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作者 孙楠 贺素歌 +1 位作者 刘自凤 李利波 《地震研究》 北大核心 2025年第1期1-9,共9页
云南地震活动与周边强震存在“构造相连,动力同源”的特征,研究周边强震的序列演化特征及发震构造,对云南地区地震研究具有重要意义。2021年12月24日老挝M_(S)6.0地震发生在滇西南地区的NW向整董断裂附近,震源机制解显示,此次地震是一... 云南地震活动与周边强震存在“构造相连,动力同源”的特征,研究周边强震的序列演化特征及发震构造,对云南地区地震研究具有重要意义。2021年12月24日老挝M_(S)6.0地震发生在滇西南地区的NW向整董断裂附近,震源机制解显示,此次地震是一次走滑型破裂事件,破裂方向与区域构造特征一致。老挝M_(S)6.0地震序列属于前震-主震-余震型序列,主震前震中附近出现3~4级地震非常活跃的现象,前震序列参数计算显示b值波动相对幅度较大,h值出现“上翘”形态,而余震序列b值和h值变化均相对平稳,主震的同震库伦应力结果表明老挝地震可能对云南地区有应力加载作用。 展开更多
关键词 老挝M_(S)6.0地震 前震序列 余震序列 序列参数
作者 靳军英 王林 +1 位作者 金铁生 张卫华 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期163-177,共15页
研究重庆市不同地理分区内各量级降雨侵蚀力的时空变化特征,为该地区进行更加精准的区域性水土流失防治工作提供理论依据。选取1981-2020年重庆市31个站点逐日降雨数据,利用旋转经验正交函数(Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function,RE... 研究重庆市不同地理分区内各量级降雨侵蚀力的时空变化特征,为该地区进行更加精准的区域性水土流失防治工作提供理论依据。选取1981-2020年重庆市31个站点逐日降雨数据,利用旋转经验正交函数(Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function,REOF)对降雨侵蚀力进行地理分区,并结合R/S、5年滑动平均、Mann-Kendall检验等方法,分析各分区不同量级降雨侵蚀力时空变化。结果表明:①重庆市降雨侵蚀力可分为6个地理区域(Ⅰ-Ⅵ区);②重庆市多年平均降雨侵蚀力为5784.04 MJ·mm/(hm^(2)·h·a),不同降雨侵蚀力从大到小依次为:大雨、暴雨、中雨、大暴雨;③大雨侵蚀力在Ⅰ-Ⅲ区和Ⅴ-Ⅵ区占主导优势,暴雨侵蚀力在Ⅳ区占主导优势。各分区中,中雨、大雨及暴雨侵蚀力主要集中在5-9月,大暴雨侵蚀力集中在6-8月;④各区不同量级降雨侵蚀力年际变化从小到大依次为:中雨、大雨、暴雨、大暴雨;同一量级降雨侵蚀力的整体变化趋势均不显著;Hurst指数表明,中雨侵蚀力在Ⅰ和Ⅴ区、大雨侵蚀力在Ⅱ和Ⅴ区、大暴雨侵蚀力在Ⅰ和Ⅲ区呈强持续上升趋势;⑤中雨、大雨及大暴雨侵蚀力在渝东南、渝东北占主导优势,暴雨侵蚀力在渝西以及重庆中部占主导优势,且Ⅰ区酉阳和秀山、Ⅱ区开州、Ⅲ区北碚和铜梁、Ⅳ区璧山和永川、Ⅴ区巫溪和云阳及Ⅵ区忠县是不同量级降雨侵蚀力的高峰中心。通过对重庆各分区不同量级降雨侵蚀力的分析,明确了可能引起土壤侵蚀的主要雨型、高发时期和潜在风险较高的地区,可为区域水土流失动态监测和水土保持措施的合理制定提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 降雨侵蚀力 时空变化 旋转经验正交分解法 MK非参数趋势检验 R/S分析法
作者 赵小艳 苏有锦 +1 位作者 孟令媛 臧阳 《地震研究》 北大核心 2025年第1期32-40,共9页
对2024年新疆乌什7.1级地震和中国台湾花莲7.3级地震前出现的长期地震平静现象及其平静结束后的地震趋势进行了分析,进而对中国内地当前仍存在的2个大震长期地震平静区域及其危险性进行了分析和讨论。结果表明:①乌什7.1级地震结束了天... 对2024年新疆乌什7.1级地震和中国台湾花莲7.3级地震前出现的长期地震平静现象及其平静结束后的地震趋势进行了分析,进而对中国内地当前仍存在的2个大震长期地震平静区域及其危险性进行了分析和讨论。结果表明:①乌什7.1级地震结束了天山地震带长达31年的7级以上地震长期平静状态,可能预示着天山地震带将进入一个新的7级以上地震活跃时段;花莲7.3级地震结束了中国台湾地区长达17年的7级以上地震长期平静状态,可能预示着中国台湾地区将进入一个新的7级以上地震活跃时段。②南北地震带南段的云南地区自1996年丽江7.0级地震以来地震平静时间超过28年,南北地震带北段的甘肃-宁夏地区自1954年内蒙古阿拉善盟阿拉善左旗7.0级地震以来地震平静时间已超过70年,这2个区域当前或未来一个时期发生7级以上地震的风险较高,尤其是云南地震地区,应引起特别的关注和研究。 展开更多
关键词 乌什7.1级地震 花莲7.3级地震 地震长期平静 南北地震带
作者 郑秋月 黄江培 +3 位作者 吴宇琴 陈政宇 刘东 王青华 《地震研究》 北大核心 2025年第1期22-31,共10页
基于2016-2021年云南地区流动重力重复观测资料,利用流动重力段差变化可视化方法及重力场变化显著性程度指标量G和C值研究了2021年漾濞M_(S)6.4地震前的重力变化,并反演了其与地震孕育相关的场源分布特征,开展了对研究区重力变化及场源... 基于2016-2021年云南地区流动重力重复观测资料,利用流动重力段差变化可视化方法及重力场变化显著性程度指标量G和C值研究了2021年漾濞M_(S)6.4地震前的重力变化,并反演了其与地震孕育相关的场源分布特征,开展了对研究区重力变化及场源特征的定性和定量研究。结果表明:①段差表示法的大小和方向对地下物质的运移方向有一定的指示意义,震前重力指标量呈显著上升,震后又迅速回落,重力变化指标量G和C值可作为评价测网区域重力变化显著性程度的定量依据;②反演得到的重力变化场源位置主要集中在红河断裂带北段至滇西北一带,且表现出与维西-乔后断裂及红河断裂带走向较为一致的分布特征,这可能与地震前中上地壳的深部物质运移相关。 展开更多
关键词 重力段差 定量分析 重力变化指数 场源反演 漾濞M_(S)6.4地震
作者 杨晓宇 张晓华 +1 位作者 王晓磊 史晓翀 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期95-106,共12页
针对目前台湾冷泉厌氧可培养细菌类群多样性的认知不足的现状,本研究旨在深入探究研究区域小尺度范围内可培养厌氧微生物多样性及分布规律。为此,本研究利用12种厌氧培养基,包括厌氧MA(2216E)、改良2216E(以下称为MA+、1/MA)、R2A、4种... 针对目前台湾冷泉厌氧可培养细菌类群多样性的认知不足的现状,本研究旨在深入探究研究区域小尺度范围内可培养厌氧微生物多样性及分布规律。为此,本研究利用12种厌氧培养基,包括厌氧MA(2216E)、改良2216E(以下称为MA+、1/MA)、R2A、4种SPG厌氧培养基、3种NMS以及DZJ培养基,对采集自台湾冷泉的沉积物、海水、动物样品中的厌氧菌进行富集、分离和培养,然后通过16S rRNA基因测序对分离纯化后的菌株进行分类鉴定。研究结果表明,台湾冷泉厌氧细菌具有较高的多样性,从台湾冷泉共分离鉴定厌氧菌375株,它们分属3个门(变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和放线菌门(Actinobacteria))、29个属、49个种,其中γ-变形菌纲占绝对优势地位,优势类群包括弧菌属(Vibrio)、希瓦氏菌属(Shewanella)、肠杆菌属(Enterobacter)和葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)等。此外,还发现了15株(3种)潜在的海洋新菌。本研究还发现,不同培养基对不同类群的影响不同且程度各异,如MA(2216E)培养基对γ-变形菌纲分离培养效率较高,而SPG培养基在获得新菌方面具有优势。 展开更多
关键词 冷泉 可培养细菌 厌氧细菌 多样性 16S rRNA
作者 王晨哲 季薇 +1 位作者 郑慧芬 李云 《郑州大学学报(理学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期53-60,共8页
发音障碍是帕金森病的早期症状之一。近年来,基于语音信号的帕金森病检测的研究大多采用梅尔刻度下的相关语音特征与深度神经网络模型相结合的方法。然而,现有的模型无法充分关注语音信号的全局时序信息,且梅尔刻度特征在准确表征帕金... 发音障碍是帕金森病的早期症状之一。近年来,基于语音信号的帕金森病检测的研究大多采用梅尔刻度下的相关语音特征与深度神经网络模型相结合的方法。然而,现有的模型无法充分关注语音信号的全局时序信息,且梅尔刻度特征在准确表征帕金森病的病理信息方面效果有限。为此,提出了一种基于语音时频特征融合的帕金森病检测方法。首先,提取语音的梅尔频率倒谱系数,并将其作为模型的输入。接着,在已有的S-vectors模型中引入Conformer编码器模块,以提取语音的时域全局特征。最后,将与帕金森病语音检测相关的频域全局特征嵌入时域特征中进行时频信息融合,以实现帕金森病语音检测。在公开帕金森病语音数据集和自采语音数据集上验证了方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 帕金森病 梅尔频率倒谱系数 S-vectors CONFORMER 时频特征融合
作者 张文华 李荀 +3 位作者 张伟超 李欣颖 马帼澳 王孝强 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第6期1265-1275,共11页
背景:近年来,运动改善骨骼肌的健康已成为学者们关注的一个重要研究内容,适宜的运动对骨骼肌具有积极的作用,其中在运动激活鞘氨醇激酶1(sphingosine kinase1,SphK1)/鞘氨醇-1-磷酸(sphingosine-1-phosphate,S1P)/鞘氨醇-1-磷酸受体2(sp... 背景:近年来,运动改善骨骼肌的健康已成为学者们关注的一个重要研究内容,适宜的运动对骨骼肌具有积极的作用,其中在运动激活鞘氨醇激酶1(sphingosine kinase1,SphK1)/鞘氨醇-1-磷酸(sphingosine-1-phosphate,S1P)/鞘氨醇-1-磷酸受体2(sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor2,S1PR2)信号通路如何改善骨骼肌的健康,正受到科研人员的重视。目的:研究运动经SphK1/S1P/S1PR2信号通路如何改善骨骼肌的健康,探索治疗相关肌肉疾病的新方法,以改善人的骨骼肌健康。方法:检索Web of Science、PubMed、中国知网、万方和维普数据库从建库至今与文章主题相关的文献,以“signaling pathway,SphK1,S1P,S1PR2,skeletal muscle,satellite cell,myogenesis,exercise”为英文检索词,以“信号通路,SphK1,S1P,S1PR2,骨骼肌,卫星细胞,肌生成,运动”为中文检索词,最终纳入69篇文献进行分析。结果与结论:①SphK1/S1P/S1PR2信号通路是一个复杂的调控网络,通过SphK1催化产生的S1P,与S1PR2等受体的相互作用,触发下游信号转导过程,进而调控细胞、组织、器官和系统的多种生物学功能。②SphK1/S1P/S1PR2信号通路能调控卫星细胞增殖和成肌细胞分化,改善肌生成。③文章通过文献资料调研法分析了SphK1/S1P/S1PR2信号通路的生理基础以及运动对其影响的可能性。急性有氧运动可提高骨骼肌中SphK1的表达,人体和动物研究中已证实急性和长期运动均可提高骨骼肌中S1P水平,另外研究表明长期抗阻运动可提高S1PR2在骨骼肌中的表达,部分实验结果表明急性和长期运动对肌肉或者血液中S1P水平无显著影响,出现不同结果的原因可能是选择的研究对象、方式、强度及频率不同,而具体机制尚不明确。④研究认为,运动能够促进SphK1/S1P/S1PR2信号通路在骨骼肌中的表达,调控下游相关信号通路,并且针对这一信号通路的研究可能为骨骼肌疾病的治疗提供新的策略和方法,从而改善骨骼肌健康。⑤未来应深化对SphK1/S1P/S1PR2信号通路与骨骼肌健康关联的研究,进一步揭示其与卫星细胞、成肌细胞的调控关系及与上下游通路的相互作用,挖掘其临床应用价值,制定康复方案时考虑该通路变化,探索不同运动对该通路的影响机制,并将其作为潜在治疗靶点,结合人体肌肉模型提升研究深度和准确性。 展开更多
关键词 SphK1/S1P/S1PR2信号通路 骨骼肌 运动 肌生成 卫星细胞 成肌细胞 机制
Gut microbiota-astrocyte axis: new insights into age-related cognitive decline
作者 Lan Zhang Jingge Wei +5 位作者 Xilei Liu Dai Li Xiaoqi Pang Fanglian Chen Hailong Cao Ping Lei 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第4期990-1008,共19页
With the rapidly aging human population,age-related cognitive decline and dementia are becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide.Aging is considered the main risk factor for cognitive decline and acts through alterati... With the rapidly aging human population,age-related cognitive decline and dementia are becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide.Aging is considered the main risk factor for cognitive decline and acts through alterations in the composition of the gut microbiota,microbial metabolites,and the functions of astrocytes.The microbiota–gut–brain axis has been the focus of multiple studies and is closely associated with cognitive function.This article provides a comprehensive review of the specific changes that occur in the composition of the gut microbiota and microbial metabolites in older individuals and discusses how the aging of astrocytes and reactive astrocytosis are closely related to age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.This article also summarizes the gut microbiota components that affect astrocyte function,mainly through the vagus nerve,immune responses,circadian rhythms,and microbial metabolites.Finally,this article summarizes the mechanism by which the gut microbiota–astrocyte axis plays a role in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.Our findings have revealed the critical role of the microbiota–astrocyte axis in age-related cognitive decline,aiding in a deeper understanding of potential gut microbiome-based adjuvant therapy strategies for this condition. 展开更多
关键词 age aging Alzheimer’s disease ASTROCYTES cognitive decline dementia gut microbiota gut–brain axis microbial metabolites NEUROINFLAMMATION Parkinson’s disease
Bo’s abdominal acupuncture treatment for adult-onset Still's disease:A case report
作者 Jia-Min Yang Yu Wang +2 位作者 Yu-Qing Zhang Hong-Lin Zhang Zhi-Yun Bo 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2025年第8期41-48,共8页
BACKGROUND Adult-onset Still's disease(AOSD)is a rare autoinflammatory disease charac-terized by nonspecific symptoms such as fever,rash,sore throat and arthralgia.This paper reports a clinical case of AOSD succes... BACKGROUND Adult-onset Still's disease(AOSD)is a rare autoinflammatory disease charac-terized by nonspecific symptoms such as fever,rash,sore throat and arthralgia.This paper reports a clinical case of AOSD successfully treated with Bo’s abdo-minal acupuncture(BAA).CASE SUMMARY We report a 20-year-old man who suffered from cold exposure,presenting with high fever,rash,sore throat,arthralgia,and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate,leukocytosis with neutrophilic predominance,elevated ferritin,elevated C-reactive protein,and negative rheumatoid factors.He was diagnosed with AOSD based on the Yamaguchi criteria.After treatment with traditional Chinese medi-cine(TCM)decoction and prednisone acetate tablets,there was some alleviation of sore throat,joint and muscle pain,and fever,but he still had persistent low-grade fever,rash,sore throat and arthralgia.He went to the TCM acupuncture outpatient department to receive BAA.Abdominal acupoints Zhongwan(CV12),Xiawan(CV10),0.5 cm below Xiawan(CV10),Qihai(CV6),Guanyuan(CV4),bilateral Qixue(KI13),bilateral Huaroumen(ST24),bilateral Shangfengshidian(AB1)and bilateral Daheng(SP15)were selected.After 3 months treatment,all symptoms disappeared,and the laboratory examination returned to normal levels.He did not take glucocorticoids or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs afterwards,and no relapse was observed during the 3-year follow-up period.CONCLUSION BAA can be used as a complementary medical approach for treatment of AOSD. 展开更多
关键词 Adult-onset Still’s disease Bo’s abdominal acupuncture Traditional Chinese medicine Complementary medicine Case report
Role of metabolic dysfunction and inflammation along the liver-brain axis in animal models with obesity-induced neurodegeneration
作者 Evridiki Asimakidou Eka Norfaishanty Saipuljumri +1 位作者 Chih Hung Lo Jialiu Zeng 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第4期1069-1076,共8页
The interaction between metabolic dysfunction and inflammation is central to the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.Obesity-related conditions like type 2 d... The interaction between metabolic dysfunction and inflammation is central to the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.Obesity-related conditions like type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease exacerbate this relationship.Peripheral lipid accumulation,particularly in the liver,initiates a cascade of inflammatory processes that extend to the brain,influencing critical metabolic regulatory regions.Ceramide and palmitate,key lipid components,along with lipid transporters lipocalin-2 and apolipoprotein E,contribute to neuroinflammation by disrupting blood–brain barrier integrity and promoting gliosis.Peripheral insulin resistance further exacerbates brain insulin resistance and neuroinflammation.Preclinical interventions targeting peripheral lipid metabolism and insulin signaling pathways have shown promise in reducing neuroinflammation in animal models.However,translating these findings to clinical practice requires further investigation into human subjects.In conclusion,metabolic dysfunction,peripheral inflammation,and insulin resistance are integral to neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration.Understanding these complex mechanisms holds potential for identifying novel therapeutic targets and improving outcomes for neurodegenerative diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Alzheimer’s disease inflammatory cytokines insulin resistance LIPID
Differential distribution of PINK1 and Parkin in the primate brain implies distinct roles
作者 Yanting Liu Wei Huang +8 位作者 Jiayi Wen Xin Xiong Ting Xu Qi Wang Xiusheng Chen Xianxian Zhao Shihua Li Xiaojiang Li Weili Yang 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第4期1124-1134,共11页
The vast majority of in vitro studies have demonstrated that PINK1 phosphorylates Parkin to work together in mitophagy to protect against neuronal degeneration.However,it remains largely unclear how PINK1 and Parkin a... The vast majority of in vitro studies have demonstrated that PINK1 phosphorylates Parkin to work together in mitophagy to protect against neuronal degeneration.However,it remains largely unclear how PINK1 and Parkin are expressed in mammalian brains.This has been difficult to address because of the intrinsically low levels of PINK1 and undetectable levels of phosphorylated Parkin in small animals.Understanding this issue is critical for elucidating the in vivo roles of PINK1 and Parkin.Recently,we showed that the PINK1 kinase is selectively expressed as a truncated form(PINK1–55)in the primate brain.In the present study,we used multiple antibodies,including our recently developed monoclonal anti-PINK1,to validate the selective expression of PINK1 in the primate brain.We found that PINK1 was stably expressed in the monkey brain at postnatal and adulthood stages,which is consistent with the findings that depleting PINK1 can cause neuronal loss in developing and adult monkey brains.PINK1 was enriched in the membrane-bound fractionations,whereas Parkin was soluble with a distinguishable distribution.Immunofluorescent double staining experiments showed that PINK1 and Parkin did not colocalize under physiological conditions in cultured monkey astrocytes,though they did colocalize on mitochondria when the cells were exposed to mitochondrial stress.These findings suggest that PINK1 and Parkin may have distinct roles beyond their well-known function in mitophagy during mitochondrial damage. 展开更多
关键词 NEURODEGENERATION PARKIN Parkinson’s disease PINK1 subcellular distribution
Comparative proteomic analysis of plasma exosomes reveals the functional contribution of N-acetyl-alpha-glucosaminidase to Parkinson’s disease
作者 Yuan Zhao Yidan Zhang +6 位作者 Xin Liu Jian Zhang Ya Gao Shuyue Li Cui Chang Xiang Liu Guofeng Yang 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第10期2998-3012,共15页
Parkinson’s disease is the second most common progressive neurodegenerative disorder,and few reliable biomarkers are available to track disease progression.The proteins,DNA,mRNA,and lipids carried by exosomes reflect... Parkinson’s disease is the second most common progressive neurodegenerative disorder,and few reliable biomarkers are available to track disease progression.The proteins,DNA,mRNA,and lipids carried by exosomes reflect intracellular changes,and thus can serve as biomarkers for a variety of conditions.In this study,we investigated alterations in the protein content of plasma exosomes derived from patients with Parkinson’s disease and the potential therapeutic roles of these proteins in Parkinson’s disease.Using a tandem mass tag-based quantitative proteomics approach,we characterized the proteomes of plasma exosomes derived from individual patients,identified exosomal protein signatures specific to patients with Parkinson’s disease,and identified N-acetyl-alpha-glucosaminidase as a differentially expressed protein.N-acetyl-alpha-glucosaminidase expression levels in exosomes from the plasma of patients and healthy controls were validated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and western blot.The results demonstrated that the exosomal N-acetyl-alpha-glucosaminidase concentration was not only lower in Parkinson’s disease,but also decreased with increasing Hoehn-Yahr stage,suggesting that N-acetyl-alpha-glucosaminidase could be used to rapidly evaluate Parkinson’s disease severity.Furthermore,western blot and immunohistochemistry analysis showed that N-acetyl-alpha-glucosaminidase levels were markedly reduced both in cells treated with 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium and cells overexpressingα-synuclein compared with control cells.Additionally,N-acetyl-alpha-glucosaminidase overexpression significantly increased cell viability and inhibitedα-synuclein expression in 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium-treated cells.Taken together,our findings demonstrate for the first time that exosomal N-acetyl-alpha-glucosaminidase may serve as a biomarker for Parkinson’s disease diagnosis,and that N-acetyl-alpha-glucosaminidase may reduceα-synuclein expression and 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium-induced neurotoxicity,thus providing a new therapeutic target for Parkinson’s disease. 展开更多
关键词 biomarker diagnosis EXOSOMES N-acetyl-alpha-glucosaminidase Parkinson’s disease proteomic α-synuclein
作者 孙路 刘金龙 《地震研究》 北大核心 2025年第1期123-131,共9页
2022年四川省甘孜州泸定县发生6.8级地震。依据现场调查资料,介绍了震区房屋的主要结构类型及其建造特点,总结了各类房屋结构的典型震害现象,探讨了各类房屋典型震害特征的产生机理。通过震害数据的统计分析,建立了本次地震中各类结构... 2022年四川省甘孜州泸定县发生6.8级地震。依据现场调查资料,介绍了震区房屋的主要结构类型及其建造特点,总结了各类房屋结构的典型震害现象,探讨了各类房屋典型震害特征的产生机理。通过震害数据的统计分析,建立了本次地震中各类结构房屋的震害矩阵,并与其他学者的研究成果进行了对比,研究了不同房屋类型各地震破坏等级分布规律,给出了砖混结构房屋的地震易损性曲线。根据本次地震的震害特点,给出了提升房屋抗震能力的建议。 展开更多
关键词 泸定6.8级地震 房屋 震害 抗震能力
Netrin-1 signaling pathway mechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases
作者 Kedong Zhu Hualong Wang +2 位作者 Keqiang Ye Guiqin Chen Zhaohui Zhang 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第4期960-972,共13页
Netrin-1 and its receptors play crucial roles in inducing axonal growth and neuronal migration during neuronal development.Their profound impacts then extend into adulthood to encompass the maintenance of neuronal sur... Netrin-1 and its receptors play crucial roles in inducing axonal growth and neuronal migration during neuronal development.Their profound impacts then extend into adulthood to encompass the maintenance of neuronal survival and synaptic function.Increasing amounts of evidence highlight several key points:(1)Diminished Netrin-1 levels exacerbate pathological progression in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease,and potentially,similar alterations occur in humans.(2)Genetic mutations of Netrin-1 receptors increase an individuals’susceptibility to neurodegenerative disorders.(3)Therapeutic approaches targeting Netrin-1 and its receptors offer the benefits of enhancing memory and motor function.(4)Netrin-1 and its receptors show genetic and epigenetic alterations in a variety of cancers.These findings provide compelling evidence that Netrin-1 and its receptors are crucial targets in neurodegenerative diseases.Through a comprehensive review of Netrin-1 signaling pathways,our objective is to uncover potential therapeutic avenues for neurodegenerative disorders. 展开更多
关键词 Alzheimer’s disease axon guidance colorectal cancer Netrin-1 receptors Netrin-1 signaling pathways NETRIN-1 neurodegenerative diseases neuron survival Parkinson’s disease UNC5C
The autophagy-lysosome pathway:a potential target in the chemical and gene therapeutic strategies for Parkinson’s disease
作者 Fengjuan Jiao Lingyan Meng +1 位作者 Kang Du Xuezhi Li 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第1期139-158,共20页
Parkinson’s disease is a common neurodegenerative disease with movement disorders associated with the intracytoplasmic deposition of aggregate proteins such asα-synuclein in neurons.As one of the major intracellular... Parkinson’s disease is a common neurodegenerative disease with movement disorders associated with the intracytoplasmic deposition of aggregate proteins such asα-synuclein in neurons.As one of the major intracellular degradation pathways,the autophagy-lysosome pathway plays an important role in eliminating these proteins.Accumulating evidence has shown that upregulation of the autophagy-lysosome pathway may contribute to the clearance ofα-synuclein aggregates and protect against degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson’s disease.Moreover,multiple genes associated with the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease are intimately linked to alterations in the autophagy-lysosome pathway.Thus,this pathway appears to be a promising therapeutic target for treatment of Parkinson’s disease.In this review,we briefly introduce the machinery of autophagy.Then,we provide a description of the effects of Parkinson’s disease–related genes on the autophagy-lysosome pathway.Finally,we highlight the potential chemical and genetic therapeutic strategies targeting the autophagy–lysosome pathway and their applications in Parkinson’s disease. 展开更多
关键词 AUTOPHAGY chemical therapy gene therapy Parkinson’s disease Α-SYNUCLEIN
Computed tomography enterography-based radiomics for assessing mucosal healing in patients with small bowel Crohn's disease
作者 Hao Ding Yuan-Yuan Fang +5 位作者 Wen-Jie Fan Chen-Yu Zhang Shao-Fei Wang Jing Hu Wei Han Qiao Mei 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2025年第3期62-72,共11页
BACKGROUND Mucosal healing(MH)is the major therapeutic target for Crohn's disease(CD).As the most commonly involved intestinal segment,small bowel(SB)assessment is crucial for CD patients.Yet,it poses a significan... BACKGROUND Mucosal healing(MH)is the major therapeutic target for Crohn's disease(CD).As the most commonly involved intestinal segment,small bowel(SB)assessment is crucial for CD patients.Yet,it poses a significant challenge due to its limited accessibility through conventional endoscopic methods.AIM To establish a noninvasive radiomic model based on computed tomography enterography(CTE)for MH assessment in SBCD patients.METHODS Seventy-three patients diagnosed with SBCD were included and divided into a training cohort(n=55)and a test cohort(n=18).Radiomic features were obtained from CTE images to establish a radiomic model.Patient demographics were analysed to establish a clinical model.A radiomic-clinical nomogram was constructed by combining significant clinical and radiomic features.The diagnostic efficacy and clinical benefit were evaluated via receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve analysis and decision curve analysis(DCA),respectively.RESULTS Of the 73 patients enrolled,25 patients achieved MH.The radiomic-clinical nomogram had an area under the ROC curve of 0.961(95%confidence interval:0.886-1.000)in the training cohort and 0.958(0.877-1.000)in the test cohort and provided superior clinical benefit to either the clinical or radiomic models alone,as demonstrated by DCA.CONCLUSION These results indicate that the CTE-based radiomic-clinical nomogram is a promising imaging biomarker for MH and serves as a potential noninvasive alternative to enteroscopy for MH assessment in SBCD patients. 展开更多
关键词 Crohn’s disease Computed tomography enterography Mucosal healing NOMOGRAM Radiomics
作者 苏向东 彭澎 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期167-182,共16页
华北克拉通和巴西圣弗朗西斯科-刚果克拉通新元古代早期的岩墙和岩床及玄武岩(ca.940~890Ma)岩浆活动时间对比和古地磁研究结果表明,上述克拉通在新元古代可能相邻。这些阶段性岩浆作用的演化趋势和源区特征及其所反映的地质过程与构造... 华北克拉通和巴西圣弗朗西斯科-刚果克拉通新元古代早期的岩墙和岩床及玄武岩(ca.940~890Ma)岩浆活动时间对比和古地磁研究结果表明,上述克拉通在新元古代可能相邻。这些阶段性岩浆作用的演化趋势和源区特征及其所反映的地质过程与构造背景对进一步开展大陆重建有重要意义。本文系统总结和对比分析了两个克拉通新元古代镁铁质岩石的岩相学、地球化学和同位素年代学数据。研究发现,这些岩石大致可分为两类多期:(1)年龄较老(ca.940~920Ma)且演化的高Ti岩石(MgO<6.5%,TiO 2>2%),负Eu异常明显(Eu/Eu^(*)=0.7~1.0);(2)年龄较年轻(ca.915~890Ma)且较为原始的低Ti岩石(MgO>6.5%,TiO_(2)<2%),具有正Eu异常(Eu/Eu^(*)=1~1.2)或者没有Eu异常(Eu/Eu=1)。早期高Ti岩浆源区类似于EMⅠ型地幔端元(ε_(Nd)(t)=-8~+3),Sr-Nd同位素特征表明其可能是软流圈上涌熔融产生的岩浆与岩石圈地幔相互作用的结果;而晚期低Ti岩石Nd同位素与球粒陨石值类似(ε_(Nd)(t)=-2~+3),可能来源于软流圈地幔。这两类岩石在华北克拉通和巴西圣弗朗西斯科-刚果克拉通几乎同时出现,且可类比。岩浆演化趋势、微量元素和Sr-Nd同位素等特征及单斜辉石-熔体平衡深度计算表明,早期高Ti岩浆产生于大陆岩石圈破裂初期,经历了较高程度的结晶分异作用;而晚期低Ti岩浆的持续作用(~30Myr)可能与岩石圈破裂过程中不断增强的软流圈岩浆活动相关。该裂谷演化进程在Sr同位素特征变化上也有体现,即与早期高Ti岩石相比,晚期低Ti岩石的Sr同位素更为富集但Nd同位素保持不变,表明该类岩石的产生可能在大陆裂谷发育过程中受到海水蚀变的影响。以上证据表明,华北克拉通和巴西圣弗朗西斯科-刚果克拉通在新元古代早期具有可类比的岩石圈应力演化状态,且经历了相似的地幔地球化学动力学过程,支持两个克拉通在该时期相邻。 展开更多
关键词 华北克拉通 圣弗朗西斯科-刚果克拉通 新元古代 大火成岩省
Nanomaterials-mediated lysosomal regulation:a robust protein-clearance approach for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
作者 Mengqi Hao Jianjian Chu +8 位作者 Tinglin Zhang Tong Yin Yuankai Gu Wendanqi Liang Wenbo Ji Jianhua Zhuang Yan Liu Jie Gao You Yin 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第2期424-439,共16页
Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating,progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the progressive accumulation of abnormal proteins,including amyloid plaques and intracellular tau tangles,primarily within... Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating,progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the progressive accumulation of abnormal proteins,including amyloid plaques and intracellular tau tangles,primarily within the brain.Lysosomes,crucial intracellular organelles responsible for protein degradation,play a key role in maintaining cellular homeostasis.Some studies have suggested a link between the dysregulation of the lysosomal system and pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases,including Alzheimer’s disease.Restoring the normal physiological function of lysosomes hold the potential to reduce the pathological burden and improve the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.Currently,the efficacy of drugs in treating Alzheimer’s disease is limited,with major challenges in drug delivery efficiency and targeting.Recently,nanomaterials have gained widespread use in Alzheimer’s disease drug research owing to their favorable physical and chemical properties.This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of recent advances in using nanomaterials(polymeric nanomaterials,nanoemulsions,and carbon-based nanomaterials)to enhance lysosomal function in treating Alzheimer’s disease.This review also explores new concepts and potential therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer’s disease through the integration of nanomaterials and modulation of lysosomal function.In conclusion,this review emphasizes the potential of nanomaterials in modulating lysosomal function to improve the pathological features of Alzheimer’s disease.The application of nanotechnology to the development of Alzheimer’s disease drugs brings new ideas and approaches for future treatment of this disease. 展开更多
关键词 Alzheimer’s disease autophagy dysfunction lysosomal acidification lysosomal system nanomaterials neurodegenerative diseases
Glycolytic dysregulation in Alzheimer's disease:unveiling new avenues for understanding pathogenesis and improving therapy
作者 You Wu Lijie Yang +2 位作者 Wanrong Jiang Xinyuan Zhang Zhaohui Yao 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS 2025年第8期2264-2278,共15页
Alzheimer's disease poses a significant global health challenge owing to the progressive cognitive decline of patients and absence of curative treatments.The current therapeutic strategies,primarily based on choli... Alzheimer's disease poses a significant global health challenge owing to the progressive cognitive decline of patients and absence of curative treatments.The current therapeutic strategies,primarily based on cholinesterase inhibitors and N-methyl-Daspartate receptor antagonists,offer limited symptomatic relief without halting disease progression,highlighting an urgent need for novel research directions that address the key mechanisms underlying Alzheimer's disease.Recent studies have provided insights into the critical role of glycolysis,a fundamental energy metabolism pathway in the brain,in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.Alterations in glycolytic processes within neurons and glial cells,including microglia,astrocytes,and oligodendrocytes,have been identified as significant contributors to the pathological landscape of Alzheimer's disease.Glycolytic changes impact neuronal health and function,thus offering promising targets for therapeutic intervention.The purpose of this review is to consolidate current knowledge on the modifications in glycolysis associated with Alzheimer's disease and explore the mechanisms by which these abnormalities contribute to disease onset and progression.Comprehensive focus on the pathways through which glycolytic dysfunction influences Alzheimer's disease pathology should provide insights into potential therapeutic targets and strategies that pave the way for groundbreaking treatments,emphasizing the importance of understanding metabolic processes in the quest for clarification and management of Alzheimer's disease. 展开更多
关键词 Alzheimer’s disease glial cells GLYCOLYSIS neuronal metabolism PATHOGENESIS therapeutic targets
Exploring gut microbiota as a novel therapeutic target in Crohn’s disease: Insights and emerging strategies
作者 Tong Qiao Xian-Hui Wen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2025年第2期147-156,共10页
Extensive research has investigated the etiology of Crohn’s disease(CD),encompassing genetic predisposition,lifestyle factors,and environmental triggers.Recently,the gut microbiome,recognized as the human body’s sec... Extensive research has investigated the etiology of Crohn’s disease(CD),encompassing genetic predisposition,lifestyle factors,and environmental triggers.Recently,the gut microbiome,recognized as the human body’s second-largest gene pool,has garnered significant attention for its crucial role in the patho-genesis of CD.This paper investigates the mechanisms underlying CD,focusing on the role of‘creeping fat’in disease progression and exploring emerging therapeutic strategies,including fecal microbiota transplantation,enteral nutri-tion,and therapeutic diets.Creeping fat has been identified as a unique patho-logical feature of CD and has recently been found to be associated with dysbiosis of the gut microbiome.We characterize this dysbiotic state by identi-fying key microbiome-bacteria,fungi,viruses,and archaea,and their contributions to CD pathogenesis.Additionally,this paper reviews contemporary therapies,empha-sizing the potential of biological therapies like fecal microbiota transplantation and dietary interventions.By elucidating the complex interactions between host-microbiome dynamics and CD pathology,this article aims to advance our under-standing of the disease and guide the development of more effective therapeutic strategies for managing CD. 展开更多
关键词 Crohn’s disease Gut microbiome DYSBIOSIS Creeping fat Fecal microbiota transplantation
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