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作者 尹奎英 遇涛 《指挥控制与仿真》 2024年第3期1-11,共11页
我们正迎来人类发展的第四次浪潮,正处于从信息社会向人类社会-物理世界-信息空间融合的智能社会的关键转型期。近年来,计算和信息技术飞速发展,深度学习的空前普及和成功将人工智能(AI)确立为人类探索机器智能的前沿领域。与此同时,得... 我们正迎来人类发展的第四次浪潮,正处于从信息社会向人类社会-物理世界-信息空间融合的智能社会的关键转型期。近年来,计算和信息技术飞速发展,深度学习的空前普及和成功将人工智能(AI)确立为人类探索机器智能的前沿领域。与此同时,得益于器件的革命性进展和人工智能(AI)的发展,脑机接口(BCI)植入技术同样快速落地,这意味着BCI+AI碳基硅基融合的开始,然而,硅基和碳基运算的底层逻辑存在根本差异,脑的智能机制仍有待进一步探索。本研究提出的视觉认知引导的孪生AI深度网络,是由个人意识驱动的深度网络技术,通过捕捉并解析个体的思维模式和创意灵感,为每个用户量身打造独特的视觉世界。在这样的环境中,每个人都成为自己创造世界的视觉主导者,打破物质和意识的壁垒,得以展现丰富的个性和创造力。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 脑机接口 人脑视觉表征 脑视觉重构 意识孪生
BCI棉/再生涤混纺针织织物染整工艺 被引量:1
作者 罗明智 《印染助剂》 CAS 2024年第4期36-41,共6页
采用活性染料/分散染料对BCI棉/再生涤混纺针织织物进行染色,比较不同染色工艺的得色效果、耐汗渍色牢度、耐皂洗色牢度、耐摩擦色牢度以及耐光色牢度等指标,筛选BCI棉/再生涤混纺针织织物的大生产工艺,从而减少实际大生产时染色带来废... 采用活性染料/分散染料对BCI棉/再生涤混纺针织织物进行染色,比较不同染色工艺的得色效果、耐汗渍色牢度、耐皂洗色牢度、耐摩擦色牢度以及耐光色牢度等指标,筛选BCI棉/再生涤混纺针织织物的大生产工艺,从而减少实际大生产时染色带来废水对环境造成的污染,以优化染色质量与成本。实验结果表明:选择方案4#进行印染加工更加节约用水成本、时间成本、用电成本。染色织物耐干摩擦色牢度可达4~5级,耐湿摩擦色牢度可达3~4级,耐皂洗色牢度可达4~5级,耐汗渍色牢度达到4~5级,具有生产可行性。 展开更多
关键词 混纺针织织物 bci 再生涤
Groupoid Approach to Ergodic Dynamical System of Commutative von Neumann Algebra
作者 Nicholas O. Okeke Murphy E. Egwe 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2024年第3期167-184,共18页
Given a compact and regular Hausdorff measure space (X, μ), with μ a Radon measure, it is known that the generalised space M(X) of all the positive Radon measures on X is isomorphic to the space of essentially bound... Given a compact and regular Hausdorff measure space (X, μ), with μ a Radon measure, it is known that the generalised space M(X) of all the positive Radon measures on X is isomorphic to the space of essentially bounded functions L<sup>∞</sup>(X, μ) on X. We confirm that the commutative von Neumann algebras M⊂B(H), with H=L<sup>2</sup>(X, μ), are unitary equivariant to the maximal ideals of the commutative algebra C(X). Subsequenly, we use the measure groupoid to formulate the algebraic and topological structures of the commutative algebra C(X) following its action on M(X) and define its representation and ergodic dynamical system on the commutative von Neumann algebras of M of B(H) . 展开更多
关键词 Measure Groupoid Groupoid Equivalence Ergodic Action Convolution algebra von Neumann algebra Generalized Space
作者 周晶 周丽丽 《自动化技术与应用》 2024年第4期186-188,共3页
为提高EEG识别准确率和控制可靠性,本文以非侵入式多模态脑机接口(BCI)系统进行分析,以浅层CNN对运动想象EEG进行分类,同时,提出了一种基于召回率选择控制指令刺激频率的新型策略,以结合MI和SSVEP实现稳定的输出。通过研究发现,浅层CNN... 为提高EEG识别准确率和控制可靠性,本文以非侵入式多模态脑机接口(BCI)系统进行分析,以浅层CNN对运动想象EEG进行分类,同时,提出了一种基于召回率选择控制指令刺激频率的新型策略,以结合MI和SSVEP实现稳定的输出。通过研究发现,浅层CNN可有效提高EEG识别准确率,新型控制策略降低了用户的疲劳阈值,使得多模态BCI信号能够实现更稳定的输出。这些方法在情绪识别、情感分析、康复和虚拟现实领域具有广泛的应用前景,为非侵入式BCI系统的进一步发展提供了新的思路和方法。 展开更多
关键词 非侵入式多模态bci系统 浅层卷积神经网络 EEG分类 召回率选择控制
Split-Tetraquaternion Algebra and Applications
作者 Grégoire Lutanda Panga 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2024年第7期2682-2690,共9页
In this paper, from the spacetime algebra associated with the Minkowski space ℝ3,1by means of a change of signature, we describe a quaternionic representation of the split-tetraquaternion algebra which incorporates th... In this paper, from the spacetime algebra associated with the Minkowski space ℝ3,1by means of a change of signature, we describe a quaternionic representation of the split-tetraquaternion algebra which incorporates the Pauli algebra, the split-biquaternion algebra and the split-quaternion algebra, we relate these algebras to Clifford algebras and we show the emergence of the stabilized Poincaré-Heisenberg algebra from the split-tetraquaternion algebra. We list without going into details some of their applications in Physics and in Born geometry. 展开更多
关键词 Tetraquaternion algebra Split-Tetraquaternion algebra Split Quaternion algebra Clifford algebra
Discussion on the Homology Theory of Lie Algebras
作者 Lilong Kang Yu Wang Caiyu Du 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2024年第7期2367-2376,共10页
Because homology on compact homogeneous nilpotent manifolds is closely related to homology on Lie algebras, studying homology on Lie algebras is helpful for further studying homology on compact homogeneous nilpotent m... Because homology on compact homogeneous nilpotent manifolds is closely related to homology on Lie algebras, studying homology on Lie algebras is helpful for further studying homology on compact homogeneous nilpotent manifolds. So we start with the differential sequence of Lie algebras. The Lie algebra g has the differential sequence E0,E1,⋯,Es⋯, which leads to the chain complex Es0→Δs0Ess→Δs1⋯→ΔsiEs(i+1)s→Δsi+1⋯of Esby discussing the chain complex E10→Δ10E11→Δ11⋯→Δ1r−1E1r→Δ1r⋯of E1and proves that Es+1i≅Hi(Es)=KerΔsi+1/ImΔsiand therefore Es+1≅H(Es)by the chain complex of Es(see Theorem 2). 展开更多
关键词 Lie algebra Differential Sequence Differential Fractional algebra COHOMOLOGY
作者 田辉 《云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版)》 2024年第2期85-92,共8页
人工智能的快速发展正在深刻改变着我们生活的方方面面,教育领域也不例外。在这个信息时代,如何运用人工智能技术提升教学质量成为一个重要课题。国际中文教育的数字化转型也必须紧跟科技发展步伐。随着人机协同视域下的教学改革的兴起... 人工智能的快速发展正在深刻改变着我们生活的方方面面,教育领域也不例外。在这个信息时代,如何运用人工智能技术提升教学质量成为一个重要课题。国际中文教育的数字化转型也必须紧跟科技发展步伐。随着人机协同视域下的教学改革的兴起,如何将传统教育与智能技术相融合,不断拓展创新是当今教育发展的一个重要方向。目前国际中文教育中的汉字教学依然是个重难点,文章旨在探讨国际中文汉字教学中遇到的问题,并将借助人工智能及虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)设备或应用程序,解决学生在学习汉字的音、形、义以及词汇理解的问题。 展开更多
关键词 脑机接口(bci) 人工智能 数字化转型 汉字教学 国际中文教育
Quantum Computingvia Entanglement in Geometric Algebra Approach
作者 Alexander Soiguine 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2024年第2期445-457,共13页
The superiority of hypothetical quantum computers is not due to faster calculations but due to different scheme of calculations running on special hardware. At the same time, one should realize that quantum computers ... The superiority of hypothetical quantum computers is not due to faster calculations but due to different scheme of calculations running on special hardware. At the same time, one should realize that quantum computers would only provide dramatic speedups for a few specific problems, for example, factoring integers and breaking cryptographic codes in the conventional quantum computing approach. The core of quantum computing follows the way a state of a quantum system is defined when basic things interact with each other. In the conventional approach, it is implemented through the tensor product of qubits. In the suggested geometric algebra formalism simultaneous availability of all the results for non-measured observables is based on the definition of states as points on a three-dimensional sphere, which is very different from the usual Hilbert space scheme. 展开更多
关键词 Geometric algebra Wave Functions ENTANGLEMENT Maxwell Equations Three-Dimensional Sphere
作者 Safoura Rezaei ADERYANI Azam AHADI +1 位作者 Reza SAADATI Hari M.SRIVASTAVA 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期311-338,共28页
In this paper,we define a new class of control functions through aggregate special functions.These class of control functions help us to stabilize and approximate a tri-additiveψ-functional inequality to get a better... In this paper,we define a new class of control functions through aggregate special functions.These class of control functions help us to stabilize and approximate a tri-additiveψ-functional inequality to get a better estimation for permuting tri-homomorphisms and permuting tri-derivations in unital C*-algebras and Banach algebras by the vector-valued alternative fixed point theorem. 展开更多
关键词 permuting tri-homomorphism in Banach algebra permuting tri-derivation on C*-algebra fixed point theorem Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stability aggregate special functions tri-additiveψ-functional inequality
作者 何一坤 王章铭 +2 位作者 闫铮轩 朱梓旭 刘志铭 《中国新通信》 2024年第5期62-64,共3页
为了提高非物质文化遗产的保护和传承水平,以及实现监狱教育改造目标,可以利用脑机接口(BCI)技术将非遗项目引入监狱。通过让服刑人员学习非遗文化,培养他们刑满释放后的生计技能,不仅能够传承非遗文化,还能帮助他们在重返社会后更好地... 为了提高非物质文化遗产的保护和传承水平,以及实现监狱教育改造目标,可以利用脑机接口(BCI)技术将非遗项目引入监狱。通过让服刑人员学习非遗文化,培养他们刑满释放后的生计技能,不仅能够传承非遗文化,还能帮助他们在重返社会后更好地谋生。此外,结合BCI技术,可以避免在学习过程中造成材料浪费损耗,并减少监狱安全隐患。这种做法不仅能够为监狱创造一个良好的环境,全面有效地履行其职能,还能体现社会主义文明自信和法治文明,维护国家形象。因此,将非遗文化与BCI技术相结合,在监狱中引入非遗项目的做法具有深远意义。它不仅能够促进罪犯的教育改造,也有助于提升非物质文化遗产保护和传承的水平。 展开更多
关键词 bci技术 教育改造 文化传承 思想教育
BCI代数的Ω -犹豫模糊P理想
作者 姜曼 《大学数学》 2023年第6期1-9,共9页
给定一个集合Ω,在BCI代数中引入Ω-犹豫模糊P理想的概念,讨论它的一些性质,研究了Ω-犹豫模糊P理想的同态像与同态原像的性质;研究了BCI代数中的Ω-犹豫模糊P理想与犹豫模糊P理想的相互构造,通过Ω-犹豫模糊P理想的水平P理想,讨论了BC... 给定一个集合Ω,在BCI代数中引入Ω-犹豫模糊P理想的概念,讨论它的一些性质,研究了Ω-犹豫模糊P理想的同态像与同态原像的性质;研究了BCI代数中的Ω-犹豫模糊P理想与犹豫模糊P理想的相互构造,通过Ω-犹豫模糊P理想的水平P理想,讨论了BCI代数中Ω-犹豫模糊P理想的刻画;研究了Ω-犹豫模糊P理想与乘积型BCI代数的Ω-犹豫模糊P理想的关系. 展开更多
关键词 bci代数 Ω-犹豫模糊P理想 同态 积代数
Some Characterizations of Nil Ideals in BCI-algebras 被引量:1
作者 黄文平 徐少贤 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1997年第1期65-69, ,共5页
Some properties of nil ideals in BCI-algebras are discussed. The notion of k-associative BCI-algebras which is a generalization of associative and quasi-associative BCI-algebras is introduced. Moreover,several charact... Some properties of nil ideals in BCI-algebras are discussed. The notion of k-associative BCI-algebras which is a generalization of associative and quasi-associative BCI-algebras is introduced. Moreover,several characterizations of k-associative BCI-algebras are given. 展开更多
关键词 bci代数 诣零理想 k-相伴
Some Properties of a Class Self-homom orphism ofBCI-algebras
作者 袁敏英 李怡君 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1998年第4期99-102, ,共4页
Some properties about stable subset S(θ n) and image Im(θ n) of self homomorphism \{θ n:x→0*x n\} are discussed. The characterization that Im(θ n) becomes an ideal of BCI algebra X is given.
关键词 bci代数 自同态 稳定子集 理想
Fuzzy Foldness of P-Ideals in BCI-Algebras
作者 Mahasin A. Ahmed 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2020年第10期2129-2141,共13页
This paper aims to introduce new notions of (fuzzy) n-fold P-ideals and (fuzzy) n-fold weak P-ideals in BCI-algebras, and investigate several properties of the foldness theory of P-ideals in BCI-algebras. Finally, we ... This paper aims to introduce new notions of (fuzzy) n-fold P-ideals and (fuzzy) n-fold weak P-ideals in BCI-algebras, and investigate several properties of the foldness theory of P-ideals in BCI-algebras. Finally, we construct a computer-program for studying the foldness theory of P-ideals in BCI-algebras. 展开更多
关键词 BCK/bci algebras P-Ideals of bci-algebras Fuzzy P-Ideal of bci-algebra Fuzzypoint (Fuzzy) n-Fold P-Ideals (Fuzzy) n-Fold Weak P-Ideals
关于“on finite regular BCI-algebras”一文的注记
作者 张富林 《榆林学院学报》 1995年第3期24-26,共3页
关键词 左(右)正则元 正则bci—代数 P—半单bci—代数 Abeτ群
Some results on derivations of MV-algebras 被引量:1
作者 WANG Jun-tao HE Peng-fei SHE Yan-hong 《Applied Mathematics(A Journal of Chinese Universities)》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第1期126-143,共18页
In this paper, we review some of their related properties of derivations on MValgebras and give some characterizations of additive derivations. Then we prove that the fixed point set of Boolean additive derivations an... In this paper, we review some of their related properties of derivations on MValgebras and give some characterizations of additive derivations. Then we prove that the fixed point set of Boolean additive derivations and that of their adjoint derivations are isomorphic.In particular, we prove that every MV-algebra is isomorphic to the direct product of the fixed point set of Boolean additive derivations and that of their adjoint derivations. Finally we show that every Boolean algebra is isomorphic to the algebra of all Boolean additive(implicative)derivations. These results also give the negative answers to two open problems, which were proposed in [Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 303(2016), 97-113] and [Information Sciences, 178(2008),307-316]. 展开更多
关键词 MV-algebra DERIVATION fixed point set IDEAL Boolean algebra
作者 张宁 黄权开 +3 位作者 陈宇军 郭锦添 邵华东 曾吉生 《环境技术》 2023年第1期68-72,共5页
关键词 能力验证 车辆电子电气 抗扰度 bci
Norm-Based Adaptive Coefficient ZNN for Solving the Time-Dependent Algebraic Riccati Equation
作者 Chengze Jiang Xiuchun Xiao 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第1期298-300,共3页
Dear Editor, The time-dependent algebraic Riccati equation(TDARE) problem is applied to many optimal control industrial applications. It is susceptible to interference from measurement noises in the virtual environmen... Dear Editor, The time-dependent algebraic Riccati equation(TDARE) problem is applied to many optimal control industrial applications. It is susceptible to interference from measurement noises in the virtual environment, which current methods cannot effectively address. A normbased adaptive coefficient zeroing neural network(NACZNN) model to solve the TDARE problem is proposed. 展开更多
(ρ, τ, σ)-Derivations of Dendriform Algebras
作者 Yousuf A. Alkhezi 《Applied Mathematics》 2023年第12期839-846,共8页
We introduce and investigate the properties of a generalization of the derivation of dendriform algebras. We specify all possible parameter values for the generalized derivations, which depend on parameters. We provid... We introduce and investigate the properties of a generalization of the derivation of dendriform algebras. We specify all possible parameter values for the generalized derivations, which depend on parameters. We provide all generalized derivations for complex low-dimensional dendriform algebras. 展开更多
关键词 Dendriform algebras DERIVATIONS Generalized Derivations
Intelligent BCI Headphone for a Healthier and a Deeper Immersive Gameplay
作者 Ilman Shazhaev Dmitry Mikhaylov Abdulla Shafeeg 《International Journal of Intelligence Science》 2023年第2期23-32,共10页
The developments in the area of brain research by analysing brain activity of individuals have given rise to many useful applications, such as diagnosing mental disorders more efficiently, treatment of cognitive disor... The developments in the area of brain research by analysing brain activity of individuals have given rise to many useful applications, such as diagnosing mental disorders more efficiently, treatment of cognitive disorders, and developing of brain-computer interfaces for treatment, communication and entertainment purposes. However, the development of such applications is hindered by a shortage of easy-to-use and comfortable sensors, as well as a lack of high-quality brain activity data. In the first part of this paper, a review of the status of BCI applications is presented followed by a proposal of a framework for developing an intelligent BCI headphone that takes leverages of the huge amount of data coming from playing video games to let the players experience a full immersive gaming experience. 展开更多
关键词 bci Immersive Gaming Artificial Intelligence VIDEOGAMES HEALTH
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