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痴呆简易筛查量表(BSSD)的研制和应用 被引量:34
作者 张明圆 瞿光亚 +3 位作者 严和骎 蔡国钧 樊彬 俞勤奋 《上海精神医学》 1992年第1期3-9,共7页
在应用国外较通用的痴呆筛查工具——简易智力状态检查(MMSE)、Blessed 痴呆量表(BDS)和长谷川痴呆量表(HDS)的基础上,研制成痴呆简易筛查量表(BSSD)。在包括110例痴呆的1130例老年居民中测试,敏感性为90.0%,特异性为85.1%。BSSD 较上... 在应用国外较通用的痴呆筛查工具——简易智力状态检查(MMSE)、Blessed 痴呆量表(BDS)和长谷川痴呆量表(HDS)的基础上,研制成痴呆简易筛查量表(BSSD)。在包括110例痴呆的1130例老年居民中测试,敏感性为90.0%,特异性为85.1%。BSSD 较上述工具效度高,复盖面广,因子归类和项目困难度分布合理。它组成简单,方法简便,适合在社区及各类医疗机械中应用。 展开更多
关键词 痴呆 简易筛查量表 bssd
新型酪氨酸激酶抑制剂BSSD-1对斑马鱼血管生成及大肠癌HT29裸鼠肿瘤的抑制作用 被引量:5
作者 韩利文 王思锋 +5 位作者 王加宁 何秋霞 陈贯虹 袁延强 陈锡强 刘可春 《中国药理学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期1434-1438,共5页
目的探讨化合物BSSD-1对斑马鱼新生血管的影响以及对大肠癌HT29裸鼠肿瘤的抑制作用。方法采用24hpf(hours post fertilization)健康TG(VEGFR2:GFP)系血管荧光转基因斑马鱼作为实验动物模型,加入不同剂量BSSD-1与胚胎共同孵育24 h,在荧... 目的探讨化合物BSSD-1对斑马鱼新生血管的影响以及对大肠癌HT29裸鼠肿瘤的抑制作用。方法采用24hpf(hours post fertilization)健康TG(VEGFR2:GFP)系血管荧光转基因斑马鱼作为实验动物模型,加入不同剂量BSSD-1与胚胎共同孵育24 h,在荧光显微镜下观察背部节间血管(intersegmental vessels,ISV)生成情况,并计数评价抑制程度;进而建立人大肠癌HT29细胞裸小鼠模型,观察BSSD-1不同剂量作用下对裸鼠肿瘤的抑制作用,根据瘤体积及瘤重,计算相对肿瘤增殖率和肿瘤生长抑制率。结果化合物BSSD-1在0.25~25.0 mg·L-1范围抑制斑马鱼背部节间血管生成具有剂量相关性,12.5 mg·L-1抑制率可达98.8%;裸鼠肿瘤抑制试验中,大、中、小剂量组肿瘤生长抑制率试验结果分别为31.1%、40.0%和40.0%,统计学处理3组差异均有显著性。结论 BSSD-1可以抑制荷瘤裸鼠移植瘤的生长,该作用与抑制肿瘤新生血管生成有关。 展开更多
关键词 bssd-1 斑马鱼 抗肿瘤作用 节间血管 血管生成 HT29 大肠癌
针药并用治疗瘀血阻络型血管性痴呆临床观察 被引量:9
作者 王彦华 《上海针灸杂志》 2017年第8期918-922,共5页
目的观察针刺联合脑血疏口服液治疗瘀血阻络型血管性痴呆的临床疗效。方法将135例瘀血阻络型血管性痴呆患者随机分为基础组、药物组和针药组,每组45例。基础组进行常规的基础治疗,药物组在基础组治疗基础上给予脑血疏口服液进行治疗,针... 目的观察针刺联合脑血疏口服液治疗瘀血阻络型血管性痴呆的临床疗效。方法将135例瘀血阻络型血管性痴呆患者随机分为基础组、药物组和针药组,每组45例。基础组进行常规的基础治疗,药物组在基础组治疗基础上给予脑血疏口服液进行治疗,针药组在基础组治疗基础上给予针刺联合脑血疏口服液进行治疗,疗程均为60 d。比较各组治疗前后简易精神状态量表(MMSE)、痴呆简易筛查量表(BSSD)和血管性痴呆中医辨证量表瘀血阻络型分表(简称SDSVDA)的评分;观察血浆降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)、过氧化脂质(LPO)和血清尿酸(SUA)的变化。结果基础组脱落1例。各组治疗60 d后,针药组总有效率为91.1%(41/45),显著高于基础组的65.9%(29/44,P<0.01)和药物组75.6%(34/45,P<0.05);针药组MMSE、BSSD和SDSVDA评分较基础组和药物组改善更为显著(P<0.05);针药组CGRP、LPO和SUA水平的改善优于基础组和药物组(P<0.05)。结论传统针刺手法联合脑血疏口服液治疗瘀血阻络型血管性痴呆疗效显著。 展开更多
关键词 针刺 瘀血阻络 痴呆 血管性 针药并用 MMSE bssd SDSVDA
Multiple Ambiguity Datum Precise Point Positioning Technique Using Multi-Constellation GNSS: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou 被引量:2
作者 Mahmoud Abd Rabbou 《Positioning》 2015年第3期32-43,共12页
Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is traditionally based on dual-frequency observations of GPS or GPS/GLONASS satellite navigation systems. Recently, new GNSS constellations, such as the European Galileo and the Chinese... Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is traditionally based on dual-frequency observations of GPS or GPS/GLONASS satellite navigation systems. Recently, new GNSS constellations, such as the European Galileo and the Chinese BeiDou are developing rapidly. With the new IGS project known as IGS MGEX which produces highly accurate GNSS orbital and clock products, multi-constellations PPP becomes feasible. On the other hand, the un-differenced ionosphere-free is commonly used as standard precise point positioning technique. However, the existence of receiver and satellite biases, which are absorbed by the ambiguities, significantly affected the convergence time. Between-satellite-single-difference (BSSD) ionosphere free PPP technique is traditionally used to cancel out the receiver related biases from both code and phase measurements. This paper introduces multiple ambiguity datum (MAD) PPP technique which can be applied to separate the code and phase measurements removing the receiver and satellite code biases affecting the GNSS receiver phase clock and ambiguities parameters. The mathematical model for the three GNSS PPP techniques is developed by considering the current full GNSS constellations. In addition, the current limitations of the GNSS PPP techniques are discussed. Static post-processing results for a number of IGS MGEX GNSS stations are presented to investigate the contribution of the newly GNSS system observations and the newly developed GNSS PPP techniques and its limitations. The results indicate that the additional Galileo and BeiDou observations have a marginal effect on the positioning accuracy and convergence time compared with the existence combined GPS/GLONASS PPP. However, reference to GPS PPP, the contribution of BeiDou observations can be considered geographically dependent. In addition, the results show that the BSSD PPP models slightly enhance the convergence time compared with other PPP techniques. However, both the standard un-differenced and the developed multiple ambiguity datum techniques present comparable positioning accuracy and convergence time due to the lack of code and phase-based satellite clock products and the mathematical correlation between the positioning and ambiguity parameters. 展开更多
痴呆简易筛查量表在舟山海岛老年痴呆调查中的应用 被引量:1
作者 吕书臣 陈勇华 +1 位作者 余海民 胡本祥 《上海精神医学》 1999年第3期149-150,162,共3页
目的 了解“痴呆简易筛查量表”(BSSD)可能的影响因素。方法 以BSSD为筛查工具,对舟山市定海城区60岁以上老人进行调查。结果 访视1689人中1664人完成BSSD,正常老人通过率为46.4-96.3%,平均79.3%。通过率>90%的易答项目占23.3%... 目的 了解“痴呆简易筛查量表”(BSSD)可能的影响因素。方法 以BSSD为筛查工具,对舟山市定海城区60岁以上老人进行调查。结果 访视1689人中1664人完成BSSD,正常老人通过率为46.4-96.3%,平均79.3%。通过率>90%的易答项目占23.3%。通过率<75%的较难项目占30%。按教育程度划定阳性值,检出阳性者243例(男性60例,女性183例),阳性率7.43%。对若干社会人口学因素进行多元逐步回归分析发现:痴呆、女性、年龄、教育程度、听力或视力障碍、兴趣爱好、丧偶、伤残、饮酒是影响BSSD成绩的主要因素。结论 BSSD构成简单合理,简便易行,对痴呆的检出颇有帮助,是目前国内较理想的痴呆筛查量表。 展开更多
关键词 bssd 筛查 影响因素 老年性痴呆
Improved Between-Satellite Single-Difference Precise Point Positioning Model Using Triple GNSS Constellations: GPS, Galileo, and BeiDou 被引量:4
作者 Akram Afifi Ahmed El-Rabbany 《Positioning》 2016年第2期63-74,共12页
This paper introduces a new dual-frequency precise point positioning (PPP) model, which combines the observations of three different GNSS constellations, namely GPS, Galileo, and BeiDou. Our model is based on between-... This paper introduces a new dual-frequency precise point positioning (PPP) model, which combines the observations of three different GNSS constellations, namely GPS, Galileo, and BeiDou. Our model is based on between-satellite single-difference (BSSD) linear combination, which cancels out some receiver-related biases, including receiver clock error and non-zero initial phase bias of the receiver oscillator. The reference satellite can be selected from any satellite system GPS, Galileo, and BeiDou when forming BSSD linear combinations. Natural Resources Canada’s GPS Pace PPP software is modified to enable a combined GPS, Galileo, and BeiDou PPP solution and to handle the newly introduced biases. A total of four data sets at four IGS stations are processed to verify the developed PPP model. Precise satellite orbit and clock products from the IGS-MGEX network are used to correct both of the GPS and Galileo measurements. It is shown that using the BSSD linear combinations improves the precision of the estimated parameters by about 25% compared with the GPS-only PPP solution. Additionally, the solution convergence time is reduced to 10 minutes for both BSSD scenarios, which represent about 50% improvement in comparison with the GPS-only PPP solution. 展开更多
An Improved Model for Single-Frequency GPS/GALILEO Precise Point Positioning 被引量:1
作者 Akram Afifi Ahmed El-Rabbany 《Positioning》 2015年第2期7-21,共15页
This paper introduces a new precise point positioning (PPP) model, which combines single-fre- quency GPS/Galileo observations in between-satellite single-difference (BSSD) mode. In the absence of multipath, all receiv... This paper introduces a new precise point positioning (PPP) model, which combines single-fre- quency GPS/Galileo observations in between-satellite single-difference (BSSD) mode. In the absence of multipath, all receiver-related errors and biases are cancelled out when forming BSSD for a specific constellation. This leaves the satellite originating errors and atmospheric delays un- modelled. Combining GPS and Galileo observables introduces additional biases that have to be modelled, including the GPS to Galileo time offset (GGTO) and the inter-system bias. This paper models all PPP errors rigorously to improve the single-frequency GPS/Galileo PPP solution. GPSPace PPP software of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is modified to enable a GPS/Galileo PPP solution and to handle the newly introduced biases. A total of 12 data sets representing the GPS/Galileo measurements of six IGS-MEGX stations are processed to verify the newly developed PPP model. Precise satellite orbit and clock corrections from IGS-MEGX networks are used for both GPS and Galileo measurements. It is shown that sub-decimeter level accuracy is possible with single-frequency GPS/Galileo PPP. In addition, the PPP solution convergence time is improved from approximately 100 minutes for the un-differenced single-frequency GPS/Galileo solution to approximately 65 minutes for the BSSD counterpart when a single reference satellite is used. Moreover, an improvement in the PPP solution convergence time of 35% and 15% is obtained when one and two reference satellites are used, respectively. 展开更多
石杉碱甲片联合长春西汀治疗老年血管性痴呆的疗效观察 被引量:8
作者 王跃武 石峰 孟蕊 《现代药物与临床》 CAS 2017年第3期390-393,共4页
目的探讨石杉碱甲片联合长春西汀治疗老年血管性痴呆的安全性和有效性。方法选取铁岭市中心医院2014年7月—2016年7月收治的老年血管性痴呆患者176例,随机将患者分成对照组(88例)和治疗组(88例)。对照组患者静脉滴注注射用长春西汀,20 m... 目的探讨石杉碱甲片联合长春西汀治疗老年血管性痴呆的安全性和有效性。方法选取铁岭市中心医院2014年7月—2016年7月收治的老年血管性痴呆患者176例,随机将患者分成对照组(88例)和治疗组(88例)。对照组患者静脉滴注注射用长春西汀,20 mg加入500 m L生理盐水中,1次/d;治疗组在对照组的基础上口服石杉碱甲片,0.1 mg/次,2次/d。两组患者均连续治疗21 d。比较两组患者治疗前后临床疗效、MMSE评分、BSSD评分、血液流变学指标以及不良反应发生情况。结果治疗后,对照组和治疗组的总有效率分别为86.36%和96.59%,两组总有效率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后,两组简易精神状态评价量表(MMSE)评分和痴呆简易筛查量表(BSSD)评分均显著提高(P<0.05);同时治疗组患者MMSE和BSSD评分的改善情况明显优于对照组患者(P<0.05)。治疗后,两组患者血红细胞压积、全血黏度以及纤维蛋白原均比治疗前显著降低(P<0.05);同时治疗组患者治疗后上述观察指标均明显低于对照组患者(P<0.05)。对照组患者的不良反应发生率为13.64%,显著高于治疗组的5.68%,两组不良反应比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论石杉碱甲联合长春西汀治疗老年血管性痴呆患者临床疗效好,安全性高,具有一定的临床推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 石杉碱甲片 注射用长春西汀 血管性痴呆 简易精神状态评价量表 痴呆简易筛查量表 纤维蛋白原
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