Performing the functions of the bank's own funds lack of funds, those living in them to pass on more of those who use and quite a large amount of capital to determine the risks and managing them are facing. Chain of ...Performing the functions of the bank's own funds lack of funds, those living in them to pass on more of those who use and quite a large amount of capital to determine the risks and managing them are facing. Chain of crises in financial markets spread to other sectors see that starting. This phenomenon depending on the potential risks of financial market actors, and especially banks, system identification, measurement, and control needs to be increased. This is referred to as the Basel Accords, depending on the needs the agreement of risk management has emerged. At first glance, the Basel Ⅱ Accord in terms of risk management in financial institutions risk management recommendations to the perception of the principles of the Basel Ⅱ Accord, but with a specific timetable, gradually emerges as a set of rules that must be passed as risk management. Finally, the financial crisis spread across the world from the United States, how much it reveals that risk management in the financial markets. In this study, capital adequacy ratio (CAR) banks operating in Turkey's correlation analysis investigated the effect of the banks.展开更多
文摘Performing the functions of the bank's own funds lack of funds, those living in them to pass on more of those who use and quite a large amount of capital to determine the risks and managing them are facing. Chain of crises in financial markets spread to other sectors see that starting. This phenomenon depending on the potential risks of financial market actors, and especially banks, system identification, measurement, and control needs to be increased. This is referred to as the Basel Accords, depending on the needs the agreement of risk management has emerged. At first glance, the Basel Ⅱ Accord in terms of risk management in financial institutions risk management recommendations to the perception of the principles of the Basel Ⅱ Accord, but with a specific timetable, gradually emerges as a set of rules that must be passed as risk management. Finally, the financial crisis spread across the world from the United States, how much it reveals that risk management in the financial markets. In this study, capital adequacy ratio (CAR) banks operating in Turkey's correlation analysis investigated the effect of the banks.