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作者 王磊 高翔 胡潇潇 《系统工程与电子技术》 北大核心 2025年第1期332-339,共8页
L波段数字航空通信系统(L-band digital aeronautical communication system,LDACS)作为未来航空数据链的重要技术手段之一,非常容易受到相邻波道的测距机系统信号的干扰。为此,提出一种基于稀疏贝叶斯推断的LDACS波束形成方法。首先,将... L波段数字航空通信系统(L-band digital aeronautical communication system,LDACS)作为未来航空数据链的重要技术手段之一,非常容易受到相邻波道的测距机系统信号的干扰。为此,提出一种基于稀疏贝叶斯推断的LDACS波束形成方法。首先,将LDACS地面站的粗略来向信息作为先验,并根据空域信号来向的稀疏性构建稀疏信号。随后,通过贝叶斯推断估算干扰和噪声的功率,估计各个信源的来向。最后,重构干扰噪声协方差矩阵,获得波束形成权矢量。该方法无需知晓干扰数量、干扰来向等信息。仿真结果表明,该方法在低信噪比和少快拍条件下也能稳定输出波束方向图,表现出较好性能。 展开更多
关键词 l波段数字航空通信系统 测距机 波束形成 稀疏贝叶斯推断
作者 胡军浩 刘虎 高帅斌 《中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2025年第2期269-276,共8页
关键词 McKean-Vlasov随机微分方程 共同噪声 自适应Euler-Maruyama算法 lévy过程
腺病毒介导SDF-1/NELL-1双基因转染ADSCs复合Nano-n HA支架对犬下颌骨缺损修复的实验研究
作者 郭延伟 张广德 杨世茂 《口腔颌面修复学杂志》 2025年第1期33-41,共9页
目的:构建腺病毒介导的基质细胞衍生因子-1(stromal cell-derived factor-1,SDF-1)和尼尔样-1型分子(Nell-like molecule-l,Nell-1)双基因转染犬ADSCs复合Nano-n HA支架,观察其对犬下颌骨缺损的修复作用。方法:构建携SDF-1及NELL-1目的... 目的:构建腺病毒介导的基质细胞衍生因子-1(stromal cell-derived factor-1,SDF-1)和尼尔样-1型分子(Nell-like molecule-l,Nell-1)双基因转染犬ADSCs复合Nano-n HA支架,观察其对犬下颌骨缺损的修复作用。方法:构建携SDF-1及NELL-1目的基因片段的腺病毒表达载体,分组转染犬ADSCs后行体外成骨分化诱导,ELISA法检测目的基因转染ADSCs后结合支架体内外生长各期目的蛋白表达。20只比格犬随机分为5组,A组为空白组(无支架置入),B组为单纯支架组,C组为SDF-1/Nano-n HA组,D组为Nell-1/Nano-n HA组,E组为SDF-1/Nell-1/Nano-n HA组。CM-Dil细胞标记后构建ADSCs-Nano-n HA支架骨组织工程复合体,制备犬双侧下颌骨缺损模型,将不同细胞支架复合体分组植入下颌骨缺损区。术后第4、8、12周取材行大体观察、CT、扫描电镜、细胞示踪实验及组织学检测,比较各组缺损区新骨形成情况,行统计学分析。结果:ADSCs传代培养及成骨诱导分化状态良好,荧光显微镜下观察SDF-1、Nell-1及SDF-1/Nell-1重组腺病毒均能稳定转染ADSCs,各组目的蛋白表达体内外实验表达有显著性差异。通过大体观察及X线、CT扫描、ECM检测发现转染组骨缺损区新骨形成情况优于未转染组,且共转染组成骨速度及质量优于其他各组。组织学染色可见转染组新骨形成及血管生成情况均优于未转染组,且共转染组新生骨小梁面积及骨成熟度均优于其他各组。结论:SDF-1、Nell-1均可转染ADSCs并可稳定表达,目的基因转染ADSCs复合Nano-n HA支架后可显著促进下颌骨缺损的成骨修复,为组织工程修复成骨提供了新路径。 展开更多
关键词 基质细胞衍生因子-1 尼尔样-1型分子 脂肪干细胞 下颌骨缺损 成骨
作者 李嘉欣 黄莹莹 +7 位作者 吴潞梅 赵伦 易斌 马朝芝 涂金星 沈金雄 傅廷栋 文静 《作物学报》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期44-57,共14页
赤霉素调控植物表皮细胞增长、茎叶伸长以及株型建成。拟南芥SLY1属于F-box蛋白,它通过靶向泛素化赤霉素信号转导路径的负向调控因子——DELLA蛋白来影响植物生长发育,然而油菜中BnaSLY1的基因功能尚未揭示。本研究对BnaSLY1进行了表达... 赤霉素调控植物表皮细胞增长、茎叶伸长以及株型建成。拟南芥SLY1属于F-box蛋白,它通过靶向泛素化赤霉素信号转导路径的负向调控因子——DELLA蛋白来影响植物生长发育,然而油菜中BnaSLY1的基因功能尚未揭示。本研究对BnaSLY1进行了表达特征和进化树分析,利用CRISPR/Cas9技术创制了BnaSLY1不同拷贝数的突变体,结合RNA-Seq技术对BnaSLY1的生物学功能及其对油菜生长发育的影响进行了研究。结果表明,甘蓝型油菜Westar中有2个SLY1同源拷贝BnaA01.SLY1和BnaA06.SLY1,它们表达模式基本相同,为组成型表达基因,其蛋白定位在细胞核,且在不同的油菜品种及十字花科植物间序列保守。与对照相比,单突bnaa01sly1和bnaa06sly1开花时间推迟,株高显著降低,而双突bnasly1还表现出深绿色光叶表型,叶片厚度增加,开花期比单突进一步推迟,株高也进一步降低。RNA-Seq结果显示,双突与Westar之间的差异表达基因显著富集在生长素信号转导路径以及蜡质合成通路,多个开花时间相关基因表达也发生显著变化。本研究表明, BnaSLY1除影响植物株高和开花时间等生长发育进程,还影响表皮蜡质合成,为探索赤霉素信号转导路径在甘蓝型油菜生长发育中的重要作用奠定了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 甘蓝型油菜 BnaSlY1 赤霉素 株型 蜡质合成 开花时间 RNa-SEQ
作者 张祎凡 龙光利 《物联网技术》 2025年第3期7-10,共4页
针对国内白酒企业在固态发酵窖池监测过程中存在的使用人工定时采样测量方式导致发酵环境被破坏、效率低下以及难以实时获取完整数据等问题,设计了一种基于LoRa的窖池发酵温度和水分监测系统。该系统采用STM32L152RCT6微控制器作为主控... 针对国内白酒企业在固态发酵窖池监测过程中存在的使用人工定时采样测量方式导致发酵环境被破坏、效率低下以及难以实时获取完整数据等问题,设计了一种基于LoRa的窖池发酵温度和水分监测系统。该系统采用STM32L152RCT6微控制器作为主控芯片,通过集成的A/D模块读取传感器数据并转化为电压信号。系统借助SX1278射频芯片和LoRa技术,将电压信号无线传输至网关。物联网网关再通过RS 485总线和Modbus协议,传输数据至上位机。上位机通过曲线拟合,实现对窖池数据的实时监测和分析。实验结果表明,该系统对温度与水分监测的平均误差分别为0.23℃和0.65%,能准确监测窖池温度和水分情况,确保窖池发酵环境的稳定与完整。 展开更多
关键词 loRa STM32l152RCT6 环境监测 MODBUS BND-WSD传感器 OneNET云平台
Effects of P301L-TAU on post-translational modifications of microtubules in human iPSC-derived cortical neurons and TAU transgenic mice
作者 Mohamed Aghyad Al Kabbani Christoph Köhler Hans Zempel 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第8期2348-2360,共13页
TAU is a microtubule-associated protein that promotes microtubule assembly and stability in the axon.TAU is missorted and aggregated in an array of diseases known as tauopathies.Microtubules are essential for neuronal... TAU is a microtubule-associated protein that promotes microtubule assembly and stability in the axon.TAU is missorted and aggregated in an array of diseases known as tauopathies.Microtubules are essential for neuronal function and regulated via a complex set of post-translational modifications,changes of which affect microtubule stability and dynamics,microtubule interaction with other proteins and cellular structures,and mediate recruitment of microtubule-severing enzymes.As impairment of microtubule dynamics causes neuronal dysfunction,we hypothesize cognitive impairment in human disease to be impacted by impairment of microtubule dynamics.We therefore aimed to study the effects of a disease-causing mutation of TAU(P301L)on the levels and localization of microtubule post-translational modifications indicative of microtubule stability and dynamics,to assess whether P301L-TAU causes stability-changing modifications to microtubules.To investigate TAU localization,phosphorylation,and effects on tubulin post-translational modifications,we expressed wild-type or P301L-TAU in human MAPT-KO induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons(i Neurons)and studied TAU in neurons in the hippocampus of mice transgenic for human P301L-TAU(p R5 mice).Human neurons expressing the longest TAU isoform(2N4R)with the P301L mutation showed increased TAU phosphorylation at the AT8,but not the p-Ser-262 epitope,and increased polyglutamylation and acetylation of microtubules compared with endogenous TAU-expressing neurons.P301L-TAU showed pronounced somatodendritic presence,but also successful axonal enrichment and a similar axodendritic distribution comparable to exogenously expressed 2N4R-wildtype-TAU.P301L-TAU-expressing hippocampal neurons in transgenic mice showed prominent missorting and tauopathy-typical AT8-phosphorylation of TAU and increased polyglutamylation,but reduced acetylation,of microtubules compared with non-transgenic littermates.In sum,P301L-TAU results in changes in microtubule PTMs,suggestive of impairment of microtubule stability.This is accompanied by missorting and aggregation of TAU in mice but not in i Neurons.Microtubule PTMs/impairment may be of key importance in tauopathies. 展开更多
关键词 human induced pluripotent stem cell MICROTUBUlES P301l pR5 mice TaU TaUOPaTHY tubulin code
多黏类芽孢杆菌Paenibacillus polymyxa ZJ-9芽孢萌发条件与过程的研究
作者 黎槟瑞 张忆萱 +2 位作者 高健 徐虹 李莎 《生物加工过程》 2025年第1期42-48,共7页
多黏类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus polymyxa)具有抗病促生能力,在农业上得到广泛应用,芽孢特殊的抗逆性使得其方便运输和贮存,但自然条件下P.polymyxa萌发率低,限制了其推广应用。本文研究了P.polymyxa ZJ-9芽孢的热激活条件和萌发工艺,对... 多黏类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus polymyxa)具有抗病促生能力,在农业上得到广泛应用,芽孢特殊的抗逆性使得其方便运输和贮存,但自然条件下P.polymyxa萌发率低,限制了其推广应用。本文研究了P.polymyxa ZJ-9芽孢的热激活条件和萌发工艺,对萌发过程进行了表征。结果表明:在75℃、30 min的热激活条件下,芽孢的存活率达到98%以上且仍有较高的萌发水平;采用溶解于磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)的L-丙氨酸+蔗糖(10.0 mmol/L)混合溶液,在室温恒温萌发12 h后,萌发率达到63.9%。对萌发过程表征发现,添加L-丙氨酸使得芽孢内2,6-吡啶二羧酸钙(DPA-Ca^(2+))释放量提高了3.35倍,利用透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察到芽孢复水现象增强,可见L-丙氨酸对芽孢萌发有明显促进作用。本研究为P.polymyxa芽孢制剂的应用提供了有益思路。 展开更多
关键词 多黏类芽孢杆菌 芽孢萌发 热激活 l-丙氨酸
Loss-of-function mutations of microRNA-142-3p promote ASH1L expression to induce immune evasion and hepatocellular carcinoma progression
作者 Xing-Hui Yu Yan Xie +8 位作者 Jian Yu Kun-Ning Zhang Zhou-Bo Guo Di Wang Zhao-Xian Li Wei-Qi Zhang Yu-Ying Tan Li Zhang Wen-Tao Jiang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2025年第1期126-145,共20页
BACKGROUND Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)has been a pervasive malignancy throughout the world with elevated mortality.Efficient therapeutic targets are beneficial to treat and predict the disease.Currently,the exact mo... BACKGROUND Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)has been a pervasive malignancy throughout the world with elevated mortality.Efficient therapeutic targets are beneficial to treat and predict the disease.Currently,the exact molecular mechanisms leading to the progression of HCC are still unclear.Research has shown that the microRNA-142-3p level decreases in HCC,whereas bioinformatics analysis of the cancer genome atlas database shows the ASH1L expression increased among liver tumor tissues.In this paper,we will explore the effects and mechanisms of microRNA-142-3p and ASH1L affect the prognosis of HCC patients and HCC cell bioactivity,and the association between them.AIM To investigate the effects and mechanisms of microRNA-142-3p and ASH1L on the HCC cell bioactivity and prognosis of HCC patients.METHODS In this study,we grouped HCC patients according to their immunohistochemistry results of ASH1L with pathological tissues,and retrospectively analyzed the prognosis of HCC patients.Furthermore,explored the roles and mechanisms of microRNA-142-3p and ASH1L by cellular and animal experiments,which involved the following experimental methods:Immunohistochemical staining,western blot,quantitative real-time-polymerase chain reaction,flow cytometric analysis,tumor xenografts in nude mice,etc.The statistical methods involved in this study contained t-test,one-way analysis of variance,theχ^(2)test,the Kaplan-Meier approach and the log-rank test.RESULTS In this study,we found that HCC patients with high expression of ASH1L possess a more recurrence rate as well as a decreased overall survival rate.ASH1L promotes the tumorigenicity of HCC and microRNA-142-3p exhibits reduced expression in HCC tissues and interacts with ASH1L through targeting the ASH1L 3′untranslated region.Furthermore,microRNA-142-3p promotes apoptosis and inhibits proliferation,invasion,and migration of HCC cell lines in vitro via ASH1L.For the exploration mechanism,we found ASH1L may promote an immunosuppressive microenvironment in HCC and ASH1L affects the expression of the cell junction protein zonula occludens-1,which is potentially relevant to the immune system.CONCLUSION Loss function of microRNA-142-3p induces cancer progression and immune evasion through upregulation of ASH1L in HCC.Both microRNA-142-3p and ASH1L can feature as new biomarker for HCC in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma MicroRNa-142-3p aSH1l Immune evasion Tumor immune microenvironment apoptosis
Recombinant chitinase-3-like protein 1 alleviates learning and memory impairments via M2 microglia polarization in postoperative cognitive dysfunction mice
作者 Yujia Liu Xue Han +6 位作者 Yan Su Yiming Zhou Minhui Xu Jiyan Xu Zhengliang Ma Xiaoping Gu Tianjiao Xia 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第9期2727-2736,共10页
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction is a seve re complication of the central nervous system that occurs after anesthesia and surgery,and has received attention for its high incidence and effect on the quality of life ... Postoperative cognitive dysfunction is a seve re complication of the central nervous system that occurs after anesthesia and surgery,and has received attention for its high incidence and effect on the quality of life of patients.To date,there are no viable treatment options for postoperative cognitive dysfunction.The identification of postoperative cognitive dysfunction hub genes could provide new research directions and therapeutic targets for future research.To identify the signaling mechanisms contributing to postoperative cognitive dysfunction,we first conducted Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway enrichment analyses of the Gene Expression Omnibus GSE95426 dataset,which consists of mRNAs and long non-coding RNAs differentially expressed in mouse hippocampus3 days after tibial fracture.The dataset was enriched in genes associated with the biological process"regulation of immune cells,"of which Chill was identified as a hub gene.Therefore,we investigated the contribution of chitinase-3-like protein 1 protein expression changes to postoperative cognitive dysfunction in the mouse model of tibial fractu re surgery.Mice were intraperitoneally injected with vehicle or recombinant chitinase-3-like protein 124 hours post-surgery,and the injection groups were compared with untreated control mice for learning and memory capacities using the Y-maze and fear conditioning tests.In addition,protein expression levels of proinflammatory factors(interleukin-1βand inducible nitric oxide synthase),M2-type macrophage markers(CD206 and arginase-1),and cognition-related proteins(brain-derived neurotropic factor and phosphorylated NMDA receptor subunit NR2B)were measured in hippocampus by western blotting.Treatment with recombinant chitinase-3-like protein 1 prevented surgery-induced cognitive impairment,downregulated interleukin-1βand nducible nitric oxide synthase expression,and upregulated CD206,arginase-1,pNR2B,and brain-derived neurotropic factor expression compared with vehicle treatment.Intraperitoneal administration of the specific ERK inhibitor PD98059 diminished the effects of recombinant chitinase-3-like protein 1.Collectively,our findings suggest that recombinant chitinase-3-like protein 1 ameliorates surgery-induced cognitive decline by attenuating neuroinflammation via M2 microglial polarization in the hippocampus.Therefore,recombinant chitinase-3-like protein1 may have therapeutic potential fo r postoperative cognitive dysfunction. 展开更多
关键词 Chil1 hippocampus learning and memory M2 microglia NEUROINFlaMMaTION postoperative cognitive dysfunction(POCD) recombinant CHI3l1
Autism spectrum disorder:difficulties in diagnosis and microRNA biomarkers
作者 Bridget Martinez Philip V.Peplow 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第10期2776-2786,共11页
We performed a PubMed search for microRNAs in autism spectrum disorder that could serve as diagnostic biomarkers in patients and selected 17 articles published from January 2008 to December 2023,of which 4 studies wer... We performed a PubMed search for microRNAs in autism spectrum disorder that could serve as diagnostic biomarkers in patients and selected 17 articles published from January 2008 to December 2023,of which 4 studies were performed with whole blood,4 with blood plasma,5 with blood serum,1 with serum neural cell adhesion molecule L1-captured extracellular vesicles,1 with blood cells,and 2 with peripheral blood mononuclear cells.Most of the studies involved children and the study cohorts were largely males.Many of the studies had performed microRNA sequencing or quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays to measure microRNA expression.Only five studies had used real-time polymerase chain reaction assay to validate microRNA expression in autism spectrum disorder subjects compared to controls.The microRNAs that were validated in these studies may be considered as potential candidate biomarkers for autism spectrum disorder and include miR-500a-5p,-197-5p,-424-5p,-664a-3p,-365a-3p,-619-5p,-664a-3p,-3135a,-328-3p,and-500a-5p in blood plasma and miR-151a-3p,-181b-5p,-320a,-328,-433,-489,-572,-663a,-101-3p,-106b-5p,-19b-3p,-195-5p,and-130a-3p in blood serum of children,and miR-15b-5p and-6126 in whole blood of adults.Several important limitations were identified in the studies reviewed,and need to be taken into account in future studies.Further studies are warranted with children and adults having different levels of autism spectrum disorder severity and consideration should be given to using animal models of autism spectrum disorder to investigate the effects of suppressing or overexpressing specific microRNAs as a novel therapy. 展开更多
关键词 autism spectrum disorder BIOMaRKER blood cells blood plasma blood serum DIaGNOSIS MICRORNa peripheral blood mononuclear cells serum neural cell adhesion molecule l1-captured extracellular vesicles whole blood
Melon2K array:A versatile 2K liquid SNP chip for melon genetics and breeding
作者 Qing Yu Shuai Li +7 位作者 Xiaofeng Su Xinxiu Chen Yuanhua Dong Zhiwang Yao Naiyu Jiang Sen Chai Zhonghua Zhang Kuipeng Xu 《Horticultural Plant Journal》 2025年第1期314-322,共9页
High-throughput genotyping tools can effectively promote molecular breeding in crops.In this study,genotyping by target sequencing(GBTS)system was utilized to develop a genome-wide liquid SNP chip for facilitating gen... High-throughput genotyping tools can effectively promote molecular breeding in crops.In this study,genotyping by target sequencing(GBTS)system was utilized to develop a genome-wide liquid SNP chip for facilitating genetics and breeding in melon(Cucumis melo L.),a globally cultivated economically important horticultural crop.Based on over eight million SNPs derived from 823 representative melon accessions,16K,8K,4K,2K,1K,500,250 and 125 informative SNPs were screened and evaluated for their polymorphisms,conservation of flanking sequences,and distributions.The set of 2K SNPs was found to be optimal for representing the maximum diversity with the lowest number of SNPs,and it was selected to develop the liquid chip,named“Melon2K”.Using Melon2K,more than 1500 SNPs were detected across 17 samples of five melon cultivars,and the phylogenetic relationships were clearly constructed.Within the same cultivar,genetic differences were also assessed between different samples.We evaluated the performance of Melon2K in genetic background selection during the breeding process,obtaining the introgression lines of interested trait with more than 97%genetic background of elite variety by only two rounds of backcrossing.These results suggest that Melon2K provides a cost-effective,efficient and reliable platform for genetic analysis and molecular breeding in melon. 展开更多
关键词 MElON Cucumis melo l. Melon2K liquid SNP chip Cultivar identification Background selection
A fractional-order improved FitzHugh–Nagumo neuron model
作者 Pushpendra Kumar Vedat Suat Erturk 《Chinese Physics B》 2025年第1期519-528,共10页
We propose a fractional-order improved Fitz Hugh–Nagumo(FHN)neuron model in terms of a generalized Caputo fractional derivative.Following the existence of a unique solution for the proposed model,we derive the numeri... We propose a fractional-order improved Fitz Hugh–Nagumo(FHN)neuron model in terms of a generalized Caputo fractional derivative.Following the existence of a unique solution for the proposed model,we derive the numerical solution using a recently proposed L1 predictor–corrector method.The given method is based on the L1-type discretization algorithm and the spline interpolation scheme.We perform the error and stability analyses for the given method.We perform graphical simulations demonstrating that the proposed FHN neuron model generates rich electrical activities of periodic spiking patterns,chaotic patterns,and quasi-periodic patterns.The motivation behind proposing a fractional-order improved FHN neuron model is that such a system can provide a more nuanced description of the process with better understanding and simulation of the neuronal responses by incorporating memory effects and non-local dynamics,which are inherent to many biological systems. 展开更多
关键词 FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron model generalized Caputo fractional derivative l1 predictor-corrector method STaBIlITY error estimation
甲状腺癌组织中KDM1A和UCH L3的表达与临床病理学特征及预后的关系研究
作者 汪明阳 曹忠超 +1 位作者 王艳超 刘春秀 《现代检验医学杂志》 2025年第1期105-109,115,共6页
目的 研究甲状腺癌(TC)组织中组蛋白赖氨酸脱甲基酶1(KDM1A)、泛素羧基末端水解酶L3(UCHL3)表达与临床病理学特征及预后的关系。方法 回顾性收集2017年1月~2019年1月黑龙江省第三医院诊治的94例TC患者为研究对象。采用免疫组织化学检测... 目的 研究甲状腺癌(TC)组织中组蛋白赖氨酸脱甲基酶1(KDM1A)、泛素羧基末端水解酶L3(UCHL3)表达与临床病理学特征及预后的关系。方法 回顾性收集2017年1月~2019年1月黑龙江省第三医院诊治的94例TC患者为研究对象。采用免疫组织化学检测组织KDM1A,UCHL3的表达;采用Spearman相关性分析KDM1A与UCH-L3的相关性;采用Kaplan-Meier生存曲线分析KDM1A,UCHL3与患者五年无进展生存率的关系,多因素COX回归模型分析TC患者预后的影响因素。结果 癌组织中KDM1A(68.09%),UCH L3(65.96%)阳性率高于癌旁组织(10.64%,8.51%),差异具有统计学意义(χ^(2)=64.984,66.369,均P <0.001)。Spearman相关性分析,KDM1A与UCH L3蛋白表达呈显著正相关(r=0.714,P <0.001)。TNM分期III~IV期、淋巴结转移TC癌组织中KDM1A(87.50%,90.91%),UCH L3(85.00%,87.88%)阳性率高于I~II期(53.70%,53.85%)、无淋巴结转移癌组织(55.74%,54.10%),差异具有统计学意义(χ^(2)=9.985~12.191,均P<0.05)。KDM1A阳性组和阴性组TC患者五年无进展生存率分别为62.50%(40/64),86.67%(26/30),UCH L3阳性组和阴性组患者五年无进展生存率分别为58.06%(36/62),90.63%(29/32),差异具有统计学意义(Log-Rankχ^(2)=5.670,9.724,P=0.017,0.002)。KDM1A阳性、UCH L3阳性、TNM分期Ⅲ~Ⅳ期、淋巴结转移是影响TC患者预后的危险因素(Waldχ^(2)=1.315~1.697,均P <0.001)。结论 TC中KDM1A,UCH L3表达上调,均在TC中发挥促癌作用,是新的评估TC患者预后的肿瘤标志物。 展开更多
关键词 甲状腺癌 组蛋白赖氨酸脱甲基酶1 泛素羧基末端水解酶l3
LDACS系统基于循环谱和残差神经网络的频谱感知方法 被引量:1
作者 王磊 张劲 叶秋炫 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期3231-3238,共8页
针对L波段数字航空通信系统(L-band digital aeronautic communication system,LDACS)可用频谱资源有限且易受大功率测距仪(distance measuring equipment,DME)信号干扰的问题,提出一种基于降维循环谱和残差神经网络的频谱感知方法。首... 针对L波段数字航空通信系统(L-band digital aeronautic communication system,LDACS)可用频谱资源有限且易受大功率测距仪(distance measuring equipment,DME)信号干扰的问题,提出一种基于降维循环谱和残差神经网络的频谱感知方法。首先理论推导分析了DME信号的循环谱特征;然后利用Fisher判别率(Fisher discriminant rate,FDR)提取循环频率能量最大的向量,通过主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)进行预处理特征增强;最后给出数据处理后的循环谱向量与卷积神经网络相结合的实现过程,实现了DME信号的有效检测。仿真结果表明,该方法对噪声不敏感,当信噪比不低于-15 dB时,平均检测概率大于90%。当信噪比不低于-14 dB,检测概率接近100%。 展开更多
关键词 l波段数字航空通信系统 测距仪 频谱感知 循环谱 残差神经网络
作者 李楠 温俊健 +3 位作者 刘艳阳 凌惠祥 魏春 陈筠力 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期1873-1880,共8页
相比于传统SAR卫星应用方向,我国第一代L波段差分干涉SAR卫星主要用于实现全球精准地表形变测量。为了达到重轨差分干涉优于5 cm的形变测量指标,首先需要解决卫星空间基准轨道高精度回归的工程难题。对此,本文提出一种严格回归轨道优化... 相比于传统SAR卫星应用方向,我国第一代L波段差分干涉SAR卫星主要用于实现全球精准地表形变测量。为了达到重轨差分干涉优于5 cm的形变测量指标,首先需要解决卫星空间基准轨道高精度回归的工程难题。对此,本文提出一种严格回归轨道优化设计方法,通过地球重力场阶数需求分析建立卫星高阶动力学模型,将J4摄动下修正的太阳同步回归轨道参数作为优化算法初值,以卫星WGS-84坐标系位置、速度回归精度满足收敛阈值为目标,利用启发式多目标进化算法开展轨道参数寻优。仿真试验表明,寻优结果回归精度可达厘米级,优于既定工程指标,并且本文方法有效性和正确性已经过L波段差分干涉SAR卫星在轨验证。 展开更多
关键词 严格回归轨道 合成孔径雷达差分干涉 高阶重力场 优化轨道设计 l波段差分干涉SaR卫星
作者 黄建明 刘滴 +1 位作者 金道群 朱定君 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2024年第10期1768-1772,共5页
目的:探讨苦瓜皂苷L对内皮祖细胞(EPC)增殖能力和内皮功能的作用及机制。方法:体外分离、培养、鉴定外周血EPC。使用不同浓度苦瓜皂苷L处理EPC 24 h后,应用细胞计数试剂盒(CCK-8)法检测各组细胞活力。使用AutoDock Tools 5.6软件,分别... 目的:探讨苦瓜皂苷L对内皮祖细胞(EPC)增殖能力和内皮功能的作用及机制。方法:体外分离、培养、鉴定外周血EPC。使用不同浓度苦瓜皂苷L处理EPC 24 h后,应用细胞计数试剂盒(CCK-8)法检测各组细胞活力。使用AutoDock Tools 5.6软件,分别以磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶(PI3K)和蛋白激酶B(AKT)为受体,以药物分子苦瓜皂苷L为配体采用盲对接法进行分子对接。使用PI3K/AKT抑制剂LY294002和最佳使用浓度的苦瓜皂苷L单独或同时处理EPC 24 h后检测各组细胞活力和磷酸化PI3K(p-PI3K)、磷酸化AKT(p-AKT)及磷酸化内皮型一氧化氮合酶(p-eNOS)表达水平。结果:与对照组比较,苦瓜皂苷L呈剂量依赖性地促进EPC增殖,且40μmol/L的苦瓜皂苷L是最佳药物浓度。与对照组比较,LY294002可下调EPC细胞活力,苦瓜皂苷L可上调细胞活力。与苦瓜皂苷L组比较,共同使用苦瓜皂苷L和LY294002可降低细胞活力。分子对接结果显示,苦瓜皂苷L与PI3K和AKT均存在直接作用,形成稳定的锁钥结构。与对照组比较,LY294002可显著下调p-PI3K、p-AKT和p-eNOS蛋白水平;苦瓜皂苷L可上调p-PI3K、p-AKT和p-eNOS蛋白水平。与苦瓜皂苷L组比较,使用苦瓜皂苷L和LY294002可降低p-PI3K、p-AKT和p-eNOS蛋白水平。结论:苦瓜皂苷L通过PI3K/AKT信号通路靶向调节EPC的增殖能力,进而上调内皮型一氧化氮合酶(eNOS)活化水平以促进EPC内皮功能。 展开更多
关键词 内皮祖细胞 苦瓜皂苷l 细胞增殖 内皮功能 实验研究
一种L波段300W GaN脉冲功率模块
作者 董四华 刘英坤 +1 位作者 高永辉 秦龙 《半导体技术》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期555-560,共6页
随着第三代半导体GaN器件技术的不断发展,GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)在电子系统中逐步得到了广泛应用。研制了一款小型化L波段300 W GaN脉冲功率模块。研发了满足高压脉冲工作条件的GaN HEMT芯片,采用负载牵引技术进行了器件大信号阻... 随着第三代半导体GaN器件技术的不断发展,GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)在电子系统中逐步得到了广泛应用。研制了一款小型化L波段300 W GaN脉冲功率模块。研发了满足高压脉冲工作条件的GaN HEMT芯片,采用负载牵引技术进行了器件大信号阻抗参数提取,并以此为基础设计了小型化匹配网络进行阻抗变换。基于高压驱动芯片和开关器件芯片设计了小型化高压脉冲调制电路。测试结果表明,在工作频率990~1130 MHz、工作电压50 V、脉冲宽度100μs、占空比10%下,功率模块脉冲输出功率大于300 W,功率附加效率大于53%,功率增益大于38 dB。功率模块尺寸为30 mm×30 mm×8 mm。 展开更多
关键词 GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT) 负载牵引技术 高压脉冲调制 l波段 功率模块
作者 李国金 朱佳辉 《电子元件与材料》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期115-120,共6页
设计了一款可用于WLAN的双频MIMO天线。天线的正面为L型单极子,背面为金属接地板。通过在接地板上加载耦合枝节使天线具有双频特性。同时,为了天线的小型化,对耦合枝节进行了弯折处理,减小天线尺寸。在两个天线单元之间加载T型寄生枝节... 设计了一款可用于WLAN的双频MIMO天线。天线的正面为L型单极子,背面为金属接地板。通过在接地板上加载耦合枝节使天线具有双频特性。同时,为了天线的小型化,对耦合枝节进行了弯折处理,减小天线尺寸。在两个天线单元之间加载T型寄生枝节和刻蚀矩形缝隙来提高天线的隔离度。使用电磁仿真软件和矢量网络分析仪对天线进行仿真和实测,结果表明:天线的工作频段为2.4~2.55 GHz和5.1~6.3 GHz,覆盖了WLAN的频段,同时在低频段内隔离度高于19 dB,高频段内隔离度高于25 dB。此外,天线的包络相关系数小于0.01且具有全向辐射特性。天线整体性能较好,可以满足WLAN的需求。 展开更多
关键词 MIMO天线 双频段 无线局域网 l型单极子
作者 王磊 高翔 +1 位作者 胡潇潇 刘海涛 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期362-367,共6页
L波段数字航空通信系统(L band digital aeronautical communication system,LDACS)是未来航空宽带通信重要的基础设施之一,针对LDACS信号容易受到相邻波道大功率测距仪(distance measuring equipment,DME)信号干扰的问题,提出了联合正... L波段数字航空通信系统(L band digital aeronautical communication system,LDACS)是未来航空宽带通信重要的基础设施之一,针对LDACS信号容易受到相邻波道大功率测距仪(distance measuring equipment,DME)信号干扰的问题,提出了联合正交投影干扰抑制与单快拍稀疏分解的波达方向(direction of arrival,DOA)估计方法。通过子空间投影抑制DME干扰,然后使用单快拍数据构建伪协方差矩阵,对伪协方差矩阵求高阶幂,之后进行奇异值分解,并利用约束条件求解稀疏解得到期望信号来向的估计值。所提方法使用高阶伪协方差矩阵降低了噪声影响,仅用单快拍就可以准确估计LDACS信号的入射方向。仿真结果表明,改进单快拍高级幂(improved single snapshot high order power,ISS-HOP)L1-SVD算法的估计精度优于ISS-HOP-MUSIC算法。该方法可以有效抑制DME干扰,提高OFDM接收机性能。 展开更多
关键词 l波段数字航空通信系统 测距仪 波达方向估计 改进单快拍高阶幂算法
作者 路远 唐俊 +4 位作者 李文川 许佐明 罗宗将 马嘉盛 浦涧 《海南医学院学报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期88-93,99,共7页
目的:探讨SLC6A8通过BNIP3L调控线粒体自噬对肝癌细胞增殖的影响。方法:通过TCGA数据库分析SLC6A8基因在肝癌组织中的表达情况,并与BNIP3L表达进行相关性分析。使用RT-PCR和Western blot技术检测SLC6A8过表达人肝癌Huh-7及Hep3B细胞中SL... 目的:探讨SLC6A8通过BNIP3L调控线粒体自噬对肝癌细胞增殖的影响。方法:通过TCGA数据库分析SLC6A8基因在肝癌组织中的表达情况,并与BNIP3L表达进行相关性分析。使用RT-PCR和Western blot技术检测SLC6A8过表达人肝癌Huh-7及Hep3B细胞中SLC6A8和BNIP3L的表达。免疫荧光标记和CCK-8检测法用于观察SLC6A8过表达人肝癌Huh-7及Hep3B细胞线粒体自噬和细胞增殖率。使用CCK-8检测法评估在沉默BNIP3L后SLC6A8过表达人肝癌Huh-7及Hep3B细胞增殖率。结果:SLC6A8在肝癌组织中显著高表达,并与BNIP3L表达呈正相关。SLC6A8过表达可显著促进线粒体自噬和人肝癌Huh-7及Hep3B细胞的增殖。此外,SLC6A8过表达显著促进BNIP3L mRNA和蛋白的表达。沉默BNIP3L后,SLC6A8过表达对肝癌细胞增殖的促进作用被逆转。结论:SLC6A8在肝癌组织中的高表达与BNIP3L有正相关性,且SLC6A8的过表达能促进线粒体自噬和肝癌细胞的增殖,沉默BNIP3L可逆转SLC6A8过表达对肝癌细胞增殖促进作用。这为肝癌的治疗提供了新的靶点和策略。 展开更多
关键词 线粒体自噬 SlC6a8 BNIP3l 肝细胞癌
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