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作者 常荣华 《生态经济》 北大核心 2024年第2期1-4,共4页
将全球升温幅度控制在1.5℃以内是《巴黎协定》确定的目标,也是经过科学计算的结果。1.5℃的控温目标会降低气候变化风险、减少疾病传播和降低农作物减产概率,具有重要的生态和经济价值。全球应对气候变化的努力始于20世纪70年代,经过... 将全球升温幅度控制在1.5℃以内是《巴黎协定》确定的目标,也是经过科学计算的结果。1.5℃的控温目标会降低气候变化风险、减少疾病传播和降低农作物减产概率,具有重要的生态和经济价值。全球应对气候变化的努力始于20世纪70年代,经过多年的发展,应对气候变化的机制、框架基本成熟。但当前,发达国家的能源政策有倒退趋势,发展中国家应对气候变化的资金和技术困境仍然存在。2023年12月召开的第28届联合国气候变化大会达成了“阿联酋共识”,并成立了“损害和损失”基金,是对过去“欠账”的弥补。中国作为负责任大国,在履约机制和透明度机制建设,推进气候减缓和适应协同性以及加大气候投资和技术支持等方面取得了突出成绩,为全球气候治理提供了中国方案。面对1.5℃的控温目标,世界各国应继续从产业结构调整、能源结构优化、节能能效提升、增加碳汇及减少非能源活动温室气体排放等方面持续发力。 展开更多
关键词 气候变化 1.5 COP28 能源转型 气候减缓 气候适应
137°E断面温盐年际变化特征分析 被引量:2
作者 白志鹏 鲍献文 吴德星 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第S1期38-46,共9页
利用日本气象厅对137°E断面32个站位每年2次的连续观测资料,分析了此断面3°N~34°N在1967~2003年期间的温度、盐度特征及其年际变化。资料分析表明,该断面温度变化有2个极大值区,低纬度极大值区温度变化与厄尔尼诺事件... 利用日本气象厅对137°E断面32个站位每年2次的连续观测资料,分析了此断面3°N~34°N在1967~2003年期间的温度、盐度特征及其年际变化。资料分析表明,该断面温度变化有2个极大值区,低纬度极大值区温度变化与厄尔尼诺事件有重要关联。在厄尔尼诺事件达到峰值前,此区域温跃层向上抬升,冬季此区域下层300~400 m处(北赤道逆流区)的温度出现与以上抬升反相位的变化,即在厄尔尼诺发生时可以加大等温线的倾斜,从而加强了北赤道逆流,在拉尼娜发生时正好相反。30°N以北的温度变化极大值区的温度变化主要受日本以南黑潮大弯曲的影响,当黑潮出现弯曲时,该区出现的气旋式涡旋造成深层水的上涌,导致该区200 m以深出现大范围降温。以700 m为界,日本以南黑潮区上、下层盐度的年际变化相反,这是由于该海域盐度的气候分布特征为中层低、上层和底层相对高所造成的。所以当水柱上涌时,原本的高盐水被低盐水代替,而原本的低盐水被高盐水代替,导致了以上反相位的变化。冬季28℃等温线的北端位置不仅有14 a的变化周期,而且整个暖池37 a来以平均每年0.1个纬距的速度向北移动。中层低盐水(34.2 psu等盐线分布)的强度分布有明显的年际差异,并且逐年加强。 展开更多
关键词 137°E断面 年际变化 变化相关 中层低盐水 28等温线
A study of intra-seasonal variations in the subsurface water temperatures in the South China Sea 被引量:1
作者 Zhan Lian Baonan Sun +2 位作者 Zexun Wei Yonggang Wang Xinyi Wang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第4期97-105,共9页
Through analysis of the results of a verified high-fidelity numerical model, the intra-seasonal variations(ISVs) in the depth of the 22°C isotherm(D22) in the South China Sea(SCS) basin are investigated. The resu... Through analysis of the results of a verified high-fidelity numerical model, the intra-seasonal variations(ISVs) in the depth of the 22°C isotherm(D22) in the South China Sea(SCS) basin are investigated. The results show that the ISVs in the D22 exhibit distinct seasonality in the SCS. The ISVs in the D22 are quite significant, especially within a band along the northwestern boundary of the basin and at the southern end of the basin during boreal winter. In these areas, the ratio of the standard deviations(STDs) of intra-seasonal band to the STDs of total data could exceed 0.6. Although the ISVs in the D22 are detectable in the area affected by the Vietnam Offshore Current during boreal summer and autumn, these variations are sometimes overwhelmed by oscillations with other frequencies. An analysis of the causes of the ISVs in the D22 in the SCS indicates that sea surface fluxes and wind stirring are not the dominant external driving mechanisms of the phenomena described above. The ISVs in the D22 are thought to be induced mainly by the thermodynamic adjustment of the ocean itself and the associated instabilities. The energy of the northern and southern bands that display strong ISVs in the D22 may be derived from eddy kinetic energy, rather than eddy available potential energy. The diversity of the propagation of the ISVs in the D22 is very conspicuous within these two bands. 展开更多
关键词 intra-seasonal variations depth of 22 isotherm SOUTH China Sea
Increasing free-air 0℃ isotherm height in Southwest China from 1960 to 2010 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Mingjun DONG Lei WANG Shengjie ZHAO Aifang QIANG Fang SUN Meiping WANG Qiong 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期833-844,共12页
Based on the radiosonde data observed at 14 stations in Southwest China from 1960 to 2010, as well as the corresponding surface air temperature, the long-term change of free-air 0℃ isotherm height in Southwest China ... Based on the radiosonde data observed at 14 stations in Southwest China from 1960 to 2010, as well as the corresponding surface air temperature, the long-term change of free-air 0℃ isotherm height in Southwest China and the relationships between surface air temperature and 0℃ isotherm height are discussed. The results indicated that the spatial distribution of 0℃ isotherm height is generally related with latitude, but the huge massif or plateau may complicate the latitude pattern. The two main regimes influencing the spatial patterns of 0℃ isotherm height in Southwest China are latitude and huge massif. The annual 0℃ isotherm height has increased by 35 m per decade in the recent decades, which is statistically significant at the 0.001 level. Generally, the increasing trend can be examined for each seasonal series, especially in winter (53 m per decade). The diversity of trend magnitudes for annual and seasonal series can also be detected at a spatial view, but generally 0℃ isotherm height correlated well with surface air temperature. 展开更多
关键词 Southwest China 0 isotherm height global warming radiosonde data
作者 欧阳李蕊 班伟(摄影) 《消费》 2011年第30期24-24,共1页
关键词 巧克力 28美味 一马当先 甜品
BDE-28在天然土壤上的吸附行为研究 被引量:3
作者 刘文新 凌晰 +3 位作者 陈江麟 李卫波 窦晗 陶澍 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期749-757,共9页
研究了BDE-28在3种不同有机质含量的天然土壤上的吸附行为,包括吸附过程动力学和热力学等温线.结果表明,双室一级动力学模式较单室一级动力学模式更适于描述BDE-28在天然土壤上的吸附过程动力学特征,尤其是在吸附初始阶段(0~25 h).快... 研究了BDE-28在3种不同有机质含量的天然土壤上的吸附行为,包括吸附过程动力学和热力学等温线.结果表明,双室一级动力学模式较单室一级动力学模式更适于描述BDE-28在天然土壤上的吸附过程动力学特征,尤其是在吸附初始阶段(0~25 h).快吸附自吸附初始到表观吸附平衡的整体吸附过程中占据优势地位,而慢吸附的贡献率则逐渐增加并在49~55 h后达到相对稳定.快吸附达到其吸附容量的时间远快于慢吸附.在吸附开始阶段的2.5~4.5 h,BDE-28吸附总量的增加主要决定于快吸附;但在后续的吸附阶段,慢吸附的影响逐渐成为主导.在所研究的平衡浓度范围内,DA模式和Freundlich模式对BDE-28吸附等温线均可提供较好的且相似的拟合结果.就Freundlich模式而言,具有较低(0.72%)和较高(7.90%)TOC分数的样品的非线性指数n都接近1.0(分别为1.03±0.05和1.00±0.05),表明2种土样在所研究的BDE-28平衡浓度范围内呈现线性吸附特征;而另一TOC含量居中(4.42%)的土样则表现出明显的非线性行为,模型非线性指数n<1.0(0.89±0.04). 展开更多
关键词 BDE-28 土壤 吸附 动力学 等温线
Glacier area shrinkage in China and its climatic background during the past half century 被引量:15
作者 ZHANG Mingjun WANG Shengjie +1 位作者 LI Zhongqin WANG Feiteng 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期15-28,共14页
Based on the glacier area variation records in the typical regions of China moni-tored by remote sensing, as well as the meteorological data of air temperature and precipitation from 139 stations and the 0℃ isotherm ... Based on the glacier area variation records in the typical regions of China moni-tored by remote sensing, as well as the meteorological data of air temperature and precipitation from 139 stations and the 0℃ isotherm height from 28 stations, the glacier area shrinkage in China and its climatic background in the past half century was discussed. The initial glacier area calculated in this study was 23,982 km2 in the 1960s/1970s, but the present area was only 21,893 km2 in the 2000s. The area-weighted shrinking rate of glacier was 10.1%, and the interpolated annual percentage of area changes (APAC) of glacier was 0.3% a–1 since 1960. The high APAC was found at the Ili River Basin and the Junggar Interior Basin around the Tianshan Mountains, the Ob River Basin around the Altay Mountains, the Hexi Interior Basin around the Qilian Mountains, etc. The retreat of glacier was affected by the climatic background, and the influence on glacier of the slight-increased precipitation was counteracted by the significant warming in summer. 展开更多
关键词 glacier area climate change China air temperature precipitation 0 isotherm height
The implication of mass elevation effect of the Tibetan Plateau for altitudinal belts 被引量:3
作者 YAO Yonghui XU Mei ZHANG Baiping 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第12期1411-1422,共12页
The heating effect (or mass elevation effect, MEE) of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is intense due to its massive body. Some studies have been undertaken on its role as the heat source in summer and its implications fo... The heating effect (or mass elevation effect, MEE) of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is intense due to its massive body. Some studies have been undertaken on its role as the heat source in summer and its implications for Asian climate, but little has been known of the im- plications of its MEE for the distribution of mountain altitudinal belts (MABs). Using air tem- perature data observed and remotely sensed data, MAB/treeline data, and ASTER GDEM data, this paper compares the height of MABs and alpine treelines in the main TP and the surrounding mountains/lowland and explains the difference from the point of view of MEE. The results demonstrate: 1) at same elevation, air temperature and the length of growing season gradually increase from the eastern edge to the interior TP, e.g., at 4500 m (corre- sponding to the mean altitude of the TP), the monthly mean temperature is 3.58℃ higher (April) to 6.63℃ higher (June) in the interior plateau than in the Sichuan Basin; the 10℃ iso- therm for the warmest month goes upward from the edge to the interior of the plateau, at 4000 m in the Qilian Mts. and the eastern edges of the plateau, and up to 4600-5000 m in Lhasa and Zuogong; the warmth index at an altitude of 4500 m can be up to 15℃-month in the in- terior TP, but much lower at the eastern edges. 2) MABs and treeline follow a similar trend of rising inwards: dark-coniferous forest is 1000-1500 m higher and alpine steppe is about 700-900 m higher in the interior TP than at the eastern edges. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau mass elevation effect mountain altitudinal belt TREELINE the warmth index the 10 isotherm in the warmest month
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