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Interdecadal changes in the western Siberian summer mean and extreme rainfall during 1982-2021
作者 Yali Zhu Fangwu Song Dong Guo 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2024年第3期37-41,共5页
本文研究发现,西西伯利亚夏季降水在1995年后显著增加,2012年后又有所减少,极端降水日数和强度呈现一致的变化特征.伴随这两次降水的年代际增加/减少,西西伯利亚上空出现异常气旋/反气旋和水汽幅合/幅散.极端降水发生时的区域环流特征... 本文研究发现,西西伯利亚夏季降水在1995年后显著增加,2012年后又有所减少,极端降水日数和强度呈现一致的变化特征.伴随这两次降水的年代际增加/减少,西西伯利亚上空出现异常气旋/反气旋和水汽幅合/幅散.极端降水发生时的区域环流特征在三个时段基本一致:西西伯利亚低空出现气旋性异常,高空为西北-东南向的异常气旋-反气旋偶极子型.1995-2011年期间,极端降水日数更多,强度更强,上述异常环流型也更强. 展开更多
关键词 西伯利亚 夏季降水 年代际变化 乌拉尔高压 北大西洋 波流相互作用
Synoptic-scale reversal of dipole surface temperature anomalies over East Asia and Central Siberia in November 2021
作者 Yan Kong Xinping Xu Botao Zhou 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2023年第3期33-38,共6页
2021年11月,东亚与中西伯利亚经历了相反的冷暖异常转换,表现为“中西伯利亚偏冷,东亚偏暖”与“中西伯利亚偏暖,东亚偏冷”的交替出现.该偶极型气温异常的天气尺度反转伴随着大尺度大气环流异常的反转.进一步分析表明,东亚与中西伯利... 2021年11月,东亚与中西伯利亚经历了相反的冷暖异常转换,表现为“中西伯利亚偏冷,东亚偏暖”与“中西伯利亚偏暖,东亚偏冷”的交替出现.该偶极型气温异常的天气尺度反转伴随着大尺度大气环流异常的反转.进一步分析表明,东亚与中西伯利亚的偶极型气温异常反转是1979-2021年期间11月欧亚气温日变化的主导模态之一(发生概率超过56%). 展开更多
关键词 天气尺度反转 偶极型气温异常 东亚-中西伯利亚 大尺度环流
作者 黄淑燕 黄云玲 《浙江农业科学》 2024年第7期1657-1662,共6页
阐明不同株行距及种植深度对西伯利亚百合在栽植阶段生长的影响,总结试验栽植地最适西伯利亚百合生长的最佳株行距及种植深度,从中挖掘提高西伯利亚百合切花品质的关键种植因素,寻求绿色、高效的增产提质方式。以西伯利亚2、3代种球为... 阐明不同株行距及种植深度对西伯利亚百合在栽植阶段生长的影响,总结试验栽植地最适西伯利亚百合生长的最佳株行距及种植深度,从中挖掘提高西伯利亚百合切花品质的关键种植因素,寻求绿色、高效的增产提质方式。以西伯利亚2、3代种球为试验对象,按照标准化生产流程,采用二因素随机区组设计,探讨不同株行距及种植深度对百合鲜切花的花茎高度、花苞大小及花苞数量的影响。除株行距对2代种球的花苞数量影响达5%显著水平外,株行距及种植深度对西伯利亚百合2代和3代种球的其他生长指标影响均达1%极显著差异水平。处理3即15 cm×20 cm的株行距25 cm的种植深度组合于2代和3代种球均为最佳处理方式。处理7即25 cm×30 cm的株行距15 cm的种植深度组合对2代和3代种球的花茎高度和花苞直径的生长最不利,处理4不利于种球花苞数量的生长。种植深度对于2代和3代种球花苞数量增长的影响大于株行距。而花茎高度和花苞直径则有所区别,种植深度对2代种球花茎高度生长的影响大于株行距,3代种球反之;株行距对2代种球花苞直径的影响大于种植深度,3代种球反之。于2、3代种球的花茎高度和花苞直径而言,A1B3即以15 cm×20 cm的株行距25 cm的种植深度组合能够获得良好的生长效果。而A3B3即25 cm×30 cm的株行距25 cm的种植深度的组合对2代种球的花苞数量增加有利,A1B3则利于3代种球花苞数量的增加。合适的种植深度能够使植物的根系得到良好的发育,同时能够有效地吸收土壤中的养分和水分,促进植物生长。种球种植株行距与百合花苞数量、花茎高度及花苞大小都呈显著正相关。 展开更多
关键词 株行距 种植深度 西伯利亚 百合
东方百合Siberia多倍体诱导及其细胞学鉴定 被引量:22
作者 池坚 席梦利 +2 位作者 张静 胡凤荣 施季森 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 2008年第2期291-296,共6页
本文以东方百合Siberia的试管苗为试验材料,研究了预培养时间、秋水仙素处理方法及浓度等因素对诱导试管苗多倍体的影响。研究结果表明:秋水仙素溶液直接浸泡较共培养法好,且以0.05%的浓度和浸泡48h为最佳组合,最终获得了18株四倍体试... 本文以东方百合Siberia的试管苗为试验材料,研究了预培养时间、秋水仙素处理方法及浓度等因素对诱导试管苗多倍体的影响。研究结果表明:秋水仙素溶液直接浸泡较共培养法好,且以0.05%的浓度和浸泡48h为最佳组合,最终获得了18株四倍体试管苗。通过根尖染色体计数确定其为稳定的同源四倍体。显微观测气孔特征后发现:二倍体与四倍体植株的叶下表皮气孔密度及气孔保卫细胞长、宽差异均达到了极显著水平。 展开更多
关键词 东方百合siberia 多倍体诱导 细胞学鉴定
Human responses to flower fragrance of Lilium ‘Siberia’ and Rosa ‘Escimo’ 被引量:2
作者 JIN Zi-lin LI Xia ZHANG Qi-xiang PAN Hui-tang AN Xue 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2009年第3期185-189,共5页
The objective of our study was to lay a foundation for the effect of flower flagrance on human emotions and to provide a theory for the choice of indoor plants and the improvement of the olfactory environment. Specifi... The objective of our study was to lay a foundation for the effect of flower flagrance on human emotions and to provide a theory for the choice of indoor plants and the improvement of the olfactory environment. Specifically, our purpose was to study human physiological responses to flower fragrance of Lilium 'Siberia' and Rosa 'Escimo'. The participants were 31 college students. Blood pressure, pulse rate, finger temperature (FT) and galvanic skin response (GSR) were measured. The results show that the fragrance of Rosa 'Escimo' causes the diastolic pressure and pulse rate of the participants to reduce significantly. The average decrease was 0.37 kPa and 2.23 beats per minute, which indicates that sympathetic nervous activity increases, physiological arousal decreases and emotional alleviation occurs. Furthermore, the GSR of participants significantly increased by smelling the fragrance of Lilium 'Siberia', indicating that both sympathetic nervous activity and physiological arousal increased. But the data could not prove that flower fragrance stimulation has an effect on changes in systolic pressure and finger temperature. Some other factors, such as basic emotion and weather, may have an effect. 展开更多
关键词 Lilium 'siberia' Rosa 'Escimo' flower fragrance PHYSIOLOGY
作者 康丽娜 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期61-73,共13页
在16—18世纪,俄国吞并西伯利亚汗国以后采取鼓励和吸引外来移民政策,加之贸易需求的驱动促使布哈拉人成为移民西伯利亚的主体,同时后者凭借商业优势和宗教文化不断谋求经济社会地位的提升。跨入19世纪,随着中亚地缘政治环境及其与俄国... 在16—18世纪,俄国吞并西伯利亚汗国以后采取鼓励和吸引外来移民政策,加之贸易需求的驱动促使布哈拉人成为移民西伯利亚的主体,同时后者凭借商业优势和宗教文化不断谋求经济社会地位的提升。跨入19世纪,随着中亚地缘政治环境及其与俄国关系发生“剧烈震荡”,布哈拉人向西伯利亚的移民进程呈现出抛物线式的下滑轨迹,西伯利亚布哈拉人的经济地位也随之下降,而相较之下其社会地位相对稳定。这一变迁过程一则反映出布哈拉人为推动西伯利亚社会进步所做的努力,二则勾勒出俄国与中亚交往互动的质变轨迹,三则映射出近代欧亚区域贸易格局的演进趋势。 展开更多
关键词 俄国 西伯利亚 布哈拉人 贸易特权 中亚移民
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Allene Oxide Synthase Gene Ls AOS in Lilium‘Siberia' 被引量:1
作者 qi wu pingsheng leng zenghui hu 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2018年第2期5-9,31,共6页
[Objectives] Allene oxide synthase( AOS),the first specific enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of jasmonate( JA),has an important role in regulating JA accumulation in plants. This study was conducted to amplify f... [Objectives] Allene oxide synthase( AOS),the first specific enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of jasmonate( JA),has an important role in regulating JA accumulation in plants. This study was conducted to amplify full-length AOS gene from Lilium‘Siberia'( LsAOS) and to explore the spatiotemporal expression of this gene. [Methods]LsAOS was cloned by rapid amplification of c DNA ends( RACE) and analyzed bioinformatically. LsAOS expression level in nine organs/tissues and at four flowering stages was determined by quantitative PCR( q-PCR). [Results] LsAOS gene has an open reading frame of 1 542 bp,encoding a protein of 514 amino acids. The LsAOS protein sequence was more homologous with the AOS protein of Musa acuminata Colla than that in any other plant species.The LsAOS expression reached the maximum level at bud stage,and then gradually decreased over time during the flowering period. The LsAOS expression level in leaves was the highest,followed by in inner petals,roots,stems,etc. [Conclusions]JA participates in the whole process of plant development,and is closely related to stress resistance and secondary metabolism. AOS is one of the key genes in JA pathway and plays an important role in regulating the biosynthesis of JA. 展开更多
关键词 Lilium'siberia' LsAOS Gene cloning Expression analysisHome
作者 孙琳琳 颜范悦 +2 位作者 祝朋芳 杨迎东 胡新颖 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第21期86-88,共3页
以东方系百合品种‘Siberia’的二茬种球为试材,研究了蕾长的不同时期摘除花序、剪枝平茬、喷施不同植物生长调节剂等处理对百合种球复壮的影响,以期总结复壮技术的实用性。结果表明:东方百合‘Siberia’种球在复壮过程中,摘除花蕾和喷... 以东方系百合品种‘Siberia’的二茬种球为试材,研究了蕾长的不同时期摘除花序、剪枝平茬、喷施不同植物生长调节剂等处理对百合种球复壮的影响,以期总结复壮技术的实用性。结果表明:东方百合‘Siberia’种球在复壮过程中,摘除花蕾和喷洒植物生长调节剂能有效增大其鳞茎的重量和周径。 展开更多
关键词 东方百合 鳞茎 复壮
Platinum-group Element Geochemistry of Magnetite from Porphyry-Cu-Mo Deposits and their Host Rocks(Siberia,Russia) 被引量:5
作者 Anita BERZINA 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期106-117,共12页
The concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE) have been analyzed in primary magmatic magnetite samples from the Zhireken, Shakhtama and Aksug porphyry Cu-Mo deposits (Siberia, Russia) by laser ablation-induc... The concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE) have been analyzed in primary magmatic magnetite samples from the Zhireken, Shakhtama and Aksug porphyry Cu-Mo deposits (Siberia, Russia) by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to determine the range of PGE contents in magnetites and to check whether magnetite from two main rock suites (barren plutonic suite and mineralized porphyry suite) has distinct PGE composition. The results presented here indicate that magnetites are enriched in PGE relative to whole-rocks. Comparison of ore-related porphyry and barren plutonic suites shows that magnetite exhibit relatively similar PGE distribution patterns in both suites. Variations in Rh and Ru contents were controlled by the oxygen fugacity during magma crystallization. 展开更多
关键词 MAGNETITE platinum-group elements porphyry Zhireken Shakhtama Aksug siberia Russia
Alien invasive species in Siberia:current status and problem 被引量:5
作者 Marina V OLONOVA YuanMing ZHANG 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期428-433,共6页
Although alien and invasive plant species have been researched extensively in the European part of Russia,the situation in Siberia is another matter.Hitherto,alien and invasive species in Siberia have not received muc... Although alien and invasive plant species have been researched extensively in the European part of Russia,the situation in Siberia is another matter.Hitherto,alien and invasive species in Siberia have not received much attention because this problem was not especially acute in Siberia.The lack of attention on alien and invasive species in Siberia is attributed to three major reasons:1) Low vegetative productivity and sparse human populations in the Siberian territory have limited botanical research interest in the area.2) Severe Siberian climate likely prevents many alien and invasive species from increasing their distribution into Siberia.3) Most Siberian plant communities have not been human-transformed and thus may be resistant to newcomers.Nevertheless,recent increased economic activities have resulted in increasing plant migration to Siberia,and this process should be monitored.Furthermore,global environmental changes may also have made Siberia more favorable for more alien and invasive species.Currently,research on alien and invasive species has begun in the Altai-Sayan region(Western Siberia) and the Magadan region (Northeastern Asia). 展开更多
关键词 alien invasive plants global climate change economic development siberia
The impact of the environmental factors on the photosynthetic activity of common pine (Pinus sylvestris) in spring and in autumn in the region of Eastern Siberia 被引量:3
作者 N.E.Korotaeva M.V.Ivanova +1 位作者 G.G.Suvorova G.B.Borovskii 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1465-1473,共9页
The taiga coniferous forests of the Siberian region are the main carbon sinks in the forest ecosystems.Quantitatively, the size of the carbon accumulation is determined by the photosynthetic productivity, which is str... The taiga coniferous forests of the Siberian region are the main carbon sinks in the forest ecosystems.Quantitatively, the size of the carbon accumulation is determined by the photosynthetic productivity, which is strongly influenced by environmental factors. As a result,an assessment of the relationship between environmental factors and photosynthetic productivity makes it possible to calculate and even predict carbon sinks in coniferous forests at the regional level. However, at various stages of the vegetative period, the force of the connection between environmental conditions and the productivity of photosynthesis may change. In this research, correlations between the photosynthetic activity of Scots pine(Pinus sylvestris L.) with the environmental conditions were compared in spring and in autumn. In spring, close positive correlation of the maximum daily net photosynthesis was identified with only one environmental factor. For different years, correlations were for soil temperature(rs= 0.655,p = 0.00315) or available soil water supply(rs= 0.892,p = 0.0068). In autumn within different years, significant correlation was shown with two(temperature of air and soil; rs= 0.789 and 0.896, p = 0.00045 and 0.000006,respectively) and four factors: temperature of air(rs=0.749, p = 0.00129) and soil(rs= 0.84, p = 0.00000),available soil water supply(rs= 0.846, p = 0.00013) and irradiance(rs= 0.826, p = 0.000001). Photosynthetic activity has a weaker connection with changes in environmental factors in the spring, as compared to autumn.This is explained by the multidirectional influence of environmental conditions on photosynthesis in this period and by the necessity of earlier photosynthesis onset, despite the unfavorable conditions. This data may be useful for predicting the flow of carbon in dependence on environmental factors in this region in spring and in autumn. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus sylvestris L. Eastern siberia CORRELATIONS Photosynthetic productivity Seasonal changes in environment
Wave-Breaking Features of Blocking over Central Siberia and Its Impacts on the Precipitation Trend over Southeastern Lake Baikal 被引量:2
作者 Dorina CHYI Zuowei XIE +2 位作者 Ning SHI Pinwen GUO Huijun WANG 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第1期75-89,共15页
Precipitation over southeastern Lake Baikal features a significant decreasing trend in July and August over 1979–2018 and is closely related to blocking occurrence over central Siberia(45°–70°N,75°–1... Precipitation over southeastern Lake Baikal features a significant decreasing trend in July and August over 1979–2018 and is closely related to blocking occurrence over central Siberia(45°–70°N,75°–115°E).This study investigates the formation and maintenance of anticyclonic and cyclonic wave-breaking(AWB and CWB)blocking events and their climate impacts on precipitation in the southeastern Lake Baikal area.Both AWB and CWB blocking events are characterized by a cold trough deepening from the sub-Arctic region and a ridge amplifying toward its north over central Siberia,as well as an evident Rossby wave train over midlatitude Eurasia.For AWB blocking events,the ridge and trough pair tilts clockwise and the wave train exhibits a zonal distribution.In contrast,ridge and trough pair associated with CWB blocking events leans anticlockwise with larger-scale,meridional,and more anisotropic signatures.Moreover,the incoming Rossby wave energy associated with CWB blocking events is more evident than for AWB blocking events.Therefore,CWB blocking events are more persistent.AWB blocking events produce more extensive and persistent precipitation over the southeastern Lake Baikal area than CWB blocking events,in which moderate above-normal rainfall is seen in the decaying periods of blockings.A significant decreasing trend is found in terms of AWB blocking occurrence over central Siberia,which may contribute to the downward trend of precipitation over southeastern Lake Baikal. 展开更多
关键词 Rossby wave-breaking BLOCKING siberia PRECIPITATION Lake Baikal
Southern East Siberia Pliocene-Quaternary faults:Database,analysis and inference 被引量:1
作者 Oksana V.Lunina Riccardo Caputo +1 位作者 Anton A.Gladkov Andrey S.Gladkov 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期605-619,共15页
This paper presents the first release of an Informational System(IS)devoted to the systematic collection of all available data relating to Pliocene-Quaternary faults in southern East Siberia,their critical analysis ... This paper presents the first release of an Informational System(IS)devoted to the systematic collection of all available data relating to Pliocene-Quaternary faults in southern East Siberia,their critical analysis and their seismotectonic parameterization.The final goal of this project is to form a new base for improving the assessment of seismic hazard and other natural processes associated with crustal deformation.The presented IS has been exploited to create a relational database of active and conditionally active faults in southern East Siberia(between 100°-114° E and 50°-57° N)whose central sector is characterized by the highly seismic Baikal rift zone.The information within the database for each fault segment is organized as distinct but intercorrelated sections(tables,texts and pictures,etc.)and can be easily visualized as HTML pages in offline browsing.The preliminary version of the database distributed free on disk already highlights the general fault pattern showing that the Holocene and historical activity is quite uniform and dominated by NE-SW and nearly E-W trending faults;the former with a prevailing dip-slip normal kinematics,while the latter structures are left-lateral strike-slip and oblique-slip(with different proportion of left-lateral and normal fault slip components).These faults are mainly concentrated along the borders of the rift basins and are the main sources of moderate-to-strong(M≥5.5)earthquakes on the southern sectors of East Siberia in recent times.As a whole,based on analyzing the diverse fault kinematics and their variable spatial distribution with respect to the overall pattern of the tectonic structures formed and/or activated during the late Pliocene-Quaternary,we conclude they were generated under a regional stress field mainly characterized by a relatively uniform NW-SE tension,but strongly influenced by the irregular hard boundary of the old Siberian craton.The obtained inferences are in an agreement with the existing models of the development of the Baikal region. 展开更多
关键词 Pliocene-Quaternary faults DATABASE Seismic hazard TECTONICS Southern East siberia
Surface mass balance on Glacier No. 31 in the Suntar–Khayata Range, eastern Siberia, from 1951 to 2014 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Yong ENOMOTO Hiroyuki +3 位作者 OHATA Tetsuo KADOTA Tsutomu SHIRAKAWA Tatsuo TAKEUCHI Nozomu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期501-512,共12页
This study presents a 64-year(1951–2014) reconstruction of the surface mass balance of Glacier No. 31, located in the Suntar-Khayata Range of the eastern Siberia, where the ablation zone is characterized by the exten... This study presents a 64-year(1951–2014) reconstruction of the surface mass balance of Glacier No. 31, located in the Suntar-Khayata Range of the eastern Siberia, where the ablation zone is characterized by the extensive dark ice surface. We use a temperature index-based glacier mass-balance model, which computes all major components of glacier mass budget and is forced by daily air temperature and precipitation from a nearby meteorological station. The glacier shows a mean annual mass balance of –0.35 m w.e.a^(–1) during the past 64 years, with an acceleration of –0.50 m w.e. a^(–1) during the recent years. A cumulative mass loss of the glacier is ~22.3 m w.e. over the study period, about 56% of which is observed during 1991–2014. In addition to the contribution of temperature rise and precipitation decrease to recent mass loss of the glacier, an experimental analysis, in which the cleanand dark ice surfaces are respectively assumed to cover the entire ablation zone, indicates that dark ice surface, caused by insoluble impurities consisting of mineral dusts, cryoconite granules, and ice algae, plays a crucial role in the changing mass balance through enhancing melt rates in the ablation zone of the glacier. 展开更多
关键词 集体平衡 黑暗的冰表面 冰河号码 31 Suntar-Khayata 范围 西伯利亚
Strike-slip Faults in the West Siberian Basin: Implications for Petroleum Exploration and Development 被引量:18
作者 G. N. Gogonenkov A.I. Timurziev 《岩性油气藏》 CSCD 2010年第F07期97-108,共12页
A Seismotectonic Zonation Map of Eastern Siberia: New Principles and Methods of Mapping 被引量:1
作者 L. P. Imaeva V. S. Imaev +1 位作者 O. P. Smekalin N. N. Grib 《Open Journal of Earthquake Research》 2015年第4期115-125,共11页
The paper reviews goals and objectives, stages and components of a seismotectonic study conducted in Eastern Siberia, Russia. Based on a comprehensive analysis of geological and geophysical data, our study establishes... The paper reviews goals and objectives, stages and components of a seismotectonic study conducted in Eastern Siberia, Russia. Based on a comprehensive analysis of geological and geophysical data, our study establishes whether the local earthquakes are of tectonic origin and reveals relationships among earthquakes with recent geodynamic processes in the area under study. Seismic hazard assessment and evaluation of tectonic processes are the two major closely interrelated aspects of seismotectonic studies. A seismotectonic study is generally combined with a seismic study and conducted prior to the stage of detailed seismic zonation (DSZ) which is followed by seismic micro-zonation (SMZ). In three stages of the seismotectonic study, we analyze specific geological structures, reveal the regional dynamics of seismotectonic processes, clarify details of potential seismic hazard locations and identify sites of the potential instantaneous deformation of the crust which may take place due to active faulting. Based on results of our longterm studies, a seismotectonic zonation map of Eastern Siberia is compiled. The paper briefly reviews the methods of mapping and refers to data on active faults and neotectonic structures revealed in the area under study, which are closely related to regional earthquake sources. 展开更多
关键词 SEISMOTECTONIC Studies SEISMIC Hazard Active Faults Geological and Geomorphological METHODS TRENCHING SEISMIC Source Zones SEISMIC BELTS SEISMIC Belt Segments SEISMOTECTONIC ZONATION Map of Eastern siberia
The Paleogeographic Reconstruction for the Central Regions of the Western Siberian Basin in the Middle Jurassic Epoch
作者 Aleksey Yu.Popov Lyudmila G.Vakulenko Valeriy A.Kazanenkov 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第S1期193-193,共1页
The complex investigation of the Bathonian sedimentary deposits in central regions of the WestSiberian basin was done.On the basis both of lithofacial analysis of core clefts and the geophysical investigation data and... The complex investigation of the Bathonian sedimentary deposits in central regions of the WestSiberian basin was done.On the basis both of lithofacial analysis of core clefts and the geophysical investigation data and taking into account the tectonic features of the Jurassic structural storey the sedimenttological model of deposits was built and the main regularities of its building were identified.At the initial stage the framework of alluvial lower plain 展开更多
关键词 PALEOGEOGRAPHY LITHOLOGY sediment-tary environments Middle JURASSIC Western siberia
High Resolution Land Cover Datasets Integration and Application Based on Landsat and GlobCover Data from 1975 to 2010 in Siberia
作者 LIU Tingxiang ZHANG Shuwen +3 位作者 XU Xinliang BU Kun NING Jia CHANG Liping 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期429-438,共10页
Land cover is recognized as one of the fundamental terrestrial datasets required in land system change and other ecosystem related researches across the globe. The regional differentiation and spatial-temporal variati... Land cover is recognized as one of the fundamental terrestrial datasets required in land system change and other ecosystem related researches across the globe. The regional differentiation and spatial-temporal variation of land cover has significant impact on regional natural environment and socio-economic sustainable development. Under this context, we reconstructed the history land cover data in Siberia to provide a comparable datasets to the land cover datasets in China and abroad. In this paper, the European Space Agency(ESA) Global Land Cover Map(GlobCover), Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM), Enhanced Thematic Mapper(ETM), Multispectral Scanner(MSS) images, Google Earth images and other additional data were used to produce the land cover datasets in 1975 and 2010 in Siberia. Data evaluation show that the total user′s accuracy of land cover data in 2010 was 86.96%, which was higher than ESA GlobCover data in Siberia. The analysis on the land cover changes found that there were no big land cover changes in Siberia from 1975 to 2010 with only a few conversions between different natural forest types. The mainly changes are the conversion from deciduous needleleaf forest to deciduous broadleaf forest, deciduous needleleaf forest to mixed forest, savannas to deciduous needleleaf forest etc., indicating that the dominant driving factor of land cover changes in Siberia was natural element rather than human activities at some extent, which was very different from China. However, our purpose was not just to produce the land cover datasets at two time period or explore the driving factors of land cover changes in Siberia, we also paid attention on the significance and application of the datasets in various fields such as global climate change, geopolitics, cross-border cooperation and so on. 展开更多
关键词 土地覆盖变化 LANDSAT 西伯利亚 数据集成 高分辨率 应用 社会经济可持续发展 落叶阔叶林
Lithologic and Petrographic Characteristics of Vend-Palaeozoic Sediments of the Southeast of West Siberia
作者 Tumashov Igor 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第S1期202-202,共1页
Parametrical borehole Vostok-3 was drilled in southern part of Predyenisey oil-and-gas bearing area. The unique section of Upper Vendian and Lower Cambrian for West Siberia was discovered there. Researches were devote... Parametrical borehole Vostok-3 was drilled in southern part of Predyenisey oil-and-gas bearing area. The unique section of Upper Vendian and Lower Cambrian for West Siberia was discovered there. Researches were devoted to discover the characteristics of influence of sedimentary environments and to reveal optimum of them on creation of porous space in rocks.The carbonates of 展开更多
关键词 Vendian-Cambrian CARBONATE WEST siberia
Chronology and Geochemistry of the Berezitovoe Polymetallic Gold Deposit in Eastern Siberia, Russia and its Geological Significance
作者 ZHANG Guobin YANG Yanchen +4 位作者 Alexander S.VAKH Vadim G. KHOMICH WANG Keyong YE Songqing HAN Shijiong 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期1733-1750,共18页
The Berezitovoe deposit is a large-sized Au-Ag-Zn-Pb deposit in the east of the SelengaStanovoi superterrane, Russia. Au-Ag orebodies are hosted by tourmaline-garnet-quartz-muscovite metasomatic rocks; Zn-Pb orebodies... The Berezitovoe deposit is a large-sized Au-Ag-Zn-Pb deposit in the east of the SelengaStanovoi superterrane, Russia. Au-Ag orebodies are hosted by tourmaline-garnet-quartz-muscovite metasomatic rocks; Zn-Pb orebodies are hosted by granodiorites, porphyritic granites and tourmalinegarnet-quartz-muscovite metasomatic rocks. These orebodies are surrounded by wall rocks dominated by the Tukuringra Complex granodiorites, porphyritic granites, and gneissic granodiorites. The alteration includes silicification and garnet, sericitization chloritization, carbonatization and kaollinization. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating indicates that the gold mineralization can be divided into two stages in the Berezitovoe polymetallic gold deposit(at 363.5 ± 1.5 Ma, and133.4± 0.5).Hornblende-plagioclase gneisses of the Mogocha Group in the study area underwent Paleoproterozoic metamorphism(at 1870 ± 7.8 and 2400 ± 13 Ma), gneissic granodiorite of the Tukuringra Complex yields a late Paleozoic magmatic age(at 379.2 ± 1.1 Ma),and subalkaline porphyritic granitoid of the Amudzhikan Complex yield late Mesozoic magmatic ages(133-139 and 150-163 Ma). Granodiorites of the Tukuringra Complex in the study area have high concentrations of SiO_2(average of 60.9 wt%), are aluminum-oversaturated(average A/CNK of 1.49), are enriched in the large ion lithophile elements(e.g.,K, Rb, and Ba), U, Th, and Pb, are depleted in high field strength elements(e.g., Ta, Nb, and Ti), and have slightly negative Eu and no Ce anomalies in chondrite-normalized rare earth element diagrams.Fluid inclusions from quartz veins include three types: aqueous two-phase, CO2-bearing three-phase,and pure CO2. Aqueous two-phase inclusions homogenize at 167℃-249℃ and have salinities of 4.32%-9.47% NaCl equivalent, densities of 0.86-0.95 g/cm^3, and formed at depths of 0.52-0.94 km. In comparison, the CO2-bearing three-phase inclusions have homogenization temperatures of 265℃-346℃,salinities of 7.14%-11.57% NaCl equivalent, and total densities of 0.62-0.67 g/cm^3. The geochemical and zircon U-Pb data and the regional tectonic evolution of the study area, show that the Berezitovoe polymetallic gold deposit formed in an island arc or active continental margin setting, most probably related to late Paleozoic subduction of Okhotsk Ocean crust beneath the Siberian Plate. 展开更多
关键词 GEOCHEMISTRY U-Pb zircon dating fluid inclusions Berezitovoe polymetallic gold deposit Eastern siberia RUSSIA
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