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The Projection of China’s National Image in President Xi Jinping’s Speeches
作者 ZHENG Si-fen CHEN Yu-lian 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2019年第3期354-361,共8页
In the 21st century, soft power has become an important element to evaluate a nation’s comprehensive strength. Meanwhile, as an indispensable part of soft power, national image receives more and more attention on the... In the 21st century, soft power has become an important element to evaluate a nation’s comprehensive strength. Meanwhile, as an indispensable part of soft power, national image receives more and more attention on the political stage. Since Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speeches have unique features and greatly reflect positive national images of China, many scholars start to analyze them from diversified perspectives. Based on Du Bois’ theory of “the Stance Triangle” and the Indexicality Principle, taking President Xi Jinping’s speech at the opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation for example, this paper expounds how President Xi achieves the evaluation, position, and alignment between the subject and object by means of overt labeling, implicature and presupposition, covert evaluation statement, and ideology-laden linguistic structure, in order to establish China’s national image. Through the analysis, the author intends to figure out how national leaders use various persuasive methods to achieve their political purpose. And the author hopes this thesis can provide a new perspective for further analysis on national leaders’ speeches. 展开更多
关键词 XI Jinping's speech national image the STaNCE TRIaNGLE the INDEXICaLITY principle
President Hu Jintao's Speech in the National Scientific and Technology Conference
《China's Foreign Trade》 2006年第6期13-15,共3页
  Scientific and technology are the first productivity. They are the revolutionary power of accelerating the civilization progress of the human society. In order to realize the goal set in the 5th Plenary Session of...   Scientific and technology are the first productivity. They are the revolutionary power of accelerating the civilization progress of the human society. In order to realize the goal set in the 5th Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Part of China, we must adhere to the Deng Xiaoping Theory and the guideline of Three Represents,comprehensively implement the guideline of Scientific Development,adopt the Strategy of Developing the Country wirh Science and Education and the Strategy of Talents Strengthen the Country, further exert the important role of the scientific and technology progress and innovation, so as to lead the economic and social development into the orbit of Human First and comprehensive and sustaining development.…… 展开更多
关键词 President Hu Jintao’s speech in the national Scientific and Technology Conference
Speech at the Symposium on Study and Implementation of the Spirit of the 19^(th) CPC National Congress at the China Society for Human Rights Studies
作者 向巴平措 HU Liang 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2017年第6期521-524,共4页
Following the successful conclusion of the 19thCommunist Party of China National Congress,there has been a nationwide upsurge in the study and implementation of the spirit of the Congress.It was therefore both necessa... Following the successful conclusion of the 19thCommunist Party of China National Congress,there has been a nationwide upsurge in the study and implementation of the spirit of the Congress.It was therefore both necessary and timely for the China Society for Human Rights Studies to organize a symposium on the study and implementation of the spirit of the Congress.I’d like to express my understanding of the study and implementation of the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress from three aspects: 展开更多
关键词 CPC national Congress at the China Society for Human Rights Studies speech at the Symposium on Study and Implementation of the Spirit of the 19 th
Work in Cooperation for A New Chapter in the Cause of International Human Rights——Speech by Yang Jiechi,Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China at the Inaugural Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
《The Journal of Human Rights》 2006年第4期5-6,共2页
Mr Chairman, I would like to start by congratulating you, on behalf of the Chinese Govern- ment, on your assumption of the Chair of the inaugural session of the Human Rights Council. I have every confidence that unde... Mr Chairman, I would like to start by congratulating you, on behalf of the Chinese Govern- ment, on your assumption of the Chair of the inaugural session of the Human Rights Council. I have every confidence that under your able leadership this session will be successful. 展开更多
关键词 speech by Yang Jiechi Vice Minister of Foreign affairs of the People’s Republic of China at the Inaugural Session of the United nations Human Rights Council Work in Cooperation for a New Chapter in the Cause of International Human Rights
Who is the "Rightful" Inheritor of Ancient Culture? Ancient Greece, Modern Greece, and Richard Wagner
作者 Anastasia Siopsi 《History Research》 2012年第4期243-255,共13页
关键词 古希腊人 文化传承 舞蹈艺术 调制解调器 意识形态 音乐 考古学 古文化
德国综合安全观:理论缘起、历史演进与实践评估 被引量:3
作者 黄萌萌 《国际安全研究》 北大核心 2024年第1期108-135,165,166,共30页
德国首份《国家安全战略》以“综合安全”为要义,具有理论逻辑和历史脉络可循。德国综合安全观兴起于冷战后,其内在逻辑是对欧洲主义安全观的继承性发展,聚焦两极秩序瓦解后的经济与社会秩序稳定以及应对域外冲突,注重非传统安全,安全... 德国首份《国家安全战略》以“综合安全”为要义,具有理论逻辑和历史脉络可循。德国综合安全观兴起于冷战后,其内在逻辑是对欧洲主义安全观的继承性发展,聚焦两极秩序瓦解后的经济与社会秩序稳定以及应对域外冲突,注重非传统安全,安全参与者包含国家与非国家行为体。克里米亚危机后,传统军事威胁回归欧陆,德国综合安全观“防御性”与“韧性”融合并重。俄乌冲突冲击欧洲安全秩序,德国综合安全观愈发重视国家与联盟防御,并通过“多元化”与“联盟政治”等手段推进“去风险”策略,增强经济与社会韧性,同时也呈现出泛安全化、价值观化与权力政治的特质,其影响力辐射至“印太”地区与对华政策上。然而,德国综合安全政策实践仍面临诸多挑战。防御上,德国提升国防的政治承诺与其军事资源尚不匹配。韧性上,德国“去风险”策略受国际权力对比变化、中国市场红利、德国政界与商界意见的异质性以及德国国内经济成本的制约。为此,中国应客观看待德国安全政策转型的影响。 展开更多
关键词 综合安全观 德国国家安全战略 经济去风险 德国安全政策转型
作者 王馨雨 常玲玲 《外国语文研究(辑刊)》 2024年第1期28-47,共20页
医生的语用身份构建已被证实对医患沟通效果有显著影响,然而,心理咨询作为“以言治病”的医疗活动,咨询师在其中的语用身份构建尚未得到关注。鉴于建议可能带来的面子威胁,心理咨询师往往会根据情况审慎选用道义情态助动词,用以动态调... 医生的语用身份构建已被证实对医患沟通效果有显著影响,然而,心理咨询作为“以言治病”的医疗活动,咨询师在其中的语用身份构建尚未得到关注。鉴于建议可能带来的面子威胁,心理咨询师往往会根据情况审慎选用道义情态助动词,用以动态调整和构建恰当的语用身份,以期提高心理咨询的效果。据此,本研究引入语用身份论,探讨中德咨询师在实施建议言语行为时所选用的道义情态助动词对其语用身份构建的作用,相关构建策略以及不同类型语用身份的构建动因。研究发现,中德咨询师在建议话语中运用不同情态强度的道义情态助动词,结合称呼语和语气的选择,动态地构建了不同权势高低的语用身份。中德咨询师均普遍倾向构建低权势提议者和同等权势身份,而中国咨询师相对更多地构建教导者身份。研究认为,中德咨询师不同权势高低的语用身份构建是对于当前语境中咨询沟通目的以及来访者心理语境顺应的结果。中德咨询师依据对于来访者采纳建议必要性的判断进行语用身份的动态调整,其语用身份选择受到所处文化背景影响。 展开更多
关键词 语用身份 心理咨询 建议言语行为 道义情态助动词 中德对比
中、德两国国家图书馆RDA政策声明的比较分析——以记录与作品和内容表达相关的行为者关系为例 被引量:1
作者 赵娜 《山东图书馆学刊》 2019年第1期24-28,共5页
关系描述是RDA重要的组成部分,本文以记录与作品和内容表达相关的行为者(个人、家族和团体)关系为例,分析中、德两国国家图书馆RDA政策声明的内容和异同,并借鉴德国RDA政策声明和编目实践,在记录与作品和内容表达相关的行为者关系方面... 关系描述是RDA重要的组成部分,本文以记录与作品和内容表达相关的行为者(个人、家族和团体)关系为例,分析中、德两国国家图书馆RDA政策声明的内容和异同,并借鉴德国RDA政策声明和编目实践,在记录与作品和内容表达相关的行为者关系方面为我国德语文献编目提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 RDa政策声明 比较分析 中国国家图书馆 德国国家图书馆
作者 赵琳 刘兵 《西部学刊》 2024年第6期47-50,共4页
通过国际生态话语分析模式探讨习近平主席在第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式上的主旨演讲。研究结果表明:(1)在参与者中,社会性参与者占比较高;在及物性过程中,动作过程与关系过程占比较高,呈现了中国在经济、文化、生态方面... 通过国际生态话语分析模式探讨习近平主席在第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式上的主旨演讲。研究结果表明:(1)在参与者中,社会性参与者占比较高;在及物性过程中,动作过程与关系过程占比较高,呈现了中国在经济、文化、生态方面开放、包容、负责任的国家形象;(2)通过“施事(社会性参与者)+动作过程+受事(社会性参与者)”语义配置结构的拟人化表达和动作过程时态的多样化呈现出中国主动作为、促进合作的大国意识。 展开更多
关键词 国际生态话语分析 演讲 国家形象
作者 沙晓娅 《文化创新比较研究》 2024年第17期25-31,共7页
随着人工智能技术的广泛应用,语音合成取得了重大技术进步。该文从语言学角度出发,采用语音处理领域客观定量的数据分析方法,对比分析了传统德语合成语音、新一代人工智能增强的合成语音及自然语音之间的差异及其原因,并进一步探讨了德... 随着人工智能技术的广泛应用,语音合成取得了重大技术进步。该文从语言学角度出发,采用语音处理领域客观定量的数据分析方法,对比分析了传统德语合成语音、新一代人工智能增强的合成语音及自然语音之间的差异及其原因,并进一步探讨了德语语音合成技术的改进方向。研究结果表明,相较于传统语音合成技术,基于人工智能的新一代德语语音合成技术在多项反映自然听感的指标上均展现出不错的提升。然而,由于德语本身独特的韵律特征,新一代人工智能合成语音在准确度和自然度方面与自然语音之间仍存在一定差距,具体体现在整体韵律、词间间隔以及音强变化等方面。 展开更多
关键词 德语 合成语音 自然语音 人工智能 深度学习 TTS
作者 周金鑫 《中共成都市委党校学报》 2024年第3期44-52,110,共10页
《德意志意识形态》(以下简称《形态》)是马克思恩格斯阐述共同体思想的重要文本,马克思恩格斯对“现实的人”的发现构成了马克思共同体思想的逻辑起点,基于科学理论对未来趋势的分析呈现了这一思想生成的逻辑规律,实现人的自由全面发... 《德意志意识形态》(以下简称《形态》)是马克思恩格斯阐述共同体思想的重要文本,马克思恩格斯对“现实的人”的发现构成了马克思共同体思想的逻辑起点,基于科学理论对未来趋势的分析呈现了这一思想生成的逻辑规律,实现人的自由全面发展的价值旨归则表明了该思想的最终逻辑指向。同时,《形态》显示出马克思共同体思想以“批判性与建构性相统一”“价值性与规律性相统一”“科学性与实践性相统一”为特征的理论样态。重新考察和认识这一文本,对于秉持合作共赢的原则推动构建人类命运共同体以及在共同富裕进程中铸牢中华民族共同体意识具有重要的时代意义。 展开更多
关键词 马克思共同体 人类命运共同体 中华民族共同体意识 《德意志意识形态》
Lu Xun and James Joyce: To Heal the Spirit of a Nation 被引量:1
作者 Jerusha McCormack 《Frontiers of Literary Studies in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2016年第3期353-391,共39页
Although James Joyce and Lu Xun were both writing at a time when a new nation was being created out of former empire, little has been written about the extraordinary synchronicities of their early careers or their com... Although James Joyce and Lu Xun were both writing at a time when a new nation was being created out of former empire, little has been written about the extraordinary synchronicities of their early careers or their common mission. Both understood a new nation must first be created in the hearts and minds of its people. Coming from a medical background, each regarded their countrymen as sick in spirit, paralyzed by slavish dependencies. Joyce saw such servility as fostered by Ireland's long colonization under the British Crown, a subservience seconded by the "tyranny" of the Roman Catholic Church. For Lu Xun, this spiritual paralysis manifested itself as a legacy of the Confucianism of the late Qing dynasty. Working from a medical model, both writers present a detailed, precise, and cold account of the speech of their characters to reveal the true nature of their disease--while allowing the reader to reach his own diagnosis. By means of this new kind of narrative, both James Joyce and Lu Xun sought to liberate the "soul" or "spirit" of their people, granting them a voice of their own which itself clarified to what extent they had been conscripted by the words of others. 展开更多
关键词 common mission nation PaRaLYSIS medical model vernacular speech
On the Establishment of Modern Medical System of Assimilating Advantages of Oriental Medicine and Western Medicine—A Speech by the Vice-Chairperson of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China,President of Chinese Medical Associatio 被引量:2
作者 陈竺 《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2014年第5期323-325,共3页
It is known to all that traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy, as the summary of Chinese people fighting against various kinds of disease for thousands of years, has a summate theoretical system possessing the ess... It is known to all that traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy, as the summary of Chinese people fighting against various kinds of disease for thousands of years, has a summate theoretical system possessing the essence of Chinese classical philosophy, intensively reflects deep thinking and pondering of Chinese culture on the human being himself and dialectical relation between human and culture, making indelible contribution to the offspring reproduction and prosperity. 展开更多
关键词 On the Establishment of Modern Medical System of assimilating advantages of Oriental Medicine and Western Medicine a speech by the Vice-Chairperson of the national People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China President of Chinese Medical associatio
4th National Conference on Speech,Image,Communication,and Signal Processing,held in Beijing,25—27 October 1989
作者 ZHANG Jialu 《Chinese Journal of Acoustics》 1990年第2期183-183,共1页
The 4th National Conference on Speech,Image,Communication and Signal Pro-cessing,which was sponsored by the Institute of Speech,Hearing,and Music Acoustics,Acoustical Society of China and the Institute of Signal Proce... The 4th National Conference on Speech,Image,Communication and Signal Pro-cessing,which was sponsored by the Institute of Speech,Hearing,and Music Acoustics,Acoustical Society of China and the Institute of Signal Processing,Electronic Society ofChina,was held,25—27 October,1989,at Beijing Institute of Post and Telecommun-ication.The conference drew a registration of 150 from different places in the country,which made it the largest conference in the last eight years.The president of Institute of Speech,Hearing,and Music Acoustics,ASC,professorZHANG Jialu made a openning speech at the openning session,and the honorary presi-dent of Acoustical Society of China,professor MAA Dah-You and the president of 展开更多
关键词 October 1989 national Conference on speech Image Communication and Signal Processing held in Beijing 25
Persist in and Carry Forward the Integrative Medical Research——Speech at the 6th National General Congress of Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine by Academician CHEN Zhu,Minister of Ministry of Health
《Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2008年第2期159-159,共1页
The 6th National General Congress of Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine (CALM) was convened at 19-20, April 2008 in Beijing. Academician CHEN Zhu, the minister of Ministry of Health indicated at the congres... The 6th National General Congress of Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine (CALM) was convened at 19-20, April 2008 in Beijing. Academician CHEN Zhu, the minister of Ministry of Health indicated at the congress that the integration of Chinese and Western medicine is very well in keeping with the situation of our country and the general rule of development in medical science; and as a good integration of Chinese medicine and Western medicine, it is mutually beneficial and advantageous to both of them. Seeing the creativity shown in integrative medical investigation in theoretic and methodological sides, we should and must persist in and develop it. 展开更多
关键词 Persist in and Carry Forward the Integrative Medical Research speech at the 6th national General Congress of Chinese association of Integrative Medicine by academician CHEN Zhu Minister of Ministry of Health
作者 胡文谦 《文艺理论研究》 北大核心 2023年第2期129-139,共11页
中国早期电影观念与德国电影的关系,没有得到学术界的充分重视和研究。在中国早期电影发展最重要的20世纪20年代中后期,尽管美国电影几乎垄断中国影坛,但德国电影仍然以其深刻的思想艺术让国人心生向往。德国电影的写实主义、表现主义... 中国早期电影观念与德国电影的关系,没有得到学术界的充分重视和研究。在中国早期电影发展最重要的20世纪20年代中后期,尽管美国电影几乎垄断中国影坛,但德国电影仍然以其深刻的思想艺术让国人心生向往。德国电影的写实主义、表现主义审美样式,对于社会人生和人的内心情感的真实描写,强烈的民族性和人类性内涵,深刻的文学性和新颖精湛的电影性等,国人在观赏中所接受的德国电影这些特质的影响,对这一时期“中国现代民族电影”观念的建构是大有裨益的。 展开更多
关键词 中国早期电影观念 德国电影 中国现代民族电影
作者 邢来顺 刘剑枫 《史学集刊》 北大核心 2023年第2期45-59,共15页
在近代欧洲民族主义的演进中,德国因其独特的历史条件,形成了一种漠视国家疆界,将有共同血缘、历史和文化的德意志民族共同体作为关注对象的文化民族主义。基于这种取向,德意志帝国学界出于对小德意志统一方案的不满和对“民族边疆”危... 在近代欧洲民族主义的演进中,德国因其独特的历史条件,形成了一种漠视国家疆界,将有共同血缘、历史和文化的德意志民族共同体作为关注对象的文化民族主义。基于这种取向,德意志帝国学界出于对小德意志统一方案的不满和对“民族边疆”危机中的域外德意志同胞的关心,展开了“语言边疆”范式下的境外德语区域和德语岛研究,力图从学术层面确证它们的德意志归属,捍卫其德意志民族特性和文化,实现德意志民族疆域的最大化。德意志帝国学界的这种跨国性学术拓边,是对小德意志统一方案之缺憾的学术修正,也是对域外德意志同胞及其承载的德意志文化的一种文化民族主义关切,意在强化“民族边疆”的德意志属性。这种学术拓边对当时以及日后德国学界的民族主义发展产生了重要影响。 展开更多
关键词 德意志帝国 学术拓边 民族边疆 民族共同体 跨国文化民族主义
作者 方在庆 《科学文化评论》 2023年第2期5-16,共12页
尽管内心深处不认同自己的德国籍,在获得诺贝尔奖之前,爱因斯坦的国籍问题并没有给他带来实质性的麻烦。但当他1922年获得了1921年度的诺贝尔物理学奖后,情况就变得复杂了。虽然诺贝尔奖表彰的是个人成就,但公众与官方都将其看作一种国... 尽管内心深处不认同自己的德国籍,在获得诺贝尔奖之前,爱因斯坦的国籍问题并没有给他带来实质性的麻烦。但当他1922年获得了1921年度的诺贝尔物理学奖后,情况就变得复杂了。虽然诺贝尔奖表彰的是个人成就,但公众与官方都将其看作一种国家荣誉。这样一来,爱因斯坦国籍问题最后演变成一场外交风波,爱因斯坦被迫卷入其中。利用爱因斯坦来为德国争光,是主导这场喧嚣外交风波的背后因素。令人唏嘘的是,随着德国在1926年加入国联,德国科学界重回国际科学大家庭,德国当局对待爱因斯坦的态度又发生了实质性的变化,最后演变为将其驱逐出境。爱因斯坦的德国国籍曾给他带来过些许便利,但更多地是困扰甚至羞耻。只有坚持科学国际主义,创造条件让科学家发挥自己的创造天性,才能为人类发展、世界和平作出贡献。 展开更多
关键词 爱因斯坦 诺贝尔奖 普鲁士科学院 德国国籍
作者 姚远 《马克思主义哲学研究》 2023年第1期159-168,共10页
《巴黎手稿》主要构思方面不可多得的第一手的指引是其序言。这篇序言疑云密布,有时达到匪夷所思的程度。经由疑点和事实的归纳,可以作出若干初步判断。国民经济学批判是《巴黎手稿》的唯一中心主题。针对黑格尔主义的长篇批判不是“跑... 《巴黎手稿》主要构思方面不可多得的第一手的指引是其序言。这篇序言疑云密布,有时达到匪夷所思的程度。经由疑点和事实的归纳,可以作出若干初步判断。国民经济学批判是《巴黎手稿》的唯一中心主题。针对黑格尔主义的长篇批判不是“跑题”,而是经过方法论重构的国民经济学批判本身。应将《巴黎手稿》置于比《巴黎笔记》范围更大的文本群中加以考察,至少包括从《德法年鉴》到《神圣家族》这一阶段的全部材料。《巴黎手稿》乃是《德法年鉴》的可被识别出来的直接延续。《巴黎手稿》不属于所谓“独立的小册子”,但为黑格尔法哲学批判做好了关键的论证准备。由于多方面线索交汇于《巴黎手稿》,这样的特殊性质自然对方法论提出了特殊要求。这方面尤为重要的是,马克思须通过重构非同寻常的对应物衔接,以跨越思想议题上的和文化地理学上的本来界限。 展开更多
关键词 马克思 《巴黎手稿》 国民经济学批判 《德法年鉴》 《神圣家族》
作者 杨春宇 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第4期1-9,共9页
长城内外,是农耕、游牧、渔猎三种文化类型历史和谐共生的地域。长城作为冷兵器时代的产物,不仅对长城内外“城国”“行国”的形成与发展有着重要的历史意义,而且对该地域汉族与北方阿尔泰民族语言间的接触融合、中华民族共同体的形成... 长城内外,是农耕、游牧、渔猎三种文化类型历史和谐共生的地域。长城作为冷兵器时代的产物,不仅对长城内外“城国”“行国”的形成与发展有着重要的历史意义,而且对该地域汉族与北方阿尔泰民族语言间的接触融合、中华民族共同体的形成也至关重要。文章选取幽燕长城地带的汉儿言语底层为研究对象,钩沉历史表层、深层之个案,缀成系列,以窥该地域汉儿言语底层表象之一斑,进而尝试从地缘文化关系、借词关系、语言类型变异等角度进行历史语言学的比较分析与解释。 展开更多
关键词 幽燕长城地带 汉儿言语 底层 语言接触 中华民族共同体
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