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通信感知一体化在5G-A/6G环境下的无人机应用探究 被引量:4
作者 李晖晖 《广东通信技术》 2024年第1期29-32,共4页
5G-A/6G网络具备内生感知能力,大带宽的通信能力与高精度感知能力和强大的算力相结合催生了丰富的业务应用。同时,为实现5G-A/6G网络的空天地海无缝覆盖愿景,无人机也将扮演重要角色。因此,5G-A/6G网络通信感知一体化与无人机相结合将... 5G-A/6G网络具备内生感知能力,大带宽的通信能力与高精度感知能力和强大的算力相结合催生了丰富的业务应用。同时,为实现5G-A/6G网络的空天地海无缝覆盖愿景,无人机也将扮演重要角色。因此,5G-A/6G网络通信感知一体化与无人机相结合将大有可为,在无人机辅助通信、无人机群体协同、安全防护、自主导航等领域有着广泛的应用前景,将推动智慧城市建设,助力低空经济产业创新发展。 展开更多
关键词 通信感知一体化 无人机应用 电子围栏 5g-a 6g 低空经济
智能超表面赋能5G-A/6G网络的思考 被引量:3
作者 刘秋妍 吕轩 +1 位作者 李佳俊 王东洋 《无线电通信技术》 北大核心 2024年第2期288-293,共6页
未来移动通信网络在满足用户个性化需求的同时将社会福祉作为网络发展的重要方向,基于对移动通信网络业务发展趋势和挑战的分析探讨,面向下一代移动通信网络泛在接入、绿色节能等发展需求,指出智能超表面(Reconfigurable Intelligent Su... 未来移动通信网络在满足用户个性化需求的同时将社会福祉作为网络发展的重要方向,基于对移动通信网络业务发展趋势和挑战的分析探讨,面向下一代移动通信网络泛在接入、绿色节能等发展需求,指出智能超表面(Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface, RIS)在5G-Advanced(5G-A)和6G网络典型应用场景,并从技术能力、产业成熟度等多个角度分析RIS在信道侧和收发端等不同场景下的应用价值。面向移动通信网络设备管控需求,提出了基于网络控制、自主调控和终端控制三种RIS管控方案,并分析了三种方案的差异。 展开更多
关键词 无线通信 6g 5g-a 智能超表面
作者 李露 李福昌 高谦 《信息通信技术》 2024年第1期38-43,共6页
文章从标准化及业务需求等方面分析了5G-A/6G无线网智能化技术的发展趋势,并且提出5G-A/6G阶段无线网智能化演进的三层方案架构,从网元、网络及云端阐述无线网络智能化应具备的能力。基于无线网络智能化演进路线,分析无线网络智能化在... 文章从标准化及业务需求等方面分析了5G-A/6G无线网智能化技术的发展趋势,并且提出5G-A/6G阶段无线网智能化演进的三层方案架构,从网元、网络及云端阐述无线网络智能化应具备的能力。基于无线网络智能化演进路线,分析无线网络智能化在业务保障、根因分析、波束管理及绿色节能等方面的应用。文章给出未来网络智能化发展所面临数据、安全、融合及节能方面的挑战,全面分析5G-A/6G无线网智能化技术的特点。 展开更多
关键词 5g-a 6g 无线网络 人工智能
作者 程磊 程家印 +1 位作者 刘一鸣 刘彩 《移动信息》 2024年第8期19-21,共3页
文中分析和探讨了5G-A/6G网络中的绿色低碳技术。首先,从硬件节能技术、软件节能技术、智能化节能技术、共建共享节能技术等方面,深入分析了5G-A/6G网络中的绿色低碳技术。其次,系统研究了5G-A/6G网络绿色低碳技术的演进趋势,包括智能... 文中分析和探讨了5G-A/6G网络中的绿色低碳技术。首先,从硬件节能技术、软件节能技术、智能化节能技术、共建共享节能技术等方面,深入分析了5G-A/6G网络中的绿色低碳技术。其次,系统研究了5G-A/6G网络绿色低碳技术的演进趋势,包括智能节能调度、高效共建共享策略、极简网络架构设计、绿色器件应用等。通过研究,希望能为5G-A/6G网络的绿色低碳发展提供有力的理论支持和具体实践指导。 展开更多
关键词 5g-a/6g网络 绿色低碳技术 节能 共建共享 智能调度
作者 胡智霖 《通讯世界》 2024年第9期31-33,共3页
为提高5G-A/6G网络建设质量,针对基于智能超表面的5G-A/6G网络建设开展研究。概述智能超表面的基本原理及应用优势,深入分析智能超表面在5G-A/6G网络建设中的基本应用,包括系统结构与调控设计、加强物理维度安全防护、提高多流传输强度... 为提高5G-A/6G网络建设质量,针对基于智能超表面的5G-A/6G网络建设开展研究。概述智能超表面的基本原理及应用优势,深入分析智能超表面在5G-A/6G网络建设中的基本应用,包括系统结构与调控设计、加强物理维度安全防护、提高多流传输强度、优化网络边缘覆盖、提高物联网无线传输质量、保证室内信号覆盖质量、改造收发信机设施、支持设备到设备(device to device,D2D)大规模通信、消除信号覆盖盲区、基带信号处理,并提出了基于智能超表面的配套系统建设,以期为相关人员提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 网络系统建设 智能超表面 5g-a网络 6g网络
作者 李福昌 吕婷 +3 位作者 曹亘 张涛 王伟 贺琳 《信息通信技术》 2023年第4期32-38,共7页
5G高能耗与高碳排放给通信行业落实“双碳”战略带来巨大的挑战,为促进移动通信网络绿色低碳化发展,助力通信行业“双碳”战略实施,文章全面介绍移动通信网络绿色低碳技术的发展现状以及面临的局限性,立足于5G-A/6G网络节能降碳的目标,... 5G高能耗与高碳排放给通信行业落实“双碳”战略带来巨大的挑战,为促进移动通信网络绿色低碳化发展,助力通信行业“双碳”战略实施,文章全面介绍移动通信网络绿色低碳技术的发展现状以及面临的局限性,立足于5G-A/6G网络节能降碳的目标,分析网络与业务演变为这一目标达成所带来的挑战,从极简网络架构、高效共建共享、智能节能调度、绿色器件几个方面,进一步探讨5G-A/6G网络绿色低碳技术的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 5g-a 6g 绿色低碳 网络架构 共建共享 智能化节能 绿色器件
坚持5G-A/6G一体化推进的思考 被引量:3
作者 梁宝俊 《信息通信技术》 2023年第6期4-10,共7页
5G规模商用以来,其价值从网络能力、用户开发到应用创新不断实现飞跃,并在技术上向5G-A发展。与此同时,ITU-R在2023年发布了6G愿景,加速了全球6G研究。如何实现5G-A与6G的协调发展已成为运营商面临的重要课题。坚持5G-A/6G一体化推进,... 5G规模商用以来,其价值从网络能力、用户开发到应用创新不断实现飞跃,并在技术上向5G-A发展。与此同时,ITU-R在2023年发布了6G愿景,加速了全球6G研究。如何实现5G-A与6G的协调发展已成为运营商面临的重要课题。坚持5G-A/6G一体化推进,既有助于提高5G网络能力,又为6G未来部署积累创新和实践经验,建议从突出场景牵引、强化标准引领、加强技术攻关、推动先试先行、增强产业协同五个方面重点发力,全面助力我国持续扩大5G领先优势,推动实现我国6G发展全球领先。 展开更多
关键词 5g-a 6g 新质生产力 未来产业
5G-A通感融合网络架构及演进研究 被引量:1
作者 李沸乐 杨文聪 《邮电设计技术》 2023年第5期33-38,共6页
5G-A通感融合网络架构是当前业界的研究热点,未来多样化的新业务需求和技术挑战将对网络提出更高的要求,推动5G-A通感融合网络架构持续演进。首先介绍了目前5G-A阶段业内主流的3种通感融合网络架构。然后从3个角度剖析了通感融合网络架... 5G-A通感融合网络架构是当前业界的研究热点,未来多样化的新业务需求和技术挑战将对网络提出更高的要求,推动5G-A通感融合网络架构持续演进。首先介绍了目前5G-A阶段业内主流的3种通感融合网络架构。然后从3个角度剖析了通感融合网络架构演进的驱动力,提出通感智算一体化、用户面感知能力增强、Wi-Fi协同感知3个潜在演进方向和方案实现逻辑,为后续通感融合网络的发展提供技术参考。最后对研究内容做了总结和展望。 展开更多
关键词 5g-a 通感融合 网络架构 6g 演进
作者 王欣晖 周星月 朱进国 《信息通信技术与政策》 2023年第9期13-22,共10页
作为6G纲领性文件,《IMT面向2030及未来发展的框架和总体目标建议书》描绘了6G的目标和趋势,提出了6G的典型应用场景及能力指标体系,为未来6G技术的发展指明了方向。阐述了6G网络架构的演进方向,介绍了满足这些场景需求的关键技术手段... 作为6G纲领性文件,《IMT面向2030及未来发展的框架和总体目标建议书》描绘了6G的目标和趋势,提出了6G的典型应用场景及能力指标体系,为未来6G技术的发展指明了方向。阐述了6G网络架构的演进方向,介绍了满足这些场景需求的关键技术手段。此外,还介绍了正在研究制定的5G增强标准的重点课题和相关标准工作进展,反映5G增强标准在向6G迈进的过程中起到的承上启下的作用。 展开更多
关键词 6g 5g-a 网络架构 人工智能与通信融合 感知与通信融合 数据面
Toward 6G Communication Networks:Terahertz Frequency Challenges and Open Research Issues 被引量:2
作者 Mohammed H.Alsharif Mahmoud A.M Albreem +1 位作者 Ahmad A.A Solyman Sunghwan Kim 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2021年第3期2831-2842,共12页
Future networks communication scenarios by the 2030s will include notable applications are three-dimensional(3D)calls,haptics communications,unmanned mobility,tele-operated driving,bio-internet of things,and the Nanoi... Future networks communication scenarios by the 2030s will include notable applications are three-dimensional(3D)calls,haptics communications,unmanned mobility,tele-operated driving,bio-internet of things,and the Nanointernet of things.Unlike the current scenario in which megahertz bandwidth are sufficient to drive the audio and video components of user applications,the future networks of the 2030s will require bandwidths in several gigahertzes(GHz)(from tens of gigahertz to 1 terahertz[THz])to perform optimally.Based on the current radio frequency allocation chart,it is not possible to obtain such a wide contiguous radio spectrum below 90 GHz(0.09 THz).Interestingly,these contiguous blocks of radio spectrum are readily available in the higher electromagnetic spectrum,specifically in the Terahertz(THz)frequency band.The major contribution of this study is discussing the substantial issues and key features of THz waves,which include(i)key features and significance of THz frequency;(ii)recent regulatory;(iii)the most promising applications;and(iv)possible open research issues.These research topics were deeply investigated with the aim of providing a specific,synopsis,and encompassing conclusion.Thus,this article will be as a catalyst towards exploring new frontiers for future networks of the 2030s. 展开更多
关键词 Wireless networks beyond 5g 6g communications terahertz waves terahertz frequency terahertz communications
Milestones of Wireless Communication Networks and Technology Prospect of Next Generation(6G) 被引量:1
作者 Mohammed H.Alsharif Md.Sanwar Hossain +3 位作者 Abu Jahid Muhammad Asghar Khan Bong Jun Choi Samih M.Mostafa 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2022年第6期4803-4818,共16页
Since around 1980,a new generation of wireless technology has arisen approximately every 10 years.First-generation(1G)and secondgeneration(2G)began with voice and eventually introduced more and more data in third-gene... Since around 1980,a new generation of wireless technology has arisen approximately every 10 years.First-generation(1G)and secondgeneration(2G)began with voice and eventually introduced more and more data in third-generation(3G)and became highly popular in the fourthgeneration(4G).To increase the data rate along with low latency and mass connectivity the fifth-generation(5G)networks are being installed from 2020.However,the 5G technology will not be able to fulfill the data demand at the end of this decade.Therefore,it is expected that 6G communication networks will rise,providing better services through the implementation of new enabling technologies and allowing users to connect everywhere.6G technology would not be confined to cellular communications networks,but would also comply with non-terrestrial communication system requirements,such as satellite communication.The ultimate objectives of this work are to address the major challenges of the evolution of cellular communication networks and to discourse the recent growth of the industry based on the key scopes of application and challenges.The main areas of research topics are summarized into(i)major 6G wireless networkmilestones;(ii)key performance indicators;(iii)future new applications;and(iv)potential fields of research,challenges,and open issues. 展开更多
关键词 Wireless networks beyond 5g 6g communications terahertz frequency terahertz communications holographic calls
Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Resource Management for Future Wireless Communications: A Survey 被引量:15
作者 Mengting Lin Youping Zhao 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第3期58-77,共20页
How to explore and exploit the full potential of artificial intelligence(AI)technologies in future wireless communications such as beyond 5G(B5G)and 6G is an extremely hot inter-disciplinary research topic around the ... How to explore and exploit the full potential of artificial intelligence(AI)technologies in future wireless communications such as beyond 5G(B5G)and 6G is an extremely hot inter-disciplinary research topic around the world.On the one hand,AI empowers intelligent resource management for wireless communications through powerful learning and automatic adaptation capabilities.On the other hand,embracing AI in wireless communication resource management calls for new network architecture and system models as well as standardized interfaces/protocols/data formats to facilitate the large-scale deployment of AI in future B5G/6G networks.This paper reviews the state-of-art AI-empowered resource management from the framework perspective down to the methodology perspective,not only considering the radio resource(e.g.,spectrum)management but also other types of resources such as computing and caching.We also discuss the challenges and opportunities for AI-based resource management to widely deploy AI in future wireless communication networks. 展开更多
关键词 5g BEYOND 5g(B5g) 6g artificial intelligence(AI) machine learning(ML) network SLICINg RESOURCE management
Improved Multi-party Quantum Key Agreement with Four-qubit Cluster States
作者 Hussein Abulkasim Eatedal Alabdulkreem Safwat Hamad 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2022年第10期225-232,共8页
Quantum key agreement is a promising key establishing protocol that can play a significant role in securing 5G/6G communication networks.Recently,Liu et al.(Quantum Information Processing 18(8):1-10,2019)proposed a mu... Quantum key agreement is a promising key establishing protocol that can play a significant role in securing 5G/6G communication networks.Recently,Liu et al.(Quantum Information Processing 18(8):1-10,2019)proposed a multi-party quantum key agreement protocol based on four-qubit cluster states was proposed.The aim of their protocol is to agree on a shared secret key among multiple remote participants.Liu et al.employed four-qubit cluster states to be the quantum resources and the X operation to securely share a secret key.In addition,Liu et al.’s protocol guarantees that each participant makes an equal contribution to the final key.The authors also claimed that the proposed protocol is secure against participant attack and dishonest participants cannot generate the final shared key alone.However,we show here that Liu et al.protocol is insecure against a collusive attack,where dishonest participants can retrieve the private inputs of a trustworthy participant without being caught.Additionally,the corresponding modifications are presented to address these security flaws in Liu et al.’s protocol. 展开更多
关键词 Quantum key agreement 5g/6g communication networks collusive attacks quantum cryptography
Addressing the CQI feedback delay in 5G/6G networks via machine learning and evolutionary computing
作者 Andson Balieiro Kelvin Dias Paulo Guarda 《Intelligent and Converged Networks》 EI 2022年第3期271-281,共11页
5G networks apply adaptive modulation and coding according to the channel condition reported by the user in order to keep the mobile communication quality.However,the delay incurred by the feedback may make the channe... 5G networks apply adaptive modulation and coding according to the channel condition reported by the user in order to keep the mobile communication quality.However,the delay incurred by the feedback may make the channel quality indicator(CQI)obsolete.This paper addresses this issue by proposing two approaches,one based on machine learning and another on evolutionary computing,which considers the user context and signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio(SINR)besides the delay length to estimate the updated SINR to be mapped into a CQI value.Our proposals are designed to run at the user equipment(UE)side,neither requiring any change in the signalling between the base station(gNB)and UE nor overloading the gNB.They are evaluated in terms of mean squared error by adopting 5G network simulation data and the results show their high accuracy and feasibility to be employed in 5G/6G systems. 展开更多
关键词 channel quality indicator(CQI)feedback delay 5g/6g networks machine learning evolutionary computing
通感一体化融合架构及关键技术 被引量:6
作者 杨艳 张忠皓 李福昌 《移动通信》 2022年第5期52-55,共4页
通感融合是5G-A和6G阶段较为明确且有广泛使用场景的技术,但目前处于起步阶段,需要进行较为深入的研究。从业务发展层次来看,5G-A阶段通感系统将主要实现5G for感知功能,而在6G阶段将全面实现通信与感知共赢。对通感融合网络架构和关键... 通感融合是5G-A和6G阶段较为明确且有广泛使用场景的技术,但目前处于起步阶段,需要进行较为深入的研究。从业务发展层次来看,5G-A阶段通感系统将主要实现5G for感知功能,而在6G阶段将全面实现通信与感知共赢。对通感融合网络架构和关键技术进行研究,通过分析5G-A和6G中较为可行的通感融合网络架构,勾勒出通感融合的架构特征,并分析了几种较为关键的通感融合技术,为后续通感融合网络部署提供技术支撑。 展开更多
关键词 融合通感 网络架构 5g-a 6g
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