The Elogo complex is a greenstone belt portion located on the Eastern edge of the Archean Congo craton at the junction with the Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic Sembe Ouesso basin. This study was carried out on this...The Elogo complex is a greenstone belt portion located on the Eastern edge of the Archean Congo craton at the junction with the Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic Sembe Ouesso basin. This study was carried out on this complex to determine the context of the placement of basaltic rocks. Metaluminous tholeiitic basalts (basic and ultrabasic), calc-alkaline basalts, andesitic basalts, and peraluminous calc-alkaline dacites represent greenstones. Tholeiitic and calc-alkaline basalts come from deep enriched and depleted mantle sources, including garnet in fusion residues [Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/TiO<sub>2</sub> > 16 (16.5 to 35.12) and in some samples between 12.45 to 14.48;CaO/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> 1 (1.04 to 1.35) in ten samples and (Gb/Yb)<sub>PM</sub> > 1]. The calc-alkaline dacites come from a shallow depleted mantle source [Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/TiO<sub>2</sub> > 16;CaO/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> 1]. Tholeiitic and calc-alkaline basalts have a negative Rb, Ba, Ce, and Nb anomaly without negative Ti anomaly, positive Ta, Pb anomalies, and a lack of significant REE [(La/Yb)n = 0.36 to 0.97 and 1 to 2.15;(Ce/Yb)n = 0.27 to 0.96 and 1.04 to 1.72, respectively] fractionation. High Nb/Th (2 to 10) and Nb/U (1.82 to 26) ratios and low La/Ta (5 to 27) ratios are characteristic of divergent margin magmatic sources. Tholeiitic and calc-alkaline basalts correspond to an extensive back-arc basin-type tectonic setting. Calc-alkaline andesitic basalts and dacites show positive Ba, U, Th, K, La, Ce, Pb, and Li anomalies and negative Nb, Ta, and Ti anomalies reflecting crustal contamination and hydrothermal alteration in a compressive tectonic context as a volcanic arc in a subduction regime marking the interruption of the meso-neoarchean Elogo’s opening. Elogo’s opening and closing are probably associated with the emplacement of the greenstone of the meso-neoarchean Gabon Belinga group and the relics of the Mesoarchean greenstones of the Cameroun Ntem complex.展开更多
The late Aptian(118-115 Ma) continental flood basalts of the Rajmahal Volcanic Province(RVP) are part of the Kerguelen Large Igneous Province,and constitute the uppermost part of the Gondwana Supergroup on the eas...The late Aptian(118-115 Ma) continental flood basalts of the Rajmahal Volcanic Province(RVP) are part of the Kerguelen Large Igneous Province,and constitute the uppermost part of the Gondwana Supergroup on the eastern Indian shield margin.The lower one-third of the Rajmahal volcanic succession contains thin layers of plant fossil-rich inter-trappean sedimentary rocks with pyroclasts,bentonite,grey and black shale/mudstone and oolite,whereas the upper two-thirds consist of sub-aerial fine-grained aphyric basalts with no inter-trappean material.At the eastern margin and the north-central sector of the RVP,the volcanics in the lower part include rhyolites and dacites overlain by enstatite-bearing basalts and enstatite-andesites.The pyroclastic rocks are largely felsic in composition,and comprise ignimbrite as well as coarse-grained tuff with lithic clasts,and tuff breccia with bombs,lapilli and ash that indicate explosive eruption of viscous rhyolitic magma.The rhyolites/dacites(〉68 wt.%) are separated from the andesites(〈 60 wt.%) by a gap in silica content indicating their formation through upper crustal anatexis with only heat supplied by the basaltic magma.On the other hand,partially melted siltstone xenoliths in enstatite-bearing basalts suggest that the enstatite-andesites originated through mixing of the upper crust with basaltic magma,crystallizing orthopyroxene at a pressure-temperature of ~3 kb/1150℃.In contrast,the northwestern sector of the RVP is devoid of felsic-intermediate rocks,and the volcaniclastic rocks are predominantly mafic(basaltic) in composition.Here,the presence of fine-grained tuffs,tuff breccia containing sideromelane shards and quenched texture,welded tuff breccia,peperite,shale/mudstone and oolite substantiates a subaqueous environment.Based on these observations,we conclude that the early phase of Rajmahal volcanism occurred under predominantly subaqueous conditions.The presence of grey and black shale/mudstone in the lower one-third of the succession across the entire Rajmahal basin provides unequivocal evidence of a shallow-marine continental shelf-type environment.Alignment of the Rajmahal eruptive centers with a major N—S mid-Neoproterozoic lineament and the presence of a gravity high on the RVP suggest a tectonic control for the eruption of melts associated with the Kerguelen plume that was active in a post-Gondwana rift between India and Australia-Antarctica.展开更多
In order to characterize various micromorphologic properties of two forest soils derived from different parent rocks in Lahijan, and use the data collected from micromorphological analysis to interpret dominant pedoge...In order to characterize various micromorphologic properties of two forest soils derived from different parent rocks in Lahijan, and use the data collected from micromorphological analysis to interpret dominant pedogenic processes. Two representative soil pedons, granite (P1) and andesitic basalt (P2) were selected in a mountain landform with northwest aspect. Samples for thin section preparation were taken from each horizon by Kubiena boxes or clods. Micromorphological analysis of soils derived from these two soil pedons in eastern part of Lahijan (northern Iran) were conducted based on the physicochemical and mineralogical data. Micromorphological properties were characterized using a polarized light microscope under plain and cross light. Thin section study indicated that the nature of the parent material clearly affected the content of clay formation. It also showed that clay accumulation in the Bt horizons was not only due to clay illuviation (argillan), but that strong in situ weathering of primary minerals also contributed to the enrichment of clay in soils derived from andesitic basalt. Comparing the results of clay mineralogy obtained from X-ray diffraction (XRD) with microscopic studies revealed that birefringence fabric (b-fabric) of the groundmass was partly striated due to smectitic minerals in soil of andesitic basalt (Hapludalf), whereas speckled birefringence fabric was dominant in soil of granite (Udorthent) because of the absence of these minerals. We speculate that pores of skeletal fragments or microcracks in P1 were a place for illuvial clay protection. However, the main factor for flluvial clay film disruption (striation anddeformation) was biological activity (faunal turbation and root pressure) in P1 and expandable minerals and faunal turbation in P2.展开更多
Along the eastern margin of the Mesoproterozoic Namaqua metamorphic province(NMP) of southern Africa are a bimodal volcano-sedimentary succession, the ~1.13–1.10 Ga Koras Group, composed of rhyolitic porphyries and b...Along the eastern margin of the Mesoproterozoic Namaqua metamorphic province(NMP) of southern Africa are a bimodal volcano-sedimentary succession, the ~1.13–1.10 Ga Koras Group, composed of rhyolitic porphyries and basaltic andesites, and the ~1.11–1.07 Ga late-to post-tectonic granitoids of the Keimoes Suite. This review examines existing whole-rock major-and trace-element data, along with isotope chemistry(with some new isotopic data), to investigate the role these two magmatic successions played in terms of post-collisional magmatism of the eastern NMP near the boundary with the Archean Kaapvaal Craton. The Keimoes Suite comprises variably porphyritic biotite monzogranites and granodiorites, with a charnockitic member. They are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, ferroan, and calc-alkalic. They exhibit large ion lithophile(LIL) element enrichment relative to the high field strength elements(HFSE) with depletions in Ba, Sr, Nb, P, Eu and Ti, and enrichments in Th, U and Pb. Isotopic values(ε_(Nd)(t): 2.78 to-2.95,but down to-8.58 for one granite, depleted mantle Nd model ages(T_(DM)): 1.62–1.99 Ga, but up to 2.55 Ga;initial ^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr: 0.652 82–0.771 30) suggest derivation from weakly to mildly enriched(and radiogenic)sources of Meso-to Paleoproterozoic age, the former of more juvenile character. The Koras Group is characterized by a bimodal succession of calcic to calc-alkalic, magnesian and tholeiitic basaltic andesites and mostly metaluminous to peralkaline rhyolitic porphyries. Two successions are recognised, an older, lower succession that extruded at ~1.13 Ga, and a younger, upper succession at ~1.10 Ga. The rhyolitic porphyries of both successions show similar LILE/HFSE enrichment and the same element enrichments and depletions as the Keimoes Suite granitoids. The upper succession is consistently more fractionated in terms of both whole-rock major and trace element chemistry, and, isotopically, has a greater enriched source component(ε_(Nd(t):-0.69 to-4.26;T_(DM): 1.64–2.44 Ga), relative to the lower succession(ε_(Nd(t): 0.74–5.62;T_(DM): 1.28–2.12 Ga). Crystal fractionation of plagioclase and K-feldspar appears to have played a role in bringing about compositional variation in many of the granites. These were derived from partial melting of mainly igneous with subordinate sedimentary sources from mostly lower crustal depths, although some granitoids have indications of a possible mantle source component. The lower succession of the Koras Group was derived by partial melting of subduction-influenced enriched mantle giving rise to mafic magmas that fractionated to give rise to the rhyolitic porphyries. The upper succession rhyolites were derived by crustal melting due to the input of mafic magmatism. Crystal fractionation was the main compositional driver for both successions. The Keimoes Suite granitoids and the Koras Group are associated with extensional regimes subsequent to the main deformational episode in the eastern NMP.展开更多
文摘The Elogo complex is a greenstone belt portion located on the Eastern edge of the Archean Congo craton at the junction with the Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic Sembe Ouesso basin. This study was carried out on this complex to determine the context of the placement of basaltic rocks. Metaluminous tholeiitic basalts (basic and ultrabasic), calc-alkaline basalts, andesitic basalts, and peraluminous calc-alkaline dacites represent greenstones. Tholeiitic and calc-alkaline basalts come from deep enriched and depleted mantle sources, including garnet in fusion residues [Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/TiO<sub>2</sub> > 16 (16.5 to 35.12) and in some samples between 12.45 to 14.48;CaO/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> 1 (1.04 to 1.35) in ten samples and (Gb/Yb)<sub>PM</sub> > 1]. The calc-alkaline dacites come from a shallow depleted mantle source [Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/TiO<sub>2</sub> > 16;CaO/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> 1]. Tholeiitic and calc-alkaline basalts have a negative Rb, Ba, Ce, and Nb anomaly without negative Ti anomaly, positive Ta, Pb anomalies, and a lack of significant REE [(La/Yb)n = 0.36 to 0.97 and 1 to 2.15;(Ce/Yb)n = 0.27 to 0.96 and 1.04 to 1.72, respectively] fractionation. High Nb/Th (2 to 10) and Nb/U (1.82 to 26) ratios and low La/Ta (5 to 27) ratios are characteristic of divergent margin magmatic sources. Tholeiitic and calc-alkaline basalts correspond to an extensive back-arc basin-type tectonic setting. Calc-alkaline andesitic basalts and dacites show positive Ba, U, Th, K, La, Ce, Pb, and Li anomalies and negative Nb, Ta, and Ti anomalies reflecting crustal contamination and hydrothermal alteration in a compressive tectonic context as a volcanic arc in a subduction regime marking the interruption of the meso-neoarchean Elogo’s opening. Elogo’s opening and closing are probably associated with the emplacement of the greenstone of the meso-neoarchean Gabon Belinga group and the relics of the Mesoarchean greenstones of the Cameroun Ntem complex.
文摘The late Aptian(118-115 Ma) continental flood basalts of the Rajmahal Volcanic Province(RVP) are part of the Kerguelen Large Igneous Province,and constitute the uppermost part of the Gondwana Supergroup on the eastern Indian shield margin.The lower one-third of the Rajmahal volcanic succession contains thin layers of plant fossil-rich inter-trappean sedimentary rocks with pyroclasts,bentonite,grey and black shale/mudstone and oolite,whereas the upper two-thirds consist of sub-aerial fine-grained aphyric basalts with no inter-trappean material.At the eastern margin and the north-central sector of the RVP,the volcanics in the lower part include rhyolites and dacites overlain by enstatite-bearing basalts and enstatite-andesites.The pyroclastic rocks are largely felsic in composition,and comprise ignimbrite as well as coarse-grained tuff with lithic clasts,and tuff breccia with bombs,lapilli and ash that indicate explosive eruption of viscous rhyolitic magma.The rhyolites/dacites(〉68 wt.%) are separated from the andesites(〈 60 wt.%) by a gap in silica content indicating their formation through upper crustal anatexis with only heat supplied by the basaltic magma.On the other hand,partially melted siltstone xenoliths in enstatite-bearing basalts suggest that the enstatite-andesites originated through mixing of the upper crust with basaltic magma,crystallizing orthopyroxene at a pressure-temperature of ~3 kb/1150℃.In contrast,the northwestern sector of the RVP is devoid of felsic-intermediate rocks,and the volcaniclastic rocks are predominantly mafic(basaltic) in composition.Here,the presence of fine-grained tuffs,tuff breccia containing sideromelane shards and quenched texture,welded tuff breccia,peperite,shale/mudstone and oolite substantiates a subaqueous environment.Based on these observations,we conclude that the early phase of Rajmahal volcanism occurred under predominantly subaqueous conditions.The presence of grey and black shale/mudstone in the lower one-third of the succession across the entire Rajmahal basin provides unequivocal evidence of a shallow-marine continental shelf-type environment.Alignment of the Rajmahal eruptive centers with a major N—S mid-Neoproterozoic lineament and the presence of a gravity high on the RVP suggest a tectonic control for the eruption of melts associated with the Kerguelen plume that was active in a post-Gondwana rift between India and Australia-Antarctica.
基金supported by the Soil Science department, faculty of Agriculture,University of Guilan
文摘In order to characterize various micromorphologic properties of two forest soils derived from different parent rocks in Lahijan, and use the data collected from micromorphological analysis to interpret dominant pedogenic processes. Two representative soil pedons, granite (P1) and andesitic basalt (P2) were selected in a mountain landform with northwest aspect. Samples for thin section preparation were taken from each horizon by Kubiena boxes or clods. Micromorphological analysis of soils derived from these two soil pedons in eastern part of Lahijan (northern Iran) were conducted based on the physicochemical and mineralogical data. Micromorphological properties were characterized using a polarized light microscope under plain and cross light. Thin section study indicated that the nature of the parent material clearly affected the content of clay formation. It also showed that clay accumulation in the Bt horizons was not only due to clay illuviation (argillan), but that strong in situ weathering of primary minerals also contributed to the enrichment of clay in soils derived from andesitic basalt. Comparing the results of clay mineralogy obtained from X-ray diffraction (XRD) with microscopic studies revealed that birefringence fabric (b-fabric) of the groundmass was partly striated due to smectitic minerals in soil of andesitic basalt (Hapludalf), whereas speckled birefringence fabric was dominant in soil of granite (Udorthent) because of the absence of these minerals. We speculate that pores of skeletal fragments or microcracks in P1 were a place for illuvial clay protection. However, the main factor for flluvial clay film disruption (striation anddeformation) was biological activity (faunal turbation and root pressure) in P1 and expandable minerals and faunal turbation in P2.
文摘Along the eastern margin of the Mesoproterozoic Namaqua metamorphic province(NMP) of southern Africa are a bimodal volcano-sedimentary succession, the ~1.13–1.10 Ga Koras Group, composed of rhyolitic porphyries and basaltic andesites, and the ~1.11–1.07 Ga late-to post-tectonic granitoids of the Keimoes Suite. This review examines existing whole-rock major-and trace-element data, along with isotope chemistry(with some new isotopic data), to investigate the role these two magmatic successions played in terms of post-collisional magmatism of the eastern NMP near the boundary with the Archean Kaapvaal Craton. The Keimoes Suite comprises variably porphyritic biotite monzogranites and granodiorites, with a charnockitic member. They are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, ferroan, and calc-alkalic. They exhibit large ion lithophile(LIL) element enrichment relative to the high field strength elements(HFSE) with depletions in Ba, Sr, Nb, P, Eu and Ti, and enrichments in Th, U and Pb. Isotopic values(ε_(Nd)(t): 2.78 to-2.95,but down to-8.58 for one granite, depleted mantle Nd model ages(T_(DM)): 1.62–1.99 Ga, but up to 2.55 Ga;initial ^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr: 0.652 82–0.771 30) suggest derivation from weakly to mildly enriched(and radiogenic)sources of Meso-to Paleoproterozoic age, the former of more juvenile character. The Koras Group is characterized by a bimodal succession of calcic to calc-alkalic, magnesian and tholeiitic basaltic andesites and mostly metaluminous to peralkaline rhyolitic porphyries. Two successions are recognised, an older, lower succession that extruded at ~1.13 Ga, and a younger, upper succession at ~1.10 Ga. The rhyolitic porphyries of both successions show similar LILE/HFSE enrichment and the same element enrichments and depletions as the Keimoes Suite granitoids. The upper succession is consistently more fractionated in terms of both whole-rock major and trace element chemistry, and, isotopically, has a greater enriched source component(ε_(Nd(t):-0.69 to-4.26;T_(DM): 1.64–2.44 Ga), relative to the lower succession(ε_(Nd(t): 0.74–5.62;T_(DM): 1.28–2.12 Ga). Crystal fractionation of plagioclase and K-feldspar appears to have played a role in bringing about compositional variation in many of the granites. These were derived from partial melting of mainly igneous with subordinate sedimentary sources from mostly lower crustal depths, although some granitoids have indications of a possible mantle source component. The lower succession of the Koras Group was derived by partial melting of subduction-influenced enriched mantle giving rise to mafic magmas that fractionated to give rise to the rhyolitic porphyries. The upper succession rhyolites were derived by crustal melting due to the input of mafic magmatism. Crystal fractionation was the main compositional driver for both successions. The Keimoes Suite granitoids and the Koras Group are associated with extensional regimes subsequent to the main deformational episode in the eastern NMP.