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作者 秦卫东 《化工设计通讯》 CAS 2010年第4期5-7,10,共4页
关键词 中变催化剂 耐硫耐压b117 普通b117
作者 张彤 蒋祥华 《化工设计通讯》 CAS 2002年第1期32-33,38,共3页
介绍用半水煤气升温还原B 117- 1中变触媒的方案、操作要点、注意事项等 ,较之传统的还原法 ,节省了时间 ,简化了操作 ,取得较好效果。
关键词 合成氨 升温还原 空速 循环 气体成份 触煤 b117-1型 中变催化剂
B117型中温度变换催化剂的开发与工业应用 被引量:1
作者 陈开泰 《化肥与催化》 1990年第4期21-28,共8页
关键词 合成氨 中温变换 催化剂 b117
ASTM B117-19盐雾试验方法验证
作者 陈勇 陈俊杰 《环境技术》 2022年第6期196-199,共4页
本文主要以ASTMB117-19美标盐雾试验方法验证为例,通过标准试片暴露和质量在规定时间内的损失测定,对盐雾试验重复性和再现性进行了评定,为ASTM B117美标盐雾试验的方法验证提供参考。
关键词 ASTM b117-19 盐雾试验 方法验证 重复性 再现性
作者 徐若军 李勘 +1 位作者 陈德福 王峰 《化肥设计》 CAS 2003年第4期46-47,共2页
关键词 中变催化剂 沙隆达 b117 中变炉
作者 张全文 《化工设计通讯》 CAS 1997年第3期13-16,共4页
介绍该厂在中串低和中低低两套流程中使用B117-1型中变催化剂的应用情况。该厂自1990年始采用沙市催化剂厂生产的B117-1型中变催化剂,效益显著:1)吨氨蒸汽耗量<150kg,当控制中变出口CO在2.5%时(生产甲醇)吨氨蒸汽消耗则不足3... 介绍该厂在中串低和中低低两套流程中使用B117-1型中变催化剂的应用情况。该厂自1990年始采用沙市催化剂厂生产的B117-1型中变催化剂,效益显著:1)吨氨蒸汽耗量<150kg,当控制中变出口CO在2.5%时(生产甲醇)吨氨蒸汽消耗则不足30kg;2)使用周期长,一般在3.5~4.0年。 展开更多
关键词 b117-1型 催化剂 合成氨生产 变换 工艺
作者 张彤 蒋祥华 《小氮肥设计技术》 2001年第2期31-33,共3页
关键词 半水煤气 循环升温还原 变换催化剂 合成氨 b117-1型中变催化剂
作者 付贺青 刘晶 +4 位作者 聂慧娟 邓慧 董玉 刘天龙 张铭杰 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2024年第23期4285-4292,共8页
目的:通过加权基因共表达网络分析(WGCNA)对小鼠心脏转录组测序数据进行分析,筛选与心肌肥厚发生有关的基因和细胞信号通路。方法:通过主动脉弓缩窄法(TAC)构建心肌肥厚小鼠模型,在体外水平、解剖水平和病理水平对模型进行评价。对小鼠... 目的:通过加权基因共表达网络分析(WGCNA)对小鼠心脏转录组测序数据进行分析,筛选与心肌肥厚发生有关的基因和细胞信号通路。方法:通过主动脉弓缩窄法(TAC)构建心肌肥厚小鼠模型,在体外水平、解剖水平和病理水平对模型进行评价。对小鼠心肌组织进行转录组测序,筛选表达差异的基因。利用基因集富集分析(GSEA)和WGCNA筛选与心肌肥厚发生相关的蛋白和细胞信号通路。结果:模型建立4周后,小鼠心脏的结构和功能发生明显改变,主要表现在小鼠左室后壁舒张末期厚度(LVPWd)较对照小鼠明显增加(P<0.05),而左室射血分数(LVEF)和左室短轴缩短率(LVFS)较对照组明显降低(P<0.05)。模型组心体比和心胫比均较对照组明显增加(P<0.05)。心肌组织麦胚凝集素/凝集蛋白(WGA)染色结果显示,模型组小鼠心肌细胞麦胚凝集素/凝集蛋白染色定量较对照组小鼠明显增大(P<0.05)。小鼠心肌组织转录组测序结果显示,与对照组比较,模型组心肌组织中分别有451个基因明显上调,225个基因明显下调。对差异基因进行GSEA分析,环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)信号通路被明显富集,且其在模型组小鼠心肌组织中被明显上调。小鼠心肌转录组测序数据WGCNA分析结果显示,由385个基因构成的共表达网络与心肌肥厚的表型相关,其中包括19个明显上调基因和32个明显下调基因。对共表达网络进行基因本体(GO)分析,富集得到多条与心肌肥厚发生密切相关的生物过程,如蛋白代谢及磷酸化、器官发育、细胞凋亡等。进一步相关分析发现,共表达网络中的基因Fam117b在心肌肥厚小鼠心脏中的表达与cAMP信号通路中的基因表达呈正相关,且其在模型组小鼠心肌组织中表达被明显上调。结论:Fam117b能够通过激活cAMP信号通路诱导病理性心肌肥厚的发生,这将为该病的临床治疗提供新的靶点。 展开更多
关键词 病理性心肌肥厚 环磷酸腺苷 Fam117b 转录组 加权基因共表达网络分析 实验研究
不同腐蚀试验的电化学阻抗谱评价 被引量:8
作者 马吉康 李敏 方健君 《涂料工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期73-76,共4页
采用电化学阻抗谱分析了环氧涂层的介质浸泡、ASTM-B117盐雾试验、PROHESION循环试验的性能变化。实验结果表明:介质浸泡更侧重考察涂层的屏蔽作用,对环氧-聚酰胺体系酸性电解质更容易导致涂层失效;而盐雾试验更容易导致涂层吸收水分,... 采用电化学阻抗谱分析了环氧涂层的介质浸泡、ASTM-B117盐雾试验、PROHESION循环试验的性能变化。实验结果表明:介质浸泡更侧重考察涂层的屏蔽作用,对环氧-聚酰胺体系酸性电解质更容易导致涂层失效;而盐雾试验更容易导致涂层吸收水分,干湿交替增加了有机涂层吸水能力;划痕试验表明样板在ASTM-B117和PRO-HESION遵循不同的腐蚀机理。 展开更多
关键词 电化学阻抗谱 ASTM—b117 PROHESION 腐蚀机理
加速腐蚀试验方法的比较 被引量:7
作者 潘煜怡 沈海鹰 +1 位作者 马胜军 马吉康 《涂料工业》 CAS CSCD 2008年第10期64-67,70,共5页
分别采用溶剂型涂料和水性涂料体系,考察了NORSOK M-501循环腐蚀试验、ASTM B117盐雾试验、ASTM 5894循环腐蚀试验和单独的ASTM 5894盐雾试验对涂层的影响。结果表明,NORSOK M-501循环对底材的腐蚀主要是缝隙腐蚀和物理作用,而ASTM 589... 分别采用溶剂型涂料和水性涂料体系,考察了NORSOK M-501循环腐蚀试验、ASTM B117盐雾试验、ASTM 5894循环腐蚀试验和单独的ASTM 5894盐雾试验对涂层的影响。结果表明,NORSOK M-501循环对底材的腐蚀主要是缝隙腐蚀和物理作用,而ASTM 5894循环主要是物理作用和微酸性条件下的均匀腐蚀。 展开更多
关键词 NORSOK M-501 ASTM 5894 ASTM b117 循环腐蚀试验
Impact of Corrosive Liquid on Trivalent Chromium over Aluminium Alloys 被引量:1
作者 Kalaivanan Thirupathi Pál Bárczy Béla Márton Somosvári 《Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology》 2017年第3期51-60,共10页
Considering aviation and space sectors, aluminium alloys are commonly used due to its excellent mechanical and physical properties. Though satellite hard-ware is confined to controlled environment, it requires anticor... Considering aviation and space sectors, aluminium alloys are commonly used due to its excellent mechanical and physical properties. Though satellite hard-ware is confined to controlled environment, it requires anticorrosive treatment over metal substrate followed by a systematic coating scheme. The trivalent chromium coating was deposited over three aluminium alloys namely AA6063, AA7075 and AA6082. The variation in corrosion resistance property of trivalent chromium over each aluminium alloy has been studied in detail. The Neutral Salt Spray (NSS) test result shows that trivalent chromium coating over AA7075 alloy is affected by pitting corrosion compared to other two alloys. In addition to that, NSS test also proves that thickness of the layer does not have any influence corrosion resistance property of trivalent chromium coating. Furthermore, ions in trivalent chromium coating was identified using Secondary Neutral Mass Spectroscopy (SNMS) and degradation of coating in a corrosive liquid studied using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) instrument to understand mechanism of corrosion. The results indicated that both coating and substrate is involved in corrosion process. The number of elements dissolved in to salt solution reveals the weak ionic bonding of coating towards substrates. In comparison, AA7075 alloy has weaker bonding than AA6082 and AA6063 series. The alloying elements such as zinc and copper are removed from substrate by corrosive solution. 展开更多
关键词 TRIVALENT Chromium CHROMATE Conversion Coating ASTM b117 NEUTRAL SALT Spray Test
CD117/CD11b在急性早幼粒细胞白血病不同病期的表达变化 被引量:5
作者 沈红强 汤永民 +4 位作者 宋华 石淑文 杨世隆 徐卫群 钱柏芹 《中国实验血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2006年第4期644-648,共5页
为了了解CD117/CD11b在急性早幼粒白血病细胞初诊及治疗后的表达变化,探讨其表达变化对APL诊断和预后的意义,采用CD45/SSC双参数散点图设门方法进行三色或四色流式细胞术细胞表面及浆内分化抗原分析,应用RT-PCR技术检测骨髓中PML/RARα... 为了了解CD117/CD11b在急性早幼粒白血病细胞初诊及治疗后的表达变化,探讨其表达变化对APL诊断和预后的意义,采用CD45/SSC双参数散点图设门方法进行三色或四色流式细胞术细胞表面及浆内分化抗原分析,应用RT-PCR技术检测骨髓中PML/RARα融合基因的mRNA表达。结果表明APL与CML慢性期都高表达MPO、CD13和CD33,而几乎不表达CD34、HLA-DR及T,B淋巴系列标志。有14.5%的APL患者表达CD56,有48.2%的APL患者表达CD15,CD15在APL的表达明显低于CML慢性期(48.2%vs95.2%,P<0.01)。有78.3%的APL患者表达CD117,而在CML慢性期不表达CD117。CD11b在APL的表达率仅为16.9%,而在CML慢性期几乎都表达CD11b。有72.3%的APL患者呈CD117+CD11b-表型,而在CML慢性期患者细胞中均未见此表型,它几乎均呈CD117-CD11b+表型。11例表型为CD117+CD11b-的APL患者经治疗获完全缓解,在2个月以后CD117阳性细胞百分率均小于5%,同时细胞高表达CD11b,呈CD117-CD11b+表型。检测31例APL患者PML/RARα融合基因,25例该融合基因阳性,阳性率为80.6%,其中16例(64%)为PML/RARα基因L型,9例(36%)为S型。16例PML/RARα融合基因L型APL患者CD117表达有14例(87.5%),9例S型CD117表达有4例(44.4%),6例PML/RARα融合基因阴性APL患者CD117表达有2例(33.3%)。结论CD117/CD11b表型分析有助于APL与其它AML亚型及CML慢性期细胞的鉴别,CD117+CD11b-表型有助于APL细胞和APL患者缓解恢复期的良性髓系增生细胞的区分,对APL患者的治疗方案选择、预后判断以及发病机理的研究等均有重要价值。 展开更多
关键词 CD117/CD11b 急性早幼粒细胞白血病 免疫表型 流式细胞术 PML/RARΑ融合基因
Vaccines’ Safety and Effectiveness in the Midst of Covid-19 Mutations
作者 Xanya Sofra 《Health》 2021年第3期283-298,共16页
We examined the coronavirus classification and evolution through its multiple mutations that have increased its transmissibility rate up to 70% globally, threatening to undermine the promise of a number of emerging va... We examined the coronavirus classification and evolution through its multiple mutations that have increased its transmissibility rate up to 70% globally, threatening to undermine the promise of a number of emerging vaccines that primarily focus on the immune detection of the Spike trimer. The safety and effectiveness of different vaccination methods are evaluated and compared, including the mRNA version, the Adenovirus DNA, Spike protein subunits, the deactivated virus genres, and the live attenuated coronavirus. Mutations have been long considered as random events, or mistakes during the viral RNA replication. Usually, what can go wrong will go wrong;therefore, repeated transformations lead to the extinction of a virus. On the contrary, the aggregate result of over 300,000 Covid-19 variants has expanded its transmissibility and infectiousness. Covid-19 mutations do not degrade the virus;they empower and facilitate its disguise to evade detection. Unlike other coronaviruses, Covid-19 amino acid switches do not reflect the random unfolding of errors that eventually eradicate the virus. Covid-19 appears to use mutations adaptively in the service of its survival and expansion. We cite evidence that Covid-19 inhibits the interferon type I production, compromising adaptive immunity from recognizing the virus. The deleterious consequences of the cytokine storm where the CD8+ killer cells injure the vital organs of the host may well be a Covid-19 manoeuvring to escape exposure. It is probable that evolution has programmed Covid-19 with an adeptness designed to debilitate key systemic defences to secure its subsistence. To date the infectiousness of the Covid-19 pandemic is exponentially increasing, denoting the possibility of an even more dangerously elusive, inconspicuous, and sophisticated version of the disease. 展开更多
关键词 SARS-CoV2 Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines DNA Vaccines Inactivated Virus Vaccines Covid-19 Mutations D614G b117 P1 501Y.V2 Immune Memory Spike Protein
Covid-19 Mutations and the Effect of Different Vaccines on Immune Memory
作者 Xanya Sofra 《Journal of Endocrinology Research》 2021年第1期32-40,共9页
We traced the coronavirus classification and evolution,analyzed the Covid-19 composition and its distinguishing characteristics when compared to SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV.Despite their close kinship,SARS-CoV and Covid-19 ... We traced the coronavirus classification and evolution,analyzed the Covid-19 composition and its distinguishing characteristics when compared to SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV.Despite their close kinship,SARS-CoV and Covid-19 display significant structural differences,including 380 amino acid substitutions,and variable homology between certain open reading frames that are bound to diversify the pathogenesis and virulence of the two viral compounds.A single amino acid substitution such as replacing Aspartate(D)with Glycine(G)composes the D614G mutation that is around 20%more infectious than its predecessor 614D.The B117 variant,that exhibits a 70%transmissibility rate,harbours 23 mutants,each reflecting one amino acid exchange.We examined several globally spreading mutations,501.V2,B1351,P1,and others,with respect to the specific amino acid conversions involved.Unlike previous versions of coronavirus,where random mutations eventually precipitate extinction,the multiplicity of over 300,000 mutations appears to have rendered Covid-19 more contagious,facilitating its ability to evade detection,thus challenging the effectiveness of a large variety of emerging vaccines.Vaccination enhances immune memory and intelligence to combat or obstruct viral entry by generating antibodies that will prohibit the cellular binding and fusion with the Spike protein,restricting the virus from releasing its contents into the cell.Developing antibodies during the innate response,appears to be the most compelling solution in light of the hypothesis that Covid-19 inhibits the production of Interferon type I,compromising adaptive efficiency to recognize the virus,possibly provoking a cytokine storm that injures vital organs.With respect to that perspective,the potential safety and effectiveness of different vaccines are evaluated and compared,including the Spike protein mRNA version,the Adenovirus DNA,Spike protein subunits,the deactivated virus genres,or,finally,the live attenuated coronavirus that appears to demonstrate the greatest effectiveness,yet,encompass a relatively higher risk. 展开更多
关键词 SARS-CoV2 Covid-19 mRNA vaccines DNA vaccines Inactivated virus vaccines Covid-19 mutations D614G b117 P1 501Y.V2 Immune memory Spike protein
Dover Flexo Electronics推出T117B True Tension指示器
《电子产品世界》 2004年第06B期42-42,共1页
关键词 Dover Flexo Electronics公司 T117B TRUE Tension 指示器 性能
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