached the FL stage and 50:50 mixture of forages harvested at VEG,FL and SP stages were incubated in the rumen of three heifers for 0,2,6,12,24,48,72 and 96 h to determine in situ degradabilities of DM,neutral detergent fibre(aNDF)and crude protein(CP).Results:Contents of aNDF and ADF increased(P<0.01),while CP decreased(P<0.001)as PPC matured.Concentrations of extractable condensed tannins in PPC ranked as FL>VEG>SP(P<0.05).Regardless of PPC proportions in the mixture,GP decreased(P<0.05)with increasing PPC maturity.Increasing PPC proportions linearly increased(P<0.001)GP,IVDMD and total VFA at VEG,but linearly decreased(P<0.001)them at SP.Irrespective of PPC maturity,ammonia-N production linearly increased(P<0.01)with increasing proportions of PPC and the concentration was higher(P<0.05)at VEG than at FL and SP stages.Increasing proportion of PPC at either maturity linearly increased(P<0.001)molar percentage of acetate(A)and branched-chain VFA,but linearly decreased(P<0.001)molar percentage of propionate(P),resulting in a linearly increase(P<0.001)in the A:P ratio.Increasing FL PPC in the mixture linearly and quadratically(P<0.01)increased a(soluble fraction),but linearly and quadratically decreased(P<0.01)b(potentially degradable fraction)for DM and aNDF,resulting in linear(P<0.05)and quadratic(P<0.01)increases in DM and aNDF maximum potential degradabilities(a+b).Effective degradabilities of DM and aNDF were also linearly and quadratically increased(P<0.05),and CP was quadratically increased(P<0.05)with increasing FL PPC,with the greatest effective degradability being observed with ratios between 50:50 and 75:25.Ruminal maximum potential degradabilities of DM and aNDF decreased(P<0.001)as the forage matured.Effective degradability of DM ranked as VEG>FL>SP(P<0.001),whereas the effective degradability of aNDF was similar between VEG and FL and both were greater(P<0.01)than SP.Conclusions:Inclusion of vegetative PPC in a mixed forage diet resulted in the greatest digestibility and incorporation of PPC before seedpod stage with native grasses had a positive effect on ruminal fermentation.Effects of PPC on ruminal digestion depend on both the stage of maturity and its proportion in mixed legume-grass pastures.Pastures containing 50%of PPC in full flower stage would likely provide the greatest quality diet to grazing ruminants subject to potential animal selectivity. 展开更多
关键词 Condensed tannins Cool-season grass In vitro fermentation In situ digestibility Purple prairie clover
Soil compaction and arbuscular mycorrhizae affect seedling growth of three grasses 被引量:1
作者 Mark Thorne Landon Rhodes John Cardina 《Open Journal of Ecology》 2013年第7期455-463,共9页
Soil compaction is a limitation to establishment of native forest species on reclaimed surfacemined lands in Appalachia. Previously, non-native forage species such as tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus(Schreb.) Dum... Soil compaction is a limitation to establishment of native forest species on reclaimed surfacemined lands in Appalachia. Previously, non-native forage species such as tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus(Schreb.) Dumort., nom. cons.) have been planted because they easily established on reclaimed mine soil. There is now interest in establishing robust native prairie species to enhance biodiversity and provide greater potential for root activity in the compacted soil. We conducted a 10-week glasshouse study comparing growth of “Pete” eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloidesL.), “Bison” big bluestem (Andropogon gerardiiVitman), and “Jesup MaxQ” tall fescue at soil bulk densities (BD) of 1.0, 1.3, and 1.5 g·cm-3. We also examined effects of arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on plant growthin relation to compaction. Sources of AMF were a reclaimed surface coal mine soil and a native tallgrass prairie soil. Shoot and root biomass of tall fescue and big bluestem were reduced at 1.5 BD while eastern gamagrass growth was not affected. Growth ofbig bluestem and eastern gamagrass was greaterwith AMF than without, butsimilar between AMF sources. Tall fescue growthwas not enhanced by AMF. Overall, tall fescue biomass was 3 times greater than eastern gamagrass and 6 times greater than big bluestem when comparing only AMF-colonized grasses. Eastern gamagrass and big bluestem are both slower to establish than tall fescue. Eastern gamagrass appears to be more tolerant of compaction, while big bluestem appears somewhat less tolerant. 展开更多
关键词 Soil COMPACTION ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAE prairie grass Establishment
作者 田宏 陆姣云 +2 位作者 张鹤山 熊军波 刘洋 《中国农学通报》 2024年第6期29-35,共7页
探究烯效唑对扁穗雀麦生长发育和种子产量品质的影响,为其种子增产提质提供科学依据。以‘江夏’扁穗雀麦为试验材料,采取随机区组设计,在拔节期喷施不同浓度烯效唑(0、50、90、130 mg/kg),研究植株生长、种子产量和萌发特性。结果表明... 探究烯效唑对扁穗雀麦生长发育和种子产量品质的影响,为其种子增产提质提供科学依据。以‘江夏’扁穗雀麦为试验材料,采取随机区组设计,在拔节期喷施不同浓度烯效唑(0、50、90、130 mg/kg),研究植株生长、种子产量和萌发特性。结果表明:烯效唑降低了植株高度,提高了抗倒伏能力。除50 mg/kg的烯效唑对生殖枝数有显著增加外(P<0.05),其余处理对植株第二节长、茎粗、分蘖数和生殖枝数影响差异不显著。喷施不同浓度烯效唑,扁穗雀麦的小穗数/生殖枝、种子数和种子产量均表现为增加,但只有50 mg/kg处理下各指标差异达显著水平(P<0.05)。90 mg/kg烯效唑处理可显著增加扁穗雀麦种子活力指数(P<0.05),但所有处理对千粒重、发芽率和发芽指数影响较小。各指标相关性分析发现,植株高度与倒伏率、分蘖数和生殖枝数极显著正相关(P<0.01);种子产量和生殖枝数显著正相关(P<0.05)。喷施50 mg/kg烯效唑,扁穗雀麦种子产量最高,达1508.31 kg/hm^(2),较对照增加13.63%,差异显著(P<0.05)。 展开更多
关键词 扁穗雀麦 烯效唑 农艺性状 种子产量 萌发特性
根茎禾草乳熟期净光合速率日变化的比较研究 被引量:67
作者 何文兴 易津 李洪梅 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期205-209,共5页
对 6种具有不同根茎长度的禾草乳熟期净光合速率日变化进行了比较研究 .结果表明 ,除了中间偃麦草 (Elytrigiaintermedia)为“单峰”曲线外 ,另外 5种禾草的净光合速率日变化曲线均呈“双峰型” ,且其总体趋势是根茎越发达、根冠比越大 ... 对 6种具有不同根茎长度的禾草乳熟期净光合速率日变化进行了比较研究 .结果表明 ,除了中间偃麦草 (Elytrigiaintermedia)为“单峰”曲线外 ,另外 5种禾草的净光合速率日变化曲线均呈“双峰型” ,且其总体趋势是根茎越发达、根冠比越大 ,其净光合速率越迟到达第 1峰、“午降”经历时间也越短 ,而大气相对湿度偏低 (<5 5 % )和叶片温度偏高 (>36℃ )是导致“午降”的重要因素 .羊草 (Leymuschinense)、茹莎娜牧冰草 (Pascopyrumsmithii)、赖草 (Leymussecalinus)、大赖草 (Leymusracemosus)、蒙古冰草 (Agropyronmongolicum)、中间偃麦草 (Elytrigiaintermedia)的净光合速率第 1峰值分别出现在 10 :12、10 :0 0、9:5 1、9:39、9:0 6、8:13;“午降”经历时间分别是 4 71、4 74、4 6 4、4 6 7和 5 5 1min ;“午降”期间的叶片温度均值分别是 37.8、37.5、36 .9、37.0和 36 .3℃ .羊草和蒙古冰草、赖草和大赖草分别具有相似的净光合速率日变化曲线 ,在P =0 .0 1时 ,r值分别是 0 .88和 0 .96 . 展开更多
关键词 根茎禾草 乳熟期 净光合速率 叶片温度
一部当代知识分子的心灵史——试评彭定安的长篇小说《离离原上草》 被引量:1
作者 王建中 《湖南文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第6期95-100,共6页
彭定安的长篇小说《离离原上草》,透过知识分子的典型形象欧阳独离的欢乐与痛苦、奋进与挫折,反映了一代知识分子的心灵史。小说具有值得称道的人物塑造、精巧的细节描写和高超的结构艺术。这部长篇巨著的成功,是作者长期的生活积累和... 彭定安的长篇小说《离离原上草》,透过知识分子的典型形象欧阳独离的欢乐与痛苦、奋进与挫折,反映了一代知识分子的心灵史。小说具有值得称道的人物塑造、精巧的细节描写和高超的结构艺术。这部长篇巨著的成功,是作者长期的生活积累和深厚的理论功底以及多方面的艺术素养使然。 展开更多
关键词 《离离原上草》 彭定安 知识分子 心灵史
作者 李晶 刘婷 +1 位作者 王芳 王欣荣 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2014年第23期139-144,共6页
旨在通过对新疆昭苏草原5种潜在生态草种(百里香、黄花苜蓿、针茅、羊茅、苔草)进行营养成分分析,从营养学角度评估5种草种,以期为新疆地区生态建设及合理利用这些兼具生态效益和饲用价值的草种提供数据参考。试验共采集昭苏地区5—10... 旨在通过对新疆昭苏草原5种潜在生态草种(百里香、黄花苜蓿、针茅、羊茅、苔草)进行营养成分分析,从营养学角度评估5种草种,以期为新疆地区生态建设及合理利用这些兼具生态效益和饲用价值的草种提供数据参考。试验共采集昭苏地区5—10月份刈割的360份样品,采用常规分析方法对其粗蛋白、粗脂肪、干物质、钙、磷5种营养成分含量进行分析测定。5—8月份各草种之间的营养成分存在差异(P<0.01或P<0.05)。其中,黄花苜蓿的营养价值高于其他4种草种(P<0.01或P<0.05)。但9、10月份各草种间5种营养成分含量差异均不显著(P>0.05)。对各草种不同生长期营养成分含量分析测定结果表明:除黄花苜蓿中粗蛋白在5、6月份没有显著差异外(P>0.05),其他各草种5月份的粗蛋白水平均显著高于其他月份(P<0.01)。黄花苜蓿可作为治理新疆沙化且兼具生态效益和饲用价值的首选草种,同时也是未来新疆牧民饲喂家畜的优质饲草料。 展开更多
关键词 昭苏草原 草种 营养 生态
四川若尔盖原生牧草生长的农业气候条件分析 被引量:1
作者 赵阳 《生物灾害科学》 2015年第2期152-156,共5页
利用红原若尔盖地区1980—2010年气象资料,根据牧草发育期各阶段的适应气象条件要求,对若尔盖草原牧草生长气象条件的适应性进行分析,并通过灰度关联法作出牧草生长高度预报方程,得出如下结论:(1)红原若尔盖地区31年中年平均温度为1.4℃... 利用红原若尔盖地区1980—2010年气象资料,根据牧草发育期各阶段的适应气象条件要求,对若尔盖草原牧草生长气象条件的适应性进行分析,并通过灰度关联法作出牧草生长高度预报方程,得出如下结论:(1)红原若尔盖地区31年中年平均温度为1.4℃,31年中年平均降水量为643.3 mm,年平均日照时数为2 479.3 h,年降水量和日照时数呈下降趋势。(2)早熟禾返青时所需要的温度为0℃以上,当到夏季末时,温度下降到10℃以内时,便开始黄枯,牧草开始发育时所需要的降水均为10 mm左右,当降水量达到45 mm左右时,牧草进入枯黄阶段,对于日照时数而言,牧草发育时返青期所需日照为70 h左右,当日照达到80 h左右时,牧草开始黄枯。(3)灰度关联法对早熟禾牧草生长高度的预报效果很好,此方法所做出来的牧草生长高度的预报方程可以通过显著性检验。 展开更多
关键词 若尔盖草原 气候条件 牧草高度 灰度关联法
Salinity Tolerance in Argentinean Population of <i>Bromus catharticus</i>. Variability and Direct and Indirect Effects on Seedling Characters
作者 Monica Beatriz Aulicino Monica Beatriz Collado +1 位作者 Hernan Barca Maria del Carmen Molina 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2020年第12期2043-2058,共16页
The aim of this research was to evaluate the salinity tolerance in prairie grass populations at the seedling stage quantifying the variability and the influence of physiological traits related to it. Salinity toleranc... The aim of this research was to evaluate the salinity tolerance in prairie grass populations at the seedling stage quantifying the variability and the influence of physiological traits related to it. Salinity tolerance, in </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Bromus</span></i> <i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">catharticus</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> Vahl (prairie grass) populations collected in different environments of the Pampean Phytogeography region (Argentine) was evaluated at the seedling stage, using controlled condition of temperature and light. It was adopted a completely randomized design using 3 plots with three plants each one per population and two levels of treatment: 0 mM and 100 mM NaCl. Morphological, biomass and membrane stability root and shoot traits were studied. A factorial ANOVA with interaction was estimated. Then one way ANOVA for all seedling traits in both treatments allowed estimating variance components, coefficient of genotypic determination (CGD) and variation index (VI). Comparisons between populations were made using Tukey test (at 5% of probability). Phenotypic correlations among traits were calculated and then a path coefficient analysis separated direct and indirect effects at 100 and 0 mM NaCl. No significant interactions “Population × Treatment” were found for any character. The saline stress caused a pairing in the population means for the most traits. Coefficients of variation were mainly higher when the seedlings grew without stress (0 mM) because it allowed a greater potential genotypic expression. The absence of significant interactions denotes a good homeostatic capacity of the prairie grass facing that abiotic stress. Leaf length, shoot length and root dry matter were the variables with the largest direct and indirect effects. Our results showed an increase for them at salt and demonstrated intraspecific variation, possibly in relation with the origin sites. Plants under stress showed a marked resilience, in order to quickly restore the same biomass allocation patterns that occur in non-stress environment. 展开更多
关键词 Bromus catahrticus prairie grass Salinity Tolerance Population Genetic Variability Path Coefficient Analysis
Hydrothermal Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass and Kinetics
作者 Hanwu Lei Iwona Cybulska James Julson 《Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems》 2013年第4期250-259,共10页
The study focus was an examination of the hydrothermal pretreatment method applied to the lignocellulosic substrate, represented by the prairie cord grass, and comparison between different conditions based on the yiel... The study focus was an examination of the hydrothermal pretreatment method applied to the lignocellulosic substrate, represented by the prairie cord grass, and comparison between different conditions based on the yield of glucose after enzymatic hydrolysis. The treatment did not involve any chemicals usage. Enzymatic hydrolysis was performed in order to examine the amount of glucose which was released from pretreated materials. The most efficient pretreatment conditions were at high temperature and relatively short reaction time (210&degC and 10 min), after which the lignocellulose structure was the most available for enzymes actions which resulted in a pretreatment conversion rate of 97%. Temperature had a significant influence on glucose release during the hydrolysis, which was confirmed by the Michaelis-Menten and kinetic models. Kinetic models were used to fit the inhibitors and their conversion rates were related to temperature. 展开更多
作者 倪兴泽 徐炜 何玉龙 《畜牧兽医杂志》 2014年第4期43-45,共3页
本文以2003版《草原法》为基本依据,结合酒泉市2010~2011在基本草原划定过程中工作实际,概括提出了生态草地这个新概念,并且从概念的提出、范围的界定、存在的争议、区划中的应用、监管保护效果等五个方面进行了全面论述,最后得出生态... 本文以2003版《草原法》为基本依据,结合酒泉市2010~2011在基本草原划定过程中工作实际,概括提出了生态草地这个新概念,并且从概念的提出、范围的界定、存在的争议、区划中的应用、监管保护效果等五个方面进行了全面论述,最后得出生态草地是指以调节气候、涵养水源、保持水土、防风固沙、生物多样性保护等生态功能为主的、无放牧利用价值的、严重沙化、退化、荒漠化、必须封育保护的、盖度在5%以下的草地.生态草地概念的提出应用使多部门管理的边缘模糊地类管理权限得到明确,为生态草原管理提供了法律依据,促进了草原生态保护和恢复,概念应用价值显著. 展开更多
关键词 生态草地 概念 草原区划 应用研究
作者 Smriti Pehim Limbu Meghan L.Avolio 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第1期188-202,共15页
虽然许多物种的遗传多样性和植物生产力之间的关系已经得到证实,但环境条件和生物群落是否会改变这种关系尚不清楚。针对这一问题,本文研究了基因型多样性、干旱和菌根对植物生产力和植物性状的交互作用。该研究建立在堪萨斯州曼哈顿南... 虽然许多物种的遗传多样性和植物生产力之间的关系已经得到证实,但环境条件和生物群落是否会改变这种关系尚不清楚。针对这一问题,本文研究了基因型多样性、干旱和菌根对植物生产力和植物性状的交互作用。该研究建立在堪萨斯州曼哈顿南部的康扎草原生物研究站。本研究对焦点物种大须芒草(Andropogon gerardii)采用两种水平的基因型丰富度处理:单种栽培和3基因型混合栽培。在试验区的一半以上建立避雨棚进行抗旱处理,并在每个基因型丰富度和抗旱处理的选定盆栽中使用硫菌酯-甲基杀菌剂抑制丛枝菌根真菌的生长。结果表明,基因型丰富度和菌根对大须芒草的地上生物量无显著影响。干旱对大须芒草各基因型地上生物量、成花数和过早结实有不同的影响,而且生物量和功能性状在单独栽培和混合栽培处理中有显著差异。这些研究结果说明,干旱和基因型丰富度对不同基因型的植物有不同的结果。 展开更多
关键词 高草草原 大须芒草(Andropogon gerardii) C_(4)植物 遗传多样性 互利共生
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