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毛囊bulge细胞在角膜缘基质诱导下向角膜上皮细胞分化的初步研究 被引量:5
作者 余瑾 杨珂 +1 位作者 杨恬 符刚 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第20期2016-2019,共4页
目的探讨体外培养的毛囊bulge细胞向角膜上皮细胞分化的可能性。方法体外分离培养毛囊bulge细胞,然后在transwell中与角膜缘基质细胞共培养诱导分化,观察毛囊bulge细胞的分化情况,免疫组化检测K12及K19表达的变化。结果体外培养的毛囊bu... 目的探讨体外培养的毛囊bulge细胞向角膜上皮细胞分化的可能性。方法体外分离培养毛囊bulge细胞,然后在transwell中与角膜缘基质细胞共培养诱导分化,观察毛囊bulge细胞的分化情况,免疫组化检测K12及K19表达的变化。结果体外培养的毛囊bulge细胞保持高增殖,低分化状态。经过2周左右的共培养,毛囊bulge细胞逐渐分化,部分细胞K12表达阳性。结论角膜缘基质细胞可以诱导毛囊bulge细胞向角膜上皮细胞分化。 展开更多
关键词 毛囊 bulge细胞 角膜 上皮 转分化
PPARγ2表达促毛囊bulge细胞向皮脂腺定向分化的研究 被引量:3
作者 符刚 高强国 +2 位作者 杨恬 余瑾 向明明 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第20期2024-2027,共4页
目的探讨毛囊bulge细胞向皮脂腺细胞分化的机制。方法构建携带过氧化物酶体增殖体激活受体γ2(peroxisomeproliferatoractivationreceptorγ2,PPARγ2)基因的绿色荧光蛋白(GFAP)质粒,通过质脂体转染到体外分离培养毛囊bulge细胞中,以转... 目的探讨毛囊bulge细胞向皮脂腺细胞分化的机制。方法构建携带过氧化物酶体增殖体激活受体γ2(peroxisomeproliferatoractivationreceptorγ2,PPARγ2)基因的绿色荧光蛋白(GFAP)质粒,通过质脂体转染到体外分离培养毛囊bulge细胞中,以转染空质粒的毛囊bulge细胞为对照,观察细胞的分化情况,运用免疫细胞化学检测细胞PPARγ和上皮膜抗原(epithelialmembraneantigen,EMA)的表达,油红O染色观察细胞脂滴合成情况。结果荧光显微镜下观察到已转染质粒的细胞呈现绿色荧光,能稳定表达PPARγ2mRNA,该细胞分化3周左右,部分细胞胞浆内出现脂滴,PPARγ、EMA及油红O染色阳性,而对照组为阴性,细胞内未见脂滴。结论毛囊bulge细胞可以分化为皮脂腺细胞,PPARγ2基因在其中起着重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 毛囊 bulge细胞 PPARΓ2 皮脂腺 分化
毛囊Bulge细胞培养与生物学特性的研究 被引量:9
作者 张艺 杨恬 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第16期1499-1500,共2页
目的 探讨体外培养毛囊Bulge细胞的生物学性质。方法 采用一步消化法 ,显微分割毛囊Bulge区进行原代培养 ,观察细胞的形态特征、生长状况以及表达特性。结果 原代培养的第 2天便可见细胞生长 ,并表现出很强的增殖潜能 ,其生长期可达... 目的 探讨体外培养毛囊Bulge细胞的生物学性质。方法 采用一步消化法 ,显微分割毛囊Bulge区进行原代培养 ,观察细胞的形态特征、生长状况以及表达特性。结果 原代培养的第 2天便可见细胞生长 ,并表现出很强的增殖潜能 ,其生长期可达两周以上 ;光镜下表现出原始细胞形态特征 ,培养早期细胞能强表达K19和 β1 integrin ,并随培养时间延长呈下降趋势 ;原位染色亦可见 ,K19阳性细胞集中表达于毛囊Bulge区。结论 体外培养的毛囊Bulge细胞在形态、生长状况和标志物表达上都表现出幼稚细胞的性质 。 展开更多
关键词 毛囊 bulge 培养
毛囊Bulge细胞的分离培养及生物学特性研究 被引量:1
作者 余瑾 符刚 +1 位作者 杨恬 杨珂 《解放军医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期35-37,共3页
目的分离培养大鼠毛囊Bulge细胞并观察其生物学特性。方法运用显微分离法及酶消化法分离大鼠毛囊Bulge细胞并进行培养,观察其增殖能力及细胞形态等的改变;采用免疫组化方法,检测毛囊Bulge细胞K19、β1整合素的表达情况。结果本方法培养... 目的分离培养大鼠毛囊Bulge细胞并观察其生物学特性。方法运用显微分离法及酶消化法分离大鼠毛囊Bulge细胞并进行培养,观察其增殖能力及细胞形态等的改变;采用免疫组化方法,检测毛囊Bulge细胞K19、β1整合素的表达情况。结果本方法培养的大鼠毛囊Bulge细胞纯度高、活力好,具有高增殖、低分化特性,同时表达K19、β1整合素。结论成功地分离培养了毛囊Bulge细胞,并在体外长期保持其低分化特性,为进一步深入研究毛囊发育分化提供了实验基础。 展开更多
关键词 毛囊bulge细胞 细胞分离 细胞培养
作者 林森 杨恬 +2 位作者 曾益军 金旻 向明明 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第9期892-895,共4页
目的定性定量地检测毛囊bu lge细胞体外培养条件下分泌的β-神经生长因子(-βnerve growth factor,β-NGF)及其与bu lge细胞生长状态的关系。方法首先使用显微操作技术剥离出原代组织,然后培养原代细胞,使用超薄切片和透射电镜技术来观... 目的定性定量地检测毛囊bu lge细胞体外培养条件下分泌的β-神经生长因子(-βnerve growth factor,β-NGF)及其与bu lge细胞生长状态的关系。方法首先使用显微操作技术剥离出原代组织,然后培养原代细胞,使用超薄切片和透射电镜技术来观察原代细胞超微结构,使用酶联免疫吸附(enzym e linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)方法测定原代bu lge细胞分泌的β-NGF,利用免疫细胞化学(immunocytochem istry,ICC)方法检测原代细胞中β-NGF的表达。结果成功培养出原代bu lge细胞,ICC方法检测到原代培养的bu lge细胞质表达强阳性β-NGF。超薄切片和透射电镜技术能够显示出原代培养bu lge细胞的内部结构,即核质比大,细胞器较少。通过ELISA方法能够测定出原代细胞分泌的β-NGF与体外原代培养的bu lge细胞特性呈规律性变化。结论原代bu lge细胞分泌的β-NGF呈规律性表达,即生长高峰时期表达最为丰富,这与毛囊bu lge细胞的生长状态具有规律性变化有关,因此他们具有必然的联系。 展开更多
关键词 毛囊 Β-NGF bulge细胞
作者 王玉琴 张小辉 白俊艳 《江苏农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期354-356,共3页
用2个微卫星标记,通过PCR扩增,利用12%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和银染显色等方法对河南淮山羊进行微卫星DNA遗传多态性进行研究。结果显示:在Bulge5基因座上检测出6个等位基因,其片段大小在105~140 bp之间,其多态信息含量(PIC)、有效... 用2个微卫星标记,通过PCR扩增,利用12%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和银染显色等方法对河南淮山羊进行微卫星DNA遗传多态性进行研究。结果显示:在Bulge5基因座上检测出6个等位基因,其片段大小在105~140 bp之间,其多态信息含量(PIC)、有效等位基因数(Ne)、平均杂合度(He)分别为0.734 0、3.182 0、0.832 5;BMS2508位点有6个等位基因,其片段大小在100~150 bp之间,其多态信息含量、有效等位基因数、平均杂合度分别为0.843 0、3.706 0、0.844 6。说明BMS2508和Bulge5等2个微卫星位点在河南淮山羊上均为高度多态位点,利用微卫星DNA多态性预测山羊的生产性能是可行的,本研究为山羊的选育、保种和开发利用提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 河南淮山羊 微卫星标记 bulge5 BMS2508 遗传多态性
Accuracy analysis of plane-strain bulge test for determining mechanical properties of thin films 被引量:3
作者 杨林 龙士国 +1 位作者 马增胜 王子菡 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第10期3265-3273,共9页
The effect of a variety of geometrics, initial conditions and material properties on the deformation behavior of thin films in the plane-strain bulge test was systematically scrutinized by performing the finite elemen... The effect of a variety of geometrics, initial conditions and material properties on the deformation behavior of thin films in the plane-strain bulge test was systematically scrutinized by performing the finite element analysis, and then the accuracy of the plane-strain bulge test in determining the mechanical properties of thin films in terms of our finite element results was analyzed. The results indicate that although the determination of the plane-strain modulus in the light of the plane-strain bulge equation is fairly accurate, the calculation of the residual stress is not satisfied as expected, especially for low residual stress. Finally, an approach is proposed for analyzing bulge test data, which will improve the accuracy and reliability of this bulge test technique. 展开更多
关键词 thin films mechanical properties bulge test ACCURACY finite element analysis
毛囊bulge干细胞培养方法的比较研究 被引量:4
作者 董刚 汪成林 +1 位作者 彭栗 叶玲 《华西口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期660-664,共5页
目的通过对限定性角质形成细胞无血清培养基(DK-SFM)和3T3滋养层培养毛囊bulge干细胞的比较,寻求既能方便获得大量毛囊bulge干细胞,又能减少其分化的理想培养条件。方法采用DK-SFM和3T3滋养层分别培养毛囊bulge干细胞,通过倒置显微镜观... 目的通过对限定性角质形成细胞无血清培养基(DK-SFM)和3T3滋养层培养毛囊bulge干细胞的比较,寻求既能方便获得大量毛囊bulge干细胞,又能减少其分化的理想培养条件。方法采用DK-SFM和3T3滋养层分别培养毛囊bulge干细胞,通过倒置显微镜观察毛囊bulge干细胞的形态,免疫荧光染色检测毛囊bulge干细胞的特异性标记细胞角蛋白19(CK19)和分化相关抗体群34(CD34)的表达鉴定毛囊bulge干细胞。通过比较2种方法培养的毛囊bulge干细胞的克隆形成率和CD34阳性率的差异,分别比较毛囊bulge干细胞的增殖能力和干细胞的数量,综合评估2种培养方法的优劣。结果倒置显微镜观察2种培养方法所得毛囊bulge干细胞均为铺路石状。免疫荧光染色检测2种培养方法培养的毛囊bulge干细胞CK19和CD34均呈阳性。DK-SFM和3T3滋养层培养的毛囊bulge干细胞克隆形成率分别为69.4%和62.2%。流式细胞仪检测DK-SFM培养的毛囊bulge干细胞中CD34阳性率为72.3%;3T3滋养层培养的毛囊bulge干细胞中CD34阳性率为34.7%。结论DK-SFM和3T3滋养层培养作为毛囊bulge干细胞的2种培养方法,均可以获得未分化的毛囊bulge干细胞。用3T3滋养层培养毛囊bulge干细胞的方法比较复杂,且所获的细胞混杂有3T3细胞,但用此种方法可获得大量的毛囊bulge干细胞。用DK-SFM培养毛囊bulge干细胞方法简单,但细胞不易贴壁,且数量较少,但能有效分离出较纯的毛囊bulge干细胞,保持较好的细胞活性。 展开更多
关键词 毛囊bulge干细胞 克隆形成率 细胞培养
Clinical study of transcatheter occlusion in treating ventricular septal defect combined with right coronary cusp bulge 被引量:4
作者 Wei Ji Zhifang Zhang +5 位作者 Wenchuo Zhao Jie Shen Lijun Fu Lin Shi Yiwei Chen Fen Li 《Journal of Interventional Medicine》 2018年第4期205-211,共7页
Background: Perimembranous ventricular septal defect combined with right coronary cusp bulge generally should be treated with surgical thoracotomy, owing to the potential aortic regurgitation. However, the minimally i... Background: Perimembranous ventricular septal defect combined with right coronary cusp bulge generally should be treated with surgical thoracotomy, owing to the potential aortic regurgitation. However, the minimally invasive method of transcatheter closure has always attracted the attention of cardiologists and patients. The present study aimed to apply transcatheter occlusion in treating ventricular septal defect with right coronary cusp bulge and further evaluate the clinical effect through follow-up. Materials and methods: A total of 40 children diagnosed as having a ventricular septal defect with right coronary cusp bulge, examined using transthoracic echocardiography and cardiovascular angiography, were enrolled in this study. The ventricular septal defects were closed by placing occluders through transcatheter occlusion treatment. During the operation process, the children underwent angiography and transthoracic echocardiography examinations to check the position of the occlude and the extent of aortic regurgitation. The influence of occlusion on the conduction system was evaluated using a surface electrocardiogram. The children were followed up after their procedures. Results: All 40 patients were immediately and successfully occluded. Three patients with filament residual shunts were observed during the operations. No major surgical complications occurred during the perioperative period. During the follow-up period, the positions of all the occluders were good, the residual shunts in the three patients disappeared, and no new or aggravated aortic regurgitation occurred. Electrocardiogram did not reveal any atrioventricular blocks. Only one patient suffered from an incomplete right bundle branch block. Conclusions: Children diagnosed with ventricular septal defect combined with right coronary cusp bulge could be considered for transcatheter occlusion. With appropriate indications and methods, the effect may be favorable. 展开更多
关键词 aortic regurgitation RIGHT CORONARY CUSP bulge TRANSCATHETER OCCLUSION ventricular septal defect
FEM analysis of vacuum hot bulge forming of Hastelloy C-276 thin-walled cylindrical workpiece 被引量:2
作者 朱智 张立文 顾森东 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期3019-3023,共5页
A stress relaxation test has been carried out for Hastelloy C-276 at temperature of 800 ~C and initial stress level of 250 MPa. Based on the experimental stress relaxation curve, the relationship between creep strain ... A stress relaxation test has been carried out for Hastelloy C-276 at temperature of 800 ~C and initial stress level of 250 MPa. Based on the experimental stress relaxation curve, the relationship between creep strain rate and stress has been derived. Then, a set of creep constitutive equations has been built and the values of constants arising in the constitutive equations have been determined by fitting the creep strain rate-stress curve. Close agreement between computed results and experimental ones is obtained for stress relaxation data. The creep constitutive equation set has been integrated with the commercial FE (finite element) solver MSC.Marc via the user defined subroutine, CRPLAW, for the vacuum hot bulge forming process modelling of Hastelloy C-276 thin-walled cylindrical workpiece. The temperature field, the radius-direction displacement field and the stress-strain field are calculated and analyzed. Furthermore, the bulging dimension and the final internal diameter of workpiece are predicted and the test results verify the reliability of the finite element method. 展开更多
关键词 Hastelloy C-276 vacuum hot bulge forming creep constitutive equation finite element method
Flow property of AA2B06 sheet using overlapping elliptical bulge test 被引量:1
作者 Yao WANG Tie-jun GAO Quan-da ZHANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期2179-2187,共9页
A novel experimental approach was presented, namely the overlapping elliptical bulge test, which can load and research thickness normal stress. Theoretical analysis model of the overlapping elliptical bulging was desc... A novel experimental approach was presented, namely the overlapping elliptical bulge test, which can load and research thickness normal stress. Theoretical analysis model of the overlapping elliptical bulging was described, the equivalent stress?strain curves of target sheets with different ellipticity ratios were determined experimentally, and influences of the material performance and thickness of overlapping sheets on the flow property of the target sheet were also researched. The results show that, in the overlapping hydraulic bulge test, the equivalent stress?strain curve can be determined up to larger strains before necking than in the no overlapping hydraulic bulge test. And as the die ellipticity ratio decreases, the flow stress curves tend to move away from the curve obtained by circular (b/a=1) bulging test. Meanwhile, the flow property of the target sheet can be improved by choosing higher strength coefficient K, larger work hardening exponent n and proper thickness of the overlapping sheet. 展开更多
关键词 flow property aluminum alloy overlapping sheet elliptical bulge thickness normal stress
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Cold Bulge Forming of Titanium Alloy Ti55 被引量:1
作者 S. M. R. Tabatabaei M. Safari +2 位作者 R. Shahrokh Esfahani A. Abolghasemian. Sichani M. Nourjani Pour Moghadam 《World Journal of Mechanics》 2013年第9期323-327,共5页
In this paper, cold bulge forming of titanium alloy Ti55 was investigated. This process was done successfully and titanium alloy Ti55 was formed completely. Also, in the numerical work, this process has been investiga... In this paper, cold bulge forming of titanium alloy Ti55 was investigated. This process was done successfully and titanium alloy Ti55 was formed completely. Also, in the numerical work, this process has been investigated using Abaqus/ Explicit code. The results show that there is a good agreement between experimental and numerical results. Mechanical properties of Titanium alloy Ti55 have been investigated before and after bulge forming. The results show that mechanical properties of titanium alloy Ti55 have been improved during bulge forming. Also, hardness, and thickness variation tests of sheet metal before and after bulge forming were performed and the same results to mechanical properties were obtained. 展开更多
关键词 COLD bulge FORMING TITANIUM Alloy Ti55 Abaqus/Explicit
Prone-positioned upside-done arch exercise, a kind of lumbodorsal muscles training, curbs the progression of lumbar disc bulge 被引量:1
作者 Zeng-Jie Gao Jiu-Yi Chen Yang Liu 《TMR Non-Drug Therapy》 2018年第1期9-15,共7页
Objective: To study the effects of prone-positioned upside-done arch exercise, a kind of lumbodorsal muscles training originated from Yoga, on curbing the progression of lumbar disc bulge. Methods: A total of 120 ou... Objective: To study the effects of prone-positioned upside-done arch exercise, a kind of lumbodorsal muscles training originated from Yoga, on curbing the progression of lumbar disc bulge. Methods: A total of 120 out-patients, diagnosed with lumbar disc bulge by CT and/or MRI, were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group, with 60 patients in each group. Patients in the observation group received the prone-positioned upside-done arch exercise combined with traction and acupuncture for two months and followed with a two-year treatment with prone-positioned upside-done arch exercise while the patients in the control group only received traction and acupuncture for two months. After two years, patients in both groups were investigated for the visual analogue score, MR image and straight leg raise tests. Results: Compared to the control group, prone-positioned upside-done arch exercise combined with traction and acupuncture showed significant decrease in patients’ visual analogue score, bulge size and the positive ratio of straight leg raise test (P = 0.001, P = 0.001 and P = 0.02 respectively), suggesting the inhibitory effect on the progression of lumber disc bulge. Conclusion: Prone-positioned upside-done arch has the potentials to protect patients with lumbar disc bulge from nerve root compression syndrome. 展开更多
关键词 Prone-positioned upside-done arch YOGA Lumbar disc bulge EXERCISE
作者 Zhou, Weixian Zhou, Xin 《中国有色金属学会会刊:英文版》 EI CSCD 1995年第3期84-87,共4页
关键词 ORTHOTROPIC SHEET HYDRAULIC bulge specimen POLE stress state STRAIN state
The lack of carbon stars in the Galactic bulge
作者 朱春花 吕国梁 +1 位作者 王兆军 张军 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第4期1518-1525,共8页
In order to explain the lack of carbon stars in the Galactic bulge, we have made a detailed study of thermal pulseasymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) stars by using a population synthesis code. The effects of the oxyge... In order to explain the lack of carbon stars in the Galactic bulge, we have made a detailed study of thermal pulseasymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) stars by using a population synthesis code. The effects of the oxygen overabundance and the mass loss rate on the ratio of the number of carbon stars to that of oxygen stars in the Galactic bulge are discussed. We find that the oxygen overabundance which is about twice as large as that in the solar neighbourhood (close to the present observations) is insufficient to explain the rareness of carbon stars in the bulge. We suggest that the large mass loss rate may serve as a controlling factor in the ratio of the number of carbon stars to that of oxygen stars. 展开更多
关键词 carbon stars thermal pulse-asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) population synthesis Galactic bulge
The Bar-Bulge Relation in Non-dwarf SB0 Galaxies in the Central Region of Coma Cluster
作者 Nagamani Poloji Priya Hasan S.N.Hasan 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第6期212-219,共8页
In this paper we explore the formation of bars and present the bulge and bar properties and their correlations for a sample of lenticular barred(SB0)and lenticular unbarred(S0)galaxies in the central region of the Com... In this paper we explore the formation of bars and present the bulge and bar properties and their correlations for a sample of lenticular barred(SB0)and lenticular unbarred(S0)galaxies in the central region of the Coma Cluster using HST/ACS data.In our sample,we identified bar features using the luminosity profile decomposition software GALFIT.We classified the bulges based on Sérsic index and Kormendy relation.We found that the average mass of the bulge in SB0 galaxies is 1.48×10^(10)M☉whereas the average mass of the bulge in S0 galaxies is 4.3×10^(10)M☉.We observe that SB0 galaxies show lower bulge concentration,low mass and also smaller B/T values compared to S0 galaxies.Using the Kormendy relation,we found that among the lenticular barred galaxies,82%have classical bulges and 18%have pseudo bulges.These classical bulges have low masses compared to the classical bulges of unbarred galaxies.S0,galaxies with massive classical bulges do not host bars.We also found that for all SB0s the bulge effective radius is less than the bar effective radius.SB0 galaxies with classical bulges suggest that the bar may have formed by mergers. 展开更多
关键词 galaxies:clusters:individual(Coma) galaxies:bulges galaxies:elliptical and lenticular cD
Identification of Bulge Stem Cells in Mouse and Human Hair Follicles
作者 Bélgica J. Molina Elda Giansante Héctor J. Finol 《Microscopy Research》 2018年第3期19-29,共11页
The skin contains various populaions of stem cells, but its characterization has been hampered by lack of markers and unclear location. The hair follicle has a niche for stem cells called a “bulge” which acts as a r... The skin contains various populaions of stem cells, but its characterization has been hampered by lack of markers and unclear location. The hair follicle has a niche for stem cells called a “bulge” which acts as a reservoir of multipotent stem cells. In the study reported here, an immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence analysis was performed on mouse and human tissues in order to determine the possible presence of stem cells of hair follicle through cytokeratin 15 (CK15), CD34, and CD200 markers identified as crucial to the stem cells and to identify the bulge region. Mouse (n = 7) and human (n = 7) skin samples were used. The expression of proteins was determined by the indirect immunoperoxidase technique and a secondary antibody bound to a fluorochrome. The specificity of staining was evaluated by negative controls. The results revealed that the stem cells associated with CD34 and CD200 antibodies were differentially expressed in the interfollicular epidermis, sebaceous glands, and bulge region, indicating that, in mice, CD34 and, in humans, CD200 are more specific than CK15 in detecting bulge cells. It also suggests that CD34 is specific for mouse bulge cells, while CD200 might have specificity for progenitor cells and partially differentiated cells in humans. 展开更多
关键词 STEM Cells HAIR Follicle bulge CD34 CD200
Isolation, Cultivation, and Morphological Characteristics of Hair Follicle Adult Stem Cells in the Bulge Region in Mouse and Human
作者 Bélgica J. Molina Héctor J. Finol 《Microscopy Research》 2020年第2期9-30,共22页
Skin contains various populations of stem cells (SCs). Among these are hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) in the bulge region. The behavior of HFSCs deserves to be widely studied due to the benefits to be derived from t... Skin contains various populations of stem cells (SCs). Among these are hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs) in the bulge region. The behavior of HFSCs deserves to be widely studied due to the benefits to be derived from their identification, isolation, and amplification. Skin samples of newborn mice (n = 32) and human adults (n = 10) were used, and the bulge region was isolated and cultured. The isolation and characterization of cells were conducted through immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence, using mainly CD34 and CD200 monoclonal antibodies. Initially, cells grew slowly from the explant around the bulge region, accruing cells with different morphology in both mouse and human, latter being mostly polygonal;the mouse cells reaching confluence faster (5 to 7 days) than the human (12 to 15 days). It was possible to isolate into subcultures cells with small size (10 - 13 μm diameter), round-shape, scant cytoplasm, central prominent nucleus and with nucleolus, which formed colonies, maintaining their phenotype in a high proportion (77% - 83% and 91% in mouse and human, respectively), without showing changes in their morphology during almost 7 months in the mouse cells, and a month and a half in the human. These results demonstrate that the selection, the isolation, and the conditioned mediums allowed population increases of bulge cells and indicate that cultured cells may retain their sternness in that they maintained their phenotypic characteristics, expressed specific markers for SCs, and showed a high proliferative capacity for long periods. Hair follicles, in mice and humans, are important repositories of multipotent stem cells, due to their tendency to differentiate into keratinocytes. Human HFSCs, obtained by depilation, preserve their potential for proliferation and prove to be easily accessible. This suggests that the bulge cells may present an alternative source of autologous stem cells for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. 展开更多
关键词 Stem Cells Hair Follicle bulge NICHE ALOPECIA
Bulge Morphology of Disk Galaxies
《天文研究与技术》 CSCD 1999年第S1期288-293,共6页
关键词 AJ bulge Morphology of Disk Galaxies
On the Black Hole - Bulge Mass Ratios in Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
作者 Wei-Hao Bian and Yong-Heng Zhao1 National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 1000122 Department of Physics, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期119-124,共6页
We present estimated ratios of the central black hole mass to the bulge mass (Mbh/Mbulge) for 15 Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s). It is found that NLS1s apparently have lower mass ratios: the average mass ratio... We present estimated ratios of the central black hole mass to the bulge mass (Mbh/Mbulge) for 15 Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s). It is found that NLS1s apparently have lower mass ratios: the average mass ratio is about 1 × 10-4 with a spread of 2, which is one order of magnitude lower than for Broad Line AGNs and quiescent galaxies. This lower value, as compared to that established essentially for all other types of galaxies, can be accounted for by an underestimation of the black hole masses and an overestimation of the bulge masses in the NLS1s. 展开更多
关键词 galaxies: active - galaxies: nuclei - galaxies: bulges - quasars -galaxies: Seyfert
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