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Combined effects of MPA and EBRT in stage Ic endometrial cancer patients
作者 Rumana Jafarey Wei Zhang Sun Jing 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2008年第11期650-657,共8页
Objective: To report the comparative effect of combined medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) and external beam pelvic radiotherapy (EBRT) with EBRT alone on local or distant recurrences, overall survival and treatme... Objective: To report the comparative effect of combined medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) and external beam pelvic radiotherapy (EBRT) with EBRT alone on local or distant recurrences, overall survival and treatment related toxicities in patients with stage Ic grade 3 endometrial cancer. Methods: A retrospective review of 80 International Federation of Gyne- cology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage Ic grade 3 endometrial carcinoma patients treated between October 1994 and October 2004 at Renmin Hospital, Wuhan University, China was performed. All patients underwent surgery, of which 40 patients in arm I received combined MPA and EBRT while in arm II 40 patients received only adjuvant EBRT after surgery. The median dose of EBRT in arm I was 50 Gy (range 36-54 Gy) and in arm Ⅱ was 45.2 Gy (range 43.2-50.4 Gy). Multivariate analysis was performed for the prognostic factors and Kaplan-Meier method was used for overall survival. Results: Of the 80 eligible patients, 40 in each group could be evaluated. The follow-up times ranged from 4-98 months with a median of 45 months. The overall survival rates at five years were 73% among patients treated with combined MPA and EBRT and 28.2% among patients treated with EBRT alone (P 〈 0.001). The rate of distant metastasis was significantly higher among patients treated with EBRT alone group than combined MPA and EBRT (55% vs 25%, P = 0.006) while no difference in Ioco regional recurrence rates was observed in both treatment groups. Most of the side effects observed in the combined MPA and EBRT group. Age (P 〈 0.001) and the presence of progesterone receptors (P = 0.003) were independent significant prognostic factors for overall surviva} in multiple regression analysis. Conclusion: We has been concluded that the addition of progestagen to external beam pelvic radiotherapy significantly improved survival and reduced distant metastasis among women with stage Ic grade 3 endometrial cancer. 展开更多
关键词 endometrial carcinoma FIGO stage Ic grade 3 medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) external beam pelvicradiotherapy (ebrt)
生物滴滤塔处理模拟甲硫醚废气 被引量:10
作者 何硕 周楠楠 +2 位作者 黄琼 陈英文 沈树宝 《化工环保》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期218-222,共5页
在常温条件下,采用生物滴滤塔处理模拟甲硫醚废气,考察了气体空床停留时间(EBRT)、容积负荷、喷淋密度及营养液pH对生物滴滤塔性能的影响。实验结果表明:当EBRT为90 s、进气甲硫醚质量浓度为150 mg/m^3、喷淋密度为0.65 m^3/(m^2·... 在常温条件下,采用生物滴滤塔处理模拟甲硫醚废气,考察了气体空床停留时间(EBRT)、容积负荷、喷淋密度及营养液pH对生物滴滤塔性能的影响。实验结果表明:当EBRT为90 s、进气甲硫醚质量浓度为150 mg/m^3、喷淋密度为0.65 m^3/(m^2·h),营养液pH为6.8时,甲硫醚去除率为90%;容积负荷高于15 g/(m^3·h)时,对生物滴滤塔的性能产生抑制作用;EBRT为90 s及60 s时,最佳喷淋密度分别为0.56~0.65 m^3/(m^2·h)及0.65~0.75 m^3/(m^2·h);降解甲硫醚的微生物对pH的变化较敏感,最适营养液pH为6~7。 展开更多
关键词 生物滴滤塔 甲硫醚 废气处理 空床停留时间 容积负荷 喷淋密度 营养液pH
高剂量率^(192)铱后装机腔内加外照射治疗宫颈癌60例临床分析 被引量:2
作者 王幸斋 王阁 +2 位作者 单锦露 张志敏 徐太祥 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2011年第5期981-982,共2页
目的:探讨高剂量率192铱后装腔内加体外照射治疗宫颈癌的疗效及副作用等。方法:2005年3月至2007年1月本院放疗中心共60例宫颈癌患者,采用8MV-X线直线加速器全盆照射,开始体外全盆腔照射,5次/周,2Gy/次,剂量25-40Gy;然后中间挡铅,4个野照... 目的:探讨高剂量率192铱后装腔内加体外照射治疗宫颈癌的疗效及副作用等。方法:2005年3月至2007年1月本院放疗中心共60例宫颈癌患者,采用8MV-X线直线加速器全盆照射,开始体外全盆腔照射,5次/周,2Gy/次,剂量25-40Gy;然后中间挡铅,4个野照射,5次/周,2Gy/次,宫旁剂量20-25Gy:同时腔内治疗,1次/周,6Gy/次,剂量为35-40Gy。腔内治疗采用ZL-HDR18铱高剂量率后装治疗机,全部病例均宫颈阴道同时进行。腔内治疗每周1次,A点剂量36-40GY/6-7F/6-7w,腔内治疗当日停体外照射,治疗时间56-77天。结果:CR+PR 100%,随访超过3年,随访率达95%,3年生存率Ⅱ期88.3%,Ⅲ期82.9%;早期放射性直肠反应发生率为12.4%,膀胱反应发生率5.2%;晚期放射性直肠炎发生率13.8%,膀胱炎3.8%。结论:高剂量率192铱后装机腔内加体外治疗宫颈癌的疗效满意,患者生存率较高,耐受好,并发症少。 展开更多
关键词 宫颈癌 体外照射 腔内治疗
外放射在胰腺癌治疗中的作用 被引量:16
作者 张小建 蒋国梁 刘守业 《实用癌症杂志》 2000年第5期518-520,共3页
目的 分析体外放射治疗在晚期胰腺癌治疗中的作用。方法 回顾性分析 1991年~ 1998年收治的 77例胰腺癌。TNM分期 :Ⅱ期 19例、Ⅲ期 2 8例、Ⅳ期 30例。行Whipple术 +术后外放射 2例 ,剖腹探查 +引流术 45例 ,未手术者 30例。 77例中... 目的 分析体外放射治疗在晚期胰腺癌治疗中的作用。方法 回顾性分析 1991年~ 1998年收治的 77例胰腺癌。TNM分期 :Ⅱ期 19例、Ⅲ期 2 8例、Ⅳ期 30例。行Whipple术 +术后外放射 2例 ,剖腹探查 +引流术 45例 ,未手术者 30例。 77例中接受外放射 2 1例 (肿瘤量 9.5~ 6 2 .6Gy ,45Gy以上 12例 ;合并化疗 11例 ) ;非放射组化疗 14例 ,中药及免疫治疗 33例 ,9例术后未行其它治疗。结果 本组病例中位生存期为 15个月 ,1、3年生存率分别为 40 %和 12 %。外放疗组中位生存期 2 1个月 ,1、3年生存率分别为 6 4%和 2 3 % ;非放疗组中位生存期 10 .5个月 ,仅 1例生存 13个月 ,放疗组生存率明显提高 (P <0 .0 5 )。放疗组腹痛、腰背痛减轻率 90 % ;非放疗组疼痛减轻率 6 %。 17例黄疸患者未手术 ,其中 5例行放疗 ,黄疸减轻 3例 ;12例未放疗 ,黄疸均加重。放疗剂量大于 45Gy组 ,中位生存期 2 7个月 ,1、3年生存率分别为 6 5 %和 2 6 % ;小于 45Gy组 ,中位生存期仅 12月 ,1、3年生存率分别为 43 %和 17% ,P <0 .0 5。Cox多因素分析显示 :手术、放射治疗、放疗剂量、分期和年龄与胰腺癌的预后有显著性差异(P <0 .0 5 ) ;而全身化疗、中药及免疫治疗对生存率无显著影响。结论 外放射是影响胰腺癌预后的重要因素之? 展开更多
关键词 胰腺癌 预后 外放射 放射疗法
应用外照射放射治疗64例复发/转移性甲状腺癌的临床疗效分析 被引量:8
作者 沈晶 候晓荣 +3 位作者 甄宏楠 马佳彬 何蕾 张福泉 《基础医学与临床》 CSCD 2019年第8期1188-1192,共5页
目的分析外照射在复发/转移性甲状腺癌患者中的近期临床疗效及不良反应。方法回顾分析2008年1月至2018年1月,北京协和医院放射治疗科收治的复发/转移性甲状腺癌患者共64例。均经手术病例确诊为甲状腺癌,其中女性45例,男性19例,中位年龄6... 目的分析外照射在复发/转移性甲状腺癌患者中的近期临床疗效及不良反应。方法回顾分析2008年1月至2018年1月,北京协和医院放射治疗科收治的复发/转移性甲状腺癌患者共64例。均经手术病例确诊为甲状腺癌,其中女性45例,男性19例,中位年龄61岁,病理类型包括甲状腺乳头状癌34例,滤泡型乳头状癌4例,滤泡状癌13例,髓样癌7例,未分化癌6例。外照射均采用6MV-X线,三维适形(3DCRT)或调强(IMRT)放疗技术,根据不同的部位分割方案如下:1)复发性甲状腺癌:50.4~60Gy/25~28次,1.8~2Gy/次,调强放疗。2)转移性甲状腺癌:骨转移灶:24~50Gy/6~25次,2~4Gy/次;脑、肺、肝转移灶:48~64Gy/7~8次,6~8Gy/次。疗效评估方法:1)对于有可测量病灶的40例复发及转移性病灶,按照实体瘤治疗疗效评价标准(RECIST1.1)分析评估治疗后1月的疗效。2)应用数字疼痛评分法(NRS)评估甲状腺癌骨转移患者的近期止痛效果。结果1)40例可测量病灶的复发及转移性甲状腺癌患者,应用外照射放射治疗后,疾病控制率(DCR)为90.62%。2)24例骨转移患者,疗前NRS疼痛评分为(7.65±0.67)分,治疗结束后1个月为(4.36±1.09)分,有效率为75%(18/24)。治疗结束后3个月为(2.15±1.28)分,有效率为91.67%(22/24),P<0.05。外照射放射治疗的止疼效果有延迟。3)外照射后,分化型甲状腺癌患者体内甲状腺球蛋白(Tg)的中位下降率为56%(0%~99%),提示治疗有效。全组患者均未出现不良事件报告(CTC)-3级及以上不良反应。结论对于复发及转移性甲状腺癌患者,外照射治疗有明显改善生活质量,控制局部病灶的作用,且无严重毒副作用,可为相关临床治疗提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 甲状腺癌 复发 转移 外照射放射治疗 疗效
Comparison between Different Modalities of Treatment of Ewing Sarcoma
作者 Ranadeb Bandyopadhyay Arindam Mukherjee Ujjal Bhakat 《Open Journal of Orthopedics》 2012年第2期69-72,共4页
Background: Ewing sarcoma is the most common primary malignant tumour in patients younger than 10 years of age. The incidence is less than 1 per 1 million per year. Usually it is located in the diaphysis of long bones... Background: Ewing sarcoma is the most common primary malignant tumour in patients younger than 10 years of age. The incidence is less than 1 per 1 million per year. Usually it is located in the diaphysis of long bones. Prognosis of these tumours has improved dramatically since the introduction of multi-agent chemotherapy, from an erstwhile 10% survival rate to the current 70% for patients with non-metastatic Ewing sarcoma. Method: A retrospective review of patients with histologically confirmed Ewing sarcoma who were treated in the Department of Orthopaedics, B.S. Medical College during the time period from April 2000 to March 2012 was performed. Patients were divided into two groups: Group A included those treated by External Beam Radiotherapy (EBRT) + chemotherapy while Group B included the patients treated with surgery + chemotherapy. Results were analysed depending on the survival rates. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were compared using log-rank test and a multivariate Cox proportional hazards model was calculated. Result: The survival curves of both the groups were not found to be significantly different. Conclusion: Treatment of Ewing tumour has multiple options. No one treatment modality is superior. Survival rates of patients treated by radiation + chemotherapy are not significantly different from those treated with surgery + chemotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 EWING SARCOMA ebrt Chemotherapy Surgery Kaplan-Meier Survival CURVES COX Proportional Hazards Model
Current Status of Radiotherapy Services in Kenya
作者 Philip Kioko Ndonye Samuel Nii Adu Tagoe 《Journal of Cancer Therapy》 2022年第4期218-233,共16页
Purpose: Owing to the missing recent data regarding cancer case volumes in Kenyan hospitals since 2012, the aim of the study was to fill the gap by providing data for two hospitals in Nairobi, the post year 2012. The ... Purpose: Owing to the missing recent data regarding cancer case volumes in Kenyan hospitals since 2012, the aim of the study was to fill the gap by providing data for two hospitals in Nairobi, the post year 2012. The general situation of radiation oncology and recommendation for improvement of radiotherapy services in the country were also highlighted. Further assessment was to investigate and determine the relationship between age, different types of cancer, and gender for cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment. Materials and Methods: A data compilation, analysis, and evaluation process were conducted at two cancer treatment centers in Kenya followed by an assessment of radiotherapy cancer treatment facilities in the country. The number of the patients treated for cervical, breast prostate, esophagus, rectum, and lung cancer against their ages and gender were also compiled for assessment. Results: The number of cancer patients treated by radiotherapy continuously increased annually and he trends of the graphs in both centers were similar. Cervical cancer was the most common cancer treated by radiotherapy at the two centers, followed by breast and prostate cancer. Different types of cancer assessed were dependent on age and that cancer appeared at younger ages in female cervical and breast cancer patients as opposed to the male prostate cancer. Conclusion: The results indicate a continuous annual increase in cancer patients treated by radiotherapy in Kenya radiotherapy centers. The increase may be attributed to the rising population, limited access to cancer awareness, and the growing adoption of unhealthy lifestyles, among other factors. Female cervical and breast cancer patients contracted the disease at younger ages (46 - 50 years) compared to the male prostate cancer patients with a mean age of 61 - 65 years. Socio-economic factors, the organization of healthcare systems, and a limited workforce have been identified as some of the barriers to the provision of proper radiotherapy services in the country. 展开更多
关键词 Cancer Treatment Radiotherapy Services ebrt BRACHYTHERAPY Age Dependence
局部晚期宫颈癌自适应放疗剂量学及生存分析与毒性反应评价 被引量:14
作者 阴骏 李鹏程 +5 位作者 范子煊 冯梅 吴凡 秦远 王培 郎锦义 《肿瘤预防与治疗》 2017年第4期247-253,共7页
目的:对比研究自适应调强放疗(adaptive radiation therapy,ART)或单程调强放疗两种不同体外放疗模式治疗局部晚期宫颈癌的剂量学改变及初步临床疗效与毒性反应,探索局部晚期宫颈癌外照射合理模式。方法:收集我院2010年5月至2015年5月间... 目的:对比研究自适应调强放疗(adaptive radiation therapy,ART)或单程调强放疗两种不同体外放疗模式治疗局部晚期宫颈癌的剂量学改变及初步临床疗效与毒性反应,探索局部晚期宫颈癌外照射合理模式。方法:收集我院2010年5月至2015年5月间112例行根治性放化疗的局部晚期宫颈癌(FIGO:IIB^IVA期)病例,根据患者外照射模式不同分为两组。A组:单程放疗组,共62例患者,外照射全程未更改放疗计划;B组:自适应放疗组,共50例患者,按首程放疗计划(plan1)照射完成15次(27~30Gy)后重新制定放疗计划(plan2)并且按新计划完成后续治疗。两组患者外照射结束后均接受高剂量率腔内近距离后装治疗。放疗期间两组患者均行顺铂单药同步化疗。比较B组两程计划肿瘤体积和危及器官剂量学改变,并对两组患者进行随访,评价比较患者急慢性毒性反应发生情况及进行生存分析。结果:B组中plan2与plan1相比,肿瘤平均体积从(107.67±32.02)cm^3,退缩到(63.21±25.78)cm^3,平均缩小(41.12±13.02)cm^3,平均退缩率为(35.48±5.16)%,P<0.05。直肠平均剂量[Dmean(34.18±0.99)Gy vs.(37.09±0.74)Gy,P=0.011]、最大剂量[Dmax(50.15±0.69)Gy vs(52.05±0.77)Gy,P=0.003]、1cm^3体积受照剂量[(D1cc 48.21±2.02)Gy vs(49.90±4.19)Gy,P=0.045];膀胱平均剂量[Dmean(34.46±0.50)Gy vs(35.36±0.54)Gy,P=0.023]、最大剂量[Dmax(52.53±1.19)Gy vs(54.88±0.89)Gy,P=0.028]、1cm^3体积受照剂量[D 1cc(50.60±3.28)Gy vs(52.61±4.64)Gy,P=0.021],以上剂量指标差异均有统计学意义。A组和B组急性腹泻发生率差异有统计学意义(48.39%vs.30%,P=0.046),其它急性及慢性毒性反应发生率差异均无统计学意义。A组和B组患者中位随访时间分别为25个月和27个月,3年总生存率分别为90.9%和95.2%(P>0.05),3年无进展生存率分别为80.4%和93.3%(P>0.05)。结论:局部晚期宫颈癌外照射过程中肿瘤体积可显著性缩小,采用ART技术与单程放疗相比3年OS和PFS无明显差异,但ART技术可以降低直肠、膀胱的受照剂量,降低患者治疗期间急性腹泻的发生率。 展开更多
关键词 局部晚期宫颈癌 体外放疗 自适应放疗 剂量学 毒性反应 预后
作者 卢乐 黄少斌 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1124-1128,共5页
在好氧条件下,对利用生物滴滤塔(bio-trickling filter,BTF)反硝化净化废气中NOx的过程进行了理论模型探讨,并用实验结果进行了验证。在分析NOx在BTF内传质以及生物降解过程的基础上,建立了NOx在气相和生物膜相的质量守恒方程,结合Fick... 在好氧条件下,对利用生物滴滤塔(bio-trickling filter,BTF)反硝化净化废气中NOx的过程进行了理论模型探讨,并用实验结果进行了验证。在分析NOx在BTF内传质以及生物降解过程的基础上,建立了NOx在气相和生物膜相的质量守恒方程,结合Fick定律和好氧条件下的Monod微生物反应动力学方程,最终得到了NOx在BTF中"吸附-微生物降解"过程的动力学方程。模型计算值与实验结果表明,BTF中好氧反硝化过程为一级反应过程,利用该模型可以较好地模拟进口浓度、停留时间等因素对出口浓度的影响,对实际应用具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 生物滴滤塔 好氧反硝化 NOx 停留时间
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