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基于Barnes滤波原理的降水场客观分析及尺度分离 被引量:14
作者 毛文书 彭骏 +2 位作者 周强 张群 苏亚麒 《成都信息工程学院学报》 2008年第6期668-672,共5页
基于Barnes滤波原理(又称高斯加权客观分析),在进行网格点插值的同时,通过选择适当的滤波参数C、G滤去原始场中的短波噪音,使分析结果平稳光滑;另外可通过它构成一带通滤波器,根据实际需要分离出影响天气过程的各种次天气尺度,达到尺度... 基于Barnes滤波原理(又称高斯加权客观分析),在进行网格点插值的同时,通过选择适当的滤波参数C、G滤去原始场中的短波噪音,使分析结果平稳光滑;另外可通过它构成一带通滤波器,根据实际需要分离出影响天气过程的各种次天气尺度,达到尺度分离的目的。以全国160个国家基准代表站1954—2006年共53a的年平均降水场为例作实例分析,并同用Grads内插函数(Oacres函数)、九点平滑函数(Smth9函数)的绘图结果进行对比分析,结果表明客观分析结果同Grads内插平滑分析结果基本相似,都能反映出我国53a年平均降水场从东南向西北逐渐递减的趋势且与实际情况相符,降水场高值中心位于长江流域及以南的华南等地区,低值中心位于黄河流域以北的广大西部地区。取不同的参数C和G得到的尺度分离后的带通滤波值,既抑止了长波,又抑制了短波,达到较好的尺度分离效果。 展开更多
关键词 barnes滤波 客观分析 尺度分离
作者 马建峰 王育民 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1997年第1期84-87,共4页
本文给出了32维Barnes-Wal格的一个有效的译码算法,该算法将这个格的译码问题转化为在RM(2,5)=(32,16,8)码的修正赋权格子图上求最短路径的问题,该算法在最坏情况下的译码时间复杂性为22783次二元... 本文给出了32维Barnes-Wal格的一个有效的译码算法,该算法将这个格的译码问题转化为在RM(2,5)=(32,16,8)码的修正赋权格子图上求最短路径的问题,该算法在最坏情况下的译码时间复杂性为22783次二元运算,小于Forney给出算法的最坏时间复杂性。此外。 展开更多
关键词 barnes-Wal格 最大似然译码 格子图 最短路径问题
基于区间值测度伪积分的Barnes-Godunova-Levin型和Lyapunov型不等式(英文) 被引量:1
作者 卢威 宋晓秋 杨秀丽 《南京大学学报(数学半年刊)》 2016年第1期40-56,共17页
本文首先证明了伪积分的Barnes-Godunova-Levin型不等式以及实值函数区间值测度伪积分的Barnes-Godunova-Levin型不等式.随后证明了两种不同区间值测度伪积分的Lyapunov型不等式.其中一种是基于区间值函数的伪积分,另一种是基于实值函... 本文首先证明了伪积分的Barnes-Godunova-Levin型不等式以及实值函数区间值测度伪积分的Barnes-Godunova-Levin型不等式.随后证明了两种不同区间值测度伪积分的Lyapunov型不等式.其中一种是基于区间值函数的伪积分,另一种是基于实值函数的伪积分. 展开更多
关键词 barnes—Godunova-Levin型不等式 Lyapunov型不等式
含权地理边界预剪裁Barnes插值 被引量:11
作者 何险峰 徐箐 +2 位作者 雷升锴 秦明俊 张祥峰 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第A01期43-46,共4页
提出一种含权地理边界预剪裁Barnes插值方案,实现地面气象观测数据对格点场的插值。使用数值微分法和种子填充法得出地理边界剪裁矩阵,与Barnes插值权值矩阵按位点积,形成含权地理边界预剪裁常量矩阵,用于日后的格点插值分析。该方案不... 提出一种含权地理边界预剪裁Barnes插值方案,实现地面气象观测数据对格点场的插值。使用数值微分法和种子填充法得出地理边界剪裁矩阵,与Barnes插值权值矩阵按位点积,形成含权地理边界预剪裁常量矩阵,用于日后的格点插值分析。该方案不仅可以改善图形分析品质,而且去除了地理信息系统出图过程中的图形剪裁步骤,明显缩短了图形分析产品所花费的时间,并在业务应用中得到验证。 展开更多
关键词 barnes插值 地理信息系统 图形处理 气象服务
受地理边界限制的Barnes插值 被引量:4
作者 何险峰 薛勤 +3 位作者 雷升楷 徐菁 张祥峰 罗永康 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期249-252,共4页
以地面近实时气象要素分析图Web服务为目标,提出一种基于地理边界的Barnes插值方案,实现地面气象观测数据对格点场的插值。首先使用数值微分法和种子填充法得出地理边界剪裁矩阵,进而从Barnes插值算法中分离出插值权值常量,最后将其用... 以地面近实时气象要素分析图Web服务为目标,提出一种基于地理边界的Barnes插值方案,实现地面气象观测数据对格点场的插值。首先使用数值微分法和种子填充法得出地理边界剪裁矩阵,进而从Barnes插值算法中分离出插值权值常量,最后将其用于格点插值分析工作。方案不仅可以改善图形分析品质,而且去除了GIS出图过程中的图形剪裁步骤,明显缩短图形分析产品所花费的时间。该技术已用于中国天气网、四川气象网、成都公共气象服务网、四川农村信息网等多个公共服务网站的二维、三维地面近实时气象要素图形分析服务。 展开更多
关键词 barnes插值 GIS 图形处理 气象服务
芒果柑桔花蕾蛆(Contarinia citri Barnes)的生物学及其防治研究 被引量:5
作者 周又生 沈发荣 +1 位作者 赵焕萍 施琼 《西南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 1995年第2期122-125,共4页
柑桔花蕾蛆是云南芒果的主要害虫之一。其幼虫对芒果花蕊的危害率为60%~70%,最高达100%,严重影响芒果开花、座果。该虫在云南景谷湿热气候区,1年发生5~6代,完成1代需16~32日,世代重叠。采取综合防治措施,危... 柑桔花蕾蛆是云南芒果的主要害虫之一。其幼虫对芒果花蕊的危害率为60%~70%,最高达100%,严重影响芒果开花、座果。该虫在云南景谷湿热气候区,1年发生5~6代,完成1代需16~32日,世代重叠。采取综合防治措施,危害率可控制在0.29%左右。 展开更多
关键词 芒果 柑桔花蕾蛆 生物学 防治
作者 刘芳彬 《内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1995年第4期387-395,共9页
关键词 Whittaker函数 特殊函数 barnes积分表示 T函数
Application of Polyurethane Curing Barn in Flue-cured Tobacco Production 被引量:1
作者 Ang LI Qingzhi JANG +2 位作者 Wenjian ZHANG Zhong WANG Jun WAN 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2016年第2期34-36,39,共4页
[ Objective] This study aimed to investigate the curing performance of polyurethane curing barn and reduce the cost of tobacco leaf flue-curing. [ Meth- odl The temperature control effect, curing effect and curing cos... [ Objective] This study aimed to investigate the curing performance of polyurethane curing barn and reduce the cost of tobacco leaf flue-curing. [ Meth- odl The temperature control effect, curing effect and curing cost of polyurethane curing barn and traditional bulk curing barn were analyzed and compared. [ Re- suit] The results showed that there were no significant differences in curing performance between two types of curing barns. Horizontal temperature differences in- creased slightly as the temperature rose. Specifically, horizontal temperature differences between each layer ranged from 0.2 ~C to 0.5 ~. Both two types of curing barns exhibited uniform air distribution. Polyurethane curing barn exhibited stable vertical temperature differences. Both two types of curing barns presented good curing effects with slight differences. Polyurethane curing barn exhibited higher economic benefits, lower coal cost, lower electricity cost, lower labor cost and lon- ger service life than traditional bulk curing barn, but its construction cost was higher. [ Conclusion] Polyurethane curing barn exhibits better curing performance with ~ood application prospects. 展开更多
关键词 Polyurethane curing barn Curing effect Curing cost
湖南一次暖区暴雨的Barnes滤波客观分析 被引量:2
作者 蔡海朝 刘红武 +1 位作者 邓梅 王萍 《中低纬山地气象》 2018年第3期51-57,共7页
利用ECMWF高分辨率0.25×0.25格点资料、逐小时加密雨量观测资料,基于Barnes滤波原理,设计了3套从格点资料中提取中α尺度气象信息的方案,对2017年4月8日湖南的一次暖区暴雨过程进行Barnes滤波对比客观分析。结果表明:此次强降水过... 利用ECMWF高分辨率0.25×0.25格点资料、逐小时加密雨量观测资料,基于Barnes滤波原理,设计了3套从格点资料中提取中α尺度气象信息的方案,对2017年4月8日湖南的一次暖区暴雨过程进行Barnes滤波对比客观分析。结果表明:此次强降水过程发生在高空槽南侧的西南暖湿气流中,中尺度扰动是造成此次暖区暴雨的重要原因;通过选取不同参数的Barnes带通滤波方案,能够有效分离出中α尺度天气系统,进而剖析其一致性和差异特征,对中尺度雨团落区预报有很好的指示作用,同时,也可以作为判断滤波过程中产生虚假系统的参考依据,在实际业务应用中意义重大。 展开更多
关键词 暖区暴雨 barnes带通滤波 中尺度辐合系统 客观分析
Geographic variation in sexual selection and implications for speciation in the Barn Swallow
作者 Elizabeth SC Scordato Rebecca J Safran 《Chinese Birds》 CSCD 2015年第1期30-42,共13页
Barn Swallows(Hirundo rustica), a group of passerine birds comprised of six closely related subspecies, are well known throughout their nearly worldwide distribution, in part because of their close association with hu... Barn Swallows(Hirundo rustica), a group of passerine birds comprised of six closely related subspecies, are well known throughout their nearly worldwide distribution, in part because of their close association with human settlements.A tractable species for both individual-based and population-level studies, Barn Swallows are a prominent model system in evolutionary, ecological, and behavioral research. Here we review work on sexual selection and population divergence in this species complex, focusing on comparative studies among populations and subspecies.We summarize variation in the targets of mate choice and in the information conveyed by sexually selected traits, and conclude that the benefits advertised by different traits may vary geographically. Finally, we consider the role of sexual selection as a driver of population divergence in this widespread and phenotypically variable species complex. 展开更多
Doing a Good Job in Inspection and Maintenance of Facilities and Equipments in Bulk Curing Barn
作者 Yonghua CHEN Hongquan SUN +3 位作者 Pengzhen LONG Guoquan LIU Taiwei LIU Pengyu LU 《Plant Diseases and Pests》 CAS 2022年第3期35-37,共3页
Due to the limited management funds and insufficient management efforts,curing barns in traditional tobacco area are outdated and equipments are seriously damaged,which affects the normal operation and increases the m... Due to the limited management funds and insufficient management efforts,curing barns in traditional tobacco area are outdated and equipments are seriously damaged,which affects the normal operation and increases the maintenance cost of bulk curing barns,bringing adverse effects on tobacco leaf curing in the coming year and the sustainable development of tobacco industry in the future.To ensure the normal operation of curing barns and effectively prolong the service life of curing barns during tobacco leaf curing,we should do a good job in the publicity of management and maintenance,improve the system of management and maintenance,raise funds for management and maintenance,inspect facilities and equipments,carefully maintain equipments in curing barn and strictly perform examination and inspection. 展开更多
关键词 Bulk curing barn Facilities and equipments INSPECTION Maintenance
Reading Julian Barnes’s The Sense of an Ending in Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina
作者 Elena Bollinger 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2019年第3期275-283,共9页
This paper addresses the narrative construction of the moment of death as depicted in Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina and in Barnes’s The Sense of an Ending. Following Orr’s definition of positive influence, described as a... This paper addresses the narrative construction of the moment of death as depicted in Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina and in Barnes’s The Sense of an Ending. Following Orr’s definition of positive influence, described as a “site for cultural renewal”, it pursues the analysis of complexity and confluence of literary traditions in these texts. Though both Anna Karenina and The Sense of an Ending seem to insist on portraying a chronicle of struggle between a moment and a process of dying, it is nevertheless a physical moment of life ending which becomes an intensely condensed, and almost photographic, representation of the intimate, psychologically depicted, dying process. It is argued that the moment of death reveals, for instance, Anna’s unresolved internal conflict between psychological and physiological phenomena shaping human behaviour. Similarly, Barnes’s The Sense of an Ending builds upon a subtle dialogic tension between a process of psychological dying and a moment of physically conceived death. Specifically, this paper brings to light the repetitive occurence of the intense epiphanic moments which shape the thematic and the structural development of both Anna Karenina and The Sense of an Ending. 展开更多
关键词 comparative CRITICISM MOMENT DEATH life J. barnes L. TOLSTOY
"The Living Fruit of Nignts"——a Thematic Study of Faulkner's "Barn Burning"
作者 Zhang Weishui 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1985年第4期158-162,共5页
William Faulkner was the winner of Nobel Prize for Literature of 1950. Although he received public acclaim chiefly for his longer works, such as The Sound and the Fury, Sartoris, and Light in August, Faulkner found hi... William Faulkner was the winner of Nobel Prize for Literature of 1950. Although he received public acclaim chiefly for his longer works, such as The Sound and the Fury, Sartoris, and Light in August, Faulkner found himself again and again writing short stories. In "Barn Burning," which appeared in 1938, he created the seed story of the whole Snopes trilogy that was to constitute his last great creative accomplishment. This story not only looks forward to the Snopes stories, but also shares some of the themes recurring in the early parts of the Yoknapatawpha saga—the legendary matrix in which Faul- 展开更多
关键词 a Thematic Study of Faulkner’s barn Burning The Living Fruit of Nignts
作者 单祝堂 《语言教育》 1991年第5期2-3,共2页
barn这个词的含义在美国英语中颇为独特,它兼有英国英语中grain-storage barn (粮仓)和stable(牛马棚)两个意思。美国早期的开拓者为了节省时间和人力,把粮仓和牛棚同建在一幢房子里,仍然称之为barn。因此只有在美国才能称牛马棚为cow b... barn这个词的含义在美国英语中颇为独特,它兼有英国英语中grain-storage barn (粮仓)和stable(牛马棚)两个意思。美国早期的开拓者为了节省时间和人力,把粮仓和牛棚同建在一幢房子里,仍然称之为barn。因此只有在美国才能称牛马棚为cow barn和horse barn;也只有在这里才能将“马被偷后关廊门(为时已晚)”说成closing the barn door after the horse has beenstolen。(在英国则要说closing the stable door after thehorse has been stolen。)在美国,barn不仅用来拴马匹,城市里的barn也用来停放由马匹牵引的市公共车辆。到19世纪60年代,这类停车库称做carbarn。 展开更多
关键词 美国英语 barn CLOSING HORSE 美国早期 后关 停车库 RAISING 经济繁荣期 新英格兰地区
Narrative Focalization of William Faulkner's Barn Burning
作者 韩新宇 《海外英语》 2019年第6期202-206,共5页
Barn Burning is a short story written by William Faulkner, which first appeared in 1939 and has since been widely read.The story guides readers to observe the world through a 10-year-old boy, Sarty's point of view... Barn Burning is a short story written by William Faulkner, which first appeared in 1939 and has since been widely read.The story guides readers to observe the world through a 10-year-old boy, Sarty's point of view, at the same time, the continual intervening of omniscient narrator breaks through the restrictions of Sarty's subjective point of view. Faulkner's use of multiple points of view makes the novel hard to understand. In order to better appreciate Barn Burning, analysis of the use of multiple points of view with the help of Gerard Genette's focalization theory is necessary. Moreover, the application of Wayne Booth's ideas of implied author and discussion of Sarty's narrative reliability are also presented. Hopefully, it can help readers form a good habit of narrative thinking and understand the novel in a better way. 展开更多
关键词 WILLIAM FAULKNER barn BURNING focalization implied AUTHOR NARRATIVE reliability
Compost Barns for Dairy Cows—Aspects of Animal Welfare
作者 E.Ofner-Schrock M.Zahner +3 位作者 G.Huber K.Guldimann T.Guggenberger J.Gasteiner 《Open Journal of Animal Sciences》 2015年第2期124-131,共8页
Compost barns for dairy cows are showing increased popularity also in Central Europe. A compost barn is used mainly as a two-area system with a bedded lying area and a solid feeding alley. Sawdust or dry fine wood sha... Compost barns for dairy cows are showing increased popularity also in Central Europe. A compost barn is used mainly as a two-area system with a bedded lying area and a solid feeding alley. Sawdust or dry fine wood shavings or wood chips are mostly used as bedding material, which has to be stirred twice a day. Stirring aerates and mixes faeces and urine into the bedding material, the mixture decomposes by means of aerobic microorganisms. A joint research project between the Agricultural Research and Education Centre Raumberg-Gumpenstein (HBLFA) and the Institute for Sustainability Sciences T&#228nikon (ISS) analyzed amongst other things, the cleanliness of the animals, integument alterations, lying behaviour and the current lameness situation of animals. A total of 138 cows were examined on five Austrian dairy farms. All cows were visually scored and animal behaviour was observed by data loggers as well as by direct observation. The mean value concerning cleanliness of animals was 0.44, while the udder was the cleanest and the lower leg the dirtiest area. Only a few lesions in carpal and tarsal joints could be found. Cows showed no differences in lying behaviour between times of day and temperatures. Large differences in lying behaviour were evident among farms. While on the compost barn farms only around 25% of all cows were scored to be lame, on cubicle-housing system farms 31% - 46% of the cows fell into that category (p < 0.001). From the present results, the compost barn can be seen as an animal-friendly system. In further investigations other factors affecting animal health and to resolve any outstanding issues concerning economy and alternative litter materials should be analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 Compost barn CATTLE Dairy Cows Behaviour CLEANLINESS LAMENESS
作者 金超 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2022年第5期106-108,共3页
采用0.25×0.25格点的ECMWF数据和逐小时加密的降雨数据,根据Barnes低通滤波器的工作原理,提出了三种格点数据中的中阿尔法气象信息的提取方法。用Barnes滤波器对云南省2017年4月8号暖区的单点强降水过程进行了比较和客观地分析。... 采用0.25×0.25格点的ECMWF数据和逐小时加密的降雨数据,根据Barnes低通滤波器的工作原理,提出了三种格点数据中的中阿尔法气象信息的提取方法。用Barnes滤波器对云南省2017年4月8号暖区的单点强降水过程进行了比较和客观地分析。研究发现,本次强降雨发生于高海拔槽南部的西南暖湿气流中,而中尺度的扰动是导致该地区暴雨的主要因素;选择不同的Barnes带通滤波器,可以有效地将α尺度的气象系统进行分离,并分析其相似性和差异性,在中尺度雨团落区预测中有较好的应用,而且,该方法还可用于判定是否存在错误的滤波器数据,对实际的业务应用具有重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 barnes低通滤波器 单点性大暴雨 诊断分析 应用
“The Others” in Barn Burning
作者 马合云 《科技信息》 2012年第17期232-233,共2页
Barn Burning,written by William Faulkner is an examination of a boy 's struggle with family loyalty and a higher sense of justice.In the story,William Faulkner stressed his fictional family model through the confl... Barn Burning,written by William Faulkner is an examination of a boy 's struggle with family loyalty and a higher sense of justice.In the story,William Faulkner stressed his fictional family model through the conflicts between the roles of father and the boy.However,there are female roles in the story who serve nothing but the "voiceless","powerless" "the others".By the analysis of these female images,it presents the marginalized situation of the women at that time. 展开更多
关键词 英语教学 教学方法 课堂教学 阅读教学
Sarty's Initiation in Faulkner's Barn Burning
作者 LIU Ke-dong LIN Shi-rong 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第5期327-331,共5页
关键词 燃烧 谷仓 短篇小说 非理性 父亲 成年 标准 司法
作者 张纪利 戴林建 +7 位作者 邓泳 孙成林 金亚波 贾海江 穰中文 卓丛莹 管金江 韦建玉 《作物研究》 2024年第1期38-43,共6页
为进一步利用热泵密集烤房优势,解决热泵密集烤房与现有工艺不匹配、初烤烟叶化学成分提升不明显等问题,对传统三段式烘烤工艺进行改良,对初烤烟叶的主要化学成分、石油醚提取物、多酚类物质、香气代谢产物及评吸质量进行分析。结果表明... 为进一步利用热泵密集烤房优势,解决热泵密集烤房与现有工艺不匹配、初烤烟叶化学成分提升不明显等问题,对传统三段式烘烤工艺进行改良,对初烤烟叶的主要化学成分、石油醚提取物、多酚类物质、香气代谢产物及评吸质量进行分析。结果表明:与传统三段式烘烤工艺相比,可变频密集烤房采用改良三段式烘烤工艺后效果较好,其初烤烟叶化学成分赋值提高8.9%,淀粉含量下降20.0%,中性致香物质含量提高0.7%,多酚类物质含量提高49.4%,评吸得分提高6.2%。说明改良三段式烘烤工艺可促进烟叶香气代谢产物的积累和化学质量、评吸质量的提高。综合分析,改良后的三段式烘烤工艺能够有效提升热泵密集烤房初烤烟叶质量,有较好的实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 烟叶 热泵密集烤房 烘烤工艺 质量
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