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作者 林洁琼 吴明磊 +3 位作者 刘思洋 周岩 谷岩 周晓勤 《中国表面工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期182-198,共17页
切削加工过程中材料损伤形式对加工表面质量会产生较大影响,现有仿真分析难以模拟真实颗粒失效行为,通过建立二维微观多相有限元模型能够深入了解材料损伤与表面质量的关系。基于常规切削(Conventional cutting,CC)与超声振动辅助切削(U... 切削加工过程中材料损伤形式对加工表面质量会产生较大影响,现有仿真分析难以模拟真实颗粒失效行为,通过建立二维微观多相有限元模型能够深入了解材料损伤与表面质量的关系。基于常规切削(Conventional cutting,CC)与超声振动辅助切削(Ultrasonic vibration-assisted cutting,UVAC)两种加工方式,通过有限元仿真软件Abaqus对20%SiCp/Al复合材料的切削过程进行仿真模拟,阐释加工过程中刀具与工件的相互作用机理,并在同一参数下验证有限元仿真的准确性。通过设计单因素试验,对比两种加工方式及不同加工参数对切削力和表面粗糙度的影响规律,得出最佳加工参数组合,并对最佳加工参数下表面形貌进行分析。模拟和试验结果表明,SiC颗粒断裂、颗粒耕犁、颗粒拔出以及Al基体撕裂是影响SiCp/Al复合材料加工质量的主要原因,刀具与颗粒不同的相对作用位置会产生不同的损伤形式。与常规切削相比,施加超声振动后可以有效抑制颗粒失效和基体损伤,使加工中的平均切削力(主切削力)降低33%,工件已加工表面粗糙度值最大减小量为531 nm,显著提高了表面质量。所建立的二维微观多相有限元模型,能够有效模拟铝基复合材料的加工缺陷和裂纹损伤问题,对提高难加工材料的高质量表面制备有重要借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 超声振动辅助切削 sicp/al复合材料 加工机理 表面质量 切削力
作者 苏嶓 王爱琴 +4 位作者 谢敬佩 刘瑛 张津浩 柳培 梁婷婷 《材料热处理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期1-12,共12页
SiCp/Al-Si基复合材料具有高的比强度、比刚度、比模量,良好的导热、导电、耐磨性及尺寸稳定性等优点,作为结构功能性材料应用于空间工程、电子封装、交通运输和精密仪器等领域。其研究热点主要集中在界面结构调控、强化机制及性能调控... SiCp/Al-Si基复合材料具有高的比强度、比刚度、比模量,良好的导热、导电、耐磨性及尺寸稳定性等优点,作为结构功能性材料应用于空间工程、电子封装、交通运输和精密仪器等领域。其研究热点主要集中在界面结构调控、强化机制及性能调控等方面。在SiCp/Al-Si复合材料中存在着增强体与基体界面、析出相与基体界面、析出相与增强体界面,这些界面受各种因素影响,会出现多种界面反应和界面产物,界面结构和结合状态复杂而多样。基于此,本文综述了制备工艺、基体合金成分和SiCp表面改性等方面对SiCp/Al-Si基复合材料界面结构的影响及调控,并总结了影响其力学性能的因素及强化机制的研究现状,最后对复合材料未来的发展及研究方向进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 sicp/al-Si复合材料 界面结构调控 力学性能 强化机制 多尺度研究
作者 郑凛 张铭洋 +4 位作者 熊凌达 蒋熠鸣 米高阳 曾广 欧阳求保 《精密成形工程》 北大核心 2024年第3期32-43,共12页
为实现SiCp/Al复合材料的高质量可靠焊接,推广SiCp/Al复合材料在各领域的应用,调研了国内外SiCp/Al复合材料不同焊接方法的研究现状。在熔化焊方面,国内外学者通过调整工艺参数、在焊缝中加入Ti元素发生诱发反应等方法,抑制了焊缝中Al4C... 为实现SiCp/Al复合材料的高质量可靠焊接,推广SiCp/Al复合材料在各领域的应用,调研了国内外SiCp/Al复合材料不同焊接方法的研究现状。在熔化焊方面,国内外学者通过调整工艺参数、在焊缝中加入Ti元素发生诱发反应等方法,抑制了焊缝中Al4C3针状脆性相的形成,从而提高了焊接接头的力学性能。在搅拌摩擦焊方面,国内外学者针对不同材料设计了专用的焊接搅拌头,以保证它们具备高耐磨性与足够的冲击韧性,在焊接过程中不出现破损情况;关注了焊接过程中焊接头转速、焊接速度、轴向力与热输入等因素,以获得力学性能优秀、晶粒细小均匀的焊接接头。在扩散焊方面,国内外学者探究了中间夹层对焊缝界面间原子相互扩散的促进作用;采取不同工艺参数,以外加超声或电子束表面加热等方式促进了原子间的相互扩散,以获得力学性能优异的焊接接头,提高焊接效率。在钎焊方面,国内外学者通过探究钎料与SiCp/Al复合材料之间的润湿性来组合钎料与钎剂,通过化学腐蚀处理表面暴露颗粒增强相、在复合材料表面电镀金属等方法来增大钎料与增强相的润湿性、解决钎料铺展受阻的问题,以进一步提高钎焊焊接接头质量。 展开更多
关键词 sicp/al复合材料 熔化焊 扩散焊 搅拌摩擦焊 钎焊
作者 毋宇超 郭淼现 +1 位作者 郭维诚 周金强 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期145-155,共11页
目的研究SiCp/Al复合材料切削过程中的表面损伤形成机制。方法以SiCp/Al复合材料为研究对象,展开基于二维切削的仿真和实验研究,建立了包含铝合金2A14、SiC增强颗粒以及界面特性的SiCp/Al切削仿真模型,对作用于不同SiC颗粒部位的材料表... 目的研究SiCp/Al复合材料切削过程中的表面损伤形成机制。方法以SiCp/Al复合材料为研究对象,展开基于二维切削的仿真和实验研究,建立了包含铝合金2A14、SiC增强颗粒以及界面特性的SiCp/Al切削仿真模型,对作用于不同SiC颗粒部位的材料表面缺陷进行分析;接着利用高速直线电机搭建能映射二维切削条件的实验平台,在不同材料去除条件下,利用扫描电子显微镜和白光干涉仪对切削表面形貌进行测试,分析和验证切削表面损伤形成条件。结果SiCp/Al复合材料切削表面损伤机理取决于SiC颗粒相对刀具切削路径的位置:当刀尖作用在SiC颗粒的顶部时,表面损伤主要为基体撕裂、颗粒破碎;当刀尖作用在SiC颗粒的中部时,表面损伤为颗粒破碎导致的裂纹和凹坑;当刀尖作用在SiC颗粒的底部时,表面损伤为颗粒拔出导致的凹坑。随着切削深度的增大,凹坑逐渐增多,表面粗糙度随之增大。结论利用二维切削模型仿真方法和高速直线电机实验,可以有效研究复合材料切削损伤形成机制。SiC颗粒相对刀具切削路径的位置不同会导致切削损伤不同;SiCp/Al复合材料表面质量会随着切削速度的提升而有所提高。 展开更多
关键词 sicp/al复合材料 高速直线电机 切削仿真 表面损伤 去除机制 表面质量
作者 王荣 赵嫚 +3 位作者 赵克光 茅健 张立强 郭维诚 《功能材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期2215-2223,共9页
基于SiCp/Al复合材料的静态和动态力学性能分析,构建SiCp/Al复合材料的本构模型。针对体积分数为20%的SiCp/2a14Al复合材料采用电子万能试验机进行准静态拉伸试验,研究材料的静态力学性能;采用霍普金森压杆试验进行不同温度(20~400℃)... 基于SiCp/Al复合材料的静态和动态力学性能分析,构建SiCp/Al复合材料的本构模型。针对体积分数为20%的SiCp/2a14Al复合材料采用电子万能试验机进行准静态拉伸试验,研究材料的静态力学性能;采用霍普金森压杆试验进行不同温度(20~400℃)、不同应变率(500~3000 s^(-1))动态压缩试验,分析材料的动态力学性能。基于材料静态及动态下应力-应变试验数据构建SiCp/Al复合材料的Johnson-Cook(JC)本构模型,并通过遗传算法对模型进行优化。结果表明,SiCp/Al复合材料在准静态条件下表现出应变强化效应;在动态载荷条件下,材料流动应力随着应变速率的增加而增加,表现出应变率强化效应,这与碳化硅颗粒的体积分数有关;随着温度的增加,流动应力减小,表现为温度软化效应。最小二乘法拟合的JC模型与试验值的平均误差较大,经过遗传算法优化后模型误差减小,能够准确预测SiCp/2a14Al复合材料的流变行为。 展开更多
关键词 sicp/al复合材料 静态力学特性 动态力学特性 本构模型 遗传算法
作者 马国红 张加力 +2 位作者 闫帆 施訸曦 刘莉 《制造技术与机床》 北大核心 2024年第4期51-56,共6页
SiCp/Al复合材料是一种典型的难加工的材料,由于其基体中颗粒增强导致常规切削中加工质量差、切削阻力高、加工损伤高,机械加工性差,常规切削已不能满足加工要求。通过切削仿真,对比分析常规与超声振动辅助切削条件下复合材料的切削过程... SiCp/Al复合材料是一种典型的难加工的材料,由于其基体中颗粒增强导致常规切削中加工质量差、切削阻力高、加工损伤高,机械加工性差,常规切削已不能满足加工要求。通过切削仿真,对比分析常规与超声振动辅助切削条件下复合材料的切削过程、SiC颗粒的损伤特性、工件的表面形貌与亚表面损伤。结果表明,相比于常规切削,超声振动辅助切削可以提高复合材料的表面完整性,减少复合材料的亚表面损伤,并且能够提高工件的表面质量。 展开更多
关键词 sicp/al复合材料 有限元模拟 超声振动辅助切削 切削机理 表面质量
Oxidation mechanism of high-volume fraction SiCp/Al composite under laser irradiation and subsequent machining
作者 Hanliang Liu Guolong Zhao +5 位作者 Zhiwen Nian Zhipeng Huang Kai Yang Conghua Liu Peng Wang Zhenkuan Diao 《Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering》 EI CAS CSCD 2023年第3期34-47,共14页
Conventional mechanical machining of a composite material comprising an aluminum matrix reinforced with a high volume fraction of SiC particles(hereinafter referred to as an SiCp/Al composite)faces problems such as ra... Conventional mechanical machining of a composite material comprising an aluminum matrix reinforced with a high volume fraction of SiC particles(hereinafter referred to as an SiCp/Al composite)faces problems such as rapid tool wear,high specific cutting force,and poor surface integrity.Instead,a promising method for solving these problems is laser-induced oxidation-assisted milling(LOAM):under laser irradiation,the local workpiece material reacts with oxygen,thus forming loose and porous oxides that are easily removed.In the present work,the oxidation mechanism of SiCp/Al irradiated by a nanosecond pulsed laser is studied to better understand the laser-induced oxidation behavior and control the characteristics of the oxides,with laser irradiation experiments performed on a 65%SiCp/Al composite with various laser parameters and auxiliary gases(oxygen,nitrogen,and argon).With increasing laser pulse energy density,both the ablated groove depth and the width of the heat-affected zone increase.When oxygen is used as the auxiliary gas,an oxide layer composed of SiO_(2)and Al2O3 forms,and CO_(2)is produced and escapes from the material,thereby forming pores in the oxides.However,when nitrogen or argon is used as the auxiliary gas,a recast layer is produced that is relatively difficult to remove.Under laser irradiation,the sputtered material reacts with oxygen to form oxides on both sides of the ablated groove,and as the laser scanning path advances,the produced oxides accumulate to form an oxide layer.LOAM and conventional milling are compared using the same milling parameters,and LOAM is found to be better for reduced milling force and tool wear and improved machined surface quality. 展开更多
关键词 sicp/al composite Oxidation mechanism Nanosecond pulsed laser Laser-induced oxidation Heat-affected zone
Particle Removal Mechanism of High Volume Fraction SiCp/Al Composites by Single Diamond Grit Tool 被引量:6
作者 都金光 MING Wuyi +3 位作者 CAO Yang MA Jun 何文斌 LI Xiaoke 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2019年第2期324-331,共8页
Particle removal mechanism was presented during machining particle SiC/Al composites with diamond grinding tool. The relevant removal modes and their mechanisms were discussed considering the impact and squeezing effe... Particle removal mechanism was presented during machining particle SiC/Al composites with diamond grinding tool. The relevant removal modes and their mechanisms were discussed considering the impact and squeezing effect of diamond grit on the SiC particle. The experimental results show that the aluminum matrix has larger plastic deformation, so the aluminum mixed with the surplus SiC particles is cut from the surface. The SiC particles can be removed in multiple ways, such as broken/fractured, micro cracks, shearing and pulled out, etc. More particles removed by shearing, and less particles removed by fractured during material removal progress can produce a better machined surface. 展开更多
关键词 sicp/al composites SiC particle removal MECHANISM GRINDING TOOL
Optimization of Machining Characteristics for Al/SiCp Composites using ANN/GA 被引量:5
作者 R.Karthikeyan B.C.Pai 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第1期47-50,共4页
关键词 al/sicp composites Artificial neural networks Genetic algorithms
Effect of a Slight Interfacial Reaction on Mechanical Properties of SiCp/Al Composites 被引量:3
作者 崔岩 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 1997年第1期96-100,共5页
A slight interfacial reaction in squeeze-cast SiCp/6061AI composites has been studied. It is found that this kind of reaction has a particular effect on the mechanical properties of the composites. The results of fie-... A slight interfacial reaction in squeeze-cast SiCp/6061AI composites has been studied. It is found that this kind of reaction has a particular effect on the mechanical properties of the composites. The results of fie-cure tests show that this reaction in the composites obviously increases the elastic properties, but is not beneficial to the fracture strength and ductility.This phenomenon can be interpreted in terms of two different micromechanisms which have been analyzed using TEM and HREM observations, acoustic emission (AE) technique and SEM fractography. In addition, a new method of SiC surface modification which can control the interface state is initially presented. 展开更多
关键词 sicp/al composite Slight INTERFACIal REACTION MECHANICal behaviour Keying in CRACK INITIATION
Effect of Na3AlF6 Addition and Surface Modification of SiCp on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of SiCp/Al Composites 被引量:2
作者 王浩 YANG Xiaojian +1 位作者 XU Jianhang LIU Lianglan 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2019年第3期534-540,共7页
Al-matrix composites reinforced with 56.5 vol% SiC were prepared by powder metallurgy with different amounts of additives and surface modifications of SiCp. The crystalline phase, morphology, elements on the surface o... Al-matrix composites reinforced with 56.5 vol% SiC were prepared by powder metallurgy with different amounts of additives and surface modifications of SiCp. The crystalline phase, morphology, elements on the surface of SiCp and the interface between SiCp and Al were characterized by XRD, SEM, EDS and EPMA. The results show that it is favorable for the reaction between TiO2-C on the surface of SiCp and Al at the SiCp-Al interface at 1050℃. Besides, the process of Na3AlF6 melting, dissolving and then contacting with Al2O3 formed the NaF-AlF3-Al2O3 system, which generated OA1F^2-, promoting the dessolution of Al2O3 film on the surface of Al powde r. NasAlFe meets the needs of chemical reaction in TiO2-C-Al system at the SiCp- Al interface in the way of offering more molten Al. After 0.75 wt% Na3AlF6 was added into raw materials, the whole TiO2-C film and most SiO2 film were destroyed and the interfacial bonding between SiCp and Al was keeping good, in which no obvious void and crack were observed. Meanwhile, no brittle Al4C3 phase formed in the system. At this time, the flexure strength and density of samples presented optimal values, reaching up to 106.5 MPa and 90.77% respectively. 展开更多
关键词 sicp/al composites powder METalLURGY ADDITIVES surface modification
Experimental Study of Machinability in Millgrinding of SiCp/Al Composites 被引量:3
作者 李建广 都金光 +2 位作者 YAO Yingxue HAO Zhaopeng LIU Xiao 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期1104-1110,共7页
An attempt was made to investigate the machinability of Si Cp/Al composites based on the experimental study using mill-grinding processing method. The experiments were carried out on a high-speed CNC machining center ... An attempt was made to investigate the machinability of Si Cp/Al composites based on the experimental study using mill-grinding processing method. The experiments were carried out on a high-speed CNC machining center using integrated abrasive cutting tool. The effects of combined machining parameters, e g, cutting speed(vs), feed rate(vf), and depth of cut(ap), with the same change of material removal rate(MRR) on the mill-grinding force and surface roughness(Ra) were investigated. The formation mechanism of typical machined surface defects was analyzed by SEM. The experimental results reveal that with the same change of material removal rate, lower mill-grinding force values can be gained by increasing depth of cut and feed rate simultaneously at higher cutting speed. With the same change of MRR value, lower surface roughness values can be gained by increasing the feed rate at higher cutting speed, rather than just increasing the depth of cut, or increasing the feed rate and depth of cut simultaneously. The machined surface of Si Cp/Al composites reveals typical defects which can influence surface integrity. 展开更多
关键词 sicp/al composites mill-grinding machinability mill-grinding force surface roughness
Spark Effect on the Densification of SiCp/Al Composites by SPS
作者 顾晓峰 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2006年第1期72-75,共4页
SiCp/ Al composites containing high volume fraction of SiC particles were fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS). and their thermophysical properties, such as thermal conductivity (TC) and co.lent of thermal e... SiCp/ Al composites containing high volume fraction of SiC particles were fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS). and their thermophysical properties, such as thermal conductivity (TC) and co.lent of thermal expansion (CTE), were characterized. The electric field in the vacuum column was calculated and the generation condition of the spark was analyzed. Spark can be generated by a low current if the cavity in the green body is large enough. A high relative density of the composites was successfully achieved through the optimization of sintering parameters. The measured TCs of the SiCp/ Al composites fabricated by SPS are higher than 195 W/m ·K. 展开更多
关键词 spark plasma sintering sicp/ al composites thermal conductivity coeffwient of thermal expansion DENSIFICATION
Reactive Diffusion Bonding of SiCp/Al Composites by Insert Powder Layers with Eutectic Composition
作者 Jihua HUANG Yueling DONG, Jiangang ZHANG, Yun WAN and Guoan ZHOUSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第5期779-781,共3页
Mixed Al-Si and Al-Cu powders were investigated as insert layers to reactive diffusion bond SiCp/6063 metal matrix composite (MMC). The results show that SiCp/6063 MMC joints bonded by the insert layers of the mixed... Mixed Al-Si and Al-Cu powders were investigated as insert layers to reactive diffusion bond SiCp/6063 metal matrix composite (MMC). The results show that SiCp/6063 MMC joints bonded by the insert layers of the mixed Al-Si and Al-Cu powders have a dense joining layer of high quality. The mass transfer between the bonded materials and insert layers during bonding leads to the hypoeutectic microstructure of the joining layers bonded by both the mixed Al-Si and Al-Cu powders with eutectic composition. At fixed bonding time (temperature), the shear strength of the joints by both insert layers of the mixed Al-Si and Al-Cu powders increases with increasing the bonding temperature (time), but get maxima at bonding temperature 600℃ (time 90 min). 展开更多
关键词 Reactive diffusion bonding Insert powder layer sicp/al metal matrix composites
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional W Filament Reinforced Al-6 Ti-6 Nb and SiCp-Al-6 Ti-6 Nb Matrix Composites
作者 贾德昌 郭书苞 +2 位作者 韩欢庆 周玉 李新林 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2000年第4期312-318,共7页
Unidirectional Tungsten filament (W_f) reinforced pure Al,Al-6Ti-6Nb and SiC_p-Al-6Ti-6Nb matrix composites were prepared by hot-pressing in vacuum atmosphere,their microstructure and room temperature mechanical prope... Unidirectional Tungsten filament (W_f) reinforced pure Al,Al-6Ti-6Nb and SiC_p-Al-6Ti-6Nb matrix composites were prepared by hot-pressing in vacuum atmosphere,their microstructure and room temperature mechanical properties were investigated. It was indicated that no reaction products appeared at W_f/Al interfaces in pure Al matrix composites. While, in W_f/Al-6Ti-6Nb and W_f/SiCp-Al-6Ti-6Nb,intermetallic WAl_4 interfacial reaction products formed. Much better strengthening effect from W filament was shown in the W_f/Al-6Ti-6Nb and W_f/SiCp-Al-6Ti-6Nb composites than in the pure Al matrix composite. Their strength reached 319 and 339MPa, respectively, with only a small content of W_f(<5Vol.%). The excellent reinforcement effects could be predominantly attributed to the strong W_f/Al interfacial bonding strength due to the interfacial reaction. 展开更多
关键词 Tungsten filament al-6Ti-6Nb sicp-al-6Ti-6Nb composite Microstructure Mechanical properties
Pressureless infiltration processing and thermal properties of SiCp/Al composites with high SiC particle content
作者 周贤良 邹爱华 +2 位作者 华小珍 张建云 饶有海 《中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版》 CSCD 2006年第A03期1552-1556,共5页
SiCp/1060Al, SiCp/ZL101,SiCp/ZL102 composites with SiCp volume fraction of 55% were fabricated by pressureless infiltration. The microstructure was examined and thermal properties were characterized for SiCp/Al compos... SiCp/1060Al, SiCp/ZL101,SiCp/ZL102 composites with SiCp volume fraction of 55% were fabricated by pressureless infiltration. The microstructure was examined and thermal properties were characterized for SiCp/Al composites. The results show that the composites are dense and macroscopically homogeneous. With the increase of temperature, the mean linear coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE) at 25-200℃of the composites increases and ranges from 7.23×10-6 to 10.4×10-6K-1, but thermal conductivity declines gradually at the same time. With the increase of Si content in the Al matrix, CTE of the composites declines and thermal conductivity also declines but not linearly, when Si content is up to 7%, the average thermal conductivity is 140.4 W/(m·K), which is close to that of the SiCp/1060Al composite (144.6 W/(m·K)). While Si content is 11.7%, the average thermal conductivity declines markedly to 87.74 W/(m·K). The annealing treatment is better than the solution aging treatment in reducing CTE and improving thermal conductivity of the composites. Compared with conventional thermal management materials, SiCp/Al composites are potential candidate materials for advanced electronic packaging due to their tailorable thermo-physical properties. 展开更多
关键词 金属加工 金属熔渗 热量传递 铝合金
Wear Behaviour of Al-SiCp Metal Matrix Composites and Optimization Using Taguchi Method and Grey Relational Analysis
作者 Shouvik Ghosh Prasanta Sahoo Goutam Sutradhar 《Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering》 2012年第11期1085-1094,共10页
Aluminium metal matrix composite is a relatively new material that has proved its position in automobile, aerospace and other engineering design applications due to its wear resistance and substantial hardness. Need f... Aluminium metal matrix composite is a relatively new material that has proved its position in automobile, aerospace and other engineering design applications due to its wear resistance and substantial hardness. Need for improved tribological performance has led to the design and selection of newer variants of the composite. The present investigation deals with the study of wear behaviour of Al-SiCp metal matrix composite for varying reinforcement content, applied load, sliding speed and time. Aluminium metal matrix composites reinforced with SiC particles are prepared by liquid metallurgy route using LM6 aluminium alloy and silicon carbide particles (size ~ 37 μm) by varying the weight fraction of SiC in the range of 5% - 10%. The material is synthesized by stir casting process in an electric melting furnace. The materials are then subjected to wear testing in a multitribotester using block on roller configuration. A plan of experiments based on L27 Taguchi orthogonal array is used to acquire the wear data in a controlled way. An analysis of variance is employed to investigate the influence of four controlling parameters, viz., SiC content, normal load, sliding speed and sliding time on dry sliding wear of the composites. It is observed that SiC content, sliding speed and normal load significantly affect the dry sliding wear. The optimal combination of the four controlling parameters is also obtained for minimum wear. The microstructure study of worn surfaces indicates nature of wear to be mostly abrasive. 展开更多
关键词 METal MATRIX composite al-sicp WEAR Optimization Grey-Taguchi
颗粒增强铝基复合材料6066Al/SiCp的时效析出特性 被引量:10
作者 乐永康 王哲 +2 位作者 王恩泽 孙建科 张迎元 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期460-463,共4页
采用喷射共沉积工艺制备了6066Al基体铝合金以及含不同体积分数增强颗粒的6066Al/SiCp铝基复合材料,与常规熔铸+挤压的基体铝合金比较,喷射共沉积基体铝合金和复合材料的力学性能峰值时效时间明显缩短,即喷射共沉积6066Al和6066Al/SiCp... 采用喷射共沉积工艺制备了6066Al基体铝合金以及含不同体积分数增强颗粒的6066Al/SiCp铝基复合材料,与常规熔铸+挤压的基体铝合金比较,喷射共沉积基体铝合金和复合材料的力学性能峰值时效时间明显缩短,即喷射共沉积6066Al和6066Al/SiCp颗粒增强铝基复合材料发生加速时效现象。对材料的微观组织进行常规金相和透射电镜观察,分析了SiCp增强陶瓷颗粒以及喷射共沉积工艺对材料时效析出行为的影响。研究表明:喷射共沉积工艺所形成的非平衡组织中溶质原子浓度高,时效析出驱动力大,有利于时效过程溶质原子扩散和第二相的形核。喷射共沉积材料细化的晶粒组织及复合材料中的高密度位错有利于非均匀形核,是加速材料时效析出动力学过程的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 颗粒增强铝基复合材料 6066al/sicp 时效析出 喷射共沉积
喷射沉积SiCp/Al复合材料及6066铝合金热挤压工艺的研究 被引量:4
作者 柏振海 黎文献 王日初 《铝加工》 CAS 2003年第3期27-30,33,共5页
作者应用喷射共沉积工艺制备 6 0 6 6 / Si Cp复合材料和 6 0 6 6铝合金锭坯 ,在不同的挤压比、挤压温度下挤压成  型 ,用金相显微镜观察材料的显微组织 ,并测试了材料的力学性能。结果表明 :Si C/ Al复合材料喷射沉积状态的组织很疏... 作者应用喷射共沉积工艺制备 6 0 6 6 / Si Cp复合材料和 6 0 6 6铝合金锭坯 ,在不同的挤压比、挤压温度下挤压成  型 ,用金相显微镜观察材料的显微组织 ,并测试了材料的力学性能。结果表明 :Si C/ Al复合材料喷射沉积状态的组织很疏松 ,存在许多的间隙 ,其密度约为理论密度的 86 % ,Si C颗粒在复合材料中分布不均匀 ,喷射沉积铝合金基体的致密度可达 90 % ;挤压过程使 Al/ Si Cp复合材料的大多数空隙消失 ,致密程度随挤压比的增大而增大 ,挤压比超过 14 .7后不会明显变化 ,而铝合金基体的致密程度与挤压比的变化关系不明显 ;挤压温度对材料的致密程度影响不大 ;Al/ Si Cp复合材料性能在挤压比超过 14 .7后变化不大 ;铝合金的性能不受挤压比变化的影响 ; 展开更多
关键词 sicp/A1复合材料 喷射沉积 6066铝合金 热挤压 显微组织 力学性能
作者 李卓 坚增运 田梅娟 《电镀与精饰》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第2期65-71,共7页
采用化学镀的方法在激光选区熔化(SLM)技术成型的SiCp/Al复合材料表面制备了Ni-P镀层,研究了施镀时间对镀层的表面形貌、截面厚度、沉积速率、相结构和显微硬度的影响。结果表明:化学镀0.5~12 h时,镀层都呈胞状形貌,且呈非晶态结构,为... 采用化学镀的方法在激光选区熔化(SLM)技术成型的SiCp/Al复合材料表面制备了Ni-P镀层,研究了施镀时间对镀层的表面形貌、截面厚度、沉积速率、相结构和显微硬度的影响。结果表明:化学镀0.5~12 h时,镀层都呈胞状形貌,且呈非晶态结构,为高磷镀层;随着施镀时间的延长,胞状组织逐渐变大,表面逐渐致密,镀层厚度逐渐增大,但增长速率越来越小,显微硬度先增大后趋于稳定。施镀时间为8 h时的镀层表面平整、致密、连续,厚度可达100μm,显微硬度为653.4 HV,镀层与基体结合强度为77.2 N。 展开更多
关键词 化学镀NI-P sicp/al复合材料 化学镀时间 硬度
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