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The Contending Claim Over Abyei by Sudan and South Sudan:Challenges Ahead
作者 Diriba Mangasha Dabala Tariku Raga Lencho 《International Relations and Diplomacy》 2020年第6期268-280,共13页
This article focuses on examining entangled factors that complicate the claim over Abyei and have therebyhindered any peaceful settlement of the dispute on the county. Many works of literature that presented the confl... This article focuses on examining entangled factors that complicate the claim over Abyei and have therebyhindered any peaceful settlement of the dispute on the county. Many works of literature that presented the conflictin Abyei as natural resource conflict or identity-driven within a broader picture of conflicts in Sudan are factuallyflawed and poorly explained the nature and causes of the conflict. This paper contends that multiplicity of factorshas reinforced each other, thus these factors in unison created a stalemate and continuing claim over Abyei. Inexamining these interwoven factors, the paper employed a qualitative approach to conduct the study. Both primaryand secondary data sources were used adequately. Various academic pieces of literature, researches, and conferencereports have been used as secondary data sources. Key informant interviews were used to gather primary data totest secondary sources. Hence, the study comes up with three basic findings. First, claim over Abyei has beensustained by the elites’ manipulation of identity for their political and economic goals that hinder peacefulco-existence among communities in Abyei. Second, the competition over resources chiefly oil and locally, pastureand water complicated already fragile and tense relation by alluring national actors that even more protractedconflict on the ground to control these resources. Finally, the double standard in U.S. policy towards Abyei, by andlarge, helps Khartoum to continue its obstruction tactics to maintain the status quo. 展开更多
关键词 abyei Comprehensive Peace Agreement government of Sudan government of South Sudan IDENTITY
南苏丹公投背后的石油因素及对中国在苏丹石油投资的影响 被引量:2
作者 杨勉 《中外能源》 CAS 2011年第5期24-33,共10页
按照苏丹南北方《全面和平协议》的规定,2011年1月苏丹南部举行了全民公投,结果有98.83%的选民投票支持南部地区从苏丹分离。石油利益分配争端是苏丹长期内战的重要因素。苏丹拥有丰富的石油和天然气资源,保守估计至少有80×108~10... 按照苏丹南北方《全面和平协议》的规定,2011年1月苏丹南部举行了全民公投,结果有98.83%的选民投票支持南部地区从苏丹分离。石油利益分配争端是苏丹长期内战的重要因素。苏丹拥有丰富的石油和天然气资源,保守估计至少有80×108~100×108bbl,但石油储量的70%在南方。而南方现有的石油出口管道都是向北方向的,出口港口是北方的苏丹港,炼油厂也建在北方。同时富油地区阿卜耶伊的归属问题一直悬而未决。美国充当了苏丹分离的重要推手,其目的是肢解苏丹,玩弄"分而治之"的伎俩,延滞非洲复兴;同时为自己解套,从而有理由允许美国公司进入苏丹争夺石油资源。中国是苏丹第一大贸易伙伴,石油是中国涉足苏丹最深入的领域。苏丹已成为中国第六大石油进口国,中国有6%的石油进口来自苏丹,中国的利益遍布苏丹的石油产业链中。南苏丹独立后,有可能采取向美国和西欧石油公司倾斜的石油投资政策。为了维护中国在苏丹的石油利益,中国及时采取与苏丹南北双方均衡发展关系的措施,与南苏丹政府建立了友好合作关系。作为世界第二大经济体,中国仍将是南苏丹石油的重要买家。南苏丹的发展需要中国,中国有意愿也有能力对南苏丹的发展提供力所能及的帮助。中国此次对苏丹局势变化的主动应对措施,应当成为有益的经验。要提高、扩展中国海外获取石油权益的能力,根本在于提高中国的战略影响力。 展开更多
关键词 南苏丹独立 阿卜耶伊地区 石油利益 应对措施 战略影响力
苏丹南北关系中的阿卜耶伊问题 被引量:4
作者 姜恒昆 周军 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期33-45,共13页
内容提要阿卜耶伊问题始于20世纪60年代,是苏丹南北冲突的一个缩影,基于宗教和种族差异的农牧民冲突和石油资源争夺在其中扮演了重要角色。虽然阿卜耶伊是南北争端中的一个单独问题,但它与南方公投后苏丹南北面临的诸如南北边界划分、... 内容提要阿卜耶伊问题始于20世纪60年代,是苏丹南北冲突的一个缩影,基于宗教和种族差异的农牧民冲突和石油资源争夺在其中扮演了重要角色。虽然阿卜耶伊是南北争端中的一个单独问题,但它与南方公投后苏丹南北面临的诸如南北边界划分、石油收入分配、安全安排、公民身份等重要问题息息相关。阿卜耶伊问题的解决与否直接关系到南北双方的未来关系。假如阿卜耶伊问题能够得到妥善解决,南北双方的和平分离就有望稳步推进,该地区也就可能成为解决其他悬而未决问题的模式;反之,阿卜耶伊将很可能成为苏丹的"克什米尔",并使苏丹再度陷入南北战争的泥潭。 展开更多
关键词 苏丹 阿卜耶伊 石油 南北关系
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