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三裂叶豚草(Ambrosia trifida)对大豆根系生长及其结瘤的影响 被引量:20
作者 祝心如 王威 +1 位作者 赵国镇 王大力 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第4期407-411,共5页
沈阳郊区实地考察中观察到,邻近三裂叶豚草生长的大豆的根瘤形成受到了抑制。土箱实验中得到了和野外调查一致的结果,但大豆根系发育和分布不受影响。施用三裂叶豚草水浸液的实验表明,是三裂叶豚草水浸液,即:水浸液中的化学物质,... 沈阳郊区实地考察中观察到,邻近三裂叶豚草生长的大豆的根瘤形成受到了抑制。土箱实验中得到了和野外调查一致的结果,但大豆根系发育和分布不受影响。施用三裂叶豚草水浸液的实验表明,是三裂叶豚草水浸液,即:水浸液中的化学物质,抑制了根瘤菌的活动,从而影响大豆根瘤的形成。文章给出了调查和实验的结果,并进行了分析。 展开更多
关键词 大豆 根瘤形成 三裂叶豚草 根系生长
外来入侵物种三裂叶豚草(Ambrosia trifida L.)及其风险分析 被引量:29
作者 魏守辉 曲哲 +2 位作者 张朝贤 李咏军 李香菊 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期14-19,共6页
外来入侵物种严重威胁着农业生产、生态安全及人类健康,已成为世界各国广泛关注和研究的热点。本文对外来杂草三裂叶豚草(Ambrosia trifidaL.)的起源和分布、生物生态学特性、经济和生态影响及其控制管理措施等进行了系统综述。根据生... 外来入侵物种严重威胁着农业生产、生态安全及人类健康,已成为世界各国广泛关注和研究的热点。本文对外来杂草三裂叶豚草(Ambrosia trifidaL.)的起源和分布、生物生态学特性、经济和生态影响及其控制管理措施等进行了系统综述。根据生物生态学特性、潜在风险及管理控制的难度等指标,初步建立了外来杂草的风险评估体系。应用该体系对三裂叶豚草进行了风险评估,得出其风险值为83,属高度危险的检疫性有害生物。 展开更多
关键词 三裂叶豚草 生物生态学特性 风险分析
植物挥发性单萜经土壤载体的化感作用--以三裂叶豚草(Ambrosia trifida L.)为例 被引量:53
作者 王朋 王莹 孔垂华 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期62-68,共7页
植物释放的挥发性单萜在生态系统中起着重要的作用,这些单萜不仅能以空气为载体对其他植物显示直接的化感作用,而且也能以土壤为载体进行间接的化感作用。通过对三裂叶豚草挥发物对植物种子萌发和土壤微生物种群影响及其化学成分的鉴定... 植物释放的挥发性单萜在生态系统中起着重要的作用,这些单萜不仅能以空气为载体对其他植物显示直接的化感作用,而且也能以土壤为载体进行间接的化感作用。通过对三裂叶豚草挥发物对植物种子萌发和土壤微生物种群影响及其化学成分的鉴定研究,验证了以单萜类物质为主的三裂叶豚草挥发物可以经土壤载体对其他植物及土壤微生物显示化感效应。还对植物挥发物化学成分鉴定的GC(气相色谱)和GC-MS(气相色谱-质谱联用)方法存在的一些误区进行了澄清,这将有助于对生态系统中植物挥发物化感作用的研究和认识。 展开更多
关键词 化感作用 三裂叶豚草 挥发性单萜 土壤载体 挥发物鉴定
豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia)不同器官与不同发育期中过氧化物酶同工酶分析 被引量:1
作者 顾之中 董闻达 +1 位作者 熊友发 蒋鸟琴 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1991年第4期357-361,共5页
本文用凝胶电泳法测定了豚草根、茎、叶不同器官过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱,按其酶带相对迁移率(R_m),可分为11条酶带.豚草植株过氧化物酶同工酶与其他植物一样,有明显的器官特异性和阶段发育特异性.结果表明豚草茎叶中过氧化物酶酶谱在开花... 本文用凝胶电泳法测定了豚草根、茎、叶不同器官过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱,按其酶带相对迁移率(R_m),可分为11条酶带.豚草植株过氧化物酶同工酶与其他植物一样,有明显的器官特异性和阶段发育特异性.结果表明豚草茎叶中过氧化物酶酶谱在开花前后有明显的变化:(1)开花期较开花前酶带明显地增多;(2)开花期在主茎或叶片中,都会出现一条颜色较浅的,该器官花期特有的酶带;(3)豚草株体内一条主酶带(E 带)在开花期明显变浅.上述过氧化物酶同工酶的三种变化,为判断豚草植株体内开花前后生理生化变化提供了一种生化指标. 展开更多
关键词 豚草 器官 发育 过氧化物酶 同功酶
Changes in Soil Biota Resulting from Growth of the Invasive Weed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.(Compositae), Enhance Its Success and Reduce Growth of Co-Occurring Plants 被引量:1
作者 LI Hui-na XIAO Bo +1 位作者 LIU Wan-xue WAN Fang-hao 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第9期1962-1971,共10页
Exotic plant invasion presents a serious threat to native ecosystem structure and function. Little is known about the role of soil microbial communities in facilitating or resisting the spread of invasive plants into ... Exotic plant invasion presents a serious threat to native ecosystem structure and function. Little is known about the role of soil microbial communities in facilitating or resisting the spread of invasive plants into native communities. The purpose of this research is to understand how the invasive annual plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. facilitates its competition capacity through changing the structure and function of soil microbial communities. The soil characteristics of different areas invaded by A. artemisiifolia were examined. Greenhouse experiments were designed to assess the effect of A. artemisiifolia invasion-induced changes of soil biota on co-occurring plant growth, and on the interactions between A. artemisiifolia and three co-occurring plant species. The results showed that the soil organic C content was the highest in heavily invaded sites, the lowest in native plant sites, and intermediate in newly invaded sites. Soil available N, P and K concentrations in heavily invaded site were 2.4, 1.9 and 1.7 times higher than those in native plant soil, respectively. Soil pH decreased as A. artemisiifolia invasion intensity increased, and was lower in invaded sites(heavily invaded and newly invaded) than in native plant sites. The soil microbial community structure was clearly separated in the three types of sites, and A. artemisiifolia invasion increased anaerobe, sulfate-reducing bacteria and actinomycete abundance. Soil biota of invaded sites inhibits growth of co-occurring plants(Galinsoga parvifloraCav., Medicago sativa L. and Setaria plicata(Lam.) T. Cooke.) compared to soil biota from un-invaded sites, but facilitates A. artemisiifolia growth and competition with co-occurring plants. A. artemisiifolia biomass was 50-130% greater when competing with three co-occurring plants, compared to single-species competition only(invasion by A. artemisiifolia alone), in heavily invaded soil. Results of the present study indicated that A. artemisiifolia invasion alters the soil microbial community in a way that favors itself while inhibiting native plant species, with measurable effects on performance of co-occurring plants. 展开更多
关键词 biological invasion invasive alien plant ambrosia artemisiifolia L. soil biota soil fertility
Daily Ambrosia Pollen Concentration in the Air of Ankara,Turkey (1990-1999) 被引量:4
作者 Ayse KAPLAN Nazmiye SAKIYAN Nmǖnevver PINAR 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第12期1408-1412,共5页
The airborne ragweed pollen spectrum was investigated in the air of Ankara, Turkey for aperiod of ten years (1990-1999) using a Burkard seven-day volumetric recording trap. In our study period,long distance transporte... The airborne ragweed pollen spectrum was investigated in the air of Ankara, Turkey for aperiod of ten years (1990-1999) using a Burkard seven-day volumetric recording trap. In our study period,long distance transported Ambrosia pollen has been registered. Daily pollen levels varied from low to highin Burge抯 system. In last three years, the pollen concentration of Ambrosia showed a clear increasingtendency. Our results prove that ragweed pollen may be an important threat for ragweed sensitive patientsin Ankara city in near future. 展开更多
关键词 ambrosia RAGWEED long distance transport ANKARA TurkeyAySe KAPLAN1* Nazmiye SAKIYAN2 N Muevver PINAR2..‘s
Isolation and pathogenicity of fungi associated to ambrosia borer (<i>Euplatypus segnis</i>) found injuring pecan (<i>Carya illinoensis</i>) wood 被引量:1
作者 Ramón Alvidrez-Villarreal Francisco Daniel Hernández-Castillo +3 位作者 Oswaldo Garcia-Martínez Rosalinda Mendoza-Villarreal Raúl Rodríguez-Herrera Cristóbal N. Aguilar 《Agricultural Sciences》 2012年第3期405-416,共12页
Euplatypus segnis is an insect pest of economic importance in pecan (Carya illinoensis) trees grown at Parras, General Cepeda and Torreón Coahuila, Mexico. The objectives in this study-were to identify the fungal... Euplatypus segnis is an insect pest of economic importance in pecan (Carya illinoensis) trees grown at Parras, General Cepeda and Torreón Coahuila, Mexico. The objectives in this study-were to identify the fungal strains associated to ambrosia borer body and diseased pecan wood and determine their pathogenicity. The results showed that the associated fungi to Euplatypus segnis and damaging the pecan wood were identified as: Helminthosporium sp., Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., Phoma sp., Ascochyta sp., Phaecylomices sp., Umbeliopsis sp., Torula sp., Fusarium solani, Alternaria alternata, Fusarum oxysporum, and Lasiodiplodia theobromae. The pathogenicity tests on healthy 3 year old pecan trees cv. western using Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium solani, Alternaria alternata and Lasiodiplodia theobromae suspension conidia shown die back tree branches after 84 days inoculation. The insect in combination with the fungal invasion eventually cause the death of trees. Additionally, the insect contributes to the spread of fungi in pecan nut orchards. 展开更多
关键词 PATHOGENICITY PECAN Nut Euplatypus segnis ambrosia BORER Carya illinoensis
Ambrosia Artemisfifolia L. Invasive and Allergic Weed Species on the Territory of Novi Sad 被引量:1
作者 B. Konstantinovie M. Meseldzija +1 位作者 Bo. Konstantinovie N. Mandie 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2011年第3期304-309,共6页
During three years lasting studies on the territory of the city of Novi Sad, terrain studies of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. distribution as well as mapping were performed on regulated and disordered green areas and on ... During three years lasting studies on the territory of the city of Novi Sad, terrain studies of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. distribution as well as mapping were performed on regulated and disordered green areas and on arable areas. For mapping of ragweed distribution, partially modified method of Braun-Blanquet was used, and data processing was perfomed by specially designed program Ambrosia Spot Marker. Monitoring of this species was also done because of the occurrence of retrovegetation after mowing. During vegetation period, this allergenic weed species was controlled by multiple mowing, and rough ruderal sites outside settlements were treated by glyphosate at a rate of 1.2 kg ha^-1 -2.4 kg ha^-1. The study comprehended also monitoring of pollen concentrations in the air by Rotorod pollen sampler spore collector. A. artemisiifolia L. was established in 21 city zones on over 200 localities, on the banks of the river Danube, in Petrovaradin and Sremski Karlovci. Recommended mechanical measures such as mowing, drilling in the phase of germination, and chemical control measures, resulted in significant reduction ofA. artemisiifolia L. In the second half of the August 2009 the highest number of pollen grains was found in the amount of 783 pollen grains per m3 of air. 展开更多
关键词 ambrosia artemisiifolia L. INVASIVE allergenic weed pollen.
An Uncertain Future for American Lauraceae: A Lethal Threat from Redbay Ambrosia Beetle and Laurel Wilt Disease (A Review)
作者 Paul E. Kendra Wayne S. Montgomery +1 位作者 Jerome Niogret Nancy D. Epsky 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2013年第3期727-738,共12页
Laurel wilt is a destructive vascular disease responsible for high mortality of American tree species in the family Lauraceae, particularly redbay (Persea borbonia) and swampbay (P. palustris), two dominant components... Laurel wilt is a destructive vascular disease responsible for high mortality of American tree species in the family Lauraceae, particularly redbay (Persea borbonia) and swampbay (P. palustris), two dominant components of Coastal Plain forest communities in the southeastern United States. The disease syndrome emerged as a result of establishment of an exotic wood-boring beetle, Xyleborus glabratus, now known as the redbay ambrosia beetle. During gallery excavation, females of X. glabratus introduce a newly-described, obligatory fungal symbiont, Raffaelea lauricola. This fungus proliferates within the gallery and provides food for the beetles, but it has proven to be pathogenic to American lauraceous hosts, which have had no co-evolved history with R. lauricola. Presence of the foreign fungus elicits secretion of resins and formation of extensive parenchymal tyloses within xylem vessels. The extreme defensive response results in blockage of water transport, systemic wilt, and ultimately tree death. The beetle vector was first detected near Savannah, Georgia in 2002, and since has spread throughout the Southeast to become established in six states. The epidemic spread south through Florida more rapidly than predicted and currently threatens commercial production of avocado (Persea americana). Recent research indicates that California bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) can serve as a reproductive host for X. glabratus and is susceptible to laurel wilt disease. Thus, the US Pacific coastal forest ecosystems (and the California avocado industry) would be negatively impacted should the vector become established along the western coast. This review article summarizes our current understanding of the insect vector, the mycopathogen, and the susceptible host tree species. It also addresses elements of disease management and limitations with our current detection methods for redbay ambrosia beetle, which rely on manuka oil lures. Of the host-based attractants evaluated, cubeb oil shows the most promise as a potential new lure for X. glabratus. 展开更多
关键词 Laurel WILT LAURACEAE Raffaelea lauricola Redbay ambrosia BEETLE XYLEBORUS glabratus
Effects of NO_(2) on Inflorescence Length,Pollen/Seed Amount and Phenolic Metabolites of Common Ragweed(Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.)
作者 Feng Zhao Werner Heller +5 位作者 Susanne Stich Jorg Durner J. Barbro Winkler Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann Dieter Ernst Ulrike Frank 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2017年第11期2860-2870,共11页
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (common ragweed) is an annual ruderal plant that is native to Northern America but nowadays is also spreading across Europe, and its pollen is known to be highly allergenic. Air pollution, e... Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (common ragweed) is an annual ruderal plant that is native to Northern America but nowadays is also spreading across Europe, and its pollen is known to be highly allergenic. Air pollution, e.g. NOx and climate change may affect the plant growth, pollen production and duration of the entire pollen season. In this study, ragweed plants were grown over an entire vegetation period under 40 ppb NO2/clean air (control) and 80 ppb NO2 (treatment). The inflorescence length was not affected by this air pollutant. However, the pollen amount increased, while the seed production decreased in both populations upon elevated NO2 concentrations. Regarding phenolic metabolites elevated NO2 had no effect on the amount of total phenolic metabolites, while individual metabolites showed significant changes. 展开更多
关键词 Air Pollution ambrosia artemisiifolia FLAVONOIDS POLLEN RAGWEED Seeds
繁殖体压力对豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia)定殖和种群维持的影响 被引量:3
作者 邓贞贞 赵相健 +1 位作者 赵彩云 李俊生 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期1511-1515,共5页
从北京门头沟收集入侵植物豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia)的种子,在北京顺义区休耕地上进行为期2年的田间实验。通过引入不同数量的豚草种子:5、10、20和40粒·m^(-2),研究不同繁殖体压力对入侵初期豚草出苗、定殖和种群维持的影响... 从北京门头沟收集入侵植物豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia)的种子,在北京顺义区休耕地上进行为期2年的田间实验。通过引入不同数量的豚草种子:5、10、20和40粒·m^(-2),研究不同繁殖体压力对入侵初期豚草出苗、定殖和种群维持的影响。结果表明:繁殖体压力大小对豚草成功定殖样方比例有显著影响,其中繁殖体压力达到20粒·m-2后所有样方均成功定殖且第二年种群继续扩大;种子引入第二年样方内豚草幼苗数和定殖植株数均显著高于第一年(P<0.05);第一年有1~3株豚草成功定殖的样方即可基本满足第二年豚草种群的维持,第二年成功出苗5~237株,定殖4~97株。以上结果表明,小批量豚草种子的传入即具有较大的入侵风险,且传入种子数量越多,风险越大;豚草在只有少数几株成功定殖的情况下就有极大可能产生足够多的种子以满足种群的维持和扩张。因此,在豚草的防控工作中,应加强对豚草种子的检疫,并且重视豚草新分布区零星植株的及时清除。 展开更多
关键词 豚草 外来入侵种 繁殖体压力 定殖 建群
Prevalence of sensitization to weed pollens of Humulus scandens,Artemisia vulgaris,and Ambrosia artemisiifolia in northern China 被引量:6
作者 Guo-dong HAO Yi-wu ZHENG +6 位作者 Birgitte GJESING Xing-ai KONG Jing-yuan WANG Zhi-jing SONG Xu-xin LAI Nan-shan ZHONG Michael D.SPANGFORT 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期240-246,共7页
Objective:Weed pollens are common sources of allergens worldwide.The prevalence of weed pollen sensitization is not yet fully known in China.The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of sensitization... Objective:Weed pollens are common sources of allergens worldwide.The prevalence of weed pollen sensitization is not yet fully known in China.The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of sensitization to weed allergens from Artemisia,Ambrosia,and Humulus in northern China.Methods:A total of 1144 subjects(aged from 5 to 68 years) visiting our clinic from June to October 2011 underwent intradermal testing using a panel of 25 allergen sources.Subjects with positive skin responses to any pollen were further tested for their serum concentrations of IgE antibodies against Artemisia vulgaris,Ambrosia artemisiifolia,and Humulus scandens,and against the purified allergens,Art v 1 and Amb a 1.Results:Of 1144 subjects,170 had positive intradermal reactions to pollen and 144 donated serum for IgE testing.The prevalence of positive intradermal responses to pollens of Artemisia sieversiana,Artemisia annua,A.artemisiifolia,and H.scandens was 11.0%,10.2%,3.7%,and 6.6%,respectively.Among the intradermal positive subjects,the prevalence of specific IgE antigens to A.vulgaris was 58.3%,to A.artemisiifolia 14.7%,and to H.scandens 41.0%.The prevalence of specific IgE antigens to the allergen Art v 1 was 46.9%,and to Amb a 1 was 11.2%.The correlation between the presence of IgE antibodies specific to A.vulgaris and to the Art v 1 antigen was very high.Subjects with A.artemisiifolia specific IgE also had A.vulgaris specific IgE,but with relatively high levels of A.vulgaris IgE antibodies.There were no correlations between the presence of IgE antibodies to H.scandens and A.vulgaris or to H.scandens and A.artemisiifolia.Conclusions:The intradermal prevalence of weed pollen sensitization among allergic subjects in northern China is about 13.5%.Correlations of specific IgE antibodies suggest that pollen allergens from Artemisia and Humulus are independent sources for primary sensitization. 展开更多
关键词 Humulus scandens Artemisia vulgaris ambrosia artemisiifolia Intradermal test Specific IgE SENSITIZATION
The rhythmic expression of genes controlling flowering time in southern and northern populations of invasive Ambrosia artemisiifolia 被引量:7
作者 Xiao-Meng Li Da-Yong Zhang Wan-Jin Liao 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE 2015年第2期207-212,共6页
Aims Flowering time has been suggested to be an important adaptive trait during the dispersal of invasive species,and identifying the molecu-lar mechanisms underlying flowering time may provide insight into the local ... Aims Flowering time has been suggested to be an important adaptive trait during the dispersal of invasive species,and identifying the molecu-lar mechanisms underlying flowering time may provide insight into the local adaptation during the process of invasion.Here,we con-ducted a preliminary exploration on the genetic basis of the differ-entiation of flowering time in Ambrosia artemisiifolia.Methods using relative real-time fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction,we investigated the expression levels of eight flowering-related genes,including AP1,FT,SOC1,CRY2,FKF1,GI,CO2 and SPY,in leaves and flowers at different time points in individuals from northern beijing and southern Wuhan populations that exhibit significant differences in flowering times to identify any rhythmic changes in gene expression and their association with differential flowering times.Important Findings The differentiation of flowering time in the A.artemisiifolia popula-tions was closely associated with five genes involved in flowering pathways.The floral pathway integrators FT and SOC1 and floral meristem identity gene AP1 exhibited increased expression during flowering.The photoreceptor CRY2 in the light-dependent path-way and the SPY gene in the gibberellin pathway displayed specific expression patterns over time.in earlier-flowering beijing plants,CRY2 expression was lower and SPY expression was higher than in Wuhan plants.The expression patterns of these five genes sug-gest a molecular basis for the differentiation of flowering time in A.artemisiifolia. 展开更多
关键词 ambrosia artemisiifolia flowering time adaptation flowering pathway gene expression
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance the growth of the exotic species Ambrosia artemisiifolia 被引量:4
作者 Lingjie Kong Xue Chen +4 位作者 Ellen Heininger Yerger Qiao Li Fengxin Chen Haiyun Xu Fengjuan Zhang 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第3期581-595,共15页
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)can increase host plant nutrient uptake via their mycelium,thus promoting plant growth.AMF have always been associated with successful invasion of most exotic plant species.However,kno... Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)can increase host plant nutrient uptake via their mycelium,thus promoting plant growth.AMF have always been associated with successful invasion of most exotic plant species.However,knowledge regarding how AMF affect the success of plant invasion remains limited.Exotic Ambrosia artemisiifolia is an invasive and mycorrhizal plant species.A long-term field experiment was conducted to examine the differences in AMF diversity and composition in the roots of A.artemisiifolia and Setaria viridis subjected to interspecific competition during growth.A greenhouse experiment was also performed to test the effect of Funneliformis mosseae on the growth of these two species.Ambrosia artemisiifolia invasion caused AMF diversity to change in native S.viridis roots.Meanwhile,the relative abundance of F.mosseae was significantly higher in the roots of A.artemisiifolia than in those of S.viridis.The higher AMF colonization rate in the exotic species(A.artemisiifolia)than in the native species(S.viridis)was found in both the field and greenhouse experiments.The greenhouse experiment possibly provided that AMF advantaged to the growth of A.artemisiifolia,by influencing its photosynthetic capacity as well as its phosphorus and potassium absorption.These observations highlight the important relationship of AMF with the successful invasion of A.artemisiifolia. 展开更多
关键词 ambrosia artemisiifolia arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi competitive advantage Funneliformis mosseae nutrient absorption successful invasion
豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.)中化学成分及其生物活性的研究进展 被引量:4
作者 黄蕊 丁文兵 李有志 《华中昆虫研究》 2013年第1期82-94,共13页
豚草初提物具有较好的杀虫、杀螺、抑茵和化感等活性,已从豚草中分离鉴定的化学成分有几十种,主要包括萜类、酚酸类、聚乙炔类和甾醇类等四类,其中萜类化合物最多。本文对从豚草中提取的化合物及其活性进行了比较详细的叙述,为今后合理... 豚草初提物具有较好的杀虫、杀螺、抑茵和化感等活性,已从豚草中分离鉴定的化学成分有几十种,主要包括萜类、酚酸类、聚乙炔类和甾醇类等四类,其中萜类化合物最多。本文对从豚草中提取的化合物及其活性进行了比较详细的叙述,为今后合理利用豚草资源提供一定依据。 展开更多
关键词 豚草 化学成分 生物活性 研究进展
作者 王玉莹 于忠亮 +3 位作者 吴生海 兰雪涵 杨春波 杜凤国 《生物安全学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期24-31,共8页
【目的】研究吉林省不同地区豚草瘦果形态及微结构特征,为豚草的识别及防控提供参考。【方法】采集吉林省吉林市磨盘山、吉林市龙潭山、桦甸市、蛟河市、长春市、四平市、公主岭市、通化市、白山市、白城市、松原市和乾安县12个地区不... 【目的】研究吉林省不同地区豚草瘦果形态及微结构特征,为豚草的识别及防控提供参考。【方法】采集吉林省吉林市磨盘山、吉林市龙潭山、桦甸市、蛟河市、长春市、四平市、公主岭市、通化市、白山市、白城市、松原市和乾安县12个地区不同豚草种群的瘦果进行扫描电镜观察、描述和拍照,分析豚草瘦果表型性状与地理-气候因子的相关性,并对瘦果形态及微结构特征进行聚类分析。【结果】豚草果皮纹饰有条状纹饰、网状纹饰和穴状纹饰;瘦果的喙长度随年均降水量增加而增加、随纬度升高而减少;果形系数随经度升高及年均降水量的增加而增加。根据形态和微结构性状聚类分析结果,将豚草瘦果分为3类(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ)。其中,Ⅰ类瘦果果皮纹饰网状、中果形、短喙类,种源主要来自蛟河市、通化市、公主岭市、松原市和乾安县;Ⅱ类瘦果果皮纹饰条状、小果形、中长喙类,种源主要来自吉林市磨盘山、吉林市龙潭山、桦甸市、长春市和四平市;Ⅲ类瘦果果皮纹饰穴状、大果形、长喙类,种源主要来自白山市和白城市。【结论】吉林省豚草瘦果形态及微结构存在差异,低纬度、高降水量有利于豚草瘦果生长发育。 展开更多
关键词 豚草 瘦果 微结构 扫描电镜 吉林省
作者 孙明明 刘彤 +4 位作者 赵文轩 王寒月 刘雪莲 粟培 李金霞 《生物安全学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期132-138,共7页
【目的】豚草是世界范围内广泛入侵的植物,对入侵地经济发展、人体健康和生态安全产生严重危害。研究分析其入侵扩散媒介、切断其扩散来源对有效防控意义重大。【方法】通过对新疆伊犁河谷全境调查,分析豚草空间分布特征;采用空间代替... 【目的】豚草是世界范围内广泛入侵的植物,对入侵地经济发展、人体健康和生态安全产生严重危害。研究分析其入侵扩散媒介、切断其扩散来源对有效防控意义重大。【方法】通过对新疆伊犁河谷全境调查,分析豚草空间分布特征;采用空间代替时间的方法,结合地统计学,定量分析豚草不同入侵时间及生境的传播扩散特征,总结其扩散媒介和途径。【结果】豚草在伊犁河谷分布种群共计186个,其分布具有明显生境偏好,主要分布在道路两侧、河道和林下。道路两侧分布种群最多,占总分布种群点的32.34%,河道两侧分布面积最大,占伊犁河谷分布面积的69.01%。新源县是豚草的主要发生区,已形成4个严重入侵区和多个扩散源区。【结论】豚草早期扩散具有随机性,在不同生境内种群呈集中分布。不同生境中扩散媒介各有侧重,以农牧物资运输和牛羊携带为主。因此,道路和河道两侧是防控的重点,同时要加强对农牧产品调运和动物活动的监管,减少动物辅助扩散传播。研究为豚草在伊犁河谷的防控研究提供中烟基础数据。 展开更多
关键词 豚草 生物入侵 伊犁河谷 生境偏好 地统计学
外来入侵种三裂叶豚草对不同水分条件的生理响应 被引量:2
作者 王国骄 孙备 +2 位作者 李建东 薛静 王蕊 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2014年第5期1054-1058,共5页
三裂叶豚草(Ambrosia trifida)是一种外来入侵杂草。采用盆栽方法研究三裂叶豚草在不同土壤水分含量条件下叶片生物膜伤害、活性氧代谢和抗氧化酶活性的变化。结果表明,在干旱胁迫下,三裂叶豚草的外渗电导率、丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧阴离... 三裂叶豚草(Ambrosia trifida)是一种外来入侵杂草。采用盆栽方法研究三裂叶豚草在不同土壤水分含量条件下叶片生物膜伤害、活性氧代谢和抗氧化酶活性的变化。结果表明,在干旱胁迫下,三裂叶豚草的外渗电导率、丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧阴离子(O2·-)产生速率和过氧化氢(H2O2)含量均显著增加;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性显著降低;过氧化物酶(POD)活性在轻度干旱胁迫下显著降低,在重度干旱胁迫下显著升高。水分过量条件下,三裂叶豚草叶片的外渗电导率、MDA含量、活性氧(O2·-和H2O2)水平和抗氧化酶(SOD、CAT和POD)活性无显著变化。说明三裂叶豚草对干旱胁迫较为敏感,而对过量的土壤水分条件适应性较强。 展开更多
关键词 三裂叶豚草(ambrosia trifida) 土壤含水量 生物膜 活性氧代谢 抗氧化酶活性
豚草和三裂叶豚草的物候期 被引量:6
作者 李素德 高东昌 关广清 《植物检疫》 北大核心 1990年第5期335-341,共7页
1985~1988年在沈阳农业大学进行了豚草 Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.和三裂叶豚草Ambrosia trifida L.物候期的观测。两种豚草生育期均170天左右,豚草略短些,但出苗至开花期,豚草比三裂叶豚草长,二者分别为119天和110天;开花到果熟期,... 1985~1988年在沈阳农业大学进行了豚草 Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.和三裂叶豚草Ambrosia trifida L.物候期的观测。两种豚草生育期均170天左右,豚草略短些,但出苗至开花期,豚草比三裂叶豚草长,二者分别为119天和110天;开花到果熟期,豚草比三裂叶豚草短,二者分别为50天和64天。全生育期有效积温二者均在1400℃上下,豚草略低些。但出苗到开花期豚草高于三裂叶豚草,二者分别为744.5℃和672.6℃;开花到果熟期豚草低于三裂叶豚草。二者分别为877.6℃和1074.5℃。两种豚草出苗最低温度5℃,最适温度10~12℃,最高温度21℃左右,三裂叶豚草略低。 展开更多
关键词 三裂叶豚草 ambrosia 物候期 花粉病 果熟期 最适温度 真叶 蓬草 沈阳农业大学 始期
豚草在南京地区分布的调查初报 被引量:3
作者 张文明 娄远来 +2 位作者 薛光 江荣昌 樊丛梅 《杂草科学》 1990年第2期23-24,共2页
豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.)是一种广泛传播的世界性害草,它在我国的传播、分布、危害和防除,已越来越受到有关部门的关注。在南京地区,豚草的危害性不容忽视。张文钦等(1984)将豚草花粉浸出液与南京地区常见的13种吸入性过敏原... 豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.)是一种广泛传播的世界性害草,它在我国的传播、分布、危害和防除,已越来越受到有关部门的关注。在南京地区,豚草的危害性不容忽视。张文钦等(1984)将豚草花粉浸出液与南京地区常见的13种吸入性过敏原浸出液对608例哮喘病人做致喘活性的阳性试验,结果表明,豚草仅次于粉螨,位居第二。在植物过敏源中阳性反应率最高,比法国梧桐高近5倍,比雪松高近3倍,认为豚草花粉是南京地区花粉类过敏源中最重要的一种。目前,豚草防除的方法很多,其中,生物防除是一种安全、有效的方法。但是。 展开更多
关键词 豚草 调查初报 ambrosia 吸入性过敏原 地区分布 哮喘病人 过敏源 粉螨 一年蓬 马唐
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