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不同类型镉积累水稻细胞镉化学形态及亚细胞和分子分布 被引量:51
作者 于辉 杨中艺 +1 位作者 杨知建 向佐湘 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期2221-2226,共6页
利用水培试验结合亚细胞组分分级分离和凝胶过滤等技术,研究了水稻根和叶中镉的化学结合形态及其亚细胞和分子分布,比较了低镉积累品种"广源占No.3"和高镉积累品种"珍桂矮"的差异.结果表明:随着营养液中镉浓度的升... 利用水培试验结合亚细胞组分分级分离和凝胶过滤等技术,研究了水稻根和叶中镉的化学结合形态及其亚细胞和分子分布,比较了低镉积累品种"广源占No.3"和高镉积累品种"珍桂矮"的差异.结果表明:随着营养液中镉浓度的升高,根和叶亚细胞镉含量显著上升,大部分镉积累在细胞壁(FⅠ)和细胞可溶部分(FⅢ).高镉积累品种"珍桂矮"根和叶中可溶部分镉含量显著高于低镉积累品种"广源占No.3".根和叶各种形态镉中,以氯化钠提取态占优势,其次是醋酸提取态,盐酸提取态镉含量最低.与"广源占No.3"相比,"珍桂矮"中迁移性较强的去离子水和乙醇提取态镉比例较高.凝胶过滤结果表明,两种类型的水稻可溶部分镉的出峰位置与样品流份中可溶性蛋白的出峰位置大致相同.可溶部分中的镉大多与分子量为3 kD的物质结合,属于植物鳌合肽(PCs)或低分子量物质."广源占No.3"根系中镉与PCs配合的组分(Cd-PCs)含量远小于"珍桂矮"."广源占No.3"细胞可溶部分较低的镉含量以及根系中较少的Cd-PCs形成量,降低了镉的移动及其向地上部转运的可能性. 展开更多
关键词 水稻 化学形态 亚细胞 分子分布
播种量对机插水卷苗秧苗素质及产量形成的影响 被引量:18
作者 李玉祥 何知舟 +6 位作者 丁艳锋 王绍华 刘正辉 唐设 丁承强 陈琳 李刚华 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期247-256,共10页
【目的】本研究旨在探明水卷苗机插高产适宜的播种量。【方法】以长江中下游地区代表性品种武运粳24号(常规粳稻)和6两优9368(杂交籼稻)为供试材料,研究不同播种量对水卷苗秧苗素质、机插质量、大田生长特性及产量的影响。【结果】移栽... 【目的】本研究旨在探明水卷苗机插高产适宜的播种量。【方法】以长江中下游地区代表性品种武运粳24号(常规粳稻)和6两优9368(杂交籼稻)为供试材料,研究不同播种量对水卷苗秧苗素质、机插质量、大田生长特性及产量的影响。【结果】移栽前秧苗地上部和根系干物质量、发根力、根系活性、成苗率、苗基宽、重高比及光合速率均随着播种量的降低而显著增强,叶面积指数显著下降。小播量处理秧苗返青活棵快、分蘖发生力强、每穗粒数多,但播量过小导致基本苗和穗数不足,当武运粳24号播种量从180 g/盘降低到120 g/盘(738.9 g/m^2)、6两优9368播种量从110 g/盘降低到70 g/盘(431.0 g/m^2)时,产量没有显著变化;但播种量继续降低,产量均显著下降。【结论】水卷苗育秧方法适宜播种量,常规粳稻为2.03粒/cm^2,杂交籼稻为1.14粒/cm^2。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 产量 机插 秧苗素质 播种量
浙江不同稻区耳叶水苋对苄嘧磺隆的抗性比较 被引量:18
作者 王兴国 许琴芳 +5 位作者 朱金文 刘蕊 王赛荣 刘亚光 陆强 王国荣 《农药学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期52-58,共7页
采用琼脂法测定了长江三角洲地区宁绍平原和杭嘉湖平原5个稻区(宁波、绍兴、杭州、嘉兴和湖州)稻田耳叶水苋Ammannia arenaria不同生物型对苄嘧磺隆的抗性水平。结果表明,所采集的88种耳叶水苋生物型中,有96.6%已对苄嘧磺隆产生了抗性,... 采用琼脂法测定了长江三角洲地区宁绍平原和杭嘉湖平原5个稻区(宁波、绍兴、杭州、嘉兴和湖州)稻田耳叶水苋Ammannia arenaria不同生物型对苄嘧磺隆的抗性水平。结果表明,所采集的88种耳叶水苋生物型中,有96.6%已对苄嘧磺隆产生了抗性,其中,低抗(3<抗性指数RI≤10)、中抗(10<RI≤50)和高抗(RI>50)的生物型分别占总数的22.7%、53.4%和20.5%。宁波NB0143-01和绍兴SX077生物型对苄嘧磺隆的RI值分别高达124.4和120.4。5个稻区中,绍兴地区耳叶水苋的抗性水平最高,平均RI值为53.1;宁波次之,平均RI值为35.1;湖州、杭州和嘉兴地区的抗性水平相对较低,平均RI值分别为24.1、19.9和18.7。表明稻田耳叶水苋对苄嘧磺隆的抗性程度较高,且在宁绍平原和杭嘉湖平原稻区已普遍出现抗性。其中在宁绍平原苄嘧磺隆对耳叶水苋的选择压较大,长期连续用药可能是该地区抗性水平高于其他区域的重要原因。这是有关耳叶水苋对苄嘧磺隆抗性种群分布的首次报道。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 耳叶水苋 苄嘧磺隆 抗药性
利用4个姊妹近等基因系群体定位水稻粒重和粒形QTL 被引量:25
作者 姚国新 李金杰 +5 位作者 张强 胡广隆 陈超 汤波 张洪亮 李自超 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期1310-1317,共8页
粒重是决定水稻产量的三要素之一。利用世界上粒重最大的品种之一SLG-1(供体亲本)与小粒品种日本晴(Nipponbare,轮回亲本)杂交,在各回交世代选择粒重较大单株与日本晴回交,构建水稻粒重和粒形的姊妹近等基因系(SNILs)。对获得的73株BC4F... 粒重是决定水稻产量的三要素之一。利用世界上粒重最大的品种之一SLG-1(供体亲本)与小粒品种日本晴(Nipponbare,轮回亲本)杂交,在各回交世代选择粒重较大单株与日本晴回交,构建水稻粒重和粒形的姊妹近等基因系(SNILs)。对获得的73株BC4F1单株进行粒重频率分布统计,选择粒重频率分布在4个峰值处的代表性单株,自交获得4个BC4F2SNILs群体。利用BSA法(分离群体分组混合分析法),从均匀分布在水稻染色体上的1513对SSR标记中筛选出与粒重和粒形相关的多态性标记19对,以LOD≥2.5作为选择阈值,对粒重、粒长、粒宽和粒厚进行QTL扫描,共检测到6个区域的12个QTL,贡献率从7.22%到53.38%。这些QTL所在区域包含已克隆的粒长GS3和粒宽GW2,也包含没有精细定位的第2染色体的RM6318~RM1367、第3染色体的RM5477~RM6417和第6染色体的RM3370~RM1161等3个区域控制粒重和粒形的5个QTL。其中第3染色体上RM5477~RM6417区间存在粒形贡献率较大的新的QTL。构建含有这些粒重QTL的姊妹近等基因系,为进一步精细定位或克隆新的粒重或粒形QTL奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 姊妹近等基因系 粒重 粒形 QTL
减氮控磷稳钾施肥对水稻产量及养分积累的影响 被引量:75
作者 杜加银 茹美 倪吾钟 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期523-533,共11页
氮、磷用量偏大,钾肥用量不足不仅影响水稻的正常生长发育,而且导致养分利用率偏低。本文通过田间试验,研究减量施用氮、磷肥,稳定钾肥投入对水稻产量、养分积累量和肥料利用率的影响。试验设14个处理,每个处理重复2次。结果表明,氮钾... 氮、磷用量偏大,钾肥用量不足不仅影响水稻的正常生长发育,而且导致养分利用率偏低。本文通过田间试验,研究减量施用氮、磷肥,稳定钾肥投入对水稻产量、养分积累量和肥料利用率的影响。试验设14个处理,每个处理重复2次。结果表明,氮钾、磷钾、氮磷钾配施处理的水稻秸秆生物量和籽粒产量均显著高于不施肥处理(P<0.05);减氮控磷稳钾处理(N 225 kg/hm2、P2O560 kg/hm2、K2O 90 kg/hm2)与常规施肥处理相比(N 300kg/hm2、P2O5150 kg/hm2、K2O 60 kg/hm2)能显著增加水稻秸秆生物量(P<0.05),明显提高千粒重和籽粒产量;试验还得出,减氮控磷稳钾处理分蘖期地上部氮、钾含量和秸秆氮、钾含量显著高于常规施肥处理(P<0.05);收获期地上部氮、钾的积累量和氮、磷的表观利用率显著大于常规施肥处理(P<0.05)。适当减少氮、磷用量,增加钾肥用量能改善氮、钾营养状况,促进地上部干物质的积累,提高籽粒产量和氮、磷表观利用率。N 196.2kg/hm2、P2O546.5 kg/hm2、K2O 90 kg/hm2的配施方案具有实际推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 产量 养分表观利用率
营养液浓度对水稻机插水培毯状苗秧苗素质及产量的影响 被引量:10
作者 李玉祥 解双喜 +7 位作者 刘扬 丁艳锋 王绍华 刘正辉 唐设 丁承强 陈琳 李刚华 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第24期201-209,共9页
为探明机插水稻育秧新方法——水培毯状苗育秧方法壮秧培育适宜的营养液浓度,以武运粳24号(常规粳稻)和6两优9368(杂交籼稻)为试验材料,分析不同水培营养液浓度(S1、S2、S4、S8,分别表示营养液浓度为原液浓度的1、2、4、8倍,原液组成为:... 为探明机插水稻育秧新方法——水培毯状苗育秧方法壮秧培育适宜的营养液浓度,以武运粳24号(常规粳稻)和6两优9368(杂交籼稻)为试验材料,分析不同水培营养液浓度(S1、S2、S4、S8,分别表示营养液浓度为原液浓度的1、2、4、8倍,原液组成为:0.643 g/kg N、0.615 g/kg P2O5、0.359 g/kg K2O、127.2 mg/kg Mg、26.34 mg/kg Fe、8.26mg/kg Mn、0.11 mg/kg Mo、0.66 mg/kg B、0.99 mg/kg Zn、1.405 mg/kg Cu、49 mg/kg SiO2、709.1 mg/kg Ca)对水培毯状苗育秧方法秧苗素质、机插质量、大田群体生长及产量形成的影响。结果表明,移栽前秧苗地上部干物质积累量、苗基宽、发根力、叶片和根系氮含量、叶面积指数、光合速率总体上均随着营养液浓度的增加呈增加趋势;然而,高营养液浓度处理时秧苗根系生长受到抑制(干物质积累小、根系活性低),叶片和根系丙二醛(malonaldehyde,MDA)含量升高、抗氧化酶活性(超氧化物歧化酶(superoxidedismutase,SOD)、过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD))下降,成苗率变差,机插空穴率升高。低营养液浓度(S1)处理的秧苗素质弱、机插大田后返青活棵慢、分蘖发生延迟、干物质积累量低、穗数不足而影响产量(武运粳24号为10.74 t/hm^2,6两优9368为10.96 t/hm^2);随着营养液浓度的增加(S2~S4),产量呈增加趋势(S2和S4处理下,武运粳24号产量分别为12.09和11.64 t/hm^2,6两优9368分别为12.16和12.47 t/hm^2);但产量并没有随着营养液浓度的升高而持续增加,S8处理下,武运粳24号产量为11.59t/hm^2,6两优9368产量为11.48 t/hm^2),主要受限于穗数不再增加,且穗粒数有下降趋势。因此,水培毯状苗育秧方法适宜的水培营养液浓度,常规粳稻武运粳24号为S2(2倍于原液浓度),杂交籼稻6两优9368为S2~S4(2~4倍于原液浓度)。 展开更多
关键词 作物 叶面积指数 水稻 机插移栽 水培 秧苗素质 营养液浓度 产量
五氟磺草胺对水稻种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响 被引量:8
作者 朱金文 魏方林 +1 位作者 陆小磊 朱国念 《农药学学报》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期129-133,共5页
采用琼脂床法种子萌发试验研究了五氟磺草胺对不同品种水稻种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:对五氟磺草胺敏感性较高的水稻品种有加育253、加昆1号、秀水0209、加绍二号、B优827等,抑制根长的IC50值在1.65×10^-2-4.48×... 采用琼脂床法种子萌发试验研究了五氟磺草胺对不同品种水稻种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:对五氟磺草胺敏感性较高的水稻品种有加育253、加昆1号、秀水0209、加绍二号、B优827等,抑制根长的IC50值在1.65×10^-2-4.48×10^-2mg/L之间;敏感性较低的品种有两优培等。敏感性高与敏感性低者IC50值相差44倍,IC10值相差51倍,总体上粳稻品种较为敏感,而多数杂交稻品种的敏感性相对较低。在较低温度下水稻对五氟磺草胺更为敏感,15℃时五氟磺草胺对株高与根长的IC50值分别为6.74×10^-2与1.58×10^-2mg/L,在20、25、30、35℃条件下对根长的IC50值分别是15℃时的1.1、2.2、4.0、7.2倍。在水稻立针期用药液浸根处理后5d,浓度大于0.10mg/L的处理株高均明显受到抑制。在水稻幼苗2叶期时用五氟磺草胺茎叶喷雾处理后15d,用药量(有效成分)超过30g/hm^2者水稻幼苗生长受到抑制。 展开更多
关键词 五氟磺草胺 水稻 种子萌发 幼苗生长
综合育种技术在杂交水稻恢复系选育上的效果 被引量:4
作者 王家银 张志雄 +2 位作者 向跃武 张安中 周贤明 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 1994年第2期17-21,共5页
将常规杂交育种、辐射育种、体细胞培养和花药培养等育种技术综合运用于杂交水稻恢复东选育上,结合异地繁殖加代,在较短年限内完成了从杂交亲本配组到恢复系育成、新组合优势鉴定的全部育种过程。5年内已育成多份优势籼粳交广亲和恢... 将常规杂交育种、辐射育种、体细胞培养和花药培养等育种技术综合运用于杂交水稻恢复东选育上,结合异地繁殖加代,在较短年限内完成了从杂交亲本配组到恢复系育成、新组合优势鉴定的全部育种过程。5年内已育成多份优势籼粳交广亲和恢复系和优良籼型恢复系。本文还分析了籼粳交组合在花药培养后的H2双单倍体植株对野败不育系具有正常恢复能力的分布频率,并证明了通过花药培养能将籼型恢复基因和粳型广亲和基因重组。从而认为该项综合育种方法是快速选育水稻恢复系的有效方法之一。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 籼粳杂交 广亲和恢复系 育种
湖北省糯稻地方品种SSR遗传多样性研究 被引量:1
作者 姚国新 段俊枝 +3 位作者 邹礼平 李长春 卢磊 黄明军 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期19-22,共4页
为评价湖北糯稻地方品种的遗传多样性,利用36对SSR标记对50份湖北地方糯稻品种进行PCR扩增和遗传多样性分析。结果表明,湖北糯稻地方品种的平均遗传多样性指数为0.710 7,多态信息含量平均为0.686 1,多样性较高。SSR标记聚类分析表明,湖... 为评价湖北糯稻地方品种的遗传多样性,利用36对SSR标记对50份湖北地方糯稻品种进行PCR扩增和遗传多样性分析。结果表明,湖北糯稻地方品种的平均遗传多样性指数为0.710 7,多态信息含量平均为0.686 1,多样性较高。SSR标记聚类分析表明,湖北糯稻地方品种中遗传资源丰富,特别是籼粳糯稻成分互渗的品种,可广泛用于糯稻育种。 展开更多
关键词 糯稻地方品种 遗传多样性 SSR标记 湖北省
表达谱芯片对灰绿藜和水稻NHX1基因在转基因拟南芥中表达差异的研究 被引量:1
作者 郭继娜 张富春 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期1-6,F0003,共7页
【目的】基因芯片作为高通量、高效率的DNA分析技术,已被广泛地用于植物抗逆性功能基因的分析之中。为探讨盐生植物和甜土植物NHX1基因调控盐应答过程和亲水性C端的功能研究提供借鉴,进一步揭示盐生植物和甜土植物耐盐机制的差异,为植... 【目的】基因芯片作为高通量、高效率的DNA分析技术,已被广泛地用于植物抗逆性功能基因的分析之中。为探讨盐生植物和甜土植物NHX1基因调控盐应答过程和亲水性C端的功能研究提供借鉴,进一步揭示盐生植物和甜土植物耐盐机制的差异,为植物耐盐机理的实际应用提供依据。【方法】利用Affymetrix拟南芥表达谱芯片对过表达盐生植物灰绿藜和甜土植物水稻NHX1基因及缺失部分C端基因的转基因拟南芥进行基因表达差异的分析。【结果】在盐胁迫的转基因拟南芥组织中,筛选出在四组转基因型拟南芥中共同差异表达的基因有394条,占筛选基因总数的1.64%,其中上调表达的基因有177条,下调表达的基因有217条。将这些差异基因初步分为12类,包括非生物性与生物性刺激的应答过程、胁迫应答过程、电子转移和能量途径、信号转导和转录等功能类别。【结论】表明植物耐盐过程是一个多基因参与的复杂的变化过程,涉及到许多相关基因的变化。联系两两比较散点图和聚类分析结果从理论上说明,转基因拟南芥cgNHX1,cgNHX1dc,osNHX1和osNHX1dc耐盐性有依次减弱的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 表达谱芯片 灰绿藜 水稻 NHX1 植物耐盐
不同硅钙钾肥对红壤水稻农艺性状及产量的影响 被引量:3
作者 杜加银 连新平 +4 位作者 李新柱 陈海宁 高荣庆 李孟华 庞世花 《山东农业科学》 2015年第2期79-81,共3页
通过室内盆栽试验,研究不同硅钙钾肥对水稻农艺性状及产量的影响。结果表明,在红壤上施用硅钙钾肥(除T2外),能够明显增加水稻穗粒数和千粒重,提高水稻产量、秸秆重和总生物量,增产幅度可达4.6%~12.3%,说明硅钙钾肥在红壤水稻种植上... 通过室内盆栽试验,研究不同硅钙钾肥对水稻农艺性状及产量的影响。结果表明,在红壤上施用硅钙钾肥(除T2外),能够明显增加水稻穗粒数和千粒重,提高水稻产量、秸秆重和总生物量,增产幅度可达4.6%~12.3%,说明硅钙钾肥在红壤水稻种植上具有推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 硅钙钾肥 水稻 红壤 农艺性状 产量
Physicochemical Characteristics and QTL Mapping Associated with the Lipid Content of High-Lipid Rice 被引量:1
作者 Na-Hye Kim Jae-Keun Sohn Kyung-Min Kim 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2013年第10期1949-1953,共5页
This study was conducted to examine the physicochemical characteristics and perform QTL mapping of genetic factors associated with the lipid content of rice. A rice strain with a high lipid content, “P31-2-2-2-B-B”,... This study was conducted to examine the physicochemical characteristics and perform QTL mapping of genetic factors associated with the lipid content of rice. A rice strain with a high lipid content, “P31-2-2-2-B-B”, was developed from mutants of “Dongjin” created by T-DNA insertion. The lipid content of “P31-2-2-2-B-B” brown rice was 4.42% whereas that of the donor cultivar “Dongjin” was 2.56%. The total fatty acid content of the high-lipid mutant brown rice was 7.82% and that of “Dongjin” was 3.43%. The unsaturated fatty acid composition of the mutant brown rice was 2.73% oleic acid, 2.74% linoleic acid, and 0.34% linolenic acid. In contrast, the fatty acid composition of the donor cultivar “Dongjin” was 1.30% oleic acid and 0.99% linoleic acid. The percentage of unsaturated fatty acid to total fatty acid in the high-lipid mutant was higher (74.3%) than that of “Dongjin” (66.8%). Continuous frequency distribution and transgressive segregation of the lipid content were observed in the F3 family (seeds) derived from a cross between the high-lipid mutant “P31-2-2-2-B-B” and a tongil-type cultivar “Samgang”. This result implied that the lipid content was a quantitative trait controlled by a polygene. Additionally, the broad sense heritability of lipid content was estimated to be 89.6% based on analysis of the F3 seeds. A significant QTL, qRLC5, was identified on chromosome 5 with a LOD score of 2.37, and was flanked by 5007 and 5014. Results of the present study should be useful for improving rice nutritional quality through marker-assisted selection. 展开更多
关键词 LIPID CONTENT Fatty Acid CONTENT Quantitative TRAIT LOCI (QTLs) RICE (oriza Sativa L.)
肥料中不同比例硝态氮对红壤水稻农艺性状及产量的影响 被引量:2
作者 杜加银 胡兆平 陈海宁 《现代农业科技》 2017年第21期4-5,共2页
通过室内盆栽试验,研究肥料中添加不同比例硝态氮对红壤水稻生长及产量的影响。结果表明,施用含3.5%硝态氮的复合肥,能够显著提高水稻的穗粒数、千粒重、产量及总生物量,增产幅度达34.4%,说明氮磷钾氯基复合肥(20-12-15)中添加3.5%的硝... 通过室内盆栽试验,研究肥料中添加不同比例硝态氮对红壤水稻生长及产量的影响。结果表明,施用含3.5%硝态氮的复合肥,能够显著提高水稻的穗粒数、千粒重、产量及总生物量,增产幅度达34.4%,说明氮磷钾氯基复合肥(20-12-15)中添加3.5%的硝态氮在红壤水稻种植上具有推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 硝态氮 产量 农艺性状 红壤
Quality of Seeds of Upland Rice Lines Adapted to the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil
作者 Heloisa Oliveira dos Santos Flávia Barbosa Silva Botelho +3 位作者 Ana Cláudia de Amorim Fonseca Ricardo Kenji Uenojo Marcela Pedroso Mendes Edila Vilela de Resende Von Pinho 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2015年第12期1920-1927,共8页
In the final stages of a plant breeding program, a crucial step is the multiplication of seeds in production fields. Besides a solid planning, the seeds multiplication needs a special attention to guarantee seeds with... In the final stages of a plant breeding program, a crucial step is the multiplication of seeds in production fields. Besides a solid planning, the seeds multiplication needs a special attention to guarantee seeds with high quality, genetic integrity, high germination and vigor to the farmer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiologic quality, enzymatic expression and respiratory activity of seeds of 20 elite upland rice lines adapted to the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from the upland rice breeding program from three Brazilians research institutions. The quality parameters evaluated were root protrusion, number of normal seedlings in the germination test, number of normal seedlings in the germination first count, initial stand from emergence test, speed of emergence index, seedlings shoot and root length, percentage of O2 and CO2 from respiratory activity and the expression pattern of the enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH). The seeds quality varied among lines, allowing the selection of lines with best performance. The respiratory activity was lower in seeds of lines with high quality. The enzyme ADH was an excellent marker to infer about the quality of seeds, and the variation in the expression of MDH did not depend on the quality of rice seeds. The lines BRS Esmeralda, CMG1896 and CMG1509 showed high physiologic quality in their seeds, and therefore, they should receive higher attention in rice breeding programs. 展开更多
关键词 oriza SATIVA PHYSIOLOGIC QUALITY ENZYMATIC Expression Respiratory Activity VIGOR
Phenotypic and Enzymatic Analyses of Upland Rice Lines Seeds under No-Tillage
作者 Heloisa Oliveira dos Santos Flávia Barbosa Silva Botelho +4 位作者 Ricardo Kenji Uenojo Ana Cláudia de Amorim Fonseca Marcela Pedroso Mendes Edila Vilela de Resende Von Pinho Maria Laene Moreira de Carvalho 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2015年第12期1981-1989,共9页
Over 40% of the agricultural area in Brazil corresponds to no-tillage farming. Although it is evident the importance of obtaining upland rice cultivars adapted to this cropping system, researches in this sense are sti... Over 40% of the agricultural area in Brazil corresponds to no-tillage farming. Although it is evident the importance of obtaining upland rice cultivars adapted to this cropping system, researches in this sense are still incipient and breeders do not have cultivars available to recommend with enough security. The aim of this study was to evaluate phenotypic characters favorable to the no-tillage system in order to establish the basis for upland rice breeding programs interested in this cropping system. The seeds of twenty elite inbred lines from the Upland Rice Breeding Program from the Brazilian research institutions UFLA, EMBRAPA and EPAMIG were evaluated at the Central Seeds Lab from the Agriculture Department of UFLA following a randomized block design with four replicates. The characters evaluated were seedlings emergence (SE), green matter yield (GM), dry matter yield (DM), photosynthetic activity (PA), and superoxide dismutase activity (SOD). The quality parameters evaluated were obtained by a germination test (GT), germination first count (GFC), emergence test (E), initial stand (IS), and alpha-amylase expression. The lines CMG 2074, CMG 1967, CMG 2017, BRSMG Caravera and CMG 2097 showed higher SOD content in the enzymatic analyses, and consequently higher tolerance to abiotic stresses that could be caused by no-tillage. Considering the evaluation of agronomic traits, the line CMG 1967 showed the best performance in no-tillage soil and, therefore, should receive higher attention in Upland Rice Breeding Programs. 展开更多
关键词 oriza SATIVA PHYSIOLOGIC Quality Enzymatic Expression CROPPING System VIGOR
Regenerating Plants from Cryopreserved Adventitious Buds of Haploids in Rice
作者 Zhang, Zhihong Hu, Zhangli 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 EI CAS 1999年第1期117-119,共3页
A large number of adventitious buds were induced from in vitro cultured young inflorescences of haploids of rice.Having been subcultured on solidified subculture media at 26 ℃ for 7 days ,the adventitious buds we... A large number of adventitious buds were induced from in vitro cultured young inflorescences of haploids of rice.Having been subcultured on solidified subculture media at 26 ℃ for 7 days ,the adventitious buds were loaded into 1.8 mL plastic cryotubes with cryoprotectant and kept on ice for 45 60 min.After cooled at a rate of 1.0℃/min down to -40℃,the samples were kept in liquid nitrogen.The adventitious buds which have been cryopreserved for about 30 days were thawed rapidly in 38 40℃water and then plated on solidified MS medium containing 3 % sucrose,0.5 mg/L NAA and 2.0 mg/L kinetin.After plated, 23% 32 % of adventitious buds resumed growth and 15% 22 % regenerated plantlets.The results of this work indicated that the adventitious buds derived from in vitro cultured young inflorescences is a critical factor for the success and subculturing adventitious buds on MS medium containing 3% sucrose and 4% sorbitol or 20% potato extract is essential to the procedure.The effective cryoprotectant is 10 % DMSO(dimethyl sulfoximide)+0.5 mol/L sorbitol. 展开更多
关键词 oriza sativa haploid adventitious bud cryopreservation
Comparative study of QTLs for agronomic traits of rice (Oriza sativa L.) between salt stress and nonstress environment 被引量:1
作者 龚继明 郑先武 +4 位作者 杜保兴 钱前 陈受宜 朱立煌 何平 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2001年第1期73-82,共10页
Genotype-by-environment interactions (G′E) are commonly observedfor quantitative traits. In the present study, a doubled haploid (DH) population and its genetic linkage map were used to comparatively study QTLs in sa... Genotype-by-environment interactions (G′E) are commonly observedfor quantitative traits. In the present study, a doubled haploid (DH) population and its genetic linkage map were used to comparatively study QTLs in salt stress and nonstress environments. A total of 24 QTLs were detected for five agronomic traits, which were distributed on all the chromosomes except 9 and 11. Under the salt stress, nine (37.5%) QTLs were detected, including one for 1 000-grain weight (GW), two for heading date (HD), one for plant height (PH), two for grains per panicle (GPP), and three for effective tillers (ET), while in the nonstress environment, 17 QTLs (70.8%) were detected, including five for GW, six for HD, three for PH, two for GPP, and one for ET. Two QTLs (8.3%) were consistently detected in both environments. One was identified on chromosome 4 for HD and the other on Chr.6 for GPP. Furthermore, three regions carrying multiple QTLs were identified on chromosomes 1, 4 and 8 respectively. For example, on chromosome 8, three QTLs for HD, GW and PH, respectively were identified between RG885-GA408 in nonstress environment, but not in the stress environment. The comparative study of QTLs detected in extremely different (salt stress and nonstress) environments revealed that there existed several QTLs for important agronomic traits on chromosome 8 which were affected significantly by salt stress. 展开更多
关键词 rice (oriza saliva L.) QTLS salt stress doubled haploid population GxE interaction.
暗直播栽培对水稻穗部性状及产量的影响 被引量:3
作者 沈建凯 郑华斌 +3 位作者 尹明 谢振宇 贺治洲 黄璜 《作物杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期84-87,共4页
采用大田小区对比试验方法,探讨了暗直播栽培方式对水稻产量及穗部性状的影响。初步试验结果表明,与普通水稻直播(CK)比较,暗直播水稻实收产量增加9.89%;稻穗一次枝梗实粒数、二次枝梗数、着粒数、实粒数分别增加3.97%、19.65%、18.51%... 采用大田小区对比试验方法,探讨了暗直播栽培方式对水稻产量及穗部性状的影响。初步试验结果表明,与普通水稻直播(CK)比较,暗直播水稻实收产量增加9.89%;稻穗一次枝梗实粒数、二次枝梗数、着粒数、实粒数分别增加3.97%、19.65%、18.51%和18.06%;主轴实粒数和结实率下降7.55%和4.99%;全穗的总枝梗数、总粒数、实粒数和单穗重增加10.64%、9.37%、8.50%和8.18%。数据分析结果表明,暗直播稻穗二次枝梗的枝梗数、总粒数和实粒数的增加,是水稻产量增加的主要原因。说明暗直播栽培方式可以扩大水稻库容量,实现水稻增产,在生产实践中具有良好的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 暗直播 穗部性状 库容 梗数
Reversible and Irreversible Drought-Induced Changes in the Anther Proteome of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes IR64 and Moroberekan 被引量:4
作者 Jian-Xiang Liu John Bennett 《Molecular Plant》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期59-69,共11页
Crop yield is most sensitive to water deficit during the reproductive stage. For rice, the most sensitive yield component is spikelet fertility and the most sensitive stage is immediately before heading. Here, we exam... Crop yield is most sensitive to water deficit during the reproductive stage. For rice, the most sensitive yield component is spikelet fertility and the most sensitive stage is immediately before heading. Here, we examined the effect of drought on the anther proteome of two rice genotypes: Moroberekan and IR64. Water was withheld for 3 d before head- ing (3DBH) in well watered controls for 5 d until "the flag leaf relative water content (RWC) had declined to 45-50%. Plants were then re-watered and heading occurred 2-3 d later, representing a delay of 4-5 d relative to controls. The anther proteins were separated at 3 DBH, at the end of the stress period, and at heading in stressed/re-watered plants and con- trols by two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis, and 93 protein spots were affected reproducibly in abundance by drought during the experiment across two rice genotypes. After drought stress, upon re-watering, expressions of 24 pro- tein spots were irreversible in both genotypes, 60 protein spots were irreversible in IR64 but reversible in Moroberekan, only nine protein spots were irreversible in Moroberekan while reversible in IR64. Among them, there were 14 newly drought-induced protein spots in IR64; none of them was reversible on re-watering. However, there were 13 newly drought-induced protein spots in Moroberekan, 10 of them were reversible on re-watering, including six drought-induced protein spots that were not reversed in IR64. Taken together, our proteomics data reveal that drought-tolerant genotype Moroberekan possessed better recovery capability following drought and re-watering at the anther proteome level than the drought-sensitive genotype IR64. The disruptions of drought to rice anther development and pollen cell functions are also discussed in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 Rice (oriza sativa L.) anther development DROUGHT proteomics
不同生育期水稻光谱反射率的变化规律 被引量:4
作者 赵新飞 冯嘉敏 +5 位作者 张大伟 蓝盾 张永顺 付丽娇 李艳大 陈青春 《仲恺农业工程学院学报》 CAS 2015年第4期26-31,共6页
不同生育期水稻(Oriza sativa L.)冠层光谱反射率随着营养条件的变化而发生波动,掌握其变化规律,对快速诊断水稻养分亏缺,指导水稻施肥具有重要意义.以水稻合美占和粤晶丝苗2号品种为试验材料,以0.027、0.018、0.009和0 kg/m^24个施氮... 不同生育期水稻(Oriza sativa L.)冠层光谱反射率随着营养条件的变化而发生波动,掌握其变化规律,对快速诊断水稻养分亏缺,指导水稻施肥具有重要意义.以水稻合美占和粤晶丝苗2号品种为试验材料,以0.027、0.018、0.009和0 kg/m^24个施氮水平进行田间小区试验,对不同关键生育期水稻冠层光谱反射率的变化规律进行了研究.结果表明:水稻抽穗前,冠层的比值植被指数(Ratio vegetation index,RVI)(810,720)逐渐增大,到孕穗期达到最大值;水稻抽穗后,冠层的RVI(810,720)值逐渐减小,至收获期降至最低值.水稻RVI(810,720)与氮肥水平正相关,品种间无显著差异.随着生育进程推进,差值环境植被指数(Difference vegetation index,DVI)(810,720)逐渐增加,在齐穗期达到最高,而后逐渐降低,不同氮肥水平DVI(810,720)值差异显著,且DVI(810,720)值与施氮水平正相关.从总体上看,分蘖期的归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)(810,720)稍高于拔节期、孕穗期、开花期和乳熟期,而拔节期、孕穗期、开花期和乳熟期的NDVI(810,720)值无显著差异,收获期达到最大值,水稻NDVI(810,720)值与氮肥水平呈负相关,品种间无显著差异. 展开更多
关键词 水稻(oriza SATIVA L.) 反射率 光谱 植被指数 生育期
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