Time-Acupoints-Space Acupuncture (ATAS) is a newly discovered needling technique based on the four Chinese ancient time-acupuncture methods and summation of the clinical experience in the treatment of cancer and other...Time-Acupoints-Space Acupuncture (ATAS) is a newly discovered needling technique based on the four Chinese ancient time-acupuncture methods and summation of the clinical experience in the treatment of cancer and other complicated cases in Europe.With consultation of the European psychologic analytical method,it is found that in 'original trauma',skin has the memory function,and in immunology,the immune cells have the memory function too.Organ transplant reveals that the transplanted organ has the memory function as well.All of these inspire us to develop new methods in selection of acupoints.In this paper,we try to make a brief introduction to the basic elements of the ATAS.展开更多
文摘Time-Acupoints-Space Acupuncture (ATAS) is a newly discovered needling technique based on the four Chinese ancient time-acupuncture methods and summation of the clinical experience in the treatment of cancer and other complicated cases in Europe.With consultation of the European psychologic analytical method,it is found that in 'original trauma',skin has the memory function,and in immunology,the immune cells have the memory function too.Organ transplant reveals that the transplanted organ has the memory function as well.All of these inspire us to develop new methods in selection of acupoints.In this paper,we try to make a brief introduction to the basic elements of the ATAS.