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Prediction of the Photofading of Selected Derivatives of 5-(4-X-Phenylazo)-3-Cyano-1-(H or Ethyl)-6-Hydroxy-4-Methyl-2-Pyridone: Theoretical Studies, Comparison of AM1 and PM3 Methods
作者 Krzysztof Wojciechowski Lucjan Szuster 《Computational Chemistry》 CAS 2024年第2期25-56,共32页
We analysed the photooxidation reaction in the electro-(1O2) and nucleophilic (O2•−) reaction of 2-pyridone azo derivatives. First, we calculated the energy (enthalpies) of tautomers formation, which is a measure of d... We analysed the photooxidation reaction in the electro-(1O2) and nucleophilic (O2•−) reaction of 2-pyridone azo derivatives. First, we calculated the energy (enthalpies) of tautomers formation, which is a measure of durability and the probability of their formation. We performed the light fastness calculations of the monoazopyridone dyes. Using the semi-empirical methods of quantum chemistry AM1 and PM3, the reactivity indicators of superdelocalisability (SrE(N)) and the electron density distribution in ground state on the highest occupied HOMO orbital and the lowest unoccupied excited state LUMO in 2-pyridone phenylazo derivatives were calculated. Superdelocalisability coefficients enable the stability to oxidising agents of various chemical molecules depending on the tautomeric forms in which they may occur. The results of the electron density calculations at the HOMO and LUMO boundary orbitals allow to determine the tendency to electrophilic attack with singlet oxygen 1O2 or nucleophilic attack of the superoxide anion O2•−on a specific atom in the molecule. The structure of the dyes was optimised with MM+, MD and AM1 or PM3 until a constant energy value was achieved with a convergence criterion of 0.01 kcal/mol. 展开更多
关键词 Photochemical Degradation AM1 and PM3 methods Boundary Orbitals Electron Densities Electrophilic and Nucleophilic Reaction HOMO and LUMO Orbitals
作者 王永强 王文杰 +2 位作者 刘瀚 佟文超 林江 《中国现代教育装备》 2022年第3期42-44,共3页
火工药剂具有高敏感性和能量释放剧烈特点,而且高校从事火工品研究有其自身特性,因此针对高校火工安全管理,建立一套系统的、科学的危险源安全评价方法对于高校的安全运行具有重要意义。结合北京理工大学的实际情况,采用BZA-1法对其西... 火工药剂具有高敏感性和能量释放剧烈特点,而且高校从事火工品研究有其自身特性,因此针对高校火工安全管理,建立一套系统的、科学的危险源安全评价方法对于高校的安全运行具有重要意义。结合北京理工大学的实际情况,采用BZA-1法对其西山实验区火工实验室危险源进行定量评估,以探讨BZA-1方法在高校火工品安全管理的应用研究。 展开更多
关键词 火工品 bza-1 安全评价
Comparative Analysis of Improving Effects of 12 Maize Populations with Improved S_1 Selection Method
作者 孙峰成 冯勇 +6 位作者 付增娟 苏二虎 张来厚 赵瑞霞 刘志雄 石海波 李美娜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1687-1692,1713,共7页
ln this study, 12 maize populations were improved with the improved S1 selection method, aiming to increase the improvement efficiency of maize popula-tions. The results showed that number of rows per spike, number of... ln this study, 12 maize populations were improved with the improved S1 selection method, aiming to increase the improvement efficiency of maize popula-tions. The results showed that number of rows per spike, number of grains per row and 100-grain weight were the three important component traits of maize yield. The highest genetic increment was found in Mengqun 2, fol owed by Mengqun 4, Mengqun 1 and other 7 maize populations. Negative genetic increment was shown in Mengqun 3 and 3 introduced foreign maize populations. Some changes were shown in spikes, plant traits and genetic diversity of maize populations. Based on our results, we concluded that Mengqun 2, Mengqun 4, Zhongzong 7, Mengqun C and Mengqun A could be directly used for the line breeding by selfing for their higher genetic increment of yield and better improvement effects of other agricultural traits. Compared with these 5 populations, the improvement potential of other maize populations was limited for their lower genetic increment. 展开更多
关键词 lmproved S1 selection method Maize population Genetic gain Comparative analysis
改进BZA-1法在球扁药生产安全评估中的应用 被引量:4
作者 任鹏亮 马忠亮 刘保顺 《广州化工》 CAS 2016年第4期9-11,共3页
球扁形发射药是一种应用广泛的特殊发射药,其连续化生产意义重大,在生产中安全问题同样突出。本文以球扁形发射药为研究对象,介绍了普通的BZA-1法,然后对BZA-1法的参数取值进行了一定的修改,通过改进的BZA-1法对球扁形发射药连续化生产... 球扁形发射药是一种应用广泛的特殊发射药,其连续化生产意义重大,在生产中安全问题同样突出。本文以球扁形发射药为研究对象,介绍了普通的BZA-1法,然后对BZA-1法的参数取值进行了一定的修改,通过改进的BZA-1法对球扁形发射药连续化生产中的重要工序环节进行安全评估和风险评价,以成球工序为例,选取合适的参考计算数据对其进行安全评价,并确定了该重要工序的风险值和风险等级。 展开更多
关键词 bza-1 球扁药 安全评估 风险等级
疏调气机法联合桂枝茯苓胶囊治疗子宫肌瘤的疗效及其对血清TGF-β_(1)、TSGF的影响 被引量:4
作者 邓星佑 林忆平 +2 位作者 吴向农 李剑峰 张霞辉 《西部中医药》 2024年第1期139-144,共6页
目的:探究疏调气机法联合桂枝茯苓胶囊治疗子宫肌瘤的疗效及其对血清转化生长因子β_(1)(transforming growth factor-β_(1),TGF-β_(1))、肿瘤特异性生长因子(tumor specific growth factor,TSGF)的影响。方法:将135例子宫肌瘤患者采... 目的:探究疏调气机法联合桂枝茯苓胶囊治疗子宫肌瘤的疗效及其对血清转化生长因子β_(1)(transforming growth factor-β_(1),TGF-β_(1))、肿瘤特异性生长因子(tumor specific growth factor,TSGF)的影响。方法:将135例子宫肌瘤患者采用随机数字表法分为对照A组、对照B组和联合组,每组45例。3组均给予常规西药治疗,在此基础上,对照A组采用疏调气机法治疗,对照B组采用桂枝茯苓胶囊治疗,联合组采用疏调气机法联合桂枝茯苓胶囊治疗。比较3组疗效、不良反应发生率及治疗前后子宫肌瘤体积、子宫体积、子宫内膜厚度、中医证候积分、血清雌激素指标[雌二醇(estradiol,E_(2))、黄体生成素(luteinizing hormone,LH)、催乳素(prolactin,PRL)]、氧化应激指标[晚期氧化蛋白产物(advanced oxidation protein products,AOPP)、丙二醛(malonaldehyde,MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)]、TGF-β_(1)、TSGF水平。结果:联合组总有效率为97.78%(44/45),高于对照A组的84.44%(38/45)、对照B组的80.00%(36/45)(P<0.05);治疗后3组患者子宫肌瘤体积、子宫体积均小于治疗前,联合组小于对照A组、对照B组;子宫内膜厚度大于治疗前,联合组大于对照A组、对照B组(P<0.05);与本组治疗前比较,治疗后3组患者月经异常、下腹胀痛、面色晦暗积分均降低,联合组低于对照A组、对照B组(P<0.05);治疗后3组患者血清PRL、LH、E_(2)水平均低于治疗前,联合组低于对照A组、对照B组(P<0.05);治疗后3组患者血清SOD水平均高于治疗前,且联合组高于对照A组、对照B组,血清AOPP、MDA水平均低于治疗前,联合组低于对照A组、对照B组(P<0.05);与本组治疗前比较,治疗后3组患者血清TGF-β_(1)、TSGF水平均降低,联合组低于对照A组、对照B组(P<0.05);联合组不良反应发生率为13.33%(6/45),与对照A组的6.67%(3/45)、对照B组的8.89%(4/45)比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:疏调气机法联合桂枝茯苓胶囊能提高子宫肌瘤临床疗效,下调血清TGF-β_(1)、TSGF水平,且具有一定安全性。 展开更多
关键词 子宫肌瘤 疏调气机法 转化生长因子β_(1) 肿瘤特异性生长因子 桂枝茯苓胶囊 米非司酮
重大危险源定量评估法(BZA-1法)的应用 被引量:3
作者 吴海峰 《安徽理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第6期70-74,共5页
针对火炸药及及其制品企业存在着较多重大燃烧爆炸危险源,为完善火炸药及其制品生产企业危险危害因素的定量分析,促进企业采取有效防范措施,防止事故的发生。从实际出发,提出了建立BZA-1评估方法的基本思路,利用BZA-1法评估危险度,着重... 针对火炸药及及其制品企业存在着较多重大燃烧爆炸危险源,为完善火炸药及其制品生产企业危险危害因素的定量分析,促进企业采取有效防范措施,防止事故的发生。从实际出发,提出了建立BZA-1评估方法的基本思路,利用BZA-1法评估危险度,着重考虑火炸药的物性危险、物量危险、工艺危险以及安全管理的未受控系数,得出危险系统的现实危险度,为BZA-1法的推广应用提供了有利条件。 展开更多
关键词 爆炸 危险源 bza-1 安全评估
基于模糊数学改进的BZA-1法在单基药生产过程安全评价中的应用 被引量:4
作者 刘保顺 马忠亮 《山西化工》 2016年第1期86-90,共5页
单基发射药连续生产过程中易发生燃烧爆炸等危险事故。针对现有评价方法不能完全考虑到单基药生产过程系统内的复杂人、机、环境,或者敏感的系统内外危险性的情况,结合单基药生产过程特点,在传统BZA-1法的基础上,采用了模糊数学的方法... 单基发射药连续生产过程中易发生燃烧爆炸等危险事故。针对现有评价方法不能完全考虑到单基药生产过程系统内的复杂人、机、环境,或者敏感的系统内外危险性的情况,结合单基药生产过程特点,在传统BZA-1法的基础上,采用了模糊数学的方法评估和计算了可控危险度的未受控系数K、改进其中静态危险度V、工艺过程危险系数γ、事故概率指标P、人员密度或出现频次D等值。全面考虑生产过程中的复杂情况,改善了原方法中"简单粗暴"的K值确定方法。利用该评价方法对某单基药工厂进行综合评价。结果显示,更符合实际情况。 展开更多
关键词 单基发射药 bza-1 模糊数学 安全评价
作者 高春艳 吕晓玲 +2 位作者 田颖 刘璇 李满宏 《高教学刊》 2024年第29期132-135,共4页
在新工科背景下,高等教育需要不断创新教学方法,以适应时代的发展和人才培养的需求。通过对智能机器人技术课程教学现状的分析,详细阐述基于“1+X”教学方法的具体实施步骤和对学生的影响,研究和探索该方法在课程教学实践中对学生的理... 在新工科背景下,高等教育需要不断创新教学方法,以适应时代的发展和人才培养的需求。通过对智能机器人技术课程教学现状的分析,详细阐述基于“1+X”教学方法的具体实施步骤和对学生的影响,研究和探索该方法在课程教学实践中对学生的理论知识、实践能力、工程意识的成效。同时探讨该方法对高等教育教学改革和创新的启示,对于在新工科背景下开展高质量教学具有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 新工科 智能机器人技术 1+X”教学方法 教学改革 探索实践
“1+X”背景下高职院校教师教学能力提升路径研究 被引量:1
作者 吴玮玮 宋传祥 《办公自动化》 2024年第4期46-48,共3页
文章围绕“1+X”政策背景下我国高职院校教师教学能力提升的路径进行了深入研究。首先,文章分析了“1+X”政策的背景和定义,着重探讨了其对高职教育带来的深刻影响。随后,通过调研当前高职院校教师的教学现状,指出了在教学模式和资源配... 文章围绕“1+X”政策背景下我国高职院校教师教学能力提升的路径进行了深入研究。首先,文章分析了“1+X”政策的背景和定义,着重探讨了其对高职教育带来的深刻影响。随后,通过调研当前高职院校教师的教学现状,指出了在教学模式和资源配置等方面存在的问题与挑战。文章进一步阐述了教学能力提升的必要性,强调其对提高教育质量和满足行业需求的重要性。在探讨教学能力提升路径时,文章提出了包括有效教学方法的研究、教师专业发展途径及技术与创新在教学中的应用等方面的建议。最后,文章强调了高职院校在教师教学能力提升方面应采取的具体措施,如加强校企合作、创新教学方法,以及利用现代技术提升教育效果。通过这些措施,高职院校可以更好地适应“1+X”政策的要求,提高教育质量,培养符合社会和产业需求的高素质技术技能人才。 展开更多
关键词 高职教育 1+X”政策 教师教学能力 教学方法创新 校企合作
Performances of conventional fusion methods evaluated for inland water body observation using GF-1 image 被引量:3
作者 Yong Du Xiaoyu Zhang +1 位作者 Zhihua Mao Jianyu Chen 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期172-179,共8页
Satellite remote sensing of inland water body requires a high spatial resolution and a multiband narrow spectral resolution, which makes the fusion between panchromatic(PAN) and multi-spectral(MS) images particularly ... Satellite remote sensing of inland water body requires a high spatial resolution and a multiband narrow spectral resolution, which makes the fusion between panchromatic(PAN) and multi-spectral(MS) images particularly important. Taking the Daquekou section of the Qiantang River as an observation target, four conventional fusion methods widely accepted in satellite image processing, including pan sharpening(PS), principal component analysis(PCA), Gram-Schmidt(GS), and wavelet fusion(WF), are utilized to fuse MS and PAN images of GF-1.The results of subjective and objective evaluation methods application indicate that GS performs the best,followed by the PCA, the WF and the PS in the order of descending. The existence of a large area of the water body is a dominant factor impacting the fusion performance. Meanwhile, the ability of retaining spatial and spectral informations is an important factor affecting the fusion performance of different fusion methods. The fundamental difference of reflectivity information acquisition between water and land is the reason for the failure of conventional fusion methods for land observation such as the PS to be used in the presence of the large water body. It is suggested that the adoption of the conventional fusion methods in the observing water body as the main target should be taken with caution. The performances of the fusion methods need re-assessment when the large-scale water body is present in the remote sensing image or when the research aims for the water body observation. 展开更多
关键词 GF-1 satellite IMAGE FUSION methods FUSION evaluation INLAND water body
A new approach for selecting best development face ventilation mode based on G1-coefficient of variation method 被引量:13
作者 ZHOU Zhi-yong Mehmet KIZIL +1 位作者 CHEN Zhong-wei CHEN Jian-hong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期2462-2471,共10页
The current popular methods for decision making and project optimisation in mine ventilation contain a number of deficiencies as they are solely based on either subjective knowledge or objective information.This paper... The current popular methods for decision making and project optimisation in mine ventilation contain a number of deficiencies as they are solely based on either subjective knowledge or objective information.This paper presents a new approach to rank the alternatives by G1-coefficient of variation method.The focus of this approach is the use of the combination weighing,which is able to compensate for the deficiencies in the method of evaluation index single weighing.In the case study,an appropriate evaluation index system was established to determine the evaluation value of each ventilation mode.Then the proposed approach was used to select the best development face ventilation mode.The result shows that the proposed approach is able to rank the alternative development face ventilation mode reasonably,the combination weighing method had the advantages of both subjective and objective weighing methods in that it took into consideration of both the experience and wisdom of experts,and the new changes in objective conditions.This approach provides a more reasonable and reliable procedure to analyse and evaluate different ventilation modes. 展开更多
关键词 development face ventilation G1 method coefficient of variation method comprehensive evaluation OPTIMIZATION
Nano/Micro HKUST-1 Fabricated by Coordination Modulation Method at Room Temperature 被引量:8
作者 NA Li-yan HUA Rui-nian +1 位作者 NING Gui-ling OU Xiao-xia 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期555-558,共4页
A simple and fast route for the synthesis of metal-organic framework(MOF) particles was presented.Cu 3(BTC) 2(HKUST-1,BTC=1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate),one of the most well-known MOFs,was synthesized at room temp... A simple and fast route for the synthesis of metal-organic framework(MOF) particles was presented.Cu 3(BTC) 2(HKUST-1,BTC=1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate),one of the most well-known MOFs,was synthesized at room temperature via coordination modulation method.By adding different modulators(monocarboxylic acids) into the reaction system,the morphologies of HKUST-1 crystals were tuned from nano spheres to micro octahedrons at room temperature without any complex equipment.X-Ray diffractions and gas sorption measurements revealed highly crystalline particles with large Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET) surface areas(1116―1273 m^ 2 /g) and total pore volumes(0.62―0.73 cm^ 3 /g).The significantly small particle sizes and high capacity of gas sorption are considered advantageous for envisaged application in practical industrial process. 展开更多
关键词 Cu3(BTC)2(HKUST-1 Metal-organic framework Coordination modulation method
作者 冯占军 祝云霄 于晓宇 《中国性科学》 2024年第9期87-91,共5页
目的探讨基于免疫组化链霉菌抗生物素蛋白-过氧化物酶连结(SP)法检测星形胶质细胞上调基因-1(AEG-1)在不同分化程度和分期的卵巢癌患者中的阳性表达及病理特点。方法选取2018年10月至2023年1月哈尔滨医科大学附属第三医院收治的97例卵... 目的探讨基于免疫组化链霉菌抗生物素蛋白-过氧化物酶连结(SP)法检测星形胶质细胞上调基因-1(AEG-1)在不同分化程度和分期的卵巢癌患者中的阳性表达及病理特点。方法选取2018年10月至2023年1月哈尔滨医科大学附属第三医院收治的97例卵巢癌患者作为研究对象,所有患者均行手术切除治疗,并经过病理检查确诊。采用免疫组化SP法检测卵巢病变组织肿瘤中的AEG-1表达情况,分析AEG-1阳性表达情况、染色强度评分、病理特点。结果染色强度评分为(3.14±0.76)分。卵巢癌组织中AEG-1阳性表达率为83.51%,AEG-1阳性信号未出现在肿瘤周边正常卵巢组织。黏液性卵巢癌和卵巢浆液性囊腺癌患者卵巢癌组织中AEG-1阳性表达率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。卵巢癌患者国际妇产科联盟(FIGO)各分期、淋巴结有无转移的阳性表达比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);卵巢癌患者年龄、各分化程度阳性表达率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论AEG-1会促进卵巢癌的发生、发展,其可用于判断卵巢癌的恶性程度、疾病进展情况。 展开更多
关键词 免疫组化SP法 星形胶质细胞上调基因-1 分化程度 分期 卵巢癌
Preparation of Perovskite-Type Oxides La_(1-x)Sr_xFe_(1-y)Co_yO_3 Using EDTA Sol-Gel Method 被引量:3
作者 于洁 马文会 王华 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第6期766-770,共5页
Two series of perovskite-type oxides with composition (La_(1-x))Sr_xFeO_3(x≤0.8)and La_(1-x)Sr_xFe_(1-y)Co_yO_3(x=0.2; y=0.2, 0.4)powder productions were synthesized by EDTA complexing sol-gel method. The products we... Two series of perovskite-type oxides with composition (La_(1-x))Sr_xFeO_3(x≤0.8)and La_(1-x)Sr_xFe_(1-y)Co_yO_3(x=0.2; y=0.2, 0.4)powder productions were synthesized by EDTA complexing sol-gel method. The products were characterized by XRD, TEM, SEM, BET method(N_2 adsorption)and laser granularity analysis for different synthesis conditions to obtain the optimum conditions for the preparation process. Single-phased, uniform perovskite-type oxides with small particle size were obtained by EDTA sol-gel process with high stability and repeatability, and the process temperature is much lower than that of solid state reaction method. 展开更多
关键词 perovskite La_(1-x)Sr_xFe_(1-y)Co_yO_3 EDTA sol-gel method preparation process rare earths
Error estimates of H^1-Galerkin mixed finite element method for Schrdinger equation 被引量:28
作者 LIU Yang LI Hong WANG Jin-feng 《Applied Mathematics(A Journal of Chinese Universities)》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期83-89,共7页
An H^1-Galerkin mixed finite element method is discussed for a class of second order SchrSdinger equation. Optimal error estimates of semidiscrete schemes are derived for problems in one space dimension. At the same t... An H^1-Galerkin mixed finite element method is discussed for a class of second order SchrSdinger equation. Optimal error estimates of semidiscrete schemes are derived for problems in one space dimension. At the same time, optimal error estimates are derived for fully discrete schemes. And it is showed that the H1-Galerkin mixed finite element approximations have the same rate of convergence as in the classical mixed finite element methods without requiring the LBB consistency condition. 展开更多
关键词 H1-Galerkin mixed finite element method Schrdinger equation LBB condition optimal error estimates
作者 郑利娜 刘博 +3 位作者 孙韫卓 徐留洋 刘帅 李震 《西安工程大学学报》 CAS 2024年第6期46-52,共7页
为了探究镍(Ⅱ)基配合物的热稳定性,选择同时含有三氮唑、吡嗪基和羧基的半刚性配体1-(4-苯甲酸)-3-(吡嗪基)-1H-1,2,4-三唑(HL)与过渡金属镍(Ⅱ)在乙腈、硝酸、水等混合溶剂环境下反应生长晶体。配体(HL)中的羧酸基团通过与金属离子形... 为了探究镍(Ⅱ)基配合物的热稳定性,选择同时含有三氮唑、吡嗪基和羧基的半刚性配体1-(4-苯甲酸)-3-(吡嗪基)-1H-1,2,4-三唑(HL)与过渡金属镍(Ⅱ)在乙腈、硝酸、水等混合溶剂环境下反应生长晶体。配体(HL)中的羧酸基团通过与金属离子形成的金属-羧基结构单元促进配合物的结构更加多样化,而含氮基团是通过与过渡金属离子形成强配位键来提高配合物的稳定性。通过传统的溶剂热法成功构筑了一例命名为1的新型镍(Ⅱ)基配合物,并对配合物1进行单晶结构分析、粉末XRD实验、FTIR检测等表征,通过热重实验分析热分解性能。单晶结构分析表明,配合物1属于单斜晶系,C 2/c空间群,其晶胞参数为a=11.897(3)A,b=10.207(3)A,c=30.556(7)A,α=γ=90°,β=95.064(8)°,V=3696.0(17)A^(3),配合物1的配位构型是一个六配位的八面体;热重实验表明,相比于HL配体和其他含氮羧酸类配合物,配合物1的框架结构热稳定性较高。 展开更多
关键词 1-(4-苯甲酸)-3-(吡嗪基)-1H-1 2 4-三唑 溶剂热法 晶体结构 热重分析
The (G'/G, 1/G)-expansion method and its application to travelling wave solutions of the Zakharov equations 被引量:13
作者 LI Ling-xiao LI Er-qiang WANG Ming-liang 《Applied Mathematics(A Journal of Chinese Universities)》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期454-462,共9页
The (G'/G, 1/G)-expansion method for finding exact travelling wave solutions of nonlinear evolution equations, which can be thought of as an extension of the (G'/G)-expansion method proposed recently, is present... The (G'/G, 1/G)-expansion method for finding exact travelling wave solutions of nonlinear evolution equations, which can be thought of as an extension of the (G'/G)-expansion method proposed recently, is presented. By using this method abundant travelling wave so- lutions with arbitrary parameters of the Zakharov equations are successfully obtained. When the parameters are replaced by special values, the well-known solitary wave solutions of the equations are rediscovered from the travelling waves. 展开更多
关键词 The (G /G 1/G)-expansion method travelling wave solutions homogeneous balance solitary wave solutions Zakharov equations.
基于1+X证书制度的“岗课赛证”融通路径研究 被引量:2
作者 王辉 李蓓 《黄河水利职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期91-94,共4页
在教育部大力推进1+X证书制度背景下,“岗课赛证”融通成为高职教育领域的重要研究课题。针对工程造价专业“岗课赛证”融通存在的问题,结合河南建筑职业技术学院“岗课赛证”融通的工作经验,提出校企双元育人共同制订人才培养方案、构... 在教育部大力推进1+X证书制度背景下,“岗课赛证”融通成为高职教育领域的重要研究课题。针对工程造价专业“岗课赛证”融通存在的问题,结合河南建筑职业技术学院“岗课赛证”融通的工作经验,提出校企双元育人共同制订人才培养方案、构建基于1+X证书制度的“岗课赛证”融通课程体系、推进“三教”改革等解决路径,以期为高职工程造价专业“岗课赛证”融通提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 1+X证书制度 工程造价专业 “岗课赛证”融通 融通路径 双元育人 “三教”改革
作者 Zhang Liping Lai Yanlian Institute of Applied Mathematics,Academia Sinica,Beijing 100080. 《Applied Mathematics(A Journal of Chinese Universities)》 SCIE CSCD 2001年第1期72-80,共9页
A new trust region algorithm for solving convex LC 1 optimization problem is presented.It is proved that the algorithm is globally convergent and the rate of convergence is superlinear under some reasonable assum... A new trust region algorithm for solving convex LC 1 optimization problem is presented.It is proved that the algorithm is globally convergent and the rate of convergence is superlinear under some reasonable assumptions. 展开更多
关键词 LC 1 optimization problem global and superlinear convergence trust region method.
Sea surface wind speed retrieval from Sentinel-1 HH polarization data using conventional and neural network methods 被引量:3
作者 Tingting Qin Tong Jia +1 位作者 Qian Feng Xiaoming Li 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第1期13-21,共9页
Conventional retrieval and neural network methods are used simultaneously to retrieve sea surface wind speed(SSWS)from HH-polarized Sentinel-1(S1)SAR images.The Polarization Ratio(PR)models combined with the CMOD5.N G... Conventional retrieval and neural network methods are used simultaneously to retrieve sea surface wind speed(SSWS)from HH-polarized Sentinel-1(S1)SAR images.The Polarization Ratio(PR)models combined with the CMOD5.N Geophysical Model Function(GMF)is used for SSWS retrieval from the HH-polarized SAR data.We compared different PR models developed based on previous C-band SAR data in HH-polarization for their applications to the S1 SAR data.The recently proposed CMODH,i.e.,retrieving SSWS directly from the HHpolarized S1 data is also validated.The results indicate that the CMODH model performs better than results achieved using the PR models.We proposed a neural network method based on the backward propagation(BP)neural network to retrieve SSWS from the S1 HH-polarized data.The SSWS retrieved using the BP neural network model agrees better with the buoy measurements and ASCAT dataset than the results achieved using the conventional methods.Compared to the buoy measurements,the bias,root mean square error(RMSE)and scatter index(SI)of wind speed retrieved by the BP neural network model are 0.10 m/s,1.38 m/s and 19.85%,respectively,while compared to the ASCAT dataset the three parameters of training set are–0.01 m/s,1.33 m/s and 15.10%,respectively.It is suggested that the BP neural network model has a potential application in retrieving SSWS from Sentinel-1 images acquired at HH-polarization. 展开更多
关键词 Sentinel-1 HH-polarization sea surface wind speed retrieval methods
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