Rabbit,Run,the masterpiece from John Updike,published in 1960,revolves around a young man named Harry fighting against the oppressive atmosphere and crying out for freedom.The rebellious protagonist,faced with the res...Rabbit,Run,the masterpiece from John Updike,published in 1960,revolves around a young man named Harry fighting against the oppressive atmosphere and crying out for freedom.The rebellious protagonist,faced with the responsibility falling from tradition,breaks through an array of obstacles imposed by society.In the novel,many materials and the protagonist himself,in one way or another,bear resemblance to many images,or give the most vivid expression of the traits of an era.This paper aims to explore the related symbols,based on the theories centred on symbolism and imagism.展开更多
文摘Rabbit,Run,the masterpiece from John Updike,published in 1960,revolves around a young man named Harry fighting against the oppressive atmosphere and crying out for freedom.The rebellious protagonist,faced with the responsibility falling from tradition,breaks through an array of obstacles imposed by society.In the novel,many materials and the protagonist himself,in one way or another,bear resemblance to many images,or give the most vivid expression of the traits of an era.This paper aims to explore the related symbols,based on the theories centred on symbolism and imagism.