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作者 段燕丽 姜梅 伍绍文 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2024年第18期77-80,共4页
目的探讨改良版加拿大急诊分诊量表(CTAS)在产科急诊中的应用效果。方法选取2020年7月至12月首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院急诊科就诊的3600名孕妇为研究对象,按照就诊月份将其分为对照组(7、9、11月就诊的孕妇)和观察组(8、10、12月就... 目的探讨改良版加拿大急诊分诊量表(CTAS)在产科急诊中的应用效果。方法选取2020年7月至12月首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院急诊科就诊的3600名孕妇为研究对象,按照就诊月份将其分为对照组(7、9、11月就诊的孕妇)和观察组(8、10、12月就诊的孕妇),每组1800名。对照组采用常规预检分诊标准,观察组采用改良版CTAS分诊标准进行预检分诊。比较两组分诊级别、等候时间、分诊准确率及满意度。结果两组分诊级别比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级分诊等待时间短于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组分诊准确率及满意度高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论采用改良版CTAS分诊标准能明显缩短孕妇等候时间、提高分诊准确率和满意度,可作为产科急诊分诊工具之一。 展开更多
关键词 改良版加拿大急诊分诊量表 产科急诊 分诊
作者 李长利 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2024年第3期66-72,共7页
加拿大建国初期,民族主义者通过文化盗用与民族想象完成了身份认同。然而,加拿大“想象的共同体”却无限遮蔽了原住民投注于冰球的精神与文化内涵。作为一种起源于原住民社会的普通运动,原住民冰球彰显出鲜明的共同体特质:作为一种沟通... 加拿大建国初期,民族主义者通过文化盗用与民族想象完成了身份认同。然而,加拿大“想象的共同体”却无限遮蔽了原住民投注于冰球的精神与文化内涵。作为一种起源于原住民社会的普通运动,原住民冰球彰显出鲜明的共同体特质:作为一种沟通神灵与祖灵的神圣仪式,原住民冰球不仅负载了深厚的民族情感和民族气质,而且也发挥着抵御殖民征服和集体疗愈的现实功能。还原原住民冰球的共同体意蕴,不仅是检视加拿大殖民历史与殖民统治的重要途径,也为发展多元文化和构建人类命运共同体打开了一个全新视角。 展开更多
关键词 加拿大冰球 原住民冰球 民族想象 共同体意蕴
作者 蒋瑛 《外国语文研究》 2024年第1期46-56,共11页
在加拿大多元社会语境、作家“当地人”文学价值表达需求以及全球化大背景等因素的共同影响下,90年代之后的加拿大华裔文学呈现出世界性的批评视野和“去族裔化”的写作趋势。与其他华裔新生代作家在族裔人物框定下探讨多元主题不同,刘... 在加拿大多元社会语境、作家“当地人”文学价值表达需求以及全球化大背景等因素的共同影响下,90年代之后的加拿大华裔文学呈现出世界性的批评视野和“去族裔化”的写作趋势。与其他华裔新生代作家在族裔人物框定下探讨多元主题不同,刘绮芬在短篇故事集《新女郎》中直接略去女性人物的族裔标志,借助第一人称模糊叙事导致的不确定性将所有有类似经历的个体联合,为社会中更广泛的弱势群体发声。《新女郎》中的“去族裔化”书写呈现对人类生存超越时代和历史的思考,并以女性视角彰显文学价值,让作品具有了更普遍的人类学意义。但没有文化根基的过度去族裔化和普世性价值追求会让华裔文学陷入超族裔化和泛中心化的危险,刘绮芬借助副文本和故事中未言明的隐性内容显影族裔之影,试图在追求文学审美与坚守加拿大华裔文学民族特性之间找到平衡。 展开更多
关键词 《新女郎》 去族裔化 文学价值 族裔性 加拿大华裔文学新面向
作者 王祎 伊巍 《八桂侨刊》 2024年第2期15-24,94,共11页
2021年,加拿大华人数量逾171万,其中以中文为母语的人口逾129万人。如此庞大的华人群体构建出的祖裔语言生态,对于加拿大语言环境和政策的影响不可小觑。对于中文语言生态的构建,除了政府公共教育系统中的中文教育和孔子学院之外,非政... 2021年,加拿大华人数量逾171万,其中以中文为母语的人口逾129万人。如此庞大的华人群体构建出的祖裔语言生态,对于加拿大语言环境和政策的影响不可小觑。对于中文语言生态的构建,除了政府公共教育系统中的中文教育和孔子学院之外,非政府供给主体主要包括中文学校、华人社团、华文媒体、社区中心以及家庭,各主体在加拿大中文教育和文化传播过程中共同构建了“以政府供给为主、社会参与、市场运作、家庭营造”的加拿大中文语言生态协同供给模式。这为华文教育与国际中文教育融合发展以及跨文化交流交融的效能提升创造了优越环境。 展开更多
关键词 加拿大华人 中文教育 中文语言生态 协同供给
作者 裴晓光 刘延军 +5 位作者 王志超 薛岩 王伟 车金良 姜有山 王衍法 《石化技术与应用》 CAS 2024年第3期186-192,共7页
对加拿大油砂稀释原油进行了常减压蒸馏-溶剂(正戊烷)脱沥青-调和改质加工工艺优化研究。结果表明:萃取温度180℃、剂油比(溶剂与减压渣油的体积比)8∶1、萃取压力4.4 MPa为较优的脱沥青萃取工艺条件;在上述较优条件下制备的脱沥青油与... 对加拿大油砂稀释原油进行了常减压蒸馏-溶剂(正戊烷)脱沥青-调和改质加工工艺优化研究。结果表明:萃取温度180℃、剂油比(溶剂与减压渣油的体积比)8∶1、萃取压力4.4 MPa为较优的脱沥青萃取工艺条件;在上述较优条件下制备的脱沥青油与常、减压馏分油按比例调和,并掺加体积分数为16.5%的稀释剂(石脑油)所制得的合成油,不仅满足加拿大管输油的标准要求,还降低稀释剂掺量的45%~52%;而且,所得脱油沥青能够有效改善基质沥青的高温性能,可作为性能优异的硬质沥青改质添加组分。 展开更多
关键词 加拿大油砂 稀释原油 溶剂脱沥青 改质 调和 合成油 硬质沥青 管道输送
作者 张丽 《图书馆杂志》 北大核心 2024年第7期28-36,共9页
2023年5月《加拿大开放教育资源国家倡议框架》(简称《框架》)发布,这是加拿大第一个联邦层面的开放教育政策。《框架》总共包括6个部分与5个附录,重点关注法语开放教育资源、土著民开放教育资源和泛加拿大人开放教育资源三类资源。建... 2023年5月《加拿大开放教育资源国家倡议框架》(简称《框架》)发布,这是加拿大第一个联邦层面的开放教育政策。《框架》总共包括6个部分与5个附录,重点关注法语开放教育资源、土著民开放教育资源和泛加拿大人开放教育资源三类资源。建设主体、资金保障、基础设施以及开放获取是《框架》的核心问题。推动国家层面开放教育资源政策出台,搭建开放教育资源政策体系;激发高校图书馆的开放教育资源建设主体意识,引领开放教育资源发展;关注开放教育资源政策的核心问题,建设特色开放教育资源是《框架》带给我国的启示。 展开更多
关键词 开放教育资源 加拿大 加拿大研究图书馆协会 《加拿大开放教育资源国家倡议框架》
作者 翟乃刚 《云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版)》 2024年第4期19-28,共10页
汉字难写是困扰国际中文教育界多年的难题。电脑、网络以及人工智能的发展让技术赋能中文教学成为常态。“电写”作为解决汉字难写的尝试,近年来引发了国际中文教学界的重点关注。本文以加拿大小学生“拼音打字”的偏误为研究对象,分析... 汉字难写是困扰国际中文教育界多年的难题。电脑、网络以及人工智能的发展让技术赋能中文教学成为常态。“电写”作为解决汉字难写的尝试,近年来引发了国际中文教学界的重点关注。本文以加拿大小学生“拼音打字”的偏误为研究对象,分析出字形、语音、语法、输入法四大类(二十一小类)偏误类型,并对其成因做了探析。据此,我们提出了相应的教学对策,分析了“拼音打字”利弊,进而探析了电写时代国际中文教育的特点。 展开更多
关键词 电写时代 汉字 教学模式 加拿大小学生 偏误
从Guide to Canadian English Usage(第二版)看加拿大英语特色词汇及其用法
作者 王翠翠 《科教文汇》 2012年第28期137-139,共3页
在经济全球化背景下,出于贸易交流、文化传播等活动的需要,世界语言—英语被广泛学习。各国语言学家粗略地把英语分为英国英语和美国英语两大变体。因为美国的强国地位及其好莱坞效应,美国英语在各种场合较之英国英语被更广泛使用。而... 在经济全球化背景下,出于贸易交流、文化传播等活动的需要,世界语言—英语被广泛学习。各国语言学家粗略地把英语分为英国英语和美国英语两大变体。因为美国的强国地位及其好莱坞效应,美国英语在各种场合较之英国英语被更广泛使用。而在与美国接壤的加拿大,一直被语言学家定义为以英国英语为基础,受美国英语强烈影响的加拿大英语仍在全球化背景下保持着自己的语言特色。文章通过对Guide to Canadian English Usage(第二版)的解析,粗略列举加拿大英语中现存的特色词汇并与英、美英语进行比较、分析。 展开更多
关键词 加拿大英语 特色词汇 用法分析
Regional characteristics of sea ice thickness in Canadian shelf and Arctic Archipelago measured by Ground Penetrating Radar 被引量:1
作者 LI Tao ZHAO Jinping +2 位作者 JIAO Yutian HOU Jiaqiang MU Longjiang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期110-116,共7页
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) measurements of sea ice thickness including undeformed ice and ridged ice were carried out in the central north Canadian Archipelago in spring 2010. Results have shown a significant sp... Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) measurements of sea ice thickness including undeformed ice and ridged ice were carried out in the central north Canadian Archipelago in spring 2010. Results have shown a significant spatial heterogeneity of sea ice thickness across the shelf. The undeformed multi-year fast ice of (2.05±0.09) m thick was investigated southern inshore zone of Borden island located at middle of the observational section, which was the observed maximum thickness in the field work. The less thick sea ice was sampled across a flaw lead with the thicknesses of (1.05±0.11) m for the pack ice and (1.24±0.13) m for the fast ice. At the northernmost spot of the section, the undeformed multi-year pack ice was (1.54±0.22) m thick with a ridged ice of 2.5 to 3 m, comparing to the multi-year fast ice with the thickness of (1.67±0.16) m at the southernmost station in the Prince Gustaf Adolf Sea. 展开更多
关键词 ARCTIC sea ice thickness canadian Archipelago Ground Penetrating Radar
Concentrations and distribution of elements in milled-coal, power plant ashes and stack-emitted materials in a Western Canadian coal-fired power plant 被引量:1
作者 Fariborz Goodarzi Hamed Sanei Julito Reyes 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 2006年第B08期47-47,共1页
关键词 煤矿 灰分 中子活化分析 浓聚物
Distribution of general aerobic heterotrophic bacteria in sediment core taken from the Canadian basin and the Chukchi Sea 被引量:1
作者 高爱国 陈皓文 《Chinese Journal of Polar Science》 2008年第1期14-22,共9页
The occurrence percentage and abundance of General Aerobic Hetero- trophic Bacteria (GAB) were determined by using the method of MPN for 182 sub- samples from 10 sediment cores taken from the Canadian basin and the ... The occurrence percentage and abundance of General Aerobic Hetero- trophic Bacteria (GAB) were determined by using the method of MPN for 182 sub- samples from 10 sediment cores taken from the Canadian basin and the Chukchi Sea at two different culturing temperatures. The results showed that the general occurrence percentage of GAB was quite high, average abundanees of GAB at cultured temperatares of 4℃ and 25℃ were 4.46 ×10^7 and 5.47×10^7 cells·g^-1(wt), respectively. The highest abundance of GAB occurred at 20 -22 cm section in the sediment. GAB abundances changed among the section of sediments, but there is a trend : the a-bundances at the middle or lower sections were lower than those at upper section. Cultivation at 25℃ could improve the occurrence percentage and abundances of GAB, which suggests that the increasing of temperature may change the living circum-stances of GAB. The differences of GAB among the latitudes areas indicated that occurrence percentage and abundances of GAB in middle latitude areas were higher than those in the higher or lower latitude areas, and were more obvious at 4℃ than those at 25℃. The GAB abundances in sediment under the shallower water seemed to be low- er than those in sediments under the deeper water and this status was more obvious at 25℃ than that at 4℃. 展开更多
关键词 The canadian Basin the Chukchi Sea general aerobic heterotrophicbacteria spatial distribution sediment core.
Analysis of the ecological philosophy reflected in Canadian literature 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO Qian 《Ecological Economy》 2019年第3期233-238,共6页
With the rapid progress of modernization in the human society,the contradiction between economic development and ecological harmony has become a global problem.The Canadian literature contains a lot of ecological phil... With the rapid progress of modernization in the human society,the contradiction between economic development and ecological harmony has become a global problem.The Canadian literature contains a lot of ecological philosophy,which includes the love of nature,the care for animals and the spiritual ecology.Literary writers in Canada write about the relationship between man and nature,man and animals as well as the relationship among different people in the society.Under the three perspectives mentioned above,writers reveal many serious ecological problems.Using Canadian Literature as an example,we can dig out some valuable ecological ideas.These are very helpful for us to solve the increasingly serious crisis related to ecology. 展开更多
关键词 canadian LITERATURE ecological PHILOSOPHY love nature PROTECT ANIMALS SPIRITUAL ecology
胎次、配种季节、背膘厚度、与配公猪品种对加系大约克夏母猪繁殖性能的影响 被引量:2
作者 王俊锋 郭晶 +4 位作者 连慧香 赵云焕 晁诗雨 刘佳 刘英丽 《中国饲料》 北大核心 2023年第8期29-32,共4页
试验以湖北省某猪场1219窝不同胎次加系大约克夏母猪繁殖记录为基础,分析了不同胎次、配种季节、背膘厚、与配公猪品种对其繁殖性能的影响。结果表明:(1)母猪健仔数和断奶数均以3~4胎次最佳,初生窝重3~4胎次最重,显著高于1、2、5、7、8... 试验以湖北省某猪场1219窝不同胎次加系大约克夏母猪繁殖记录为基础,分析了不同胎次、配种季节、背膘厚、与配公猪品种对其繁殖性能的影响。结果表明:(1)母猪健仔数和断奶数均以3~4胎次最佳,初生窝重3~4胎次最重,显著高于1、2、5、7、8胎次(P<0.05);弱仔数、畸形数、死胎数及木乃伊数随胎次的增加呈不规律变化;(2)与其他配种季节相比,冬季配种母猪的初生窝重最重,死胎数最低,木乃伊数最高,且差异均显著(P<0.05),但配种季节对健仔数和断奶数的影响不显著(P>0.05);(3)妊娠后期母猪背膘厚度17~20 mm时健仔数和初生窝重最高,14~17 mm时弱仔数和畸形数最低,但差异均不显著(P>0.05);(4)除了死胎数和木乃伊数外,与配公猪为长白公猪的母猪健仔数和断奶数均显著高于与配公猪为加系大约克夏公猪的母猪(P<0.05),但对初生窝重、弱仔数和畸形数无显著影响(P>0.05)。由此可知,胎次、配种季节、背膘厚度及与配公猪品种均不同程度地影响加系大约克夏母猪的繁殖性能,其中加系大约克夏母猪3~4胎次、冬季配种、与配公猪为长白公猪及妊娠后期背膘厚度控制在17~20 mm时繁殖性能最佳。 展开更多
关键词 加系大约克夏 胎次 配种季节 背膘厚度 与配公猪品种 繁殖性能
Low ^(210)Pb in the upper thermocline in the Canadian Basin: scavenge process over the Chukchi Sea
作者 HU Wangjiang CHEN Min +3 位作者 YANG Weifeng ZHANG Run QIU Yusheng ZHENG Minfang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期28-39,共12页
210pb was measured during the 3rd Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition cruise to investigate its spa- tial pattern in the western Arctic Ocean, as well as its relation with the thermocline in the Canadian Basin... 210pb was measured during the 3rd Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition cruise to investigate its spa- tial pattern in the western Arctic Ocean, as well as its relation with the thermocline in the Canadian Basin. The specific activities varied from 0.04 to 2.72, 〈0.013 to 4.37, and 0.1 to 4.85 Bq/m3 for dissolved, particu- late, and bulk 210pb, respectively, corresponding to respective averages of 0.65, 0.43, and 1.08 Bq/m3. In the Canadian Basin, the minimum 210pb activities occurred in the thermocline, which was characterized by low temperature of-1.52℃ and salinity of 33.1. Combining the spatial distribution of 210pb and hydrographical characteristics in the western Arctic Ocean, this scenario was ascribed to the effective scavenging of 210pb when the Pacific water flowed across the Chukchi Shelf. Quantitatively, this interpretation was supported by both the shorter residence times and higher scavenging efficiencies (SE) of dissolved 210pb over the Chukchi Shelf. The highest SE values were observed in the Herald Shoal and bottom waters over the slope. 展开更多
关键词 210Pb HALOCLINE canadian Basin Chukchi Sea
No-core-melt assessment for Canadian-SCWR under LOCA/LOECC
作者 吴攀 单建强 +3 位作者 苟军利 张斌 张博 王贺南 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期59-66,共8页
The safety analysis code SCTRAN for SCWR(Super Critical Water Reactor) is modified to own the capability to assess the radiation heat transfer with developing a two-dimensional heat conduction solution scheme and inco... The safety analysis code SCTRAN for SCWR(Super Critical Water Reactor) is modified to own the capability to assess the radiation heat transfer with developing a two-dimensional heat conduction solution scheme and incorporating a radiation heat transfer model. The verification of the developed radiation heat transfer model is conducted through code-to-code comparison with CATHENA. The results show that the modified SCTRAN code is successful for that the maximum absolute error and relative error of the surface temperature between results of SCTRAN and CATHENA are 6.1°C and 0.9%, which are acceptable in temperature prediction. Then,with the modified SCTRAN code, the loss of coolant accident with a total loss of emergency core cooling system(LOCA/LOECC) of Canadian-SCWR is carried out to evaluate its "no-core-melt" concept. The following conclusions are achieved: 1) in the process of LOCA, the decay heat can be totally removed by the radiation heat transfer and the natural convection of the high-temperature coolant, even without an intervention of ECCS(Emergency Core Cooling System); 2) The peak cladding temperature of the fuel pins in the inner and outer rings of the high power group are 1236°C and 1177°C respectively, which are much lower than the melting point of the fuel sheath. It indicates that the Canadian-SCWR can achieve "no-core-melt" concept under LOCA/LOECC. 展开更多
关键词 LOCA 加拿大 评估 无芯 应急堆芯冷却系统 辐射传热模型 超临界水 表面温度
Cenomanian-Turonian Foraminiferal Zones of West Siberian Province and Their Correlation with Canadian Province
作者 V. M. Podobina 《Open Journal of Geology》 2017年第8期1176-1187,共12页
Data on Late Cenomanian and Early Turonian foraminiferal assemblages in the northern palaeo biogeographical district of the West Siberian province are summarized in the paper. In addition, the section of borehole 1016... Data on Late Cenomanian and Early Turonian foraminiferal assemblages in the northern palaeo biogeographical district of the West Siberian province are summarized in the paper. In addition, the section of borehole 1016 of the Parusovaya area located in the far north of the province is considered. New information on the foraminiferal zones of this stratigraphic level along with the previously known sections of the Tazovskaya, Purpeiskaya, Van-Eganskaya areas provided an opportunity to carry out a correlation of these zones between the West Siberian and the Canadian provinces (Western Canada, Northern Alaska). The West Siberian Late Cenomanian Trochammina wetteri tumida, Verneuilinoides kansasensis and the Early Turonian Gaudryinopsis angustus foraminiferal zones have their analogues as similar zones in the Canadian province. Due to the provided correlation of the micropalaeontological (foraminiferal) zones, their age in the West Siberian province has been clarified. Besides, similarity of the conditions of dwelling within the boundaries of the entire Arctic palaeobiogeographical realm has been observed. 展开更多
关键词 Foraminifera Upper CENOMANIAN Lower Turonian ZONES CORRELATION West Siberian canadian Provinces
Regional Climate Index for Floods and Droughts Using Canadian Climate Model (CGCM3.1)
作者 Nassir El-Jabi Noyan Turkkan Daniel Caissie 《American Journal of Climate Change》 2013年第2期106-115,共10页
The impacts of climate change on the discharge regimes in New Brunswick (Canada) were analyzed, using artificial neural network models. Future climate data were extracted from the Canadian Coupled General Climate Mode... The impacts of climate change on the discharge regimes in New Brunswick (Canada) were analyzed, using artificial neural network models. Future climate data were extracted from the Canadian Coupled General Climate Model (CGCM3.1) under the greenhouse gas emission scenarios B1 and A2 defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The climate change fields (temperatures and precipitation) were downscaled using the delta change approach. Using the artificial neural network, future river discharge was predicted for selected hydrometric stations. Then, a frequency analysis was carried out using the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution function, where the parameters of the distribution were estimated using L-moments method. Depending on the scenario and the time slice used, the increase in low return floods was about 30% and about 15% for higher return floods. Low flows showed increases of about 10% for low return droughts and about 20% for higher return droughts. An important part of the design process using frequency analysis is the estimation of future change in floods or droughts under climate scenarios at a given site and for specific return periods. This was carried out through the development of Regional Climate Index (RCI), linking future floods and droughts to their frequencies under climate scenarios B1 and A2. 展开更多
关键词 canadian CLIMATE Model Artificial NEURAL Networks Floods DROUGHTS REGIONAL CLIMATE Index
Geographical distribution of general aerobic heterotrophic bacteria in surficial sediments from the Chukchi Sea and Canadian Basin
作者 高爱国 陈皓文 《Chinese Journal of Polar Science》 2007年第2期147-154,共8页
This paper determined the abundance of General Aerobic heterotrophic Bacteria (GAB) in surficial sediments from the Chukchi Sea and the Canadian basin by using MPN and discussed their geographical distribution. The ... This paper determined the abundance of General Aerobic heterotrophic Bacteria (GAB) in surficial sediments from the Chukchi Sea and the Canadian basin by using MPN and discussed their geographical distribution. The result shows that the determination percentages of the GAB were high, even till 100 percentage. The abundance range and averages of GAB for 4℃and 25℃ were from 4.00 × 10^2 to 2.40× 10^6 , 1.71×10^6 ind.·g^-1 (wet sample ) and from 2.40 ×10^5 to 2.40×10^7 , 1.10×10^7 ind. ·g^-1 (wet sample ) respectively. Not only the abundance range but also the averages of GAB in 25℃ were higher than that in 4℃. The abundance of GAB in sediments show a tendency that it is roughly greater in the lower latitudinal area than in the higher latitudinal area. The abundance of GAB increased from east to west as for the longitudinal distribution. With the water depth increasing, the abundance of GAB at 4℃ decreased, but GBA at 25℃ is not changed obviously with water depth. It seems that warmer circumstantial temperature is more suitable for some GAB. 展开更多
关键词 the Arctic Ocean the Chukchi Sea the canadian Basin General Aerobic Heterotrophic Bacteria (GAB) geographic distribution.
作者 张艳玉 王欣 +3 位作者 孙晓飞 王成胜 孙君 任树亮 《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第3期10-17,共8页
常规SAGD开采蒸汽超覆现象严重、蒸汽腔发育不均匀、后期开发效果差,非凝析气体辅助SAGD开采即SAGP(steam and gas push)可有效改善SAGD开发效果,但SAGP开采机理、开发特征和影响因素仍未完全明确。采用室内实验和数值模拟相结合方法,揭... 常规SAGD开采蒸汽超覆现象严重、蒸汽腔发育不均匀、后期开发效果差,非凝析气体辅助SAGD开采即SAGP(steam and gas push)可有效改善SAGD开发效果,但SAGP开采机理、开发特征和影响因素仍未完全明确。采用室内实验和数值模拟相结合方法,揭示SAGP开采机理,明确蒸汽腔发育、剩余油分布等开发特征,探讨非凝析气体类型、注入方式、注入时机等因素的影响规律。结果表明:非凝析气体可降低稠油黏度和储层顶部热量损失速率,从而提高稠油可流动性和蒸汽热利用效率;SAGP过程中利用二氧化碳的辅助效果优于甲烷和氮气,尽早注入非凝析气体可形成“椭圆形”蒸汽腔;非凝析气体注入速率为4000 m^(3)/d时效果最好,超过该值非凝析气体会抑制蒸汽腔发育;采用段塞式注入非凝析气体效果优于连续式注入方式,最优段塞长度为2个月。研究结果对于加拿大油砂SAGP高效开发具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 加拿大油砂 蒸汽辅助重力泄油 非凝析气体 数值模拟 技术机理 开发特征
作者 张文超 尹涛 +3 位作者 杨雪辉 王睿健 张盟盟 张明哲 《医学研究与战创伤救治》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第11期1149-1153,共5页
目的 探究加拿大TIA评分预测短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)发作7 d后发生缺血性脑卒中风险的效能,并与ABCD2评分进行对比。方法 回顾性选取2020年5月至2022年5月在衡水市人民医院急诊收治并确诊的174例TIA患者作为研究对象。以7 d内发生缺血性... 目的 探究加拿大TIA评分预测短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)发作7 d后发生缺血性脑卒中风险的效能,并与ABCD2评分进行对比。方法 回顾性选取2020年5月至2022年5月在衡水市人民医院急诊收治并确诊的174例TIA患者作为研究对象。以7 d内发生缺血性脑卒中为观察终点。以7 d内发生了缺血性脑卒中为阳性组,7 d内没有发生缺血性脑卒中为阴性组。分别采用加拿大TIA评分和ABCD2评分进行危险分层(加拿大TIA评分,低危:-3~3分,中危:4~8分,高危:9~23分;ABCD2评分,低危:0~3分,中危:4~5分,高危:6~7分),并进行比较。结果 7 d内发生缺血性脑卒中28例(16.1%)。在加拿大TIA评分中,低危27例,中危123例,高危24例,7 d内缺血性脑梗死发生情况:低危1例,中危19例,高危8例,区间似然比分别为0.18、1.11和1.74。ABCD2评分中,低危0例,中危159例,高危15例,7 d内缺血性脑梗死发生情况:低危0例,中危23例,高危5例,区间似然比分别为0、0.87和3.26。加拿大TIA评分受试者曲线的曲线下面积高于ABCD2评分(0.73 vs 0.61,P=0.001)。结论 加拿大TIA评分可以更好预测TIA患者早期发生脑梗死的风险,对控制TIA患者7 d内发生缺血性脑梗死具有重要的临床价值。 展开更多
关键词 加拿大TIA评分 ABCD2评分 短暂性脑缺血发作 缺血性脑梗死
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