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Arthur Waley《论语》英译本中译者主体性研究 被引量:2
作者 胡家英 周颖 《东北农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第1期78-82,共5页
英国汉学家Arthur Waley一生致力于研究东方文化尤其是中国文化,其《论语》英译本既具文学色彩又具现代气息,深受读者喜爱,为中国传统文化海外传播和中西文化交流做出贡献。《论语》是中国儒家经典著作,语言简练但涵义丰富,为译者主体... 英国汉学家Arthur Waley一生致力于研究东方文化尤其是中国文化,其《论语》英译本既具文学色彩又具现代气息,深受读者喜爱,为中国传统文化海外传播和中西文化交流做出贡献。《论语》是中国儒家经典著作,语言简练但涵义丰富,为译者主体性发挥提供了空间。通过分析Waley的译文,从译者内外部因素两个方面分析了这些因素是如何影响及制约Waley译者主体性的发挥,及其对译文的影响,从而对典籍翻译中如何正确发挥译者主体性、提高翻译质量进行建设性思考。 展开更多
关键词 译者主体性 arthur Waley 《论语》英译
Arthur Waley英译《论语》的误译及其偏误分析 被引量:1
作者 张惠民 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2007年第4期120-122,共3页
文章指出并修正了Arthur Waley英译《论语》中的六处误译,同时进行了偏误分析。其偏误的原因有以下几点:1汉英数词运用的不同。2在阅读中,汉语中字意的理解至关重要,每个字的意思理解了,句子的意思也就不难理解;而英语中侧重对句子结构... 文章指出并修正了Arthur Waley英译《论语》中的六处误译,同时进行了偏误分析。其偏误的原因有以下几点:1汉英数词运用的不同。2在阅读中,汉语中字意的理解至关重要,每个字的意思理解了,句子的意思也就不难理解;而英语中侧重对句子结构的理解。3汉语中主语的省略与变化较多,而英语则一般要保持一致。4古汉语的基本句式应该是“自动-使动”而非“主动-被动”。5与英语相比较,汉语的抽象词语较为贫乏,汉语通常用具体的词语来指代抽象的概念。 展开更多
关键词 arthur Waley英译《论语》 误译 改译 偏误分析
浅析《道德经》英译中文化意象的缺失与误译——以辜正坤和Arthur Waley的译本为例 被引量:1
作者 夏军 肖水来 《湖北科技学院学报》 2014年第3期74-76,共3页
著于2000多年前的《道德经》是老子阐述其哲学思想的经典之作,被誉为人类文明的源头、东方文化的代表、中国哲学的主根,从16世纪开始就被翻译成多国文字,在全球广泛传播。然而,由于《道德经》跨越了2000多年的历史,时空距离和社会历史... 著于2000多年前的《道德经》是老子阐述其哲学思想的经典之作,被誉为人类文明的源头、东方文化的代表、中国哲学的主根,从16世纪开始就被翻译成多国文字,在全球广泛传播。然而,由于《道德经》跨越了2000多年的历史,时空距离和社会历史变迁给人们理解和翻译《道德经》带来了很多困难,常常出现文化意象缺失与误译的现象。本文将以辜正坤教授和Arthur Waley的译本为例,浅析《道德经》英译过程中文化意象的缺失与误译现象。 展开更多
关键词 《道德经》 文化意象 缺失 误译 辜正坤 arthur Waley
瑕瑜分明,得失可鉴——从Arthur Waley的译本悟《论语》的英译之道 被引量:27
作者 何刚强 《上海翻译》 北大核心 2005年第4期15-19,共5页
阿瑟.威利(Arthur Waley)的《论语》译本(简称“威译”)在当代很有影响。选择它来具体研究、探讨《论语》英译的策略对先秦典籍的英译具有典型意义。本文首先对“威译”的得失进行评析,以具体统计与大量实例显示,“威译”总体质量以今... 阿瑟.威利(Arthur Waley)的《论语》译本(简称“威译”)在当代很有影响。选择它来具体研究、探讨《论语》英译的策略对先秦典籍的英译具有典型意义。本文首先对“威译”的得失进行评析,以具体统计与大量实例显示,“威译”总体质量以今天的眼光来看并不是太高;同时也指出“威译”确有其挡不住的精彩之处。接着本文探讨“威译”所提示的典籍英译的“两个合理性”问题:语义的合理性与句法的合理性,认为这两者实际是一种语言文本格栅向另一种语言文本格栅转换的主要内容。典籍英译追求译文语义上的合理性具有第一位的重要性;同时,还应最大程度地追求译文在句法上的合理性。“威译”虽在语义合理性上不尽如人意,但在句法合理性上倒是可圈可点。可能正是后者使“威译”至今仍在很大范围内获得肯定。 展开更多
关键词 阿瑟·威利 《论语》英译 文本格栅 语义合理性 句法合理性
翻译策略中的归化与异化个案研究——以Arthur Waley英译本《道德经》为例
作者 伍晓苏 王善江 《大连大学学报》 2018年第2期60-63,共4页
《道德经》作为传统国学著作,在西方的发行量仅次于《圣经》。本文以Arthur Waley英译本为例,基于Venuti(韦努蒂)的归化、异化翻译策略,探究《道德经》中主要几个道家术语翻译,为归化和异化理论提供了个案支撑。同时,通过分析Arthur Wa... 《道德经》作为传统国学著作,在西方的发行量仅次于《圣经》。本文以Arthur Waley英译本为例,基于Venuti(韦努蒂)的归化、异化翻译策略,探究《道德经》中主要几个道家术语翻译,为归化和异化理论提供了个案支撑。同时,通过分析Arthur Waley英译本《道德经》,有利于我们在国际化背景下理解《道德经》中体现的哲学思想和内涵,为国学走向世界提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 归化 异化 arthur Waley英译本《道德经》
作者 张雪莉 宋俊青 《青年与社会(下)》 2015年第11期282-283,共2页
我国的古代典籍记载着我国的灿烂文化,翻译古代典籍就是在传播中国文化,传播古代文明。然而,在众多的典籍中,《论语》无疑是我国的国学经典,体现了先人的哲思,通过翻译使世界更多的人理解这些哲思并非易事,但深度翻译理论的引进... 我国的古代典籍记载着我国的灿烂文化,翻译古代典籍就是在传播中国文化,传播古代文明。然而,在众多的典籍中,《论语》无疑是我国的国学经典,体现了先人的哲思,通过翻译使世界更多的人理解这些哲思并非易事,但深度翻译理论的引进与应用为《论语》的翻译提供了新的方法与思维。通过探究ArthurWaley的《论语》英译本来分析深度翻译理论是如何在译文中被应用的,并为后人提供借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 深度翻译 arthur Waley 《论语》
BTP公司位于Port Arthur地区的第10个乙烷裂解炉投运
《石油炼制与化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期106-106,共1页
为了充分利用美国丰富的页岩气资源,应对石油产品价格攀升的局面,去年,BASF Total石化有限责任公司(简称BTP)对位于德克萨斯州Port Arthur地区的蒸汽裂解装置进行了改造。目前,其第10个乙烷裂解炉也建成投运。使该地区的乙烯产能超过1... 为了充分利用美国丰富的页岩气资源,应对石油产品价格攀升的局面,去年,BASF Total石化有限责任公司(简称BTP)对位于德克萨斯州Port Arthur地区的蒸汽裂解装置进行了改造。目前,其第10个乙烷裂解炉也建成投运。使该地区的乙烯产能超过1Mt/a。BTP是BASF公司和Total公司的合资企业,持股比例为60∶40,该项目是BTP公司运营的全球最大的蒸汽裂解装置之一,此举可以改进该蒸汽裂解装置的原料灵活性。 展开更多
关键词 蒸汽裂解 BTP PORT arthur 页岩气 德克萨斯州 石油产品 BASF 油当量 乙烯生产 合资企业
On the Elements of Masculinity and Femininity in Arthur Miller’s Dramas
作者 ZHANG Qin 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第4期202-208,共7页
Arthur Miller is universally recognized as one of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century in the United States,together with the conscience of American drama.Nevertheless,his works have always been considered as h... Arthur Miller is universally recognized as one of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century in the United States,together with the conscience of American drama.Nevertheless,his works have always been considered as having misogynic inclinations.This paper,on the basis of gender theories,seeks to undertake an interpretation to the elements of masculinity and femininity regarding female characters in Arthur Miller’s dramas.Taking The Crucible and A Memory of Two Mondays as a case in point,the author seeks to identify and discuss three categories of female characters,comprising“the angel in the house”,the figure of Medea,and the silenced and absent females,in order to deconstruct Miller’s dichotomized outlook on females. 展开更多
Transported into the Bosom of the Empire? Rethinking How Arthur Conan Doyle Persuades His Readers of British Imperialism in "The Speckled Band"
作者 黄斌峰 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第4期194-205,共12页
Melanie C. Green and Timothy C. Brock have proposed their transportation-imagery model of narrative persuasion. They argue that a narrative can evoke imagery in readers' mind and then transport readers into the narra... Melanie C. Green and Timothy C. Brock have proposed their transportation-imagery model of narrative persuasion. They argue that a narrative can evoke imagery in readers' mind and then transport readers into the narrative world the author has created, in the course of which the author can persuade readers of the beliefs he's put into the narrative. This paper employs this model to rethink how Arthur Conan Doyle persuades his readers of British imperialism in his "The Speckled Band". First, this model considers the vividness of the narrative and readers' participatory response as key factors in readers' transportation. The narratives of "The Speckled Band" are picturesque, and Sherlock Holmes' inferential process has reinforced readers' participatory response. On the other hand, detective fiction usually has the theme of how the detective/law and order beats the criminal/chaos. That is, Doyle persuades his readers that the British Empire will prevail in "The Speckled Band" when Holmes, representing the British imperialism, solves the case and kills Dr. Roylott, who represents the evil and savagery in the British colony. According to Green and Brock's model, it simply means that there are two narratives (i.e., one is about how the law of the British Empire is challenged, and the other is about how the British Empire's stability is restored), and two complementary transportations before Doyle can successfully persuades his readers. However, if we closely read "'The Speckled Band", we can learn that Holmes, who should have represented British law, is guilty of trespassing or taking the law into his own hands. In other words, the complementarity of the two transportations is compromised. Thus, we can conclude that it is highly questionable whether or not Doyle can transport his readers into the bosom of the British Empire. 展开更多
关键词 arthur Conan Doyle "The Speckled Band" transport(ation) narrative persuade(-sion) Britishimperialism
"From a Utopia to a Dystopia" On Mark Twain's Compliance with and Deviation from Heterotopology in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
作者 Billy Bin Feng Huang 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第9期572-584,共13页
In this paper, the author intends to parallelize Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court with Foucault's theorizations about heterotopia, or heterotopology. For Foucault, heterotopia is a paradox b... In this paper, the author intends to parallelize Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court with Foucault's theorizations about heterotopia, or heterotopology. For Foucault, heterotopia is a paradox because it is paces that are both real and placeless. Twain's novel is a time travel story, which juxtaposes the temporalities of the 6th and 19th centuries. In the story, Hank, the hero, is allowed access to Camelot, King Arthur's court. Above all, he has introduced to it quite a few elements of modem technology and civilization. So far Twain seems to have complied with Foucault's heterotopology. That is, there is a textual heterotopia created in his novel. However, the last principle of Foucault's heterotopology states that a heterotopia can be comparable to a utopia because of its contrastive function. A typical time travel story has the same contrastive function as well. That is, in either case there should be a utopia, a dystopia, or a mixture of them. However, Twain's novel fails to contrast the 6th century with the 19th century simply because the heterotopia Hank has created leaps from a utopia to a dystopia. It is at this point where Twain has deviated from heterotopology. The shifting nature of this heterotopia not only disables its contrastive mechanism but also jeopardizes its thematic clarity. Most of all, it indicates that Twain has a considerably ambivalent attitude towards the industrial civilization, and that as a consequence, he is indecisive about the direction of this novel. 展开更多
关键词 Mark Twain Michel Foucault A Connecticut Yankee in King arthur's Court heterotopia (-topology) UTOPIA DYSTOPIA
Treason and Defect in Arthur Waley’s English Translation of Nineteen Ancient Poems
作者 ZHANG Yi-bin 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2021年第6期418-424,共7页
There must be some kind of“Deviation”between the translated text and the original one,which is called creative treason.This kind of deviation is most prominent in poetry translation.Arthur Welly is a famous British ... There must be some kind of“Deviation”between the translated text and the original one,which is called creative treason.This kind of deviation is most prominent in poetry translation.Arthur Welly is a famous British Sinologist in the 20th century,and A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems is his masterpiece.The English translation of Nineteen Ancient Poems is taken as an example to analyze the treason and defect in the translation.The discussion can be divided into three parts through specific induction:the lack of angle,the loss of image and the misreading of reduplicated words.Behind these superficial rebellions and defects,the hidden essence is the difference brought about by different cultures. 展开更多
关键词 arthur Waley creative treason nineteen ancient poems
Analysis of the Leadership and Organizational Culture——The Fall of Arthur Andersen
作者 刘倩文 《中国外资》 2013年第24期235-235,共1页
Arthur Andersen LLP is formerly one of the Big Five accounting firms in the world.However,in 2002,it voluntarily surrendered its licenses to practice as Certified Public Accountants in the United States,and was out of... Arthur Andersen LLP is formerly one of the Big Five accounting firms in the world.However,in 2002,it voluntarily surrendered its licenses to practice as Certified Public Accountants in the United States,and was out of the 89 years career in the audit profession.Meanwhile the global branches of the firm is revoked and acquisition.This thesis analyses this event from a leadership and organizational culture perspective.It will elaborate from three aspects,including the organizational culture,internal integration,external environment and changing. 展开更多
关键词 摘要 编辑部 编辑工作 读者
Celebrating Individual Conscience in a Tragic Way——Moral Theme of Arthur Miller's The Crucible
作者 欧元春 《科技信息》 2011年第21期I0208-I0210,共3页
1953年,阿瑟·米勒将一桩发生于17世纪的荒谬捉巫案创作成了回应麦卡锡主义的剧本《严峻的考验》。在此剧本中,米勒试图超越罪恶本身的探讨而来观察罪恶带来的结果。在道德的伪装下,人们趁机发泄自己的嫉妒和敌意,向同胞肆意报复。... 1953年,阿瑟·米勒将一桩发生于17世纪的荒谬捉巫案创作成了回应麦卡锡主义的剧本《严峻的考验》。在此剧本中,米勒试图超越罪恶本身的探讨而来观察罪恶带来的结果。在道德的伪装下,人们趁机发泄自己的嫉妒和敌意,向同胞肆意报复。在此背景之下,米勒通过剧本召唤理想的道德良心,以此来构建一个和谐的社会。因此,米勒将此研究集中在人物塑造上,用一种悲剧性的但高尚表达手法,呼唤和赞美个人的道德良心。本文通过分析人物的塑造,揭示此剧的道德主题和米勒对于个人良心的道德观。 展开更多
关键词 阿瑟·米勒 《严峻的考验》 个人良心 道德主题 悲剧
A Letter to Arthur
作者 葛洪亮 张超 《中学生英语》 2020年第1期6-6,共1页
Dear Arthur,I was very glad to hear from your letter(1).I’d like to be your pen-friend very much.I am a 13-years-old(2)boy.I like playing football and singing.And I like playing guitar(3),too.I’d like to knowing(4)s... Dear Arthur,I was very glad to hear from your letter(1).I’d like to be your pen-friend very much.I am a 13-years-old(2)boy.I like playing football and singing.And I like playing guitar(3),too.I’d like to knowing(4)something about the school life of middle school students in England. 展开更多
Neutrinos,Large Scientific Facilities and Science Innovation--An Interview with Prof,Arthur B.McDonald
作者 Arthur B.McDonald 《Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences》 2017年第3期133-136,共4页
In the middle of May,2017,Professor Ar thur B.McDonald,director of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory(SNO)in Canada and Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics in 2015,visited the Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP),Chinese ... In the middle of May,2017,Professor Ar thur B.McDonald,director of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory(SNO)in Canada and Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics in 2015,visited the Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP),Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS).After a brief visit to the laboratories for particle physics at IHEP,he shared his opinions on the future of neutrino physics,neutr ino exper iments,and other large scienti f ic faci l ities in China and worldwide. 展开更多
关键词 arthur B MCDONALD NEUTRINOS Bay An Interview with Prof
″Moving Inward As Well As North″: The Historical Imagination in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and Timebends 被引量:1
作者 Douglas Tallack 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期8-15,共8页
Arthur Miller, one of the most admirable of Americans to come out of the ″American century″, died in 2005, aged 89. In the UK, at least, his work has undergone a revival and the themes of his great plays remain reso... Arthur Miller, one of the most admirable of Americans to come out of the ″American century″, died in 2005, aged 89. In the UK, at least, his work has undergone a revival and the themes of his great plays remain resonant, even though, in many respects, they are historically specific. The relationship between literature and history-whether conceived as a symbolist or allegorical relationship-together with an instance of the past invading the present, is brought out in a compelling episode in Miller’s autobiography, Timebends, and offers a way of talking about those inter-connections in The Crucible. 展开更多
关键词 亚瑟·米勒 代表作品 美国 文学研究
论《论语》英译本的跨文化传播能力——以辜鸿铭和Arthur Waley的译本为例
作者 白玉杰 《时代文学(下半月)》 2010年第4期84-86,共3页
《论语》集中体现了儒家思想的精髓,有众多的译本,但是由于译者的身份不同、译者受教育的程度不同、译者翻译的目的不同、译者采取的策略不同、译本产生的年代不同等诸多的差异使不同的译本进行跨文化传播的能力也有了差异,在本文中作... 《论语》集中体现了儒家思想的精髓,有众多的译本,但是由于译者的身份不同、译者受教育的程度不同、译者翻译的目的不同、译者采取的策略不同、译本产生的年代不同等诸多的差异使不同的译本进行跨文化传播的能力也有了差异,在本文中作者拟就此比较分析辜鸿铭和Arthur Waley《论语》英译本的跨文化传播能力。 展开更多
关键词 《论语》英译本 辜鸿铭 arthur Waley 跨文化传播能力
诗歌是新叶,生长在边缘——访谈美国诗人施加彰(Arthur Sze) 被引量:1
作者 施加彰 顾星环 《扬子江(诗刊)》 2013年第5期59-63,共5页
访谈时间:2013年4月15日晚访谈地点:南京艺术学院顾星环(以下简称顾):施加彰先生您好,首先,我很荣幸能够采访您。我的第一个问题是有关年龄的:有一种在中国很流行的观念认为,诗歌是属于年轻人的,但您的写作从青年时期持续至今,2014年还... 访谈时间:2013年4月15日晚访谈地点:南京艺术学院顾星环(以下简称顾):施加彰先生您好,首先,我很荣幸能够采访您。我的第一个问题是有关年龄的:有一种在中国很流行的观念认为,诗歌是属于年轻人的,但您的写作从青年时期持续至今,2014年还打算出版新诗集Compass Rose(《指南针玫瑰》)。您认为年龄是如何影响诗人写作的? 展开更多
关键词 新叶 arthur Sze 美国诗人 新诗集 访谈时间 中国新诗 中国诗人 学习技巧 南京艺术学院 下判断
作者 雷强 《鲁迅研究月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期68-82,共15页
关键词 胡适 伯希和(Paul Pelliot) 恒慕义(arthur W.Hummel) 孟治
“科幻西方”的一种解构——阿瑟·克拉克作品中“沉默巨物”意象的美学思考 被引量:1
作者 徐岱 盛政经 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期132-141,共10页
作为一种以西方意识形态为背景的类型文艺,科幻小说中长期充斥着以“西方中心论”为特质的话语。而英国作家阿瑟·克拉克则在其科幻创作中,有意无意地呈现了对“科幻西方”的一种解构。这尤其鲜明地体现于他围绕“沉默巨物”意象展... 作为一种以西方意识形态为背景的类型文艺,科幻小说中长期充斥着以“西方中心论”为特质的话语。而英国作家阿瑟·克拉克则在其科幻创作中,有意无意地呈现了对“科幻西方”的一种解构。这尤其鲜明地体现于他围绕“沉默巨物”意象展开的三种美学演绎:通过重新塑造飞船悬停于城市上空的场景,克拉克将欧洲文学中的神学哲思传统与科幻题材相融合;他对外星文明遗迹的描绘,在宏大尺度上消解了西方文明的例外论;他对“太空电梯”的格外推崇,则进一步反映了他在技术时代的浪漫主义理想。以阿瑟·克拉克为例,我们可以看到真正有价值的科幻创作,需要在解构“科幻西方”的基础上实现超越。 展开更多
关键词 阿瑟·克拉克 科幻小说 科幻西方 意象 沉默巨物
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