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tigers and Flies
作者 Jon Taylor 《ChinAfrica》 2014年第3期10-11,共2页
THE reforms in the Decision on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms - as well as the actions on the part of the CPC and its Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) since the election... THE reforms in the Decision on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms - as well as the actions on the part of the CPC and its Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) since the election of the new leadership in 2012 - clearly demonstrate a strong emphasis by the CPC on addressing corruption, building a clean government, and intensifying anti-corruption efforts by going after both "tigers" and "flies" - high- and low-ranking corrupt officials. The Decision highlights the determination of the Party to institutionalize anti-corruption efforts. 展开更多
关键词 CPC tigers and flies
Anhui Flying Tiger Automobile Group Corporation(Huaihai Machinery Factory,Anhui Province)
《China's Foreign Trade》 1996年第8期47-47,共1页
The Anhui Flying Tiger(Feihu)Automobile Group Corporation is composedof 81 enterprises and institutions forproduction and coordination.The AnhuiHuaihai Machinery Factory—the coreenterprise—is the key national automo... The Anhui Flying Tiger(Feihu)Automobile Group Corporation is composedof 81 enterprises and institutions forproduction and coordination.The AnhuiHuaihai Machinery Factory—the coreenterprise—is the key national automobilemanufacturer.The factory has total assets ofRMB480 million,staff of 3,400,including500 medium-to-senior technical people,annual production capacity of 50,000 forautomobiles,with their quality proven to beClass A for seven years running.Since1992,the factory has been aiming at theinternational market,exporting more 展开更多
关键词 Huaihai Machinery Factory Anhui Province more Anhui Flying tiger Automobile Group Corporation
明清时期山西虎的地理分布及相关问题 被引量:3
作者 吴朋飞 周亚 《井冈山大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第2期127-136,共10页
历史时期,山西曾是华北虎的重要栖息地。通过对史料的重新梳理,考证出明清时期山西共计79个州县有老虎分布,发生虎患州县共计33个。虎患发生的原因应从人类活动、自然灾害和老虎自身的习性等多方面综合考虑。仅根据虎灾分布状况,难以描... 历史时期,山西曾是华北虎的重要栖息地。通过对史料的重新梳理,考证出明清时期山西共计79个州县有老虎分布,发生虎患州县共计33个。虎患发生的原因应从人类活动、自然灾害和老虎自身的习性等多方面综合考虑。仅根据虎灾分布状况,难以描绘出老虎清晰的消退轨迹。 展开更多
关键词 山西 明清时期 虎分布 虎患
从老虎伤人事件看敬畏规则的重要性 被引量:1
作者 顾德警 《江苏警官学院学报》 2016年第5期80-83,共4页
北京市延庆区八达岭野生动物园东北虎园老虎伤人事件发生后,相关领域专家、官媒到普通百姓从现实生活到虚拟网络纷纷开展讨论,各抒己见。无独有偶,近年来国内外其他野生动物园也不时发生类似事件,并引发相关方对于如何树立规则意识的争... 北京市延庆区八达岭野生动物园东北虎园老虎伤人事件发生后,相关领域专家、官媒到普通百姓从现实生活到虚拟网络纷纷开展讨论,各抒己见。无独有偶,近年来国内外其他野生动物园也不时发生类似事件,并引发相关方对于如何树立规则意识的争论。民众应尊重规则;同时,加强正式制度的约束,防止规则乱套以及被随意操纵;破除潜规则,强化明规则。 展开更多
关键词 老虎伤人 规则意识 公共秩序
作者 樊跃发 王婧 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 2017年第7期6-9,共4页
中国拥有博大精深的廉政文化积淀,习近平廉政思想就是在继承中国优秀传统廉政文化的基础上创新发展而来。习近平廉政思想对于提升国家治理能力和实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦都具有重要的理论意义和实践价值,而且为廉政文化植入人心、廉... 中国拥有博大精深的廉政文化积淀,习近平廉政思想就是在继承中国优秀传统廉政文化的基础上创新发展而来。习近平廉政思想对于提升国家治理能力和实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦都具有重要的理论意义和实践价值,而且为廉政文化植入人心、廉政之花常开不败提供了充足养分。 展开更多
关键词 习近平 廉政思想 传统廉政文化 “打虎”“拍蝇”
Stabilization of expansive soils using chemical additives: A review 被引量:5
作者 Dharmendra Barman Sujit Kumar Dash 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第4期1319-1342,共24页
Volume instability of expansive soils due to moisture fluctuations is often disastrous,causing severe damages and distortions in the supported structures.It is,therefore,necessary to adequately improve the performance... Volume instability of expansive soils due to moisture fluctuations is often disastrous,causing severe damages and distortions in the supported structures.It is,therefore,necessary to adequately improve the performance of such soils that they can favorably fulfil the post-construction stability requirements.This can be achieved through chemical stabilization using additives such as lime,cement and fly ash.In this paper,suitability of such additives under various conditions and their mechanisms are reviewed in detail.It is observed that the stabilization process primarily involves hydration,cation exchange,flocculation and pozzolanic reactions.The degree of stabilization is controlled by several factors such as additive type,additive content,soil type,soil mineralogy,curing period,curing temperature,delay in compaction,pH of soil matrix,and molding water content,including presence of nano-silica,organic matter and sulfate compounds.Provision of nano-silica not only improves soil packing but also accelerates the pozzolanic reaction.However,presence of deleterious compounds such as sulfate or organic matter can turn the treated soils unfavorable at times even worser than the unstabilized ones. 展开更多
关键词 Expansive soil CEMENT LIME Fly ash Pozzolanic reactions Sulfate attack
Time delay compensation in lateral-directional flight control systems at high angles of attack 被引量:2
作者 Lin SHEN Da HUANG Genxing WU 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第4期1-18,共18页
The previous studies of time delay compensation in flight control systems are all based on the conventional aerodynamic derivative model and conducted in longitudinal motions at low angles of attack.In this investigat... The previous studies of time delay compensation in flight control systems are all based on the conventional aerodynamic derivative model and conducted in longitudinal motions at low angles of attack.In this investigation,the effects of time delay on the lateral-directional stability augmentation system in high-a regime are discussed based on theβmodel,which is proposed in our previous work and proved as a more accurate aerodynamic model to reveal the lateraldirectional unsteady aerodynamic characteristics at high angles of attack.Both theβmodel and the quasi-steady model are used for simulating the effects of time delay on the flying qualities in high-a maneuvers.The comparison between the simulation results shows that the flying qualities are much more sensitive to the mismatch of feedback gains than the state errors caused by time delay.Then a typical adaptive controller based on the conventional dynamic derivative model and a gain-prediction compensator based onβmodel are designed to address the time delay in different maneuvers.The simulation results show that the gain-prediction compensator is much simpler and more efficient at high angles of attack.Finally,the gain-prediction compensator is combined with a linearizedβmodel reference adaptive controller to compensate the adverse effects of very large time delay,which exhibits excellent performance when addressing the extreme conditions at high angles of attack. 展开更多
关键词 Adaptive control Flying quality High angles of attack Time delay Yaw-roll coupling
论微博意见领袖的道德责任——以宁波动物园老虎咬人事件为例 被引量:1
作者 王凤勃 《安徽行政学院学报》 2017年第4期13-16,共4页
在信息高速传播的新媒体时代,移动终端的普及使得微博作为一种新型社交网络平台被广泛使用,这一平台对传统大众媒体的舆论引导作用产生了强烈的冲击。微博改变了传统的信息传播方式,也催生了大批意见领袖,其舆论导向也对公众产生了不可... 在信息高速传播的新媒体时代,移动终端的普及使得微博作为一种新型社交网络平台被广泛使用,这一平台对传统大众媒体的舆论引导作用产生了强烈的冲击。微博改变了传统的信息传播方式,也催生了大批意见领袖,其舆论导向也对公众产生了不可小觑的影响力。2017年1月29日宁波动物园老虎咬人事件轰动全国,微博意见领袖也显示出其强大的导向作用,以此事件为例,具体论述微博意见领袖应承担的道德责任。 展开更多
关键词 微博意见领袖 道德责任 老虎咬人事件
作者 田薇 《榆林学院学报》 2016年第3期90-93,共4页
反腐热词"打虎拍蝇"的意义建构与创新有其认知理据和社会文化动因。从认知视角分析,其经历了隐喻与概念整合两个阶段,是二者互动性的成果。另外"虎"和"蝇"这两个隐喻不是人们暂时或短期内构建起来的,是... 反腐热词"打虎拍蝇"的意义建构与创新有其认知理据和社会文化动因。从认知视角分析,其经历了隐喻与概念整合两个阶段,是二者互动性的成果。另外"虎"和"蝇"这两个隐喻不是人们暂时或短期内构建起来的,是中国文化和历史在中国人长期记忆里的烙印;在中国腐败面积大、后果严重的社会背景下"打虎拍蝇"形象又深刻地反映了党中央在惩治腐败这一大是大非问题上的原则立场和政策措施。 展开更多
关键词 “打虎拍蝇” 概念隐喻 概念整合 社会文化动因
让想象力在故事教学中流淌——故事Flying High教学所感
作者 霍文保 《英语学习》 2014年第1X期28-29,共2页
"英语故事教学,应成为教师的一种教育理念,从愉快教学、有效教学的角度审视教学的内容。故事教学,要给学生留出空间,发挥想象力,尊重和呵护学生的思考。还应利用好故事这个载体,使故事活动成为英语课堂教学中一门别具一格的教学艺... "英语故事教学,应成为教师的一种教育理念,从愉快教学、有效教学的角度审视教学的内容。故事教学,要给学生留出空间,发挥想象力,尊重和呵护学生的思考。还应利用好故事这个载体,使故事活动成为英语课堂教学中一门别具一格的教学艺术。"故事Flying High选自外语教学与研究出版社出版的《X计划》系列故事。讲述的是女孩Cat和男孩Tiger比赛的故事。Cat借助蜻蜓,Tiger借助飞行器,发生了一些有趣的事情。故事书配有生动的图片,在一定程度上降低了阅读困难,并吸引了学生的兴趣。同时,故事跌宕起伏、充满了悬念,能满足学生的好奇心、求知欲望。教学设计应该基于学生的需求。 展开更多
关键词 FLYING tiger 阅读困难 教育理念 阅读技能 语言素材 无意注意 设疑 分角色朗读 堂课
作者 朱丹 《演艺科技》 2021年第8期58-61,共4页
关键词 现代京剧 灯光设计 《红灯记》 《奇袭白虎团》 灯光设备
Opening Ceremony of American Flying Tiger Guilin Heritage Park Held
作者 Li Sanghua Ba Cuicui Jin Hanghang 《Voice of Friendship》 2015年第3期4-5,共2页
On March 28,Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong attended the opening of the Flying Tiger Guilin Heritage Park in Guilin,southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region whose construction started in July 2011.Located ... On March 28,Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong attended the opening of the Flying Tiger Guilin Heritage Park in Guilin,southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region whose construction started in July 2011.Located at the former site of Yang Tang Airport,it has such historical relics as the Command 展开更多
关键词 FLYING tiger Premier Command historical Zhuang attended MINISTER SOUTHWEST CEREMONY
Vice-President Xie Yuan Attends Flying Tiger C-47 Dedication Ceremony
作者 Chen Ke 《Voice of Friendship》 2017年第2期6-6,共1页
Aceremony was held at the Flying Tiger Guilin Heritage Park on March 25,2017 for the donation of a World War II-era aircraft—a Douglas C-47.CPAFFC Vice-President Xie Yuan read a message from Chinese Vice-Premier Liu ... Aceremony was held at the Flying Tiger Guilin Heritage Park on March 25,2017 for the donation of a World War II-era aircraft—a Douglas C-47.CPAFFC Vice-President Xie Yuan read a message from Chinese Vice-Premier Liu Yandong,in which she extended her sincere welcome and best wishes to the family of General Claire Lee Chennault,veterans of the Flying Tigers and their families。 展开更多
关键词 US Vice-President Xie Yuan Attends Flying tiger C-47 Dedication Ceremony
明代贵州虎患及人类社会应对 被引量:1
作者 叶松 曹志红 方晓阳 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期96-102,共7页
本文通过对地方志中有关虎的历史记录进行分析,对明代贵州地区虎患的烈度、时空分布、社会应对进行全方位梳理和复原。历史文献记载表明,随着区域开发活动的不断展开与深入,明代贵州地区的虎患现象在早期较少且烈度低,至中后期爆发频繁... 本文通过对地方志中有关虎的历史记录进行分析,对明代贵州地区虎患的烈度、时空分布、社会应对进行全方位梳理和复原。历史文献记载表明,随着区域开发活动的不断展开与深入,明代贵州地区的虎患现象在早期较少且烈度低,至中后期爆发频繁且愈益酷烈,以正统、嘉靖、万历年间为主,其中嘉靖年间最为频繁,平均每四年爆发一次。通过运用GIS手段,将虎患记录的频次及其区域分布可视化,发现虎患的多发区域集中在丘陵山地和盆地的东部、中部地区。针对虎患发生的不同时间、地点、烈度及受害人,其社会应对以民间、官方和僧道三个群体为主,应对方式则主要有祈祷、捕杀、感化三种。 展开更多
关键词 明代 贵州 虎患 社会应对
作者 贾凡胜 张一林 《上海财经大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期64-79,共16页
文章以"打老虎、拍苍蝇"为自然实验,运用事件研究法从金融市场和投资者的角度考察廉政建设对公司价值的影响。研究发现,在官员被查处的消息公布后,落马官员任职地区上市公司的股价有显著为正的市场反应,意味着投资者认可"... 文章以"打老虎、拍苍蝇"为自然实验,运用事件研究法从金融市场和投资者的角度考察廉政建设对公司价值的影响。研究发现,在官员被查处的消息公布后,落马官员任职地区上市公司的股价有显著为正的市场反应,意味着投资者认可"打老虎、拍苍蝇"对提升公司价值的正面影响;并且"打老虎、拍苍蝇"对公司股价的积极影响在官员级别较高、政府对企业干预较多地区、国有产权和政治联系较强的公司中更加显著,进一步证明投资者认为"打老虎、拍苍蝇"行动能够有效改善营商环境、提升社会清廉度。文章不仅为廉政建设的积极影响和必要性提供了证据,也为如何进一步提升廉政建设的效果提供了借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 廉政建设 打老虎、拍苍蝇 营商环境 公司价值
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