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对《Ambio》第31卷专刊“优化食品和能源生产以及环境变化中的氮管理”的论文和综述的评述 被引量:1
作者 Artur Granstedt PhD 周立志 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2002年第6期496-497,共2页
《Ambio》专刊的引言中指出全世界各阶层社会所面临的挑战是如何对粮食、纤维和能源生产实行最优化管理,并将其对人类和环境的影响降到最低程度。这期专刊的18篇文章包含了有关人类影响氮循环话题的许多重要方面,然而,对于上个世纪工业... 《Ambio》专刊的引言中指出全世界各阶层社会所面临的挑战是如何对粮食、纤维和能源生产实行最优化管理,并将其对人类和环境的影响降到最低程度。这期专刊的18篇文章包含了有关人类影响氮循环话题的许多重要方面,然而,对于上个世纪工业化世界农业制度的变化和有过记录的减少活性氮释放至周围环境的可能方法的因果关系重要分析尚不充分。Galloway等对粮食生产地区和食用动物饲养地区的联系脱节进行了评论。 展开更多
关键词 ambio 环境变化 氮管理 书评 食品生产 氮循环 粮食生产 环境管理 能源生产
作者 Melanie Josefsson 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2006年第5期M0001-M0001,共1页
外来物种蔓延已成为生物多样性的第二大威胁,仅次干栖息地的破坏。生物多样性公约(CBD)已就此通过了相关决议,其中VI/23号土地破坏决议开宗明义地就防止、引入和缓解外来物种对生态系统、栖息地或物种构成威胁的影响提出了指导原... 外来物种蔓延已成为生物多样性的第二大威胁,仅次干栖息地的破坏。生物多样性公约(CBD)已就此通过了相关决议,其中VI/23号土地破坏决议开宗明义地就防止、引入和缓解外来物种对生态系统、栖息地或物种构成威胁的影响提出了指导原则。其后,全世界的环境权威开展了有效的工作,寻求控制外来物种引入和蔓延的措施,并展开研究和监控项目以跟踪这些物种对生物多样性的影响。但是,外来物种蔓延只是对环境产生威胁的部分因素,还应该考虑到外来种群的影响。迄今为止,我们对这些外来种群蔓延的范围和严重性还只能停留在推测阶段。CBD和国际自然与自然资源保护联合会(IUCN)在外来物种的定义中明确包括了外来种群:“外来物种指种、亚种或更低层的分类……”。 展开更多
关键词 CBD this ambio
Ambio—A Journal of the Human Environment INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS
《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2006年第4期197-197,共1页
NB.Only manuscripts that comply with theAmbio in-house style will be considered forpublication.Papers that do not meet thecriteria outlined in these Instructions may besummarily rejected.EDITORIAL POLICYAmbio is an in... NB.Only manuscripts that comply with theAmbio in-house style will be considered forpublication.Papers that do not meet thecriteria outlined in these Instructions may besummarily rejected.EDITORIAL POLICYAmbio is an international journal publishingrecent work in the interrelated fields of ecology,environmental management, technology andnatural sciences.Ambio publishes papers of highsci-entific standard in a form that is comprehendsiblenot only to specialists, but also to scientistsin other fields, to students,politicians,professional planners,and interested laymen.Allmanuscripts submitted to Ambio are accepted forconsideration with the understanding that theyhave not been published elsewhere and are 展开更多
关键词 THAN MORE ambio A Journal of the Human Environment INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS
Ambio—A Journal of the Human Environment INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS
《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2008年第1期68-68,共1页
NB. Only manuscripts that comply with theAmbio in-house style will be considered forpublication. Papers that do not meet the criteriaoutlined in these Instructions may be summarilyrejected.EDITORIAL POLICYAmbio is an ... NB. Only manuscripts that comply with theAmbio in-house style will be considered forpublication. Papers that do not meet the criteriaoutlined in these Instructions may be summarilyrejected.EDITORIAL POLICYAmbio is an international journal publishingrecent work in the interrelated fields ofecology, environmental management, technology,and natural sciences. Ambio publishespapers of high scientific standard in a formthat is comprehendsible not only to specialists. 展开更多
关键词 THAN MORE ambio A Journal of the Human Environment INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS
Ambio—A Journal of the Human Environment INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS
《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2007年第1期80-80,共1页
NB.Only manuscripts that comply with the Ambio in-house stylewill be considered for publication.Papers that do not meet thecriteria outlined In these Instructions may be summarily rejected.EDITORIAL POLICYAmbio is an ... NB.Only manuscripts that comply with the Ambio in-house stylewill be considered for publication.Papers that do not meet thecriteria outlined In these Instructions may be summarily rejected.EDITORIAL POLICYAmbio is an international journal publishing recent work in theinterrlated fields of ecology.environmental management,technologyand natural sciences.Ambio publishes papers of high sciendfic standardin a form that is comprehendsible not only to specialists.but also toscientists in other fields.to students,politicians,professional planners,and interested laymen.All manuscripts submitted to Ambio areaccepted for consideration with the understanding that they have 展开更多
关键词 A Journal of the Human Environment INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS ambio
Ambio—A Journal of the Human Environment INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS
《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2008年第3期220-220,共1页
NB. Only manuscripts that comply with theAmbio in-house style will be considered forpublication. Papers that do not meet the criteriaoutlined in these Instructions may be summarilyrejected.EDITORIAL POLICYAmbio is an ... NB. Only manuscripts that comply with theAmbio in-house style will be considered forpublication. Papers that do not meet the criteriaoutlined in these Instructions may be summarilyrejected.EDITORIAL POLICYAmbio is an international journal publishingrecent work in the interrelated fields ofecology, environmental management, technology,and natural sciences. Ambio publishespapers of high scientific standard in a formthat is comprehendsible not only to specialists,but also to scientists in other fields, tostudents, politicians, professional planners,and interested laymen. All manuscripts submittedto Ambio are accepted for consider- 展开更多
关键词 A Journal of the Human Environment INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS ambio
Ambio—A Journal of the Human Environment Instructions to Authors
《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2004年第B12期i0001-i0001,共1页
NB.Only manuscripts that comply with theAmbio in-house style will be considered forpublication.Papers that do not meet thecriteria outlined in these Instructions maybe summarily rejected.EDITORIAL POLICYAmbio is an in... NB.Only manuscripts that comply with theAmbio in-house style will be considered forpublication.Papers that do not meet thecriteria outlined in these Instructions maybe summarily rejected.EDITORIAL POLICYAmbio is an international journal publishingrecent work in the interrelated fields ofecology,environmental management,technologyand natural sciences.Ambio publishespapers of high scientific standard in a 展开更多
关键词 A Journal of the Human Environment Instructions to Authors ambio
《军事文摘》 2015年第4期15-15,共1页
你们听说过靠细菌照明的灯管吗?这种名为Ambio的新型照明灯就是靠细菌照明的,当属最酷的灯具之一!Ambio是由填满人造海水的玻璃灯管和从章鱼身上采集到的细菌群落组成,这些生物体能够借助一种名为细菌荧光素酶的生物酶产生光线。然而,... 你们听说过靠细菌照明的灯管吗?这种名为Ambio的新型照明灯就是靠细菌照明的,当属最酷的灯具之一!Ambio是由填满人造海水的玻璃灯管和从章鱼身上采集到的细菌群落组成,这些生物体能够借助一种名为细菌荧光素酶的生物酶产生光线。然而,目前的技术只能够让灯管中的细菌存活大约3天时间,科学家们正在努力延长灯管中的细菌寿命,从而让这项技术真正在现实生活中应用。 展开更多
关键词 ambio 荧光素酶 人造海水 生物酶 现实生活
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