Recent observational and numerical studies have revealed the dependence of the intensification rate on the inner-core size of tropical cyclones(TCs). In this study, with the initial inner-core size(i.e., the radius of...Recent observational and numerical studies have revealed the dependence of the intensification rate on the inner-core size of tropical cyclones(TCs). In this study, with the initial inner-core size(i.e., the radius of maximum wind—RMW)varied from 20–180 km in idealized simulations using two different numerical models, we found a nonmonotonic dependence of the lifetime maximum intensification rate(LMIR) on the inner-core size. Namely, there is an optimal innercore size for the LMIR of a TC. Tangential wind budget analysis shows that, compared to large TCs, small TCs have large inward flux of absolute vorticity due to large absolute vorticity inside the RMW. However, small TCs also suffer from strong lateral diffusion across the eyewall, which partly offsets the positive contribution from large inward flux of absolute vorticity. These two competing processes ultimately lead to the TC with an intermediate initial inner-core size having the largest LMIR. Results from sensitivity experiments show that the optimal size varies in the range of 40–120 km and increases with higher sea surface temperature, lower latitude, larger horizontal mixing length, and weaker initial TC intensity. The 40–120 km RMW corresponds to the inner-core size most commonly found for intensifying TCs in observations, suggesting the natural selection of initial TC size for intensification. This study highlights the importance of accurate representation of TC inner-core size to TC intensity forecasts by numerical weather prediction models.展开更多
目的采用非对称采集与迭代最小二乘估算法迭代水脂分离(iteraterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least-squares estimation quantitation,IDEAL-IQ)方法定量评估冈上肌腱损伤的严重程度与肩袖肌群脂肪...目的采用非对称采集与迭代最小二乘估算法迭代水脂分离(iteraterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least-squares estimation quantitation,IDEAL-IQ)方法定量评估冈上肌腱损伤的严重程度与肩袖肌群脂肪浸润程度及受试者特征之间的关系。材料与方法回顾性分析2022年8月至2024年6月本院经肩关节镜证实的33例冈上肌腱部分撕裂患者及89例完全撕裂患者,均进行了常规MRI扫描及IDEAL-IQ序列扫描。由两名放射科医生分别对所有受试者的MRI图像进行独立评估,根据常规MRI图像的冈上肌腱损伤表现,将完全撕裂组的冈上肌腱按照Patte分型分为Patte 1型(Ⅱ级)、Patte 2型(Ⅲ级)、Patte 3型(Ⅳ级),将部分撕裂组定义为Ⅰ级。同时在斜矢状位上进行Goutallier分级及Thomazeau萎缩分级,并通过GE ADW 4.7工作站后处理软件在IDEAL-IQ序列生成的脂肪分数图像上测量冈上肌、冈下肌、肩胛下肌及小圆肌脂肪分数(fat fraction,FF)。用组内相关系数(intra-class correlation coefficient,ICC)及Kappa一致性检验评估观察者间及观察者内的一致性。采用Kruskal-Wallis H检验、单因素ANOVA检验分析FF值在不同分组之间的差异,组间两两比较用Bonferroni检验。采用Pear_(s)on相关性分析肩袖肌肉FF值与年龄、症状持续时间的相关性(相关系数r),Spearman相关性分析冈上肌腱损伤分级与肩袖肌群FF值、Goutallier分级及Thomazeau萎缩分级之间的相关性(相关系数r_(s))。结果(1)冈上肌、冈下肌、肩胛下肌的FF值在冈上肌腱损伤Ⅳ级中显著高于Ⅲ级,高于Ⅱ级和Ⅰ级,差异有统计学意义(P值分别为<0.001、<0.001、0.005);小圆肌的FF值在不同分级之间差异无统计学意义(P=0.073)。组内比较Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级的冈上肌、冈下肌、肩胛下肌、小圆肌FF值差异无统计学意义(P值分别为0.026、0.102);Ⅲ级和Ⅳ级的FF值差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。(2)冈上肌、冈下肌、小圆肌的FF值与年龄呈中等相关(r值分别为0.381、0.339、0.349,P均<0.001),肩胛下肌的FF值与年龄呈弱相关(r=0.216,P=0.017);冈上肌、冈下肌、肩胛下肌FF值与症状持续时间呈中等程度相关(r分别为0.442、0.412、0.314,P均<0.001),小圆肌的FF值与症状持续时间呈弱相关(r=0.277,P=0.002);冈上肌腱损伤程度与冈上肌FF值呈显著相关(r_(s)=0.740,P<0.001),与冈下肌的FF值呈强相关性(r_(s)=0.596,P<0.001),与肩胛下肌、小圆肌的FF值呈弱相关(r_(s)分别为0.257、0.212,P值分别为0.004、0.019);冈上肌损伤程度分级与Goutallier分级、Thomazeau分级之间呈显著正相关(r_(s)分别为0.757、0.737,P均<0.001),且冈上肌FF值在Goutallier和Thomazeau的分级中差异具有统计学意义(P均<0.001)。结论3.0 T MR IDEAL-IQ序列能量化和客观评估肩袖肌群脂肪浸润程度,肩袖肌群脂肪浸润程度与冈上肌腱损伤分级呈正相关,与年龄、症状持续时间呈正相关。展开更多
We study the incompressible limit of classical solutions to compressible ideal magneto-hydrodynamics in a domain with a flat boundary.The boundary condition is characteristic and the initial data is general.We first e...We study the incompressible limit of classical solutions to compressible ideal magneto-hydrodynamics in a domain with a flat boundary.The boundary condition is characteristic and the initial data is general.We first establish the uniform existence of classical solutions with respect to the Mach number.Then,we prove that the solutions converge to the solution of the incompressible MHD system.In particular,we obtain a stronger convergence result by using the dispersion of acoustic waves in the half space.展开更多
A town planner combines British experience with Chinese concept of harmony to build green,low-carbon,and sustainable cities.YANG Wei is a woman who wears many hats.An internationally renowned town planner and urban de...A town planner combines British experience with Chinese concept of harmony to build green,low-carbon,and sustainable cities.YANG Wei is a woman who wears many hats.An internationally renowned town planner and urban designer,she is held in high esteem in the academic and planning communities in the U.K.and is a fellow of the U.K.Academy of Social Sciences and former president of the Royal Town Planning Institute(RTPI)based in London.She is also chief executive and co-founder of the Digital Task Force for Planning(DTFP),a non-profit social enterprise,and founding director of London-based planning and urban design firm Wei Yang&Partners.展开更多
William Butler Yeats ranks among the most widely admired and intensively studied poets of the 20th century.This paper intends to explore the women who have exerted the most critical influences upon Yeats,namely Gonne,...William Butler Yeats ranks among the most widely admired and intensively studied poets of the 20th century.This paper intends to explore the women who have exerted the most critical influences upon Yeats,namely Gonne,Lady Gregory,and Georgie Hyde-Lees.Even in Yeats’s poetry involved with symbolism,it is worth noting that his employment of symbols has used these women as the archetypes,and that the historical context rendered Yeats’s representations of them in his poetry all the more interesting.展开更多
目的利用磁共振功能成像非对称回波最小二乘估算法迭代水脂分离(iteraterative decomposition of water and fat with echoasymmetryandleast-squaresestimationquantitation,IDEAL-IQ)技术无创定量评估2型糖尿病(type2diabetesmellitus...目的利用磁共振功能成像非对称回波最小二乘估算法迭代水脂分离(iteraterative decomposition of water and fat with echoasymmetryandleast-squaresestimationquantitation,IDEAL-IQ)技术无创定量评估2型糖尿病(type2diabetesmellitus,T2DM)大鼠肝脏、肾脏及胰腺的脂肪沉积与铁沉积,并研究T2DM大鼠空腹血糖(fasting blood glucose,FBG)、体质量与脂肪沉积、铁沉积之间的关系,同时比较实验组和对照组大鼠肝肾功、血脂以及病理学改变的差异。材料与方法10只无特定病原体(specific pathogen free,SPF)健康雄性SD大鼠随机进行分组为实验组(n=7)和对照组(n=3)。实验组进行T2DM的模型建立。待实验组成模后,将两组大鼠进行IDEAL-IQ扫描,通过测定两组大鼠的肝脏、胰腺及肾脏的质子密度脂肪分数(proton density fat fraction,PDFF)和横向弛豫率(transverse relaxation rate,R2^(*))来评估实验组以及对照组大鼠肝脏、胰腺及肾脏的脂肪沉积及铁过载,扫描结束后心脏取血评估肝功、肾功及血脂改变。处死大鼠后取肝脏、肾脏及胰腺做常规HE染色观察细胞的变化、油红O染色观察脂肪沉积、普鲁士蓝铁染色观察铁沉积。实验数据运用SPSS 27.0软件进行统计学分析,通过Pearson相关系数分析大鼠FBG、体质量与各器官PDFF、R2^(*)值之间的相关性。结果T2DM组SD大鼠的FBG、体质量、PDFF胰腺、PDFF肝脏、PDFF右肾、PDFF左肾、R2^(*)胰腺、R2^(*)肝脏、甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但两组大鼠在T1 SI胰腺、T1 SI肝脏、T1 SI右肾、T1 SI左肾、T2 SI胰腺、T2 SI肝脏、T2 SI右肾、T2 SI左肾、R2^(*)右肾、R2^(*)左肾、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、尿素氮(BUN)、肌酐(Cr)等方面比较差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05)。Pearson相关性分析,FBG与PDFF肝脏(r=0.773)、PDFF胰腺(r=0.837)、PDFF右肾(r=0.895)、PDFF左肾(r=0.784)、R2^(*)肝脏(r=0.876)、体质量(r=0.980)均呈正相关(P<0.05)。体质量与PDFF胰腺(r=0.840)、PDFF右肾(r=0.854)、PDFF左肾(r=0.796)、R2^(*)肝脏(r=0.834)、R2^(*)胰腺(r=0.778)均呈正相关(P<0.05)。结论本实验通过利用MRI IDEAL-IQ技术无创定量评估T2DM大鼠肝脏及胰腺脂肪沉积与铁沉积的含量,并且同时评估了两组大鼠双肾的脂肪含量差异。这项技术有望动态随访新诊断的糖尿病患者,早期评估其肝脏、肾脏以及胰腺脂肪含量和铁含量改变,为指导临床诊断及治疗提供新的方向。展开更多
We construct an unconventional divergence preserving discretization of updated Lagrangian ideal magnetohydrodynamics(MHD)over simplicial grids.The cell-centered finite-volume(FV)method employed to discretize the conse...We construct an unconventional divergence preserving discretization of updated Lagrangian ideal magnetohydrodynamics(MHD)over simplicial grids.The cell-centered finite-volume(FV)method employed to discretize the conservation laws of volume,momentum,and total energy is rigorously the same as the one developed to simulate hyperelasticity equations.By construction this moving mesh method ensures the compatibility between the mesh displacement and the approximation of the volume flux by means of the nodal velocity and the attached unit corner normal vector which is nothing but the partial derivative of the cell volume with respect to the node coordinate under consideration.This is precisely the definition of the compatibility with the Geometrical Conservation Law which is the cornerstone of any proper multi-dimensional moving mesh FV discretization.The momentum and the total energy fluxes are approximated utilizing the partition of cell faces into sub-faces and the concept of sub-face force which is the traction force attached to each sub-face impinging at a node.We observe that the time evolution of the magnetic field might be simply expressed in terms of the deformation gradient which characterizes the Lagrange-to-Euler mapping.In this framework,the divergence of the magnetic field is conserved with respect to time thanks to the Piola formula.Therefore,we solve the fully compatible updated Lagrangian discretization of the deformation gradient tensor for updating in a simple manner the cell-centered value of the magnetic field.Finally,the sub-face traction force is expressed in terms of the nodal velocity to ensure a semi-discrete entropy inequality within each cell.The conservation of momentum and total energy is recovered prescribing the balance of all the sub-face forces attached to the sub-faces impinging at a given node.This balance corresponds to a vectorial system satisfied by the nodal velocity.It always admits a unique solution which provides the nodal velocity.The robustness and the accuracy of this unconventional FV scheme have been demonstrated by employing various representative test cases.Finally,it is worth emphasizing that once you have an updated Lagrangian code for solving hyperelasticity you also get an almost free updated Lagrangian code for solving ideal MHD ensuring exactly the compatibility with the involution constraint for the magnetic field at the discrete level.展开更多
The Moral and Law course serves as a critical platform for educating university students about ideals and beliefs,and it has a significant impact on the effectiveness of ideals and beliefs education.This paper establi...The Moral and Law course serves as a critical platform for educating university students about ideals and beliefs,and it has a significant impact on the effectiveness of ideals and beliefs education.This paper establishes a mechanism through which Moral and Law course teaching influences the effectiveness of ideals and beliefs education and conducts an empirical evaluation.The results reveal that factors such as the relevance and applicability of the teaching content,the integration of theory and practice,the innovation,interactivity,and participation of teaching methods,as well as classroom atmosphere,teaching facilities,and campus culture,all have a significant positive impact on the effectiveness of ideals and beliefs education for university students.展开更多
Instant Digital Express iDEAL-CIO The “Magic Lamp” for Cloud Intelligence Outlet, which has been recommended, combines innovations to satisfy modern users’ needs and efficiently sift through the ever-expanding amou...Instant Digital Express iDEAL-CIO The “Magic Lamp” for Cloud Intelligence Outlet, which has been recommended, combines innovations to satisfy modern users’ needs and efficiently sift through the ever-expanding amount of intelligent content stored in the cloud. One such innovation introduces a ground-breaking concept to remove superfluous and outdated sequential search patterns that overwhelm the user and computer in order to better serve the user in an eclectic & elastic and multidimensional approach to finding, grouping, assimilation, organizing, and delivering archival content. The cloud intelligence outlet (CIO) is presented in this article as the perfect magic lamp option for quick digital express advocacy. The grouping, indexing, folding, and targeting (GIFT) method of multidimensional online synthetic/analytical intelligent content (MOSAIC) for adaptive intelligence is the fundamental intelligent aggregation and automated process of the Magic Lamp. Three perspectives above this new ideal framework are available to observe: The Magic Lamp proposes contextual and multiple analytical tracks to improve cloud intelligence services conceptually. Technically speaking, MOSAIC combines domain-specific services for a wide range of international users, and through the usage of Cloud Intelligence Outlet, GIFT operationally activates grouping, indexing, folding, and targeting to promote decent experience and in-depth research on target for users’ wants. Because of this, iDEAL-CIO works in tandem with cloud extraction, digital transformation, and archival loading to provide improved service through the readily accessible cloud intelligence outlet.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.41730960)Wuxi University Research Start-up Fund for Introduced Talents (2024r037)Yuqing WANG was supported by the NSF (Grant No. AGS-1834300)。
文摘Recent observational and numerical studies have revealed the dependence of the intensification rate on the inner-core size of tropical cyclones(TCs). In this study, with the initial inner-core size(i.e., the radius of maximum wind—RMW)varied from 20–180 km in idealized simulations using two different numerical models, we found a nonmonotonic dependence of the lifetime maximum intensification rate(LMIR) on the inner-core size. Namely, there is an optimal innercore size for the LMIR of a TC. Tangential wind budget analysis shows that, compared to large TCs, small TCs have large inward flux of absolute vorticity due to large absolute vorticity inside the RMW. However, small TCs also suffer from strong lateral diffusion across the eyewall, which partly offsets the positive contribution from large inward flux of absolute vorticity. These two competing processes ultimately lead to the TC with an intermediate initial inner-core size having the largest LMIR. Results from sensitivity experiments show that the optimal size varies in the range of 40–120 km and increases with higher sea surface temperature, lower latitude, larger horizontal mixing length, and weaker initial TC intensity. The 40–120 km RMW corresponds to the inner-core size most commonly found for intensifying TCs in observations, suggesting the natural selection of initial TC size for intensification. This study highlights the importance of accurate representation of TC inner-core size to TC intensity forecasts by numerical weather prediction models.
文摘目的采用非对称采集与迭代最小二乘估算法迭代水脂分离(iteraterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least-squares estimation quantitation,IDEAL-IQ)方法定量评估冈上肌腱损伤的严重程度与肩袖肌群脂肪浸润程度及受试者特征之间的关系。材料与方法回顾性分析2022年8月至2024年6月本院经肩关节镜证实的33例冈上肌腱部分撕裂患者及89例完全撕裂患者,均进行了常规MRI扫描及IDEAL-IQ序列扫描。由两名放射科医生分别对所有受试者的MRI图像进行独立评估,根据常规MRI图像的冈上肌腱损伤表现,将完全撕裂组的冈上肌腱按照Patte分型分为Patte 1型(Ⅱ级)、Patte 2型(Ⅲ级)、Patte 3型(Ⅳ级),将部分撕裂组定义为Ⅰ级。同时在斜矢状位上进行Goutallier分级及Thomazeau萎缩分级,并通过GE ADW 4.7工作站后处理软件在IDEAL-IQ序列生成的脂肪分数图像上测量冈上肌、冈下肌、肩胛下肌及小圆肌脂肪分数(fat fraction,FF)。用组内相关系数(intra-class correlation coefficient,ICC)及Kappa一致性检验评估观察者间及观察者内的一致性。采用Kruskal-Wallis H检验、单因素ANOVA检验分析FF值在不同分组之间的差异,组间两两比较用Bonferroni检验。采用Pear_(s)on相关性分析肩袖肌肉FF值与年龄、症状持续时间的相关性(相关系数r),Spearman相关性分析冈上肌腱损伤分级与肩袖肌群FF值、Goutallier分级及Thomazeau萎缩分级之间的相关性(相关系数r_(s))。结果(1)冈上肌、冈下肌、肩胛下肌的FF值在冈上肌腱损伤Ⅳ级中显著高于Ⅲ级,高于Ⅱ级和Ⅰ级,差异有统计学意义(P值分别为<0.001、<0.001、0.005);小圆肌的FF值在不同分级之间差异无统计学意义(P=0.073)。组内比较Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级的冈上肌、冈下肌、肩胛下肌、小圆肌FF值差异无统计学意义(P值分别为0.026、0.102);Ⅲ级和Ⅳ级的FF值差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。(2)冈上肌、冈下肌、小圆肌的FF值与年龄呈中等相关(r值分别为0.381、0.339、0.349,P均<0.001),肩胛下肌的FF值与年龄呈弱相关(r=0.216,P=0.017);冈上肌、冈下肌、肩胛下肌FF值与症状持续时间呈中等程度相关(r分别为0.442、0.412、0.314,P均<0.001),小圆肌的FF值与症状持续时间呈弱相关(r=0.277,P=0.002);冈上肌腱损伤程度与冈上肌FF值呈显著相关(r_(s)=0.740,P<0.001),与冈下肌的FF值呈强相关性(r_(s)=0.596,P<0.001),与肩胛下肌、小圆肌的FF值呈弱相关(r_(s)分别为0.257、0.212,P值分别为0.004、0.019);冈上肌损伤程度分级与Goutallier分级、Thomazeau分级之间呈显著正相关(r_(s)分别为0.757、0.737,P均<0.001),且冈上肌FF值在Goutallier和Thomazeau的分级中差异具有统计学意义(P均<0.001)。结论3.0 T MR IDEAL-IQ序列能量化和客观评估肩袖肌群脂肪浸润程度,肩袖肌群脂肪浸润程度与冈上肌腱损伤分级呈正相关,与年龄、症状持续时间呈正相关。
文摘We study the incompressible limit of classical solutions to compressible ideal magneto-hydrodynamics in a domain with a flat boundary.The boundary condition is characteristic and the initial data is general.We first establish the uniform existence of classical solutions with respect to the Mach number.Then,we prove that the solutions converge to the solution of the incompressible MHD system.In particular,we obtain a stronger convergence result by using the dispersion of acoustic waves in the half space.
文摘A town planner combines British experience with Chinese concept of harmony to build green,low-carbon,and sustainable cities.YANG Wei is a woman who wears many hats.An internationally renowned town planner and urban designer,she is held in high esteem in the academic and planning communities in the U.K.and is a fellow of the U.K.Academy of Social Sciences and former president of the Royal Town Planning Institute(RTPI)based in London.She is also chief executive and co-founder of the Digital Task Force for Planning(DTFP),a non-profit social enterprise,and founding director of London-based planning and urban design firm Wei Yang&Partners.
文摘William Butler Yeats ranks among the most widely admired and intensively studied poets of the 20th century.This paper intends to explore the women who have exerted the most critical influences upon Yeats,namely Gonne,Lady Gregory,and Georgie Hyde-Lees.Even in Yeats’s poetry involved with symbolism,it is worth noting that his employment of symbols has used these women as the archetypes,and that the historical context rendered Yeats’s representations of them in his poetry all the more interesting.
基金support by Fondazione Cariplo and Fondazione CDP(Italy)under the project No.2022-1895.
文摘We construct an unconventional divergence preserving discretization of updated Lagrangian ideal magnetohydrodynamics(MHD)over simplicial grids.The cell-centered finite-volume(FV)method employed to discretize the conservation laws of volume,momentum,and total energy is rigorously the same as the one developed to simulate hyperelasticity equations.By construction this moving mesh method ensures the compatibility between the mesh displacement and the approximation of the volume flux by means of the nodal velocity and the attached unit corner normal vector which is nothing but the partial derivative of the cell volume with respect to the node coordinate under consideration.This is precisely the definition of the compatibility with the Geometrical Conservation Law which is the cornerstone of any proper multi-dimensional moving mesh FV discretization.The momentum and the total energy fluxes are approximated utilizing the partition of cell faces into sub-faces and the concept of sub-face force which is the traction force attached to each sub-face impinging at a node.We observe that the time evolution of the magnetic field might be simply expressed in terms of the deformation gradient which characterizes the Lagrange-to-Euler mapping.In this framework,the divergence of the magnetic field is conserved with respect to time thanks to the Piola formula.Therefore,we solve the fully compatible updated Lagrangian discretization of the deformation gradient tensor for updating in a simple manner the cell-centered value of the magnetic field.Finally,the sub-face traction force is expressed in terms of the nodal velocity to ensure a semi-discrete entropy inequality within each cell.The conservation of momentum and total energy is recovered prescribing the balance of all the sub-face forces attached to the sub-faces impinging at a given node.This balance corresponds to a vectorial system satisfied by the nodal velocity.It always admits a unique solution which provides the nodal velocity.The robustness and the accuracy of this unconventional FV scheme have been demonstrated by employing various representative test cases.Finally,it is worth emphasizing that once you have an updated Lagrangian code for solving hyperelasticity you also get an almost free updated Lagrangian code for solving ideal MHD ensuring exactly the compatibility with the involution constraint for the magnetic field at the discrete level.
文摘The Moral and Law course serves as a critical platform for educating university students about ideals and beliefs,and it has a significant impact on the effectiveness of ideals and beliefs education.This paper establishes a mechanism through which Moral and Law course teaching influences the effectiveness of ideals and beliefs education and conducts an empirical evaluation.The results reveal that factors such as the relevance and applicability of the teaching content,the integration of theory and practice,the innovation,interactivity,and participation of teaching methods,as well as classroom atmosphere,teaching facilities,and campus culture,all have a significant positive impact on the effectiveness of ideals and beliefs education for university students.
文摘Instant Digital Express iDEAL-CIO The “Magic Lamp” for Cloud Intelligence Outlet, which has been recommended, combines innovations to satisfy modern users’ needs and efficiently sift through the ever-expanding amount of intelligent content stored in the cloud. One such innovation introduces a ground-breaking concept to remove superfluous and outdated sequential search patterns that overwhelm the user and computer in order to better serve the user in an eclectic & elastic and multidimensional approach to finding, grouping, assimilation, organizing, and delivering archival content. The cloud intelligence outlet (CIO) is presented in this article as the perfect magic lamp option for quick digital express advocacy. The grouping, indexing, folding, and targeting (GIFT) method of multidimensional online synthetic/analytical intelligent content (MOSAIC) for adaptive intelligence is the fundamental intelligent aggregation and automated process of the Magic Lamp. Three perspectives above this new ideal framework are available to observe: The Magic Lamp proposes contextual and multiple analytical tracks to improve cloud intelligence services conceptually. Technically speaking, MOSAIC combines domain-specific services for a wide range of international users, and through the usage of Cloud Intelligence Outlet, GIFT operationally activates grouping, indexing, folding, and targeting to promote decent experience and in-depth research on target for users’ wants. Because of this, iDEAL-CIO works in tandem with cloud extraction, digital transformation, and archival loading to provide improved service through the readily accessible cloud intelligence outlet.