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作者 彭燕莉 刘俊红 +2 位作者 陶修斌 覃佳肖 朱雅 《沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期121-129,共9页
准确、有效地定位供水管网中漏损位置,减少水资源浪费和降低检漏成本。基于EPANET软件构建供水管网水力模型,采用粒子群算法和遗传算法相结合方法对管网漏损预测模型进行优化求解、验证,以实现管网漏损定位和漏损程度判定;以西南地区某... 准确、有效地定位供水管网中漏损位置,减少水资源浪费和降低检漏成本。基于EPANET软件构建供水管网水力模型,采用粒子群算法和遗传算法相结合方法对管网漏损预测模型进行优化求解、验证,以实现管网漏损定位和漏损程度判定;以西南地区某城镇的供水管网为例,分别对单点和多点(2处及以上)漏损工况进行模拟评估。提出的供水管网漏损预测模型在单点漏损工况下,预测漏损量与实际漏损量的平均绝对百分比误差εmape小于3%,多点漏损量的εmape值均小于5.22%,且模拟定位节点与实际漏损点的拓扑距离绝大部分稳定在2以内。基于PSO-GA的漏损预测模型可有效地实现漏损定位与漏损程度的同步检测,并识别出多个近似节点,为检漏工作提供技术参考。 展开更多
关键词 供水管网 PSO-ga算法 漏损定位 EPANET
作者 王梦琪 郑征 +3 位作者 梅其良 彭超 高静 周岩 《原子能科学技术》 北大核心 2025年第2期422-428,共7页
本文基于第3代非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅲ)开展了多目标屏蔽智能优化方法研究。以乏燃料运输船舶为对象,采用多目标智能优化程序建立一维离散纵标计算模型,针对舱盖上方区域屏蔽结构(混凝土和聚乙烯厚度)进行优化设计,最终得到1组优化... 本文基于第3代非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅲ)开展了多目标屏蔽智能优化方法研究。以乏燃料运输船舶为对象,采用多目标智能优化程序建立一维离散纵标计算模型,针对舱盖上方区域屏蔽结构(混凝土和聚乙烯厚度)进行优化设计,最终得到1组优化的屏蔽方案。基于优化后的屏蔽方案,建立真实的三维蒙特卡罗计算模型,和基于混凝土、聚乙烯或含硼硅树脂的方案进行对比,评估优化方案的屏蔽效果。评价指标包括屏蔽厚度、重量、总剂量率和价格等。结果显示,基于所开发的多目标屏蔽智能优化方法优化得到的方案各有特点,包含了多个优选的方案,为设计者提供了更丰富的选择。 展开更多
关键词 多目标优化算法 屏蔽 乏燃料运输船舶 第3代非支配排序遗传算法
作者 马玉麟 郭祥 丁召 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第3期77-84,共8页
本研究基于分子束外延(Molecular Beam Epitaxy,MBE)技术在Si(100)衬底表面成功制备金属Ga原子团簇.通过控制变量法,研究其尺寸形貌与工艺参数之间的关系.第一组对照实验分别在940℃、970℃、1000℃的Ga源温度下制备Ga原子团簇.实验结... 本研究基于分子束外延(Molecular Beam Epitaxy,MBE)技术在Si(100)衬底表面成功制备金属Ga原子团簇.通过控制变量法,研究其尺寸形貌与工艺参数之间的关系.第一组对照实验分别在940℃、970℃、1000℃的Ga源温度下制备Ga原子团簇.实验结果表明,Ga源温度的升高导致Ga的蒸发量增加,进而沉积在Si衬底表面的Ga原子增多,Ga原子自组装成团簇,最终表现为Ga原子团簇的高度升高.第二组对照实验分别在3 s、6 s、10 s、40 s、50 s、60 s的沉积时长下制备Ga原子团簇.实验结果表明,沉积时长增加导致团簇的高度逐渐增加,主要由新吸附原子和竞争效应驱动.第三组对照实验分别在0 s、60 s、300 s的退火时长下制备Ga原子团簇.实验结果表明,退火时长的增加导致团簇的高度下降和团簇内的原子重新排列和分布有关.第四组对照实验分别在420℃、500℃的退火温度下制备Ga原子团簇.实验结果表明,升温至500℃退火会促进Ga原子团簇呈现有序排列,是表面原子的热运动和Ga原子团簇与Si(100)的晶格匹配度的共同作用的结果. 展开更多
关键词 MBE ga原子团簇 ga源温度 沉积时长 退火时长
作者 王文双 杨远松 +2 位作者 刘海洋 杨明君 林焰 《大连理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期67-78,共12页
为解决船舶机舱整体布局优化设计问题,提出一种基于改进人工蜂群遗传算法(IABC-GA)的管路协同设备布局优化设计方法以获得最佳设备布局方案和管路布局方案.在人工蜂群算法和遗传算法的基础上,提出一种既适应设备布局优化也适应管路路径... 为解决船舶机舱整体布局优化设计问题,提出一种基于改进人工蜂群遗传算法(IABC-GA)的管路协同设备布局优化设计方法以获得最佳设备布局方案和管路布局方案.在人工蜂群算法和遗传算法的基础上,提出一种既适应设备布局优化也适应管路路径寻优的改进算法,结合协同进化思想,将船舶机舱整体布局优化问题拆解为互相关联的设备布局问题和管路布局问题,两者在相互影响的情况下协同进化,最终得到最佳的船舶机舱布局设计方案.通过对实船机舱的仿真实验,验证了管路协同设备布局优化方法的可行性与可靠性.设备布局方面,与原始设备布局相比效果提升59.5%;船舶机舱整体布局方面,与先进行设备布局优化再进行管路布局优化相比效果提升11.8%. 展开更多
关键词 改进人工蜂群遗传算法(IABC-ga) 船舶机舱 设备布局优化 协同进化
作者 鲜波 朱松柏 +2 位作者 周杰 聂延波 范秋海 《大庆石油地质与开发》 北大核心 2025年第1期93-100,共8页
为了更准确地认识缝洞型碳酸盐岩气藏产量递减规律,假设气藏顶底边界和外边界封闭,储集层水平等厚,建立了斜井三孔单渗和三孔双渗的Blasingame产量递减模型。采用拉普拉斯变化等数学方法求解模型,得到井底压力解并将其代入转换方程后获... 为了更准确地认识缝洞型碳酸盐岩气藏产量递减规律,假设气藏顶底边界和外边界封闭,储集层水平等厚,建立了斜井三孔单渗和三孔双渗的Blasingame产量递减模型。采用拉普拉斯变化等数学方法求解模型,得到井底压力解并将其代入转换方程后获得递减产量解,再通过数值反演得到真实空间下的产量解。绘制且对比了斜井三孔单渗和三孔双渗Blasingame产量递减曲线,并对斜井三孔双渗的产量递减曲线进行了参数敏感性分析。结果表明:斜井三孔双渗产量递减曲线位置在初期比单渗的产量递减曲线位置更低,且窜流凹子更浅;裂缝渗透率比值越大,窜流凹子越深、曲线位置越低;窜流系数越大,窜流发生越早、曲线位置左移;基质弹性储容比越大,基质向裂缝窜流的窜流凹子越宽越深、溶洞向裂缝窜流的窜流凹子越窄越浅;斜井长度越长、井斜角越大,产量递减曲线位置越高且曲线向左移动;结合现场实例井解释,斜井三孔双渗模型比斜井三孔单渗模型拟合效果更好、解释结果更可靠。建立的单双渗模型和绘制的Blasingame产量递减曲线可预测碳酸盐岩气藏斜井的产量递减规律。 展开更多
关键词 碳酸盐岩气藏 斜井 双渗 Blasingame产量递减曲线 敏感性分析
作者 刘超 唐雨凡 +3 位作者 薛新 靳子 杨仓 鲍艳 《精细化工》 北大核心 2025年第1期95-102,232,共9页
采用共价有机框架聚合物(COFs)对经聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)改性的镓基液态金属(GLM)进行包覆,制备了固-液复合润滑微胶囊(GLM@COFs),将GLM@COFs加入到聚酰亚胺(PI)中制备了GLM@COFs/PI复合涂层。通过TEM、XRD和EDS对GLM@COFs的结构组成进... 采用共价有机框架聚合物(COFs)对经聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)改性的镓基液态金属(GLM)进行包覆,制备了固-液复合润滑微胶囊(GLM@COFs),将GLM@COFs加入到聚酰亚胺(PI)中制备了GLM@COFs/PI复合涂层。通过TEM、XRD和EDS对GLM@COFs的结构组成进行了表征,考察了GLM@COFs添加量〔以4,4'-二氨基二苯醚(ODA)、均苯四甲酸酐(BTDA)和GLM@COFs总质量计,下同〕对GLM@COFs/PI复合涂层摩擦学性能的影响,采用SEM和XPS探究了磨损面对涂层的磨损机理。结果表明,GLM@COFs呈平均粒径约为2μm的球形;当GLM@COFs添加量为0.9%时,GLM@COFs/PI复合涂层的摩擦学性能最优,摩擦系数和体积磨损率分别为0.22和6.3×10^(–6) mm^(3)/(N·m),与未添加GLM@COFs的PI涂层相比,分别降低了35.3%和61.1%。COFs包覆GLM不仅可有效改善GLM与PI基体的相容性,还可有效发挥COFs与GLM协同减摩和耐磨的作用,在摩擦表面形成一层固-液复合自润滑转移膜,避免了基体和金属摩擦副之间的直接接触,进而有效降低了复合涂层的摩擦系数及体积磨损率。 展开更多
关键词 ga基液态金属 共价有机框架聚合物 聚酰亚胺涂层 摩擦学 功能材料
PHUI-GA: GPU-based efficiency evolutionary algorithm for mining high utility itemsets
作者 JIANG Haipeng WU Guoqing +3 位作者 SUN Mengdan LI Feng SUN Yunfei FANG Wei 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期965-975,共11页
Evolutionary algorithms(EAs)have been used in high utility itemset mining(HUIM)to address the problem of discover-ing high utility itemsets(HUIs)in the exponential search space.EAs have good running and mining perform... Evolutionary algorithms(EAs)have been used in high utility itemset mining(HUIM)to address the problem of discover-ing high utility itemsets(HUIs)in the exponential search space.EAs have good running and mining performance,but they still require huge computational resource and may miss many HUIs.Due to the good combination of EA and graphics processing unit(GPU),we propose a parallel genetic algorithm(GA)based on the platform of GPU for mining HUIM(PHUI-GA).The evolution steps with improvements are performed in central processing unit(CPU)and the CPU intensive steps are sent to GPU to eva-luate with multi-threaded processors.Experiments show that the mining performance of PHUI-GA outperforms the existing EAs.When mining 90%HUIs,the PHUI-GA is up to 188 times better than the existing EAs and up to 36 times better than the CPU parallel approach. 展开更多
关键词 high utility itemset mining(HUIM) graphics process-ing unit(GPU)parallel genetic algorithm(ga) mining perfor-mance
A Review of Image Steganography Based on Multiple Hashing Algorithm
作者 Abdullah Alenizi Mohammad Sajid Mohammadi +1 位作者 Ahmad A.Al-Hajji Arshiya Sajid Ansari 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第8期2463-2494,共32页
Steganography is a technique for hiding secret messages while sending and receiving communications through a cover item.From ancient times to the present,the security of secret or vital information has always been a s... Steganography is a technique for hiding secret messages while sending and receiving communications through a cover item.From ancient times to the present,the security of secret or vital information has always been a significant problem.The development of secure communication methods that keep recipient-only data transmissions secret has always been an area of interest.Therefore,several approaches,including steganography,have been developed by researchers over time to enable safe data transit.In this review,we have discussed image steganography based on Discrete Cosine Transform(DCT)algorithm,etc.We have also discussed image steganography based on multiple hashing algorithms like the Rivest–Shamir–Adleman(RSA)method,the Blowfish technique,and the hash-least significant bit(LSB)approach.In this review,a novel method of hiding information in images has been developed with minimal variance in image bits,making our method secure and effective.A cryptography mechanism was also used in this strategy.Before encoding the data and embedding it into a carry image,this review verifies that it has been encrypted.Usually,embedded text in photos conveys crucial signals about the content.This review employs hash table encryption on the message before hiding it within the picture to provide a more secure method of data transport.If the message is ever intercepted by a third party,there are several ways to stop this operation.A second level of security process implementation involves encrypting and decrypting steganography images using different hashing algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 Image steganography multiple hashing algorithms Hash-LSB approach RSA algorithm discrete cosine transform(DCT)algorithm blowfish algorithm
Hybrid Prairie Dog and Beluga Whale Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Objective Load Balanced-Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environments
作者 K Ramya Senthilselvi Ayothi 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第7期307-324,共18页
The cloud computing technology is utilized for achieving resource utilization of remotebased virtual computer to facilitate the consumers with rapid and accurate massive data services.It utilizes on-demand resource pr... The cloud computing technology is utilized for achieving resource utilization of remotebased virtual computer to facilitate the consumers with rapid and accurate massive data services.It utilizes on-demand resource provisioning,but the necessitated constraints of rapid turnaround time,minimal execution cost,high rate of resource utilization and limited makespan transforms the Load Balancing(LB)process-based Task Scheduling(TS)problem into an NP-hard optimization issue.In this paper,Hybrid Prairie Dog and Beluga Whale Optimization Algorithm(HPDBWOA)is propounded for precise mapping of tasks to virtual machines with the due objective of addressing the dynamic nature of cloud environment.This capability of HPDBWOA helps in decreasing the SLA violations and Makespan with optimal resource management.It is modelled as a scheduling strategy which utilizes the merits of PDOA and BWOA for attaining reactive decisions making with respect to the process of assigning the tasks to virtual resources by considering their priorities into account.It addresses the problem of pre-convergence with wellbalanced exploration and exploitation to attain necessitated Quality of Service(QoS)for minimizing the waiting time incurred during TS process.It further balanced exploration and exploitation rates for reducing the makespan during the task allocation with complete awareness of VM state.The results of the proposed HPDBWOA confirmed minimized energy utilization of 32.18% and reduced cost of 28.94% better than approaches used for investigation.The statistical investigation of the proposed HPDBWOA conducted using ANOVA confirmed its efficacy over the benchmarked systems in terms of throughput,system,and response time. 展开更多
关键词 Beluga Whale Optimization algorithm(BWOA) cloud computing Improved Hopcroft-Karp algorithm Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS) Prairie Dog Optimization algorithm(PDOA) Virtual Machine(VM)
An Improved Image Steganography Security and Capacity Using Ant Colony Algorithm Optimization
作者 Zinah Khalid Jasim Jasim Sefer Kurnaz 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第9期4643-4662,共20页
This advanced paper presents a new approach to improving image steganography using the Ant Colony Optimization(ACO)algorithm.Image steganography,a technique of embedding hidden information in digital photographs,shoul... This advanced paper presents a new approach to improving image steganography using the Ant Colony Optimization(ACO)algorithm.Image steganography,a technique of embedding hidden information in digital photographs,should ideally achieve the dual purposes of maximum data hiding and maintenance of the integrity of the cover media so that it is least suspect.The contemporary methods of steganography are at best a compromise between these two.In this paper,we present our approach,entitled Ant Colony Optimization(ACO)-Least Significant Bit(LSB),which attempts to optimize the capacity in steganographic embedding.The approach makes use of a grayscale cover image to hide the confidential data with an additional bit pair per byte,both for integrity verification and the file checksumof the secret data.This approach encodes confidential information into four pairs of bits and embeds it within uncompressed grayscale images.The ACO algorithm uses adaptive exploration to select some pixels,maximizing the capacity of data embedding whileminimizing the degradation of visual quality.Pheromone evaporation is introduced through iterations to avoid stagnation in solution refinement.The levels of pheromone are modified to reinforce successful pixel choices.Experimental results obtained through the ACO-LSB method reveal that it clearly improves image steganography capabilities by providing an increase of up to 30%in the embedding capacity compared with traditional approaches;the average Peak Signal to Noise Ratio(PSNR)is 40.5 dB with a Structural Index Similarity(SSIM)of 0.98.The approach also demonstrates very high resistance to detection,cutting down the rate by 20%.Implemented in MATLAB R2023a,the model was tested against one thousand publicly available grayscale images,thus providing robust evidence of its effectiveness. 展开更多
关键词 STEgaNOGRAPHY STEgaNALYSIS capacity optimization ant colony algorithm
SFGA-CPA: A Novel Screening Correlation Power Analysis Framework Based on Genetic Algorithm
作者 Jiahui Liu Lang Li +1 位作者 Di Li Yu Ou 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期4641-4657,共17页
Correlation power analysis(CPA)combined with genetic algorithms(GA)now achieves greater attack efficiency and can recover all subkeys simultaneously.However,two issues in GA-based CPA still need to be addressed:key de... Correlation power analysis(CPA)combined with genetic algorithms(GA)now achieves greater attack efficiency and can recover all subkeys simultaneously.However,two issues in GA-based CPA still need to be addressed:key degeneration and slow evolution within populations.These challenges significantly hinder key recovery efforts.This paper proposes a screening correlation power analysis framework combined with a genetic algorithm,named SFGA-CPA,to address these issues.SFGA-CPA introduces three operations designed to exploit CPA characteris-tics:propagative operation,constrained crossover,and constrained mutation.Firstly,the propagative operation accelerates population evolution by maximizing the number of correct bytes in each individual.Secondly,the constrained crossover and mutation operations effectively address key degeneration by preventing the compromise of correct bytes.Finally,an intelligent search method is proposed to identify optimal parameters,further improving attack efficiency.Experiments were conducted on both simulated environments and real power traces collected from the SAKURA-G platform.In the case of simulation,SFGA-CPA reduces the number of traces by 27.3%and 60%compared to CPA based on multiple screening methods(MS-CPA)and CPA based on simple GA method(SGA-CPA)when the success rate reaches 90%.Moreover,real experimental results on the SAKURA-G platform demonstrate that our approach outperforms other methods. 展开更多
关键词 Side-channel analysis correlation power analysis genetic algorithm CROSSOVER MUTATION
DeepSurNet-NSGA II:Deep Surrogate Model-Assisted Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Enhancing Leg Linkage in Walking Robots
作者 Sayat Ibrayev Batyrkhan Omarov +1 位作者 Arman Ibrayeva Zeinel Momynkulov 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第10期229-249,共21页
This research paper presents a comprehensive investigation into the effectiveness of the DeepSurNet-NSGA II(Deep Surrogate Model-Assisted Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II)for solving complex multiobjective o... This research paper presents a comprehensive investigation into the effectiveness of the DeepSurNet-NSGA II(Deep Surrogate Model-Assisted Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II)for solving complex multiobjective optimization problems,with a particular focus on robotic leg-linkage design.The study introduces an innovative approach that integrates deep learning-based surrogate models with the robust Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II,aiming to enhance the efficiency and precision of the optimization process.Through a series of empirical experiments and algorithmic analyses,the paper demonstrates a high degree of correlation between solutions generated by the DeepSurNet-NSGA II and those obtained from direct experimental methods,underscoring the algorithm’s capability to accurately approximate the Pareto-optimal frontier while significantly reducing computational demands.The methodology encompasses a detailed exploration of the algorithm’s configuration,the experimental setup,and the criteria for performance evaluation,ensuring the reproducibility of results and facilitating future advancements in the field.The findings of this study not only confirm the practical applicability and theoretical soundness of the DeepSurNet-NSGA II in navigating the intricacies of multi-objective optimization but also highlight its potential as a transformative tool in engineering and design optimization.By bridging the gap between complex optimization challenges and achievable solutions,this research contributes valuable insights into the optimization domain,offering a promising direction for future inquiries and technological innovations. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-objective optimization genetic algorithm surrogate model deep learning walking robots
Modelling the temporal-varied nonlinear velocity profile of debris flow using a stratification aggregation algorithm in 3D-HBP-SPH framework
作者 HAN Zheng XIE Wendu +5 位作者 ZENG Chuicheng LI Yange CHEN Guangqi CHEN Ningsheng HU Guisheng WANG Weidong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第12期3945-3960,共16页
Estimation of velocity profile within mud depth is a long-standing and essential problem in debris flow dynamics.Until now,various velocity profiles have been proposed based on the fitting analysis of experimental mea... Estimation of velocity profile within mud depth is a long-standing and essential problem in debris flow dynamics.Until now,various velocity profiles have been proposed based on the fitting analysis of experimental measurements,but these are often limited by the observation conditions,such as the number of configured sensors.Therefore,the resulting linear velocity profiles usually exhibit limitations in reproducing the temporal-varied and nonlinear behavior during the debris flow process.In this study,we present a novel approach to explore the debris flow velocity profile in detail upon our previous 3D-HBPSPH numerical model,i.e.,the three-dimensional Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic model incorporating the Herschel-Bulkley-Papanastasiou rheology.Specifically,we propose a stratification aggregation algorithm for interpreting the details of SPH particles,which enables the recording of temporal velocities of debris flow at different mud depths.To analyze the velocity profile,we introduce a logarithmic-based nonlinear model with two key parameters,that a controlling the shape of velocity profile and b concerning its temporal evolution.We verify the proposed velocity profile and explore its sensitivity using 34 sets of velocity data from three individual flume experiments in previous literature.Our results demonstrate that the proposed temporalvaried nonlinear velocity profile outperforms the previous linear profiles. 展开更多
关键词 Debris flow Velocity profile Temporal varied feature NONLINEAR Stratification aggregation algorithm
Multi-Objective Optimization for Hydrodynamic Performance of A Semi-Submersible FOWT Platform Based on Multi-Fidelity Surrogate Models and NSGA-Ⅱ Algorithms
作者 QIAO Dong-sheng MEI Hao-tian +3 位作者 QIN Jian-min TANG Guo-qiang LU Lin OU Jin-ping 《China Ocean Engineering》 CSCD 2024年第6期932-942,共11页
This study delineates the development of the optimization framework for the preliminary design phase of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines(FOWTs),and the central challenge addressed is the optimization of the FOWT platfo... This study delineates the development of the optimization framework for the preliminary design phase of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines(FOWTs),and the central challenge addressed is the optimization of the FOWT platform dimensional parameters in relation to motion responses.Although the three-dimensional potential flow(TDPF)panel method is recognized for its precision in calculating FOWT motion responses,its computational intensity necessitates an alternative approach for efficiency.Herein,a novel application of varying fidelity frequency-domain computational strategies is introduced,which synthesizes the strip theory with the TDPF panel method to strike a balance between computational speed and accuracy.The Co-Kriging algorithm is employed to forge a surrogate model that amalgamates these computational strategies.Optimization objectives are centered on the platform’s motion response in heave and pitch directions under general sea conditions.The steel usage,the range of design variables,and geometric considerations are optimization constraints.The angle of the pontoons,the number of columns,the radius of the central column and the parameters of the mooring lines are optimization constants.This informed the structuring of a multi-objective optimization model utilizing the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm Ⅱ(NSGA-Ⅱ)algorithm.For the case of the IEA UMaine VolturnUS-S Reference Platform,Pareto fronts are discerned based on the above framework and delineate the relationship between competing motion response objectives.The efficacy of final designs is substantiated through the time-domain calculation model,which ensures that the motion responses in extreme sea conditions are superior to those of the initial design. 展开更多
关键词 semi-submersible FOWT platforms Co-Kriging neural network algorithm multi-fidelity surrogate model NSga-II multi-objective algorithm Pareto optimization
Town gas daily load forecasting based on machine learning combinatorial algorithms:A case study in North China
作者 Peng Xu Yuwei Song +1 位作者 Jingbo Du Feilong Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第11期239-252,共14页
Timely and accurate gas load forecasting is critical for optimal scheduling under tight winter gas supply conditions.Under the background of the implementation of“coal-to-gas”for winter heating in rural areas of Nor... Timely and accurate gas load forecasting is critical for optimal scheduling under tight winter gas supply conditions.Under the background of the implementation of“coal-to-gas”for winter heating in rural areas of North China and the sufficient field research,this paper proposes a correction algorithm for daily average temperature based on the cumulative effect of temperature and a set of combined forecasting models for gas load forecasting based on machine learning and introduces its application through a detailed case study.In order to solve the problems of forecasting performance degradation and complexity increase caused by too many influencing factors,a combined forecasting model back-propagation-improved complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive-noise-gated recurrent unit based on residual sequence analysis is proposed.Back propagation(BP)neural network is used to analyze the main influencing factors,so that the secondary influencing factors are reflected in the residual sequence generated by the forecasting.After decomposition,reconstruction,and re-forecast,the mean absolute percentage error(MAPE)of the combined models for the daily gas load in the case study has been controlled under 1.9%,which is significantly improved compared with each single algorithm.The forecasting error before and after the temperature correction are also compared.It is found that the MAPE with the temperature correction is reduced by 1.7%,which reflects the effectiveness of the temperature correction to eliminate the impact of temperature cumulative effect and its contribution to the improvement of the forecasting accuracy for the combined forecasting models. 展开更多
关键词 Natural gas Prediction Neural networks Cumulative effect of temperature Residual series analysis ICEEMDAN algorithm
Navigating challenges and opportunities of machine learning in hydrogen catalysis and production processes: Beyond algorithm development
作者 Mohd Nur Ikhmal Salehmin Sieh Kiong Tiong +5 位作者 Hassan Mohamed Dallatu Abbas Umar Kai Ling Yu Hwai Chyuan Ong Saifuddin Nomanbhay Swee Su Lim 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第12期223-252,共30页
With the projected global surge in hydrogen demand, driven by increasing applications and the imperative for low-emission hydrogen, the integration of machine learning(ML) across the hydrogen energy value chain is a c... With the projected global surge in hydrogen demand, driven by increasing applications and the imperative for low-emission hydrogen, the integration of machine learning(ML) across the hydrogen energy value chain is a compelling avenue. This review uniquely focuses on harnessing the synergy between ML and computational modeling(CM) or optimization tools, as well as integrating multiple ML techniques with CM, for the synthesis of diverse hydrogen evolution reaction(HER) catalysts and various hydrogen production processes(HPPs). Furthermore, this review addresses a notable gap in the literature by offering insights, analyzing challenges, and identifying research prospects and opportunities for sustainable hydrogen production. While the literature reflects a promising landscape for ML applications in hydrogen energy domains, transitioning AI-based algorithms from controlled environments to real-world applications poses significant challenges. Hence, this comprehensive review delves into the technical,practical, and ethical considerations associated with the application of ML in HER catalyst development and HPP optimization. Overall, this review provides guidance for unlocking the transformative potential of ML in enhancing prediction efficiency and sustainability in the hydrogen production sector. 展开更多
关键词 Machine learning Computational modeling HER catalyst synthesis Hydrogen energy Hydrogen production processes algorithm development
Strengthened Dominance Relation NSGA-Ⅲ Algorithm Based on Differential Evolution to Solve Job Shop Scheduling Problem
作者 Liang Zeng Junyang Shi +2 位作者 Yanyan Li Shanshan Wang Weigang Li 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第1期375-392,共18页
The job shop scheduling problem is a classical combinatorial optimization challenge frequently encountered in manufacturing systems.It involves determining the optimal execution sequences for a set of jobs on various ... The job shop scheduling problem is a classical combinatorial optimization challenge frequently encountered in manufacturing systems.It involves determining the optimal execution sequences for a set of jobs on various machines to maximize production efficiency and meet multiple objectives.The Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm Ⅲ(NSGA-Ⅲ)is an effective approach for solving the multi-objective job shop scheduling problem.Nevertheless,it has some limitations in solving scheduling problems,including inadequate global search capability,susceptibility to premature convergence,and challenges in balancing convergence and diversity.To enhance its performance,this paper introduces a strengthened dominance relation NSGA-Ⅲ algorithm based on differential evolution(NSGA-Ⅲ-SD).By incorporating constrained differential evolution and simulated binary crossover genetic operators,this algorithm effectively improves NSGA-Ⅲ’s global search capability while mitigating pre-mature convergence issues.Furthermore,it introduces a reinforced dominance relation to address the trade-off between convergence and diversity in NSGA-Ⅲ.Additionally,effective encoding and decoding methods for discrete job shop scheduling are proposed,which can improve the overall performance of the algorithm without complex computation.To validate the algorithm’s effectiveness,NSGA-Ⅲ-SD is extensively compared with other advanced multi-objective optimization algorithms using 20 job shop scheduling test instances.The experimental results demonstrate that NSGA-Ⅲ-SD achieves better solution quality and diversity,proving its effectiveness in solving the multi-objective job shop scheduling problem. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-objective job shop scheduling non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm differential evolution simulated binary crossover
Solar Radiation Estimation Based on a New Combined Approach of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) in South Algeria
作者 Djeldjli Halima Benatiallah Djelloul +3 位作者 Ghasri Mehdi Tanougast Camel Benatiallah Ali Benabdelkrim Bouchra 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期4725-4740,共16页
When designing solar systems and assessing the effectiveness of their many uses,estimating sun irradiance is a crucial first step.This study examined three approaches(ANN,GA-ANN,and ANFIS)for estimating daily global s... When designing solar systems and assessing the effectiveness of their many uses,estimating sun irradiance is a crucial first step.This study examined three approaches(ANN,GA-ANN,and ANFIS)for estimating daily global solar radiation(GSR)in the south of Algeria:Adrar,Ouargla,and Bechar.The proposed hybrid GA-ANN model,based on genetic algorithm-based optimization,was developed to improve the ANN model.The GA-ANN and ANFIS models performed better than the standalone ANN-based model,with GA-ANN being better suited for forecasting in all sites,and it performed the best with the best values in the testing phase of Coefficient of Determination(R=0.9005),Mean Absolute Percentage Error(MAPE=8.40%),and Relative Root Mean Square Error(rRMSE=12.56%).Nevertheless,the ANFIS model outperformed the GA-ANN model in forecasting daily GSR,with the best values of indicators when testing the model being R=0.9374,MAPE=7.78%,and rRMSE=10.54%.Generally,we may conclude that the initial ANN stand-alone model performance when forecasting solar radiation has been improved,and the results obtained after injecting the genetic algorithm into the ANN to optimize its weights were satisfactory.The model can be used to forecast daily GSR in dry climates and other climates and may also be helpful in selecting solar energy system installations and sizes. 展开更多
关键词 Solar energy systems genetic algorithm neural networks hybrid adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system solar radiation
作者 缪长青 吕悦凯 万春风 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期140-145,共6页
为了精准捕捉桥梁缆索腐蚀钢丝的时变规律并预测其力学性能,开发了一种基于遗传算法(genetic algorithm, GA)优化的长短期记忆(long short-term memory, LSTM)神经网络模型。该模型利用GA依次优化LSTM模型的迭代次数、隐藏层层数、神经... 为了精准捕捉桥梁缆索腐蚀钢丝的时变规律并预测其力学性能,开发了一种基于遗传算法(genetic algorithm, GA)优化的长短期记忆(long short-term memory, LSTM)神经网络模型。该模型利用GA依次优化LSTM模型的迭代次数、隐藏层层数、神经元数量、窗口大小4个超参数,以预测不同腐蚀特征状态下钢丝的力学性能。将其与传统LSTM和GA-反向传播模型的预测结果进行比较。结果表明,GA-LSTM模型具有更高的预测精度和鲁棒性。在屈服强度与极限强度预测效果方面,均方根误差(root mean square error, RMSE)、平均绝对误差(mean absolute error, MAE)、决定系数分别提高约44%~61%、43%~57%、35%~92%。在屈服应变与极限应变预测效果方面,RMSE、MAE、决定系数分别提高约0~46%、7%~49%、12%~229%。所建立的模型可以作为一个有用的工具支持桥梁缆索腐蚀安全性评估工作。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁缆索腐蚀钢丝 力学性能预测 时序预测 神经网络 遗传算法 超参数优化
作者 林煌旭 孔选 +3 位作者 陆将男 周华江 朱国常 朱浩伟 《工程塑料应用》 北大核心 2025年第1期90-97,共8页
针对车用前端框架格栅插槽处翘曲变形大造成整车装配精度差的问题,首先通过Moldflow软件建立有限元模型分析零件初始翘曲变形量及影响参数。选定模具温度、熔体温度、保压压力、保压时间、冷却时间作为设计因素,通过正交试验表得到工艺... 针对车用前端框架格栅插槽处翘曲变形大造成整车装配精度差的问题,首先通过Moldflow软件建立有限元模型分析零件初始翘曲变形量及影响参数。选定模具温度、熔体温度、保压压力、保压时间、冷却时间作为设计因素,通过正交试验表得到工艺参数与翘曲变形量之间的映射关系并建立单目标非线性优化模型。利用GA遗传算法改良的BP神经网络进一步描述优化模型的非线性函数关系,以适应度曲线迭代收敛预测得到最佳的BP网络模型预测工艺参数分别为:模具温度60℃、熔体温度265℃、保压压力55MPa、保压时间4s、冷却时间35s,最大翘曲变形量为1.191mm。最后将最优工艺参数导入Moldflow中模拟得到最大翘曲变形量为1.33mm,较优化前初始翘曲量2.423 mm降低了45.1%。经GA-BP算法优化后的工艺参数应用于生产制造过程,前端框架注塑件偏差测量结果表明,实际测量值与优化后Moldflow模拟值拟合度较高,两者平均偏差为0.28mm,满足整车装配要求,证实了GA-BP神经网络预测模型用于优化前端框架翘曲变形的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 汽车前端框架 翘曲变形 MOLDFLOW 正交试验法 ga遗传算法 BP神经网络模型
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