The condition of an algebra to be a Hopf algebra or a Hopf(co)quasigroup can be determined by the properties of Galois linear maps.For a bialgebra H,if it is unital and associative as an algebra and counital coassocia...The condition of an algebra to be a Hopf algebra or a Hopf(co)quasigroup can be determined by the properties of Galois linear maps.For a bialgebra H,if it is unital and associative as an algebra and counital coassociative as a coalgebra,then the Galois linear maps T1 and T2 can be defined.For such a bialgebra H,it is a Hopf algebra if and only if T1 is bijective.Moreover,T1^-1 is a right H-module map and a left H-comodule map(similar to T2).On the other hand,for a unital algebra(no need to be associative),and a counital coassociative coalgebra A,if the coproduct and counit are both algebra morphisms,then the sufficient and necessary condition of A to be a Hopf quasigroup is that T1 is bijective,and T1^-1 is left compatible with ΔT1-11^r and right compatible with mT1-1^l at the same time(The properties are similar to T2).Furthermore,as a corollary,the quasigroups case is also considered.展开更多
The antipode of a Yetter-Drinfeld Hopf algebra is an anti-algebra and anti-coalgebra map is proved. It is also proved that the tensor algebra of Yetter-Drinfeld Hopf module is a Yetter-Drinfeld Hopf algebra.
The Leibniz-Hopf algebra is the free associative Z - algebra with one generator in each positive degree and coproduct is given by the Cartan formula. It has been also known as the 'ring ofnoncommutative symmetric fun...The Leibniz-Hopf algebra is the free associative Z - algebra with one generator in each positive degree and coproduct is given by the Cartan formula. It has been also known as the 'ring ofnoncommutative symmetric functions' [1], and to be isomorphic to the Solomon Descent algebra [ 12]. This Hopf algebra has links with algebra,topology and combinatorics. In this article we consider another approach of proof for the antipode formula in the Leibniz-Hopf algebra by using some properties of words in [2].展开更多
The Leibniz-Hopf algebra is the free associative algebra with one generator in each positive degree and coproduct given by the Cartan formula. Quasi-symmetric functions are a generalisation of symmetric functions [7],...The Leibniz-Hopf algebra is the free associative algebra with one generator in each positive degree and coproduct given by the Cartan formula. Quasi-symmetric functions are a generalisation of symmetric functions [7],and the algebra of quasi-symmetric functions appear as the dual of the Leibniz-Hopf algebra. The Leibniz-Hopf algebra and its dual are word Hopf algebras and play an important role in combinatorics, algebra and topology. We give some properties of words and consider an another view of proof for the antipode in the dual Leibniz-Hopf algebra.展开更多
This paper proposes a stable gain and a compact Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna(AVA)for a 38GHz band of 5G communication.A novel compact AVA is designed to provide constant gain,high front to back ratio(FBR),and very high e...This paper proposes a stable gain and a compact Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna(AVA)for a 38GHz band of 5G communication.A novel compact AVA is designed to provide constant gain,high front to back ratio(FBR),and very high efficiency.The performance of the proposed AVA is enhanced with the help of a dielectric lens(DL)and corrugations.A rectangular-shaped DL is incorporated in conventional AVA(CAVA)to enhance its gain up to 1 dBi and the bandwidth by 1.8 GHz.Next,the rectangular corrugations are implemented in CAVA with lens(CAVA-L)to further improve the gain and bandwidth.The proposed AVA with lens and corrugations(AVA-LC)gives a constant and high gain of 8.2 to 9 dBi.The designed AVA-LC operates from 34 to 45GHz frequency which covers 38GHz(37.5 to 43.5 GHz)band of 5G applications.Further,the presented AVA-LC mitigates the back lobe and sidelobe levels,resulting in FBR and efficiency improvement.The FBR is in the range of 12.2 to 22 dB,and efficiency is 99%,almost constant.The AVA-LC is fabricated on Roger’s RT/duroid 5880 substrate,and it is tested to verify the simulated results.The proposed compact AVA-LC with high gain,an improved FBR,excellent efficiency,and stable radiation patterns is suitable for the 38GHz band of 5G devices.展开更多
Approaching the distance of 180°, seismic focusing greatly amplifies the normally weak PKIIKP phase(underside reflection from the inner core boundary). Anomalously strong amplitudes of the PKIIKP phase reported p...Approaching the distance of 180°, seismic focusing greatly amplifies the normally weak PKIIKP phase(underside reflection from the inner core boundary). Anomalously strong amplitudes of the PKIIKP phase reported previously at near antipodal distances(at seismic station TAM in North Africa) have been interpreted to infer anomalous structure(s) of the inner core boundary(including a sharp drop of compressional wave speed in the bottommost outer core or a near-zero shear wave speed in the topmost inner core). However,our observations of 12 earthquakes located antipodal to TAM(including the previously cited four events) suggest, for several reasons,that the anomalous PKIIKP energy might be a seismic phase misidentification. The anomalous phase appeared at distances less than 179.6° but not at larger distances(~179.8°). The phase appears consistently from antipode to distances less than 160° and has horizontal slowness similar to the PKIKP phase(going straight through the inner core). Its travel times vary greatly and show a systematic difference between two groups of events at different distances. A simple point scatter provides a good match to the travel times and the systematic variation of the anomalous phase at most stations, suggesting that it could originate from scattering off strong heterogeneities in the mantle wedge above the subducting Tonga slab. The phase misidentification suggests that the previously proposed inner core boundary structure(s) based on the anomalous phase need to be re-evaluated.展开更多
This paper presents the design and analysis of antipodal Vivaldi antennas(AVAs)for breast cancer detection.In order to enhance the antenna gain,different techniques such as using the uniform and non-uniform corrugatio...This paper presents the design and analysis of antipodal Vivaldi antennas(AVAs)for breast cancer detection.In order to enhance the antenna gain,different techniques such as using the uniform and non-uniform corrugation,expanding the dielectric substrate and adding the parasitic patch are applied to original AVA.The design procedure of two developed AVA structures i.e.,AVA with non-uniform corrugation and AVA with parasitic patch are presented.The proposed AVAs are designed on inexpensive FR4 substrate.The AVA with non-uniform corrugation has compact dimension of 50×50 mm2 or 0.28λL×0.28λL,whereλL is wavelength of the lowest operating frequency.The antenna can operate within the frequency range from 1.63 GHz to over 8 GHz.For the AVA with parasitic patch and uniform corrugation,the overall size of antenna is 50×86 mm2 or 0.24λL×0.41λL.It can operate within the frequency range from 1.4 GHz to over 8 GHz.The maximum gain for AVA with non-uniform corrugation and AVA with parasitic patch and uniform corrugation are 9.03 and 11.31 dBi,respectively.The corrugation profile and parasitic patch of the proposed antenna are optimized to achieve the desired properties for breast cancer detection.In addition,the proposed AVAs are measured with breast phantom to detect cancerous cell inside the breast and the performance in detecting cancerous cell are discussed.The measured result can confirm that the proposed AVAs can detect unwanted cell inside the breast while maintaining the compact size,simple structure and low complexity in design.展开更多
We give digital analogues of classical theorems of topology for continuous functions defined on spheres, for digital simple closed curves. In particular, we show the following. ? A digital simple closed curve of more ...We give digital analogues of classical theorems of topology for continuous functions defined on spheres, for digital simple closed curves. In particular, we show the following. ? A digital simple closed curve of more than 4 points is not contractible, i.e., its identity map is not nullhomotopic in . ? Let and be digital simple closed curves, each symmetric with respect to the origin, such that (where is the number of points in ). Let be a digitally continuous antipodal map. Then is not nullho- motopic in . ? Let be a digital simple closed curve that is symmetric with respect to the origin. Let be a digitally continuous map. Then there is a pair of antipodes such that .展开更多
In many classic Ultra Wide Band communication systems, only Gaussian and monocycle pulses associate to PPM modulation are used. In this paper, an original communication system based on orthogonal functions and the Bip...In many classic Ultra Wide Band communication systems, only Gaussian and monocycle pulses associate to PPM modulation are used. In this paper, an original communication system based on orthogonal functions and the Bipolar PPM modulation is proposed. This system allows good performances in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER) and high data rate. This study concerns new applications, such as Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication systems or a wireless link between computers. These applications need high reliability to transmit security-related information and high data rate to exchange multimedia data. With the emergence of the orthogonal wave-forms, the performances of the UWB communication system will be more interesting in terms of BER and data rate. In this paper, two kinds of improvement are proposed. The first improvement permits us to decrease the Bit Error Rate using the original waveforms. The second allows improving the data rate via novel modulation method. The last parameter study, in this paper, concerns the problem of synchronization between the different users. We will study the performances of the proposed system in multiusers environment in synchronous and asynchronous cases. In the first stage, the theoretical and simulation results will be presented for the proposed system. The simulation results obtained by comparing the classic UWB system and the proposed system show that our solution gives good performances in terms of BER and data rate. The theoretical results of BER values will be given for our proposed solution. In the second stage, we will compute BER values for different jitter effects. Theses studies report theoretical and simulation performances evaluation in the case of two展开更多
The great Lisbon earthquake Nov.1,1755 devastated the city and Portuguese coastlines down to Morocco.Many details of the event are typical signs of chaotic terrane caused by an antipodal impact.A faint but fresh-looki...The great Lisbon earthquake Nov.1,1755 devastated the city and Portuguese coastlines down to Morocco.Many details of the event are typical signs of chaotic terrane caused by an antipodal impact.A faint but fresh-looking antipodal impact structure centered at 35°39′S,168°26′E is found in the Tasman Sea,or about 405 km WSW(West-Southwest)of Cape Reinga,North Island,NZ(North Island).By conventional geological methods,the epicenter has been inferred to be on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean,in an area known as the Horseshoe Plain WSW of Cape St.Vincent,Portugal,at a distance of about 200 km from the cape,a round figure estimate.The impact antipode at 35°39′N,11°34′W also is located in the Horseshoe Plain at 277 km WSW of Cape St.Vincent,the implied antipodal impact quake epicenter.展开更多
We review the (2 + 1)-dimensional Baňados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole solution in conformally invariant gravity, uplifted to (3 + 1)-dimensional spacetime. For the matter content we use a scalar-gauge field. The me...We review the (2 + 1)-dimensional Baňados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole solution in conformally invariant gravity, uplifted to (3 + 1)-dimensional spacetime. For the matter content we use a scalar-gauge field. The metric is written as <img src="Edit_be2cdfd9-fda6-4846-b64d-4d1062f9964e.bmp" alt="" /> where the <em>dilaton</em> field <span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">ω</span></span> contains all the scale dependencies and where <img src="Edit_ffd065ec-fc7e-41cd-b2c6-05b86c3b566a.bmp" alt="" /> represents the “un-physical” spacetime. A numerical solution is presented and shows how the dilaton can be treated on equal footing with the scalar field. The location of the apparent horizon and ergo-surface depends critically on the parameters and initial values of the model. It is not a hard task to find suitable initial parameters in order to obtain a regular and singular free <img src="Edit_5d830100-019b-4a6a-82e7-deefdf327ecc.bmp" alt="" /> out of a BTZ-type solution for <img src="Edit_ffd065ec-fc7e-41cd-b2c6-05b86c3b566a.bmp" alt="" style="white-space:normal;" />. In the vacuum situation, an exact time-dependent solution in the Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates is found, which is valid for the (2 + 1)-dimensional BTZ spacetime as well as for the uplifted (3 + 1)-dimensional BTZ spacetime. While <img src="Edit_ffd065ec-fc7e-41cd-b2c6-05b86c3b566a.bmp" alt="" style="white-space:normal;" /> resembles the standard BTZ solution with its horizons, <img src="Edit_5d830100-019b-4a6a-82e7-deefdf327ecc.bmp" alt="" style="white-space:normal;" /> is flat. The dilaton field becomes an infinitesimal renormalizable quantum field, which switches on and off Hawking radiation. This solution can be used to investigate the small distance scale of the model and the black hole complementarity issues. It can also be used to describe the problem of how to map the quantum states of the outgoing radiation as seen by a distant observer and the ingoing by a local observer in a one-to-one way. The two observers will use a different conformal gauge. A possible connection is made with the antipodal identification and unitarity issues. This research shows the power of conformally invariant gravity and can be applied to bridge the gap between general relativity and quantum field theory in the vicinity of the horizons of black holes.展开更多
Let G be an abelian group, B the G-graded λ-Hopf algebra with A being a bicharacter on G. By introducing some new twisted algebras (coalgebras), we investigate the basic properties of the graded antipode and the st...Let G be an abelian group, B the G-graded λ-Hopf algebra with A being a bicharacter on G. By introducing some new twisted algebras (coalgebras), we investigate the basic properties of the graded antipode and the structure for B. We also prove that a G-graded λ-Hopf algebra can be embedded in a usual Hopf algebra. As an application, it is given that if G is a finite abelian group then the graded antipode of a finite dimensional G-graded A-Hopf algebra is invertible.展开更多
In this paper, we obtain the following main theorem for a free quadratic bialgebra J: (a) For p≠0, J is a pointed cosemisimple coalgebra. For p=0, J is a hyperalgebra. (b) For p≠0 and q≠0, J has antipode S iff p...In this paper, we obtain the following main theorem for a free quadratic bialgebra J: (a) For p≠0, J is a pointed cosemisimple coalgebra. For p=0, J is a hyperalgebra. (b) For p≠0 and q≠0, J has antipode S iff p·q+2=0 and S(x)=x. Forp=0 or q=0, J has antipode and S(x)=-x. (c) All left J*-modules are rational. Also, we give some applications in homological theory and algebraic K-theory.展开更多
In this paper a class of two-parameter weak Hopf algebras wrτ,s(g) corresponding to Borcherds-Cartan matrix is constructed. This class consists of noncommutative and noncocommutative weak Hopf algebras but not Hopf a...In this paper a class of two-parameter weak Hopf algebras wrτ,s(g) corresponding to Borcherds-Cartan matrix is constructed. This class consists of noncommutative and noncocommutative weak Hopf algebras but not Hopf algebras. It can be viewed as a generalized class of one-parameter weak Hopf algebras wUq(g).展开更多
The Australian avant-garck raises all the contradictions of avant-garde studies in the present time.Antipodal vanguards in the 20th and 21 st centuries would grapple with various aspects of Australian national history...The Australian avant-garck raises all the contradictions of avant-garde studies in the present time.Antipodal vanguards in the 20th and 21 st centuries would grapple with various aspects of Australian national history,being in various ways and times between East and West,the aligned and non-aligned,the political and geopolitical in poetics.The word"Australia,"from the Latin auster,contains meanings for"East."Most importantly,the Antipodal vanguard exposes the contradictions of Australia’s imperial-colonial past and the struggle to overcome it.In this essay,1 begin with the example of a"Dada"poem that comes from an Aboriginal rain dance,as well as the emergence of Dada poetics from the 1950s to the 1970s.Throughout I keep complexities of history and time at the forefront:what is the worth of a"marginal"national literary history of the avant-garde?What does the avant-garde mean outside Europe or the Euro-US?What can Australian Dadaism tell us about the future of avant-garde studies?Docs the avant-garde always lead to nostalgia,or"Austalgia,"a hearkening after the past,as much as a striving toward the future?展开更多
This paper mainly discusses the analysis and design of a finline single-ended mixer and detector. In the circuit, for the purpose of eliminating high-order resonant modes and improving transition loss, metallic via ho...This paper mainly discusses the analysis and design of a finline single-ended mixer and detector. In the circuit, for the purpose of eliminating high-order resonant modes and improving transition loss, metallic via holes are implemented along the mounting edge of the substrate embedded in the split-block of the WG-finline-microstrip transition. Meanwhile, a Ka band slow-wave and bandstop filter, which represents a reactive termination, is designed for the utilization of idle frequencies and operation frequencies energy. Full-wave analysis is carded out to optimize the input matching network of the mixer and the detector circuit using lumped elements to model the nonlinear diode. The exported S-matrix of the optimized circuit is used for conversion loss and voltage sensitivity analysis. The lowest measured conversion loss is 3.52 dB at 32.2 GHz; the conversion loss is flat and less than 5.68 dB in the frequency band of 29-34 GHz. The highest measured zero-bias voltage sensitivity is 1450 mV/mW at 38.6 GHz, and the sensitivity is better than 1000 mV/mW in the frequency band of 38-40 GHz.展开更多
Cytologic and embryologic studies on the reproductive pattern of male sterility line C1001 in rice (Oryza saliva L.) indicated that several types of apomixis were discovered in partial strains of male sterility line C...Cytologic and embryologic studies on the reproductive pattern of male sterility line C1001 in rice (Oryza saliva L.) indicated that several types of apomixis were discovered in partial strains of male sterility line C1001 in rice. Under a fully separate condition, two possible apomixis embryogenesis ways in the ovules were observed: One way was that the embryo was initiated from the somatic cells of the ovules, and then pushed against the embryo sac to develop into a mature embryo. The other way was that the embryo was from the unfertilized egg cell or one of synergids, and then developed into a mature embryo in the form of haploid parthenogenesis without forming endosperm. Besides, the antipodal cells migrated in the embryo sac, and their cytoplasm became thin and vacuolated while mitosis was taking place, giving rise to a multicellular structure or a group of large cells each containing several nuclei. This paper also discusses the significance and patterns of apomixis in rice C1001.展开更多
A metasurface unit is designed operating at 2–20 GHz to enhance the gain and radiation performance of an antipodal Vivaldi antenna(AVA).The unit has a simple structure,stable ultra-wideband performance,high permittiv...A metasurface unit is designed operating at 2–20 GHz to enhance the gain and radiation performance of an antipodal Vivaldi antenna(AVA).The unit has a simple structure,stable ultra-wideband performance,high permittivity,and can independently modulate two polarization modes electromagnetic waves.We analyze the current distribution on the unit and extract equivalent characteristic parameters to verify the ability of independent modulation on two polarization modes electromagnetic waves.The designed metasurface unit is integrated into the aperture of the AVA and forms the metasurface lens(ML)for guiding the propagation of electromagnetic waves.Two types of ML are proposed and integrated into the AVA to design antennas Ant1 and Ant2.The modulation effect of the lens on the electromagnetic wave is analyzed from the perspective of electric field amplitude and phase,and the final design is obtained.From the optimized design results,the AVA and the proposed Ant2 are fabricated and measured,and the measurement results are in good agreement with the simulation ones.The impedance bandwidth measured by Ant2 basically covers the 2–18 GHz frequency band.Compared with the conventional AVA,the gain of the proposed Ant2 is increased by 0.6–3.7 d B,the sidelobe level is significantly reduced,and the directivity has also been clearly improved.展开更多
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.11371088,11571173,11871144)the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(No.BK20171348)
文摘The condition of an algebra to be a Hopf algebra or a Hopf(co)quasigroup can be determined by the properties of Galois linear maps.For a bialgebra H,if it is unital and associative as an algebra and counital coassociative as a coalgebra,then the Galois linear maps T1 and T2 can be defined.For such a bialgebra H,it is a Hopf algebra if and only if T1 is bijective.Moreover,T1^-1 is a right H-module map and a left H-comodule map(similar to T2).On the other hand,for a unital algebra(no need to be associative),and a counital coassociative coalgebra A,if the coproduct and counit are both algebra morphisms,then the sufficient and necessary condition of A to be a Hopf quasigroup is that T1 is bijective,and T1^-1 is left compatible with ΔT1-11^r and right compatible with mT1-1^l at the same time(The properties are similar to T2).Furthermore,as a corollary,the quasigroups case is also considered.
基金Supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(Grant No.10901098 and No.11271239)
文摘The antipode of a Yetter-Drinfeld Hopf algebra is an anti-algebra and anti-coalgebra map is proved. It is also proved that the tensor algebra of Yetter-Drinfeld Hopf module is a Yetter-Drinfeld Hopf algebra.
文摘The Leibniz-Hopf algebra is the free associative Z - algebra with one generator in each positive degree and coproduct is given by the Cartan formula. It has been also known as the 'ring ofnoncommutative symmetric functions' [1], and to be isomorphic to the Solomon Descent algebra [ 12]. This Hopf algebra has links with algebra,topology and combinatorics. In this article we consider another approach of proof for the antipode formula in the Leibniz-Hopf algebra by using some properties of words in [2].
文摘The Leibniz-Hopf algebra is the free associative algebra with one generator in each positive degree and coproduct given by the Cartan formula. Quasi-symmetric functions are a generalisation of symmetric functions [7],and the algebra of quasi-symmetric functions appear as the dual of the Leibniz-Hopf algebra. The Leibniz-Hopf algebra and its dual are word Hopf algebras and play an important role in combinatorics, algebra and topology. We give some properties of words and consider an another view of proof for the antipode in the dual Leibniz-Hopf algebra.
基金This research was funded by Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting Project number(PNURSP2022R79)Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University,Riyadh,Saudi Arabia,S.Urooj,
文摘This paper proposes a stable gain and a compact Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna(AVA)for a 38GHz band of 5G communication.A novel compact AVA is designed to provide constant gain,high front to back ratio(FBR),and very high efficiency.The performance of the proposed AVA is enhanced with the help of a dielectric lens(DL)and corrugations.A rectangular-shaped DL is incorporated in conventional AVA(CAVA)to enhance its gain up to 1 dBi and the bandwidth by 1.8 GHz.Next,the rectangular corrugations are implemented in CAVA with lens(CAVA-L)to further improve the gain and bandwidth.The proposed AVA with lens and corrugations(AVA-LC)gives a constant and high gain of 8.2 to 9 dBi.The designed AVA-LC operates from 34 to 45GHz frequency which covers 38GHz(37.5 to 43.5 GHz)band of 5G applications.Further,the presented AVA-LC mitigates the back lobe and sidelobe levels,resulting in FBR and efficiency improvement.The FBR is in the range of 12.2 to 22 dB,and efficiency is 99%,almost constant.The AVA-LC is fabricated on Roger’s RT/duroid 5880 substrate,and it is tested to verify the simulated results.The proposed compact AVA-LC with high gain,an improved FBR,excellent efficiency,and stable radiation patterns is suitable for the 38GHz band of 5G devices.
基金supported by National Science Foundation of China(41774056)the US Nationa Science Foundation(EAR 1620595)
文摘Approaching the distance of 180°, seismic focusing greatly amplifies the normally weak PKIIKP phase(underside reflection from the inner core boundary). Anomalously strong amplitudes of the PKIIKP phase reported previously at near antipodal distances(at seismic station TAM in North Africa) have been interpreted to infer anomalous structure(s) of the inner core boundary(including a sharp drop of compressional wave speed in the bottommost outer core or a near-zero shear wave speed in the topmost inner core). However,our observations of 12 earthquakes located antipodal to TAM(including the previously cited four events) suggest, for several reasons,that the anomalous PKIIKP energy might be a seismic phase misidentification. The anomalous phase appeared at distances less than 179.6° but not at larger distances(~179.8°). The phase appears consistently from antipode to distances less than 160° and has horizontal slowness similar to the PKIKP phase(going straight through the inner core). Its travel times vary greatly and show a systematic difference between two groups of events at different distances. A simple point scatter provides a good match to the travel times and the systematic variation of the anomalous phase at most stations, suggesting that it could originate from scattering off strong heterogeneities in the mantle wedge above the subducting Tonga slab. The phase misidentification suggests that the previously proposed inner core boundary structure(s) based on the anomalous phase need to be re-evaluated.
基金This research was funded by National Science,Research and Innovation Fund(NSRF)King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok with Contract no.KMUTNB-FF-65–07.
文摘This paper presents the design and analysis of antipodal Vivaldi antennas(AVAs)for breast cancer detection.In order to enhance the antenna gain,different techniques such as using the uniform and non-uniform corrugation,expanding the dielectric substrate and adding the parasitic patch are applied to original AVA.The design procedure of two developed AVA structures i.e.,AVA with non-uniform corrugation and AVA with parasitic patch are presented.The proposed AVAs are designed on inexpensive FR4 substrate.The AVA with non-uniform corrugation has compact dimension of 50×50 mm2 or 0.28λL×0.28λL,whereλL is wavelength of the lowest operating frequency.The antenna can operate within the frequency range from 1.63 GHz to over 8 GHz.For the AVA with parasitic patch and uniform corrugation,the overall size of antenna is 50×86 mm2 or 0.24λL×0.41λL.It can operate within the frequency range from 1.4 GHz to over 8 GHz.The maximum gain for AVA with non-uniform corrugation and AVA with parasitic patch and uniform corrugation are 9.03 and 11.31 dBi,respectively.The corrugation profile and parasitic patch of the proposed antenna are optimized to achieve the desired properties for breast cancer detection.In addition,the proposed AVAs are measured with breast phantom to detect cancerous cell inside the breast and the performance in detecting cancerous cell are discussed.The measured result can confirm that the proposed AVAs can detect unwanted cell inside the breast while maintaining the compact size,simple structure and low complexity in design.
文摘We give digital analogues of classical theorems of topology for continuous functions defined on spheres, for digital simple closed curves. In particular, we show the following. ? A digital simple closed curve of more than 4 points is not contractible, i.e., its identity map is not nullhomotopic in . ? Let and be digital simple closed curves, each symmetric with respect to the origin, such that (where is the number of points in ). Let be a digitally continuous antipodal map. Then is not nullho- motopic in . ? Let be a digital simple closed curve that is symmetric with respect to the origin. Let be a digitally continuous map. Then there is a pair of antipodes such that .
文摘In many classic Ultra Wide Band communication systems, only Gaussian and monocycle pulses associate to PPM modulation are used. In this paper, an original communication system based on orthogonal functions and the Bipolar PPM modulation is proposed. This system allows good performances in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER) and high data rate. This study concerns new applications, such as Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication systems or a wireless link between computers. These applications need high reliability to transmit security-related information and high data rate to exchange multimedia data. With the emergence of the orthogonal wave-forms, the performances of the UWB communication system will be more interesting in terms of BER and data rate. In this paper, two kinds of improvement are proposed. The first improvement permits us to decrease the Bit Error Rate using the original waveforms. The second allows improving the data rate via novel modulation method. The last parameter study, in this paper, concerns the problem of synchronization between the different users. We will study the performances of the proposed system in multiusers environment in synchronous and asynchronous cases. In the first stage, the theoretical and simulation results will be presented for the proposed system. The simulation results obtained by comparing the classic UWB system and the proposed system show that our solution gives good performances in terms of BER and data rate. The theoretical results of BER values will be given for our proposed solution. In the second stage, we will compute BER values for different jitter effects. Theses studies report theoretical and simulation performances evaluation in the case of two
文摘The great Lisbon earthquake Nov.1,1755 devastated the city and Portuguese coastlines down to Morocco.Many details of the event are typical signs of chaotic terrane caused by an antipodal impact.A faint but fresh-looking antipodal impact structure centered at 35°39′S,168°26′E is found in the Tasman Sea,or about 405 km WSW(West-Southwest)of Cape Reinga,North Island,NZ(North Island).By conventional geological methods,the epicenter has been inferred to be on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean,in an area known as the Horseshoe Plain WSW of Cape St.Vincent,Portugal,at a distance of about 200 km from the cape,a round figure estimate.The impact antipode at 35°39′N,11°34′W also is located in the Horseshoe Plain at 277 km WSW of Cape St.Vincent,the implied antipodal impact quake epicenter.
文摘We review the (2 + 1)-dimensional Baňados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole solution in conformally invariant gravity, uplifted to (3 + 1)-dimensional spacetime. For the matter content we use a scalar-gauge field. The metric is written as <img src="Edit_be2cdfd9-fda6-4846-b64d-4d1062f9964e.bmp" alt="" /> where the <em>dilaton</em> field <span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">ω</span></span> contains all the scale dependencies and where <img src="Edit_ffd065ec-fc7e-41cd-b2c6-05b86c3b566a.bmp" alt="" /> represents the “un-physical” spacetime. A numerical solution is presented and shows how the dilaton can be treated on equal footing with the scalar field. The location of the apparent horizon and ergo-surface depends critically on the parameters and initial values of the model. It is not a hard task to find suitable initial parameters in order to obtain a regular and singular free <img src="Edit_5d830100-019b-4a6a-82e7-deefdf327ecc.bmp" alt="" /> out of a BTZ-type solution for <img src="Edit_ffd065ec-fc7e-41cd-b2c6-05b86c3b566a.bmp" alt="" style="white-space:normal;" />. In the vacuum situation, an exact time-dependent solution in the Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates is found, which is valid for the (2 + 1)-dimensional BTZ spacetime as well as for the uplifted (3 + 1)-dimensional BTZ spacetime. While <img src="Edit_ffd065ec-fc7e-41cd-b2c6-05b86c3b566a.bmp" alt="" style="white-space:normal;" /> resembles the standard BTZ solution with its horizons, <img src="Edit_5d830100-019b-4a6a-82e7-deefdf327ecc.bmp" alt="" style="white-space:normal;" /> is flat. The dilaton field becomes an infinitesimal renormalizable quantum field, which switches on and off Hawking radiation. This solution can be used to investigate the small distance scale of the model and the black hole complementarity issues. It can also be used to describe the problem of how to map the quantum states of the outgoing radiation as seen by a distant observer and the ingoing by a local observer in a one-to-one way. The two observers will use a different conformal gauge. A possible connection is made with the antipodal identification and unitarity issues. This research shows the power of conformally invariant gravity and can be applied to bridge the gap between general relativity and quantum field theory in the vicinity of the horizons of black holes.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaYangzhou University Natural Science Foundation
文摘Let G be an abelian group, B the G-graded λ-Hopf algebra with A being a bicharacter on G. By introducing some new twisted algebras (coalgebras), we investigate the basic properties of the graded antipode and the structure for B. We also prove that a G-graded λ-Hopf algebra can be embedded in a usual Hopf algebra. As an application, it is given that if G is a finite abelian group then the graded antipode of a finite dimensional G-graded A-Hopf algebra is invertible.
基金Partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
文摘In this paper, we obtain the following main theorem for a free quadratic bialgebra J: (a) For p≠0, J is a pointed cosemisimple coalgebra. For p=0, J is a hyperalgebra. (b) For p≠0 and q≠0, J has antipode S iff p·q+2=0 and S(x)=x. Forp=0 or q=0, J has antipode and S(x)=-x. (c) All left J*-modules are rational. Also, we give some applications in homological theory and algebraic K-theory.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.10671016 10771014)the Foundation of Beijing Educational Committee (No.KM200710005013)
文摘In this paper a class of two-parameter weak Hopf algebras wrτ,s(g) corresponding to Borcherds-Cartan matrix is constructed. This class consists of noncommutative and noncocommutative weak Hopf algebras but not Hopf algebras. It can be viewed as a generalized class of one-parameter weak Hopf algebras wUq(g).
文摘The Australian avant-garck raises all the contradictions of avant-garde studies in the present time.Antipodal vanguards in the 20th and 21 st centuries would grapple with various aspects of Australian national history,being in various ways and times between East and West,the aligned and non-aligned,the political and geopolitical in poetics.The word"Australia,"from the Latin auster,contains meanings for"East."Most importantly,the Antipodal vanguard exposes the contradictions of Australia’s imperial-colonial past and the struggle to overcome it.In this essay,1 begin with the example of a"Dada"poem that comes from an Aboriginal rain dance,as well as the emergence of Dada poetics from the 1950s to the 1970s.Throughout I keep complexities of history and time at the forefront:what is the worth of a"marginal"national literary history of the avant-garde?What does the avant-garde mean outside Europe or the Euro-US?What can Australian Dadaism tell us about the future of avant-garde studies?Docs the avant-garde always lead to nostalgia,or"Austalgia,"a hearkening after the past,as much as a striving toward the future?
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.60621002)
文摘This paper mainly discusses the analysis and design of a finline single-ended mixer and detector. In the circuit, for the purpose of eliminating high-order resonant modes and improving transition loss, metallic via holes are implemented along the mounting edge of the substrate embedded in the split-block of the WG-finline-microstrip transition. Meanwhile, a Ka band slow-wave and bandstop filter, which represents a reactive termination, is designed for the utilization of idle frequencies and operation frequencies energy. Full-wave analysis is carded out to optimize the input matching network of the mixer and the detector circuit using lumped elements to model the nonlinear diode. The exported S-matrix of the optimized circuit is used for conversion loss and voltage sensitivity analysis. The lowest measured conversion loss is 3.52 dB at 32.2 GHz; the conversion loss is flat and less than 5.68 dB in the frequency band of 29-34 GHz. The highest measured zero-bias voltage sensitivity is 1450 mV/mW at 38.6 GHz, and the sensitivity is better than 1000 mV/mW in the frequency band of 38-40 GHz.
文摘Cytologic and embryologic studies on the reproductive pattern of male sterility line C1001 in rice (Oryza saliva L.) indicated that several types of apomixis were discovered in partial strains of male sterility line C1001 in rice. Under a fully separate condition, two possible apomixis embryogenesis ways in the ovules were observed: One way was that the embryo was initiated from the somatic cells of the ovules, and then pushed against the embryo sac to develop into a mature embryo. The other way was that the embryo was from the unfertilized egg cell or one of synergids, and then developed into a mature embryo in the form of haploid parthenogenesis without forming endosperm. Besides, the antipodal cells migrated in the embryo sac, and their cytoplasm became thin and vacuolated while mitosis was taking place, giving rise to a multicellular structure or a group of large cells each containing several nuclei. This paper also discusses the significance and patterns of apomixis in rice C1001.
基金Project supported by the Open Fund for the Key Laboratory of Complex Systems Control and Intelligent Collaborative Technology,China(No.CSCIC191001)。
文摘A metasurface unit is designed operating at 2–20 GHz to enhance the gain and radiation performance of an antipodal Vivaldi antenna(AVA).The unit has a simple structure,stable ultra-wideband performance,high permittivity,and can independently modulate two polarization modes electromagnetic waves.We analyze the current distribution on the unit and extract equivalent characteristic parameters to verify the ability of independent modulation on two polarization modes electromagnetic waves.The designed metasurface unit is integrated into the aperture of the AVA and forms the metasurface lens(ML)for guiding the propagation of electromagnetic waves.Two types of ML are proposed and integrated into the AVA to design antennas Ant1 and Ant2.The modulation effect of the lens on the electromagnetic wave is analyzed from the perspective of electric field amplitude and phase,and the final design is obtained.From the optimized design results,the AVA and the proposed Ant2 are fabricated and measured,and the measurement results are in good agreement with the simulation ones.The impedance bandwidth measured by Ant2 basically covers the 2–18 GHz frequency band.Compared with the conventional AVA,the gain of the proposed Ant2 is increased by 0.6–3.7 d B,the sidelobe level is significantly reduced,and the directivity has also been clearly improved.