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小蜜蜂属Micrapis的研究(蜜蜂科Apidae) 被引量:6
作者 吴燕如 匡邦郁 《Zoological Research》 SCIE CAS 1986年第2期99-102,共4页
小蜜蜂属Micrapis Ashmead隶属于蜜蜂族Apini本届包括两种,即Micrapis florea(Fabr.),Micrapis andreniformis(Sm.)过去仅有工蜂形态的记述,缺少雌、雄性标本及对比资料。现根据中国科学院动物所标本及云南蜜蜂所采自云南各地此两种小... 小蜜蜂属Micrapis Ashmead隶属于蜜蜂族Apini本届包括两种,即Micrapis florea(Fabr.),Micrapis andreniformis(Sm.)过去仅有工蜂形态的记述,缺少雌、雄性标本及对比资料。现根据中国科学院动物所标本及云南蜜蜂所采自云南各地此两种小蜜蜂雌、雄性标本形态作一比较,以利鉴别。此外,本文尚将生物学习性及分布加以整理,以便利用。一、主要鉴别特征雌性:腹部第1—2节背板、第3节背板基半部及第3—5节背板端缘均红褐色,余黑色;颚眼距长宽相等;POL:OOL=9:5;触角第3节稍长于第4节;各跗节褐色;体长13—15毫米…………小蜜蜂Micrapis florea(Fabr.) 展开更多
关键词 小蜜蜂属 蜜蜂科 云南省
Structure of the Venom Apparatus of Large Carpenter Bees, Xylocopa fenestrata (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
作者 Farzana Perveen Sardar Azher Mehmood Samina Yasmin 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第2期259-264,共6页
The venom apparatus in the large carpenter bees, Xylocopafenestrata (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) has been studied It consists of typical parts, i.e., the venom sac, free filament, Dufour gland, sting shaft a... The venom apparatus in the large carpenter bees, Xylocopafenestrata (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) has been studied It consists of typical parts, i.e., the venom sac, free filament, Dufour gland, sting shaft and accessory sclerites. It is highly sclerotized and concealed by the 7th abdominal tergite and sternite. The venom sac serves as a reservoir for the venom which synthesized by the convoluted gland present in it, which is remarkably uniform to that of ants. The median duct extends from lower portion of venom sac, which measures 2.5 ±0.17 mm (mean + SD) (n = 20) in length. The Dufour gland is a tube-like structure which is inserted in the sting-bulb. The triangular plate is attached at terminal portion of rami, which is in turn attached with lancets. The gonostyli are paired long and tubular structure with 5.29 ± 0.23 mm (n = 20) in length. The sting length is 5.29 ±0.23 mm (n = 20). The fulcral arm is well-developed with an inverse Y-shaped structure present beneath the sting-bulb. Barbs on the sting shaft are weakly developed in X fenestrata but well developed in ants. The venom apparatus ofX. fenestrata when compared is similar to the bees but differs from that of the wasps and ants. 展开更多
关键词 apidaE HYMENOPTERA large carpenter bees venom apparatus.
亚太之星 2006 APIDA第十四届亚太室内设计大奖赛
作者 翟东晓 《室内设计与装修》 2007年第1期15-15,共1页
关键词 室内设计 apida 大奖赛 运动竞赛 亚太
山西省熊蜂属区系调查(膜翅目,蜜蜂科) 被引量:15
作者 安建东 姚建 +4 位作者 黄家兴 邵有全 吴杰 李继莲 施海燕 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期80-88,共9页
关键词 膜翅目 蜜蜂科 熊蜂属 山西 中国
河北省熊蜂属区系调查(膜翅目,蜜蜂科) 被引量:12
作者 吴杰 安建东 +2 位作者 姚建 黄家兴 冯学全 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期87-97,共11页
作者在2005~2008年对河北省的熊蜂区系进行了调查。根据所采集的标本和中国科学院动物研究所馆藏标本,经鉴定该地区有熊蜂8亚属31种,包括河北省7新纪录种和中国新2纪录种。在河北境内,熊蜂主要分布在西部太行山区、北部坝上高原和燕山... 作者在2005~2008年对河北省的熊蜂区系进行了调查。根据所采集的标本和中国科学院动物研究所馆藏标本,经鉴定该地区有熊蜂8亚属31种,包括河北省7新纪录种和中国新2纪录种。在河北境内,熊蜂主要分布在西部太行山区、北部坝上高原和燕山山区;采访植物涉及到18科67种,其中,豆科、菊科、蔷薇科和唇形科植物是熊蜂访问的主要对象。区系成分分析表明,河北省31种熊蜂的区系成分有5类,其中,古北区和东洋区共有种为河北省熊蜂的主要成分,为18种,占河北省熊蜂种类总数的58.06%。 展开更多
关键词 膜翅目 蜜蜂科 熊蜂属 河北省 中国
云南无刺蜂Trigona的研究 被引量:9
作者 匡邦郁 李有泉 《云南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1989年第3期248-250,共3页
本文对采自云南省境内的无刺蜂标本进行分类鉴定,共计6种:黑腿无刺蜂Trigonavidua Smith,棕胸无刺蜂Trigona thoracica Smith,黑腹无刺蜂Trigona canifrons Smith,黄纹无刺蜂Trigona ventralis Smith,棕足无刺蜂Trigona smithii Smith... 本文对采自云南省境内的无刺蜂标本进行分类鉴定,共计6种:黑腿无刺蜂Trigonavidua Smith,棕胸无刺蜂Trigona thoracica Smith,黑腹无刺蜂Trigona canifrons Smith,黄纹无刺蜂Trigona ventralis Smith,棕足无刺蜂Trigona smithii Smith和黄跗无刺蜂Trigonairidipennis Smith.均为中国蜜蜂总科Apoidea种的新纪录。并对6种无刺蜂的形态、分布作了描述,列出检索表,以便识别,同时对黄纹无刺蜂的经济价值进行了评价。 展开更多
关键词 无刺蜂 蜜蜂 云南
Ornamental Bee Plants as Foraging Resources for Urban Bees in Southern Brazil 被引量:2
作者 Denise Monique Dubet da Silva Mouga Vanessa Feretti +3 位作者 Jeniffer Cristine de Sena Manuel Warkentin Andressa Karine Golinski dos Santos Carolina Lopes Ribeiro 《Agricultural Sciences》 2015年第3期365-381,共17页
Ornamental plants are distinguished by the shape and color of their leaves/flowers and their use in landscaping and gardening. In urban areas, their presence is relevant for the maintenance of bees. Aiming to list the... Ornamental plants are distinguished by the shape and color of their leaves/flowers and their use in landscaping and gardening. In urban areas, their presence is relevant for the maintenance of bees. Aiming to list the ornamental bee plants species occurring in Santa Catarina State (SC), southern Brazil, a survey of forage resources for bees, recorded in the State, was performed. We refer all published works developed in SC (resulting in the period 1983-2014) which include data from reports of scientific research, monographs, dissertations, Masters Dissertations, Doctoral Thesis, annals of scientific events, scientific articles and books. From the 28 ensuant works, we listed, as ornamental bee plants occurring in SC, 201 species, of 156 genera and 66 botanical families. Of these species, 92 are native (N), 26 endemic to Brazil and 109 exotic (E). Families with more ornamental bee species are: Fabaceae (22 species), Asteraceae (20), Solanaceae (11), Rosaceae (10) and Lamiaceae (8). The most cited species are: Lantana camara L. (N) (Verbenaceae) (9 quotes), Aloysia virgata (N) (Ruiz & Pav.) Juss. (Verbenaceae) (8), Hedychium coronarium J. Koenig (naturalized) (Zingiberaceae) (6) and Brachyscome multifida (E) (Asteraceae) (5), regarding habitus, herbs (48.5%) predominate, followed by bushes (21.5%), trees (16.5%) and vines (10.5%). Preferred colours of flowers by bees are, in decreasing order: white, yellow, red/pink, and others. The genus Ipomoea, Calliandra, Passiflora, Prunus and Senecio have more ornamental bee plant species. A large botanical diversity arises, demonstrating the possibilities for urban bee foraging and ornamental featuring, in a perspective of sustainability. 展开更多
关键词 apidaE BEES FLORAL RESOURCES Pollination URBAN Fauna
作者 黄海荣 朱朝东 吴燕如 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期395-398,共4页
记述中国昆仑山脉中齿足条蜂亚属Petalosternon 1新种,纳赤台条蜂Anthophora(Petalosternon)nachitaiensis sp.nov.;同时给出中国齿足条蜂亚属6个物种雄性的分种检索表。新种模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。
关键词 蜜蜂科 齿足条蜂亚属 新种 中国
蜜蜂总科化石新种(昆虫纲:膜翅目) 被引量:2
作者 张俊峰 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 1990年第1期83-91,共9页
本文记述了膜翅目熊蜂科、木蜂科和蜜蜂科3属3新种,其中熊蜂科熊蜂属1种:鲁熊蜂Bombus luianus sp. nov., 木蜂科木蜂属1种:硅藻木蜂Xylacopa diatoma sp. nov. 和蜜蜂科蜜蜂属1种:长胫蜜蜂Apis longitibia sp. nov.。所有模式标本均采... 本文记述了膜翅目熊蜂科、木蜂科和蜜蜂科3属3新种,其中熊蜂科熊蜂属1种:鲁熊蜂Bombus luianus sp. nov., 木蜂科木蜂属1种:硅藻木蜂Xylacopa diatoma sp. nov. 和蜜蜂科蜜蜂属1种:长胫蜜蜂Apis longitibia sp. nov.。所有模式标本均采自山东山旺中新统硅藻土页岩中,现保存在山东省博物馆。 展开更多
关键词 昆虫化石 昆虫纲 中新世 蜜蜂 新种
Contrasting responseS of hoverflies and wild bees to habitat structure and land use change in a tropical landscape (southern Yunnan, SW China) 被引量:7
作者 Ling-Zeng Meng Konrad Martin +2 位作者 Jing-Xin Liu Frank Burger Jin Chen 《Insect Science》 CAS CSCD 2012年第6期666-676,共11页
The response of insects to monoculture plantations has mainly proceeded at the expense of natural forest areas, and is an outstanding and important issue in ecology and conservation biology, with pollination services ... The response of insects to monoculture plantations has mainly proceeded at the expense of natural forest areas, and is an outstanding and important issue in ecology and conservation biology, with pollination services declined around the world. In this study, species richness and distribution of hoverfly and wild bee communities were investigated in a changing tropical landscape in southern Yunnan, south-west China by Malaise traps periodically from 2008 to 2009. Species were recorded from the traditional land use types (natural forest, grassland, shrubland and rice field fallows), and from recently established rubber plantations of different ages. Hoverflies (total 53 species) were most common in young successional stages of vegetation, including rice field fallow and shrubland. Species richness was highest in rice field fallows and lowest in forests and showed a highly significant relationship with the number of forb species and ground vegetation cover. In contrast, the highest richness of wild bees (total 44 species) was recorded from the natural forest sites, which showed a discrete bee community composition compared to the remaining habitat types. There was no significant relationship between the bee species richness and the environmental variables, including the numbers of different plant life forms, coverage of canopy and ground vegetation, successional age of vegetation and land use type. At the landscape scale, open land use systems, including young rubber plantations, are assumed to increase the species richness of hoverflies; however, this might decrease wild bee diversity. The present land use change by rubber cultivation can be expected to have negative impacts on the native wild bee communities. 展开更多
关键词 apidaE insects POLLINATORS rubber plantations SYRPHIDAE tropical forest
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