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Response of Two Inexpensive Commercially Produced Soil Moisture Sensors to Changes in Water Content and Soil Texture 被引量:2
作者 Tyson B. Raper Christopher G. Henry +2 位作者 Leo Espinoza Mukhammadzakhrab Ismanov Derrick M. Oosterhuis 《Agricultural Sciences》 2015年第10期1148-1163,共16页
The use of low-cost (<200 USD) soil moisture sensors in crop production systems has the potential to give inference on plant water status and therein drive irrigation events. However, commercially available sensors... The use of low-cost (<200 USD) soil moisture sensors in crop production systems has the potential to give inference on plant water status and therein drive irrigation events. However, commercially available sensors in this price range vary in sensing methodologies and limited information on sensor to sensor relationship is available. The objective of this research was to test the response of the Watermark 200SS and Decagon 10HS sensors to changes in water content of three dissimilar soils representing common soils in Arkansas row-crop production in nine plastic, 19 L containers under variable environmental conditions. Both sensors were influenced by changes in soil temperature but the magnitudes of the temperature responses were small relative to the moisture responses. Furthermore, the 10HS sensor did not indicate a significant impact of soil texture on estimated volumetric water contents (VWCs). The small sphere of influence on the tested soil moisture parameters coupled with the substantial evaporative demands and temperatures under which this experiment was conducted resulted in suspected non-uniform drying and wetting of the tested containers. Subsequently, non-linear relationships were noted between 10HS estimated VWCs and actual container VWCs and the 200SS predicted lower water potentials than calculated by converting container VWC to soil water potential. The failure of the sensors to accurately predict container VWC highlights the importance of understanding the relatively small quantity of soil on which these sensors rely as well as the potential variability in soil moisture within a very limited volume. The authors caution users of sensors that soil variability may be one of the most important considerations in sensor deployment. 展开更多
关键词 SOIL MOISTURE Sensor 10hs WATERMARK 200SS Decagon Comparison SOIL TEXTURE
作者 谈耀明 《家电大视野》 2003年第9期62-66,共5页
随着逐行扫描DVD的普及和高清晰数字电视的即将开播,作为家用视频显示设备的彩电和背投已不能满足高要求人士享受生活的需求了。人们的消费习惯随着更宽敞的住房慢慢改变。昔日昂贵的单枪正投影机也因技术成熟。成本下降,价格进一步... 随着逐行扫描DVD的普及和高清晰数字电视的即将开播,作为家用视频显示设备的彩电和背投已不能满足高要求人士享受生活的需求了。人们的消费习惯随着更宽敞的住房慢慢改变。昔日昂贵的单枪正投影机也因技术成熟。成本下降,价格进一步与背投影机看齐。开始进入家庭。家庭用户将成为正投影机最具潜力的消费市场。有鉴于此,各投影机生产厂家纷纷推出专门适合家用的单枪“视频投影机”,它们按设计不同分为液晶投影机(以下简称LCD)和数码投影机(以下简称DLP)。这类投影机一般都有几个相同特点:一是液晶板或DMD(数字视频投射板)采用宽银幕格式(16:9),播放宽银幕电影和未来高清晰电视讯号时,能将讯号充满整个画面;二是电路针对视频信号特性在色彩.暗部层次等作特别设计,以还现自然真实的图像效果;三是有低功耗模式,以延长灯泡的使用寿命。降低使用成本;四是为了得到高质的影院音频播放效果。有较低的散热风扇噪音。从去年开始。单枪正投影机产品纷纷大幅降价。在很大程度上刺激了消费者的购买欲。今年上半年以来,中.低价位单枪投影机的价格下降,使许多原本只用CRT电视机或是考虑买背投影电视的消费者纷纷关注单枪投影机。面对市场上形形色色的投影机,不懂行的朋友可能很难拿定主意。笔者在这里特意向大家介绍四款适用于家用投影的单枪投影机的特点。 展开更多
关键词 单枪视频投影机 液晶投影机 数码投影机 产品介绍 TH—AE200 PLV—Z1 VPL—HS10 XV—Z90U
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